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Nyem qhov OS Rau cov duab hauv Lucas Noonan/Premier Boxing Champions

Nyem qhov OS Rau cov duab los ntawm Ed Diller/DiBella lom ze

BROOKLYN (Lub yim hli ntuj 2, 2015) – Danny “Ntxhee” Garcia (31-0, 18 KOs) cia nws cov ntaub ntawv zoo meej lawm Hnub vas xaum muaj ib tug kab thib cuaj TKO ntawm two-time ntiaj teb tau zus ib Paulie “Tus txiv neej Magic” Malignaggi (33-7, 7 KOs) rau Premier Boxing Champions rau ESPNntawm qhov chaw Barclays hauv Brooklyn.


Garcia tau tswj kev sib ntaus ntawm taug txhuas cov cai thiab cov txee lawm hooks cia rau agile Malignaggi ntawm yuav tsaws rau tej yam teeb meem loj heev. Txim thiaj muab nws hu rau Malignaggi li ntuag qhib kev rau nws txoj kev qhov muag nyob rau hauv peb hloov.


Txawm yog pawg neeg nyiam nyob hauv nws haiv neeg Brooklyn, Malignaggi muaj peev xwm tsaws rau ntau lub punches ntawm Garcia thiab ua rau nws ua tsis nyab xeeb lawm tiag. Hauv lub thib cuaj round Garcia tus crisp blows thaum kawg proved tau ib yam nkaus thiab ntau txog Malignaggi li cov nyob tsis tus kev sib ntaus ntawm 2:22 mus rau txoj kab.


Nyob hauv lub televised opener, Brooklyn tus Daniel “Tus txiv neej Miracle” Jacobs (30-1, 27 KOs) knocked hauv ntiaj teb qub tau zus ib Sergio “Tus nab Latin” Mora (28-4-2, 9 KOs) ob zaug txog nws txoj kev hloov ib stoppage thib ob thiab ib tug kws muaj txuj zoo ci nws middleweight ntiaj teb ntseeg.


Rau thawj kab featured exciting nkaus ntawm leej txiv neej li Jacobs tauj ib tug crisp txoj kev nuv uas xa mus Mora rau lub canvas ntxov. Vib nas this tom qab uas xwb, Mora teb los los tsoo Jacobs nrog lub txee huv uas stunned Jacobs thiab xa nws mus rau qhov ua lev.


Tom qab tagging Mora muaj txhaj tshuaj nyuaj kawg ntawm hloov ib, Jacobs tseem yuav tuaj rau pem hauv ntej thiab xa mus Mora rau lub canvas nrog tus flurry hauv lub thib ob kab lig. Mora tshum sim rau kom raug mob nws txhais ceg zoo rau lub knockdown thiab twb tsis tau mus ntxiv. Tus nom stoppage tuaj 2:55 mus muab ob tug.


Ntawm no yog li cas cov fighters yuav tsum tau hais Hnub vas xaum:




“Ua rau kuv muaj zog heev. Nyob rau lub Cuaj kab ua rau kuv muaj li yog hloov ib. Kuv yuav tau mus ua hauj lwm rau shortening, cov mus punches thiab so nrog rau txoj kev npaj kev ua si. Kuv dad xav kuv yuav ntse thiab yuav muab ntau ncaj punches.


“Kuv xav tias zoo heev thiab kuv xav zoo. Kuv siv kuv cov jab. Muaj mas nws yeej yam uas kuv tau ua hauj lwm nyob tab sis kuv zoo siab rau kuv tus kheej. 147 yog nws nyob qhov twg hauv.


“Paulie yog ib tug poj tau zus ib. Nws yog ib tug qub tub rog paj ntaub ib yawm jab thiab no ko taw. Tab sis kuv mus muaj thiab tseg txoj kev ua si.


“Keith Thurman thiab Shawn Porter yog yawm fighters nyob no faib. Yog hais tias lawv xav, peb yuav ua rau kom nws tshwm sim.”




“Kuv twb sim mus koj hais kuv sau hauv pace vim kuv tsis xav kom nws mus rau ib groove. Nws yog ib tug puncher nyuaj thiab kuv tsis xav kom muab nws cov qoob loo tsaws big txhaj tshuaj. Kuv xav kom koj hais kuv sau rau kuv jab thiab ua rau nws tsis mus koom, ces nws yuav second tau xam txog ntuav nws lub hwj chim. Tsawg zog tej nqi nws txawb tsawg zog tej nqi nws yuav ntaus nrog kuv.


“Kuv twb sim noj me ntsis nws cov qoob loo. Nws taug kuv nram qab lub jab haum zoo. Nws muab kuv rau hauv cov plaub thiab kuv xav upped nws cov qoob loo uas. Kuv yeej tsis tau tswj hauv pace ho. Nyob rau hauv cov pob ua rau kuv muaj kuv yeej muab tau tsawg hauv pem teb thiab kuv muaj nws nco. Nws tau txais rov qab rau nws groove ho thiab nws muaj ib qho kom zoo dua.


“Kuv xav tias Danny yuav ua tau ib lub echelon fighter, nws twb yog. Nws tau muab nws lub npe nyob hauv cov phau ntawv keeb kwm. Nws muaj ntau txuj ci. Neeg tsis twb paub lawm nws muaj tus ua cim ntau heev. Nws muaj ib cov ntsej muag poker zoo kawg nkaus. Nws tsis tau tag kev cia siab, thiab yog hais tias nws yog nws tsis ua rau koj.


“Nws txiv lub tus poj tus kws qhia thiab nws yeej nyob qis qis rau nws. Danny mloog thiab lawv muaj ib txoj kev sib raug zoo. Txhua zaus ib kab yuav pib nws yog li nws tshiab. Txawm nyob rau thaum xaus rau rounds thaum kuv muab nws ib yam dab tsi yuav tau xav txog nws rov los, yog ib qho tseem ceeb heev.


“Kuv twb tau mus zoo heev hauj lwm commentating thiab menyuam loj fighters tua ringside. Kuv vam tias zaum ncig ringside ntev. Ua rau kuv muaj zoo ib yam li yog tias kuv tsis tau muab los muaj kev kawm zoo kawg thiab hmo no ces nws yuav yog kuv xeem. Kuv twb sim mus dai tawv li ntau kuv yuav. Kuv nco qab thaum kuv tau noj tau txhaj tshuaj big kuv cia li yus xav ' txhob muab. Qhov no yog koj nag hmo yog hais tias koj tau muab. Tsis txhob qhia tias koj yuav muab. Yog hais tias koj qhia tau hais tias koj tshaib plab tseem rau nws ces koj mam convince koj tus kheej tias qhov no tsis yog qhov kawg.’ Kuv xav kom uas qhia tias kuv xav tias. Me ntsis ntawm me ntsis nws rhuav kuv, thiab kuv tau tsis muaj teeb meem nrog cov stoppage.


“Kuv tabtom zaum tsis ntaus dua. Koj yuav ua ib qho kev txiav txim siab ntxub. Kuv hauj lwm uas pib thaum lub Brooklyn 14 xyoo dhau los. Yog hais tias nws xaus Brooklyn hmo no ces kawg kuv lawm nws nyob hauv tsev uas kuv yuav los thiab tus kiv cua loj tshaj nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb.”




“Kuv xav kom nws txhob ntawm kuv tus kheej. Kuv tsis xav kom nws tawm hauv cov quav, tiam sis kuv paub tias nws paub hais tias lawv yuav mus xaus rau ob peb rounds lawm.


“Kuv xav tau Peter Quillin tom ntej no. It’s a fight the fans deserve. Brooklyn always supports both of us and it would be a great way to close out the year.


No rematch, no reason to go backwards. Thank God for this victory, but I’m not going to give him a rematch just because.


I said did a guy with nine knockouts really knock me down?


I think these Brooklynites deserve something special and I think me and ‘Kid Chocolatewould be that special fight here at Barclays. We’re on the ‘Aside now, we’re champions, so let’s do it!”




Spoken to his corner manI know it’s broken [right ankle]. I heard it pop.


“Kuv hnov kuv pob luj taws SNAP qhia thiab kuv lub hauv caug kuj muaj kev txaus luag thiab kuv tsis tau muab siab rau.


“Kuv paub ob peb rounds thawj yuav tawv, peb paub zoo tias. Kuv lub tswv yim yog coj nws mus rau hauv dej nqus.


“Adrenaline yuav ua rau koj ua tej yam ruam. Muaj ib tug puncher li Danny, Kuv xav tau no.


“Kuv qhia koj tias kuv tuaj ntawm no mus tua. Kuv muab rau nws daim credit, tab sis kuv tuaj mus saib no championship. Kuv xav tau ib lub rematch.”


Premier Boxing Champions rau ESPN tau nce ntawm DiBella lom ze rau mob ntxhee Promotions.


Xav paub ntau ntxiv, sib ntsib, www.barclayscenter.comthiab Ua raws li ntawm Twitter @PremierBoxing, @DannySwift, @PaulMalignaggi, @LouDiBella, @ESPNBoxing, @BarclaysCenter thiab @Swanson_Comm thiab ua lub kiv cua hauv Facebook tom,,, Ua raws li cov kev sib tham uas siv cov #PBConESPN thiab cov #BrooklynBoxing.

UFC 190 Main Card Preview and Predictions

By: Rich Bergeron


Ronda Rousey (11-0) and Bethe Correia (9-0) will headline UFC 190 in a women’s bantamweight title bout that is guaranteed to deliver fireworks. These two rivals will fight in the challenger’s home country, but Rousey is a worldwide star who is on an epic roll so far in her MMA career. Correia is an underdog in her own country, but she’s also an undefeated striker who could give Rousey trouble if the armbar doesn’t come into play.


Correia made some insensitive remarks about Rousey committing suicide leading up to this fight. Suicide is a sore subject for the champ, who saw her father take his own life when she was younger. Rousey’s since promised topunishBethe when they meet in the cage tonight.


Rousey is a perfectionist, plain and simple. Just when you think she can’t get any better, she surprises you and does just that. Correia is a tough-talking and confident fighter, but she is just nowhere near Rousey’s level. If she has any chance at all, it is in the first round. Rousey is not looking for a quick submission if we are to believe her admitted intentions of hurting Correia are genuine. Correia could use her reach and power-punching ability to rattle Rousey early and knock her out, but that means going to to toe with a champion who’s shown much-improved striking over the course of her last few fights.


Prediction: Look for Rousey to go back on her promise and finish this fight early, as her emotions will take over and stop her from thinking too much about drawing this one out. She will just wade in, throw down and walk out of the first round with another TKO to add to all her submission wins. She will smash Correia’s big nose wide open and judo toss the challenger to the mat where she’ll close the show with effective ground and pound.


The co-main event features Mauricio Rua (22-10) versus Antonio Rogerio Nogueira (21-6) in a rematch of a fight that happened under the PRIDE banner in January of 2005. Rua won the first fight by unanimous decision. This time, both fighters are long past their prime, and Rua enters the cage with just one win in his last four bouts. Nogueira also has a handicap since he’s coming in more than a year after his last fight, which was a one-sided TKO loss to Anthony Johnson that lasted just 44 seconds.


Prediction: Rua is not as heavy handed as Johnson, and Nogueira should get his revenge in this fight by knocking out Rua in the second or third round. Nogueira will have better head movement and defense in the rematch, and Rua just doesn’t have any recent wins against any big names. He’s in over his head in this fight, thiab “Minotourois going to send him into retirement.


Antonio Rodrgio Nogueira (34-9-1) also fights on the undercard againstThe SkyscraperStefan Struve (25-7). This should be an exciting bout, and Mark Hunt showed that Struve is susceptible to haymakers. Can Nogueira exploit that weakness, or will Struve show he’s a legend killer this time out?


Prediction: Nogueira’s coming in with all the experience in this bout while Struve has the physicality. It’s said that the bigger they are, the harder they fall, but Struve is an exception. He should be able to take advantage of his youth and his long time away from the cage addressing injuries and health concerns. He will out-strike Nogueira and fight tall throughout the first two rounds, finally finishing Nogueira off with a vicious combo early in the third.


Other major highlights on this card include a women’s MMA showdown between Jessica Aguilar (19-4) and Claudia Gadelha (12-1) and a heavyweight clash between SoaThe HulkPalelei (20-4) and AntonioBigfootSilva (18-7-1). Click Here ( to check out the full UFC 190 daim ntawv.

Frank De Alba off of tonight’s fight with Omar Douglas

Brooklyn, NY (Lub yim hli ntuj 1, 2015)–Due to a last minute, non-career threatening medical issue, ❏ Jr ❏. Lightweight Frank De Alba will not be able to compete in Tonight’s fight with Omar Douglas at Barclays Center. The bout was scheduled to be streamed on
More details on De Alba will announced shortly.


10:30 PM ET/7:30 PM PT

8:00 PM ET/5:00 PM PT

Las Vegas, Nev. (Lub Xya hli ntuj 31, 2015) – All 20 fighters, reigning World Series of Fighting ( World Welterweight (170 pounds) Champion Rousimar Palhares (17-6) and challenger and two-time world champion Jake Shields (31-7), made weight one day before the highly-anticipated “WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields” Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) mega-event at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Nev., live on NBCSN, beginning at a new start time of 10:30 p.m. ET/7:30 p.m. PT.

Palhares weighed in at 169.8 pounds and Shields clocked in at the weight limit of 170 pounds.

WSOF World Bantamweight (135 pounds) Champion Marlon Moraes (14-4-1) tipped the scales at 135 pounds and his opponent, undefeated challenger Sheymon Moraes (7-0) registered a weight of 134.2 pounds.

The live, five-bout preliminary card stream will begin at 8:00 p.m. ET/5:00 p.m. PT on an embeddable video player on

Priced from $29.99, tickets for “WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields” are on sale at and

Doors at The AXIS at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino will open at 4:00 p.m. PT. The first preliminary bout will begin at 5:00 p.m.


Main Card:

Main Event: World Welterweight (170 pounds) Championship Bout

Rousimar Palhares (17-6) (169.8 lbs.) vs. Jake Shields (31-7) (170lbs)
Minas Gerais, Brazil San Francisco, Calif.

Co-Main Event: World Bantamweight (135 pounds) Championship Bout

Marlon Moraes (14-4-1) (135 lbs.) vs. Sheymon Moraes (7-0) (134.2 lbs.)
Toms Rier, N.J. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil .

Light Heavyweight (205 pounds) Bout

Mike Kyle (21-12-1) (206 lbs.) vs. Clifford Starks (11-2) (204.8 lbs.)
San Jose, Calif. Tempe, Ariz.

Welterweight (170 pounds) Bout

Abubakar Nurmagomedov (9-1) (171 lbs.) vs. Jorge Moreno (4-0) (168.8 lbs.)
Dagestan, Russia Moses Lake, Ntxuav.

Lightweight (155 pounds) Bout

Jimmy Spicuzza (6-2) (155.4 lbs.) vs. Islam Mamedov (11-1) (155.4 lbs.)
Las Vegas, Nev. Jersey City, N.J.

Preliminary Card:

Light Heavyweight (205 pounds) Bout

Jake Heun (7-4) (205.6 lbs.) vs. Davin Clark (5-2-2) (206 lbs.)
Coconut Creek, Fla. San Jose, Calif.

Flyweight (125 pounds) Bout

Donavon Frelow (4-0) (125 lbs.) vs. Carlos Garcia (0-0) (124.8 lbs.)
Las Vegas, Nev. Las Vegas, Nev.

Catchweight (140 pounds) Bout

Jimmy Jones (4-3) (139.4 lbs.) vs. Marco Simmons (0-0) (140.6 lbs.)
Las Vegas, Nev. Las Vegas, Nev.

Light Heavyweight (205 pounds) Bout

Cory Hendricks (2-0) (204.4 lbs.) vs. Julio Hinojosa (3-1) (206 lbs.)
Las Vegas, Nev. El Paso, Texas

Lightweight (155 pounds) Bout

Gil Guardado (3-1) (154 lbs.) vs. Pete Martin (5-3) (155.6 lbs.)
Las Vegas, Nev. Las Vegas, Nev.


Nyem qhov OS Rau PDF Version

Nyem qhov OS Rau cov duab los ntawm Ed Diller/DiBella lom ze

Nyem qhov OS Rau cov duab hauv Lucas Noonan/Premier Boxing Champions


Nyem qhov OS For Photos From Suzanne Teresa

ORLANDO (Lub Xya hli ntuj 31, 2015) – Fighters competing on the debut of PBC: The Next Round On Bounce TV took time out of their schedules to host a media roundtableHnub vas Xuv before their Hnub xya bouts at a sold out Full Sail Live at Full Sail University.


The main event on Sunday will showcase Juan CarlosBaby PacquiaoPayano (16-0, 8 KOs) taking on Rau’sheeNukeWarren (13-0, 4 KOs). The televised portion of the card will open with John Jackson (19-2, 15 KOs) facing Dennis Laurente (49-5, 30 KOs). The second televised bout will feature Yudel Jhonson (17-1, 9 KOs) squaring off against Jorge Cota Lugo (24-1, 22 KOs).


Below is what the fighters had to say Hnub vas Xuv:




I am very prepared for this fight and have no injuries. I’m 100 percent ready. Training went very well. I am a warrior with the hunger to prevail and win. I’m ready to leave everything in the ring Hnub xya hmo ntuj.


Warren merits a title shot. He’s one of the best fighters in the division. It’ll be a great fight. He won’t win, but it’ll be a great fight.


I see a lot of errors in Warren’s style. That particular style of his has a lot of errors in it and I’ll attack them as I see them. He’s perfect for me.


I am very grateful to be getting this opportunity. I am looking forward to the exposure for the weight class and for myself. It doesn’t make a difference if I’m on TV or not though. I will be coming out to rip his head off, as I always do against anyone.


The Dominican Vice President contacted me yesterday and wished me luck. I have great support from the people of my country.




Launching the PBC on Bounce TV series is a huge step for me. I feel like I have to put on a show for my fans and everybody out there that’s watching. I’m looking to win every round.


It was an honor fighting for the US three times in the Olympics as an amateur. I fought a lot of different fighters from all over the world, and I got to see lots of different styles. These days I feel like anyone new who steps in front of me is similar to something I’ve already seen.


We put everything on the table in training camp. I just can’t wait for Lub yim hli ntuj 2. I hope that when the bell rings he’s as ready as I am because I’m putting everything into this one.


I see a lot of things in Payano that I think I can take advantage of. I expect him to be aggressive, but his problem is that he’s going to be so worried about my speed he won’t even know what else I’m brining at him.


This is free boxing for all. I feel like PBC is making the sport more accessible for the fans. People have been hearing about the pay-per-view (PPV) fighters, but they haven’t really been seeing the undercard fighters or the lesser-known fighters.


If some people out there don’t know me yet then they will for sure after they tune into Bounce TV this Sunday. My job is to show them who Rau’shee Warren is and force them to pay attention.




Training went very well. There’s no excuses. I am ready to go. I am already on weight and my camp was perfect.


Cota is a very typical Mexican fighter. He’s aggressive. He’s awkward sometimes, but he comes forward. He’s a tough warrior and I respect him. He’s ready to fight and so am I. It’s going to be a great fight.


I am very grateful to be here and plan on maximizing this opportunity on Bounce TV. I want to show the fans that I’m the real deal.


After I win this fight, I would like a chance for revenge against Willie Nelson. Tony Harrison underestimated him, but I won’t. That’s who I want to fight.


The fans that haven’t seen me will see someone who truly loves a war. I never run from a tough fight.




Normally I don’t do that much sparring, but for this fight we did a lot because I feel like (Jhonson) is a smart fighter with a lot of movement. So we sparred more to make sure we’re prepared for this fight.


I want to guarantee everyone a great show on Sunday hmo ntuj. Anyone who bought a ticket will see a great fight when I step into the ring.


A world title shot is different. This was a very difficult training camp. We worked extremely hard to get ready for this fight, but it was a really tough camp.


I’m very motivated for this fight. Based on the way I’ve been treated it seems like people are counting me out, but I’m hear to give it my best.




I feel good and confident. I’m sure he’s going to be tough and he’s going to bring it, but I’m ready.


We did a couple things different for him because he’s a southpaw. I’ve been working personally on my style to adjust to his style.


I think it’s a great matchup of our styles. He comes forwards and I come forward too. I think it’s a great matchup for the fans.


I am honored by this opportunity to be here and televised for the world to see us. It’s a blessing and I thank God for it. This is a huge fight for me.


I’m treating this fight like it’s a world title fight. Hopefully this fight will open doors for me. I’m very privileged to be here. This is also my first time fighting in Florida. A lot of fans from the Virgin Islands are coming out to see me.


I have no problem making this weight. I’mnormally two pounds over.


I have no prediction for the fight. If I see an opportunity for the knockout I’ll go for it, but I’m ready to go 10 muab suav. I will get that ‘W.That’s all I know.




My training was great. I was in camp for two months and I’m completely ready for this fight.


John Jackson is a powerful puncher, but I have more experience. I watched the Andy Lee fight and I know how to beat him. I’m expecting a war with him, but I will stop him in eight rounds. That is my plan.


I am excited for this opportunity. It’s a great opportunity. I have been on four Manny Pacquiao undercards, so I’ve been in big fights before, but this one is very important for me.


I have received tremendous support from fans in the Philippines. The messages are coming in steady and I appreciate it very much. It makes me stronger.


# # #

For more information visit, follow on Twitter@PremierBoxing,@BounceTV, @JC_Payano, @RauSheeWarren, @WarriorsBoxingProm @Fullsail and @Swanson_Comm and follow the conversation using #PBConBounce, become a fan on Facebook at, thiab

Frank De Alba npaj rau kev sib ntaus biggest ntawm nws hauj lwm tag kis tsaus NTUJ thaiv Omar Douglas Barclays qhov chaw hauv Brooklyn

Kev sib ntaus los yog streamed LIVE rau

Brooklyn, NY (Lub Xya hli ntuj 31, 2015)–TAG KIS TSAUS NTUJ!! tom Barclays Center, Tus 2nd phuv ntawm Premiere Boxing Champions rau ESPN yuav muaj sijhawm teem nrog Danny Garcia rooj Paulie Malignaggi nyob rau hauv cov kev tshwm sim loj. Nyob hauv tus nqi feature, Daniel Jacobs yuav cug nws npe tiv thaiv Sergio Mora Middleweight.
Hauv ib bout uas yuav muab tso ua ntej pib qhov tawm nyob, ib qho ❏ Jr ❏ intriguing. Hnav sib ntaus sib tua ntawm Frank tsib Alba thiab Omar Douglas yuav tsum streamed live rau ntawm 8 PM ET.
Tsib Alba ntawv nyeem, PAJ pom kev sib ntaus no raws li yuav ua tau ib tug loj lub npe rau nws tus kheej sib ntaus ntawm ib daim ntawv loj loj pem hauv ntej ntawm kev tshaj tawm boxing loj.
Tus 28 xyoo tsib Alba muaj ntaubntawv uas 16-1-2 nrog 6 knockouts thiab muaj yeej lawm 14 uake thiab yog nyob rau hauv nws lub unbeaten 18 fights. Tsib Alba paub tias qhov no yuav yog tiv thaiv tus Douglas undefeated sib ntaus, leej twg yuav los maub ib ntawm cov ntaub ntawv 14-0 nrog 11 knockouts, uas yuav springboard nws mus rau saum-10 hauv tus ❏ Jr ❏. Faib hnav..
“Txhua yam yog yuav poj. Qhov no nws kuj zoo cob qhia yeej thoj nam ntawm kuv hauj lwm,” Hais Alba tsib.
“Kuv muaj zog heev mus rau taw tes no. Kuv muaj sacrificed heev thiab kuv xav thov ua tsaug rau qhov sawv daws thiab kuv tsis yuav cia no tiab hauv qab kom deb ntawm kuv.”
Thaum nug txog Douglas, Nws pom tias muaj ntau tej yam uas nws tau exploit ntawm no pivotal sib ntaus.
“Kuv pom cov style tsuas muaj ib. Nws los txog rau pem hauv ntej thiab throws ntau punches thiab nws tuaj cuag tus kheej heev.”
Tsib Alba muaj fought feem ntau ntawm nws cov hauj lwm nyob hauv lub hav Lehigh loj thiab nws tam sim no relishing lub sijhawm los yuav pom nyob New York.
“Kuv pog mus uas yog. Qhov no yog kuv thawj zaug ntawm tus loj nyob ntev thiab kuv yuav tau coj kom zoo dua thiab ua raws li kuv. Qhov no yog li cas boxing no txog tej kev, qhov zoo tshaj plaws uas tiv tau qhov zoo tshaj plaws. Thiab vim li no zoo kawg thiab sawv daws, Kuv yuav nrhiav seb qhov twg kuv sawv hauv cov ❏ Jr ❏. Faib hnav.
Daim pib rau cov kev tshwm sim nyob, uas yog tau nce ntawm DiBella lom ze rau
mob ntxhee Promotions, luv nqi tom $250, $150, $120, $75 thiab $45, thiab tsis muaj kev tsub thiab se, thiab muaj rau ntawm kev muag khoom tam sim no. Tickets are available at, and at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. To charge by phone, call Ticketmaster at(800) 745-3000. For group tickets, please call 855-GROUP-BK.


Nyem qhov OS Rau cov duab los ntawm Ed Diller/DiBella lom ze

Nyem qhov OS Rau cov duab hauv Lucas Noonan/Premier Boxing Champions

NEW YORK (Lub Xya hli ntuj 30, 2015) – Premier Boxing Champions rau ESPN and undercard fighters held a final press conference Hnub plaub at B.B. Kings Blues Club & Grill in Times Square as they near their Hnub vas xaum, Lub yim hli ntuj 1 showdowns at Barclays Center.


The event is headlined by undefeated star Danny “Ntxhee” Garcia (30-0, 17 KOs) as he makes his 147-pound debut against two-time world champion Paulie “Tus txiv neej Magic” Malignaggi (33-6, 7 KOs). Televised coverage begins at 9 p.m. LI/6 p.m. as middleweight world champion Daniel “Tus txiv neej Miracle” Jacobs (29-1, 26 KOs) defends in his hometown against former world champion Sergio “Tus nab Latin” Mora (28-3-2, 9 KOs).


Here is what the participants had to say Hnub plaub:




We had a tremendous camp, I’ve never felt so strong in my life. For the first time in my career I can actually train to get better.


We’re just focused on training. We did everything in campwe even chased chickens.


I accomplished a lot at 140-pounds and I’m going to do a lot at 147. Rau hnub Saturday at Barclays Center you’re going to see a spectacular Danny Garcia.


I want to be known as a great Philadelphia fighter and a great Puerto Rican fighter. I’m the first Puerto Rican from Philly to ever be a world champion. I have the Philly skills and toughness with the Puerto Rican blood, it’s the perfect mixture.


I’ve watched Paulie fight my whole career. He’s a tough veteran and I’m sure he’s got some tricks up his sleeve. I just have to go in there and stick to business Rau hnub Saturdayhmo ntuj.


Barclays Center is my home away from home. We have a nice routine when we’re in Brooklyn. We keep it simple.


I pay attention to the positive things in my career and that’s getting in the gym and working hard and getting better. That’s my main focus.


Everything is better at 147. I feel stronger. My form feels good. The footwork is great. I can eat regularly now. Still disciplined but it’s a lot easier.




For Danny’s team, it’s only about him and for me it’s all about myself. My best versus his best. This is a big opportunity from me, professionally and personally. My career started 14 years ago in Brooklyn and people think it’s going to end Hnub vas xaum in Brooklyn, but I’m not letting that happen.


It’s been an emotional camp. I find myself thrust back into the limelight of a major fight when it was least expected. The question marks and doubts come up in my mind and that’s made it emotional. I work hard every day. I’ve quietly had one of my best training camps


There are no excuses here. Hnub vas xaum night is the best of Paulie Malignaggi. I look forward to testing myself against the best Danny Garcia. I’ve always loved and relish the big names and the big opportunities.


Sometimes I lay in bed at night thinking about matchups between fighters. Now I’m thinking of myself in that conversation and we’ll fin out Rau hnub Saturday how I stack up.


Quietly but surely, I’m very confident about Hnub vas xaum hmo ntuj. I’m bringing my best.




This is another great opportunity to showcase my skills. I’m on a good knockout streak and I feel confident about this fight.


Sergio Mora is a Rubik’s cube, you have to figure him out. He’s crafty and I have the utmost respect for him. I’m 100 percent confident in my ability to go out there and put on a good show


I hear Sergio is coming here to knock me out and if that’s the case this is going to be a real exciting fight. I look forward to it because I’m coming forward and if two guys are doing that it’s going to be a great fight.


I’m excited to give these Brooklyn fans a great fight. I love being at home and seeing all of the familiar faces I’ve seen since the amateur days.




I’m excited to fight at Barclays Center. Brooklyn is beautiful and has great fans. Lou DiBella is about to have another fighter named Sergio as a middleweight champion afterHnub vas xaum hmo ntuj.


I think this is going to be a really successful fight because of all the stars up here. It’s a great event for boxing fans.


I’m a grown man now and I’m looking to become a two-time world champion. This is my third time at a middleweight title shot but the first time an opponent showed up. I’m excited and ready to go. I’m thankful for everyone who has opened the door for me. This is it.


Daniel is strong in the ring. He’s a powerful, confident champion. He’s not used to losing and he’s used to hitting his targets, but I’m the total opposite of that. It’s going to be tough for him.


Until he gets in there with me and realizes how tough I am, then he’s going to realize he has a challenge coming to him. I want to take him out of his element.


It’s a big burden to be a hometown fighter and he’s going to realize that. It’s detrimental to be fighting in your hometown and I think he’s too young to realize that. It’s going to be to my advantage on fight night.


ANGEL GARCIA, Danny’s Father & Trainer


Danny had a great camp. It was an awesome camp and he’s going to make a lot of noise. We’re not taking Malignaggi lightly, but we’ve come to win. We don’t come to lose.


It’s not about Malignaggi, it’s about Danny. People can say whatever they want to say but we’re coming to make noise at 147. We’re not running from anybody.


I promise you Danny will be the world champion at 147. I’ve seen visions of it. This is going to be a great fight and then after that anybody can get it.


LOU DIBELLA, President of DiBella Entertainment


I’ve known Paulie Malignaggi since he was a teenager and won the nationals in a big surprise to people. He turned pro on one of my shows and one thing I know about him, it’s that he’s not going to back down from a challenge and he’s going to give it 110 percent Rau hnub Saturday.


Danny Garcia has been a dominant force in the 140-pound division. He’s won fights by stunning knockout and he’s won by decisions. He always finds a way to win. That’s what he’s planning to do Rau hnub Saturday hmo ntuj.


Sergio Mora is here to challenge for another world championship. He comes in on a good streak of impressive wins. He’s always been known as a boxer and he’s been in the ring with the best fighters in the world.


Daniel Jacobs is one of the best guys in boxing. His story of perseverance is one that has been told many times. He’s a young, strong champion looking to show that he’s got what it takes in the ring as well as outside of it.


This is a fantastic card featuring four great fighters from Brooklyn on the undercard. We’re going to open the doors and immediately start with these great fights.


This will be Heather Hardy’s fourth fight at Barclays Center and she will be joined on the undercard by Polish heavyweight from Brooklyn Adam Kownacki, who is looking to make some noise in the division.


Rafael Vasquez has a truly inspirational story. He uses boxing to draw attention to the cause of autism and his wife who is battling courageously against cancer, and winning. I really want to see him get a world title shot, because his life has been a battle that he takes on with courage every day.


We also have a terrific prospect in Prichard Colon from Puerto Rico. He’s undefeated and really an exciting guy to watch in the ring.


BRETT YORMARK, CEO of Barclays Center


It’s our 14th big night of boxing in Brooklyn and we’re really excited about it. It’s a business we’re committed to and one we want to grow. Our goal is to go monthly with big events at Barclays Center.


With Paulie and Danny, it’s a big night to have them back at Barclays Center. It is the fourth time for both and they both represent Brooklyn so well.


I want to welcome Sergio Mora for the first time and we’re excited to have you in Brooklyn.


As we’ve told Danny Garcia before, this is his second home and we’re happy to have you and your father back.


We’re excited to be on ESPN, because they provide an incredible platform for these fighters and the sport as a whole.


We expect a great crowd Rau hnub Saturday night and we look forward to an exciting night at Barclays Center.


For more information visit, www.barclayscenter.comthiab Ua raws li ntawm Twitter @PremierBoxing, @DannySwift, @PaulMalignaggi, @LouDiBella, @ESPNBoxing, @BarclaysCenter thiab @Swanson_Comm thiab ua lub kiv cua hauv Facebook tom,,, Ua raws li cov kev sib tham uas siv cov #PBConESPN thiab cov #BrooklynBoxing.


Main Event: Jon Fitch vs. Yushin Okami

World Heavyweight Championship Co-Main Event:
Blagoy Ivanov vs. Derek Mehmen

Vinny Magalhaes vs. Matt Hamill
and the Return of “Notorious” Nick Newell

Tickets on Sale Hnub vas Xuv, Lub Xya hli ntuj 31

LAS VEGAS (Lub Xya hli ntuj 30, 2015) –World Series of Fighting ( will return to Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Conn. for the second time this year with another star-studded, world-class Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) mega-event, headlined by a welterweight (170 pounds) showdown between rival superstars Jon Fitch thiab Yushin “Thunder” Okami, rau Hnub vas xaum, Oct. 17, live on NBCSN.

Priced from $39.99, tickets for “WSOF 24: Fitch vs. Okami” go on sale on tag kis,Hnub vas Xuv, Lub Xya hli ntuj 31 tom 10 a.m. LI at and

“We are excited to return to Foxwoods Resort Casino and the state of Connecticut, where we showcased our brand of world championship MMA action in front of a highly passionate audience earlier this year,” said WSOF President Ray Sefo.

“Beginning with Jon Fitch and Yushin Okami, two of the best 170-pound athletes in our entire sport,” continued Sefo, “we are assembling another card loaded with some of the top superstars and emerging stars in MMA, and we look forward to giving fans another memorable night of fights.”

In the co-main event, WSOF World Heavyweight Champion Blagoy Ivanov will put his coveted title on the line for the first time when he squares off with seasoned contenderDerek “Caveman” Mehmen.

In other action on the live NBCSN telecast, superstars Vinny Magalhaes thiab Matt “The Hammer” Hamill will make their respective WSOF debuts against each other in a light heavyweight (205 pounds) contest.

Also returning to the cage will be local favorite “Notorious” Nick Newell, who will take on an opponent to be named soon.

Jon Fitch vs. Yushin Okami

Both Fitch (26-7-1, 1 NC) of Las Vegas, Nev. and Okami (30-9) of Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan will look to return to the win column after their suffering defeats in their respective last starts, which were both world championship title bouts.

During his 12-year professional career, the 6-foot, 37-year-old Fitch, a former captain of world renowned fight team AKA and NCAA Division I wrestler for Purdue University, has submitted or scored TKO’s on a long list of rival superstars, including Roan Carneiro, Josh Burkman and Thiago Alves, and has earned decision wins over Diego Sanchez, Erick Silva and Ben Saunders.

Also a 12-year veteran of the sport, the 6-foot-2, 34- year-old Okami has earned 50 percent of his wins by way of (T)KO or submission, and boasts victories over a host of fellow marquee competitors, including Hector Lombard, Nate Marquardt, Mark Munoz thiab Alan Belcher. In his WSOF debut on Lub peb hlis ntuj 29, Okami notched a spectacular, second round (4:46) submission (arm-triangle choke) of Svetlozar Savov.

Blagoy Ivanov vs. Derek Mehmen

Ivanov (12-1) of Sofia, Bulgaria made history on June 5, 2015 when the 5-foot-11, 28-year-old pulled off a stunning, third round (1:17) submission (guillotine choke) of Smealinho Rama to become the second WSOF world heavyweight champion ever.

A judo black belt and 2008 Combat Sambo world champion, Ivanov defeated all-time great Fedor Emelianenko in the semi-final stage of the championship tournament.

Mehmen (19-6) of Coconut Creek, Fla. via Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is a 6-foot-4, 30-year-old member of American Top Team. The heavy-handed, 9-year veteran of the sport has earned 11 of his 19 professional career wins by way of (T)KO.

Mehmen earned the 2013 “KO Punch of the Year,” awarded by AXS TV’s Inside MMAprogram, for his devastating, second round (2:40) finish of Rolles Gracie, ❏ Jr ❏. at WSOF 5 on Sept. 14, 2013.

Vinny Magalhaes vs. Matt Hamill

A former world MMA champion and multiple-time Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu world champion, Magalhaes (12-7, 1 NC) of Las Vegas, Nev. will look to notch his third consecutive victory during his first start in the WSOF decagon cage and first appearance of 2015.

In his last effort, the 6-foot-3, 31-year-old native of Brazil submitted (guillotine choke)Jason Brilz in the fourth round (:36) of their matchup on Sept. 26, 2014.

A decade long veteran of MMA, Hamill of Loveland, Ohio remains one of the most inspirational athletes in all of MMA. Deaf since birth, Hamill has persevered time and time again, earning his way to three NCAA Division III wrestling national titles before dedicating himself to MMA.

The subject of a 2010 biographical film entitledThe Hammer,” the 6-foot-2, 38-year-old owns notable wins over Tito Ortiz, Tim Boetsch, Keith Jardine thiab Mark Munoz, among others, and also boasts past clashes with Michael Bisping, Rich Franklin,Alexander Gustafsson, QuintonRampageJackson thiab Jon Jones.

The live NBCSN telecast of “WSOF 24: Fitch vs. Okami” will begin at 8:30 p.m. LI/5:30 p.m. PT.

Doors at the Grand Theater at Foxwoods Resort Casino will open at 4:30 p.m. LI, and the first preliminary card bout will begin at 5:30 p.m.

Additional matchups will be announced soon. The card is subject to change.