Všechny příspěvky od FNU47



Vstupenky v prodeji příští pátek, Říjen. 11

LOS ANGELES - Podruhé za tolik let, Neal S. Blaisdell Arena v Honolulu, Havaj bude hostit návrat domů Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (10-0), když vložila svůj neporažený rekord a titul ženské váhy Bellator na řádek proti č. 1 uchazeč Kate Jacksonová (11-3-1) v hlavní akci v sobotu, Prosince. 21, streamováno výhradně v aplikaci DAZN.

Kromě toho, Bellator Hawaii představí první čtvrtfinálový zápas Bellatorovy Featherweight World Grand Prix, když muž s nejdelší vítěznou šmouhou v propagační historii, A.J. McKee (15-0), přebírá vždy vzrušující Derek Fields (20-9) ve večerním společném headlineru.

Bellator: Macfarlane vs. Jackson - jeden z hvězdných, hlavní body bojové sezóny na konci roku na DAZN - budou vysílány živě výhradně na DAZN na 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, zatímco předběžná akce se spustí Bellator.com, DAZN a celosvětově na internetu Mobilní aplikace Bellator. Vstupenky budou v prodeji příští pátek, Říjen. 11 a lze je zakoupit na adrese Bellator.com, stejně jako Ticketmaster.com nebo Neal S. Pokladna Blaisdell Arena. Další zápasy budou oznámeny v následujících týdnech.

Narodil se a vyrůstal v Honolulu, současný ženský šampion v létání v váze Macfarlane uvedl svůj debut 2015 s vítězstvím KO, které šlo virově a od té doby se neohlíželo, zůstal neporažený v její kariéře. S působivým vítězstvím Valerie Letourneauová a Veta Arteaga, Macfarlane byl loňským ohniskem Bellatorova debutu na Havaji. Hrdý absolvent Honolulu's Punahou High School v 2009, Macfarlane později navštěvoval San Diego State University, kde by pokračovala, aby získala magisterský titul v oboru svobodného umění a vědy se zaměřením na domorodé otázky - téma, které si stále váží, spouštění „Ilimanátorské stipendium“ loni pro domorodé dívky. Nyní se Ilima-Lei soustředí na Kate Jacksonovou, kdo se bude dívat na roli spojlera, když vstoupí v Bellatorově kleci v prosinci 21.

Vítěz sedmi jejích posledních osmi soubojů, Kate Jackson si vysloužila titulní střelu proti inauguračnímu šampionovi divize. Soutěžící 23. sezóny The Ultimate Fighter, Jackson pochází z Lostwithiel, Cornwall, Anglie, a naposledy poražený Lena Ovchynniková v Londýně. Jackson debutoval Bellatorem 2017 s prvním kolo vítězství nad Colleen Schneider a později by dál ovládl Anastasii Yankovou v historickém Bellator 200 před davem rodného města. Tváří v tvář největší zkoušce její kariéry, Když Jackson opustí Havaj, vypadá to, že vládne na vrcholu divize s váhou.

S neporaženým profesionálním záznamem 15-0, včetně šesti knockoutů a osmi prvních kol, nezdá se, že by 24-letý talent, který vyzařuje talent, dokázal komunitě MMA, než bude jeho jméno běžně zmiňováno mezi elitou divize. Boj s Long Beach, Calif., „Žoldnéř“ je čerstvý z představení svržení čelistí, díky němuž skončil Georgi Karakhanyan během pouhých osmi sekund právě poté, co sledoval svého otce, Antonio McKee, sbírejte vyřazené vítězství v tom, co bylo vůbec prvním duem otec-syn, který soutěžil na stejné kartě v USA. Se vším 15 z jeho kariéry vyhrává pod vedením propagace vedené Scottem Cokerem, produkt Team BodyShop dal jasně najevo, že se zaměřuje Patrick "Pitbull" a jeho 145kilový pás, zatímco on pokračuje v budování silného argumentu jako nová tvář Bellator. Neustále hledáme nové záznamy, které by se mohly zlomit, McKee možná našel perfektní zápas v Camposu, jak se oba výtržníci spojili pozoruhodně 22 končí 36 kariéra vítězství.

Bojovat s Lubbockem, Texas, Campos bude soutěžit v prvním ze čtyř čtvrtfinálových zápasů Bellatorovy Featherweight World Grand Prix, po rozhodném vítězství nad bývalým mistrem světa v lehké váze Daniel Straus na Bellator 226 letos v září. 31letý knockout umělec je připraven stavět na jeho působivém profesionálním záznamu 20-9, když v prosinci převezme neporaženou superhvězdu McKee 21. Vždy připraven k úderům, těžkopádný veterán strávil velkou část svého času soutěží v Bellatorových lehkých a welterweight divizích během posledních šesti let své kariéry. Nyní, „The Stallion“ doufá, že bude pokračovat ve svém působivém nárůstu ve třídě 145 liber, když se připravuje na toe-to-toe s jedním z nejnebezpečnějších peřích závaží na světě. S výstřelem na milion dolarů na lince, Campos se bude spoléhat na jeho nebojácný styl boje a zvukové wrestlingové pozadí, pokud chce postoupit v tom, co mnozí připnuli jako jeden z nejvíce očekávaných zápasů ve druhém kole..

Bellator Hawaii: Macfarlane vs. Jackson Hlavní Card:

Flyweight World Title Bout: Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (10-0) proti. Kate Jacksonová (11-3-1)

Featherweight World Grand Prix Quarterfinal Bout: A.J. McKee (15-0) proti. Derek Fields (20-9)

*Karta se může změnit.

Pro více informací, navštivte Bellator.com.

J RUSSELL PELTZ VYDĚLANÝ RADOU MĚSTA PHILADELPHIA Filadelfská ikona uznávaná za půl století propagace boxu ve městě

PHILADELPHIA PA — Členové městské rady ve Filadelfii na dopoledním zasedání rady předložili rezoluci na počest J. Russella Peltze jménem prezidenta Darrella Clarka. Rozlišení rozpoznalo Peltze’ příspěvek městu přes 50 let propagace boxu ve Filadelfii. Prezident Clarke slouží jako městský radní pro okres 5, kde Peltz v září promoval svou první boxerskou akci na Blue Horizon 30, 1969.

Rezoluce poskytla krátkou historii Peltze’ kariéry, než mu poděkoval za hluboký dopad, který měl na město za poslední 50 léta. Rovněž vyjádřilo přání, aby si další generace promotérů boxu zachovala dědictví Philadelphie jako boxerské bašty.

Peltz byl ve svých poznámkách laskavý, a rozesmál dav, když začal mluvit o své kariéře.

“Jsem pokořen, abych byl městem poctěn,” on začal, “protože pokud o tom přemýšlíte, jediná věc, kterou jsem udělal za poslední 50 let je začátek bojů, které ostatní lidé dokončí.

“Vyrostl jsem v největším bojovém městě na světě,” pokračoval. “Někteří z největších bojovníků všech dob za mě bojovali – síň slávy bojovníků – počínaje mou první láskou, Bennie Briscoe dovnitř 1969, a projít celou cestu jedním z mých bojovníků, který vyhrál světový titul v Bejingu, Čína před pár lety jménem Jason Sosa.”

Na závěr své poznámky vyprávěl o hraní “kovbojové & Indiáni” jako dítě, a jak si myslel, že by bylo tak skvělé, kdyby mohl hru hrát jen jako dospělý, místo každodenního práce. “Poctivě, taková byla moje kariéra,” řekl, a poděkoval Radě za tu čest.

K Peltzovi se připojila jeho manželka, Linda, a jeho chráněnec a promotér Friday's “Krev, Pot a 50 Roky” karta boje na 2300 Aréna, Michelle Rosado.

Vstupenky na Blood, Potit se & 50 Roky jsou k dispozici na 2300arena.com, nebo na telefonním čísle 215-765-9022.

DICAIRE vs. SUAREZ IBF World Super Welter Championship November 23 at the Videotron Center of Quebec


QUÉBEC CITY, Kanada (Říjen 1, 2019) — The Videotron Center in Quebec City will be the scene of another exceptional boxing event, which will be crowned by a world championship match featuring the darling of professional boxing in Quebec, neporažený Marie-Ève ​​Dicaire (16-0-0, 0 KO).

The charismatic International Boxing Association (IBF) women’s super-welterweight World champion will defend her belt for the third time against the dangerous and experienced Ogleidis Suarez (29-3-1, 13 KO), the IBF No. 2-rated contender from Venezuela.

Tickets go on sale to the public tomorrow (Pátek) na 10 dopoledne, A.

The Videotron Center is a special place for me,” Dicaire said. “On December 1st, I wrote a page of history and this moment will remain engraved forever in my memories. To come back here almost a year later is very significant. I am happy and especially excited to have the chance to be able to demonstrate to my supporters the result of a year of effort and hard work.”

The blockbuster event is co-promoted by Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) and Gestev, presented by Videotron in association with Mise-O-Jeu.

2 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPSAs a bonus, fans will have the privilege of attending the fourth title defense by World Boxing Association (WBA) super welterweight World championHanna Gabriels (20-2-1, 11 KO). This fight is in a collaboration the brilliant New York City-based promoterLou DiBella. The opponent of the Costa Rican native will soon be announced. The plan is for a unification fight in March, 2020 at the Videotron Center between Dicaire and Gabriels provided they both retain their titles.

I’m pleased to see that my team is doing everything in its power to allow me to get back into the ring as soon as possible,” Gabriels commented. “For the first time in my career, I have a winning combination with an outstanding managerHector Fernandez, in addition to my promoter, DiBella Zábava. I am very close to my goal of becoming the unified champion in my division. Samozřejmě, I will focus first on winning my fight on November 23rd. Pak, I want to face the other champions in my category who dare to face me. If Miss Dicaire wants to be first, I’ll be happy to beat her at home. It is a dream for me to fight in Canada, an extraordinary country. “

I am pleased that Hanna Gabriels will be able to defend her title in Quebec City at this major event organized by my friend Yvon Michel,” added DiBella, Prezident DiBella Entertainment. “Hanna Gabriels and Marie-Eve Dicaire are two of the most talented women in professional boxing. A unification between these two athletes would be one of the biggest fights on the female sports scene. Na druhé straně, the two champions must win their duels of November 23 before thinking about the next stage.

ZEWSKI AND BOUCHARD IN PIVOT COMBATSAlso featured will be aspiring world championMikael Zewski (33-1-0, 22 KO), as well as hometown Quebec City favoriteSebastien Bouchard (18-1-0, 8 KO), who will both be in extremely crucial battles in terms of their respective pro careers. Světová boxová organizace (WBO) Do Not. 8-rated Zewski, the reigning North American Boxing Organization (SOUSED) welterweight mistr, will defend his crown against American challengerBrad “Král” Šalamoun (28-1-0, 9 KO) of Douglasville, Georgia. Bouchard will be knocking at the door of world rankings by defeating Montreal’s Ayaz Hussain (13-1-0, 10 KO) for the vacant North American IBF title.
Pro jeho část, Zewski is happy to return to Quebec City: “I am very happy and excited to be returning to Quebec to show people that I am part of the elite division and continue to climb the rankings. I expect strong opposition from Solomon. I am ready for the challenge! “

Bouchard wants to make Quebec vibrate for his 5th battle at the Videotron Center: “I have never been excited by local battles, but I know that fans are constantly asking for them. Yvon and I decided to hold this duel to make Quebec City and the Videotron Center vibrate on November 23 and thus thank the boxing fans for their continued support. “

We are very happy to be returning to the Videotron Center for Marie-Eve’s fourth World Championship bout,” GYM president Yvon Michel remarked. “She won this IBF title on December 1st, right here in Quebec, under circumstances we know. With the participation of Zewski, Bouchard and Gabriels, there are four championship fights on this loaded, including two world title fights. It will be an evening rich in talent and very decisive for its participants. The show will be a fantastic evening of boxing, a can’t missed event for fans.”

The Videotron Center has a special relationship with Marie-Eve ​​Dicaire,” noted Martin Tremblay, Chief Operating Officer of Quebecor Sports and Entertainment Group. “We look forward to another great event on November 23, when the first woman’s world title fight will headline a boxing event at a major Amphitheater. The local component is also important for this gala event. We are excited about the opportunity for Sébastien Bouchard to win his first North American title in front of his Quebec fans.

GREAT VISIT WITH ADONIS STEVENSON Former World light heavyweight world champion Adonis Stevenson, who fought five world title fights in Quebec City during his reign, confirmed his presence to support Marie-Ève ​​Dicaire. He will return for the first time to the Amphitheater, where he had his last fight, the same evening that Dicaire began her reign as world champion. Adonis will be in the VVIP section and available for interviews, photos and autographs. He will be accompanied by his wife, Simone God.

FERNAND MARCOTTE AT THE PANTHÉON DES SPORTS DU QUÉBEC. Nedávno, Quebecer Fernand Marcotte was inducted into the Quebec Sports Hall of Fame to crown his brilliant pugilistic career. A special tribute will be given on Nov. 23 and he will also be being present and available in the VVIP area.

Lístky, začíná na $49 (daně a servisní poplatky zahrnuty), will be on sale at Gestev.com and Ticketmaster.ca, at the Champion Boxing Club (514-376-0980) and GYM (514-383-0666), nebo volání 1-855-790-1245.

PRIVILEGE SECTION VVIPA privilege section VVIP has been reserved to meet a customer who wishes to enjoy a unique and memorable experience:

• Limited quantity, pouze 100 lístky
• Section reserved on the floor near the ring
• Personalized VVIP accreditation with the poster of the evening
• Access to the VIP Lounge or snacks and cocktails will be served free of charge
• Proximity to the big names of Quebec professional boxing including Fernand Marcotte, Adonis Stevenson, Lucian ButeJean PascalEleider Alvarez aOscar Rivas, mimo jiné, for a possibility of photos and autographs.
• Access to the post-Gala party with the main stars of the ring, Marie-Ève ​​Dicaire, Mikael Zewski and Sébastien Bouchard.
• The price of each ticket is $500

TO CANAL INDIGO IN TELE LA CARTE.The “Dicaire-Zewski-Bouchard-Gabrielsevent will be broadcast in Canada on pay-per-view viaCanal IndigoBell TV aShaw TV.





Top Mayweather Promotions Prospects Martinez, Richardson Hitchins, Kevin Newman II and Rolando Romero Featured In Separate Bouts Live on SHOWTIME® From Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS – October 1, 2019 - Nepřekonatelná vyhlídka super muší váhy Xavier Martinez se vrací doShoBox: Nová generace for his second straight test on the series when he faces veteran FilipinoJessie Cris Rosales in the 10-round main event of a four-fight telecast on Friday, Listopad 1 žít na SHOWTIME (10:30 p.m. ET / PT) od Samův Town Živé v Las Vegas.

Four of Mayweather Promotions top prospects will be on display, jako 2016 Olympian Richardson Hitchins (9-0, 5 KO), once-beaten Las Vegas native Kevin Newman II (10-1-1, 6 KO) a neporažený knockout umělec Rolando Romero (9-0, 8 KO) will also fight in separate bouts. Welterweight prospect Hitchins will take on once-beaten Kevin Johnson (7-1, 4 KO) v osm-dokola záchvat, while middleweight prospect Newman will look to avenge the only loss of his career to Mark Anthony Hernandez (14-2-1, 3 KO), a participant in the 2018 reboot of Contender, in another eight-round matchup. Romero will open the telecast against an opponent to be announced.

Tickets for the Mayweather Promotions’ Sin City Showdown go on sale tomorrow/Wednesday at 12 p.m. PT, začátek $25 a je možné zakoupit na adrese: https://mayweatherpromotions.com/events/.

“This is our second ShoBox show of the year and we’re happy to have made Sam’s Town our home for these events,” says Mayweather Promotions CEO, Leonard Ellerbe. “I can’t say enough that this is the perfect setting and platform to showcase our upcoming prospects. Xavier Martinez is one to watch for as he headlines his first ShoBox karta. We have a very exciting line-up of fighters, both on and off-television, making for a card that you don’t want to miss.”

Martinez (14-0, 10 KO), Sacramenta, Calif., has scored six straight knockouts, including a third-round stoppage of John Vicente Moralde in his ShoBox debut v dubnu (Watch KO Zde). The 21-year-old turned professional in 2017 in Mexico following an amateur career where he amassed an 85-10 record while competing in the 2012 a 2013 National Championships and earning a ranking as the No. 3 amateur in the country. Best known for his crafty and powerful fighting style, Martinez joined the Mayweather Promotions team in late 2016 with a unanimous decision win over Wilfredo Garriga at Samův Town Živé.

“I am really excited to get back into the ring,” said the 21-year-old Martinez. “Sam’s Town has become my home away from home and I’ve had a lot of great performances there. I’m really just looking forward to putting on a great performance again on national television and reaching a larger audience. Soon enough everyone will know who Xavier Martinez is.

“Soustředění se skvěle. I’ve added a strength and conditioning coach and a nutritionist. Having someone help me prep my meals and educate me on what’s going into my body has really helped me train better and get my body in the right shape. My energy level for training is different and I feel stronger.

Rosales (22-3-1, 10 KO), 27, stal se profesionálem v 2008 and started his professional career unbeaten in his first 22 bouts while competing mostly in his native Philippines. Rosales stepped up his level of opposition in 2017, losing to former two-division world champion Jhonny Gonzalez in 2017 a 2016 Olympic Silver Medalist and undefeated prospect Shakur Stevenson in 2019. Ve svém posledním záchvatu, he lost a close split-decision to undefeated prospect Tyler McCeary. Experienced against top opposition, Rosales’ three losses have come against opponents with a combined record of 96-11-1.

“He’s undefeated, but I have far more experience with better guys so I have that advantage coming into this fight,” Rosales said. “I’m coming off two tough fights and this one is going to be another great fight to test myself as a fighter as well as a good show for the fans. I’m back in the gym working on a couple of things, and I’m coming into this fight stronger and sharper.”

Hitchins (9-0, 5 KO), z Brooklynu, New York, is a former two-time Golden Gloves champion who represented his parents’ home country of Haiti in the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games, where he lost to team USA’s Gary Russell Jr. One of boxing’s top young prospects, Hitchins has sparred and trained with several world champions including Terence Crawford and stablemate Gervonta Davis. Just 21-years-old, Hitchins boasts incredible hand and foot speed and the boxing IQ of a veteran contender. Having fought eight out of his nine pro fights in his hometown, Hitchins will travel to Las Vegas looking for a statement win in his television debut.

I’m ready to pick back up where I left off,” said Hitchins. “I’ve remained in great shape since my last opponent fell through back in July, but it worked out because now I get an opportunity to show my talents on national television. My brother Tank [Gervonta Davis] showed me a lot of things this summer and great techniques to sharpen my skills. I’m working hard and getting work in multiple gyms across different weight classes to help me with my speed and power. I’m going to give it my all and deliver with a dominating win.”

Johnson, a Las Vegas resident, started his professional career with four consecutive TKO wins. His past four fights have all come against undefeated opposition including a split decision win over Larry Gomez, který byl 8-0 entering the fight, in his last outing in April. Johnson’s lone loss came against 2016 Olympic Gold Medalist Fazliddin Gaibnazarov.

This is going to be an entertaining fight for the fans,” said Johnson. “I predict a fourth or fifth round knockout – that isn’t me being cocky, just me understanding what’s on the line. This is a huge fight for me and I’m going to rise to the occasion. I’m here to expose everyone I step in the ring with. I’ll fight anybody I feel is a good challenge. I’ve seen Hitchins spar Devin Haney and I’ve watched a few of his fights. He did really good, but I was able to identify some opportunities and I feel confident I can beat this kid.”

Las Vegas’ Newman started boxing when he was 9 years old and built up an amateur record of 25-5 before turning pro in 2014. Impressed by Newman’s skills and technique in the ring as an amateur, Floyd Mayweather signed the rising middleweight to his growing stable of fighters in the summer of 2014. Newman made his professional debut on the Mayweather vs. Maidana II undercard, where he fought to a draw with Azamat Umarzoda. He won his next seven contests before dropping a decision to his November 1 protivník, Mark Anthony Hernandez, on the undercard of Mayweather vs. McGregor in August 2017. He has since rebounded with three consecutive KO wins at Sam’s Town.

“I’m thankful to my team for another fight,” said Newman. “This is my third fight this year, and I’m looking forward to putting on a show and really ending this year with a bang. Training camp has consisted of great sparring with A-level guys, including Anthony Dirrell for his fight with David Benavidez. I was able to get a lot of quality rounds in already, and this is just the beginning of my training camp. I’m extremely sharp now so we’re just maintaining that and getting my body into fight shape.”

Hernandez, 26, Fresno, Calif., is no stranger to fighting under the spotlight. After dropping a split decision to Kyrone Davis in 2017, Hernandez bounced back with the biggest win of his career over Newman on the undercard of the blockbuster Mayweather vs. McGregor event. Hernandez was among 16 professional fighters selected to compete at 160 pounds on the 2018 reboot of Contender série. He earned a split decision over Danny Valdivia and a unanimous verdict over Quantavious Cash to finish behind champion Brandon Adams and runner-up Shane Mosley Jr. In February of this year, he suffered a setback in a rematch to Jeison Rosario, who he fought to a draw with in 2018, but rebounded with a unanimous decision win over Francisco Castro in his last bout.

I expect Kevin to come better than he did the first time we fought,” said Hernandez. “The first fight was a clear unanimous decision for me. I didn’t think there was any controversy. He has his reasons as to why he didn’t perform, but that doesn’t matter to me. I went up in weight to take that fight from 154 na 165 pounds so I was also coming in with a slight disadvantage, and now I’m moving up again to fight him again. I out-boxed him and out-fought him the first time and fans can expect a great fight again. He’s a really good fighter, I won’t take anything from him. Moving up again will be a challenge, but I think I can beat him again.

Rising lightweight prospect Romero, born and raised in North Las Vegas, started his boxing career at age 18 after spending much of his youth competing in Judo. Despite a limited amateur career consisting of just 45 boje, Romero gained the attention of Floyd Mayweather and was signed to his promotional company in November of 2016. He made his professional debut the next month and scored a TKO just over a minute into the fight. With eight stoppages in nine professional fights, Romero packs a heavy punch and will be looking for his fifth straight knockout on November 1.

It’s been a great year for me professionally,” said Romero. “I’ve been able to gain an even larger fan base since my last performance earlier this year and I’m excited to do what I do best and that’s knocking out the competition and continuing to grow as a fighter. A lot of people have doubted me for my lack of amateur experience, but my power and boxing IQ are undeniable. I’m taking the experience from my last fight and working to correct a few things. My goal is to become the most versatile fighter backed by power.”

Hall of Famer Barry Tompkins will call the ShoBox action from ringside with fellow Hall of Famer Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Výkonným producentem je Gordon sál s Richard Gaughan výrobou a Rick Phillips řízení.

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Pro více informací navštivte www.sho.com/sports, www.mayweatherpromotions.com, sledovat na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, @MayweatherPromotions, @mayweathersports and #ShoBox, nebo se stát fanouškem na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOSportsa www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions


Deontay Wilder brání jeho WBC heavyweight titul v napjatě očekávaném zápase proti Luis Ortiz na FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View sobotu, Listopad 23 na MGM Grand zahrady Arena v Las Vegas

Three-Division Champion Leo Santa Cruz hledá titulu ve čtvrté divizi, když Battles Miguel Flores pro WBA Super muší mistrovství ve spolupráci Main Event

Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE na obrazech z Nabeel Ahmad /
Champions Premier Boxerské

Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE na obrazech od Franka Micelotta / Fox Sports
Heslo: PPV-1123

Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE na obrazech od Stephanie Trapp / TGB Promotions

Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE na obrazech od Sean Michael Ham /
Mayweather Promotions

LOS ANGELES (Září 30, 2019) – WBC v těžké váze mistr světa Deontay “Bronze Bomber” Wilder a hard-bít kubánské slugger Luis “King Kong” Ortiz šel tváří v tvář v sobotu na tiskové konferenci oficiálně oznámit svůj velmi očekávaný nový zápas, že titulky liška Sports PBC Pay-Per-View sobotu, Listopad 23 v MGM Grand Garden Arena v Las Vegas.

Také srovnat off na sobotní akci v Los Angeles byly tři rozdělení šampion a aktuální WBA muší Champion Lev “Zemětřesení” Santa Cruz a vzrušující uchazeč Miguel “Michoacan” Květiny, kteří se setkávají za WBA Super muší mistrovství ko-main případě pay-per-view akce, která začíná na 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.


Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE vidět Wilderovu členění odvetu proti Ortiz

Vstupenky na akce, která je podporována BombZquad Promotions, TGB Propagace a Mayweather Promotions, jsou již v prodeji a je možné zakoupit nawww.mgmgrand.com nebo www.axs.com.

Zde je to, co bojovníci museli říci sobotu od Lexus klub ve Staples Center:


“Je to tady zase. Jediným způsobem, aby existoval nový zápas byl pro tam být vzrušující první boj. Když jsem se poprvé setkal tohoto muže v kruhu, bylo to úžasné a inspirující jít proti takové obratné stíhače. Byl to takový skvělý zážitek pro mě a pro mě ctí k němu.

“Ten první boj byl test pro mě, aby mi ukázal, kde má stupeň obtížnosti byl v těžké váze divize. Byl strašák v těžké váze divize z nějakého důvodu. Do dnešního dne, oni ještě nemají s ním bojovat z nějakého důvodu.

“Jsem nejlepší na světě. Řekl jsem to předtím, a já to znovu. Domnívám se, že i já jsem dokázala, že. Jsem dokázal tolik lidí, špatné a stále mám na to. Která mi dává motivaci a vůli jít dál.

“Vytvořil jsem pouto s Ortiz bojovat poprvé kvůli našim dcerám. Byli jsme dva otcové v kruhu, kteří museli bojovat o našich rodinách. Není lepší pocit, než jít do války proti jiným gladiátorem.

“Nebylo opravdu nic, co jsem se dozvěděl o sobě v prvním boji, ale to bylo potvrzením něčeho, co jsem už znám. Vím, co můžu udělat, a věřím, že v sobě. Necítil jsem se jako bych byl dokázat něco pro sebe, to bylo jen to dokázat ostatním.

“Jsme nadšení a my chceme dát fanouškům to nejlepší možný boj. Uděláme to znovu, protože jsem vás nikdy neopustí, aniž by bylo skvělý čas a dává vám vzrušení. Pokud jste nikdy neviděl boxerský zápas, ještě než, Jsem osoba, která má přijít podívat. Chcete-li vidět vzrušení, To je boj, aby v. Je to boj na objednávku.

“Jsem opravdový šampion. Skutečný mistr ho může chodit, jako by to mluví, a jdu to, jako bych mluvit pokaždé,. Listopadu 23 I očekávat, že všichni tam, nebo objednávání ji na pay-per-view, protože já se nemůžu dočkat.”


“Jsem velmi rád, že mám příležitost na odvetu. Wilder měl odvahu přijmout nový zápas a to je velká část toho, proč se to děje. Jsem nadšený pro tento boj a já jdu, aby co nejvíce z toho.

“Nejsou žádné výmluvy ode mne. První boj je u konce. Nyní jsme na tomto boji. Chystám se získat vítězství. Jsou věci, které jsou udělal jinak, ale to vše bude rozhodnuto v ringu.

“Já jsem se zaměřil na tento boj a pouze tohoto boje. Nejsem muž mnoha slov, ale příležitost je tady a to bylo souzeno být. Tady jsme.

“Válečník neopouští své poslání. Mým úkolem je, aby se stal mistrem světa. Od svého ztrátou jsem trénoval velmi tvrdě a to bude vše vyvrcholí v listopadu 23.

“Nebudu dělat stejnou chybu tentokrát, jak jsem udělal v posledním boji. Budu se více připravují, agresivnější a více všeho. Beru to všechno až na úroveň.

“Nebyl důvod, abych to vyhrál první zápas, to prostě je, co to je. Věděli jsme, že jeden z nás se dostane vyrazen. Mám ten stejný cit pro odvetu. Tento boj nebude 12 kola.

“Chci listopadu 23 aby se sem dříve než později. Jsem připraven vstoupit do kruhu a dělat svou práci a stát se v těžké váze mistr světa.”


“I tvrdě pracovat pro každý boj, a to bude stejné pro tento boj. Tato příležitost přišla v boji o titul 130 liber a já jsem nadšený, že za něj bojovat. Chci se stát čtyři divize mistr světa.

“Jdu zjistit, jak se cítím 130. Pokud jsem silný Rozhodně jsem pocit, že budu mít něco víc bojuje. Mým cílem je právě teď vyhrát světový titul. To je to, co jsem se zaměřením na.

“Jsem velmi šťastný a nadšený, že mám příležitost, aby se stal se čtyřmi divizní mistr světa. Mým cílem, když jsem začal v boxu byl jen proto, aby se stal mistrem světa. Chcete-li přejít na počtvrté je ještě větší sen.

“Miguel Flores je těžký bojovník a nemám ho podceňovat. Vím, že to bude těžký boj. Chce jít se vším, co má. Je to příležitost svého života.

“Jsem opravdu motivovaný, jako je to moje první světový titul. Je to něco velkého pro mě. To mi pomůže být připomínán jako jeden z nejlepších mexických bojovníků a to je můj cíl.

“A co je nejdůležitější, jdeme dát fanouškům skvělou show na Fight Night. Chcete-li být co-hlavní události pro Deontay Wilder je úžasná. Vždycky dává velkou přehlídku, ale mým úkolem je dát všem ještě více vzrušení.”


“Říká se, že nechcete dostat druhou šanci v životě, ale jsem stále, že i já jsem velmi vděčný. Všechno má svůj důvod. Tento boj mělo dít, a mám v úmyslu plně využít to.

“Být na 130 nebo 126 nečiní rozdíl ke mně, když bojuje Leo, je to stále ten samý. Začal svou kariéru 118 stejně a já jsem měl to v mém mozku tak dlouho, jak budu ho porazit.

“Tato strategie je, aby ho předčit v něčem. Outsmart ním, out ruch ho a prostě být schopen to udělat všechno. Dělá všechno dobře a je to veterán. Vím, že má triky v rukávu, ale musíme být připraveni na to a mít něco připraven vrátit se na něj.

“To je ještě větší stupeň bytí co-hlavní události heavyweight mistrovství světa v Las Vegas. Všechno dopadlo pro mě perfektní. To nebylo moje mentalita, kdy ke zranění došlo, ale teď to všechno dává smysl.

“Chci mít možnost být ten chlap. Tím, že porazí Lea, I stal chlap. Je obou našich pracovních míst se obrátit všechny do věřících. Po tomto boji, každý bude vědět, to byl velký boj.

“Naším cílem je Leo Santa Cruz. Listopad 23 je vše, co je v mé mysli. Mnoho lidí neví, jak dobře mé boxerské dovednosti a jak lstivý mohu být v ringu. Chystají se být za překvapení.”

# # #

Pro více informací: návštěva www.premierboxingchampions.com
,http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepageand www.foxdeportes.com, sledovat na TwitteruPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo a @Swanson_Comm nebo se stát se fanouškem na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Don King ZNAKY konžské MAKABU; Největším světovým BOXING PROMOTER SADY zaměřily na FIVE záchvaty mistrovství v Kongu

Deerfield Beach, FL (Září 30, 2019)—The world’s greatest boxing promoter, Don King, may soon be returning to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, formerly known as Zaire.

King signed the Congo’s Ilunga Makabu (26-2), who is the WBC’s number one contender for the vacant cruiserweight championship.

“I have traveled from France, and Makabu from the Congo, to meet here in Florida with Don King,” said co-manager Tarik Saadi. “I have matched the greatest fighter in the world with the greatest promoter in the world and today, spolu, we sign for the future of Junior Makabu.”

“I am thrilled at the opportunity to help Ilunga Makabu become a world champion,“Řekl Král. “He’s a very talented fighter, who is most deserving of a shot at the WBC belt and we will do everything to make his championship dream come true.

Kazakhstan’s Beibut Shumenov, WBA Cruiserweight Champion will defend his title on the same show which would create great anticipation and excitement for the two winners of the WBA and WBC meeting each other for a unification down the road?

“I would love to bring Makabu’s title fight to his home country and promote 5 championship bouts, a boxing extravaganza featuring a WBA Heavyweight championship bout and 2 cruiserweight championship bouts; Makabu fighting for the WBC world cruiserweight championship and a female championship bout, Nigeria’s own Helen Joseph, the Iron Lady and another championship bout to be named.”

“I’d like to thank one of the most respected fight managers, Lee Holliday, for bringing Makabu and his manager, Tarik Saadi together with us. We look forward to working with Ferdinand Luyoyo, the President of the Boxing Federation of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.”

“We are very happy to sign with Don King and learn from the best,” said Saadi. “I am very happy to be in Miami to work together to put Africa and Congo boxing on the world map.”

Makabu has won seven consecutive fights, the last coming Aug. 24, when he earned a majority decision against Aleksei Papin to retain his WBC Silver Cruiserweight title. He’s scored 24 průchodky v jeho 26 victories against two losses. One of his two losses came in a WBC cruiserweight championship bout to Tony Bellew in Liverpool on May 29, 2016.

The Rumble in the Jungle II

A Salute to Greatness, an Extravaganza for World Peace featuring 5 World Championship boxing matches and a world class music festival; concert and performers, taking place in the week leading up to the fight. We will celebrate and pay tribute to the 45th anniversary of the fight between the GREATEST OF ALL TIMES, MUHAMMAD ALI AND THE STRONGMAN OF BOXING, HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, GEORGE FOREMAN. NOW, let’s get ready for Rumble in the Jungle II pursuing World Peace.

Errol Spence Jr. Unifies Welterweight Titles Against Shawn Porter in Epic Action Fight Headlining FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Saturday Night from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles

David Benavidez Stops Anthony Dirrell to Win WBC Super Middleweight World Title in Co-Main Event & Mario Barrios Edges Batyr Akhmedov to Capture WBA Super Lightweight Title; Josesito Lopez Beats John Molina Jr. by TKO in Eighth Round

Robert Guerrero & Joey Spencer Pick Up Victories in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Prelims on FS1 & FOX Sports

Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE na obrazech od Franka Micelotta / Fox Sports
Heslo: fox-ppv

Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE na obrazech od Stephanie Trapp / TGB Promotions

LOS ANGELES (Září 29, 2019) – Errol “Pravda” Spence Jr. (26-0, 21 KO) unified the IBF and WBC Welterweight World Titles Saturday night against two-time champion “Showtime” Shawn Porter (30-3-1,17 KO) in an action packed main event of a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles.

It feels good to win,” said Spence. “This is a lifetime dream. It shows hard work pays off. Thanks Shawn Porter, my whole team and all my Texas people for coming out.

The back and forth brawl immediately garnered well-deserved Fight of the Year conversation as the two welterweight champions traded power punches from the opening bell to the end. Porter showed his trademark aggressive style throughout the action, smothering Spence while throwing his own power punches.

Shawn Porter is a rough and awkward fighter,” said Spence. “I didn’t get off what I wanted to. He’s a true champion. He made it tough.

That left it up to Spence to weather the oncoming storm and find spots to land power punches of his own. Podle Compubox, Spence landed 44% jeho moci razníků, na 25% from Porter.

He’s a strong kid,” Said Porter. “We both came in to do the job. I think I had a little more than what he expected, but he handled it. Congratulations to him and his team. We’re proud of what we did.

V kole čtyři, Porter had Spence in some trouble, as his power shots to the head and body put Spence on the defensive. The strategy from Porter stayed the same throughout, as Spence began to adjust and find a home for his offense, especially the sweeping left hook.

Round eight saw the action taken up to yet another level as Spence initially got the worst of one of the numerous exchanges, before settling in and responding enough to keep Porter at bay. The high-octane fight continued to entertain heading into the championship rounds with the fight up in the balance.

Spence landed one of the decisive blows of the bout in round 11, connecting flush with that sweeping left hook and scoring a knockdown when Porter’s knee and glove hit the canvas. As expected, Porter rebounded strong, going at Spence and putting him on the back foot for most of the remainder of the round.

I think that knockdown was the difference,” Said Porter. “I couldn’t come back to the corner with my head down after that.

The final round was more of the same, with both fighters going toe-to-toe and leaving the STAPLES Center crowd on their feet and roaring until the final bell. The final punch stats saw both men throw nearly an equal number of punches, with Spence edging Porter 745 na 744 in punches thrown and 221 na 172 in punches landed.

All my punches have bad intentions,” said Spence. “By boxing Mikey Garcia, I wanted to show people I could do it with that style. Porter was throwing a lot. I wanted to show I was the bigger and stronger welterweight.

Po 12 rounds the close nature of the fight yielded a split decision from the judges. One judge saw the fight 115-112 for Porter, overruled by two judges who saw it 116-111 for Spence. In the ring after the fight, Spence was confronted and called out by former two-division champion Danny Garcia for a potential showdown next.

It was a top dog fight tonight,” Said Garcia. “I want you next Errol. It was a tough rugged fight. Shawn Porter is a tough fighter. I’m here to say I want next.

My how the tables have turned,” said Spence. “I’ve told my team, you line them up, I’ll knock them down.

Spence vs. Porter highlights zde, zde, zde a zde.

The pay-per-view co-main event saw unbeaten David “Rudá vlajka” Benavidez(22-0, 19 KO) regain the WBC Super Middleweight World Championship from two-time champion Anthony “Dog” Dirrell (33-2-1, 24 KO) with a ninth-round TKO victory.

Everything just fell in place perfectly,” said Benavidez. “From the suspension to all the big fights I’ve been in. All of that helped me out in this fight. I did not make a mistake or open myself up more than I needed to. I worked behind my jab and got the stoppage. Things are going to get better and get tougher and I’m ready for the challenge.

The fight followed a similar pattern throughout, with Benavidez stalking his opponent looking to unload power shots, while Dirrell circled the ring looking to counter and keep him at bay with his jab.

Benavidez stayed in control through the early rounds, until Dirrell turned the tables momentarily in round four trying to batter Benavidez against the ropes, but he was unable to daze the 22-year-old.

In round six Benavidez broke through with a critical moment in the fight, landing a punch that opened up a cut over Dirrell’s right eye. With the blood pouring, the cut was immediately a problem for Dirrell, who now had limited vision to stop the incoming assault.

He hit me with a clean shot,” Said Dirrell. “That’s my first time ever being cut by a punch. It opened up. There was nothing I could do about it. I couldn’t see the whole fight after that. My corner did a good job on it, but I really couldn’t see.

Despite having his cut checked by the ringside physician in rounds six, seven and eight, Dirrell was able to use his veteran savvy to stay in the fight. As the fight went to round nine Benavidez increased his offense, slowing Dirrell down enough where he could tee off with power punches in the corner.

As Dirrell tried to navigate away from Benavidez’s offense, he began to take take more punishment and looked shaky on his feet. Referee Thomas Taylor officially stopped the fight 1:39 do kola, at the direction of Dirrell’s corner. Benavidez ended the fight with a 165 na 94 advantage in punches landed, with the biggest margin coming from his 101 power shots landed to just 41 from Dirrell.

There are so many emotions coming at me at once,” said Benavidez. “We put so much hard work into this training camp. We left home and were away from everything. But I had the dream to become the youngest two-time super middleweight world champion and I made my dreams come true.

I would have kept going in there,” Said Dirrell. “I’m not quitting against anybody. Everyone saw I didn’t go down. My legs were still strong, but I couldn’t do anything about it.

We’re going back to the drawing board. I’m still fighting. We won’t end on a loss. You can put anybody in there with me.

Watch highlights of Dirrell vs. Benavidez zde, zde a zde.

Additional action saw undefeated Mario “El Azteca” Sousedství (25-0, 16 KO) score a close unanimous decision victory over Batyr Akhmedov (7-1, 6 KO) to capture the WBA Super Lightweight title in an action packed fight.

I knew this was going to be a war,” Said Barrios. “He was getting dirty in there but the Mexican warrior in me was not going to let this opportunity pass me by. I dug deep and got the victory.

The action began with Akhmedov trying to get inside against his taller opponent, while Barrios looked to move and punish Akhmedov with pot shots from the outside. V kole čtyři, Barrios connected with a combo that stunned Akhmedov before Barrios followed up and scored a knockdown when Akhmedov’s glove touched the canvas.

The plan was to gradually grow the activity,” said Akhmedov. “I knew that I had to win by a wide margin. After the first knockdown, I knew that I had to add activity more quickly than I had planned. So I started being more aggressive. I did everything I could to try to stop him.

After surviving the round, Akhmedov picked up the aggression and began effectively closing the space down between his opponent. He began to land numerous clean left and right hooks that put Barrios on the defensive.

As the championship rounds neared, Barrios began to experience severe swelling in his left eye amidst the onslaught from Akhmedov. In the final round, Barrios was able to turn the tide back in his favor late in the frame. He delivered a pinpoint right hand that stunned Akhmdov and again forced him to put a glove on the mat.

After the knockdown, the fight went to the judges scores, who saw the fight 116-11, 115-11 a 114-112, vše ve prospěch Barrios. The relentless pursuit after the first knockdown from Barrios ended with him holding a 238 na 135 advantage in punches landed, but it was not enough to sway the judges on this night.

I promised my city of San Antonio that I would bring this title back home and I did it,” Said Barrios.

The judges see better than I can from the ring,” said Akhmedov. “I did everything I could. Myslel jsem, že jsem vyhrála boj. They decided that he won the fight. When I watch the fight I’ll be able to tell you what it looked like. My job is to do everything to win. The judges are supposed to judge correctly.

I tried to do everything I could. I was told that I wouldn’t be able to handle his experience, but he was on the ropes most of the fight. I beat him up and I thought I won the fight.

The opening bout of the pay-per-view saw Josesito “The Riverside Rocky” Lopez (37-8, 20 KO) knock out John Molina Jr. (30-9, 24 KO) in the eighth round of their welterweight fight.

We both carry power in our hands so it wasn’t a surprise someone went down,” Said Lopez. “It easily could have happened to me with the power he has. I was able to catch him early, find openings and get the finish.

Lopez landed a critical blow on his first punch of the night, snapping off an overhand right that connected flush with Molina and put him on the canvas early in the first round. Lopez was patient following up and eventually landed a vicious body shot that put Molina down for the second time in the round.

Molina was able to rise to his feet and make it to the second round, and showed flashes that he might be able to change the tide of the fight. He slowed Lopez’s attack down in round two with a vicious combination of right and left hooks to the head.

You can never take the fight out of a fighter,” Said Molina. “I have a never say die attitude and I have my whole career. Byl to tuhý boj, but the better man won tonight.

I knew he wasn’t going to quit,” Said Lopez. “Je to válečník. I had to keep on the pressure. I was thinking that hopefully the ref and the team made the right call to finish it at the right time.

Lopez stayed patient however and jabbed while looking to set up the right hand that had knocked Molina down in the first. In round seven Lopez broke through again, this time landing a perfect straight right hand that put Molia on the canvas late in the round.

After a long look from the ringside physician and his own corner, Molina tried to take his chance at a fight-changing punch in the eighth round. Early in the round, Lopez was able to land several big power shots that prompted referee Ray Corona to stop the bout 39 sekund do kola.

I wanted to keep going at the end,” Said Molina. “I thought I was still coherent and could still move well. But you can’t go against what the referees say.

There’s a lot more ‘Riverside Rocky’ levý,” Said Lopez. “Robert Garcia has turned my career around. I’m a race car and like NASCAR, I’ve got a whole team behind me. I’m a top 10-level fighter. I’m going to give any fighter and any world champion a run for their money. I want memorable fights and I want the best.

Watch Lopez drop Molina in round one zde and round seven zde.

The main event of prelims on FS1 saw former three-time world champion Robert “Duch” Válečník (36-6-1, 20 KO) earn a unanimous decision victory over Jerry Thomas (14-2-1, 8 KO) v jejich 10-kulatý welterweight boje.

The early rounds were strategic, as Thomas relied on his movement while Guerrero looked to fire jabs patiently until he found opportunities for his power punches. Round three saw action jump up a bit as Guerrero landed a big straight left that pushed Thomas hard back into the ropes.

I got some rounds in tonight, which was valuable,” Said Guerrero. “We got what we needed and boxed our way to victory.

Guerrero continued to stalk Thomas and attack the body as his opponent spent most of the fight set on circling the ring. Nicméně, in round nine, Thomas upped the presser and closed the distance on Guerrero. He landed numerous power shots that put Guerrero on the back foot.

It was Thomasbest round of the fight, but he was unable to put Guerrero down or out and after 10 rounds the fight was in the judges’ ruce. All three saw the bout in favor of Guerrero, podle skóre 98-92 a 99-91 dvakrát.

I want to get back into those bigger fights,” Said Guerrero. “I moved around and stayed smart in there tonight. The goal was to stick to the game plan and I did until the end of the fight, but then I got right back on it. You just have to keep working out the kinks and that’s what I’m going to keep doing.

In the opening prelims bout, unbeaten top prospect Joey Spencer (9-0, 7 KO) scored a third-round stoppage of previously unbeaten Travis Gambardella (5-1-2, 2 KO) in their super welterweight contest.

Spencer started the action early, leading with power shots while also controlling the distance between him and his opponent. A series of body shots put Gambardella down twice in the first round, although he was able to make it to the closing bell of the frame.

The body shots weren’t really the plan going in,” said Spencer. “I started off with head shots and he was taking those well. I put one downstairs and I instantly saw it affect him badly. I knew it was a wrap. I was going to keep going to the body.

Spencer landed a powerful straight right hand to Gambardella’s head early in round two and quickly followed up with a flurry punctuated by another body shot that dropped him for the third time in the fight. Although Spencer looked to close hard, Gambardella was able to fight intelligently and make it through another round.

I thought the referee was going to stop it in the second round,” said Spencer. “When he let him go I took a deep breath and made sure not to punch myself out. I stuck to my jab and let the rest take care of itself.

Early into round three, Spencer went back on the attack and connected with a big left hook to Gambardella’s head. Tentokrát, referee Ray Corona jumped in and halted the bout 53 sekund do kola, giving Spencer the TKO victory.

I’m so happy with the improvements that I was able to show tonight on the big stage,” said Spencer. “I’m really excited for what’s to come.

Watch highlights from Spencer zde.

# # #

Spence vs. Porter pit unbeaten IBF Welterweight Champion Errol “Pravda” Spence Jr. against WBC Welterweight Champion “Showtime” Shawn Porter in a 147-pound title unification that headlined a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View event on Saturday, Září 28 od Staples Center v Los Angeles.

The pay-per-view event began at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and featured WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Anthony “Dog” Dirrell facing unbeaten former champion David “Rudá vlajka” Benavidez in the co-main event, unbeaten contenders MarioEl AztecaBarrios and Batyr Akhmedov battling for the WBA Super Lightweight title, and rugged veteran JosesitoThe Riverside RockyLopez and brawler John Molina Jr. competing in a 10-round welterweight fight. The event was promoted by Man Down Promotions, TGB Promotions and Shawn Porter Promotions.

Pro více informací: návštěva www.premierboxingchampions.com
, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepageand www.foxdeportes.com, sledovat na TwitteruPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions a @Swanson_Comm nebo staňte se našimi fanoušky na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Kompletní fotografie událostí zde

Bellator 228 Hlavní Card výsledky:

Gegard Mousasi (46-7-2) poražený Lyoto Machida (26-9) přes dělené rozhodnutí (29-28, 28-29, 30-27)

Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (30-4) poražený Juan Archuleta (23-2) via jednomyslným rozhodnutím (49-46, 50-45, 49-46)

A.J. McKee (15-0) poražený Georgi Karakhanyan (28-10-1, 1 NC) přes KO (údery) na :08 z prvního kola

Darrion Caldwell (14-3) poražený Henry Corrales (17-4) via jednomyslným rozhodnutím (29-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Daniel Weichel (40-11) poražený Saul Rogers (13-3) via jednomyslným rozhodnutím (29-28, 30-27, 29-28)

Předběžné Card:

Adrian Najera (2-0) poražený Jason Edwards (2-1) via předložení (zadní nahý tlumivka) na 2:28 na třetím kole

Benji Gomez (9-12) poražený Johnny Santa Maria (3-5) via jednomyslným rozhodnutím (30-27 x3)

Ozzy Diaz (4-1) poražený Andre Walker (5-3) via předložení (zadní nahý tlumivka) na 3:05 z prvního kola

ian Butler (7-6) poražený Emilio Williams (4-3) přes TKO (údery) na :53 z kola dvou

AJ Agazarm (2-1) poražený Jonathan Quiroz (3-4) via jednomyslným rozhodnutím (29-28 x3)

Ava Knight (1-0) poražený Shannon Goughary (4-4) přes TKO (punč) na 1:46 na třetím kole

Antonio McKee (30-6-2) poražený William Sriyapai (14-9) přes TKO (údery) na 1:17 z kola dvou

Johnny Cisneros (13-7) poražený Mike Jasper (13-6) přes TKO (leg injury) na 4:28 z kola dvou

Leandro Higo (19-5) poražený Shawn Bunch (9-4) via předložení (gilotina tlumivka) na 4:34 z kola dvou

Weber Almeida (2-0) proti. Castle Williams (4-2) přes TKO na 0:20 z kola dvou

Joshua Jones (9-4) poražený Dominic Clark (14-9) via předložení (gilotina tlumivka) na 2:39 z prvního kola

James Barnes (12-4) poražený David Duran (8-6) via předložení (zadní nahý tlumivka) na 1:51 z kola dvou

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LOS ANGELES – Bellator is set to deliver one of the most anticipated bouts in the history of women’s MMA on Saturday, Leden 25 na „Fabulous“ fóru v Inglewoodu, Kalif. when reigning champ Julia Budd (13-2) defends her world featherweight title against Cris „Cyborg“ (21-2, 1 NC) v hlavní události.

Vstupenky na Bellator: Budd vs.Cyborg go on sale to the general public Friday, Říjen. 4 na 10 a.m. PT a lze zakoupit na pokladně Fóra, as well as Bellator.com a Ticketmaster.com. A special presale is scheduled to take place Wednesday, Říjen. 2 přes čtvrtek, Říjen. 3 using code “BELLATOR” upon purchase.

Bellator: Budd vs. cyborg will stream live exclusively on the DAZN app at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, zatímco předběžná akce se spustí Bellator.com,DAZN a celosvětově na internetu Mobilní aplikace Bellator. Další zápasy budou oznámeny v následujících týdnech.

Fighting out of Port Moody, Britská Kolumbie, Kanada, Budd will enter the Bellator cage in January for the fourth time since claiming the inaugural Bellator women’s featherweight world title in 2017. Currently riding a winning streak of 11 konce, including seven straight fights since joining forces with Bellator in 2015, “The Jewel” has her eyes set on a fourth consecutive world title defense when she finally has the opportunity to challenge “Cyborg.” Since knocking off Dutch legend Marloes Coenen for the 145-pound strap at Bellator 174, the Gibson MMA-product has since collected victories over top contenders Olga Rubin,Arlene Blencowe a Talita Nogueira. Se sedmi z nich 13 kariéra vyhraje přichází formou knockout nebo předložení, the former kickboxing standout will look to derail the Bellator debut of “Cyborg.”

On the heels of signing the largest contract in women’s MMA history, Cris “Cyborg” will enter the Bellator cage for the first time on January 25, with the opportunity to lay claim to Bellator gold. Just like her upcoming opponent, “Cyborg” too was an inaugural champion, winning the inaugural Strikeforce Featherweight Championship in 2009 after defeating Gina Carano. The 34-year-old Curitiba, Brazil-native’s Bellator tenure follows a three-year run in UFC, multiple world title and a 20-fight unbeaten streak that includes notable victories against Holly Holm, Tonya Evinger, Marloes Coenen and Leslie Smith.

Aktualizováno Bellator: Budd vs. cyborg Bojová karta:

Mistrovský zápas o titul muší váhy: Julia Budd (13-2) proti. Cris „Cyborg“ (21-2, 1 NC)

*Karta se může změnit

Navštivte Bellator.com Pro více informací.


Deontay Wilder Defends His WBC Heavyweight Title in Highly Anticipated Rematch Against Luis Ortiz on FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Saturday, Listopad 23 v MGM Grand Garden Arena v Las Vegas

Three-Division Champion Leo Santa Cruz Seeks Title in Fourth Division When He Battles Miguel Flores for the WBA Super Featherweight Championship in Co-Main Event

Boxing’s Longest Reigning Heavyweight Champion Battles Dangerous Cuban Puncher to Settle Score After Epic First Clash

Tickets on Sale Now!

LAS VEGAS (Září 28, 2019) – Boxing’s longest reigning heavyweight world championDeontay “Bronze Bomber” Wilderwill take on his most dangerous challenger to date when he defends his WBC title in a rematch against once-beaten Cuban sluggerLuis “King Kong” Ortiz in the main event of the FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Saturday, Listopad. 23 v MGM Grand Garden Arena v Las Vegas.

Three-division champion and current WBA Featherweight ChampionLev “Zemětřesení” Santa Cruz will seek a title in another division in the co-main event when he takes onMiguel “El Michoacan” Květiny for the WBA Super Featherweight Championship as part of the pay-per-view action beginning at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Wilder and Ortiz will renew the rivalry they set in motion when they first engaged in an explosive showdown in Brooklyn that was one of 2018’s best fights. Wilder won that bout by 10th round TKO after Ortiz stunned him and almost had him out in the seventh round. The thrilling match featured plenty of twists and turns to necessitate a rematch.

With a combined 66 průchodky v 74 zápasy, Wilder vs. Ortiz II is a heavyweight duel that guarantees an awesome display of punching power. The first fight last year saw Wilder dropping Ortiz in the fifth round, Ortiz stunning and hurting Wilder in a seventh round that he won 10-8 on all the judges’ karty, and Wilder eventually dropping Ortiz again with a powerful right uppercut that forced the referee to stop the bout in the 10th kolo.

Vstupenky na akce, která je podporována BombZquad Promotions, TGB Propagace a Mayweather Promotions, jsou již v prodeji a je možné zakoupit nawww.mgmgrand.com nebowww.axs.com.

We are thrilled to add this phenomenal heavyweight rematch between Deontay Wilder and Luis Ortiz to an exciting month of entertainment at MGM Grand,” Richard Sturm, President of Las Vegas Live Entertainment and Sports, řekl. “We can’t wait for fight fans to witness what is sure to be a ‘knockoutof an evening at the Grand Garden Arena.

Wilder (41-0-1, 40 KO), a bronze medal winner for the U.S. boxing team at the 2008 Olympijské hry, has more than lived up to the nicknameThe Bronze Bomber.The 33-year-old Wilder has knocked out all but one of the men that he has faced in the ring, making him one of the most feared single-punch knockout artist in boxing today.

The most active heavyweight champion in the sport, this will be Wilder’s third title defense in 11 měsíce. He is coming off a highlight-reel first round knockout of Dominic Breazeale in Brooklyn on May 18. Before that had one of the most dramatic matches of 2018 when he dropped Tyson Fury twice, including a stunning knockdown in the 12th kolo, on the way to a split draw last December.

Born and still living and training in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Wilder will return to fight at MGM Grand in Las Vegas for the first time since he won the heavyweight title with a dominant 12-round decision over Bermane Stiverne on January 17, 2015. The victory had even more significance for Wilder because it came on the birthday of his boxing idol, Muhammad Ali. The rematch against Ortiz will be his 10th obrana titulu.

When I fought Ortiz not only did he have the pedigree, but also he had the classification of being the boogeyman of the division,” Said Wilder. “I agree with those who say that Luis Ortiz was my toughest fight to date. No one wanted to fight him and they still don’t. In the rematch there’s more confidence and more motivation to do what I have to do. I’ve already seen the style before. It’s going to make it more fun. I can’t wait to see how he tries to handle me when I’m at my best.

This is the second big fight for me under my company, BombZquad Promotions, and I’m very happy about that. We still have a lot of work to do to build it into the kind of company that I know it’s going to be in the future, but it’s coming along. To be able to do a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View at MGM Grand in Las Vegas under my own banner is fantastic.

Ortiz (31-1, 26 KO) has ripped off three-straight victories since suffering the only loss of his career in that first match with Wilder in 2018, including most recently winning a unanimous decision over Christian Hammer on March 2. Southpaw, who was born in Camaguey, Cuba and now lives in Miami, is one of the most avoided heavyweight contenders in boxing because of his vicious knockout power and crafty southpaw boxing skills. In the first fight with Wilder, Ortiz hurt Wilder with a textbook counter right hook that nearly made him the first Cuban heavyweight world champion.

Outside of the ring, Wilder and Ortiz share a common bond-they’re both motivated to fight for their daughters. Wilder’s oldest daughter, Naieya, was born with spina bifida, motivating Wilder to take up boxing to pay for her medical expenses. Ortiz’s daughter, Lismercedes, has a painful skin condition called epidermolysis bullosa, which results in painful skin blistering and Ortiz has worked to raise awareness for.

I have to give Deontay Wilder a lot of credit for taking this fight because it shows he has the heart of a true champion,” Said Ortiz. “He is not at all scared to take a dangerous fight, because let’s be honest, this is the most dangerous fight for him. In my opinion, he’s the best heavyweight in the world until someone beats him, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do on November 23 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena on FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View. ‘King Kongis coming to Las Vegas!”

A three-division world champion fighting out of Los Angeles, Santa Cruz (36-1-1, 19 KO) holds the WBA featherweight title and will be making his debut at super featherweight and seeking a title in a fourth weight class. The 31-year-old has been a dominant force in the featherweight division since 2015, including two thrilling featherweight title duels against Abner Mares and Carl Frampton each. He lost the belt in his first match against Frampton in 2016, but reclaimed it in their rematch the following year. Santa Cruz has competed in title bouts in 16 z jeho poslední 18 boje, while picking up belts at 118, 122 and 126-pounds and is coming off a unanimous decision victory over Rafael Rivera in his last fight in February on FOX.

When I first started boxing my dream was to be a world champion and I’ve been fortunate to win three different world championships in three different divisions,” řekl Santa Cruz. “I couldn’t imagine winning championships in four divisions. It’s something I never really dreamed of and I’m very happy about this opportunity.

I know Flores is another tough Mexican boxer like me. He always comes forward, so it’s going to be a fun fight for the fans. I’m really looking forward to fighting again in Las Vegas at MGM Grand. It’s going to be a really exciting atmosphere because you have Deontay Wilder and Luis Ortiz in a heavyweight championship fight, and Deontay always knocks his opponents out, but we’re hoping that our fight will steal the night.

Květiny (24-2, 12 KO) was originally scheduled to fight Santa Cruz for the featherweight title in February, but severely sprained his ankle in training and had to withdraw from the fight. Narodil se v Mexiku, but raised in and fighting out of Houston, Flores rose up the rankings with victories over Ryan Kielczweski, Ruben Tamayo and Mario Briones. After suffering a loss to Dat Nguyen and seeking to rebound, Flores was ahead on the scorecards against Chris Avalos in a fight on FS1 when the contest was stopped due to a cut on Floreseyebrow that was controversially ruled to have come from a punch. Flores bounced back from that loss to stop Raul Chirino in April 2018 and also scored a TKO victory against Luis May in his most recent fight on June 29 after the ankle injury.

I’m extremely excited to be getting this opportunity once again to fight Leo Santa Cruz and win a world title,” said Flores. “Being the co-main event on this FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View card with Wilder vs. Ortiz headlining is incredible. This is a dream come true for me, and I’m going to take advantage of the situation. This moment in my life is something I’ve envisioned since I was a kid. On November 23, you will see the best version of myself as I plan to be in the best shape of my life, with the goal of becoming a world champion, and what better way to do it than in Las Vegas at MGM Grand. Leo and I are going to put on a great show, které můžete zaručit.”

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