Barcha xabarlar bilan FNU47

VS JAVIER FORTUNA. Bryan Vasquez QILING ochishi televidenieda FORMAY 29 Premer boks Chempionlar ON boshoq TV CARD

Barclays MARKAZI jonli

PAULIE Malignaggi chekinmoq majbur

Jarohat tufayli

Bruklin (May 15, 2015) – O'rtasida hayajonli kichik engil urush Javier Fortuna va Bryan Vasquez Endi ochiladi Premer boks Chempionlar (PBC) boshoq ustida bo'yicha teleko'rsatuv Juma, May 29 da Bruklin boshida Barclays markazida yashaymiz9:00 p.m. VA/6:00 p.m. PT.


Fortuna va boshqalar. Vasquez, dastlab bo'lib o'tadi bo'lgan May 23, Malignaggi yig'in uning ko'z yuqorida shiddatli kesik azob sifatida Paulie Malignaggi va Danny O'Connor o'rtasida müsabakayı o'rnini. 12-tur janjal sobiq jahon chempioni o'rtasida orziqib kutilgan tanlovining ichiga olib keladi Amir Khan va Chris Algieri.


Birinchi Pan Amerika Junior chempionatida ishtirok An havaskor standout 2003, 25-yoshli Fortune (27-0-1, 20 KOS) Abnur Cotto ustidan g'alaba sohibi, Migel Zamudio va Patrik Hyland. La Română chiqib mag'lub chiqish yulduz, U yana bir buyuk namoyish qo'yish ko'rinadi kabi Dominik Respublikasi o'zining so'nggi olti janjal ustida to'rt knockouts tutadi May 29.


27-yoshli Vasquez (35-1, 18 KOS) tez Kosta-Rika orolda eng kuchli kurashchi sifatida ommalashayotgan. San Juan-ona uning oxirgi besh janjal g'olibi, Dec ichida Serxio Tompson bir to'xtab, shu jumladan,. 2014. Vasquez har qanday raqobat yo'q uyatchan qiladi va u Spike televidenie kuni Xaver Fortuna ichida kunga uning qiyin sinov yuzlar qachon pastga zaxira emas.


O'Connor hozir Boston o'zi tug'ilib o'sgan bo'yicha jang qiladi Shanba, May 23 ning undercard bo'yicha NBC PBC Boston Universiteti Agganis Arena voqea.



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Jonli voqea chiptalar May 29 Barclays markazida, DiBella Entertainment va Star boks tomonidan lavozimga, fiyatlandırılır $250, $150, $75 va $45, Amaldagi xizmat ayblov va soliqlar, shu jumladan emas, va hozir indirimdedir. Chiptalar mavjud, va Barclays markazida American Express Box Office da. Telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000. Guruh chiptalar uchun, qo'ng'iroq qiling 800-GROUP-BK.


Shuningdek, xususiyatli 2012 U.S. Olimpiyachi va o'sib borayotgan yulduz Errol Spens Jr.

Roberto Garsiyani qabul qilish

NBC qamrovida PBC boshlanadi 8:30 P.M. VA/5:30 P.M. PT

Las Vegas, (May 15, 2015) – Sobiq jahon chempionlari o'rtasidagi orziqib kutilgan to'qnashuv Adrien “Muammo” Broner (30-1, 22 KOS) va “Namoyish Vaqti” Shawn Porter (25-1-1, 16 KOS) Bu sarlovhasi NBC primetime tadbirida boks bo‘yicha premer-chempionlar Shanba, Iyun 20 MGM Grand Garden Arenadan jonli.


Bundan tashqari kartada, Mag'lubiyatsiz Errol Spence Jr. (16-0, 13 KOS) qattiq-sparring faxriysi qarshi line uning rekordini qo'yadi Roberto “Tahdid” Garcia (37-3, 23 KOS) Uning yosh pog'onasida eng katta muammo. PBC NBC harakat boshlanadi 8:30 p.m. VA/5:30 p.m. PT


“NBCda AB vaqti keldi va men imkoniyatni kuta olmayman,” Said Broner. “Bu muxlislar xohlagan va men ham xohlagan ajoyib jang. Men tayyorlanib kelaman va spektakl qo'ymoqchiman. Men MGM Grandda hech qachon yutqazmaganman va hozir boshlashni rejalashtirmayman. Porter kuchli yigit, lekin u hech qachon men kabi odam bilan ringga chiqmagan.”


“Menimcha, bu kurash PBCga tegishli – tarmoq televideniesiga katta janjal olib keldi va bu hozirgacha eng kattalaridan biri,” Said Porter. “Adrien Bronerga qarshi o'yinda bosh chiziq bo'lishdan xursandman. Men har doim jangga tayyorman va Adrienga qarshi turish, albatta, qiyin bo'ladi, lekin men uning karerasini kuzatdim, hatto havaskorlarda ham va men uni mag'lub etish mumkinligini bilaman. Men ham MGM Grand Garden Arenada jang qilishni intiqlik bilan kutyapman. Biz bu kabi imkoniyatlar uchun Las-Vegasga ko'chib o'tdik va men MGM Grandni o'z uyimga aylantirmoqchiman.”


“Roberto Garsiya bilan jang qilish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lganimdan xursandman,” Spence Jr dedi. “U ajoyib jangchi va men ushbu ulkan kartada jang qilish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lganimdan xursandman. Bu, albatta, faoliyatimdagi eng katta imkoniyat va men xafa bo'lmayman.”


“Men ringga qaytishni va eng katta sahnada o'z mahoratimni namoyish etishni kuta olmayman,” Said Garcia. “Spence Jr. u kuchli va kelayotgan jangchi, lekin menda tajriba bor va men buni ko'rsatmoqchiman 20 iyun.”


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, qaysi TGB aktsiyalar bilan birgalikda Mayweather aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, fiyatlandırılır $400, $300, $100 va $50, amaldagi xizmat to'lovlari va soliqlarni hisobga olmagan holda sotuvga chiqariladi Dushanba, May 18. Asosiy kredit karta bilan telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000. Chiptalar ham yoki


“Mayweather Promotions ushbu yirik tadbirni NBCda targ'ib qilishni intiqlik bilan kutmoqda, va boksni yanada kengroq auditoriyaga qaytarishga qaratilgan sa'y-harakatlarda ishtirok etish” Said Leonard Ellerbe, Mayweather aktsiyalar bosh direktori. “Janglar belgilangan 20 iyun karta sportdagi eng yaxshi iste'dodlarni namoyish etadi va biz sizni o'tkazib yuborishni istamaydigan qiziqarli boks kechasidan boshqa hech narsa kutmaymiz.”


“Biz NBC-da yana bir qiziqarli primetime PBC shousini taqdim etishni intiqlik bilan kutmoqdamiz,” Jon Miller dedi, NBC va NBCSN uchun dasturlash prezidenti. “Adrien Broner Shoun Porterga qarshi katta sahnaga qaytdi va Errol Spens Roberto Garsiya bilan to'qnash keldi., Biz to'rtinchi iyulgacha bo'lgan o't o'chirilishini kutmoqdamiz.”


Boksning eng yirik yulduzlaridan biri, Broner, Dunyo unvonlari to'plagan 25-yoshli Phenom 130, 135 va 147 funt, ta'sirchan rezyumega yana bir g'alaba qo'shishga intilmoqda. Cincinnatida tug'ilgan yulduz Jon Molina Jr ustidan ustunlik qildi. bo'yicha Qadam tashlamoq 7 MGM Grand-da va xuddi shu katta sahnaga qaytishga va uning Ogayo shtatidagi Porterni pastga tushirishga intiladi. Broner Paulie Malignaggi o'xshash ustidan zafar qozongan, Uch bo'lish chempioni bo'lish yo'lidagi Doniyor Ponce ham Leon va Antonio demarco.


An atletik marvel, 27-yoshli Taqinglar Inauguralda Erik Boun ustidan beshinchi raundda nokautga uchraganidan so'ng o'z tezligini davom ettirishga tayyor. Qadam tashlamoq 13 Spike jangida PBC. Akron-mahalliy dekabr oyida Devon Aleksandr hukmronlik qilgan 2013 ilgari egallab turgan jahon chempionligini qo'lga kiritish uchun. U aprel oyida bir to'rtinchi davra to'xtab bilan sobiq ikki-bo'limi chempioni Paulie Malignaggi -mening tomonidan ta'qib 2014.


A 2012 U.S. Ulug'vor yuqori bezatilgan havaskor martaba edi kim, 25-yoshliSpence Jr. u faoliyatidagi eng katta sinov uchun ringga chiqqanida mag'lubiyatsiz qolishga intiladi. Desoto, Texasda tug'ilgan jangchi o'zining PBC debyutida dominant ediAprel 11 U beshinchi-dumaloq nokaut bilan Samuel Vargas mag'lub sifatida.


Yaqin uchun sport faxriysi 15 yil, 35 yoshli Garcia ketma-ket to'qqizta g'alabaga erishdi va bu seriyani davom ettirishga intiladi 10 u kichik Spensga duch kelganida. bo'yichaIyun 20. Weslaco, Yaqinda Texaslik Viktor Manuel Kayo ustidan g'alaba qozondi, Breidis Preskott va aprel oyida Jeyms Stivenson ustidan bir ovozdan g'alaba qozondi 24 PBC karta.


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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun, va, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, AdrienBroner, ShowtimeShawnP, ErrolSpenceJr, AmenazaGarcia, MayweatherPromo, NBCSports VaMGMGrand va Facebook muxlisi bo'lish, va


Fight Card Part of Brooklyn Brawl Series

Promoted by Dmitriy Salita’s Star of David Promotions

-Tickets On Sale Friday, May 15 peshinda-

Bruklin (May 15, 2015)LIU Brooklyn Paramount Theatre is set to host its first boxing event with Paramount Events Center (PEC) bo'yicha Payshanba, Iyun 4 da 7 p.m. The fight card will be part of the Brooklyn Brawl Series promoted by professional boxer Dmitriy Salita’s Star of David Promotions.
The event will feature Brooklyn Heavyweight Jarrell “Big Baby” Miller (12-0, 10 KO) va boshqalar. Damon McCreary (15-4,11 KO); two-time Daily News Golden Gloves champion and Bronx based Jr. Middleweight raqib Steve Martinez (15-2, 12 KO); Bruklin ning Dimash Niyazov (7-0-3, 4 KO); former New York State champion Ariel Duran (8-7-1, 5 KO); and Brooklyn Middleweight Akil Aguste (6-1, 5 KO). Kazakh Welterweight Baxtiyor Eyubov (5-0, 5 KO) and Detroit based fighter Dewayne “Alabama” Ziegler (4-0-1, 4 KO) are also looking to make explosive New York City debuts and keep their knockout streaks alive.
Chiptalar for the event will go on sale on Juma, May 15 Tush da and can be purchased online via Ticketmaster by visiting yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 800-745-3000.

USK Barclays markazi dasturchi Bryus Ratner va Onexim sport va Entertainment tomonidan aprel oyida ishga tushirilgan, Barclays markazi bosh direktori Brett Yormark tomonidan amalga barcha ish operatsiyalari bilan. USK va LIU Bruklin yaqinda e'lon LIU Bruklin Paramount teatri, deb, LIU Bruklin yotoqxonasida Flatbush va DeKalb Avenues joylashgan, bron rivojlanayotgan iqtidori ko'rib chiqamiz. LIU Bruklin Paramount yaqinda 24-oy yangilash davom etadi va ko'proq bo'lib o'tadi 120 Har yili voqealar.
“I am thrilled to join with PEC to bring boxing to LIU Brooklyn Paramount,” Said Word. “Over the last few years, Star of David Promotions has brought New York boxing fans exciting shows with incredible fights through our Brooklyn Brawl Series. This card will be an exciting addition to our series.”
“Bu Iyun 4 boxing event will reintroduce LIU Brooklyn Paramount to the sports community,” Brett Yormark dedi, Barclays markazining bosh direktori. “Dmitriy has provided great opportunities for aspiring fighters and we are looking forward to working with him to solidify our grassroots boxing efforts in Brooklyn.”

I commend Dmitriy and PEC for putting together this show,” said New York boxing promoter Lou DiBella, DiBella Entertainment Prezidenti. “Boxing is flourishing right now in New York, especially in Brooklyn. Being a fellow Brooklynite, it is wonderful to see yet another venue in this great borough opening up its doors to the sport. I see a lot of potential at LIU Brooklyn Paramount, and would definitely be open to staging a card there in the future.

DOVUD aksiyalarni haqida STAR
David aktsiyalar yulduzi yilda tashkil etilgan 2010 Dmitriy Salita tomonidan, a reklama shaxs ehtiyojlarini ko'rib professional bokschi va dunyo sarlavha challenger yorqin istiqbollarini xususiyati, shuningdek turgan pugilists, va Nyu-York City atrofida. Tomoshabinlar Spike televidenie kuni so'nggi yillarda David jangchilarning Star tomosha quvonch, ESPN2, MSG, va Universal sport Network. Tashrif Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun.

GH3 Promotions adds Heavyweight Natu Visinia to stable in co-promotional deal with Final Forum Boxing

Nutley, NJ (May 15, 2015) Vito Mielnicki’s GH3 Promotions is pleased to announced the addition of Heavyweight contender Oqsoqollar visine to it’s roster.

Visinia will now be co-promoted with Sal Musumeci’s Final Forum Boxing.

Visinia, 30 years-old of Clinton, Illinois scored a 4th round stoppage over Joshua Clarke on May 13 Golivud, California as part of the Sugar Ray Leonard Charity Event. With that win he upped his record to 11-1 bilan 9 knockouts and it was his first effort since his lone setback when he he lost to two-time world champion Steve Cunningham in October.
I think its a great thing to get with GH3. Vito has been great at moving fighters and getting them fights. That has been my problem is getting fights. I think that being able to stay consistent with fighting and staying in the ring and being able to stay busy will help me out in the long run,”said Visinia.
The win over Clarke is impressive because Clarke is 12-1 as an MMA fighter and 2-3-2 a bokschi sifatida. Clarke went the distance with world-ranked Charles Martin and Visinia was able to impressively stop the native of Richmond, Virginia.
Clarke was a tough guy. He has never been knocked out in any of his 20 jang. He doesnt have a very good boxing record and everyone he has fought has been undefeated. Going in there to knockout a durable guy like that gives me confidence.
I want to stay busy and I will do my end and that is to train hard, I will leave it to Vito and his team to put the fights together. It never matters who I am fighting. People questioned me about taking on Steve Cunningham after 10 fights but that is the fighter I am.

We are very happy to make the deal get Natu into the fold with us at GH3,” Said Vito Mielnicki.

Natu has shown that he is a huge puncher. The only thing he has been lacking is experience and everybody knows how active I like to keep my guys. We already have plans to bring him back Iyun 6 and June 27. I look forward to overseeing the development of Natu and want to thank Sal Musumeci for making this happen. Together with Sal, we can bring Natu to the top of the Heavyweight division.

I am excited to co-promote with Natu with GH3 Promotions,” said Final Forum’s Sal Musumeci. “Vito keeps his fighters very busy and we feel that is what Natu needs. With the proper activity, Natu Visinia can become a major force in the Heavyweight division.

GH3 Aktsiyalar Mag'lubiyatsiz Middleweight Antoine Duglas xususiyatlari,, Super Middleweight ning Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, Mag'lubiyatsiz Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez, shuningdek Jr. Middleweight John Thompson, Jr., Mag'lubiyatsiz yarim ortasiklet Jerrell Harris,Mag'lubiyatsiz Super Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, GH3 Aktsiyalar turg'un Mag'lubiyatsiz engil Oskar Bonilla va Light Og'ir Lavarn Harvell.




TEMECULA, Calif. (May 14, 2015) – All twenty-six athletes competing at Ertangi "Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” event were happy to rehydrate after stepping on the scales at today’s official weigh-in, which took place at the Cabaret Theatre inside the Pechanga Resort and Casino in Temecula, Calif.

"Bellator: Halsey vs. Daraxtzor,"Qaysi jonli va mix bepul fiyaka 9 p.m. VA / 8 p.m. CT, features a main event between Brandon "Bull" Halsey (8-0) and well-respected veteran Kendall “Da Spyda” Grove (21-14). The incumbent champion failed to hit the required mark of 185-pounds. Natijada, Grove is the only fighter who can leave the event as the champion, if Halsey does manage to win, he will be forced to vacate the belt.

CO-asosiy taqdirda, a bantamweight battle will go on as planned between former 135-pound champion Eduardo "malinalar" Dantas(16-4) and a streaking Mike “The Marine” Richman (18-5), despite Richman missing weight.

In a critical welterweight battle between two hometown fighters, Cinderella Man Fernando "Menifee Maniac" Gonsales (23-13) looks to continue his hot streak against a young Curtis “Curtious” Millender (7-1).

Kechqurun ochilish televidenieda Butning In, one of MMA’s most promising prospects Darrion "Wolf" Caldwell (6-0), looks to keep his record unblemished against a tough Rafael “Morcego” Silva (22-4), who has only suffered one defeat in his last 15 uchlari

HAMMA tortish-Rasmlar bu yerni bosing

Bosh Karta (9 p.m. VA)


Bellator Middleweight Sarlavha Fight: Champ Brandon Halsey (188.1 lbs.) va boshqalar. Kendall Grove (184.9 lbs.)


Bellator Bantamweight Fight: Eduardo Dantas (135.2 lbs.) va boshqalar. Mike Richman (139.8 lbs.)


Bellator yarim ortasiklet Fight: Fernando Gonsales (170.9 lbs.) va boshqalar. Curtis Millender (170.8 lbs.)


Bellator Bantamweight Fight: Darrion Caldwell (135.7 lbs.) va boshqalar. Rafael Silva (135.7 lbs.)

Dastlabki Card (7:45 p.m. VA)

Bellator o'rta Fight: Benji Radach (186 lbs.) va boshqalar. Ben Reiter (186 lbs.)


Bellator Bantamweight Fight: Joe Taimanglo (136.2 lbs.) va boshqalar. Antonio Duarte (135.1 lbs.)


Bellator tuklar Fight: Jordan Parsons (145.5 lbs.) va boshqalar. Julio Sezar Neves Jr. (146 lbs.)


Bellator Light Heavyweight Fight: Virgil Zwicker (206.7 lbs.) va boshqalar. Razak Al-Hasan (205.6 lbs.)


Bellator yarim ortasiklet Fight: Jesse Juarez (171 lbs.) va boshqalar. Ricky Rainey (170.7 lbs.)


Bellator tuklar Fight: A.J. Jenkins (146 lbs.) va boshqalar. Arlene Blencowe (145.8 lbs.)


Bellator yengillashtirilgan Fight: Steve Kozola (155.8 lbs.) va boshqalar. Ian Butler (155.2 lbs.)


Bellator Bantamweight Fight: Shawn Bunch (135.4 lbs.) va boshqalar. Rolando Perez (135.3 lbs.)


Bellator Bantamweight Fight: John Yoo (135.4 lbs.) va boshqalar. Albert Morales (134.4 lbs.)


Bellator MMA haqida

Bellator MMA dunyoning eng yaxshi jangchilar ko'plab featuring etakchi Mixed Martial Arts tashkilot hisoblanadi. Veteran kurash Promouter Scott cho'kadi rahbarligi ostida, Bellator yaqin mavjud bo'lgan 400 dan ortiq, butun dunyo bo'ylab million uylar 120 mamlakatlar. Qo'shma Shtatlarda, Bellator mix ko'rish mumkin, MMA televizion rahbari. Bellator MMA televizor ishlab chiqarish eng yuqori sanoat mutaxassislariga o'z ichiga olgan rahbar jamoasi iborat, jonli hodisa orkestrasyon, qiruvchi rivojlanish / munosabatlari, makon xaridlari, homiylik yaratish / rivojlantirish, xalqaro litsenziyalash, marketing, reklama, reklama va komissiya munosabatlar. Bellator Santa Monika asoslangan, Kaliforniya va ko'ngilochar ulkan Viacom qarashli, televizor bo'ylab jabbor mazmun orqali tinglovchilar bilan ulanish dunyodagi birinchi ko'ngilochar brendlari uchun uy, kinofilmlarni, onlayn va mobil platformalar.


WEIGHTS FROM HARTFORD for ESPN Friday Night Fights, Juma, May 15

HARTFORD, Conn. (May 14, 2015) — The official weigh-in was held today for ertaga Kechasi uning ESPNJuma Tungi sur, tomonidan taqdim 50 Cent SMS Aktsiyalar va DiBella Entertainment, bilan birgalikda Universal Aktsiyalar, at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford.


Da boshlanadi Live matbuot 9 p.m. VA ESPN2 va ham shaxsiy kompyuterlar WatchESPN orqali mavjud bo'ladi, Smartfonlar, planshetlar, Amazon Fire TV va Fire TV Stick, Apple TV, Chromecast, Yil, Xbox 360 va sho''ba video provayder orqali Xbox One. Bunga qo'chimcha, ESPN’ Tungi sur + jang keng polosali Ispaniya tilidagi ESPN Deportes yashash oshiradi.


Below find fighter weights and pictures by Ed Diller/DiBella Entertainment.

(L-R) Reynaldo Ojeda & Monte Meza-Clay


Asosiy Tantanalarni – Lightweights (10) – ESPN2

REYNALDO OJEDA (16-0, 9 KOS), San-Xuan, Puerto-Riko 135 LBS.

MONTE MEZA-CLAY (36-4, 22 KOS), Rankin, PA 134 LBS.


(L-R) Luis Rosa & Jonathan Perez


Co-belgi – Featherweights (8) – ESPN2

Luis “KO King” ROSA (19-0, 9 KOS), New Haven, CT 123 ½ LBS.

JONATHAN “Popeye” Perez (33-10, 17 KOS), Barranquilla, Kolumbiya 123 LBS.

Junior Welterweights (4) – ESPN2 Swing Bout

JAIR RAMOS (3-2-1, 2 KOS), Waterbury, CT 139 LBS.

CURTIS MORTON (3-4-2), Harlem, NY 139 LBS.


Middleweights (6)

IVAN Golub (7-0, 5 KOS), Bruklin, NY by way of Ukraine Ertaga

KOSTYANTYNKostyaROVENSKYY (18-1-2, 5 KOS), Luiv, Ukraina Ertaga


Light korchalonlari (6)

CHARLES FOSTER (7-0, 3 KOS), New Haven, Connecticut 174 LBS.

JOE GARDNER (11-7-1, 1 KO), Woonsocket, RI 174 LBS.


Junior Welterweights (4)

ALBERTO CANDELERIA (4-2-1, 3 KOS), Mayami, FL by way of Puerto Rico 136 LBS.

IAN JAMES (3-11-1, 1 KO), Bruklin, NY 136 LBS.


Middleweights (6)

CHRIS GALEANO (7-0), Bronx, NY 157 LBS.

YOSMANI ABREAU (4-8-2), Las Vegas, NV 157 LBS.


Junior Lightweights (4)

WILLIAM FOSTER III (1-0), New Haven, CT 129 LBS.

GALVAN SANTOS (0-1), Woburn, MA 130 LBS.


Super Middleweights (6)

DAUREN YELEUSSINOV (1-0, 1 KO), Bruklin, NY by way of Kazakhstan 164 LBS.

JAY “JD” WILLIAMS (3-6), West Monroe, LA 165 ½ LBS.


QACHON: Juma, May 15, 2015


QAERDA: Connecticut Convention Center, Hartford

PROMOTÖR: SMS Promotions va DiBella Entertainment, in association with Universal



TV: ESPN Juma Night sur da boshlangan 9:00 p.m. VA

CHIPTALAR: $100, $65 va $35 (Ortiqcha soliqlar). Tickets can be purchased by

calling 1 (860) 728-2624 yoki 1 (203) 627-7472.



Ochiq eshiklar: 6:30 p.m. VA Birinchi juftlik: 7:30 p.m. VA

Knockout Fitness Presents “Fighting The Odds” June 6!

Baltimor, MD (May 14, 2015) – Knockout Fitness will host the first ever fight card at a Baltimore casino when they bring “Fighting The Odds” to the Horseshoe Casino Shanba, Iyun 6.


Tickets to “Fighting The Odds” are $20 umumiy qabul uchun, $40 for premium seats and individual VIP tickets are on sale for $75 da All VIP ticketholders will have the best seating plus special access to a tent that includes food and drinks.


The card will have more than 10 Olympic style bouts sanctioned by the South Atlantic Boxing Association. Ochiq eshiklar 1 pm and the first fight is scheduled for 2. To assist with animal rights efforts, a portion of the proceeds will benefit the Show Your Soft Side campaign. Based out of the Baltimore area, Show Your Soft Side is a nonprofit campaign that helps combat animal cruelty.


Headlining the card will be Jason Nissley of Baltimore. The co-owner of Knockout Fitness and winner of Baltimore Magazine’s best Personal trainer and best group fitness instructor, Nissley is making the jump from trainer to fighter. Nissley meets an opponent to be announced.


Yarim asosiy tadbirda, well regarded middleweight Jerome Featherstone makes his return to the squared circle. An exceptional athlete with an outstanding track record, Featherstone was a top local wrestler at BoysLatin High School and went on to standout at theUniversity of Oklahoma. Only one year after first putting on a pair of gloves, Featherstone won the Maryland/DC Golden Gloves and competed in nationals. He will meet an opponent TBA for the Maryland State Middleweight title.


The undercard will also feature locals Steven Layer, Stephon Morris and Adam Gabriel in separate bouts. More fights will be announced shortly.


"Iyun 6 th will be a great day for the sport of boxing in the City of Baltimore,” said Chris Nissley of Knockout Fitness. “I’m very thankful that the Horseshoe Casino is providing Knockout Fitness the opportunity to do the first ever casino show in Baltimore and hope that many more will follow. We have very affordable tickets so the entire family can enjoy. The Show Your Soft Side campaign also has a special place in my heart and we love working with them. Please make sure to come out June 6 th to support the fighters and this great cause.”


Leading up to and during the event, fans can interact on Twitter using the hashtag #maythebesthandswin.


2015 Osiyo WMMAA chempionati May bo'lib o'tadi 22-25 Tojikistonda

Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun

(L-R) – Vadim Finkelchtein, WMMAA Prezidenti; Joel Bouzou, WMMAA vitse-prezidenti;

Jangchilardan biri Fedor Yemelyanenkodir, WMMAA faxriy prezidenti


Gollandiya (May 14, 2015) – The 2015 Osiyo Butunjahon jangovar san'atlari uyushmasi Mixed (WMMAA) Championship May bo'lib o'tadi 22-25 Xo'janddagi sport saroyida, Tojikiston.


Bundan ko'proq 100 sportchilar sakkiz a'zolari tashkil topgan jamoalar bir qismi sifatida raqobat kutilmoqda (yetti nafar sportchi va bir murabbiy), Tojikiston, shu jumladan, ishtirokchi mamlakatlar turli guruh vakili, Qozog'iston, Qirg'iziston, Eron, Afg'oniston, Hindiston va Janubiy Koreya.


Rossiya MMA Union prezidenti va WMMAA faxriy prezidenti Jangchilardan biri Fedor Yemelyanenkodir, hamma-vaqt tortishuvlarga eng katta MMA qiruvchi, hozir bo'ladi 2015 Osiyo WMMMA chempionati.


“Jahon MMA uyushmasi nomidan,” Fedor dedi, “Men Tojikistonga hech MMA fan taklif qaerda 2015 Osiyo MMA chempionati bo'lib o'tadi. Men Imomali Rahmon rahmat olmoqchiman, Tojikiston prezidenti, Tojikistonda MMA rivojlantirish, uning cheksiz qo'llab-quvvatlash va butun Osiyo qit'asi bo'ylab bizning sevimli sport rivojida cheksiz muvaffaqiyatlar tilayman.”


Sportchilar va keladi murabbiylar Shanba, May 23 jismoniy sinovlar bo'lib o'tadi qachon, shuningdek rasmiy vaznga-ins va qaratmoqda, ortiqcha bir sudyalar / referisi seminar. Dastlabki va yarim final o'yinlari quyidagi kun e'tiroz bo'ladi (Sat., May 23) chempionat bahslarida bilan Yakshanba kuni (May 24). Sportchilar va parvoz qiladi murabbiylarDushanba, May 25.


One bo'lish yetti vazn toifasida jami bu yil kengaydi: bantamweight – 134 ½ lbs. (-61.2 kg), tuklar (145 lbs., -65.8 kg), engil (154 1/2 lbs., -70.3 kg), ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn (169 ½ lbs., -77.2 kg), middleweight (185 lbs., -84 kg), engil vaznli (205 lbs., -93 kg) va og'ir vaznli (206 lbs. yoki undan ortiq, +93kg).


Xo'jand Markaziy Osiyodagi eng qadimgi shaharlaridan biri, qadar cho'zilgan 2500, shuningdek Tojikistonda ikkinchi yirik shahar sifatida. Khuhand ko'proq aholiga ega 155,000, Farg'ona vodiysining og'zidan Sirdaryo daryosi ustida joylashgan.


Haqida WMMAA: Uning maqsadi Mixed Martial Arts uchun rasmiy dunyo boshqaruv organi bo'lish. A notijorat tashkilot yilda tashkil etilgan 2012, WMMAA standartlashtirilgan va tartibga solinadigan tashkil rivojlantirish uchun bir vazifaga, shu jumladan, raqobat, ta'lim, vazifasini, sinov va o'sish zarur. Bundan ko'proq 400 mamlakatlar WMMAA a'zo berilgan.


MetroPCS Friday Night Knockout on truTVContinues Tomorrow, Juma, May 15, da 10 p.m. VA


Kichik Xose Benavidez o'rtasida sarlavha bilan ta'kidlangan karta. & Xorxe Paez, Jr.

truTV and Top Rank will exclusively present the Film ol bo'yicha MetroPCS Friday Night Knockout, a live primetime boxing series on Juma, May 15, da 10 p.m. VA Feniksdagi AQSh havo yo'llari markazidan. The new boxing series, Tyorner sport va HBO sport bilan hamkorlikda ishlab chiqarilgan, WBA oralig'ida superog'ir vazn toifasida chempion o'rtasidagi chempionlik uchun 12 raundlik jang bo'lib o'tadi Jose Benavidez, Jr. (22-0-0, 15 KOS), qarshi tug'ilgan shahrida jang qilish Xorxe Paez, Jr. (38-5-2, 23 KOS) Meksika. Bundan tashqari, Antonio Orozco (21-0-0, 15 KOS) uchrashadi Emanuel Taylor (18-3-0, 12 KOS) 10-dumaloq super engil Butning ichida. Following is additional information, including profile features, on the boxers.


Asosiy Tantanalarni: 12-Round Bout for the WBA interim World Super Lightweight Championship

Screen Shot 2015-05-13 da 9 32 52 AM

(click on the images above to view the boxer profiles)

Jose Benavidez, Jr. (champ) Xorxe Paez, Jr.

22-0-0, 15 KOs vs. 38-5-2, 23 KOS

Yosh: 22 (5/15/92) Yosh: 27 (11/30/87)

Tug'ma: Panorama City, CA Born: Baja Kaliforniya, Meksika

Resides: Phoenix, AZ Resides: Baja Kaliforniya, Meksika

Balandlik: 5’11” Height: 5"7"

Erishish: 73” Reach: 70"


10-Round Super Engil Butning

Screen Shot 2015-05-13 da 8 14 47 AM Screen Shot 2015-05-13 da 8 10 55 AM (3)

(click on the images above to view the boxer profiles)

Antonio Orozco Emanuel Taylor

21-0-0, 15 KOs vs. 18-3-0, 12 KOS

Yosh: 27 (10/30/87) Yosh: 24 (12/20/90)

Tug'ma: Baja Kaliforniya, Mexico Born: Edgewater, MD

Resides: San-Diego, CA Resides: Edgewood Arsenal, MD

Balandlik: 5’7” Height: 5’7½”

Erishish: 70” Reach: 65"


tarmoqdagi taqdimot davom foydalanishni etadi “Spidercam” texnologiya, jonli ichki boks stream uchun ilk, providing dynamic coverage during the series. “Spidercam” operates on a four-point system of cables from designated points beyond the corners of the boxing ring. to'xtatib kamera uch o'lchovda harakat qobiliyatini, shu jumladan harakat jabbor 360-bosqich yuritadigan ta'minlash imkoniga ega - chap / o'ng, oldinga / orqaga va yuqoriga / pastga.


Tadbir davomida sharhlovchilar o'z ichiga oladi Kevin O'qlar (play-by-play) bilanTimo'tiyga Bradley (analyst and former WBO welterweight champion and former WBO and two-time WBC junior welterweight champion), Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini (analyst and 2015 International Boxing Hall of Fame inductee; former NABF and WBA lightweight champion) va Crystina Poncher (reportyor). Ispan yopiq qavsi Film ol stream uchun mavjud bo'ladi.


TruTV-dagi boks seriyasiga homiylik qilish huquqi doirasida, MetroPCS har bir jang uchun kameraga ko'rinadigan markaz halqasi va burchak to'shaklari brendini oladi, shuningdek, truTV va boshqa Turner Broadcasting tarmoqlari bo'ylab barcha reklama xabarlariga qo'shilish.


Turner Sport-ga tashrif buyuring onlayn pressroom qo'shimcha matbuot materiallari uchun; Twitter-da Turner Sports-ni kuzatib boring TurnerSportsPR.


Birmingham Bartow maydonda, Alo.

Chiptalar Endi indirimdedir!

HAMMA ACCESS: Deontay Wilder Premieres Iyun 3 SHOWTIME da


Birmingham, Ala. (May 14, 2015) – Undefeated Heavyweight World Champion Deontay “Bronza Bomber” Uaylder (33-0, 32 KOS), Tuscaloosa of, Ala., will make the first defense of his title when he faces Eric “Barabanchi Boy” Molina (23-2, 17 KOS), Raymondville of, Texas, asosiy tadbirda Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKS® bo'yicha Shanba, Iyun 13, live on NAMOYISH VAQTI® (9 p.m. VA/6 p.m. PT) da Bartow Arena Birmingham, Ala.



CO-xususiyati, Mag'lubiyatsiz Jose “Sniper” Pedraza (19-0, 12 KOS), CAGUAS of, Puerto-Riko, tomonidan qarshi bo'ladi Andrey Klimov (19-1, 9 KOS), Klimovski of, Rossiya, bo'sh IBF Junior yengillashtirilgan jahon chempionatida uchun 12-yumaloq ichida.


The 6-foot-7 Wilder captured the heavyweight world championship with an impressive 12-round unanimous decision over defending titleholder Gold Cup bo'yicha Jan. 17 showtime bo'yicha. It was the first time the hard-hitting Wilder, 29, had fought more than four full rounds and the only time in his seven-year career that one of his fights went to the judges. By winning, he became the first undefeated American to win a heavyweight title since Michael Moorer ichida 1994.


Molina, a 6-foot-5 southpaw, possesses punching power that commands respect and makes him a dangerous proposition for any opponent. He has won five in a row, three straight by knockout, including an eighth-round TKO over Raphael Zumbano Love on the Wilder-Stiverne undercard. G'olibona bo'lsa, the aggressive-minded 32-year-old would become the first Mexican-American heavyweight world champion.


Tadbir chiptalar, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with Bruno Events Team are on sale now. Chiptalar faqat boshlanadi $25 Uydagi eng yaxshi qo'ltiq uchun yer bilan $200. VIP paketlarni ham mavjud. Chipta muxlislari tashrif kerak sotib olish uchun Chiptalar tez sotish va bir Mavsum yakuniga Elektron kutubxona kutilmoqda.


It’s a wonderful feeling to be able to defend my heavyweight championship in my home state,” Uaylder dedi. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time.


It was one of my dreams to win a world title. This was my other dream to be able to defend it before all my fans in Alabama. I can’t wait until fight night to step into the ring and see the whole state coming out to support me.


I remember just a few months ago watching Deontay get ready for the biggest fight of his life,” Molina said. “I thought to myself, ‘someday, that’ll be me.I stared with envy not knowing that a few months later I’d get my turn.


Winning the heavyweight world championship is my dream. Just as it was Deontay’s dream, it’s mine now. He had his turn, though it will be short-lived. I will become the first Mexican-American heavyweight champion. Guaranteed. Shunday, champ, come prepared for war. I’m coming to kick some ass.


Deontay Wilder is the first American to hold a heavyweight championship in years and one of the most exciting fighters in the division. His homecoming in Birmingham will be electric,” promoter Lou DiBella said. “The opening bout will be Jose Pedraza’s opportunity to establish himself as Puerto Rico’s next champion and a rising star. It will be a great night of boxing on SHOWTIME.


We are excited to work with DiBella Entertainment to bring the first ever heavyweight boxing championship to the State of Alabama,” Said Gen Hallman, Bruno Tantanalarni jamoasi prezidenti va bosh ijrochi direktori, a nationwide leader in sports event management. “Alabama’s Deontay Wilder always puts on a show, so we expect the arena to sell out for this world heavyweight championship.


Deontay made an emphatic statement with his performance in January that he is one of the current and future stars of this sport, and we’re thrilled to welcome him back to SHOWTIME for his first title defense, ” Stiven Espinoza dedi, Ijrochi vitse-prezidenti & General Manager kvplt_fan sport. “But we all know that one punch can change everything in the heavyweight division and Eric Molina will be coming to Alabama to prove just that.


HAMMA ACCESS: Deontay Uaylder, which chronicles the champion’s Jan. 24 homecoming parade in Tuscaloosa and his preparation for the upcoming title defense, bo'yicha premeralariga Chorshanba, Iyun 3 da 10 p.m. VA/PT.


Uaylder, the first United States-born heavyweight champion since Shannon Briggs won the WBO belt in November 2006, was born and raised in Tuscaloosa. He’s fought in Alabama five times, although the bout on the campus of the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) will mark the first occasion he’s fought outside of Tuscaloosa (four times) or Mobile (once). This will be the first fight in his home state since August 2012.


Wilder started boxing at the age of 21 after his daughter Naieya (pronounced nie-EE-ya) was born with spina bifida. Despite his late start in boxing, Wilder would go on to represent the United States in the 2008 Olimpiya o'yinlari, u bir bronza medalni qo'lga kiritdi qaerda. U Olimpiada medali uchun oxirgi Amerika erkak boxer emas.


Until going the distance against Stiverne, Wilder hadn’t come close to putting in a full night’s work since turning pro in November 2008. The then-virtually untested slugger had fought a total of 58 tur, an average of 1.8 rounds per outing. He’s registered 18 knockouts in the first round, eight in the second.


Molina, who resides in Weslaco, Texas, is a big slugger, rugged and strong. He has good skills and movement and, like Wilder, got a belated start in boxing but has had only two defeats as a professional.


The Drummer Boyis on a roll, coming off five consecutive victories. Molina’s matchup with Wilder will be his first shot at a world title.


# # #

WILDER VS. MOLINA, Alan ning WBC og'ir chempionatida uchun 12-dumaloq jang, bo'lib o'tadiShanba, Iyun 13, Birmingham Bartow Arena da, Ala. DiBella Entertainment va Bruno Tantanalarni Team Alabama uchun bu voqea olib kuchlarini ishtirok etdi. Bu ShowTime jonli efirga® (9 p.m. VA/ 6 p.m. PT). teleko'rsatuv ham ikkilamchi audio dasturlash orqali ispan mavjud bo'ladi (SAP). Dastlabki xuruji kvplt_fan FAVQULOTDA jonli televidenieda qilinadi (7 p.m. VA/PT, West Coast kechiktirildi).


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun va SHOSports da Twitter amal, BronzeBomber, LouDiBella VaSwanson_Comm, #WilderMolina yordamida suhbatni amal, da Facebookda muxlisi yoki kvplt_fan boks blogiga tashrif