Tinju mulih deui ka Harrah sacara Philadelphia

Chester, Pa (Agustus 27, 2015)–Saptu peuting, September 19, mulih tinju ka Harrahs Philadelphia sareng kartu terrific diwanohkeun ku Raja sacara promosi.

Dina kajadian utama, bakal jadi 6 buleud rematch of Super Lightweights lamun Antonio DuBose battles Yesus Lule.

DuBose jeung Lule perang ka 4 buleud draw dina Juni 27 di Betlehem, Pa.

Dubose, 27 taun heubeul Philadelphia ngabogaan rékaman 7-0-1 jeung 2 knockouts.

Kembang, 31 heubeul taun Benteng Myers, Florida ngabogaan catetan deceiving of 7-13-1 jeung 1 pingsan.

Manéhna geus Nyanghareupan 8 pejuang undefeated jeung aya nu datang off rugi knockout ka Mason Menard (29-1) dina tanggal 8 di Opelousas, Louisiana Louisiana.

DuBose siap emphatically ngelehkeun Lule jeung mupus saha urang ragu sacara anu bajoang punjul.

“Sagalana gede jeung Kuring keur ngarasa alus. I had a lot on my mind heading into the last fight. I wasn’t myself. I noticed that I was just running at him and not doing the things that got me to the seven wins. I was fighting his fight. Ieu tarung, I bakal sorangan jeung nu hartina keur leuwih hese dihartikeun jeung miceun leuwih kombinasi,” ceuk DuBose.

DuBose janji prestasi leuwih hadé sarta ngamotivasi pikeun rematch nya.

“Kuring kesel ku jieun jeung motivates kuring.”

Manéhna teu loba nyokot ti gelut kahiji jeung bakal béda tarung gelut lengkep.

“Kuring jadi inget sababaraha hal ti gelut kahiji mah kudu ngabenerkeun. You will see a different Antonio DuBose on Saturday night.

Bout ieu bakal kahiji genep buleud bout Dubose sarta manéhna hayang pisan di kasempetan.

I feel six rounds will be better I can relax and box more. I am ready for Saturday night and I am happy to be headlining a great show.

Dina 6 buleud co-pitur:

Agan Folly (5-0, 4 KO sacara) of Philadelphia bakal ngarangna Sergio Najera (10-20-2, 4 KO sacara) KO sacara) New Haven, Connecticut di bout Bantamweight.

Dina bouts 4-buleud:

Carlos Rosario (2-1,1 KO) of Pensauken, NJ bakal ngarangna Korey Sloan (2-7-2) of Philadelphia dina bout Lightweight.

Dominic Walton of Philadelphia baris nyieun debut pro ngalawan sasama debuterRoger Streeter of Atlanta, Ga dina bout Cruiserweight.

Robert Irizarry (3-0-1) tina Cherry Hill, NJ will box Rafael Vazquez (1-3) of Bayamon, PR in a Featherweight bout.

Christopher Brooker (3-1, 3 KO sacara) of Philadelphia will square off with Juan Fernando Raya (2-2, 1 KO) of Santa Cruz, BOL dina bout Super Middleweight.

Corey Morley of Philadelphia baris nyieun debut pro ngalawan hiji lawan jadi ngaran dina bout Heavyweight.

Santario Martin (0-1) of Gainesville, FL bakal ngarangna Fitzgerald Johnson (3-7, 1 KO) of Tasikmalaya, NJ dina selingkuhan Middleweight.

Nick Valliere (5-0, 2 KO sacara) tina Forked Walungan, NJ bakal ngarangna Alshmar Johnson (0-1) tina Vineland, NJ dina bout Middleweight.

Pro debuting Daryl Bunting of Forked River, NJ bakal bujur off jeung Ryan Bivins (0-1) of Philadelphia dina clash Super Middleweight.

Tiket pikeun peuting gede ieu biaya tinju $100, $75 jeung $50 jeung bisa dibeuli ku nelepon 610-587-5950 atawa www.hboxing.eventbrite.com

Nu 1st bout bakal ngamimitian di 7 PM jeung panto muka di 6 PM.

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