Rising Star Promozioak muntatzen Dream Team Atlantic City elevate bere ohia Boxing Glory
ATLANTIC CITY – Urtarrilaren 4, 2018 – In its heyday, Atlantic City zen etxera boxeo ko solairu borrokalariak gehien batzuk, gogoangarri borrokak gehien, eta datozenak giroan, punctuated glitz arabera, glamourra, sweat and blood. With Rising Star Promozioak’ Bere boxeo sail berria abian, Boardwalk Boxing, the budding promotional outfit hopes to return the city to its former pugilistic glory. On Otsaila 24, the series debuts at The Showboat Atlantic City, eta talentua New Jersey-tik ezaugarriek, Philadelphia eta New York.
Boardwalk Boxing helburua hiriko borrokak mitikoaren eta glamour gau ondarea jarraitzeko, honoring the rich history of boxing in Atlantic City. Rising Star Promotions plans to bring together local boxing gyms, fans and businesses to provide a platform for local and regional boxers to showcase their talent. “aintza Atlantic City boxeoa egunetan atzera ekartzea oraina nahi dugu,” said Rising Star Promotions CEO Thomas “Cornflake” LAMANNA, nor planak serieko borrokatzeko’ inaugurazio ekitaldi. “city ​​Horrek esan hainbeste niri pertsonalki eta profesionalki, eta Claridge batean erakusten ari da azken bi urteetan, eta egoitza hori outgrowing ondoren, it’s an honor to launch Boardwalk Boxing at the Showboat. We are extremely grateful for the opportunity.
The 26 Urte borrokalaria zaharra idatzi boxeo en talentua batzuk serie abiarazteko laguntzeko, bere hiria eta boxeoa komunitateak hartutako konpromisoa dela bere sustapen-enpresa abian jarri hasi zen berresten 2015.
The series marks Hall of Fame Matchmaker Russell Peltz'S Atlantic City bueltan, a locale that helped cement his legacy as one of the best matchmakers in the history of boxing. LaManna counts Peltz’s events among the most memorable of his childhood. “bazekien duzu, noiz joan Russell Peltz gertaera bat duzu, ziren handiak lortzeko zoazen, Borrokak gogoangarria.” LaManna is thrilled to add the hall of famer to his team. “Egunaren amaieran,, he’s part of the history of Atlantic City. It feels great that he believed in us enough to come on board.
'Babe Raging’ Michelle Rosado has also been added to the Rising Star Promotions team ahead of the launch of Boardwalk Boxing. The marketing strategist and boxing enthusiast brings her brand of grassroots, Lurrean sustapen Boardwalk talentua serie abian jartzeko botak.
Brandon Dixon, Chief Officer eragilea showboat Hotel sozietate baten, Dorrea inbertsioak, is thrilled about the return of world-class boxing to the property. “Gure egoitza erabiltzaileak errespetatzen helmuga gehien gertaera plangintzako for the osoa Atlantic City Boardwalk dagoenean,” Said Dixon. “Ezin izan dugu modu hobea gure espazio ireki publikoari du Boardwalk Boxing Series merkaturatzea eta Rising Star Promozioak otsailaren honek gau bat gure gonbidatuak ezin izango ahaztu horretarako baino uste.”
The city’s boxing history is unparalleled. Atlantic City’s favorite son, Hall of Fame fighter Arturo “Thunder” Cats, borroka egin 22 bere 49 hirian borrokak, including the second and third installments of his legendary trilogy with “Irish” Micky Ward. Some of the sport’s biggest names graced the ring in the city along the boardwalk over the years. Heavyweights Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield and LArry Holmes fought a combined 24 times in Atlantic City. Roy Jones, Jr.., Bernard Hopkins, Roberto Duran, Miguel Cottdu, Kelly Pavlik, Matthew Saad Mahoma, Mike Rossman, Jeff Chandler, etaAaron Pryor egon hiriko zabala boxeo historiaren zati guztiak izan.
Card information for the inaugural Boardwalk Boxing event will be released next week. Boardwalk Boxing will be streamed live via FightNight Live on Facebook.
Tickets are available online at www.risingboxingpromotions.batera.
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