Pou katoa e FNU47

I tenei po Rāmere Travis Kauffman kanohi Mendoza tukinga i te Claridge i Atlantic City

Photo e Joe Tarlecky

Reading, PA (Mahuru 14, 2015)– I te po te Paraire, Mahuru 18, hoki mai mekemeke ki te Hotel Claridge i Atlantic City rite Kings Whakatairanga hoki mo te po nui o te mahi.

I roto i te hui matua, Ka tangohia Travis Kauffman i runga i mua kaiwero taitara ao Epifanio Mendoza.

Kauffman o te Reading, PA e ha lekooti o 29-1 ki 21 knockouts me te eke i te pūkenga win 11-whawhai hora e kua 5 me tau i te hawhe.

Kua patua Kauffman nga momo o Malachy Farrell (16-1), William Shahan (7-1), Chris Koval (24-6), Vincent Thompson (13-1) a i roto i tona a'ee whakamutunga ka mau ia i roto i Richard Carmack i te kotahi-a tawhio noa i runga i August 14 i roto i te Newark, New Jersey.

Kauffman tika hoki ki te omaoma e whai ake nei i te a'ee Carmack ka ka te haere tonu ki te tawhio ki te āhua i muri i te 19 marama te roa,.

“Ko te take i puritia e ahau i roto i te omaoma te tauturu ahau te wa nui. Whakaaro ahau ka waiho e ahau hei pauna iti iho i te Carmack tokorua te aroraa no te paunatia ano e ahau 239 pauna. E taea e ahau ki te ake me te ake rere e whai ake nei i te pokanga me kua ki ahau tauturu te reira ki toku conditioning,”Na ka mea a Kauffman.

I roto i te Mendoza, Kei te anga ia i te taata nei i te lekooti o 41-21-1 ki 35 knockouts nui me he whakauru ia mo whawhai tūturu Tokunbo Olijade, Rubin Williams, Carlos Negron & Ray Recio me te whakauru totoka i runga i Rito Ruvalcalba, Alejandro Luis Garcia, a kua whawhai mo te aito Light taumahamaha.

“Kua ia a tawhio noa te wa roa. Kei a ia te taata tino mātanga i runga i toku anō. Ko ia he puncher nui, me te kua taea ki te mutu whawhai pai, kia whai ahau ki te tango i a ia fakamātoato.”

Kei te ngana a Kauffman ki te tiki ake te wahi i mahue atu ia ki te whawhai Carmack, ka maturuturu iho ia te tukituki 300-me rua ki matā tinana.

“Ko te fele a tawhio rua hoki ahau tenei. Ko tenei wa, E kore e waiho e ahau pouri ki te hokona e ahau rauna i roto i ki te mahi atu waikura mowhiti.”

Kauffman, i haina ki Al Haymon, kua kite i tetahi whawhai i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha tiki i etahi whai wāhitanga i runga i te raupapa Mekemeke Champions Pirimia me te-tau 30 he rite mo te whawhai o e ka hoatu ia ia i roto i te totohe hoki pere taitara ao.

“Kua tumanako ahau i roto i Noema e ka enei whawhai nui ki reira. I muri i tenei whawhai, Ka ahau 30-1 a ka rapu ana ahau mo te hunga ahua o whawhai. Ite ahau e ahau rite.”

“Ko ahau fiefia ki te ohipa. He muri i ahau nga whara, me te inaianei ahau he pakeke 30 toa tau-tawhito. E mohio ana ahau e kore ahau e whiwhi ahau teina, engari ko te reira te ao tino mo te taumahamaha. Kua tīmata ahau ano ki te kia ite rite ko reira i roto i 2009 tena ko tenei kua ahau nui atu wheako e rua i roto i a roto o te whakakai kia mohio ahau ko te pai tonu i roto i mua o ahau. Ko ahau i whakatapua he rota atu a muri iho i tenei whawhai, E haere ana ahau hoki ki raro, ki Texas ki te mahi i runga i toku conditioning me faaineine no te Whiringa.”

“E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai ki toku rōpū i ngā toku papa Marshall Kauffman, Naazim Richardson me Jeff Negrelli. Ano Al Haymon mō te whakapono i roto i ahau. ”

Ko te tahi-āhuatanga, ka riro he a'ee taumahamaha 8-a tawhio noa e Ka ngā te hokinga mai o mua kaiwero taitara ao American “Nohopuku” Eddie Chambers (41-4, 22 KO o) tango i runga i Galen Brown (41-31-1, 25 KO o) o St. Hohepa, Missouri.

Ano putanga i roto i te a'ee 8-a tawhio noa, ka waiho Cruiserweight Keith Tapia (15-0, 10 KO o) o Santurce, Puerto Rico tango i runga i Anthony Caputo Smith (15-5, 10 KO o) o Kennett Square, PA

Ivan Golub (8-0, 6 KO o) o Brooklyn, NY ka Pavel Miranda whawhai (19-10-1, 9 KO o) o Tijuana, Mexico i roto i te a'ee Super Welterweight.

I roto i te pāngia 6-a tawhio:

Riria i Yuleussinov (3-0, 2 KO o) o Brooklyn, NY whawhai Justin Williams (4-10-2, 2 KO o) o Beaumont, Texas i roto i te whawhai Super whitu.

Danny Kelly (8-1-1, 7 KO o) o Washington, Ka whawhai DC Jimmy Suarez (3-6, 3 KO o) o Aguada, PR i roto i te a'ee taumahamaha.

I roto i te pāngia 4-a tawhio noa:

Alex Barbosa (4-2-1, 1 KO) o Philadelphia, PA ka Jose Garcia whawhai (0-4) o San Juan, Puerto Rico i roto i te whakataetae mā whitu

Pavlo Ishchenko o Brooklyn, Ka meinga e NY tona tuatahi pro ki Nicholas Rodriguez (0-2-1) o Somerset, KY i roto i te whakataetae mā whitu.

Ka taea te hokona tikiti mo $100, $75 a $50 mā te pāwhiri www.claridgeboxing.eventbrite.com i karanga karanga ranei 610 587 5950 ranei 609 868 4243

Mayweather/Berto group Throwdown Fantasy Game Winner announced

NEW YORK (Mahuru 14, 2015) – Hoki te tuarua wiki karapīpiti, te $2000 Game mekemeke Throwdown Fantasy hua toa he toa-wā tuatahi, Errol Acosta, nei riro i te $400.00 taonga wahi-tuatahi mō te rōpū Mayweather / Berto o te wiki whakamutunga, me te te'ote'oraa i i te tahi atu 234 kaiwhakauru.
I reira 50 toa taonga moni, o te iti $20.00, a riro ano Acosta te Mayweather noa-pukapuka kēmu ki te kapa taua.
Mai i te poka wai o 22 whawhai, Acosta (CHESSPNOI) stayed under the $25k salary cap and selected three solid favorites in Oscar Valdez ($5,500), Errol Spence ($5,300) a Jermall Charlo ($5,300). This talented trio had a combined boxing record of 54-0 ki 44 Koó ranei 81% KO ōwehenga e haere mai ana ki o ratou whawhai rātou. Te kato toru āhua moku engari makau totoka tukua gamers ki te tiki i te toa tuawha, me te underdog nui, tīpako ranei e rua underdogs paku ki te whakaoti i tona kapa.
“A, no te haapii e ahau Tamutu Stevenson, Errol Spence Jr, Peter Quillin, Oscar Valdez, a i whawhai Jermall Charlo i runga i te huinga tenei whakataetae,” Ua faataa te Acosta, miharo, “Ahau i mohio noa i ahau ki te tomo me te tuu i aku peti i runga i te mea e ahau i mohio a kua ako e pā ana ki a ratou.
“Kua e takaro ana ahau e pā ana ki e wha marama. Ahau tupu ake i runga i te mekemeke; I’ve always loved the sport. Throwdown Fantasy reignited my passion for boxing. They said after Kia 2 that boxing would be dead. There are casual/seasonal/selective fans who only know names like Mike Tyson, Roy Jones, Mayweather ranei ‘Pacman.’ Throwdown is fun and keeps me engaged and entertained with boxing.
Ko ipurangi i Throwdown Fantasy Mekemeke www.ThrowdownFantasy.com a te mekemeke ara hōu ki te hoki ake matapae whawhai he māmā ki te tākaro. I roto i te meka, te reira rite ngāwari rite 1-2-3: 1. Using the $25,000 te taupoki utu, tiki e rima whawhai i te rōpū kēmu; 2. Kia aroturukihia Māka i roto i te wā tūturu, kowhetetia ngā mō te whakauru, knockouts me ētahi atu Compubox tatauranga, 3. Te kaute i te nuinga o ngā toa. Te nuinga o ngā kēmu muri i te wiki me te he toa maha ia. Click on this link to watch a short video to learn how easy is to play:
Ngā Toa o farii ngā hāngai ana hoki te pehea ratou te mahi, utu ia kāhua o te mekemeke (kite i raro rā). Compubox E wātea ana tatauranga whawhai hoki ki te rangahau te tauturu i roto i te hanga kōwhiringa i www.ThrowdownFantasy.com.
Kaitākaro New nei haina ake inaianei e nehenehe e farii urunga FREE ki Throwdown Fantasy o ia marama Mekemeke Free-pukapuka kēmu, i roto i nei whakarato Throwdown Fantasy he $250 pukapuka noa kia tomo kaitākaro te whakamahi Piro Throwdown (urunga noa ki runga ki te rēhitatanga) a $25.00 free game. Waitohu ake a te tākaro he utu. Kia rēhita iwi ki te tākaro mō te kore utu, me te ka neke ki runga kēmu utua.
Ko te muri $1000 Whakaritea Throwdown Fantasy Mekemeke kēmu te hoki E whitu. 15-26, ngā tino taumahamaha Deontay Wilder vs. underdog Johan Duhaupas i roto i to ratou whawhai taitara ao, in one of nine fights to select fighters from in that group.

AKAKAKA kickboxing tāpiri mā whitu KORE. 1 Nguha a'ee ki te 'Bellator MMA: Mua 1, 'PITTING ANVAR BOYNAZAROV AGAINST SERHIY ADAMCHUCK


Santa MONICA, Calif. (Mahuru 14, 2015) - E rua maranga taranata i roto i te mā whitu wehenga o kororia kua tāpiri ki te aho-ake mahi-Kikī kickboxing tango te wahi i "Bellator MMA: Mua 1 " i runga i Rāhoroi, Mahuru 19 i te Center SAP i San Jose, Calif. Amsterdam-e hāngai ana Serhiy Adamchuk(29-5, 14 KO), te tuatahi i Ukraine, will meet muay Thai world champion Anwar Boynazarov (79-20-2, 45 KO) o California, i te ara o Uzbekistan, i roto i te whawhai ki te whakatau i te mā whitu nguha kororia muri.


I tua atu ki te whawhai kickboxing i honoa mai ki te prelims, te a'ee kē hoki e ngā inaianei te whakataetae taumahamaha marama Roy "mua Black" Boughton (12-5) rite te hoariri hou mō Francis Carmont (23-10). Inumia Carmont i ki te tango i runga i Philipe Lins, engari takoha te Beresiria i ki te unu, ka hinga ia mate ki dengue kirika.


Adamchuk was originally slated to face Glory Featherweight World Champion Gabriel Varga at the event before the Canadian suffered an injury during training camp. Inaianei e te toa o tenei whawhai i muri mai i roto i te rārangi ki te kanohi Varga mo te taitara i te hui kororia ka ū mai. Adamchuk debuted at Glory 22 i roto i te Pipiri, takahi ki roto i runga i 24 hours notice to beat lightweight contender Marat Grigorian in one of the biggest upsets of 2015 ko te kupu tenei i tawhiti. Boynazarov Räkau whakamutunga marama, i te kororia 23, defeating highly touted Georgian prospect Giga Chikadze, whakangungu i roto i Kings MMA.


"Bellator MMA: Mua 1 " te pahiatia e ora, me te noa i runga i te Koi i te 9 / 8c. Tīmata tīkiti mo te hui hītori i te tika $30 a kei inaianei i runga i te hoko i te tari pouaka Center SAP me te he hoki e wātea ana mō te hoko i Ticketmaster.com, me te Bellator.com.


Hoki te wā tuatahi ake, "Bellator MMA: Mua 1 " Ka ngā raua i te whare herehere Bellator MMA me te mowhiti kororia kickboxing i runga i tetahi tahua i te wa ano. I roto i te hui matua o te ahiahi, Tito Ortiz (18-11) ka wero i te tūturu Bellator Light Heavyweight World Champion, Liam McGeary (10-0) mo te taitara.


I tua atu, te kāri whawhai faaite i mua ngā te whawhai kororia taitara kickboxing ngā Zack Mwekassa (13-2, 12 KO) a Haora Cavalari (31-2, 19 KO) mo te wātea Light taumahamaha Championship, me te whakataetae Bellator MMA Daley "Semtex" Paora (37-13-2) a Fernando "te Menifee mauahara" Gonzalez (24-13) whakataetae ano i roto i te kororia mahi, ina hokohoko-i roto i ratou i te karapu MMA mō karapu kickboxing. Heoi, tata hainatia Keri Anne Taylor-Melendez (2-1) ka whakataetae i roto i te mahi kickboxing ki Hadley Griffith.


I runga i te taha toi hōia whakauru, Ka hoki te whakahaere i Bellator MMA te-tangata e wha, kotahi-po te marama whakataetae taumahamaha ki te whakatau i te No. 1 nguha i roto i te wehenga e āhuatanga Phil Davis (13-3) tango i runga i Emanuel Newton (25-8-1) a Linton Vassell (15-4-1) e anga Muhammed "Kingi Mo" Lawal (15-4, 1 NC). Hainatia hou a Ākuira he Kōmāmā Josh "Ko e Punk" Thomson (20-8, 1 NC) Ko te hoki i roto i te mahi, ka hanga e ia tona tuatahi Bellator MMA ki Mike "Te kaikōhuru Kariki" Bronzoulis (18-8-1).


"Bellator MMA: Mua 1 "- Rāhoroi, Mahuru 19 - Center SAP, San Jose, Calif.

Kāri Main:

Whawhai Bellator Light Heavyweight Taitara: Tito Ortiz (18-11) vs. © Liam McGeary (10-0)

Bellator Light taumahamaha Tournament Final: TBD vs. TBD

Kororia Whawhai Light Heavyweight Taitara wātea: Haora Cavalari (31-2) vs. Zack Mwekassa (13-2)

Bellator Whawhai Āhuahira Kōmāmā: Josh Thomson (20-8) vs. Mike Bronzoulis (18-8-1)

Kororia Welterweight Āhuahira Fight: Paora Daley (37-13-2 MMA / 20-3 Kickboxing) vs. Fernando Gonzalez (24-13/1-2 Kickboxing)

Kororia whā Āhuahira Fight: Keri Anne Taylor-Melendez (2-1) vs. Hadley Griffith (Tuatahi)

Bellator Light taumahamaha Tournament Fight: Phil Davis (13-3) vs. Emanuel Newton (25-8-1)

Bellator Light taumahamaha Tournament Fight: Linton Vassell (15-4-1) vs. Muhammed Lawal (15-4, 1 NC)


Kāri hukihuki:

Bellator Whawhai Āhuahira Kōmāmā: Iharaira Delgado (0-1) vs. JJ Okanovich (0-1)

Bellator Welterweight Āhuatanga Fight: James Terry (15-8) vs. Carlos Rocha (9-3)

Bellator mā Āhuahira Fight: Matt Ramirez (1-1) vs. Josh Paiva (5-1)

Kororia mā Āhuahira Fight: Serhiy Adamchuck (29-5) vs. Anwar Boynazarov (29-20-2)

Bellator whā Āhuatanga Fight: Gabe Carrasco (5-0) vs. Joe Neal (5-0)

Bellator Whawhai Āhuahira Kōmāmā: Arama Piccolot (5-0) vs. Marlen Magee (3-3)

Bellator mā whitu Āhuatanga Fight: Thomas Diagne (5-4) vs. Mike Malott (4-1)

Bellator Light taumahamaha Tournament anō a'ee: Francis Carmont (23-10) vs. Roy Boughton (12-5)

Bellator Whawhai Āhuahira Kōmāmā: Nick Pica (4-0) vs. Mauricio Alonso (10-5)

Bellator mā whitu Āhuatanga Fight: Victor Jones (Tuatahi) vs. Rawiri White (1-0) *

Bellator mā Amateur Fight: Taua Gloria (Tuatahi) vs. Alysia Cortez (Tuatahi) *

Kororia Āhuahira Kōmāmā Whawhai: Jose Palacios (7-7) vs. TJ Arcengal (4-1) *

Bellator whitu Āhuatanga Fight: Brandon Hester (1-0) vs. DeMarco Villalona (1-0) *


* tohu kia tango pāngia wahi wā.



Lewiston, Maine (Mahuru 14, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, ka mau tona hui muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua” i runga i Rāhoroi, Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will feature a first for Maine – whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. As announced this past Rāhoroi po i “NEF XIX,” the MMA portion of the card will be headlined by NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Champion Bruce “Boy ātaahua” Boyington (10-8) te parururaa i tona taitara ki Jimmy “Jimbo Poro” Davidson (7-1).


Hoki te wa te rua o tenei tau, Boyington ka whawhai i te taha i tana wahine, Randi Beth Boyington (1-1), on an NEF card. Boyington has held the lightweight championship since September 2014 ka patua e ia a Hehe “Ko te Viking” Erickson (6-4) for the then-vacant strap. A proud veteran of the United States Marine Corps (USMC), Boyington has electrified NEF audiences for nearly four years now with his brand of Taekwondo. He splits time training between Young’s MMA and his own gym, A Boyington Taekwondo Academy, kei e rua i roto i te Bangor, Maine. Always fueled by a competitive spirit, Boyington went to NEF executives immediately after his last victory and asked them to find him the toughest opponent possible. The promotion delivered with one of New England’s top lightweights in the form of Davidson.


“Au ahau oaoa ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te whare herehere ahau te wahi i toku oaoa me te whai wāhi ki te faaite i teie ohipa kotahi ano ki taku wahine te tahi mea e poihere ahau ake ake,” Said Boyington. “Kua whakatakotoria e ahau i roto i mo te wero faingataa e wātea ana no te mea e hiahia ana ahau ki reira ki te kore feaa ahau ahei o muri i te mea Whiringa 21 is over. I’m sure there will still be some doubters, but I know there will be many more believers. Jimmy comes from one of the best camps and coaches around, kia mohio ahau e waiho e ia te matekai, ka i tona pai – just the way I want him. I have the utmost respect to all those guys, engari te reira toku whitiki, me te te reira i toku whare, me te te reira i toku wa, me te kore ahau e opua i runga i te tuku a muri ake paheke atu i ahau.”


Davidson e, pono, come from one of the most well-respected teams not only in the region but in the entire country. He is a product of Mark Dellagrotte’s Team Sityodtong. Davidson holds victories over some of New England’s most outstanding MMA competitors like Aniss Alhajjajy (7-4). All seven of Davidson’s professional victories have been finishes. His only loss to date was against a very tough Leon Davis (7-3).


“Ko te he honore ki te whawhai ki runga ki o Maine ake tuatahi Mekemeke / MMA whakaatu,” ka mea a Davidson. “He kua ngā etahi whawhai hautoa i roto i te Colisee me tenei whawhai taitara ki Bruce e kore rerekē.”


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua,” e wahi i runga i Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Tikiti hoki “NEF XX” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei iwww.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Mō New Ingarangi whawhai


New Ingarangi whawhai ("Nef") Ko te whawhai whakatairanga ngā kaupapa kamupene. Misioni a nef ko ki te waihanga i te mau ohipa kounga teitei mō ngā whawhai, me pā o Maine rite tahi. Whānui wheako i roto i te whakahaere hākinakina whawhai he kapa whakahaere o nef, production ngā kaupapa, whanaungatanga pāpāho, marketing, ture me te pānuitanga.

Amanaki tūturu Emmanuel 'Manny’ Ko Rodriguez i runga i te ara

Ko te toa whā WBA Fedelatin me WBC Latin, Emmanuel 'Manny’ Lotilikuesí ( 13-0, 9 KO ) o Puerto Rico kua mana runga # 6 i te Ao mekemeke Association ( WBA ), a #7 i te Kaunihera mekemeke Ao ( WBC ).
Riro Rodriguez taitara e rua i runga i August, 22, 2015 na roto i te hinga uaua Mexican, Alex Rangel mā TKO i taka noa 7 i Fajardo, Puerto Rico. ( Ataata – Rodriguez KO'd Rangel https://youtu.be/BLujMj34QoQ )
“Au i te oaoa ki te WBA me WBC ahau no te mea tenei i taea e te tikanga i te whawhai taitara ao i roto i te heke mai e tata ana. Kua patua e ahau e rua o mua contenders taitara ao, me au tatari tika ahau mo te taahiraa i muri mai. Ite ahau ineine me te māia hoki tetahi wero kia whai ahau. E rua, toku kaiwhakahaere Juan Orengo, a kua mahi kaiwhakangungu Jim Pagan he mahi faahiahia. Whakapono ana ahau 2016 Ka hei toku tau”, Ka mea a Emmanuel Rodriguez.
I te Mei 2015, Patototanga matao Rodriguez i roto i te toru o tawhio, Dominican Luis Hinojosa, he kaiwero taitara ao o mua, a WBA #11 i te momment o te whawhai. ( Ataata – whawhai tonu Rodriguez vs. Hinojosahttps://youtu.be/pOWiCcfQ6lI )
I te Oketopa 2014, te sensation Puerto Rican tūturu, riro te WBO taitara Latin i te patuki i Miguel 'e wehi No’ Cartagena in the first round. Cartagena ko te mua rua wā United States National Champion, a 11 wa Golden karapu toa i roto i Philadelphia. ( Ataata – whawhai tonu Rodriguez vs. Cartagena https://youtu.be/sMjC6CysttI )
He ētahi atu whakaora nui i te whakatau loto mo te ao nguha taitara Rodriguez, Rawiri Quijano, me te toa WBC FECARBOX mua, Pirika Parete.
Making hītori:
I mekemeke runaruna, Ka Rodriguez te tuatahi kaimekemeke Puerto Rican ki te riro mētara koura i te Games Youth Olympic ( Singapore 2010 ). Tona record 171-11 whakaurua whakaora nui i runga i mētara koura Olympic mua Cuban, Robeisy Ramirez, A Honatana Gonzalez, Vasily Vetkin, i roto i ētahi atu.


Los Angeles, Pērā i – Ki te manJacob tapahia rongonui “Tuitui” Durán tākai i te whawhai’ ringa i te Whare Wānanga o te Whawhai Night o MMA 11, fists flew as hard and heavy as could be thrown. Inoino rua University o MMA taitara challengers te toa te parururaa i roto i te ahua knockout. Kurt 'te Hurt’ Eberhard (A Saekson Muay Thai) Ohorere Albert Veloz (Cage aro Academy) tika 45 hēkona ki te tawhio tuatahi ki te riro i te Whare Wānanga o MMA mā tangaroa. Waihoki, Voodoo karakia '’ Enilolobo Jr. (BJMUTA / Flying whana) maka atu Antonio Lopez (A Saekson Muay Thai) ki te nui te ringa matau ki te mohio ona moe o hoko i te University o MMA toa Kōmāmā.
Katoa 34 whawhai i runga i te whakaaturanga 17-kēmu hoatu ratou ngakau i runga i te raina, a oaoa i te mano ki te mahi ngaio. I roto i te mutunga, tohu mahi Rārangi o te Dean mō te Whawhai Night 11 Ko:
Whawhai o te Po: Damon Jacobs (Bas Rutten o whiriwhiri MMA) vs. Remington Thorne (A Saekson Muay Thai)
Knockout o te Po: Garik Mitchell (Team Lizard)

Tāpaetanga o te Po: Christopher Llanes (Team Quest)

Blue Tipi Honors: Matheus Santos (MMAFC / Knockout Mekemeke Club)
Tautoko Rārangi o te Dean e Toa Whawhai OTM me WSS, Kua whai wāhi nei $100 kāri homai ki nga toa. I tua atu ki te Whawhai tuku iho o te Po, Knockout o te Po, me te tukunga o nga tohu Po, Blue Chip honors is a special category to fighters who showed great showmanship, Charisma me whakarongo mōhiotanga.
E haere mai ana ki te Whawhai Night 11, mohio katoa ki te pupuri i te kanohi i runga i Remington Thorne. Tona ōrite tuatahi, ki te Michael'Blackjack rawa tautōhito’ Jackson (Systems Center Training), i te Whawhai Night 10, ko te whawhai o te mahi po. Far iti pā i tetahi mana'o mua o te hoariri o Thorne, te debutingDamon Jacobs (Bas Rutten o whiriwhiri MMA Faleva'inga), heoi maumauria e ia kahore wa i roto i te whakakī i roto i te mau area uouo. U Jacobs ngā kaha i runga i Thorne wawe, mahue iwi ki te feruri e mea nahea i tu tonu ia. Noho Thorne i roto i te whawhai, Heoi, tata oti i Jacobs ki te tini tere-ahi i derailed e te turi ture whanga ki te matenga. Ahakoa te poke, tonu whawhai e rua tetahi rauna e rua o taikaha mahi a Tūrongo i mura pā’ whakahari Paulo. Ko te tauhohenga mano hanga Jacobs-Thorne he pai rawa ngāwari mō te Whawhai o te Po.
Ki te wha KO o te kaitono Po i runga i te whakaaturanga, Tu tuarua-a tawhio noa mutu whana upoko Garik Mitchell o roto i te mōkihi. Ka rite ki te kahore, ko e mīharo nui, Ōrite o Mitchell ko tona tuatahi MMA runaruna, i fakahā ia e rua, me tona hoa tauwhainga kākahu tao. Ki te whakaputa i taua mana ki te kaitiaki korero pukapuka ki te kaha, me te tere hopoi te tangata taitama ki te whare herehere.
Kei te mohiotia maha tāpaetanga o te po ki te haere mo te rua rarangatia whakamutunga ranei tāpaetanga butChristopher Llanes (Team Quest) whakakitea technique arero, me te whawhai i roto i te whiwhi i te tapout maramarama. Llanes tīmataria te whāranu ki te taunga Roma nui Greco ka whakawhiti tonu ki te armbar. Hohoro ia mohio kihai i tino nui ia te reira na ko taea e ki te whakarite me te tiki i te tap ki te hoariri kēmu rawa i roto i Tim Barnard ia (Warahaara ETC).
Kotahi tohu ahurei ki te University o MMA ko ratou hōnore Blue Tipi, e utu kore noa he mahi nui sipoti engari ano te atamira aroaro ngahau, he kaikā hoki. E kore noa ta Matheus Santos o (MMAFC) knockout te hoariri uaua, me te ahurei i roto i Whārangi Victor (Systems Center Training), engari whakaaturia ano e ia he māia hopu i roto i tona uiuiraa pou-whawhai, whakatutuki ana pā i roto i rua Portuguese me te reo Ingarihi. Santos’ e whakakitea whānui, i roto i te whare herehere, a ki runga ki te MIC, Ko te tauira tata o te whakaatu i te mōkihi katoa, kowhetetia te kupu ia hōnore Tipi Blue mō te Whawhai Night 11.
Titiro whakamua, e rua Jackson me Flavian Pilgrim (CMMA) maka ki runga ki ngā tino e roaa ia ratou aito whawhai i te University i muri o te hui MMA, Whawhai Night 12, petipeti whakaritea hoki Whiringa 22. Ka tangohia Pilgrim i runga i toa hou Enilolobo, JR. mo te University o MMA taitara Kōmāmā, a ka fehangahangai Jackson Eberhard tata-karaunatia mo te University o MMA mā whitiki.
Hua Tere mō University o MMA: Whawhai Night 11:
1) 149 lbs. (3 x 2 min., shins) – Ryan Aguilar (CMMA) DEF. Orene Shabo (Hayastan MMA Academy) mā TKO, R1, 0:17
2) 130 lbs. (3 x 2 min., shins) – ERIC Arias (Yuma United MMA) DEF. Stuart kata (Independent) mā te whakatau Kotahi tonu
3) 145 lbs. (3 x 2 min., shins) – MEISONI IACOBELLIS (Team Quest) DEF. ARDANY Olivia (Systems Center Training) mā TKO, R1, 0:51
4) 125 lbs. (3 x 2 min., shins) – Erick Pierre (Elite Center Training Bas Rutten o) DEF. TIZOC Froese (MMAFC) mā te whakatau Kotahi tonu
5) 150 lbs. (3 x 2 min., shins) – Blackjack MICHAEL '’ Jackson (Systems Center Training) DEF. Anahera Perla (Team Quest) mā te whakatau Kotahi tonu
6) 137 lbs. (3 x 2 min., shins) – Richie MEISTER (Xtreme Center Training BJMUTA / Eric Nolan o) DEF. Sergio Gonzalez (Yuma United MMA) mā tāpaetanga (tapatoru kowaowaotia), R3, 1:12
7) 195 lbs. (3 x 2 min., shins) – Christopher LLANES (Team Quest) DEF. TIM Barnard (Warahaara Elite Pû Haapiipiiraa) mā tāpaetanga (armbar), R1, 1:16
8) 175 lbs. (3 x 2 min., shins) – Cristian NAJERA (Matawhāura Nation MMA) DEF. Chris 'Baby pea’ Rodriguez (Gracie Jiu Jitsu / Team Victory Muay Thai) mā TKO, R1, 1:56
9) 145 lbs. (3 x 2 min., shins) – Wheat Mitchell (Team Lizard) DEF. Steven (KYLER) SCOTT (Team Quest) mā KO, R2, 0:48
10) 230 lbs. (3 x 2 min., shins) – Andrii Vasylenko (BJMUTA) DEF. Julius WHITE (Independent) mā tāpaetanga, R1, 0:51
11) 157 lbs. (3 x 2 min., shins) – Damon Jacobs (Bas Rutten o whiriwhiri MMA Faleva'inga) DEF. Remington Thorne (A Saekson Muay Thai) mā te whakatau Kotahi tonu
12) 125 lbs. (3 x 2 min., shins) – Matheus Santos (MMAFC) DEF. Victor KAPI (Systems Center Training) mā KO, R2, 1:58
13) 145 lbs. (3 x 2 min., shins) – Benito Mendez (Aro Sports Kingi) DEF. DAVID SECAIDA (Independent) mā te whakatau Kotahi tonu
14) 160 lbs. (3 x 2 min., shins) – Flavian Pilgrim (CMMA) DEF. Troy HARDGROW (Independent) mā TKO ritua, R2, 1:24
15) 205 lbs. (3 x 2 min., shins) – Travis WILLIAMS (Whiriwhiri Center Training) DEF. DAVID BOYKO (Bas Rutten o whiriwhiri MMA) whakatau loto
Tuhinga o MMA mā whitu CHAMPIONSHIP
16) 145 lbs. (3 x 3 min., kahore shins) – Kurt 'i te mamae’ Eberhard (A Saekson Muay Thai) DEF. ALBERT VELOZ (Cage aro Academy) mā KO, R1, 0:45
17) 155 lbs. (3 x 3 min., kahore shins) – Voodoo karakia '’ ENILOLOBO JR. (BJMUTA / Flying whana) DEF. Antonio López (A Saekson Muay Thai) mā KO, R2, 0:34


Pro nonoke icon me mua MMA whetu ki te karanga i te mahi mo ora timatanga raupapa kaupapa Rāpare, E whitu. 17 i 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT
i te Rō Las Vegas Events Center

NEW YORK (Mahuru 14, 2015) - Combate Amerika (www.CombateAmericas.com), te U.S tuatahi. Pāniora toi hōia whakauru (MMA) karapu hākinakina i roto i te aamu, kauwhautia tenei ra i kawea mai e kua reira mua, -wā e wha WWE toa me MMA whetu Alberto El Pataloni a.k.a. Alberto Del Rio i runga i te poari ki te mahi hei kaikōrero tae mo ona "Road Ki te Championship" tino-tia'ihia raupapa hui ora, tautoko e Yaveo, e whana atu i runga i NBC Universo i runga i Rāpare, Mahuru 17 i 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT i te Center Rō Las Vegas Events i roto i Las Vegas, Nev.

Ko te Pataloni, Ko tona ingoa tūturu Jose Alberto Rodriguez, Ka karanga te mahi i roto i te whare herehere Combate Amerika, ranei "La Cage,"I runga i ia Rāpare po, e rua haora-, ora NBC Universo hua telecast e Combate Amerika, hei wāhanga o ona hou, whakaaetanga tau-maha ki te whatunga pouaka taura hākinakina me te whakangahau NBC mo Latinos i roto i te US.

"Ko ahau fiefia ki te waiho i te wahi o Combate Amerika me kawe MMA ki te rōpū hou o te pā - Hispanics,"Ka mea a El Pataloni, te tangata e mau anake te whātōtō ki te riro o te WWE hiahiatia Royal Ngunguru me Money i roto i te whakataetae Bank i roto i te taua tau (2011).

"E hiamo matou ki te whai Alberto El Pataloni, tetahi o nga kaitäkaro pirimia me tuakiri tino whai mana i roto i te hākinakina o te mamau ngaio, me te te whakataetae MMA kï, ki a tatou i runga i te pouaka whakaata mō tēnei raupapa whawhai ora hītori,"Ka mea a Combate Amerika Tumu me te UFC tahi-kaiwhakarewa Campbell McLaren.

"Ka rite ki te ahua Mexican pirimia i roto i te ao o te whakangahau hākinakina,"Tonu McLaren, "Alberto te reo hope no Combate Amerika he, i hanga ki te mahi pā ki te hua MMA tūturu Hispanic, i runga i ngä tüäpapa atu pāpāho pouaka whakaata, me te huri noa i te ao. "

Ko te tama a Luchador orometau "Dos Caras,"El Pataloni, he Māori o San Luis Potosi, Mexico e noho i roto i San Antonio, Texas, He mema o mua o te kapa mamau Greco-Roma Mexican motu me te mētara i te Pan American Games.

I roto i tona tau e wha-tikanga ki te WWE, Tussled El Pataloni ki te ope o te whakataetae ingoa tāwhai me toa kau CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, Whakaatu Big, Ko te Miz,Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger a Matt Hardy.

Ka rite ki te toa MMA, El Pataloni mau he lekooti mahi o 9-5, ki katoa o ona whakaora i ka tae mai i te ara o (T)KO tukunga ranei.

Utu i tika $14.99, tīkiti mo nga Amerika Combate "Road Ki te Championship" whana-atu hui, e tango i te wahi i roto i Mexican Independence Day whakanui wiki, Ko mō te hoko i te waea e wātea ana: 800-745-3000, a te ipurangi i Ticketmaster.com.

I roto i te Welterweight (170 pauna) hui matua, nohopuku-maranga whetu Ozzie Alvarez (6-2) o Huntington Beach, Calif. Ka tapawha-atu ki tūturu, faaoti Justin "Ko te tangata mōhio ki" Patterson (5-0) o Dallas, Texas.

I roto i te 140 pauna catchweight tahi-matua hui ngā rua kai kino taranata, Hoani "Sexy Sexy" Castaneda (7-2) o Mankato, Mai. ka whawhai U.S mua. Marine Justin "Te Kaihaumanu" Governale (5-2) o Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif.

Ano i runga i te kāri whawhai ka waiho taua po Combate Amerika whetu raupapa mau, me te kaimekemeke ngaio hinga kore Ricky "Te Gallero" Palacios (3-1) o te misioni, Texas, ko wai e fehangahangai Benji "Te ngangau" Gomez (4-4) o Ventura, Calif. i roto i te whā (135 pauna) matchup.
Uria Faber-tiakina Erick Sanchez (4-2) o Sacramento, Calif. ka tūtuki ki Guatemala Māori "Whakawakia" Rudy Morales (3-2) o Las Vegas i mā.

I roto i te strawweight o te wahine ngā (115 pauna) mutunga, Invicta FC hōia Nicdali "Ko te Kuini Night" Rivera-Calanoc (8-8) o Tulsa, Okla. ka tūtuki ki te kaha puncherKyra Batara (2-3) o Las Vegas.

Amanaki hinga kore Irvin Veloz (3-0) o Boca Raton, Fla. ka tutaki hoa whetū maranga Jay Pressley (4-1) o Milwaukee, Wis. i roto i te 128 pauna catchweight whakataetae.

He kāri tuatahi e toru-a'ee ngā rave rahi Las Vegas me Southern Calif. ka pahika atu ki mua opuaraa i te ora, e rima-a'ee NBC Universo telecast, a ka rere ora i runga iYaveo, te-reo Spanish ki runga-te-tihi tarere ratonga whakangahau i DIRECTV, i teie nei tuhaa o te AT&T utuafare, e ko hoki te kaitautoko taitara o te Amerika Combate "Road Ki te Championship" raupapa hui ora.

Kiritaki kei hea i roto i te U.S. can subscribe to the OTT service for a monthly charge of $7.99. The Yaveo platform is accessible on Yaveo.com, me te mā te taupānga Yaveo mō te iPhone me te iPad, Pūrere Android, Xbox 360 ko Roku.

Doors i te Rō Las Vegas Events Center ka whakatuwhera i 6 p.m. PT, a ka timata te a'ee tuatahi tuatahi i 7 p.m.

Combate Amerika, LLC. (www.CombateAmericas.com) is the first U.S. Pāniora toi hōia whakauru (MMA) karapu hākinakina i roto i te aamu, designed to build Latino fighting champions and serve Hispanic fans, one of the world’s most avid groups of prize fighting enthusiasts. The Combate Americas franchise includes reality TV programming, live events and mobile programming. The company’s CEO, Campbell McLaren, is universally recognized as the co-founder/co-creator of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). New York Magazine described McLaren as “te poto hokohoko i muri i te UFC” ko Yahoo! Kauwhautia Sports e ia “e mohio ana atu e pā ana ki te hākinakina i te tika e pā ana te tangata i roto i te reira i teie mahana.” With an unprecedented product and a blue-chip ownership and management team, Combate Americas is poised to break new ground and bring about a new era in world championship level MMA competition.

Mō NBC Universo:
NBC Universo (www.nbcuniverso.com) Ko te hou hākinakina me te whakangahau taura hongere mō Latinos, mau mai i runga franchises hākinakina o te ao, me te hōtaka edgy ki neke atu i te 40 miriona whare i roto i te U.S. Ka rite ki tetahi o nga awa taura hou tino whānui te wātea hoki US. Latinos, NBC UNIVERSO delivers a thrilling mix of exclusive sports action – including FIFA World Cup™, Liga MX, Pirimia League, NASCAR Mexico Rangatū, NFL and The 2016 Rio Olympics – along with signature series, kiriata angitū, music, must-see live events and strategic acquisitions, i runga i TV, pūrere ipurangi me te pūkoro. NBC Universo he wāhanga o Pāniora Enterprises me Ihirangi, he wehenga o NBCUniversal (www.nbcuniversal.com), tetahi o ārahi kamupene pāpāho, me te whakangahau o te ao. NBCUniversal Ko te āpiti o Comcast Corporation (www.comcastcorporation.com). Ki te kitea te tau hongere NBC Universo i roto i to koutou rohe, tirohia www.nbcuniverso.com/Kimihia ia.

Mō Rō Las Vegas Events Center

Kei i te kokonga o Tuatoru St. a Carson Ave. puta noa i i te D Las Vegas, Ka taea e te Rō Las Vegas Events Center hāngai ake ki te 11,000 manuhiri me ngā āhuatanga atamira kāwanatanga-o-te-toi, tangi, me te rama. Kei te fakaafe'i te hoahoa tuwhera-rangi ki e rua tūruhi me ngā tāngata whenua, me te tuku i te wahi tino mō ngā konohete, tikanga me era atu meatanga nui-. Awhi i te wairua uninhibited o Rō Las Vegas, ope te wāhi hou ki te aho-ake o ngā tiakina tae konohete pirimia whakaari, taiopenga kai me te ake. Ko ano hoki te wāhi ki te ao tuatahi fakafiefia i roto i Las Vegas ki farii Bitcoin rite moni. Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga www.dlvec.com te whai ranei i runga i Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at DLVEC.


Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos – Credit: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos – Credit: Idris Erba / Whakatairanga Mayweather
Las Vegas (E whitu. 13, 2015) – Floyd “Money” Mayweather fakahoko kotahi faahiahia whakamutunga i runga i Rāhoroi ora i runga i SHOWTIME PPV® i roto i te mea whakanonoi ia ko te whawhai whakamutunga o tona mahi taiea-tau 19.
I mua 13,395 pā i te MGM Grand Garden Arena, Pai ake Mayweather ki 49-0 (26 Koó), ōrite te lekooti o te toa taumahamaha o te mutunga o Rocky Marciano ki te whakatau 12-a tawhio noa runga i te toa o mua rua-wā Welterweight ao Andre Berto (30-4, 23 Koó). I roto i te katoa mana i te tīmatanga, Ko te wikitoria Mayweather i te kaute o 120-108, 118-110 a 117-111.
I muri i te pere whakamutunga, Maturuturu iho Mayweather ki ona turi i roto i te whakaata o tona ohipa hopea.
“I ki te mohio, no te ki te whakairi ai ki runga koe,” ka korerotia e ia SHOWTIME o Jim Gray i roto i te whakakai muri iho. “Au patoto ahau i te tatau; Ahau tata ki 40 tau.
“Kua ahau i roto i tenei hākinakina 19 tau, kua he toa ao 18 tau, wahia te pūkete katoa. He te kahore ki te whakamatau i te hākinakina o te mekemeke atu.
“Toku 49-0 Ko record he wahi o te mekemeke. Hanga e Records ki te pakaru. Tūmanako hoź mahana e nehenehe tatou e ite i te muri Floyd Mayweather.
“Na te reira te wā ki te noho tahi toku utuafare e tamariki, kia tino whiwhi ratou i te mātauranga tika. E hiahia ana hoki ahau ki te āwhina i te whawhai i raro i te Mayweather Whakatairanga kara.
“Au mahue ahau i te takaro ki oku aravihi katoa; Au koi me te atamai tonu ahau. Kua ahau oti nga mea katoa i roto i tenei hākinakina, i reira te mea ke atu ki te faaoti i.
“Kāore Money hanga ahau. Meinga ahau te moni.
“E kore ahau e hiahia ki te hopohopo ahau, engari ko ahau te pai i mekemeke.
“E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai nga pā katoa i puta mai i roto i ki te tautoko i tenei kaupapa. Hoki 19 e kore e tau taea ki te rave i te reira, kahore enei pā ahau.
“Andre Berto he ngakau, he kauwae rahi. E kore e takoto ia ki raro,, ko reira te whawhai pai. Ko ia te whakataetae uaua, engari wheako He wāhi nui i te po. He aha ahau e nehenehe e mea? I was the better man tonight. Kore e mea faufaa te reira, ki te kino ia e ahau toku ringa maui ranei toku tika, Ko runga toku mahi. Ko te mōhiohio.”
Makona Berto i tona mahi, otiia whäki kihai ko ia i te taumata o Mayweather.
“Takaro Experience he wahi nui i roto i tenei whawhai,” ka mea ia. “E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai ki toku rōpū katoa, toku hapu me katoa o Haiti kei te matakitaki e.
“Ko ahau i roto i te āhua mō tenei whawhai; ko ia fifi noa ki te pupuri i runga i ki. Te pahekeheke ia. Whakamahia ahau he rota o te tere engari te ia tinihanga tūturu. I te whakamahi i ia mea iti ki te tiki i ahau atu toku manawataki.
“He taata rite ahau he rota o te whakapehapeha. I told him that every time I caught him with a good shot that I was here to stay. I put on a great performance, peia ia ki te rohe. Ko, hinga matou poto.”
I roto i te rua o taitara rua ao o whawhai i runga i te undercard utu-ia-tirohanga, Roma “Rocky” Martinez (29-2-3, 17 Koó) mau tona taitara WBO Junior Kōmāmā ki te 12-a tawhio noa nuinga Unuunu fakafiefia i roto i te rematch ki te toa-wā e wha ao Orlando “Siri” Ka haere(42-13-3, 29 Koó).
Kato ake te wahi i mahue e ratou, no te whawhai ratou i roto i te whawhai o te kaitono Tau April whakamutunga, i riro i Martinez, whakawhiti e rua whawhai nifó mō 36 meneti o te mahi kai kino. Haere ki raro ia i roto i te toru o tawhio. I te mutunga o te slugfest, i roto i nei neke atu i te 1,700 i maka nifó, piro kotahi whakawa reira mo Martinez (115-113), TA kotahi Salido (115-113) i roto i te mua, me te tahi atu huaina ana a reira ara (114-114).
Whakaaro e rua Martinez me Salido kia kua ka ratou te whakatau me te he i roto i te manakohia o te whawhai te toru o.
“Riro tino ahau te whawhai,” Said Martinez, i hanga i te korero tuatahi i roto i tona ngārahu toru rite WBO Junior Kōmāmā World Champion. “Kiia ratou he knockdown kihai ko e tino he knockdown.
“Maka ana e ia he rota o te nifó engari te nuinga o ratou kihai i hono, ka u ratou ki runga ki oku ringa. Hea e hiahia ana koe e whawhai tuatoru i waenganui ia tatou, Ka tangohia e ahau te reira.”
Said Salido, he rua-wā toa mā whitu ao nei ko te kaipahua, puta noa, ka tukua atu atu 1,000 nifó, “I ahau i te mahi katoa a whakaaro ahau riro ahau i te whawhai. Whakaaro ahau te tokorua tuatahi o rauna i ara, engari ka mau ahau ki te mana o te whawhai muri.
“I tino rapu ahau mo te taitara. Ka rite ki a koutou katoa i kite maka ana e ahau atu o nga nifó, a whakaaro ahau riro ahau i te whawhai.
“Ahau whakatapua kia nui hoki tenei whawhai, hoki ki te tangohia atu e te reira ratou e kore e ahau i ataahua. Tino, Ko ahau rite mo te whawhai tuatoru.”
I roto i te tahi atu whawhai taitara ao, Badou Jack “Ko te Ripper” (20-1-1, 12 Koó) pai te awhina tona taitara WBC Super whitu Ao ki te pakeke-whawhai, 12-a tawhio noa nuinga whakatau mano-ahuareka mo kaiwero whakahauanga “Saint” George Groves (21-3, 16 Koó). Jack, nei maturuturu iho Groves te mutunga i roto i te taka noa tuatahi, hira e nga kaute o 116-111, 115-112 a 113-114. Ko te pakeke-waimarie Aherimi, nei koimutu rere te mowhiti i roto i te ti'aturi ore i muri i te faaararaa, hinga ki 0-3 i roto i te taitara te ao whawhai.
Ko Jack faahiahia i roto i te mea e kua tona whawhai uaua ki te rā.
“Groves he rota o te ngakau,” Na ka mea a Jack, i hanga i te korero tuatahi o te whitiki WBC ka mau ia i Anthony Dirrell i April.
“Kei te haere te mahi Body toku waitohu. Kihai i ahau whai hua nui no te mea kahore ahau i taea e patoto ia i roto i. Ua ite au i rite i muri i te a tawhio noa tuatahi taea e ahau ko ahau e kore e taea noa. Kihai ahau i haere ki te tinana nui.
“Kihai i whakaaro ahau e pā ana ki toku whawhai muri ano, engari i reira te he rota o te nui whawhai hoki ahau. Rongo ahau Julio Hiha Chavez Jr. e hiahia ana ki ahau whawhai. E hiahia ana ahau ki te oaoa i tenei wikitoria engari ka tetahi whawhai ahau.”
Ko te wikitoria mai i te mamae i te mate ana'e o tona mahi i runga i te tuatahi-a tawhio noa mate knockout rawa ki o te wha i roto i te rarangi Jack Derek Edwards i roto i te Hui-tanguru 2014.
Groves, nei anake te tahi atu parekura i roto i te hoki-ki-hoki whawhai ki reira-ao toaCarl Froch, kihai i tautohetohe te knockdown engari i te raruraru ki te whakatau.
“Whakaaro ahau riro ahau i te whawhai ia faaoti-,” ka mea ia. “Whakaaro ahau te mana ahau te whawhai ki toku werohanga, me te ko ahau i roto i te mana puta noa, ahakoa, it appeared closer to the judges.
“Ko te he knockdown legit i roto i te taka noa tuatahi. U ia te ringa matau ki runga ki te tihi, engari i ahau tinana pai, me te whakaaro e ahau hoki ahau i roto i te mana o taua a tawhio ka. Ko nama katoa ki a ia, ahakoa te kaute i te knockdown i roto i te taka noa tuatahi.
“Congrats ki Badou. Te ti'aturi nei e ahau ia he kingitanga angitu rite toa. Hiahia aroha ahau ki te whawhai ki a ia ano, me te tūmanako ahau ka mahi i te wā pai muri. E haere ana ahau ki te tango i etahi wa ki te mahi i roto i te mea te muri. Ngaro i te whawhai taitara ao ko te kino mana'o i roto i te ao nei.”
Puerto Rico o Honatana “Puehu” Oquendo (26-4, 16 Koó) patua knockdown te tuatahi-a tawhio noa, piro te knockdown o tona toa ao e rua-wehenga ake, me te pouri o muaJhonny Gonzalez (58-10, 49 Koó). Oquendo won a 10-round majority decision in a good action fight that opened the pay-per-view telecast. Riro Oquendo te a'ee nui o tona mahi i nga kaute o 95-93, te roto-o-aho 98-90 a 94-94.
Hoki Oquendo, te wikitoria i roto i tona ahua ono i MGM Grand Garden Arena ko te 12th i roto i tona whakamutunga 14 whawhai.
“Ite ahau rawa hari,” Said Oquendo, i maturuturu iho e te matau mahue ki e pā ana ki te kotahi meneti i mahue i roto i te tuatahi. “Jhonny Gonzalez Ko te toa nui. I knew I had to throw a lot of punches and work to get inside to get the victory. I was able to implement that game plan tonight.”
Gonzalez, he rua-wā mā WBC mua, me te WBO whā World Champion, I riri hoki ki te piro me te nga headbutts pohehe katoa. I maturuturu iho ia e tika i te ringa matau i pā ana ki te 2:00 tohu o te tuarua.
“Titiro atu nga kaiwhakawa ia rawa nui,” Ka mea a Gonzalez. “Puritia upoko ia aki i ahau. Te reira tika kihai i pai te haere. A, ka te patototanga iho ahau e ia, kahore tupu. Ahau tika tika hoki ake ka.”
I roto i te whawhai Rāhoroi e Whakapāho i roto i “Countdown LIVE” i runga i SHOWTIME te aroaro o te telecast utu-ia-tirohanga, maoro nguha whitu teina Vanes Martirosyan (36-2-1, 21 Koó), o Glendale, Calif., piro e rua knockdowns en huarahi ki te toa i te nuinga whakatau 10-a tawhio noa ki runga ki IBF papatu 154-pauna o mua Ishe Smith (27-8, 12 Koó) o Las Vegas, i nga tatau o te 97-91 rua me te 95-95.
“I feel awesome. I worked hard and it paid off. I hadn’t seen my family in 10 weeks. I was in training in the Bay Area,” Ka mea a Martirosyan. “I i kai 100 ārai i te a tawhio noa. I knew he was a Mayweather fighter and I was going into the fight already down five rounds.
“I mohio ahau i ahau ki te riro. Ka korerotia e toku kokonga ahau ki te haere i roto i, me te ngahau, engari hiahia ahau ki te patoto ia i roto i.
“Kau mohio ahau rite u ahau te knockdown tuatahi i ahau ki te pupuri i haere. Kihai i whakaaro ahau e whiwhi ia ki runga i te rua o nga knockdown. I kore i marere ia i te aroaro o. Kua whawhai ia he rota o te whawhai nui, ka maturuturu iho ahau ki a ia rua.”
Smith, te Māori tuatahi Las Vegan ki te hopu i te taitara te ao, nui kita ongo'i ko te whawhai.
“Kihai i nui te knockdown tuatahi. Ia mau noa i ahau i roto i te hoki o te matenga. Ko te tetahi tuarua ko legit, engari ka e ahau ki runga rite ki te haere mai hoki i a ia,” Ka mea a Smith.
“E ono ngā Ko wawau. Whakaaro ahau ko reira ofi ki 95-95 ranei 95-94. Ahau i whakaaro noa ko reira te rota ofi atu aua kaiwhakawa e rua, me toku kokonga rongoatia ki korero ko reira tūturu tata. Na whanga matou he whawhai uaua i roto i te (Martirosyan). Te ia te roa, rangy me te puncher pai, engari e te aha hiahia ahau ki te tiki i roto, ka whawhai ki a ia i reira.
“Whawhai noa ahau he o te whawhai ki te No te reinga. 3-toa runga i roto i to tatou wehenga. Ahau kua he rota mahue. Au e aki ana ahau i enei ko eé ki te rohe. Ahau e tango atu tetahi mea i a ia. Te ia tetahi o te pai i roto i te ao, me te ahau he toa mua ao. Hoatu matou nga pā he whawhai tenei po nui, me te ka waiho hoki i ano ahau hohoro.”
Ano i runga i “Countdown LIVE,” fafau hinga kore Kōmāmā Gervonta Davis o Baltimore pai ake ki te 12-0 ki 11 knockouts mā te rēhita i te 1:34, TKO tuatahi-a tawhio noa ki rungaRecky Dulay (8-2, 5 Koó), o Manila, Philippines.
# # #
Tĭtĭ HIGH: Mayweather vs. Berto,” he 12-a tawhio noa a'ee aito te ao Welterweight mō WBC me WBA taitara 147-pauna o Mayweather, was promoted by Mayweather Promotions LLC. The event took place Saturday, Mahuru 12 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas and was televised by SHOWTIME PPV. The undercard featured a WBO Junior Lightweight World Championship fight, i ko i te rematch i waenganui Martinez Roma me Orlando Salido. Also featured on the PPV telecast was a WBC Super Middleweight title bout between Badou Jack and George Groves, i whakatairangatia ana i roto i te feohi ki Team Sauerland. Riri te te a'ee PPV whakatuwheratanga toa mua ao Jhonny Gonzalez ki Puerto Rico a Honatana Oquendo i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa mā super a'ee. SHOWTIME “Countdown Live” whakaurua he 10-a tawhio noa Welterweight super pupūtanga i waenganui Ishe Smith me Vanes Martirosyan.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.SHO.com/Sports awww.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, AndreBerto, BadouJack, StGeorgeGroves, @ Romancito77, siri_salido, jhonnygbox, JonathanOquenmayweatherpromo, SHOSports MeSwanson_Comm ranei hei te mea powhiriwhiri i runga i Facebook, i www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather,www.Facebook.com / TheRealAndreBerto,www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions a www.facebook.com/SHOsports.

NEF XIX HUA MAI Lewiston, Maine

Lewiston, Maine (Mahuru 13, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, puritia ona iwa whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) takahanga, “NEF XIX: Ho'iraa,” Rāhoroi po i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. A crowd of nearly 2,000 Ko pā whawhai i runga i te ringa ki te kaititiro te ūkui o pāngia runaruna e whitu ngaio, me te kotahi tekau ma toru.


Kite te ahiahi o te mahi knockouts miramira-hurori tukua e “Shatterproof 2.0” Derek Shorey (3-2) a Josh Harvey (5-1) who retained the NEF MMA Amateur Lightweight Championship. Mike “Te ngutu” Hansen (2-1) te upootia i runga i Crowsneck Boutin (1-1) on the professional portion of the card. In the main event of the night, Bellator ko Ao Series o te Fighting (WSOF) hōia Sidney “Da Pū” Pahua (5-1) tukuna te hoki mai Darrius Heyliger (4-3).


I tua atu, kauwhautia te whakatairanga i tona hui i muri mai, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua,” Ka ngā te tuatahi mō hākinakina whawhai Maine – a joint MMA and professional boxing event. Ka tango i te hui wahi i runga i Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. Three fights were announced including: NEF MMA Ngaio Kōmāmā Champion Bruce “Boy ātaahua” Boyington (10-8) te parururaa i te taitara ki Jimmy “Jimbo Poro” Davidson (7-1); Northeast Junior Welterweight Mekemeke ChampionBrandon “Ko te Cannon” Berry (9-1) te parururaa i tona taitara ki te hoariri ki te ingoa; Billy “Bigfoot” Leahy (3-1) te parururaa i te NEF MMA Amateur Heavyweight Championship ki Dave Smith (2-0); a Randi Beth Boyington (1-1) e anga Erin Lamonte (3-0).


Ko te hua o “NEF XIX” i roto i te Lewiston, Maine:




Hao Darrius Heyliger def. Sidney tahae mā kowaowaotia muri-tahanga, tawhio 1

205 Michael Hansen def. Crowsneck Boutin mā tāpaetanga ā-waha, tawhio 1

150 Derek Shorey def. Tollison Lewis mā KO, tawhio 1

Hopu Zech Lange def. Jay Perrin mā te whakatau wahia

155 Matt Denning def. Zenon Herrera mā kowaowaotia muri-tahanga, tawhio 1

265 Matt Andrikut def. Artie Mullen mā TKO, tawhio 1

Hao Hehe Erickson def. Ricky Sylvester mā armbar, tawhio 1




155*TITLE Josh Harvey (c) DEF. Ryan Dibartolomeo mā KO, tawhio 2 (Harvey tonu)

150 Jason Lachance def. Rawiri Thompson mā kowaowaotia muri-tahanga, tawhio 1

190 Chaz Gray def. Dominique Bailey mā kowaowaotia muri-tahanga, tawhio 1

155 Rafael Velado def. Cory Trial mā armbar, tawhio 1

170 CJ karaehe def. Ricky Dexter mā te whakatau loto

150 Hannah Sparrell def. Kira Innocenti mā te whakatau loto

Hopu Wil Carrero def. Clifford Redman mā TKO, tawhio 2

Hao Henry Clark def. Fred Lear mā tapatoru kowaowaotia, tawhio 1

185 Nick Shea def. Ruben Redman mā te whakatau loto

S.HWT Ryan Glover def. Jason Field mā TKO, tawhio 1

155 Mike Pietersen def. Ken Dunn mā TKO, tawhio 1

170 Scott Godbois def. Phil Pearson mā te whakatau wahia

130 Rahera Reinheimer def. Angela Young mā te whakatau loto


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua,” e wahi i runga i Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Tikiti hoki “NEF XX” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei iwww.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Mō New Ingarangi whawhai


New Ingarangi whawhai ("Nef") Ko te whawhai whakatairanga ngā kaupapa kamupene. Misioni a nef ko ki te waihanga i te mau ohipa kounga teitei mō ngā whawhai, me pā o Maine rite tahi. Whānui wheako i roto i te whakahaere hākinakina whawhai he kapa whakahaere o nef, production ngā kaupapa, whanaungatanga pāpāho, marketing, ture me te pānuitanga.


Victory tautuhi Up katoa-Brooklyn Battle Ki Daniel Jacobs I muri tenei Tau
Jermall Charlo riro ia Junior whitu World Taitara Ki Tuatoru-Rauna Tuhinga o Koroniria Bundrage
Rising Star Marcus Browne Ka kati i mua Champion Gabriel Campillo I roto i 55 Hēkona Mea Rauna ki
Pāwhiri ki HERE hoki Whakaahua Mai Suzanne Teresa / Pirimia mekemeke Champions
Pāwhiri ki HERE hoki Whakaahua Mai Ed Diller / DiBella mahi whakangahau
MASHANTUCKET, CT (Mahuru 12, 2015) – Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (32-0-1, 22 Koó) patototanga a roto i Michael Zerafa (17-2, 9 Koó) i roto i te rima o tetahi taha i runga mahana maa avatea i Foxwoods Resort Casino i Mashantucket, Connecticut i runga i Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i NBC.
Whakawhiti Quillin ko Zerafa nifó mana puta noa i te take, ki te underdog Zerafa ū e rave rahi matā nui e mutu Quillin i ona ara. I roto i te rima o tawhio, he kaha te ringa matau i Quillin hono ki Zerafa ka tonoa pangapanga ia ki te whenua, ano he kaitautoko Arthur Mercante Jr. poipoia-atu te whawhai. U Quillin 47 ōrau o ana nifó kaha, me te i roto i-u Zerafa 54-38, ia CompuBox.
I puta Zerafa te mowhiti i runga i te moenga, a tangohia ki Backus Hospital i Norwich, Connecticut rite ki te mehua whakatūpato. I roto i te amuiraa press pou-whawhai a Quillin, I whakanohoia e ia i runga i te waea ki Zerafa, ko wai mea ko ia pai. Kua Zerafa kua pangia whakamātautau, Ko noa tona scan CAT, me tohu katoa i he ia pea ki te kia tukua i te po i te hōhipera.
Ko te wikitoria hoki Quillin whakatakoto ake he katoa-Brooklyn taitara whitu ao whawhai ki Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs whakaturia petipeti ki te tango i te wahi i tenei Hakihea. Hei wāhanga o te rōpū PBC i te NBC haapurororaa Jacobs ko ringside a ka uiuitia i muri i te whawhai ki te faaite i ona whakaaro e pā ana ki te tutukinga heke mai.
I roto i te whetu tūturu hui tahi-matua Jermall “Hitman” Charlo (22-0, 17 Koó) patototanga iho Koroniria “K9” Rage Raro (35-6, 19 Koó)e wha nga wa en huarahi ki te mutu a tawhio toru ki te taitara teina whitu ao riro i te 25-tau-tau.
Ka puta mai Charlo i pupuhi, patoto iho Bundrage i roto i te taka noa tuatahi ki te overhand koi. Aru ia e ake i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa ki te maui tika e tonoa ano e Bundrage ki te koaka. Timata Charlo te toru a tawhio noa ki te mau pato'iraa a te nifó e mutu i Bundrage pangapanga ki te whāriki. Te mutunga i roto i te taka noa hoatu tetahi rû i whakamutunga Bundrage i runga i te whāriki mō te wha o nga wa, ue'i kaitautoko Johnny Callas ki te aukati i te whawhai.
Ngakau Jermell te māhanga, me te hoa kaimekemeke tūturu o Charlo ia haere i roto i tona kokonga me te rua awhi tonu i runga i te wikitoria a Jermall. Charlo-u i roto i Bundrage 33-20 i runga i te rauna e toru, ia CompuBox.
I roto i te a'ee taumahamaha marama, 2012 U.S. Häkinakina me te tūturu whetu maranga “Sir” Marcus Browne (16-0, 12 Koó) mutu toa mua ao Gabriel Campillo (25-8-1, 12 Koó) 55 hēkona ki te rauna tuatahi, i muri i hono tukuange mai i te raupapa o ngā matā ki te tinana i te patototanga Campillo iho rua.
“He mea pakeke ki te whakanui i te mahi rite e, tautautefito ki he taimi te mahue te tangata i runga i te moenga. Meapango ko e konga o te kēmu. Ahau inoi tika e riro ia pai ka whiwhi te kāinga ki Ahitereiria haumaru me te tangi.
I made a bad mistake in my past when I fought Miranda. I learned that you have to give every guy credit.
“He aha te mea nui ko e Ahau rite hoki Danny Jacobs. Now it’s time for Brooklyn to see me and Danny Jacobs. We’ve waited for a long time for it.
“Ahau rite Danny no te mea ahau te mea powhiriwhiri nui o tona. Ko pakihi he mahi kāore.
“[Ki Jacobs] E nehenehe e rave tatou i te reira tika i konei, ki te hiahia koe ki te tango atu i taua take me te hoatu i runga i aua karapu. Ka pakari rave i te reira tika i teie nei.
I’m back in camp on Monday. I’m getting ready for Danny Jacobs.
“Matau inaianei te ia te Sharing, Ahau te kaiwero. Ahau rite ki te kia i roto i taua ti'araa. E tura'i te reira ahau. Whawhai ahau mo nga tamariki katoa i korerotia e kore e hanga i taua ratou.”
TANIELU JACOBS, Tūmanakohia whitu World Champion te ki te tango i runga i Quillin i runga i Hakihea 5.
“Ahau i Brownsville i Brooklyn. E kore ahau ka rere, me te kore ahau e.
Hakihea 5 i Center Barclays. Ahau te toa me te ia i te kaiwero.
“E kore ahau e mohio pehea te haere i te reira ki te haere ki raro,, engari kei te haere i te reira ki te waiho i te whawhai nui.
“I roto i te hākinakina o te mekemeke, e kore koutou e taea e hanga he tokomaha rawa hoa.
“Ka waiho te reira tetahi o te nui whawhai i e kua Brooklyn i roto i te wa roa.
“Ahau i te koroke, Ahau i te puncher mana, me te whai ahau he IQ mekemeke tiketike. Kei a ia te raruraru ki te eé e neke a taea e ahau te whakaaro i runga i te rango.
“Tenei [whawhai] Ko te hihiri katoa e hiahiatia ana e ahau…aha atu hihiri e hiahia ana koe ki te tiki i to koutou take i roto i te omaoma, me te kia rite?
“E karanga ana ratou ki ahau te 'Miracle te tangata'. Ko te mea ngaro e whai ahau hihiri ki te hei i te pai e taea e ahau. Pērā i Hakihea 5, Brooklyn te haere ki te whai i te whetu hou.”
“Ahau te toa o te ao. Ngā katoa Atua-i homai te reira. Kihai i taea e ahau te ui mo tetahi mea pai. Ite e ahau pai.
“Koe e kore hoatu he kuri i roto i te pene ki te raiona. Ka mea ahau i haere ahau ki te mahi i te mea e haere ana ahau ki te mahi i.
“Ko te heke mai tenei. Ko ahau te heke mai o te mekemeke.
“Ako ahau a noho ahau rite. K-9 got cut and I stayed ready. When I turned pro seven years ago, Kahore ahau i matau e taea tenei.
“Ko ahau rite hoki 12 rauna, a mohio ahau ko rite hoki ia ia 12 rauna.
“Kua pae hopea i hanga e ahau i te reira ki te mana taitara. Ki te kia kōmakatia hei te toa ao, te reira hītori.
“Haere te whawhai rite pehea tatou whakaaro pai reira. I whiwhi te reira taratara, a ko rite ahau mo reira. Ko te he mea tika o te wā. Ko te te mana'o pai i roto i te ao.
“E hiahia ana ahau ki te hoko noa pai. E hiahia ana ahau ki te paruru i toku taitara me whakaatu katoa te pai ahau.”
Koroniria BUNDRAGE
“Riro koe etahi, ngaro koe etahi. Ko te raruraru ko, Kua ahau hohekore. Ko ahau i roto i reira ki te toa pai kua nei kua kaha, me te hiakai.
“Ahau pakeke ka whai ki te noho hohe ki te noho ki enei takatu taitamariki. E kore e haere au e ahau ki hea. Kua ahau ki te noho hohe kia kite nifó haere mai ana.”
Marcus Browne
“Toku mahi ko tino he tauākī ki te katoa i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha marama – mataara i roto i. Kei konei tatou!
“I tu ia tika ake, ka mea toku kaiwhakangungu ki te patua ia ki te werohanga tika pai. Maka ana e ahau i te 1-2 a ka whai i ahau ake.
“Mau ahau ki toku wa, me te tika kia haere mai te reira.
“Toku kaiwhakangungu Gary Stark korerotia ki ahau ki te haere mai huri noa i te ringa me e te mea i mea ai ahau. Ka taea e koe te kite i te reira.”
# # #
PBC i te NBC i whakatairangatia ana e DiBella Entertainment
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.dbe1.coma www.nbcsports.com/boxing, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, KidChocolate @ K9Boxing, FutureOfBoxing, LouDiBella, FoxwoodsCT ASwanson_Comm,