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Tarmoq MMA KURAShING & Kick dasturiy taqvim (May 18-25, 2015)

Tarmoq bir Fight 24/7 televizion kanal jangovar sport yoritilishini bajarish bag'ishlangan. Bu jangovar sport janr butun ko'lamini yo'naltirilgan dasturlar fiyaka, jonli urishqoq va shu jumladan, hozirgi aralashgan jang san'ati uchun yangiliklar va tahlil, kikboksing, professional kurash, an'anaviy jang san'atlari, joylashtirish, jang yangiliklar, shuningdek jang-nomli drama ketma-ket, deb, hujjatli va badiiy filmlar.


Quyida bu hafta dasturlash diqqatga sazovor topish:

Dushanba, May 18

6:30 p.m. VA – 2014 Toshkent dzyudo kurashi bo'yicha Gran-pri– Dan Highlights 2014 Toshkent Gran-pri dzyudo Okt. 16-18, 2014 O'zbekistonda.

7:00 p.m. VA – 5 Donachalari – John Ramdeen va Robin Black MMA harakatlar hafta oxiri yiqitish uchun maxsus mehmonlarni taklif qarorga.

7:30 p.m. VA – Yangiliklar Endi Extra Fight – so'ngi yangiliklar, Natijalar, xususiyatlari va jang o'yin ichidagi tahlil.

8:00 p.m. VAFinal Fight chempionati 5: Rodriguez va boshqalar. Simonjic – Ricco Rodriguez va boshqalar featuring. MMA asosiy tadbirda Tomaz Simonjic va Pavel Zhuravle va boshqalar. Osijek bir kikboksing Butning ham Vinchenzo Renfurm, Xorvatiya.

Seshanba, May 19

1:00 A.M. VAUchun 2 Uriyo Faber bilan etik – John Ramdeen sport uning tarbiyasi va evolyutsiya haqida UFC bantamweight yulduz Urijah Faber bilan suhbat.

1:30 A.M. VAHip Show: Arena kurash – Uch bosqichli to'sqinlik tuzilmalari bilan 12m maydonda tomonidan 12m ichida Yorliq-jamoa MMA.

2:30 emasman. VA – XPTV – Mintaqaviy U.S pro va havaskor MMA qoplash.

7:30 A.M. VAYangiliklar Endi Extra Fight – so'ngi yangiliklar, Natijalar, xususiyatlari va jang o'yin ichidagi tahlil.

7:00 & 7:30 p.m. VAXtreme mushtlashish chempionati – Florida asoslangan professional MMA uch amerikalik istiqbollari featuring, xalqaro yulduz va UFC faxriylari.

8:00 p.m. VA – 5 Donachalari – John Ramdeen va Robin Black MMA harakatlar hafta oxiri yiqitish uchun maxsus mehmonlarni taklif qarorga.

8:30 p.m. VA — Yangiliklar Endi Extra Fight – so'ngi yangiliklar, Natijalar, xususiyatlari va jang o'yin ichidagi tahlil.

Chorshanba, May 20

3:00 A.M. VATexas Fight Night – Qafasda Lone Star davlat uch istiqbollari featuring Texas MMA harakat.

6:00 p.m. VABào Rage eng yaxshi – Anderson Silva bilan Buyuk Britaniyada joylashgan bào Rage tashkilotdan klassik kurashlar featuring, Antonio Silva, Viktor Belfort, Pavlus Daley va boshqalar.

7:00 p.m. VAYangiliklar Endi Extra Fight: MMA Edition – Maxsus tahlil va xususiyatlari bilan MMA dunyodagi barcha voqealar o'z ichiga olgan.

7:30 p.m. VAYangiliklar Endi Extra Fight – so'ngi yangiliklar, Natijalar, xususiyatlari va jang o'yin ichidagi tahlil.

8:00 p.m. VAJang Spirit Season 4 – SFL xalqaro MMA janjal kompilyatsiya, FFC, M-1 va undan ko'p.

9:00 p.m. VACage Warriors 74 – Va boshqalar Kianzad featuring. Siiskanen – Mannie Kianzad kabilar featuring, O'tilganlik dan inaurgal ayollar bantamweight sarlavhani Agnieszka Niedzwiedz narxi. 15, 2014 9n London.

11:00 p.m. VAGabriel Morency bilan MMA Meltdown – Gabriel Morency MMA barcha voqealar pastga sindiradi, tikish muhokama, bashorati, maxsus haftalik mehmonlar va maxsus intervyular plus.

11:30 p.m. VATakedown Wrestling – Havaskor kurash voqealari keng qamrov, so'nggi yangiliklar, jumladan,, voqealar va maxsus intervyular ortda-sahnalari qamrov.

Payshanba, May 21

1:30 A.M. VAUltimate Challenge MMA 8: Dinamit – Neil Grove va boshqalar featuring. Martin Thompson, Tom Watson va boshqalar, Denniston Sutherland, Dean Amasinger va boshqalar. Scott Jansen va Jeyson Young va boshqalar. Oktyabr dan Abdul Mohamed. 24, 2009 Londonda.

6:00 p.m. VAChempionat Fightling Alliance – Josh Sampo'nun yoqishi featuring Florida Pro MMA, Mike Kyle, Jon Govard, McCorkie olasizmi, Luis Palomino va boshqalar.

7:00 p.m. VARookies sur – Rookies mutaxassislari bo'lib va ​​bir oliy darajada muvaffaqiyatga erishish uchun zarur tajribaga olish uchun bir imkoniyat uchun raqobat kabi shuhratparast Mazkur qit'a sport muvaffaqiyat narvon ko'tarilishni.

8:00 p.m. VAEndi yangiliklari Fight: MMA Edition – Maxsus tahlil va xususiyatlari bilan MMA dunyodagi barcha voqealar o'z ichiga olgan.

8:30 p.m. VA Yangiliklar Endi Extra Fight – so'ngi yangiliklar, Natijalar, xususiyatlari va jang o'yin ichidagi tahlil.

9:00 p.m. VA – Jang maydoni MMA: O.N.E. – Bir-kecha featuring, Tulsa yagona-slimination MMA turniri, OK, Roan Carneiro tanishtiruvchi, Brock Larson, Cody McKenzie, Trey Houston, Jesse Taylor va boshqalar.

Juma, May 22

2:00 A.M. VAPancrase Classics – Ken Shamrock featuring Classic kashshof, MMA janglar, Frank Shamrock, Bosh Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Birovga Sonnen va boshqalar.

4:00 A.M. VAMULOHAZA eng yaxshi – Shinya Aoki jumladan tarixiy Yaponiya MULOHAZA reklama sinf janglari featuring, Xayato Sakurai va Gegard Mousasi.

5:00 A.M. VAJavhar Best – Hamma-ayol Yaponiya MMA ligada dan Classic jang, Jewels.

6:00 – p.m. VA – M-1 Challenge – Eng yaxshi chiqish istiqbollarini va xalqaro yulduz featuring Evropadan Professional MMAs.

7 p.m. VAUFC 187 Tarozhona-yilda – UFC uchun rasmiy tortmoq-ins jonli qamrovi 187: Jones va boshqalar. Las-Vegas Johnson.

8:00 p.m. VA — MXX 18 – Va boshqalar Overeem featuring. Rozalski – Valentijn Overeem kabilar featuring. Marc Rozalski, Jan Blachowicz va boshqalar. Mario Miranda va Curt Warburton va boshqalar. Fevral dan Artur Sowinski. 24, 2012 Terimiga, Polsha.

11:00 p.m. VAKurash Qattiq uchrabdi 43 – Kalgari dan MMA LIVE, Kanada, Jason Zentgraf va boshqalar featuring. Nick Ring, Va boshqalar Mixhsa Cirkunov. Shaun Asher va Sergey Juskevic va boshqalar. LT Nelson,

Shanba, May 23

1:00 A.M. VASuperKombat: Jahon Grand Prix III – Andrey Stoica va boshqalar featuring. Super cruiserweight sarlavhani Ali Cenik, iyun plus cruiserweight musobaqa yarim final 21, 2014 Constanta, Ruminiya.

4:00 A.M. VAUchun 2 Chris Weidman bilan etik – John Ramdeen UFC o'rta chempioni Chris Weidman bilan chuqur gapiradi.

6:00 A.M. VAOltinchi raundda texnik nokaut eng yaxshi – Patrik Koutni vs featuring. TKO dan Steve Vigneault 14.

7:00 A.M. VA – Gladiator Challenge eng yaxshi – Quinton featuring “Rampage” Jekson va boshqalar. Gladiator Challenge dan Dave Taylor 2.

10:00 A.M. VASportFight eng yaxshi – Tinch okeani shimoli eng sifatli MMA, UFC faxriylari Matt LIndland va Chael Sonnen mezbonlik. Bu voqea SportFight chempioni Enoch Wilson ko'tarilishini xususiyatlari.

2:00 p.m. VA – MXX 31: Va boshqalar Mavzu. Drwal – Visente del dan MMA LIVE, Polsha, Michal materia boshqalar featuring. Tomasx Drwal, Mariush Pudzianowski va boshqalar. Rolles Gracie va Goran Reljic va boshqalar. Attila Végh.

7:00 p.m. VAUFC 187 Pre-Show – UFC uchun LIVE oldindan jang matbuot va tahlil 187: Jones va boshqalar. Las-Vegas Johnson.

8:00 p.m. VAWSOF Canada 1: Ford va boshqalar. Powell – Ryan Ford va boshqalar featuring. WSOF Kanada ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn sarlavhani Joel Powell, plus Michael Hill va boshqalar. Fevral dan Ryan Dickson. 21, 2014 Edmonton, AB.

10:00 p.m. VAWSOF Canada 2: Loiseau boshqalar. Lewis – Dovudni featuring “Crow” Va boshqalar Loisean. Dwayne Lewis, plus Josh Hill va boshqalar. Mayk Adams va Tim Hague va boshqalar. Iyun Matt Beyker 7, 2014 Edmonton, AB.

Yakshanba, May 24

1:00 A.M. VAUFC 187 Post-Show – UFC uchun LIVE Post-jang matbuot 1878: Jones va boshqalar. Las-Vegas Johnson.

6:00 A.M. VAPancrase Classics – Ken Shamrock featuring Classic kashshof, MMA janglar, Frank Shamrock, Bosh Rutten, Ism Marquardt, Birovga Sonnen va boshqalar.

10:00 A.M. VAADCC eng yaxshi – Buyuk Qayiqchani gugurt featuring kompilyativ hech o'tkazildi, Tito Ortiz featuring, Matt Hughes, Eddi Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza va Royler Gracie.

2:00 p.m. VAEnfusion LIVE #29: Amsterdam – Amsterdam LIVE professional kikboksing, Holland.

7:00 p.m. VAAQSh Wrestling Hafta – Xost Scott Casber USA kurashlari atrofida haftalik yangiliklar va tahlil ortalanmasına beradi, sport milliy etakchi kengash, intervyu, shu jumladan,, xususiyatlari va o'tmishga qaytib nazar.

7:30 p.m. VAQingdao dzyudo bo'yicha Gran-pri 2014 – Dan dzyudo Qingdao Grand Prix dan HighlightsNov. 19-21 Xitoyda.



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Baltimore Boxing to honor Police during “Blood, Sweat & Tears” Card May 29!

Baltimor, MD (May 18, 2015) – Jake Smith’s Baltimore Boxing Promotions will honor the Baltimore Police Department during a special Olympic style card Friday, May 29 Glenn Burnie Maykl ning Sakkizinchi Avenue, MD.


Tickets for “Blood, Sweat & Tears” can be purchased by calling 410-375-9175 yoki ketadi. Individual chiptalar boshlanadi $25 va VIP jadvallarni 10 uchun mavjud $500. Barcha VIP ticketholders ozod hors d'oeurves bahramand bo'lishingiz mumkin 7-8 pm, the best seats in the house and a special meet and greet with five time world champion Vinny Paz.


During the recent Baltimore Riots, a number of officers were hit with rocks, bricks and others items while attempting to stop violent protests. Umumiy, bundan ko'proq 100 officers were injured trying to prevent further damage to the city. Kechqurun, Baltimore Boxing will have a special ceremony honoring the department for their courageous efforts to stop violent protesters.


“Baltimore was a very scary place last month,"Smith dedi. “I had to shut my gym down and know a lot of people had their businesses destroyed. If it weren’t for the brave men and women in law enforcement, things would’ve been even worse. I commend them for the job they did and honoring them during the card is the least that I can do.”


Fast rising heavyweight Sam “Vanilla Gorilla” Crossed returns to the ring less than three weeks after his most recent bout when he defends his East Coast Heavyweight crown in the main event. Crossed, who is turning professional after this fight, has shown tremendous improvement and always gives fans their monies worth. Uning raqibi yaqin kunlarda e'lon qilinadi.


Welterweight Allen Burris looks to continue his hot streak against an opponent TBD in the co-featured bout of the evening and other bouts will be announced shortly.


In addition to honoring the policemen and women, Baltimore Boxing is proudly teaming up with Unified Efforts. Since their founding in 2012 by formerBaltimore detective Debbie Ramsey, Unified Efforts is a full-service bullying prevention organization that has helped raise awareness throughout the Charm City. To assist with the program, Baltimore Boxing will donate tickets and proceeds from a 50/50 raffle on fight night.


“This is going to be our second time working with Unified Efforts,"Smith dedi. “Debbie has a great heart and it was an excellent experience having her at our card last November. We are very glad to have Debbie and Unified Efforts promoting a great message in association with the fight card. Michael’s Eighth Avenue has been our most popular venue and was sold out for the last card so I advise everybody to purchase their tickets early because this will be a special event for the community.


For more information on Baltimore Boxing Promotions, ziyorat

“Bellator MMA: Kongo va boshqalar. Volkov” adds middleweight slugfest pitting Joe Schilling vs. Hisaki Kato, making it the fourth and final main-card matchup

Easy Dushanba: ".@JoeSchilling187 and Hisaki Kato join #Bellator139 da @KansasStarArena bo'yicha Iyun 26."


Santa Monika, Calif. (May 18, 2015) – A card loaded with explosive contests has received one more potential slugfest, as middleweight sluggers Joe “Hammasini tikuv” Schilling (2-4) va Hisaki Kato (4-1) will clash in the fourth and final main-card matchup of next month’s “Bellator MMA: Kongo va boshqalar. Volkov” event which airs live on Spike.


Headlined by a heavyweight contest between French striking specialist Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) va sobiq Bellator MMA og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempioni Aleksandr “Drago” Volkov (24-5), “Bellator MMA: Kongo va boshqalar. Volkov” bo'lib o'tadi Iyun 26 Mulvane Kansas Star Tantanalarni Center Arena da, May.


Additional matchups include lightweights Dave “CAVEMAN” Rickels (16-3) va boshqalar. John “Tabiiy” Alessio (35-17) and former Bellator MMA Featherweight Champion Tarsakilamoq “Paddy Mike” Curran (20-7) olib Yamauchi up (18-2).


tungi asosiy karta da mix jonli va bepul fiyaka 9 p.m. VA/ 8 p.m. CT, Dastlabki xuruji xar vaqt. Qo'shimcha xuruji tez e'lon qilinadi.


Chiptalar “Bellator MMA: Kongo va boshqalar. Volkov,” qaysi faqat boshlanadi $17 and include cage side seats for just $97, da mavjud


31-yoshli Schilling buyon professional kurash qilindi 2006, starting his combat sports career in muay Thai, u har ikkala U.S kasb qaerda. and world titles. Since he’s turned his focus to MMA, Schilling continues to compete in kickboxing events, shuningdek, shuhrat So`nggi Man Doimiy turnirda bu o'tgan iyun yo'l ish, bir oqshom uch marta raqobat. Schilling noyabr oyida o'z Bellator MMA debyutini, xavfli bir “Yilning nokaut” candidate stoppage of noted striker Melvin Manhoef.


A karate stylist who first made his name in Japan in the sport of Kudo – a hybrid version of MMA that involves fighting in a gi, gloves and a mask – the 32-year-old Kato will fight in the U.S. iyun kuni 26th birinchi marta. Kato’s transition in 2013 to traditional MMA rules has proven to be a rousing success, as he’s earned four knockout victories in his first five bouts. Three of those wins were earned in the first round, including an April 2014 victory that came in just 53 soniya.


“Bellator MMA: Kongo va boshqalar. Volkov” - Juma, Iyun 26, KanaS Star Voqealar markazi Arena, MULVANE, Kansas


Bellator Og'ir Asosiy Tantanalarni: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) va boshqalar. Aleksandr Volkov (24-5)

Bellator yengillashtirilgan Xususiyat Fight: Dave Rickels (16-3) va boshqalar. John Alessio (35-17)

Bellator tuklar Xususiyat Fight: Pat Curran (20-7) va boshqalar. Yamauchi up (18-2)

Bellator tuklar Xususiyat Fight: Joe Schilling (2-4) va boshqalar. Hisaki Kato (4-1)



FRIDAY IYuN 5-AXS TV-da jonli efir
Asosiy voqea:
Ben Smit va Gilbert Smit
Thiago Alves vs Marcus Edwards

Las Vegas,, Nevada – Tirilish ham, jang Alliance (RFA) will feature a new co-main event as the promotion heads back to Colorado next month. RFA 26 – Va boshqalar Smith. Smith now has a co-headliner pitting two lightweights looking to make a big statement in the Mile High City as Colorado’s own Marcus “Bad Intentions” Edwards battles Brazilian submission ace ThiagoMonstrinho” Alves. Tadbir juma bo'lib o'tadi, 5 iyun Breefilddagi 1STBANK markazida, Kolorado. butun asosiy karta televidenieda jonli va AXS televidenieda umummilliy qilinadi 10 p.m. VA / 7 p.m. PT.
RFA chiptalar 26 – Va boshqalar Smith. Smitni hoziroq sotib olish mumkin Chiptalar da boshlanadi $25.00. Qo'ng'iroqlar orqali cheklangan miqdordagi 8 kishilik ovqatlanish joylari VIP stollari mavjud 303-521-0966.
Alves (8-2) is a 28-year-old native of São Paulo, Brazil who holds the rank of black belt in jiu-jitsu. Alves is replacing former RFA title challenger Zach Juusola, who was forced to withdraw from the bout due to injury. The Team Link representative has secured six of his eight career victories via submission since making his professional MMA debut in 2011. Two of those submission wins have come this year and he will look to stay perfect in 2015 as he makes his national television debut at RFA 26.
I don’t know a lot about Marcus Edwards personally, but this will be a great opportunity for the both of us to show off our skills on national television. I look forward to going to his hometown and doing my job at RFA 26.
Edwards (9-3) will be celebrating a double-homecoming at RFA 26. The 26-year-old Factory X Muay Thai standout will be returning to fight in his home state of Colorado for the first time since 2013, while also returning to AXS TV, where he fought three times in 2014.
RFA 26 will be headlined by a welterweight title bout as RFA welterweight champion Benjamin Smith (14-2) puts his title on the line against RFA #1 welterweight contender Gilbert Smith (10-4). The main card will also feature a pair of bantamweight bouts. NCAA Division I wrestler Jarred “Shutout” Bozor (12-2) will lock horns with jiu-jitsu black belt Bruno Frazatto (6-2), while Hawaiian knockout artist Boston “Boom Boom” Go'shti Qizil Baliq (3-0) will clash with collegiate wrestler Danny Mainus (3-3). Also on the main card, former RFA middleweight title challenger AndrewEl Dirte” Sanchez (5-2) squares off with Respect FC and SFFN middleweight champion Clinton Williams (5-1) and undefeated heavyweight prospect Brandon Griffin (4-0) battles The MMA Lab destroyer Ashley Gooch (7-4).
Ben Smit va Gilbert Smit
155 CO-asosiy voqea:
Thigo Alves vs Marcus Edwards
135 xususiyati Butning:
Jarred Mercado vs Brun Frazzato
265 xususiyati Butning:
Brandon Griffin vs Ashley Gooch
185 xususiyati Butning:
Andrew Sanchez vs Clinton Williams
135 xususiyati Butning:
Boston Salmon vs Danny Mainus
Additional bouts bo'yicha the RFA 26 ostidacard will be announced soon. RFA 26 Kolorado shtatida bo'lib o'tadigan reklama oltinchi tadbiridir. Bu O'FAga ikkinchi marta tashrif buyuradi “Yuz yillik davlat” ichida 2015. RFA butun asosiy karta 26 – Va boshqalar Smith. Smit jonli efirda va butun mamlakat bo'ylab AXS TV orqali namoyish etiladi 10 p.m. VA / 7 p.m. Juma kuni PT, 5 iyun.
Tashrif buyuring Butning yangiliklarni va ma'lumot olish uchun. RFA da Facebook ham hisoblanadi, Instagramda @RFAfighting, va Twitter @RFAfighting da.
RFA haqida: RFA chiqish yulduzlar va yuqori da'vogarlar sanoati muxlislar va yetakchilariga o'z iste'dodi isbotlash uchun imkoniyat beradi professional aralash jang san'atlari reklama. RFA Las-Vegas, shu jumladan, Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari bo'ylab bir oylik asosida jonli faoliyatni taqdim, Los Anjeles, Denver va Miluoki. RFA ustida jonli ko'rish mumkin 43 AXS televidenie bilan televizor shartnoma orqali milliy million uylar. Las-Vegas asoslangan, Nevada, RFA dunyoning eng tez rivojlangan sport eng faol va hurmat MMA tashkilotlardan biri hisoblanadi. (Octagon, Ultimate Fighting Championship®, UFC®, va raqobat mot va katak dizayn sakkiz qirrali Zuffa tomonidan faqat qarashli ro'yxatga olingan savdo belgilaridir, MChJ. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan).
AXS TV Mushtlashish haqida: Fights AXS TV uning umume'tirof etilgan juma Night Mixed Martial Arts va Kickboks voqealar uchun mashhur bo'lgan. MMA uchun Sizning sifatida, AXS TV, Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari aksiyalarni keng tarmog'ini foydalanadi, Kanada, va Evropa. And Asia to broadcast moreLIVE fights than any other television network. “Ovozli” Maykl Schiavello va besh karra MMA dunyo-chempioni Pat Miletich tomoshabinga mutaxassis o'yin-tomonidan-o'yin ta'minlash, in-chuqurligi qiruvchi qamrovi, va har bir jang kartasiga keng tahlil. AXS TV RFA jahon-sinf LIVE kurash tadbirlarini efirga, Arslon Fight, Legacy FK, va MFC har juma kechasi da 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. VA.

WBA and WBO to add regional titles to Boxcino championship fights this Friday in Corona, Kaliforniya

Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun

APELSIN, Calif. (May 18, 2015)Bu juma Omega Products Ochiq Arena da kechasi, The 2015 Boxcino finals will take place in the heavyweight and jr. o'rta bo'linmalari.
The fights will be televised on ESPN Friday Night Fights beginning at 10 AM ET.

The 2015 Boxcino Tournament is promoted by Banner Promotions.

Juma ning show is promoted by Thompson Boxing and Banner Promotions.
The stakes just grew even more as two more belts have been added to each final bout.
In the heavyweight final between Andrey Fedosov va Donovan Dennis, the WBA Fedelatin and the WBO Intercontinental titles will be on the line, in addition to the Boxcino 2015 Heavyweight championship.
Jr In. middleweight bout between Brandon Adams va John Thompson, the NABA Interim Super Welterweight title as well as the WBO Intercontinental Jr. Middleweight belts will be contested for, in addition to the Boxcino 2015 Jr. O'rta sarlavha.
The Omega Products Outdoor Arena is located at 1681 Kaliforniya Ave., Toj, KABI 92881 va erishilgan mumkin 951-737-7447. Ochiq eshiklar 5:45 p.m. PT va birinchi navbat-da boshlanadi 6:15 p.m. PT.

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun tashrif buyuring va. Bizning jangchilar ustidan muntazam yangiliklarni uchun, voqealar, va aktsiyalar, Bizning Facebook sahifasi tekshiring, va Twitter va Instagram bizni amalbannerboxing va ThompsonBoxing.

Daniel Jacobs & Harold Weston Ring 8 Guest Speakers Tuesday night in New York

NYU YORK (May 18, 2015) – Jahon boks assotsiatsiyasi (WBA) Doniyor “Miracle Man” Jacobs va 2015 New York State Boxing Hal of Fame inductee Harold Weston bo'ladi ertaga Kechasi uning (Seshanba, May 19) special Ring 8 guest speakers at O’Neill’s Restaurant, da joylashgan 64-21 53rd Drive in Maspeth, Nyu York.


Jacobs (29-1, 26 KOS), fighting out Brooklyn, is an inspiration having overcome cancer to become world champion. An outstanding amateur boxer, Jacobs was a gold medal winner at the 2003 Junior Olympics National, 2004 & 2005 Milliy PAL, 2004 & 2005 National Golden Gloves tournaments.


Oxirgi avgust, Jacobs captured the vacant WBA 160-pound division world champion, to'xtatish Jarrod Fletcher (18-1) beshinchi turda. In his first world title defense this past April, Jacobs registered a win by 12th round technical knockout over Xolib Truax (25-1-2) Chikagodagi.


Weston (26-9-5, 7 KOS) had an outstanding professional boxing career until he retired in 1979 after his fight with Thomas Hearns. Weston’s most notable victory was against world champion (and fellow NYSBHOF inductee) Vito Antuofermo ichida 1973, by way of a fifth-round technical knockout due to cuts. Weston fought draws with two other world champions, Shoul Mamby, who was also inducted into the NYSBHOF Class of 2015, va Wilfredo Benitez.

Haqida RING 8: Ring 8 Milliy Veteran Bokschilarimizning uyushmasi deb nomlanuvchi nima sakkizinchi yordamchi bo'ldi – shuning uchun, RING 8 – va bugun tashkilotning shiori hali qolmoqda: Ravishda kutib Helping Bokschilarimizning.


RING 8 to'liq to'lab ijaraga jihatidan yordam talab qilishi mumkin boks hamjamiyatida kamroq baxtli odamlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun harakat qilmoqda, tibbiy xarajatlar, yoki har qanday asosli sabab ehtiyoj.


Liniyasi bo'yicha Go to RING haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun 8, ko'proq bilan Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari o'z turiga eng katta guruh 350 a'zolari. Yillik a'zolik to'lov faqat $30.00 va har bir a'zo va RING bir bufet kechki ovqat huquqiga ega 8 oylik uchrashuvlar, iyul va avgust tashqari. Barcha faol bokschilar, havaskor va professional, a joriy boks bo'yicha litsenziya yoki kitob bilan bepul fikrlovchilarning huquqiga ega 8 yillik a'zolik. Ring Mehmonlar 8 a'zolari faqat bir xarajat xush kelibsiz $7.00 kishi boshiga.


Bizning Keyingi boks Show Shanba emas, May 23rd at Gleason’s

Bizni qo'shiling, Shanba kuni kechqurun 23rd of May va o't ildizi darajasida havaskor boks qiziqishini bahramand.


Biz johillik ko'p Xronologiya bo'ladi. Biz Masters sifatida johillik kiritamiz, Qariyalar va o'smirlar.


Agar raqobat qilmoqchi bo'lsangiz, bizning sovchisi bo'lmish Jieun Lee murojaat qiling yoki uni matnini 917 858 3955.


Barcha oluvchi elektron pochta yoki matn tomonidan amalga oshiriladi.


tortmoq-da boshlanadi, bu ko'rgazma uchun 4:00AM va birinchi navbat-da boshlanadi 6:00AM.


Bizning barcha xuruji USABoxingMetro tomonidan ruxsat etiladi. Barcha bokschilar ishtirok etish uchun ular bilan ularning boks kitob bo'lishi kerak.


chipta narxi $20 kishi boshiga. Bolalar 6 va ostida zaryadlangan emas. Kitoblarida qo'l to'lov bilan barcha sport a'zolari va ro'yxatdan Havaskorlar $15 kishi boshiga.



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Gleason ning Gym veb-sayti:


Reynaldo Ojeda decisions Monty Meza-Clay in U.S. debyuti

Featherweight Luis Rosa goes from

Top prospect to legitimate contender


Reynaldo Ojeda (R) out-boxed veteran for impressive decision


HARTFORD, Conn. (May 15, 2015) — Undefeated Puerto Rican lightweight Reynaldo Ojeda (16-0, 9 KOS) impressively introduced himself to American boxing fans in Bu kecha uning ESPN Juma Tungi sur asosiy voqea, tomonidan taqdim 50 Cent SMS Aktsiyalar va DiBella Entertainment, bilan birgalikda Universal Aktsiyalar, at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford.

The 26-year-old Ojeda took advantage of his decisive height and reach advantage in his U.S. debyut uchun, out-boxing the diminutive (5′ 2″), all-action Meza-Clay throughout a very entertaining fight. Meza-Clay continually walked down Ojeda, who used his quickness, superior movement and boxing ability to register a convincing victory by 12-round unanimous decision.

I’m a top prospect at 135 hozir; I’m going to be giving them all grades now,” commented Ojeda, a teacher in Puerto Rico. “The plan was to box Monty because he’s such an aggressive fighter.

Meza-Clay was hampered in the later rounds by a serious cut over his right eye. Ojeda wisely attacked the wound, pumping a series of stiff jabs and left hooks. “I got confident when his cut opened up,” Ojeda admitted. “What’s next for me is up to my promoter and manager, but I’m available to fight any 135-pounder in the world.

Luis Rosa (R) finished off Jonathan Perez

Connecticut favorite Luis “KO King” Rosa (20-0, 10 KOS), Nyu-Haven of, made a statement in the co-feature against Colombian featherweight Jonathan “Popeye” Perez (33-11, 27 KOS). Rosa was the aggressor from the opening bell through the end of the fight against a dangerous opponent, firing an array of effective combinations to the head and body, often switching from an orthodox stance to southpaw.

Rosa was penalized a point in the fourth round for hitting his downed opponent. From that point on, garchi, he never let up. He pounded Perez, caught him on the ropes, and unleashed an unanswered barrage of punches until referee Michael Ortega ended the fight in the fifth round.

Rosa is world ranked by the World Boxing Association (WBA) va Jahon boks kengashi (WBC), nisbatan, at No. 15 va. 16.

I said it was going to be explosive and we made it that way,” Rosa said after the fight. “I made a statement that I’m coming after all of the top 122-pounders. I’m a future champ in the making.

Ivan Golub (R) finishes off outclassed Henry Beckford

In the ESPN2 opening fight, 5-time Ukraine National amateur champion John “The Volk” Golub, Bruklin chiqib jang, yaxshilandi 13-0 with his eighth career knockout coming against late replacement Genri Bekford (2-2, 1 KO). Class prevailed as rising middleweight star Golub worked fellow southpaw Beckford’s body, dropped him in the fifth with a body shot, and referee Ortega moved in to call off the fight.

The Foster brothers from New Haven were both victorious. engil vazn toifasida Charles Foster (8-0, 4 KOS) remained undefeated with a sensational knockout of Joe Gardner (11-8-1, 1 KO) only 62-seconds into the first round, while his younger brother, junior lightweight William Foster (2-0, 1 KO) to'xtatdiGilvan Santos (0-2) ochilish turda.

Bronx middleweight Chris “Golden” Galeano (8-0) mag'lubiyatsiz qoldi, boxing his way to a unanimous sixth-round decision over Yosmani Abreau (4-9-2), Las-Vegas.

Decorated Kazakh amateur boxer Dauren Yeleussinov (2-0, 2 KOS), now fighting out of Brooklyn, wore down Louisiana super middleweight Jay “JD” Williams (3-7), winning by way of a sixth-round technical knockout as referee Danny Sciavone harakatni to'xtatib.

Waterbury, CT junior welterweight Jair Ramos (3-2-2, 2 KOS) and Harlem’s Curtis Morton (3-5-2) fought to a four-round majority draw.

In the walk-out bout, Puerto Rican lightweight Alberto Candeleria (5-2-1, 4 KOS) was too much for Brooklyn’s Ian James (3-12-1, 1 KO), as referee Ortega waved off the fight in the first round for a technical knockout.

All pictures by Ed Diller/DiBella Entertainment

Quyida to'liq natijalari:

RASMIY Natijalar

(G'oliblar birinchi ro)


Asosiy Tantanalarni – Lightweights

Reynaldo Ojeda (17-0, 10 KOS), San-Xuan, Puerto-Riko

WDEC10 (99-91, 99-91, 98-92)

Monte Meza-Clay (36-5, 22 KOS), Rankin, PA


Co-belgi – Junior Featherweights

Luis Rosa (20-0, 10 KOS), New Haven, CT

WTKO5 (2:29)

Jonathan Perez (33-11, 17 KOS), Barranquilla, Kolumbiya




Light korchalonlari

Charles Foster (8-0, 4 KOS), New Haven, Connecticut

WKO1 (1:02)

Joe Gardner (11-8-1, 1 KO), Woonsocket, RI


Super Middleweights

Dauren Yeleussinov (2-0, 2 KOS), Bruklin, NY

WTKO6 (2:29)

Jay Williams (3-7), West Monroe, LA



Ivan Golub (13-0. 8 KOS), Bruklin, NY

WTKO5 (2:17)

Genri Bekford (2-2, 1 KO), Roosevelt, NY


Chris Galeano (8-0), Bronx, NY

WDEC6 (59-52, 59-52, 8-56)

Yosmani Abreau (4-9-2), Las Vegas, NV


Junior Welterweights

Jair Ramos (3-2-2, 2 KOS, Waterbury, CT

D4 (38-38,38-38, 37-39)

Curt Morton (3-4-3), Harlem, NY


Alberto Candeleria (5-2-1, 4 KOS), Mayami, FL

WTKO1 (2:00)

Ian James (3-12-1, 1 KO), Bruklin, NY


Junior Lightweights

William Foster (2-0, 1 KO), New Haven, CT

WTKO1 (2:54)

Galvan Santos (0-2), Woburn, MA

Brandon Halsey Defeats Kendall Grove Via Technical Knockout Vacates Bellator Middleweight Title Due To Missing Weight



All photos by: Bellator MMA/Eric Coleman

TEMECULA, Calif. (May 15, 2015) – While Brandon “Byqa” Halsey (9-0) can no longer say he’s Bellator MMA’s Middleweight World Champion, he’s still managed to show his talent with a one-sided destruction of proven veteran Kendall “Spyder” Daraxtzor (21-15).


The contest served as the feature main event of Juma ning “Bellator: Halsey vs. Daraxtzor” card at Pechanga Resort & Temecula Casino, Calif.


Halsey nearly finished the fight in the early going, moving to an arm-triangle choke that would have finished a lesser opponent, but Grove somehow battled through the effort. Shunday bo'lsa-da, it was a one-sided round for the former champ.


Grove was able to avoid such a precarious position in the second, but he was still forced to be on the defensive throughout most of the frame. With a high-paced wrestling attack, Halsey simply pushed his way to the floor and enjoyed top position for almost the entirety of the round.


The pattern continued as the fight wore on, with Halsey simply overpowering his opponent and constantly earning himself the dominant position. Grove briefly threatened with an armbar in the fourth frame, but Halsey simply yanked his limb free and pounded away with punches shortly after until he earned the TKO win at the 2:25 mark of the frame.


The undefeated Halsey, who was stripped of the Bellator MMA Middleweight World Title for failing to make weight, will look to again earn the belt in his next appearance.


“I was my own worst enemy. It was how I performed. He didn’t throw anything at me that I wasn’t ready for. I was just trying to tough through the injury. I had to tough it out and come out with the victory,” Halsey said.


“Obviously, you want to be as dominant as possible. I just felt like I couldn’t explode through my combinations or explode through the fight and finish how I wanted to. But like I said, you’ve got to deal with adversity, and I did it the best I could,” Halsey continued.


“I learned my lesson. I thank Bellator. I apologize to the commission. It’s unprofessional not to make weight. No bahona, but anybody knows that it’s hard to cut weight with an injury. The belt’s just a decoration, so I’m still the champ in my eyes. No one has taken the belt from me.”


Kechagi asosiy tadbirda, former Bellator MMA Bantamweight World Champion Eduardo “Malinalar” Dantas (17-4), of Rio de Janeiro, Braziliya, took a step toward another shot at the title with a hard-fought decision victory over the hard-hitting Mayk “Marine” Richman, of Rose Mount, From.


While Richman showed excellent takedown defense throughout the 15-minute affair, Dantas’ work rate helped him earn the favor of the judges. Constantly pressing and looking to bring the fight to the floor, Dantas was able to just edge out Richman on the cards, 29-28 according to all three officials.


I went out there and fought the way I trained to fight,” Dantas said after the win. “I knew Mike Richman was going to come with everything, but I wanted to win this fight and get back to the title. The only fight that makes sense next is for the title.


In a welterweight contest, Fernando “Menifee Maniac” Gonsales (24-13), of Menifee, Calif., scored a thrilling, come-from-behind victory over “Curtious” Curtis Millender (7-2), San-Bernardino of, Calif.


With Millender enjoying a six-inch height advantage, the smaller Gonzalez struggled to score points in the first two rounds. But when the fight hit the floor in the third, Gonzalez latched onto a guillotine choke and earned a tap from his opponent at the 1:14 final bosqichining.


“Men 4-0 hoziroq,” Gonzalez said after the win. “That’s one step closer to the title, and I’m excited to get in there and mix it up with whoever is next.


With the result, Gonzalez now boasts four-straight Bellator MMA victories and put himself in line for a potential shot at the promotion’s Welterweight Title.


In the night’s first main-card matchup, Mag'lubiyatsiz kelajak Darrion “Wolf” Kolduell (7-0), of Rahway, NJ, used a superior wrestling game to outwork more experienced opponent Rafael “Morcego” Silva (22-5), of Lajes, Braziliya, en route a unanimous-decision victory.


With Caldwell scoring takedowns throughout the matchup, Silva looked for submissions when available, but he simply couldn’t find the necessary hold to work past his opponent’s defense. Aksincha, Caldwell kept his pressure high, and judges awarded him the fight, 29-28 Barcha uch kartochkalar bo'yicha.


After the victory, Caldwell made it clear he’s clearing his way to a shot at the Bellator MMA World Title.


I don’t think there are any fighters out there as explosive as me at 135 funt, or as fast,” Caldwell said. “Oxir-oqibat, I’ll be able to prove that.


In the night’s final preliminary bout, Guam’s Joe Taimanglo (21-6-1) scored a third-round knockout of Mexico’s Antonio Duarte (18-6).


Bundan tashqari, tuklar kelajak Jordan Parsons (11-1), San-Diego, Calif., earned a third-round decision win over the previously undefeated Brazilian Julio Sezar Neves Jr. (30-1).


A engil vazn toifasida tanlovida, Virgil Zwicker (14-4-1), of Temecula, Calif., earned a first-round knockout win over Razak Al-Hasan (12-5), Milwaukee, Wisc.


And in the night’s first fight, Ricky “Sniper” Rainey (11-3), of Gastonia, N.C., earned a second-round knockout win over Jessie Juarez (22-10), Torrance, Calif.

Brandon Halsey (9-0) Daf. Kendall Grove (21-15)


Eduardo Dantas (17-4) Daf. Mike Richman (18-6 )


Fernando Gonsales (24-14) Daf. Curtis Millender (7-2)


Darrion Caldwell (7-0) Daf. Rafael Silva (22-5)


Bellator MMA haqida

Bellator MMA dunyoning eng yaxshi jangchilar ko'plab featuring etakchi Mixed Martial Arts tashkilot hisoblanadi. Veteran kurash Promouter Scott cho'kadi rahbarligi ostida, Bellator yaqin mavjud bo'lgan 400 dan ortiq, butun dunyo bo'ylab million uylar 120 mamlakatlar. Qo'shma Shtatlarda, Bellator mix ko'rish mumkin, MMA televizion rahbari. Bellator MMA televizor ishlab chiqarish eng yuqori sanoat mutaxassislariga o'z ichiga olgan rahbar jamoasi iborat, jonli hodisa orkestrasyon, qiruvchi rivojlanish / munosabatlari, makon xaridlari, homiylik yaratish / rivojlantirish, xalqaro litsenziyalash, marketing, reklama, reklama va komissiya munosabatlar. Bellator Santa Monika asoslangan, Kaliforniya va ko'ngilochar ulkan Viacom qarashli, televizor bo'ylab jabbor mazmun orqali tinglovchilar bilan ulanish dunyodagi birinchi ko'ngilochar brendlari uchun uy, kinofilmlarni, onlayn va mobil platformalar.


Spike haqida:

Spike mavjud 98.7 million uylar va Viacom Media tarmoqlari bir bo'linmasi hisoblanadi. Viacom bir birlik (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks barcha ommaviy axborot platformalarda bo'ylab dasturiy ta'minot va kontent jahondagi yetakchi ijodkorlar biridir. Mix Internet manzili va hozirgi va arxiv matbuot ma'lumot va fotosuratlar, da mix matbuot-saytga tashrif buyuring Twitter bizni qiling spiketvpr yangiliklar yangiliklarini yengish eng so'nggi uchun, orqasida-sahnalari axborot va rasmlar.

Weights from Inglewood, Kaliforniya: Golovkin va boshqalar. Monroe Jr.

Inglewood, KABI (May 15, 2015)-

Gennadiy Golovkin 159 – Willie Monroe Jr. 160

Emily Harney tomonidan Rasmlar / Banner Aktsiyalar

Shanba, May 16



*Events/Schedule Subject to Change*

Gennady Golovkin vs. Willie Monroe is a 12-round middleweight world championship bout presented by K2 Promotions and GGG Promotions in association with Banner Promotions and the Forum. The fight will take place Saturday, May 16 Inglewood Forum da, KABI. Ochiq eshiklar 4:30 p.m. PT va birinchi navbat-da boshlanadi4:45 p.m. PT., the HBO World Championship Boxing telecast begins at 10:00 p.m. VA/PT.

Golovkin, 32-0 (29KO) will be defending his World Boxing Association, International Boxing Organization andInterimWorld Boxing Council Middleweight World Titles against #2 ranked challenger Monroe,
19-1-0 (6KO).

Co-featured on the telecast is 12-round junior flyweight matchup between World Boxing Council Champion ROMAN “Chocolatito” GONZALEZ, 42-0 (36KO) va #2 ranked challenger and former world champion EDGAR SOSA, 51-8-0 (30KO).

Tickets for May 16-Golovkin vs Monroe are, baholi $300, $200, $100, $60 va $30, are now on-sale through Ticketmaster (, 1-800-745-3000) and the Forum Box Office (DushanbaJuma da 9 A.M. – 5 p.m.)

GOLOVKIN vs. MONROE is presented by K2 Promotions and GGG Promotions in association with Banner Promotions and the Forum.

Co-featured on the telecast is an outstanding Junior Flyweight matchup between World Boxing Council Champion ROMAN “Chocolatito” GONZALEZ and #2 ranked challenger and former world champion EDGAR SOSA.

GONZALEZ vs. SOSA is presented by K2 Promotions and Teiken Promotions in association with Zanfer Promotions.

IJTIMOIY MEDIA: Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, tashrif,,,

Gennadiy Golovkin da Twitter qiling GGGBoxing, Willie Monroe Jr.WillieMonroeJr, Roman Gonsales @ChocolatitoBox, Edgar Sosa@EdgarSosaChamp, Tom LOEFFLER / K2 Aktsiyalar @ TomLoeffler1, Banner Aktsiyalar BannerBoxing, Forum theForum va HBO boks @HBOBoxingva Facebook muxlisi bo'lish,,
www.facebook / BannerPromotions,

Use the hashtags #GolovkinMonroe and #GonzalezSosa to join the conversation on Twitter.