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Loita Rede MMA semanal & programación kickboxing (Xan. 12-18)

Rede loita, un 24/7 canle de televisión dedicado a completar a cobertura de deportes de combate. Vai ao aire programas con foco en todo o ámbito do xénero deportes de combate, incluíndo loitas en directo e up-to-the-minute noticias e análises para artes marciais mixtas, kickboxing, wrestling profesional, artes marciais tradicionais, boxeo, Noticias Loita, así como serie dramática temático-loita, documentais e longametraxes.


Abaixo atopar destaques da programación desta semana:

Rede loita, un 24/7 canle de televisión dedicado a completar a cobertura de deportes de combate. Vai ao aire programas con foco en todo o ámbito do xénero deportes de combate, incluíndo loitas en directo e up-to-the-minute noticias e análises para artes marciais mixtas, kickboxing, wrestling profesional, artes marciais tradicionais, boxeo, Noticias Loita, así como serie dramática temático-loita, documentais e longametraxes.


Abaixo atopar destaques da programación desta semana:

Luns, Xan. 12

7:00 p.m. E 5 Rounds – A anfitriona John Ramdeen e Robin Negro convida invitados especiais para romper o fin de semana de acción MMA.

7:30 p.m. ENoticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

8:00 p.m. EEnfusion Vivo: Groningen – Kickboxing profesional caracteriza Rachida Bouhout vs. Laetitia Bakissy ao título 64 kg feminino Enfusuion de novembro. 30, 2013 en Groningen, Neatherlands.

Martes, Xan. 13

12:30 p.m. EXPTV – Cuberta de U.S rexionais. profesionais e afeccionados eventos de MMA.

7:00 p.m. EXtreme Fighting Championship – Con sede na Florida MMA profesional con mellores perspectivas americanas, estrelas internacionais e veteranos do UFC.

9:00 p.m. ESerie Loita Journey 10 – Con Chris McMillan, Ben Orgullo, Matt Speciale e Manny Andrew en acción torneo de Calgary.

Mércores, Xan. 14

2:00 a.m. EEspírito de loita MMA Temporada 4 – Compilación de loitas internacionais de SFL, Lenda, FFC, M-1 e máis.

3:00 a.m. ETexas Fight Night – Acción MMA de Texas con mellores perspectivas da Estrela Solitaria na gaiola.

4:00 a.m. ERocktagon MMA – MMA profesional e afeccionado do Estado Buckeye de Ohio coa seguinte xeración de estrelas.

Xoves, Xan. 15

1:30 a.m. EDesafío Final MMA 28: Bostwick vs. Facey – Presentando Bostwick vs sajke. Jermaine Facey desde maio 26, 2013 desde Londres.

6:00 a.m. EMellor Cage RagePresentando loitas clásicas da organización Cage Rage sede no Reino Unido, con Anderson Silva, Vitor Belfort, Paul Daley e outros.

6:00 p.m. EChampionship Alliance pelexar – MMA Profesional de Florida cos gustos de Josh Sampi, Mike Jyle, John Howard, Sean McCorkle, Luís Palomino e outros.

7:00 p.m. EEnfusion Temporada 3 – Loitadores de 18 diferentes países competir no 85 categoría kg MAX en Ohrid, Macedonia como viven e adestran xuntos na súa procura por un título kickboxing.

8:00 p.m. ELoita News Now: MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

9:00 p.m. EProfunda: 69 Impacto – Presentando Yoshiyuki Nakanishi vs. Ryuta Sakurai e Mizuto Hirota vs. Masakazu desde outubro. 26, 2014 en Tokio.

Venres, Xan. 16

12:00 a.m. EÉ Showtime Especial – Principal organización kickboxing do mundo con Badr Hari, Melvin Manhoef e Giorgio Petrosyan.

2:00 a.m. EPancrase Classics – Batallas pioneiras clásicos MMA caracterizan Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael Sonnen e outros.

4:00 a.m. EMellor DEEP – Dispoñendo de loita de clases a partir da promoción profunda xaponés Shinya Aoki incluíndo histórico, Hayato Sakurai e Gegard Mousasi.

5:00 a.m. EMellor de Jewel – Loitas clásicas do todo-femia liga MMA xaponés, Xoias.

6:00 p.m. EM-1 Desafío – MMA Profesional de Europa con top crecentes perspectivas e estrelas internacionais.

8:30 p.m. E – Hip Amosar: Área Combate – MMA Tag-equipo dentro dunha área de 12m-by-12m con tres niveis.

9:00 p.m. ENSS 14: Pudzianowski vs. McCorkle 2 – Mariusz Pudzianowski vs caracterizando. San McCorkle, máis Bedorf vs Karol. Pawel Nastila de setembro. 28, 2013 en Lodz, Polonia.

Sábado, Xan. 17

6:00 a.m. EMellor de TKO – Presentando batalla épica de Hatsu Hioki contra Mark Hominick de TKO 25, ademais de Martin Desilets en acción.

7:00 a.m. EMellor de Gladiator Reto – Con Jake Shields vs. Robert Ferguson de Gladiator Desafío 7.

10:00 a.m. EMellor de SportFight – MMA de calidade superior dende o noroeste do Pacífico, Hosted polo UFC veteranos Matt Lindland e Chael Sonnen.

6:30 p.m. EMMA Meltdown con Gabriel Morency – Gabriel Morency rompe-down todos os acontecementos no MMA, discutir odds, predicións, ademais de invitados especiais semanais e entrevistas exclusivas.

8:00 p.m. E Loita News Now: MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

8:30 p.m. ENoticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

9:00 p.m. EFinal Fight Championship 10 Kickboxing: Kreshnik vs. Belosevic – Presentando Rustem Kreshnik vs.. Dino Belosevic en acción kickboxing de decembro. 13, 2014 en Skopje, Macedonia.

Domingo, Xan. 18

10:00 a.m. EMellor ADCC – Presentando compilacións dos maiores xogos de grappling xa realizada, con Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza and Royler Gracie.

11:00 a.m. EElite Muay Thai: Tailandia vs. Reto – A maior serie de Muay Thai no mundo, con loitadores de stand-up internacionais premio, tendo na famosa Selección Thai.

4:00 p.m. E – NSS 29: Khalidov vs. Tanoeiro – Presentando vs Mamed Khalidov. Brett Cooper e Mariusz Pudzianowski vs. Paul Nastula de decembro. 6, 2014 en Cracovia, Polonia.

7:00 p.m. EEUA Wrestling Weekly – Anfitrión Scott Casber dá noticias semanal e análise de centralización en torno EUA Wrestling, órgano nacional do deporte, incluíndo entrevistas, características e ollar para o pasado.




Chilro & Instagramfightnet


REDE SOBRE LOITA: Loita de rede é rede de deportes de combate do premier do mundo dedicada á 24/7 cuberta, incluíndo loitas, loitadores, Noticias Loita e loita lifestyle. A canle está dispoñible na U.S.. en Cablevision en partes de Nova York, Connecticut e Nova Jersey, Gran comunicacións baseadas en Texas, Armstrong Cable en Pensilvania e Ohio oriental, así como sobre Shentel cabo en Virginia, West Virginia e porcións de Maryland occidental. Loita Rede tamén está Roku set top boxes en EEUU. e en Canadá e está dispoñible en todas as principais operadoras en Canadá e máis de 30 países de Europa, África e Oriente Medio. Loita Rede recentemente lanzado na web de streaming en directo

Loita calendario de programación semanal de boxeo Rede (Xan. 12-18)

Rede loita, un 24/7 canle de televisión dedicado a completar a cobertura de deportes de combate. Vai ao aire programas con foco en todo o ámbito do xénero deportes de combate, incluíndo loitas en directo e up-to-the-minute noticias e análises para o boxeo, artes marciais mixtas, kickboxing, wrestling profesional, artes marciais tradicionais, Noticias Loita, así como serie dramática temático-loita, documentais e longametraxes.


Abaixo atopar destaques da programación desta semana:


Luns, Xan. 12

11:00 p.m. EInterbox Classics: Brown vs. St – Presentando Dale Brown vs. Sajad Abdul polo título cruiserweight NABF desde maio 28, 1998 en Montreal.

Martes, Xan. 13

6:00 p.m. EKOTV Boxeo Classics – Revivir memorables loitas de boxeo a partir das últimas dúas décadas.

8:30 p.m. ENoticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

11:00 p.m. EUBF All-America Championship: De Alba vs. Batres – Con Frank Santos De Alba vs. Pablo Batres para o título super pluma vago UBF All-America desde xuño 28, 2014 en Reading, PA.

Xoves, Xan. 15

4:00 p.m. EKOTV Boxeo Weekly – Abrangue todas as últimas novidades en boxeo profesional, con rec completoent loitas e esto da ciencia doce.

8:30 p.m. ENoticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

Venres, Xan. 16

8:00 p.m. EPara 2 Toe con Daniel Jacobs – Sente-down entrevista co campión mundial dos medios Daniel “O Neno de Ouro” Jacobs.

Sábado, En. 17

8:30 p.m. E Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

Domingo, Xan. 18

7:30 p.m. EKOTV Boxeo Weekly – Abrangue todas as últimas noticias no boxeo profesional, con loitas recentes completos e esto da ciencia doce.

8:00 p.m. EClásico final de Boxeo: Robinson vs. Jones – Presentando “Azucre” Ray Robinson vs. Ralph Tiger Jones de Xaneiro. 19, 1995 en Chicago.

9:00 p.m. EPena Eurocopa Super: Boschiero vs. Kasmi– Presentando Devis Boschiero vs. Samir Kasmi ao título super pluma Europeo de Mar. 23, 2013 en Veneto, Italia.

11:00 p.m. EBandeira: Mellor da Década – Acelino Freitas vs. Juan Carlos Ramirez para os títulos pluma WBA e WBO do Mar. 15, 2003 en Chicago.

Luns, Xan. 12

1:00 a.m. EMellor de academia de boxeo: Herman Ngoudjo Días Iniciais Parte 4 – Acción de boxeo clásico do Groupe Yvon Michel en Quebec, cos gustos de Jean Pascal, Lucian Bute, Otis Grant e Herman Ngoudjo.




Chilro & Instagramfightnet

REDE SOBRE LOITA: Loita de rede é rede de deportes de combate do premier do mundo dedicada á 24/7 cuberta, incluíndo loitas, loitadores, Noticias Loita e loita lifestyle. A canle está dispoñible na U.S.. en Cablevision en partes de Nova York, Connecticut e Nova Jersey, Gran comunicacións baseadas en Texas, Armstrong Cable en Pensilvania e Ohio oriental, así como sobre Shentel cabo en Virginia, West Virginia e porcións de Maryland occidental. Loita Rede tamén está Roku set top boxes en EEUU. e en Canadá e está dispoñible en todas as principais operadoras en Canadá e máis de 30 países de Europa, África e Oriente Medio. Loita Rede recentemente lanzado na web de streaming en directo

Bermane 'B. Produto’ Stiverne Proud to be 1st Haitian & Quebecer Heavyweight Champion of the World


LAS VEGAS (Xaneiro 12, 2015) – Aínda que el viviu en Las Vegas durante a última década, Bermane “B. Produto” Stiverne (24-1, 21 Kos) está moi orgullosa de ser o primeiro campión mundial dos pesos pesados ​​do seu nativo Haití, así como o primeiro da provincia de Quebec para manter ese título cobizado.

Hoxe, Stiverne é un modelo na súa nativa Haití, así como na súa segunda casa, Quebec, onde adestrou durante moitos anos como afeccionado e profesional, ademais de combater en Montreal dúas veces como profesional.

Stiverne fai a primeira defensa do seu Consello Mundial de Boxeo (WBC) título dos pesos pesados, que capturou en maio pasado cunha impresionante venres rolda KO técnico de perigoso Chris Arreola (35-4), este sábado noite (Xan. 17) contra o invicto, desafiante obrigatorio Deontay “A Bomber Bronce” Wilder (32-0, 32 Kos), ao aire en directo na canle Showtime Championship Boxing (10 p.m. E/7 p.m. PT) do MGM Grand, en Las Vegas. Stiverne-Wilder tamén está transmitindo en vivo en Canadá en TVA Sports.

Nacido en Haití como o neno máis novo e 11th de 13 nenos, “B. Produto” trasladouse coa súa familia en idade de 10 a Miami, onde, irónicamente, el foi intimidado na escola. El reassentados en Montreal, Quebec, moitas veces indo e volvendo entre alí e Miami, antes de se cambiar a Las Vegas en 2004.


I’ve lived here in the United States since 1988,” Stiverne DiRita. “Meus pais mudáronse a Miami e despois de volta e cara atrás entre Miami e Montreal. Despois da escola, cando eu era máis vello, Mudei-me para Las Vegas para continuar a miña carreira no boxeo.


“I representar o país no que nacín en, Haití, e, a continuación, Quebec, pero eu tamén amo os Estados Unidos. Pero, primeiro, Eu son de Haití e quero dar esperanza aos haitianos que non teñen moito. Quero animar a xente alí por deixalos saber que non importa onde naceu, que os soños poden facerse realidade como ten para min. Non hai unha morea de oportunidades alí e espero haitianos perseguir os seus soños como eu fixen.”


(L) WBC campión dos pesos pesados ​​Bermane Stiverne eo seu empresario Camille Estephan

“Sei o quão orgulloso Bermane é ser o primeiro cara haitiano e primeiro de Quebec para ser campión mundial dos pesos pesados,” O empresario de Stiverne Camille Estephan engadido. “Isto realmente significa o mundo para el. Quebec é un viveiro para o boxeo e división peso pesado é o buque insignia do boxeo. Probamos que e silenciou aqueles que din que o boxeo está morrendo. O número marca de media credenciais solicitar a esta loita a nivel internacional é unha tolemia.”

“B. Produto” de Stiverne!

For further information visit, ou siga en Twitter eeotmvdBStiverne.

Contrapesos romperei ONFEBRUARY 7 En Lewiston

Lewiston, Maine (Xaneiro 12, 2015) Fights -Nova Inglaterra (NEF), Número un promoción loita rexional de América, presenta os seus XVI artes marciais mixtas (MMA) evento, "NEF XVI,"Sobre Febreiro 7, 2015 en Lewiston, Maine. The event is scheduled to originate from the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. hoxe cedo, NEF announced the addition of an amateur flyweight bout to the fight card. Dustin Veinott (2-3) está programa para facer fronte “Centro da cidade” Dave Brown (1-1) cun peso de loita de 125 quilos.


Veinott loita fóra de Auburn, Maine. He is currently a striking coach at Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) – Team New England United (NEW) afiliar. Veinott had a slow start to his amateur MMA career, losing his first three in a row. Many would have called it quits at that point, but not Veinott. Exhibiting incredible heart and determination, Dustin devolto no “NEF XIII” en maio pasado e bateu Dan Thayer (0-2) out cold a mere 25-seconds into the first round. Veinott followed up that performance by putting Justin Witham (0-2) para durmir na primeira rolda cun mata-león no “NEF XV” this past fall. He assures fight fans that they will see an exciting scrap between himself and Dave Brown on Febreiro 7.


“Sei que iso vai ser unha loita dura,” dixo Veinott cando contactado para comentar. “I am expecting a war. I will give my best, como sempre fago. Be prepared to see a very entertaining fight.


Un nativo de North Andover, Massachusetts, Dave Brown gañou o seu pedigree de wrestling en Plymouth State University, en Plymouth, New Hampshire during the late 1990s and early 2000s. He currently trains out of White Mountain BJJ in the Granite State town of Ashland. Having fought, e perdeu, unha loita de MMA anteriormente nun pequeno evento hai varios anos en Massachusetts, Brown had no idea what to expect when he entered the Androscoggin Bank Colisee this past November for his NEF MMA debut. He scored a first-round technical knockout (QUEN) vitoria sobre Doug Bailey (0-1) that evening before a raucous crowd of more than 1500. Brown is ready for another taste of the big show coming up at “NEF XVI.”


“A miña última visita a NEF foi a miña primeira vez baixo as luces brillantes e diante dunha gran multitude loita,” dixo Brown. “Eu non sabía o que esperar. Agora, Estou totalmente preparado. I know that NEF’s fans demand a show. I’m training with intensity and ready to put on a top-rate performance for a massive Maine audience.


Seguinte evento de MMA do NEF, “NEF XVI,” ocorre en Febreiro 7, 2015with an all-star lineup of fights scheduled. Raio “Todo o negocio” Madeira (5-0) volve esta noite para defender o título NEF MMA Pena contra bellator e veterano do WEC Anthony “Cheesesteak” Morrison (16-9). NFL e UFC The Ultimate Fighterveterano Tyler Rei (7-2) pon o Título NEF MMA Heavyweight en xogo contra Terry “O Oso Polar” Blackburn (5-2). In the feature bout of the evening, UFC, Bellator e Strikeforce veterano Nah-Shon Burrell (10-5) fai o seu debut no MMA contra NEF Ryan Hodge (6-9). Tickets start at just $25 e xa están á venda no ou chamando ao taquilla en Colisee 207.783.2009 X 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at Alén, you can watch NEF videos at, seguilos no Twitternefights e xuntarse ao grupo en Facebook oficial "New England Loitas".


Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra


Loitas de Nova Inglaterra ("NEF") é unha loita promoción de eventos empresa. A misión da NEF é crear os eventos de alta calidade para loitadores e fans do Maine tanto. O equipo executiva da NEF ten unha ampla experiencia na xestión de deportes de combate, produción de eventos, relacións con a mídia, marketing, legal e publicidade.

GH3 Promotions CEO Vito Mielnicki comments on Jerry Odom’s controversial disqualification

Nutley, NJ(Xaneiro 12, 2015)–Ese pasado Venres night at the Madison Square Garden Theater, previously undefeated Super Middleweight Jerry Odom suffered his first professional defeat when he was controversially disqualified when he was ruled to have hit Andrew Hernández while he was down following a knockdown.

Jerry dropped the kid and the referee was way out of position. The referee was in the opposite corner,””said GH3 Promotions CEO Vito Mielnicki.

We signed Hernandez before the fight so I am looking to do an immediate rematch as soon as mid February. As everyone saw, Jerry was well on his way to stopping him. Hernandez is a good prospect but Jerry got the best of him. I think Andrew knew that Jerry was breaking him down.

The referee was way out of position to make a call like that They could have given him five minutes to recover. Stuff like this is a black eye for the sport. All that being said, Andrew knows that if he wants to become something, he has to take the rematch. I am going to talk to the commission o luns and see what my options are in terms of an appeal but making the rematch is the first order of business for us.

We know that Jerry is still the top Super Middleweight prospect out there and we will not let this terrible ruling effect our plans for Jerry going forward.


GH3 Promotions presenta invicto dos medios Antoine Douglas, Do Super Middleweight Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, invicto Pena Glenn Dezurn Jr, invicto Super Bantamweight Adam López, así como Jr. Middleweight John Thompson, JR. Leve Wanzell Ellison, Pena Jorge Díaz, invicto Super Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad e light Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell ao GH3 Promotions estable.

Record Knockout Holder Crossed Replaces Injured Veazey January 23

Baltimore, MD (Xaneiro 11, 2015) – World record knockout holder Sam “Vanilla Gorilla” Crossed is replacing Joey Veazey in the main event of “Slugfest”Xaneiro 23 na Oitava Avenida de Michael en Glen Burnie, MD.


Veazey was forced to withdraw due to an injury suffered in training.


An exciting heavyweight and former college football player, Crossed set a record by knocking out Adrien Bean in an astonishing four seconds in August 2013. Crossed, a former college football player who continues to improve inside the squared circle, meetsGlen Burnie native Jeff Knight for the East Coast Super Heavyweight Championship.


“Slugfest” is promoted by Baltimore Boxing Promotions and tickets starting at $25 are available at or by calling 410-375-9175. VIP seats for $50 e mesas VIP de 10 para $500 are also available. All VIP ticketholders get free hors d’oeuvres from 7-8 pm. As portas abren ás 6:30 and the first bell will sound at 8:15.


Baltimore native Allan Burris of Baltimore faces Lamont White in the co-feature. The two fought in December, with Burris taking home the victory. Like Crossed, Burris trains out of the Baltimore Boxing Gym.


Young phenom Tommy Koe Jr. will appear on the card in a special attraction bout. Koe Jr. is slated to appear in this year’s nationals. Fans will also be treated to a special showdown between Courtney Hartlove and Melissa “Million Dollar Baby” Wilson. Hartlove and Wilson, who both work in the Federal Hill section ofBaltimore, will do battle for local bragging rights.


“While I’m disappointed that Joey Veazey is no longer on the card, I’m very pleased with our new main event,"Dixo Jake Smith, CEO of Baltimore Boxing Promotions and President of the South Atlantic Boxing Amateur Boxing Program. “Fans love heavyweights and Sam Crossed has been creating a buzz around the area since his record-setting knockout. Ticketholders also get to see a future champion in Tommy Koe Jr., a guaranteed slugfest between two popular young ladies, the Burris-White rematch and other locals. Ticket sales have been great and we’re expecting a sellout on the 23rd."


To help with their continued community efforts throughout the Charm City, Baltimore Boxing is hosting a 50/50 raffle. 100 percent of the proceeds will go towards Baltimore Boxing’s amateur program, which has helped keep kids off the street and in the gym for more than 20 anos.


Para obter máis información, ir



CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (Xaneiro 11, 2015)Chicago’s undefeated Jr. Welterweight perspectiva, Kenneth Sims Jr. (5-0, 2 Kos) extended on his winning streak this past Sábado at the Madison Square Garden Theater with a dominating unanimous decision against tough opponent, Christian Steele (4-12, 1 KO).


Sims Jr., who was fighting in is second 6-round bout in only his fifth pro fight, showed why he was a top amateur standout, showcasing advanced boxing skills winning every round convincingly. With each fight Sims Jr. feels he’s improving and wants to have a big 2015.


I’m enjoying my journey as a professional,” said Kenneth Sims Jr. “I feel I’m getting better every time I step in the ring. There is always room for improvement and I’m going to continue working hard in the gym. Gary Shaw has said there will be many opportunities for me to take my career to the next level in 2015 and I want take full advantage of everything that comes my way. I’m hoping to make a quick return back to the ring.


“Sims Jr. is progressing nicely as a professional prize fighter,” Gary Shaw dito. “I think he’ll graduate to 8-round bouts after one more fight. He seems to be making the 140 lbs weight limit with ease so we’ll keep him at Jr. Welterweight. He’s got the height and reach attributes to give anyone in the division problems. I see him having a big 2015.


Nova York (Xaneiro 11, 2015) – Ese pasado Venres no Madison Square Garden Theater, Bahamian middleweight contender, Tureano Johnson (18-1, 13 Kos) captured the WBA International e WBC Silver títulos, with a bruising victory against Colombian contender Alex Theran (17-2, 2 Kos). Johnson thumped the former Olympian Theran over five rounds, dropping him once in the 4th round, then again in the 5th. Theran, who suffered an injury and could not return for the 6th round, was taking a beating before bowing out of the bout.


Rated WBC #8, WBA #12 e IBF #12, Tureano Johnson is looking to step up and challenge any of the champions in middleweight division. After beating a solid fighter like Theran, and being robbed in the Curtis Stevens fight, Johnson is confident he can beat any of the current champions at 160 lbs.


“Estou preparado para loitar Gennady Golovkin, Miguel Cotta, Jermain Taylor or any other champion out there,” Dixo Tureano Johnson. These are the type of fights I would like to pursue. David Lemieux is also on my hit list. I’m here to take over the division. Everyone knows I should be undefeated so I’m going to leave no doubt about it every time I step in the ring. I can’t afford to be robbed again. With Gary Shaw putting me in a great position, I’m going to make the most of every opportunity. My goal in 2015 is to become a world champion.


Tureano Johnson is marching up the rankings and should be applauded for his fighting style.” dito Gary Shaw. “He’s the type of fighter everyone wants to see. I’m going to push hard to get him back on TV, hopefully against a guy like Gennady Golovkin. Johnson is a force in the middleweight division and you will see him in some big fights coming up.

Melson Mourns the Loss of Bernie Lenahan

Nova York, Nova York (Xaneiro 11, 2015) – Bernie Lenahan was a rare breed by today’s boxing standards. Not only was he dedicated to the sport, spending countless hours at New York’s Mendez Boxing Gym, Lenahan was an honest family man that built special friendships with his fighters.


Having worked with various fighters in the Big Apple, Lenahan learned his craft by spending time around New York’s greats. He guided multiple fighters to New York Golden Gloves titles and played a key role during his four years as Boyd Melson’s assistant trainer and cutman. In multiple fights, Lenahan prevented tides from potentially turning by effectively closing Melson’s cuts between rounds. He was also in the gym guiding Melson as he prepared for battle.


Shockingly, Lenahan passed away last week, leaving behind a wife, filla, granddaughter, two sisters and a brother.


“I spent more time with Coach Bernie these past four years than any other man on this planet,", Dixo Melson. He made me his. My heart broke when I heard the news, and a part of it will be broken until my time is up in my own body. It wasn’t just because of how he loved me and how much I loved him that this hurts me so much, but it is because when Coach passed, hundreds and hundreds of people lost something very special.”


“Coach Bernie offered an unconditional kindness, acceptance and welcoming that you only find in children. When you see a child, you know that you won’t be judged, and you will be offered love for no other reason beyond that child just wanting to love you. At some time in almost all humanslives, we tend to lose this. We stop loving everyone, and we start judging everyone. With Coach though, we felt safe as seeing him put instant smiles on our faces because we always felt loved and welcomed. He made you feel that he truly wanted you there and really cared about you. I wish everyone alive on this planet could have met Coach Bernie to experience that feeling. At the end of every practice for the past three years, I hugged Coach Bernie, kissed him on the side of his forehead, thanked him for training me that day, and said I love you to him. He would smile and quietly saylove you too.Forever and a day, I thank you Coach for this.”


Donations to the Lenahan family can be made by going to




SANTA YNEZ, CALIFORNIA (Xaneiro 9, 2015) Tonight at the Chumash Casino in Santa Ynez, California, Gary Shaw Productions presented his final show as a promotional company on ESPN “Venres Night Fights”. In the 12-round main event, Darleys Perez (32-1, 20 Kos) won an impressive unanimous decision as he defended his WBA Interim Lightweight Championship against Jonathan Maicelo (21-2, 12 Kos). Perez vs. Maicelo was a promoted in association with Thompson Boxing Promotions.


In the early rounds, Jonathan Maicelo was using lateral movement to set up his punches, but Darleys Perez was timing him every time he jumped in. Maicelo to his demise was going straight back after every combination and Perez was making him pay. As the fight entered the later rounds, Perez had control of the fight and was up on the scorecards. Perez was timing his punches well and landed some very clean shots that had Maicelo off balance. Perez caught Maicelo jumping in and sent him to the canvas in round eleven. In round twelve, Perez closed the show as he landed a plethora of hard shots to close out the round. Maicelo, gave a gallant effort in defeat. Scorecards read 118-109, 118-108, 120-107 in favor of Perez.


I was prepared for a tough fight,” said Darleys Perez. “Maicelo is an incredible competitor. It took me a few rounds to settle into a rhythm, but once I did, I was able to land whatever I wanted. After a few rounds, I was able to time his movements and connect with a variety of punches. I want to be the best in the lightweight division. That’s what drives me. I put my heart and soul into every fight and I’m going to keep preparing the same way.


I did my best tonight but was up against a better man in Darleys Perez.” Dixo Maicelo. “He did a good job of using his reach to keep me off balance. It was very difficult to land my shots. He’s a great champion and I take my hat off to him. I still want to fight and see if I can work my way back to the top. This is not the end of my career. I know I can get back in there and compete at a high level.



In the 10-round co-main event, Santa Barbara’s welterweight contender, Francisco Santana (22-3-1, 11 Kos) didn’t need much time to finish off his opponent, Kendal Mena (20-0, 11 Kos) da República Dominicana. While the taller Mena was trying to establish his distance and jab, Santana, the local hero, landed a left hook that dropped him in the begging of the round. As soon as Mena got up off the canvas, Santana landed a right hook, left hook combo that put Mena down for good at the 1:43 mark of round one. Coa vitoria, Santana captures the WBA International Welterweight Championship.


My trainer had a great game plan going into this fight,” said Francisco Santana. “Once I saw an opening in his defense I knew I could land my left hook. This was great exposure for me and I’m very please I was able to get the knockout on national television. I want to thank Gary Shaw for this opportunity and I look forward to the future with him moving forward with RocNation. I’m ready to challenge any of the top welterweights in the division.


Tonight everyone showed up and gave it their best and the fans go to witness a great night of boxing.” dito Gary Shaw. “Perez is a very tough fighter and I see him taking over the lightweight division. Santana showed he has what it takes to be something special in the welterweight division and he’ll be in a very big fight in the near future. I’m ready to start the next chapter of my legacy with RocNation and I’m very energized with what the future holds for all my fighters.




6-Round Super-Bantamweight Bout

Roman Morales (19-0, 10 Kos) vs. Ernesto Guerrero (15-14, 10 Kos)

San Andro, California’s undefeated Super-Bantamweight prospect, Roman Morales extending on his winning streak with an impressive 3rd round knockout. After a slow start, Morales landed a left hook to the body in round three dropping Guerrero to the canvas. The referee gave Guerrero the full 10 count and the bout was stopped at the 1:05 mark of the round.


6-Rolda Heavyweight Bout

Jarrell Miller (11-0-1, 9 Kos) vs. Aaron Kinch (5-4-2, 1 KO)

Brooklyn New York’s Jarrell Miller battered Newark, New Jersey’s Aaron Kinch over six rounds en route to a lopsided unanimous decision. Even though Miller landed a plethora of power shots throughout the fight, Kinch survived, making it to the final bell giving the fans a spirited effort. Scorecards read 60-54 dúas veces e 60-53 in favor of Miller.


6-Round Flyweight Female Attraction

Maria Suarez (8-1-1) vs. Jolene Blackshear (9-5, 4 Kos)

Santa Maria, California’s Maggie Suarez won a close majority decision against a very tough Jolene Blackshear. Suarez used her superior boxing skills to squeak out the victory. Jolene had her moments but it wasn’t enough as Suarez landed at a higher percentage in most of the rounds. Scorecards read 57-57, 58-56 for Maggie


4-Rolda Welterweight Bout

Manuel Romero (1-2-2) vs. Carlos González (1-6)

Santa Maria California’s Manuel Romero made quick work of Carlos Gonzales. Round one was all Romero as he came out guns blazing. Na segunda rolda, Romero landed a barrage of punches and the referee halted the bout at the 2:16 mark of the round two.


4-Round Jr. Flyweight Female Attraction

Poula Estrada (2-0) vs. Kayana Rain (0-1)

Palmdale, California’s Poula Estrada did enough to pull off a close victory against a game Kayana Rain, who hails from Los Angeles. . The taller Estrada used a good jab and movement to negate the pressure style of Rain. Although Rain landed some good power shots, Estrada landed the cleaner blows throughout the fight. Scorecards read 38-38, 39-37 for Estrada.