Borizteca tinju tanda undefeated super flyweight Dewayne Beamon

San Diego, siga. (Desember 26, 2017) – Borizteca tinju geus pleased ngembarkeun Signing tina undefeated super flyweight contender Dewayne “ngeureunkeun ngajalankeun” Beamon ka kontrak promosi ekslusif.
Beamon of Goldsboro, Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara miboga tanda unblemished tina 13-0 jeung sapuluh knockouts.
Nu 32 Beamon taun heubeul mangrupakeun profésional tilu taun, na geus boga ngéléhkeun badag leuwih Rudolph Pager hirup (10-2); urut nangtang judul dunya William Gonzalez (30-6) & Jose Alfredo Rodriguez (32-5).
Beamon datang off babak stoppage 2nd leuwih Zenon Venancio on 17 Nopémber di Tijuna, Mexico.
I am very excited to sign with Borizteca Promotions. I like what Saul and Christine had to say. I had a lot of other offers, but they share my vision. I am an active fighter, sarta Borizteca tinju geus ngajangjikeun kuring aktivitas,” Said Beamon.
Beamon ekspektasi taun upcoming jadi sataun anu transisi anjeunna kana contendership.
“Dina 2018, Kuring keur néangan maju ka janten jawara dunya, a Fighter of the Year nominee and to be a major player in the super flyweight division. I feel like I can beat the champions like Naoya Inoue. He has been fighting lower ranked guys then I am. Borizteca Boxing will get me those regional titles where it will get me into mandatory positions. I wanted to fight on the 1st SuperFly card in September, and I was hoping to fight Brian Viloria. Those fights will happen this year and people will understand why they call me “Bapa. Ngeureunkeun ngajalankeun.”
“Simkuring ngarasa pisan reueus gaduh Dewayne sahandapeun urang. Simkuring gaduh rencana badag pikeun Dewayne dina 2018,” said Saul Rios of Borizteca Boxing. “Kami nyieun hiji outcall ka sadaya promoters yén Dewayne geus siap tarung sasaha di division flyweight super, ngan masihan urang sauran.”

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