All posts by FNU47

Sib ntaus sib tua ib tug xibhwb rov qab los rau MMA tawb HAUV LEWISTON RAU PLAUB HLI 11

Lewiston, Maine (Lub ob hlis ntuj 13, 2015) - Tshiab England Fights (NEF), America lub xov tooj-ib regional sib ntaus qib, rov qab los rau lub Androscoggin Bank Colisee nyob rau hauv Lewiston, Maine rau Plaub Hlis Ntuj 11, 2015 nrog nws cov thib kaum xya mixed martial--arts (MMA) kev tshwm sim. Nyuam qhuav pib hnub no, the company announced the addition of a professional middleweight bout to the fight card. Ryan “Lub junkyard Aub” Cowette 2-2 yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv John Daniels (0-2) ntawm ib tug sib ntaus luj ntawm 185-phaus.


Cowette yog tus tswv tsev thiab lub taub hau cob qhia ntawm MMA Athletix gym nyob rau hauv da dej, Maine. He is a veteran of the NEF MMA cage, having contested all four of his professional bouts for the promotion. Cowette rides a two-fight win streak into “NEF XVII,” muaj vanquished Dave Claroni (0-2) thiab Jesse Erickson (3-4) in the previous 18-months. Plaub Hlis Ntuj 11 will be Cowette’s return to the cage after more than a year’s absence. During that time, nws tau feeb meej nyob rau hauv kev khiav hauj lwm nws lub tsev kawm ntawv, cob qhia nws tua hluav taws, and building his ministry through Victory Church in Bath. Cowette is currently the only professional fighting pastor in America. He says that he will be looking to finish Daniels on Plaub Hlis Ntuj 11 nyob rau hauv Lewiston.


“Kuv nyiam sib ntaus sib tua,” Hais Cowette. “Kuv nyiam cov lus ntawm ib tug sib ntaus yeej rog, raug thawb, and the lessons learned. I also miss the opportunity of having a good finish. I will be looking to finish this fight. When I started Victory Church I found it hard to balance spiritual training and training for the cage. Ntawm 185 I feel that I can find my spot. Thanks to NEF for calling me back to the cage. ”


John Daniels is not a stranger to the NEF MMA cage. Currently signed to a multi-fight contract with the promotion, Daniels poob rau Jesse Erickson kawg caij nplooj ntoos hlav ntawm “NEF XIII.” He will look to avenge that loss on Plaub Hlis Ntuj 11. A six year veteran of MMA, thiab ib tug qub high school wrestling yeej nyob rau hauv Connecticut, Daniels tam sim no tsheb ciav hlau tawm ntawm pob zeb City MMA nyob rau hauv Rockland, Maine. He predicts a tough battle at “NEF XVII.”


“I am excited to be fighting for New England Fights and their fans,” stated Daniels. “They put on the best events. I am fighting Ryan Cowette. Nws yog ib tug zoo fighter. Kuv muaj ib tug ntau ntawm kev hwm rau nws. This will be my toughest fight to date. I am looking to push the pace and stay in his face the whole fight. This will be a battle.”

NEF tus tom ntej MMA kev tshwm sim, “NEF XVII,” yog teem tau noj qhov chaw nyob rauPlaub Hlis Ntuj 11, 2015 nyob rau ntawm lub Androscoggin Bank Colisee nyob rau hauv Lewiston, Maine. Bruce “Zoo nkauj tub” Boyington (10-7) yuav tiv thaiv lub NEF MMA Sib Title tiv thaiv tooj-ib contender Jamie Harrison (5-1). Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, Jarod “Kawg Feeb” Lawton (4-1) raws li Dennis Olson (12-7) nyob rau hauv ib tug Welterweight contest. Daim pib rau “NEF XVII” pib ntawm cia li $25 thiab yog muag tam sim no los yog los ntawm hu rau Lub Colisee chaw ua hauj lwm ntawm207.783.2009 x 525. Yog xav paub ntxiv nyob rau hauv cov kev tshwm sim thiab kev sib ntaus card tshiab, thov mus saib cov qib lub website ntawm Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, koj yuav saib NEF yeeb yaj duab ntawm, ua raws li lawv nyob rau Twitternefights thiab koom nrog cov nom Facebook pab pawg neeg "New England Fights."


Hais txog Tshiab England Fights


Tshiab England Fights ("NEF") yog ib tug sib ntaus txheej xwm promotions lub tuam txhab. NEF lub hom phiaj yog los tsim lub siab tshaj plaws zoo txheej xwm rau Maine lub tua hluav taws thiab cov kiv cua zoo tib yam nkaus. NEF lub thawj pab neeg no muaj nws kim heev kev nyob rau hauv nqe ntaus rog kev ua si tswj, txheej xwm ntau lawm, xov xwm kev sib raug zoo, marketing, kev cai lij choj thiab advertising.

M-1 sib tw 57 Tej zaum 2 nyob rau hauv Orenburg, Russia


M-1 ntiaj teb no rov qab Tej zaum 2 rau Orenburg, Russia rau M-1 sib tw 57

ST. Petersburg, Russia (Feb. 13, 2015) — M-1 ntiaj teb no tau tshaj tawm hais tias Orenburg, Russia yuav yog tus official site ntawm M-1 sib tw 57, npav peb xyoo sib law liag cov haib mixed martial--arts lub tuam txhab yuav txhawb ib tug loj kev tshwm sim muaj.

Orenburg yog ib lub nroog nyob rau lub Ural dej, tsawg tshaj li 1,000 mais southeast ntawm Moscow, heev nyob ze rau qhov Kazakhstan ciam teb. Muaj hmoo “7s” yog tus qauv rau Orenburg, uas hosted M-1 sib tw 37 thiab M-1 sib tw 47 ua ntej muaj peev xwm coob coob, thiab tam sim no M-1 sib tw 57 rau Tej zaum 2.


Peb reigning M-1 sib tw champions tau tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv Orenburg, sib Maxim Divnich (10-0-0) thiab Heavyweight Marcin “Tybur” Tybura (12-0-0) nyob rau hauv M-1 sib tw 37; Tybura thiab featherweight John “Qhov no yog qhov” Buchinger (28-4-0) nyob rau hauv M-1 sib tw 47.

Boxing lus dab neeg Roy Jones, Jr. yog ib tug qhua tshwj xeeb performer ntawm M-1 sib tw 47 nyob rau hauv Orenburg

Ob title fights yuav tsum tawm xov xwm M-1 sib tw 57, uas yuav sai sai no yuav tshaj tawm los ntawm M-1 ntiaj teb no.

M-1 sib tw 57 yuav streamed nyob rau hauv siab txhais rau www.M1Global.TV. Cas rau cov neeg yuav tsum tau mus saib qhov ua nteg fights thiab cov ntsiab card los txiav rau sau npe rau hauv www.M1Global.TV. Kiv cua yuav saib tag nrho cov ntawm qhov kev txiav txim nyob rau hauv lawv cov computers, raws li zoo raws li nyob rau andriod thiab kua ntse xov tooj thiab cov ntsiav tshuaj.

Sib ntaus Network yuav pa ya M-1 sib tw 57 nyob rau Cablevision lub Zoo TV, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable thiab Armstrong Cable nyob rau hauv lub U.S., raws li zoo raws li nyob rau hauv teb chaws Canada, Roku li thoob plaws North America, thiab thooj plawv nyob rau hauv ntau tshaj li 30 lub teb chaws thoob plaws hauv cov teb chaws Europe, Teb chaws Africa thiab Middle East.


Yavtom ntej M-1 ntiaj teb no Txheej xwm:Feb. 21, 2015, M-1 sib tw 55: Guram Gugenishvili Memorial Qhia nyob rau hauv Tbilisi, Georgia; Apr. 10, 2015, M-1 sib tw 56 nyob rau hauv Moscow, Russia.

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HAIS TXOG M-1 ntiaj teb no: Founded hauv 1997, M-1 ntiaj teb no tau tsim nws tus kheej nyob rau hauv lub realm ntawm Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) raws li cov premiere chaw rau discovering thiab tsim lub ntiaj teb tom ntej no-tiam ntawm superstar neeg tua hluav taws. Nrog chaw ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv St Petersburg, Amsterdam thiab Los Angeles thiab affiliates nyob rau hauv Seoul, Tokyo thiab Paris, lub M-1 hom tau staged ntau tshaj 150 txheej xwm thoob ntiaj teb, nrog rau cov M-1 xaiv, M-1 sib tw thiab M-1 ntiaj teb no thiab M-1 ntiaj teb no HWGP cov txheej xwm, nyob rau hauv Ntxiv nrog rau qhov co-txhawb Strikeforce cov txheej xwm thiab M-1 ntiaj teb no nyob rau hauv lub Showtime network nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States. Captivating nyob, TV thiab broadband audiences nrog nws superior ntau lawm qhov tseem ceeb thiab matchups, M-1 ntiaj teb no cov txheej xwm tau featured ib co ntawm cov kev ua si nawv sab saum toj npe, xws li Fedor Emelianenko, Andrei Arlovski, Aleksander Emelianenko, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvin Manhoef, Roman Zentsov, Yushin Okami, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Chalid tsim tawm thiab Stephan Struve. 2014 cog lus yuav lwm sensational xyoo ntawm world-class kev sib tw nrog ib tug tag nrho daim ntawv qhia hnub ntawm kev sib tw txheej xwm fueled los ntawm ib tug txuj ci-nplua nuj sib cav sib ceg system qeb duas M-1 ntiaj teb no lub Champions nyob rau hauv lub loj tshaj nyob rau hauv kev ua si nawv. M-1 ntiaj teb no lub loj tshaj lub cuab tam yog renowned Heavyweight fighter, Fedor Emelianenko.

HAIS TXOG M-1GLOBAL.TV: Txaus siab rau MMA txiav txim tam sim no nyob rau hauv siab txhais coj tuaj rau koj, muab qhov zoo xwb fights los ntawm M-1 ntiaj teb no thiab lwm yam MMA cov koom haum. yog ib tug zoo platform tsim hais rau coj ua ke cov feem ntau exhaustive sib ntaus video database. Nws kuj muaj ib qho yooj yim thiab intuitive interface, pab txhua leej txhua tus tau pib siv cov platform nyob rau hauv tsis muaj sij hawm thaum tsis txhob tej lwj. Dhau li saib yav dhau los fights rau kev thov thaum twg los tau lub sij hawm yooj yim rau tus neeg muas zaub, viewers yuav txaus siab qhov kev txiav txim nyob, tag nrho muaj rau cov neeg siv los ntawm ib tug tsawg-luv nqi hlis mus rau lub hli digital subscription.

Koj lub ntiaj teb kev txiav txim ntawm. Txhua lub sij hawm!

Tes taw hnyav li ntawm Mohegan Sun (Boxcino Jr. Middleweight quarterfinals)

John Thompson replaces Cleotis Pendarvis in Boxcino Tournament

Boxcino quarterfinals

Ricardo Pinell 154 – John Thompson 154 1/4

Stanyslav Skorokhod 153 3/4 – Michael Moore 154 3/4

Brandon Adams 155 – Alex Perez 152 1/2

Vito Gasparyan 155 – Xime-oos Hardy 154 1/4

Thompson xyoo Cleotis Pendarvis uas yuav tsis ua kom yuag

Eddie Caminero 157 1/4 – Jimmy Williams 156 1/4
Khiary Gray-Pitts 164 1/4 – Rodrigo Almeida 172 1/2
Angel Martinez 132 1/4 – Oscar Bonilla 133

Cov duab los ntawm Shane Sims / Banner Promotions
Pab txhawb: Banner Promotions in association with Jimmy Burchfield’s CES Boxing
Chaw: Mohegan Sun:
TV: ESPN 2 (9PM)
1st Tswb: 7:45 PM
Yav tom ntej contenders kauj ruam mus rau hauv lub teb chaws kev tsom teeb thaum lub nrov ib leeg-tshem tawm boxing kev sib tw, Boxcino 2015, ua rau nws lub caij debut, No hnub Friday! Lub ob hlis ntuj 13, nyob rau ntawm lub Mohegan hnub nyob rau hauv Uncasville, Conn. Uas tawm hauv TV nyob rau ESPN lub Friday Hmo ntuj Fights, (9 p.m. THIAB / 6 p.m. PT on ESPN2), cov plaub quarterfinal junior Middleweight faib bouts yuav tsim plaub winners uas yuav ces noj ib giant leap rau ua nws mus rau lub championship kawg puag ncig thiab nws cov qhov kawg nqi zog, lub tsis muaj NABA thiab NABO npe THIAB ib tug Top-10 lub ntiaj teb no rating los ntawm lub ntiaj teb Boxing Association (WBA) thiab lub ntiaj teb Boxing Organization (WBO). Nce los ntawm Banner Promotions thiab Jimmy Burchfield lub Classic Lom ze & Cov kev ua si (CES), seem daim pib mus rau lub ob hlis ntuj 13 tsab ntawm Boxcino 2015, luv nqi ntawm $125, $65, $40 thiab $30, xws li chaw nqi, yuav tsum tau muas ntawm www.ticketmaster,nrog, los ntawm tus xov tooj ntawm 1-800-745-3000, tag nrho Ticketmaster outlets los yog nyob rau hauv tus neeg nyob rau ntawm lub Mohegan Sun Box Office.

Lub Official Weigh-Nyob rau hauv yuav muab qhov chaw rau Thursday, Lub ob hlis ntuj 12, nyob rau hauv lub Mohegan tshav cabaret Theatre, pib thaum 5 p.m. Nyob sib ntaus Hmo ntuj, Qhov rooj yuav qhib thaum 7 p.m. nrog tus thawj sib ntau sib tw pib thaum 8 p.m. THIAB.

Cov plaub quarterfinal Heavyweight faib bouts yuav tawm hauv TV nyob rau ESPN lubFriday Hmo ntuj Fights Tom ntej no Friday! Lub ob hlis ntuj 20, los ntawm Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov nyob rau hauv Verona, NY.

Boxcino 2015 tau ib tug zoo platform rau cov tiam tom ntej ntawm boxing champions thiab cov hnub qub. Lub quarterfinal bouts yuav rau rounds, lub semifinal bouts yuav yim rounds thiab cov championship bouts yuav 10 rounds. No luv luv daim ntawm ESPN lub “Ua Tus ncig” yuav kom meej lim tiam no tus battles. = 12302492

Xyoo tas los lub Boxcino khiav nyob rau hauv lub Middleweight faib, Willie Monroe Jr., tau ua ib tug Bona fide contender tsaug nws victories nyob rau hauv Boxcino 2014. Nws yog tam sim no lub ntiaj teb no-nyob Tsis. 3 by lub WBA, Ua Tsis. 7 los ntawm lub WBO thiab tsis. 10 los ntawm lub ntiaj teb Boxing Council (Qhov). Boxcino 2014 sib champion Petr Petrov yog tam sim no lub ntiaj teb no-nyob Tsis. 2 by lub WBA thiab tsis. 7 los ntawm lub WBO

Zoo siab ua Artie Pelullo, los yog ib yam ntawm cov neeg tua hluav taws muaj nyob rau koj los ntawm lub xov tooj. Lub pairings rau txhua faib, fighter BIOS (tsis txhob txhawj lawv nyuag) thiab tag nrho cov koom’ Sib ntaus Fax cov ntaub ntawv no muaj nyob rau thaum thov.


Mohegan Sun Arena yog tam sim no ranked li qhia siv kuj cov saum toj venues nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no raws li Billboard Magazine, Pollstar thiab venues Niaj hnub no. Nws tau yeej “Twv txiaj yuam pov ntawm lub xyoo” nyob rau ntawm lub teb chaws Music txeeb nyob rau hauv 2008 & 2010 thiab nyob rau hauv 2013, twb tau pom zoo “Arena Ntawm Lub Xyoo” nyob rau ntawm lub G2E ntiaj teb no Gaming sablaj nyob rau hauv Las Vegas. Tsis tas li ntawd nyob rau hauv 2013, Mohegan Sun yeej “Twv txiaj yuam pov ntawm lub xyoo” nyob rau hauv 2 pawg nyob rau ntawm lub Academy ntawm teb chaws Music txeeb. Yog xav paub ntxiv nyob rau hauv concerts thiab lwm yam zoo kawg cov txheej xwm mus saib Mohegan Sun. Rau cov lus qhia txog lub lim tiam no tus sij hawm, hu rau Lom ze thiab Tshwj xeeb Txheej xwm tus xov tooj ntawm 1.888.226.7711, ext. 27163.


Houston, Texas (Lub ob hlis ntuj 12, 2015)Gary Shaw Productions thiab Savarese Promotions yog tsos ncha moo lawv union los txhawb ib qho ntawm feem txawj ntse thiab tuaj zeem muag nyob rau hauv lub teeb Heavyweight faib, Medzhid Bektemir (14-0, 11 Kos). A devastating puncher with power in both hands, Bektemirov kuj muaj ceev thiab quickness, ua nws ib yam ntawm cov feem ntau tham txog neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv Russia.


Yug nyob rau hauv Makhachkala, Russia, Bektemirov, tam sim no nyob nyob rau hauv lub teb chaws USA, qhov chaw uas nws tsheb ciav hlau nrog Ronnie Shields nyob rau ntawm lub “PLEX” nyob rau hauv Stafford, Texas. A hard worker who practically lives in the gym, Medzhid noj, pw thiab nqus pa boxing.


“Kuv qhia koj txoj cai tam sim no, Medzhid Bektemirov yog ib qho ntawm feem feemxyuam fighters Kuv twb pom nyob rau hauv ib tug thaum lub sij hawm,” hais tias Gary Shaw. “He has the rare combination of speed and power. I’m talking destructive power coming from both hands. His hooks are deadly and his fast feet are amazing. I’m going to go out on a limb and say Bektemirov could be the next great fighter to come out of Russia. I have the greatest amount of respect for Gennady Golovkin thiab Sergey Kovalev, both are great champions. Golovkin is a very special fighter and if Bektemirov can reach his level, then we’ll have something special as well. I believe Bektemirov will be looking to face Kovalev in the not so distant future.


Nyob rau hauv tsuas yog nws 12th sib ntau sib tw, Bektemirov tej tus Qhov United States (USNBC) teeb Heavyweight title nrog ib tug dominating kev kawm tiv thaiv Randy Griffin (25-4-3, 13 Kos), winning a lopsided twelve-round unanimous decision. Having gone twelve rounds in a professional bout already, Medzhid Bektemir, tau pov thawj nws yuav mus rau hauv lub deb yog tias xav tau kev yuav.


“Nyob rau hauv 2015 Medzhid Bektemirov yuav ua kom nws muaj lub npe hu rau txhua leej txhua tus nyob rau hauv lub teeb-Heavyweight faib.”Lou Savarese hais. “This kid reminds me of Mike Tyson with his heavy hands and tremendous speed. I’ve been in the ring with Tyson and I’m confident when I say Bektemirov reminds me a lot like Mike. Gary and I are going to put tremendous amount promoting Medzhid. He will become a household name very soon and we are gunning for that world title.


“Kuv xav tias tau koob hmoov yuav tsum tau nce los ntawm Gary Shaw thiab Lou Savarese uas tau nyob rau hauv boxing ntau xyoo,” Medzhid Bektemir hais tias. “I’ve come a long way from Russia to pursue my dream of becoming a champion. I love to fight and I get great enjoyment when I knockout my opponent. In every bout, I’m always going to be looking to end the fight early. The fans want to see knockouts and that is my specialty.

“Bellator: MANHOEF VS. SHLEMENKO” RAUG RAWS NTAUB NTAWV Weigh-IN tshwm sim tau TAG NRHO neeg tua hluav taws UA luj UA NTEJ MUS RAU Friday hmo sib ntaus RAU ntev TV

“Kuv kiag li tab tom nrhiav rau lub knockout. Txhua yam ntawm yeej yog ib tug muaj kev vam meej, tab sis kuv yeej xav kom cov knockout.” – Alexander Shlemenko
“Nws tau tshaj ntawm kuv thiab kuv lub hom phiaj, thiab lub hom phiaj yog los ua Bellator champion.” – Melvin Manhoef

FRESNO, California. – Feb. 12, 2015 – Neeg tua hluav taws coj mus rau lub dos thiab ntse ntaus lawv tsom tes taw hnyav li Thursday tav su nyob rau Txuag Mart Center, lub tsev kawm ntawv rau tag kis tus mas muab “Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko” kev tshwm sim, uas airs LIVE thiab DAWB rau cov ntsia hlau loj TV ntawm 9 p.m. THIAB.


“Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko” yog headlined los ntawm ib tug epic Middleweight matchup ntawm ob ntawm lub feem ntau txaus ntshai strikers nyob rau hauv tag nrho cov ntawm mixed martial arts nrog qub Bellator MMA champ Alexander “Cua daj cua dub” Shlemenko (50-9) txojkev khub knockout artist Melvin “Tsis muaj hlub” Manhoef (29-12-1). Cov kev tshwm sim kuj nta ib tug paub-to-yuav-thrilling featherweight co-ntsiab kev tshwm sim nruab nrab ntawm yav tas los yeejPat Curran (20-6) thiab kev sib tw khiav Daniel Weichel (34-8).

Melvin Manhoef (186 lbs.) vs. Alexander Shlemenko (186 phaus.)

Pat Curran (146 phaus.) vs. Daniel Weichel (145 phaus.)

Julia Budd (145 phaus.) vs. Gabrielle Holloway (145.5 lbs.)

Chris Honeycutt (170.5 phaus.) vs. Clayton MacFarlane (170.5 phaus.)

Art Arciniega (146 phaus.) vs. Emilio Chavez (146 phaus.)

Blake Watkins (185.5 phaus.) vs. George Zuniga (185 phaus.)

Paul Ruiz (135.5 phaus.) vs. Nicolas Sperling (133 phaus.)

Nick Bustamante (156 phaus.) vs. Luis Jauregui (154 phaus.)

John Paul Elias (205 phaus.) vs. Cody tub (205 phaus.)

Jonathan Contrestano (155 phaus.) vs. Ryan Tobar (155 phaus.)

Andrew Ramm (160.5 phaus.) vs. Adas Piccolot (160 phaus.)

Mason Fowler (169 phaus.) vs. Marko Damiani (170 phaus.)

PRE-sib ntaus QUOTES:

Alexander Shlemenko:

“Melvin [Manhoef] yog ib tug ceev ceev thiab muaj zog fighter. Nws yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv tag nrho cov ntawm kickboxer MMA.

“Kuv npaj txhij rau hauv no sib ntaus vim hais tias kuv xav tias kuv muaj zoo tawm thiab grappling muaj peev xwm. Nyob rau hauv no txoj kev kawm camp kuv sparred ib tug ntau nrog Muay Thaib hais mav rov qab mus tsev nyob rau hauv Omsk, Russia thiab kuv kuj hloov kuv noj mus nce ntau nqaij loj xav tias zoo npaum li cas thiab muaj zog.

“Kuv kiag li tab tom nrhiav rau lub knockout. Txhua yam ntawm yeej yog ib tug muaj kev vam meej, tab sis kuv yeej xav kom cov knockout.”

Melvin Manhoef:

“Kuv yuav mus tua Alexander [Shlemenko] nyuaj thiab aggressively. Laij kuv punches yog dab tsi yuav ua rau kuv yeej no sib ntaus.

“Kuv tsis nrhiav tus knockout, Kuv xav ua peb rounds ntawm tsib feeb ntawm ib qho nyuaj sib ntaus sib tua. Yog hais tias tus knockout los, ces nws yuav tuaj.

“Nws [Shlemenko] muaj ib tug ntau ntawm ceev thiab rov qab pib-. Nws muaj zoo heev agility thiab yog heev zoo-npawv, tab sis yog li kuv. Kuv xav tias kuv tawm, ceev thiab roj hmab xwb zoo dua qhov nws.

“Kuv tsis mloog yog hais tias nws yog ib yam nkaus thiab ntseeg mus rau hauv no sib ntaus. Nws tau tshaj ntawm kuv thiab kuv lub hom phiaj, thiab lub hom phiaj yog los ua Bellator champion.”

Pat Curran:

“Ib tug fights ib tug sib ntaus. Txhua yam yuav mus tawm lub qhov rais nrog ib tug punch.

“Kuv tab tom nrhiav rau tau txais rov qab mus ua kuv qub tus kheej. Kuv txo hwj chim thiab tshaib plab, koj yuav pom cov laus Pat Curran nyob rau hauv muaj nrog ib tug ob peb tshiab tricks li nws lub tes tsho.

“Kuv yeej ib txwm nrhiav tus knockout los yog kev mloog lus, tab sis kuv yuav npaj mus peb rounds. Kuv npaj rau tej finish nyob rau hauv tej teeb meem.

“Nws [Daniel Weichel] yog heev tshaib plab cai tam sim no. Nws yog ib tug cuav kws thiab kuv tau ib tug zoo nkaus li nws yuav tawm tuaj nyuaj thiab ceev. Kuv npaj txhij rau txhua yam thiab tsis muaj teeb meem dab tsi nws yuav mus yuav ib tug muaj siab sib ntaus, Kuv tsis tau tos kom tau rov qab nyob rau hauv muaj.

“Kuv xav tias nws tawm thiab coj nws mus rau hauv kuv kev ua si. Yog hais tias nws los muaj zog Kuv npaj txhij rau ntawd thiab peb yuav phim hluav taws nrog hluav taws.”

Daniel Weichel:

“Qhov no txhais tau tias kev sib ntaus ib tug ntau rau kuv, zoo li txhua txhua tua no nyob rau hauv Bellator. Kuv yuav ua kom ib daim ntawv qhia tag kis tsaus ntuj thiab yuav ua rau txhua leej txhua tus nco ntsoov kuv lub npe.

“Kuv zoo-npawv thiab kuv biggest zog yog hais tias kuv muaj peev xwm muab lub siab rau txhua tus 15 feeb.”

Main Card rau ntsia hlau loj TV (9 p.m. THIAB)

Bellator Middleweight Main tshwm sim: Melvin Manhoef (29-12-1) vs. Alexander Shlemenko (50-9)

Bellator Featherweight Feature sib ntaus: Pat Curran (20-6) vs. Daniel Weichel (34-8)

Bellator poj niam Featherweight Feature sib ntaus: Julia Budd (6-2) vs. Gabrielle Holloway (4-1)

Bellator Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: Chris Honeycutt (5-0) vs. Clayton MacFarlane (4-0)

Preliminary card rau (8 p.m. THIAB)

Bellator Featherweight Prelim sib ntaus: Art Arciniega (14-4) vs. Emilio Chavez (7-5)

Bellator Middleweight Prelim sib ntaus: Blake Watkins (4-0) vs. George Zuniga (3-0)

Bellator Flyweight Prelim sib ntaus: Paul Ruiz (5-2) vs. Nicolas Sperling (3-2)

Preliminary card rau (Nram qab no Manhoef vs. Shlemenko)

Bellator Sib Prelim sib ntaus: Nick Bustamante (2-0) vs. Luis Jauregui (2-1)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight Prelim sib ntaus: John Paul Elias (2-0) vs. Cody tub (0-1)

Bellator Sib Prelim sib ntaus: Jonathan Contrestano (4-0) vs. Ryan Tobar (3-1)

Bellator Bantamweight Prelim sib ntaus: Ray Cervera (8-2) vs. Adas Piccolot (4-0)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim sib ntaus: Mason Fowler (1-0) vs. Marko Damiani (0-1)

Hais txog Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA yog ib tug uas Mixed Martial Arts lub koom haum featuring ntau ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no. Nyob rau hauv cov kev coj ntawm qub tub rog sib ntaus pab txhawb Scott Coker, Bellator yog muaj rau ze li ntawm 500 lab tsev thoob ntiaj teb nyob rau hauv dhau 140 lub teb chaws. Nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States, Bellator yuav pom nyob rau hauv cov ntsia hlau loj TV, lub MMA TV thawj coj. Bellator MMA yog dub ntawm ib tug thawj pab neeg uas muaj xws li kev lag luam sab saum toj cov tub txawg nyob rau hauv TV lawm, nyob kev tshwm sim orchestration, fighter txoj kev loj hlob / kev sib raug zoo, venue ceev, sponsorship creation / kev loj hlob, thoob ntiaj teb daim ntawv tso cai, marketing, advertising, tshaj tawm thiab commission kev sib raug zoo. Bellator yog raws li nyob rau hauv Santa Monica, California thiab uas los ntawm kev lom zem loj heev Viacom, lub tsev mus rau lub ntiaj teb premier lom zem hom uas txuas nrog audiences los ntawm yuam cov ntsiab lus nyob rau hauv TV, tsab ntawv tsa suab duab, hauv internet thiab mobile platforms.


Hais txog cov ntsia hlau loj TV:

Ntsia hlau loj TV yog muaj nyob rau hauv 98.7 lab tsev thiab yog ib tug faib ntawm Viacom Media tes hauj lwm. Ib tug unit ntawm Viacom (Nasdaq: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media tes hauj lwm yog ib tug ntawm lub ntiaj teb uas creators ntawm programming thiab cov ntsiab lus nyob rau tag nrho tawm platforms. Ntsia hlau loj TV lub Internet chaw nyob yog thiab mus txog-rau-tus-feeb thiab archival xovxwm ntaub ntawv thiab duab, mus saib ntsia hlau loj TV tus xovxwm site ntawm Raws li peb ntawm Twitter spiketvpr rau qhov tseeb nyob rau hauv tawg xov xwm tshiab, qab-lub-scenes cov ntaub ntawv thiab cov duab.


Mares Yuav kom Fim Arturo Santos Reyes Los Ntawm Tus MGM Grand vaj Arena Nyob rau hauv Las Vegas

Las Vegas (Feb. 12, 2015) – Yav tas los peb-division lub ntiaj teb champion Hlob Abner mares (28-1-1, 15 Kos) rov qab rau lub nplhaib rau lub ntsej muag 2008 Mexican Olympian Arturo Santos Reyes (18-4, 5 Kos) rau Saturday, Lub peb hlis ntuj 7 live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas in the primetime debut of the Premier Boxing Champions series on NBC and NBCSN.


Lub sib ntaus yog ib feem ntawm lub blockbuster card nce los ntawm Goossen Promotions featuring Keith Thurman vs. Robert Guerrero thiab Adrien Broner vs. John Molina, Jr. uas yuav pa ya nyob rau NBC (8:30 p.m. THIAB/5:30 p.m. PT).


The Mares-Reyes bout will be televised live on Saturday, Lub peb hlis ntuj 7, nyob rau hauv lub NBC qhia (8:30 – 11 p.m. THIAB) los yog nyob rau hauv lub NBCSN telecast (11 p.m. THIAB).


Marv Albert will call the fights in primetime on NBC alongside analyst “Qab Zib” Ray Leonard, rau-lub sij hawm lub ntiaj teb no yeej thiab 1976 Olympic kub medalist. Al Michaels will host.


“I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to fight in Las Vegas on Lub peb hlis ntuj 7,” hais tias mares. “This is a fantastic card that is great for me and great for the sport of boxing. I look forward to putting on a show for the fans and winning impressively.”


“Nws yog ib tug loj yawm kom tau no sib ntaus tawm tsam hlob Abner mares thiab yuav tsum tau sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau ntawm lub MGM Grand nyob rau hauv Las Vegas,” Hais Reyes. “Mares yog ib tug zoo fighter. Kuv paub tias dab tsi nws coj mus rau lub rooj. But I’m going to give it my all on Lub peb hlis ntuj 7 and shock the boxing world.”


The 29-year-old Mares looks to stay at the top of the featherweight division when he steps into the ring on Lub peb hlis ntuj 7. Yug nyob rau hauv Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico thiab sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Downey, California., Mares thawj tsis tau ntiaj teb no championship kub nyob rau hauv 2011 thaum nws yeej Yauxej Agbeko los yeej muaj bantamweight ntiaj teb no title. Nws hais ntxiv nws sawv mus rau ntawm lub phaus-rau-phaus daim ntawv teev nrog yeej tshaj Anselmo Moreno thiab Daniel Ponce De Leon los yeej lub ntiaj teb no lub npe nyob rau ntawm lub super bantamweight thiab featherweight feem. Nws raug kev txom nyem nws tsuas yeej nyob rau hauv ib tug shocking tsis mus Jhonny Gonzalez tab sis tau rebounded zoo nrog back-to-back yeej thiab tam sim no zoo rau rov qab mus rau sab saum toj ntawm lub ua si nawv.


Ib tug pib xyaum ua accomplished los ntawm Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico, Reyes ua rau nws U.S. debut rau Lub peb hlis ntuj 7 with a chance to immediately make a name for himself stateside. The 29-year-old was a silver medalist at the Junior World Championships in 2004 thiab nws yuav mus nyob rau hauv los sawv cev rau nws lub teb chaws nyob rau ntawm lub 2008 Olympics nyob rau hauv Beijing. Reyes muab pro nyob rau hauv 2009 thiab racked li victories nyob rau hauv nws thawj thawj tsib lub outings. Sib ntaus sib tua yuav luag heev dua lwm yam nyob rau hauv Mexico, Khabir nws Sulejmanov nyob rau hauv yeej 2012 rau lub super bantamweight title. Uas nyuam qhuav Reyes mus rau hauv txoj kev thiab poob rau Simpiwe Vetyeka nyob rau hauv nws ib txwm nyob South Africa rau lub tsis muaj thoob ntiaj teb featherweight title. Nws rov qab los rau lub nplhaib nrhiav kom ib tug tam sim ntawd feem nyob rau hauv nws US. debut.

Daim pib rau lub nyob kev tshwm sim yog luv nqi ntawm $400, $300, $100 thiab $50, tsis xws li siv cov kev pab cuam nqi thiab se, yog on muag tam sim no. Mus rau nqi los ntawm lub xov tooj nrog ib tug loj credit card, hu Ticketmaster ntawm (800) 745-3000. Daim pib no kuj muaj nyob rau hauv los yog


Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas, thiab, raws li nyob rau hauv TwitterPremierBoxing, KeithFThurmanJr, GhostBoxing, AdrienBroner, @ JohnMolinaJr135, abnermares, NBCSports ThiabMGMGrand thiab ua ib tug kiv cua hauv Facebook ntawm thiab

Graham BOYLAN resigns AS CEO NTAWM tawb warriors sib ntaus Championship

(London, United Kingdom | Thursday, Lub ob hlis ntuj 12, 2015)Tawb Warriors Sib ntaus sib tua Championship yuav paub tseeb tias Graham Boylan tau tshaj cia li CEO.

Lub tawb Warriors Board of Directors twb poob nthav qhia txog Graham qhov kev txiav txim ntawm ib tug lub rooj sib tham rau hnub Tuesday.

Graham ua si ib tug tseem ceeb luag hauj lwm nyob rau hauv lub loj heev kev loj hlob ntawm lub hom nyob rau hauv xyoo tsis ntev los, tab sis lub Board tseem ntse mus ntxiv uas kawm.

Thaum peb tsom peb tej hauj lwm nyob rau hauv cov kev tshawb fawb rau ib tug tshiab CEO, peb muaj npaum li cas qhov kev txiav txim mus rau ncua cov kev tshwm sim uas tau teem tseg rau lub Tooj Box nyob rau hauv London on Lub peb hlis ntuj 21.

Ib tug tshiab hnub rau qhov kev tshwm sim yuav tsum tau tshaj tawm nyob rau hauv vim cov hoob kawm, thiab lub siab ntev ntawm peb cov loyal kiv cua yog menyuam.

Tag nrho cov ntawv cog lus ncaws pob kuj yuav tau tso ib tug ib-sib ntaus kev zam los ntawm lawv tawb Warriors deals los lwv rau lwm qib nyob rau hauv lub meantime.

Ua tsaug rau koj rau koj txuas ntxiv kev pab txhawb nqa ntawm cov teb chaws Europe ua MMA lub koom haum.

Shadi Tahboub, Board of Directors, Tawb Warriors Sib ntaus sib tua Championship

Cuban pib xyaum ua lub hnub qub Marcos Forestal Ua pro debut tag kis nyob rau hauv tus poj vaj, NY Friday, Feb. 13

(L-R) – Mark Hav zoov & tus kws qhia Joe Goossen

Cork, Ireland (Feb. 12, 2015) – Lom Cuban pib xyaum ua boxer Mark Hav zoov yuav ua kom nws debut kev tag kis hmo ntuj (Fri., Feb. 13) nyob rau hauv ib plaub-round super bantamweight sib ntau sib tw tiv thaiv qub tub rog Ignac “Lub Test” Kassai ntawm 5 Star Banquet Hall nyob rau hauv tus poj vaj, New York.


Ib tug peb-lub sij hawm Cuban National champion, lub 25-xyoo-laus Forestal yeej 2012 Olympic kub medalist Robeisy Rameriez 14 lub hlis dhau los nyob rau hauv ib tug sensational teb chaws championship kawg.


Sib ntaus sib tua raws li ib tug semi-pro nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb Series ntawm Boxing (WSB) rau undefeated 2014 pab neeg yeej teb chaws Cuba Domadores, Forestal yog unbeaten nyob rau hauv peb WSB ntais ntawv ua ntej defecting rau hauv lub tebchaws United States xeem lub Plaub Hlis.


Forestal kos npe rau ib daim ntawv cog lus no yav dhau los kaum hli ntuj nrog Ireland-raws li, Thoob ntiaj teb boxing saib xyuas Gary Hyde, tus thawj tswj hwm ntawm Nowhere2Hyde Management. Hyde kuj tswj tam sim no, yav dhau los thiab yav tom ntej ntiaj teb no champions xws li World Boxing Association (WBA) Super & Lub ntiaj teb no Boxing Organization (WBO) super bantamweight champion thiab ob-lub sij hawm Cuban Olympic kub medalist, Bill “Lub hma” Rigondeaux (15-0, 10 Kos), WBA Interim cruiserweight champion Yuri “El Toro” Kalenga (21-1, 14 Kos), yav tas los WBO Middleweight champion thiab tam sim no International Boxing Federation (IBF) Ua Tsis. 1 yuav tsum tau contender Hassan N'Dam N'Jikam (31-1, 18 Kos), thiab lub ntiaj teb no pib xyaum ua champion Blagoy Naydenov.


“Marcos Forestal yog ib qho zoo heev cov tub ntxhais fighter uas muaj ib tug txiav txim-packed style,” Hyde hais tias. “Nws muaj dab tsi nws yuav siv sij hawm los ua lub ntiaj teb no yeej. Peb yuav tsis nrhiav ib tug US-raws li tus nrog sib ntaus mus tua Marcos vim hais tias lawv hais tias nws yog lwm Rigondeaux thiab Olympic champion. Thaum nws yeej yog ib tug Olympic champion, Marcus yog tsis yog ib qho Olympian. Peb ya mus nyob rau hauv nws tus nrog sib ntaus los ntawm Hungary. Kasai yog ib tug 56-sib ntaus qub tub rog uas tau tiv thaiv ib co ntawm cov saum toj kawg nkaus Europeans zoo li IBF super bantamweight champion Carl Frampton, lub ntiaj teb no title challengers Martin Ward, Hmoov Zsolt thiab Alexander Miskirtchian, thiab yav tas los European champ Anthony Settoul.”


Forestal yog ib tug 5′ 8″ southpaw uas yuav sib tw nyob rau hauv lub 122-phaus super bantamweight faib, tib ceeb thawj hoob kawm nws cov khub countryman thiab stablemate Rigondeaux cai.


“Guillermo Rigondeaux yog ib tug super champion thiab nyob rau hauv teb chaws Cuba kuv ntsia mus rau nws zoo li nws tus kwv,” Forestal ntxiv. “Nws tau yeej lub super bantamweight faib thiab kuv yuav sai sai no tuaj koom nrog nws nyob rau hauv rau saum.”


Nyob rau hauv Los Angeles thiab kawm muaj los ntawm Joe Goossen, Forestal tus thib ob pro sib ntaus yog tentatively teem rau Lub peb hlis ntuj 6 nyob rau hauv nyob ze Glendale, California.


Ua raws li Hyde rau Twitter ntawm @ NoWhere2Hyde thiab phooj ywg nws nyob rau = TS.

Bellator qaws TAWM SERIES NTAWM “Hauv paus” DIGITAL daim featuring MELVIN MANHOEF, Alexander SHLEMENKO, Pat CURRAN & Danias WEICHEL

SAIB: YUAV TSUM SAIB TV rov qab los rau hnub Thursday

Kiv cua tau clamoring hais txog cov tshiab “Hauv paus” video series uas Bellator MMA tau dov tawm, muab ib tug hauv saib lub neej ntawm cov plaub cov txiv neej uas yuav top sib ntaus card ntawm “Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko” tag kis tsaus ntuj.


Featuring ib tug thrilling Middleweight matchup ntawm ob ntawm lub feem ntau txaus ntshai strikers nyob rau hauv tag nrho cov ntawm mixed martial arts nrog qub Bellator MMA champ Alexander “Cua daj cua dub” Shlemenko (50-9) txojkev khub knockout artist Melvin “Tsis muaj hlub” Manhoef (29-12-1), “Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko” siv muab Feb. 13 ntawm Txuag Mart Center nyob rau hauv Fresno, California. thiab airs LIVE thiab DAWB rau cov ntsia hlau loj TV ntawm 9 p.m. THIAB.

Nyob rau hauv ib tug paub tseeb-rau-tau-amazing co-ntsiab kev tshwm sim, yav tas los featherweight champion Pat Curran (20-6) zoo pib cov lus raug hu nws siv tiv thaiv kev sib tw khiav thiab cuav kws Daniel Weichel (34-8)


Daim pib rau cov kev tshwm sim, uas pib ntawm cia li $28, uas tam sim no muaj nyob rau ntawm, thiab cov Txuag Mart Center Box Office.

Bellator MMA: Hauv paus nrog Melvin Manhoef
Bellator MMA: Hauv paus nrog Melvin Manhoef
Bellator MMA: Hauv paus nrog Alexander Shlemenko
Bellator MMA: Hauv paus nrog Alexander Shlemenko
Bellator MMA: Hauv paus nrog Pat Curran
Bellator MMA: Hauv paus nrog Pat Curran
Bellator MMA: Hauv paus nrog Daniel Weichel
Bellator MMA: Hauv paus nrog Daniel Weichel


Main Card rau ntsia hlau loj TV (9 p.m. THIAB)

Bellator Middleweight Main tshwm sim: Melvin Manhoef (29-12-1) vs. Alexander Shlemenko (50-9)

Bellator Featherweight Feature sib ntaus: Pat Curran (20-6) vs. Daniel Weichel (34-8)

Bellator poj niam Featherweight Feature sib ntaus: Julia Budd (6-2) vs. Gabrielle Holloway (4-1)

Bellator Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: Chris Honeycutt (5-0) vs. Clayton MacFarlane (4-0)

Preliminary card rau (8 p.m. THIAB)

Bellator Featherweight Prelim sib ntaus: Art Arciniega (14-4) vs. Emilio Chavez (7-5)

Bellator Middleweight Prelim sib ntaus: Blake Watkins (4-0) vs. George Zuniga (3-0)

Bellator Flyweight Prelim sib ntaus: Paul Ruiz (5-2) vs. Nicolas Sperling (3-2)

Preliminary card rau (Nram qab no Manhoef vs. Shlemenko)

Bellator Sib Prelim sib ntaus: Nick Bustamante (2-0) vs. Luis Jauregui (2-1)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight Prelim sib ntaus: John Paul Elias (2-0) vs. Cody tub (0-1)

Bellator Sib Prelim sib ntaus: Jonathan Contrestano (4-0) vs. Ryan Tobar (3-1)

Bellator Bantamweight Prelim sib ntaus: Ray Cervera (8-2) vs. Adas Piccolot (4-0)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim sib ntaus: Mason Fowler (1-0) vs. Marko Damiani (0-1)

Hais txog Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA yog ib tug uas Mixed Martial Arts lub koom haum featuring ntau ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no. Nyob rau hauv cov kev coj ntawm qub tub rog sib ntaus pab txhawb Scott Coker, Bellator yog muaj rau ze li ntawm 500 lab tsev thoob ntiaj teb nyob rau hauv dhau 140 lub teb chaws. Nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States, Bellator yuav pom nyob rau hauv cov ntsia hlau loj TV, lub MMA TV thawj coj. Bellator MMA yog dub ntawm ib tug thawj pab neeg uas muaj xws li kev lag luam sab saum toj cov tub txawg nyob rau hauv TV lawm, nyob kev tshwm sim orchestration, fighter txoj kev loj hlob / kev sib raug zoo, venue ceev, sponsorship creation / kev loj hlob, thoob ntiaj teb daim ntawv tso cai, marketing, advertising, tshaj tawm thiab commission kev sib raug zoo. Bellator yog raws li nyob rau hauv Santa Monica, California thiab uas los ntawm kev lom zem loj heev Viacom, lub tsev mus rau lub ntiaj teb premier lom zem hom uas txuas nrog audiences los ntawm yuam cov ntsiab lus nyob rau hauv TV, tsab ntawv tsa suab duab, hauv internet thiab mobile platforms.


Hais txog cov ntsia hlau loj TV:

Ntsia hlau loj TV yog muaj nyob rau hauv 98.7 lab tsev thiab yog ib tug faib ntawm Viacom Media tes hauj lwm. Ib tug unit ntawm Viacom (Nasdaq: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media tes hauj lwm yog ib tug ntawm lub ntiaj teb uas creators ntawm programming thiab cov ntsiab lus nyob rau tag nrho tawm platforms. Ntsia hlau loj TV lub Internet chaw nyob yog thiab mus txog-rau-tus-feeb thiab archival xovxwm ntaub ntawv thiab duab, mus saib ntsia hlau loj TV tus xovxwm site ntawm Raws li peb ntawm Twitter spiketvpr rau qhov tseeb nyob rau hauv tawg xov xwm tshiab, qab-lub-scenes cov ntaub ntawv thiab cov duab.


Premier Boxing Champions nyob rau hauv NBC los mus Barclays Center nrog Ob Sensational Main Txheej xwm

– Uas tawm hauv TV Fights rau NBC Start ntawm 8:30 P.M. THIAB

Daim pib rau muag khoom Tag kis!

Brooklyn (Lub ob hlis ntuj 12, 2015) – The eagerly awaited showdown between undefeated superstar Danny “Swift” Garcia (29-0, 17 Kos) thiab Lamont Peterson (33-2-1, 17 Kos) yuav los ua ib tug kev muaj tiag raws li Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) rau NBC rov qab los rau primetime rauSaturday, Plaub Hlis Ntuj 11 ntawm 8:30 p.m. THIAB nyob ntawm Barclays Center nyob rau hauv Brooklyn.


Nyob rau hauv thawj lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm yav tsaus ntuj, middleweight lub ntiaj teb champion “Irish” Andy Lee (34-2, 24 Kos) yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv lub undefeated Peter “Kid Qhob noom xim kasfes” Quillin (31-0, 22 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib tug 12-round ntiaj teb no title sib ntaus.


Marv Albert will call the fights in primetime on NBC alongside analyst “Qab Zib” Ray Leonard, rau-lub sij hawm lub ntiaj teb no yeej thiab 1976 Olympic kub medalist. Al Michaels will host.


Daim pib rau lub nyob kev tshwm sim, uas yog nce los ntawm DiBella Lom ze, yog luv nqi ntawm $300, $200, $100 thiab $50 tsis xws li siv cov kev pab cuam nqi thiab se, thiab yog muag tag kis,Friday, Feb. 13 ntawm 10 a.m. Daim pib muaj nyob rau ntawm, and at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center starting onSaturday, Feb. 14 thaum tav su. Mus rau nqi los ntawm lub xov tooj, hu Ticketmaster ntawm (800) 745-3000. Rau cov pab pawg neeg pib, thov hu rau 800-GROUP-tuam.


“Nws yog ib tug yawm yuav tsum tau sib ntaus sib tua rov qab nyob rau hauv Brooklyn qhov twg kuv twb tau ntsib ib co ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws lub sij hawm ntawm kuv txoj hauj lwm,” Hais Garcia. “Kiv cua tau nug rau hauv no sib ntaus rau ntev ua luaj li thiab nyob rau Plaub Hlis Ntuj 11 I’m planning on giving them the show they’ve been waiting for. Doing it live on NBC will make it even sweeter.


“Qhov no yog ib qho amazing lub sij hawm rau kuv nyob rau hauv sib ntaus sib tua Brooklyn thiab nyob rau lub teb chaws TV nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm lab ntawm cov neeg,” Hais Peterson. “Kuv yuav tawm mus thiab muab cov kev kawm ntawv ntawm ib tug lub neej. Danny Garcia zoo dua tsis underestimate kuv, vim hais tias kuv lub sij hawm yog tam sim no.”


“Kuv tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau rov qab mus rau New York thiab tiv thaiv kuv lub npe tiv thaiv Quillin,” Hais Lee. “Kuv nyob rau ntawm lub ncov ntawm kuv powers tam sim no. Kuv tsis tau pom kuv tus kheej poob rau leej twg. Kuv xav kom pom zoo raws li qhov zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no Middleweight thiab ntaus Quillin yuav mus ib txhia txoj kev uas yuav ua pov thawj tias.”


“Yuav tsum tau mus tua nyob rau ntawm lub tsev nyob rau hauv Brooklyn thiab yeej ib title rau xws li ib tug loj theem yog ib tug npau suav tuaj tseeb,” Hais Quillin. “Kuv honored thiab pog mus yuav tau ib feem ntawm ib yam dab tsi uas yog zoo rau kuv txoj hauj lwm, tab sis kuj rau kev ua si nawv ntawm boxing raws li ib tug tag nrho. Kuv paub hais tias kuv yuav mus yeej rau Plaub Hlis Ntuj 11, ua champion ib zaug dua, thiab ces kuv yuav tom qab leej twg thiab txhua leej txhua tus nyob rau ntawm lub 160 phaus.”


“Kuv tsos yuav tsum tau txhawb no PBC mega tshwm sim nyob rau Barclays Center nyob rau hauv kuv hometown ntawm Brooklyn,” hais tias Lou DiBella, Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm DiBella Lom ze. “Danny Garcia vs. Lamont Peterson thiab Andy Lee tiv thaiv nws Middleweight title tiv thaiv Peter Quillin yog ob tug heev zoo tshaj plaws bouts uas tau nyob rau hauv boxing. Rau Plaub Hlis Ntuj 11, tus kiv cua yuav mus yuav tus biggest winners thiab DBE yog txaus siab yog ib feem ntawm nws.”


Quality championship fights tsuas yog nyob rau hauv Brooklyn nyob rau hauv lub Plaub Hlis,” hais tias Brett Yormark, CEO ntawm Barclays Center. “Danny Garcia yeej ib txwm coj kev zoo siab los rau peb nplhaib thiab peb zoo siab ib zaug dua kom muaj Brooklyn tus kheej Peter Quillin sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv Barclays Center. Kiv cua xav ua yeeb yam thiab unpredictable fights, thiab peb tso siab rau peb card yuav xa tau hais tias nyob rau hauv primetime TV.”


Tam sim no nyob rau hauv nws cov plaub xyoo raws li ib tug ntiaj teb no yeej, Philadelphia lub Garcia yuav rov qab mus tawm xov xwm ntawm Barclays Center rau ib cov ntaub ntawv plaub lub sij hawm. Garcia kuj tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim nyob rau hauv Lub kaum hli ntuj 2012, tus thawj puas-boxing card tom Barclays Center. Lub 26-xyoo-laus tau noj cia ib co ntawm cov biggest npe nyob rau hauv boxing nyob rau hauv nws txoj kev mus rau ib qho undefeated cov ntaub ntawv, xws li Amir Khan, Erik Morales, Zab Judah thiab Lucas Matthysse. Nws yuav ib zaug dua muaj ib lub caij nyoog los ua pov thawj nws tus kheej tiv thaiv qhov zoo tshaj plaws, lub sij hawm no nyob rau hauv lub ntev xav clash nrog Peterson.


Washington, DC lub Peterson yog ib tug gifted boxer-Puncher nrog kom ntau li ntau lub plawv raws li txuj ci. Zoo li Garcia, the 31-year-old Peterson is another longtime champion. Peterson has always faced the best and defeated Amir Khan in 2011. The only blemishes on his perfect record came against Timothy Bradley and Lucas Matthysse. He is coming off of two impressive victories in 2014 thiab tam sim no nws tau txais lub sib ntau sib tw nws thiab cov pej xeem tau clamored rau raws li nws yuav siv sij hawm ib tug txhaj koob tshuaj tivthaiv ntawm beating Garcia nyob rau hauv Brooklyn.


Ib tug accomplished pib xyaum ua uas yog Ireland lub ib boxing tus neeg sawv cev nyob rau 2004 Olympic ua si, Leegot nws thawj saj ntawm lub ntiaj teb championship kub nyob rau hauv Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 2014 thaum nws swb lawm Matt Korobov rau cov tsis muaj Middleweight ntiaj teb no title nrog ib tug sensational thib rau puag ncig kev knockout. 30-xyoo-laus tau tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv nws lub tsev lub teb chaws ntawm Ireland, lub UK, Lub teb chaws Yelemees thiab feem ntau nyob rau hauv lub U.S. thoob plaws hauv nws cov hauj lwm. Nws tsuas ua hauj lwm piam sij tuaj tiv thaiv Bryan Vera, uas nws yuav tom qab pauj thiab Julio Cesar Chavez nyob rau hauv nws thawj thawj lub ntiaj teb no title sib ntaus. Rau Plaub Hlis Ntuj 11, Lee yuav sib ntaus rau lub thib tsib lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv New York City, tab tom nrhiav kom muab lub primetime teb chaws TV cov neeg tuaj saib ib tug nco hmo ntuj.


Ib tug qub ntiaj teb no yeej nrhiav kom reclaim lub siv nws vacated xyoo tas los, Quillin yuav rov qab mus rau tib qhov chaw uas nws arena yeej Middleweight siv nyob rau hauv 2012 nrog nws lub hnub qub-txiav txim siab, rau-knockdown kev kawm tiv thaiv Hassan N'Dam nyob rau hauv thawj boxing card hosted by Barclays Center. Yug nyob rau hauv Chicago tab sis sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm New York City, 31-xyoo-laus mus rau tiv thaiv uas title tiv thaiv muaj zog contenders Fernando Guerrero, Gabriel Rosado thiab Lukas Konecny. Tam sim no, “Kid Qhob noom xim kasfes” zoo los qhia tawm nws superstar txawj mus rau ib tug primetime cov neeg tuaj saib.


Pib nrog thawj qhia, Saturday, Lub peb hlis ntuj 7, ntawm 8:30 p.m. THIAB rau NBC, NBC thiab NBCSN yuav nthuav 20 nyob “PBC rau NBC” boxing cov txheej xwm nyob rau hauv 2015. Tsis pub dhau lub 20 nyob qhia, NBC Cov kev ua si Group yuav nthuav ntau tshaj 50 teev ntawm PBC kev pab them nqi, nrog rau cov NBCSN- thiab post-sib ntaus programming rau NBC telecasts. Lub Premier Boxing Champions series yog tsim rau TV los ntawm Haymon Boxing. Lub PBC rau NBC yuav feature ntau ntawm niaj hnub no brightest hnub qub, nyob rau hauv lawv feem ntau yuam ntais.


Tag nrho cov PBC rau NBC qhia yuav streamed nyob rau NBC Cov kev ua si Nyob Ntxiv ntawm “TV Txhua qhov txhia chaw,” muab kev pab ntxiv muaj nuj nqis rau lawv cov kev pab cuam subscription, thiab ua siab zoo rau cov ntsiab lus muaj nyob rau MVPD cov neeg muas zaub ob nyob rau hauv thiab tawm ntawm lub tsev thiab nyob rau ntau yam platforms. NBC Cov kev ua si Nyob Ntxiv yog muaj nyob rau desktops ntawm Lub NBC Cov kev ua si Nyob Ntxiv app yog muaj nyob rau ntawm lub App khw rau iPad thiab iPod kov, on xaiv li tsis pub dhau Google ua si, thiab nyob rau qhov rais xov tooj thiab cov ntsiav tshuaj.



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