Pou katoa e FNU47


Brooklyn (Mahuru 16, 2015)–Tonu te rārangi faahiahia no kaiwhakatairanga Dmitriy Salita ki te whakawhānui i, a maongo kaitiaki ahumahi ki te kounga o ngä kaitäkaro i raro i te kara Salita.
Kupu, te kaiwhakatairanga mekemeke Brooklyn-e hāngai ana te hanga i te ingoa rite te kaiwhakatairanga runga i raro i pakeke 40 i roto i te kēmu i teie mahana, Ko te whakakake ki te kauwhau i te hainatanga o Nikolay Potapov, te 13-0 (6 Koó) whā.

Whakatau te hai Russian 25-tau-tawhito te No. 11 i roto i bantamweights e Boxrec, a No. 14 i roto i te WBO, kaha mīharo hoki te kaimekemeke ki na torutoru haerenga ngaio.

“Ahau-te whakatairanga tahi ahau Potapov ki kaiwhakatairanga Russian Pavel Povlov, ko wai te peresideni o te kamupene whakatairanga Podolsk Fighting League,” Na ka mea a Word. “Nikolay he fiefia ki te whawhai i roto i te United States, a ka whakamatautau ko ia te pai i roto i te ao! Ki te hanga ngangau ano bantamweights, e hiahia ana ia ki te maka ia ia i roto i te ranunga me te he māia ka whiua e ia Jamie McDonnell, Tomoki Kameda, Randy Caballero ko Lee Haskins. nga challengers runga katoa me toa i roto i te wehenga!”

I roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga whiua Potapov Jason Canoy, nei tauanga E kore te. 14 i roto i te WBC me No. 12 i roto i te IBF.

Nikolay Potapov i runga 180 runaruna whawhai a riro tauwhāinga motu me te ao tini, Said Word, haere mai atu tona angitu “Brooklyn Pakanga” kāri tū i Coney Island, i rere i runga i ESPN3.

Ko Potapov i runga i te te ara nohopuku; kua whawhai kua ia e wha tekau perei me tetahi tekau ma rua rounder.

Ka taea e pā whawhai titau ki te kite i te kaimeke nei e pai ki te kōkiri, pai ki te hei pukumahi, tuu ana nifó koroiroi, taia ngā ki te koronga kino…katoa i roto i te katoa, te ia he nguha toka-totoka.

Mō ētahi atu pārongo toronga SalitaPromotions.com

Teata a'ee ki Fred KASSI ascenceur KI 26 o Hepetema

Taupae, California (Mahuru 16, 2015) – I roto i te huringa o ngā te marama i mua ki tona a'ee matua-kaupapa whakaritea i runga i October 13, runga

U.S. amanaki taumahamaha Dominic “Te pouri” BREAZEALE (15-0, 14 KO o) Ka hoki inaianei ki te mowhiti i runga i te raupapa Mekemeke Champions Pirimia i runga i Mahuru 26 on prime time television. BREAZEALE, nana nei i whakatitiro ake te Pirimia mekemeke Champions Rangatū (PBC) tenei Pipiri mua, ka waiho te hui tahi-matua i runga i te kāri Wilder-Duhaupas i Birmingham, Alabama.
Te 2012 U.S. Tonu ka Häkinakina fehangahangai Cameroon taketake Fred Kassi (18-3-1, 10 KO o) in a scheduled 10-round bout. BREAZEALE, nei kua whakangungu pakeke i roto i te puni ko oaoa e pā ana te whai wāhi me te pono titiro atu ki tenei a'ee ka ū mai.

Photo c / o Pita Politanoff
Photo c / o Pita Politanoff

“A, no te ahau farii te piiraa i toku kaitohutohu Al Haymon tenei wiki mua tono ahau ki te ko ahau tuwhera ki oreore ana ake toku a'ee ki te 26, I was all for it. To be able to fight on prime time television on NBC is a blessing. I remember speaking with my grandmother before my last bout who doesn’t have cable and she was able to see me last time on regular television. It means a lot to me that she is able to watch me again.

I am also looking forward to this bout as it is headlined by Deontay Wilder. It’s no secret that I am gunning for him and I want that championship belt. I want to be the heavyweight champion of the world and this televised bout is a great opportunity to showcase my skills while gaining fans and will put me in that position for a shot at the title. I want to send a message that I’m coming for those belts”, Said Breazeale.
“Here Mai te pouri

Sammy Vasquez horiri oire hui PAE-rauna Tuhinga o Jose Lopez ON PREMIER BOXING toa TOE-KI-TOE Tūrei ON FS1 & Fox Deportes i te huihuinga CENTER AT California State University o Pennsylvania

Omar Douglas makaka Braulio Santos RUA ON tona ara ki te wikitoria whakatau loto
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Lucas Noonan / Pirimia Boxing Champions
California, PA. (Mahuru 16, 2015) – Sergeant Sammy “Ko te wai taea Mexican” Vasquez (20-0, 14 Koó)maka ki runga ki te whakaatu Rātū po mo ona pā oire i runga i tona ara ki te Tuhinga rima-a tawhio o Jose “Pātuki” Lopez (25-4-1, 15 Koó) i runga i Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) Rātū TOE-TO-TOE i runga i FS1 ko FOX Deportes i te Center huihuinga i California State University o Pennsylvania i California, PA.
Ka puta mai i roto i kaha i te tīmatanga Vasquez, te patu i te Lopez pakeke-tohutohutia ki te tokua ngā wā katoa i roto i te tīmatanga o te rauna. I roto i te wha o tawhio, Kōemiemi Vasquez Lopez e rave rahi taime i te kautaha pakeke.
I roto i te rima o tawhio ka mau a Vasquez i runga i te whawhai, maturuturu wawe ia i roto i te taka noa ki tetahi atu Pōnānā. Ko taea e papaki ana whiua te tatau Lopez, engari anake roa i te taime torutoru roa ka maturuturu iho ia Vasquez ki tetahi atu huinga, ue'i kaitautoko Gary Rosato ki te hoatu i te kopa ki te whawhai 1:08 ki te a tawhio noa.
Ko Vasquez fakatu'utāmaki whai hua ki ona nifó kaha, tauranga 108 i roto i 189 maka, hoatu ki a ia he 57.1 ōrau ki te hunga nifó. Riro te tino whenua i nga a tawhio noa i runga i te kaiwhakawa’ scorecards i te wa o te mutu.
I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga teata, Omar “Super e” Douglas (15-0, 11 Koó) tonu tūturu e te patu Braulio Santos (22-2-1, 15 Koó) i te whakatau loto i roto i te whawhai taratara, me te Taka. I tangohia nga tangata e rua he wāhi i runga i te-rauna 10, ki Douglas ngaro he wāhi i roto i te taka noa e wha mo täia muri te matenga, me te Santos i tangohia mo te iti whiu i roto i te taka noa e whitu.
Douglas tīmata te whawhai nohopuku, patua te tinana, me te kowhetetia he knockdown a tawhio tuatahi ki te werohanga kaki e mau Santos atu-kaitiaki. Douglas i aru e ake i roto i te taka noa e rua, te hono i runga i te matau i mahue i tonoa Santos ki te koaka.
Douglas i te painga faaoti i roto i nifó mana u ki te 165-117 rerekētanga, ia CompuBox. Ko te tapeke whakamutunga kaiwhakawa i 99-87, 97-89 a 96-90.
Sammy Vasquez
“Ko ia mohoao tūturu me te mea whakamutunga hiahia ahau ko ki te kia mau ki te pere waimarie. Ko tona tinana whānui whakatuwhera nga wa ka haere mai ia ki te ringa matau. A, no te haere mai e ia i roto i ki te rua i te ringa matau whakarerea e ia tona rara tuwhera whānui.
“Ua hinaaro e ahau ki te i roto i-matua i runga i te tinana, engari ko tika i reira tona matenga. Piko iho ana ia, ka ko rite ki te tango nifó.
“Ko ahau rite hoki ia ia, a hoatu e ahau i te paheko tere ki runga ki a ia, a ko reira ki runga. Mohio ahau i haere ahau ki te tiki ia ia i roto i te reira.
“Hurihia ahau ki te nifó ki a ia. I mahue ia ia tuwhera whānui. Ka eke ia ngenge i muri i tamata ia ki te tiki i ahau i runga i te taura. Kia ahau pihai ia ki te uppercuts tokorua me te matau, I mohio ahau i mamae ai ahau ki a ia.
“Haere mai e ia i mua, ko ia rawa uaua. Engari ia tika hiahia ki te whiua ahau orooro ahau i roto i runga i toku whai wāhitanga a puta ana ki waho o te reira.
“I mohio ahau i taea e te tiki i ahau ki a ia i roto i reira no te mea o e ko ia te momo o te toa, me te mohio-huinga e whai ahau, me e te mea ta tatou.
“Ko katoa i roto i mua o ahau i runga i toku ngakau. Taea e ahau anake te tiki ki te tihi mā te te patu i te iwi i roto i mua o ahau. Au e kore karanga ahau i roto i tetahi ingoa, no te mea e hiahia ana ahau i nga tangata runga i roto i mua o ahau. E hiahia ana ahau katoa.”
Jose Lopez
“Ua hinaaro e ahau ki te patu i te tinana, a hoatu etahi pēhanga ki runga ki a ia i te a tawhio noa tuatahi.
“Oho tino pai taha-ki-taha ia. Ko ia he kaimekemeke tino pai.
“Ko ahau rawa whakama. Ahau i haere mai ki konei ki te riro.”
Omar Douglas
“Ko te werohanga tonu te patu nui hoki ahau. I homai e ia ki ahau atu kaupapa matenga i muri i ū ahau te werohanga. Tamata e ahau ki te whakamahi i te werohanga ki te tinana, me te kino ia ia i te wa torutoru. Ko ia na poto i ahau i te pawera i whiua e pupuhi tinana.
“I te rua o nga knockdown feinted ahau te werohanga a ka ia ki te matau i mahue. Kia i mea ai ahau e te katoa te po. Na, i reira te rota o te whai wāhitanga hoki ki ahau.
“Ko te he whawhai uaua. Ko te ahua o te whawhai i hiahiatia e ahau. Kihai i ahau i te whawhai uaua rite taua i roto i te wa roa.
“Whakatakotoria ana e ia i roto i te waenganui, i te wahi o te taata taratara. Ko ia e aki matenga, toia me nga mea katoa. A, no te ka tatou i roto ta'uehia matou upoko te rota. Ko te tohutoro I mea i patu ahau i runga i te tihi o te matenga, engari i haere mai ia i roto i na iti.
“Kua mahi ahau pai nui te mahi i mua i, ia tino hoatu e ahau he whawhai uaua, engari tūmanakohia e ahau i te reira.
“E hiahia ana ahau ki te whawhai eé ki toa pūkete. Titau ahau uaua whawhai. Ahau 15-0 i teie nei a titau ahau mau tamataraa.”
Braulio Santos
“Ko te he whawhai pakeke. E kore au e mōhio i riro ahau, engari i mahara ahau ko reira ofi.
“Kihai ahau i whai i te roa ki te whakangungu, me te kore ko te taimaha te tikanga whawhai e ahau i tenei. Te hinaaro nei au ki te whawhai ki a ia ano, me te whai wā atu ki te faaineine.”
* * *
PBC i runga i FS1 i whakatairangatia ana e Team Vasquez whakatairanga.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.premierboxingchampions.com a http://www.foxsports.com/presspass / kāingaa www.TGBPromotions.com. Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, @ SammyV2112, TopDoggJr, @ FoxSports1, FOXDeportes KoSwanson_Comm ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.facebook.com/foxdeportes awww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.

Whakahokia Mekemeke ki a Harrah Philadelphia

Chester, PA (August 27, 2015)–I te po Rāhoroi, Mahuru 19, hoki mai mekemeke ki Harrahs Philadelphia ki te kāri faahiahia e whakatairangatia ana e Whakatairanga Kingi o.

I roto i te hui matua, ka waiho hei rematch 6-a tawhio noa o Super Lightweights, ka pakanga Antonio DuBose Ihu nita.

Whawhai DuBose ko nita ki te Unuunu 4-a tawhio noa i runga i Hune 27 i roto i te Peterehema, PA.

Dubose, 27 tau-tau o Philadelphia he lekooti o 7-0-1 ki 2 knockouts.

Flower, 31 tau-tau o Fort Myers, Florida he lekooti teka o 7-13-1 ki 1 knockout.

Kua fehangahangai ia 8 kei te haere mai whawhai tūturu me atu i te mate knockout ki Mason Menard (29-1) i runga i August 8 i roto i te Opelousas, Louisiana.

Ko te rite ki te hinga arita nita me ūkui DuBose feaa o tetahi o te hunga e ko te toa pai.

“He nui nga mea katoa, me te ahau ongo'i ahau pai. I had a lot on my mind heading into the last fight. I wasn’t myself. I noticed that I was just running at him and not doing the things that got me to the seven wins. I was fighting his fight. Tenei whawhai, Ka waiho ahau e ahau, me te tikanga te atu parori me te whiua e atu ngā,” ka mea a DuBose.

Fafau DuBose he mahi pai nui me te hihiri hoki tona rematch.

“Ua inoino ahau e te Unuunu me tura'i te reira ahau.”

E kore te tango ia nui i te whawhai tuatahi, me ka titiro ki te whawhai i te whawhai oti.

“Mahara ahau he mea ruarua i te whawhai tuatahi e whai ahau ki te whakatika. You will see a different Antonio DuBose on Saturday night.

Tenei a'ee e ono a'ee tawhio tuatahi o Dubose me he vēkeveke i te faingamālie ia.

I feel six rounds will be better I can relax and box more. I am ready for Saturday night and I am happy to be headlining a great show.

I roto i te 6-a tawhio noa tahi-āhuatanga:

Emmanuel wairangi (5-0, 4 KO o) o Philadelphia e whawhai Sergio Najera (10-20-2, 4 KO o) KO o) o New Haven, Connecticut i roto i te a'ee whā.

I roto i te pāngia 4-a tawhio:

Carlos Rosario (2-1,1 KO) o Pensauken, Ka whawhai nj Korey Sloan (2-7-2) o Philadelphia i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā.

Dominic Walton o Philadelphia ka meinga e tona tuatahi pro ki hoa debuterRoger Streeter o Atlanta, GA i roto i te a'ee Cruiserweight.

Robert Irizarry (3-0-1) o Cherry Hill, NJ will box Rafael Vazquez (1-3) o Bayamon, PR in a Featherweight bout.

Christopher Brooker (3-1, 3 KO o) of Philadelphia will square off with Juan Fernando Raya (2-2, 1 KO) o Santa Cruz, Bol i roto i te a'ee Super whitu.

Corey Morley o Philadelphia ka meinga e tona tuatahi pro ki te hoariri ki te whakaingoa i roto i te a'ee taumahamaha.

Santario Martin (0-1) o Gainesville, Ka whawhai FL Fitzgerald Johnson (3-7, 1 KO) o Newark, Nj i roto i te take taumahawaenga.

Nick Valliere (5-0, 2 KO o) o te awa te parawai,, Ka whawhai nj Alshmar Johnson (0-1) o Vineland, NJ i roto i te a'ee whitu tekau.

Pro debuting Daryl Bunting o te awa te parawai, Ka Square nj atu ki Ryan Bivins (0-1) o Philadelphia i roto i te taupatupatunga Super whitu.

Tikiti mo tenei po nui o te utu mekemeke $100, $75 a $50 a taea te hokona e te karanga 610-587-5950 www.hboxing.eventbrite.com ranei

Ka tīmata te a'ee 1 i 7 PM ki nga tatau te whakatuwheratanga i 6 PM.

Victor Vasquez-Tyrell Hamuera a'ee tihi Oct. 2 PRELIMS AT PUERTO RICAN CLASSIC IN PHILLY

No te tuku Tonu

Philadelphia, PA – Popular Kōmāmā Victor Vasquez, o Philadelphia, te tūmanako ki te whakawhānui i tana e toru-whawhai pūkenga toa haehaa ia e ia ki runga ki Tyrell Samuel, o Baltimore, MD, i roto i te whiringa whāiti te-a tawhio noa e ono hei wāhanga o te Puerto Rican mekemeke Classic i runga i te Paraire ahiahi, Oketopa. 2, i te 2300 Arena i 2300 South Swanson Road.
Headlining te kāri e whitu-a'ee te he teina whakataetae Kōmāmā waru-a tawhio noa ki waenganui ao-tauanga Jason Sosa, o Camden, Nj, a Jorge Pazos, o Chumuchil, Mexico. Tīmata whawhai Tuatahi i 7pm.
Vasquez (runga ake mauī), 32, Kua riro e toru tika i te 2300 Arena, ka tu Jose L. Guzman, o te Bronx, a Osnel Charles, o Atlantic City, a kowhetetia he whakatau e ono-a tawhio noa ki runga Gerald Smith, o Philadelphia.
Mohiotia Vasquez te rite te Barber Fighting mai mahi ia i roto i taua tikanga iA feruri ia Fai te reira i roto i te Te Tai Tokerau Philadelphia.

He kaimekemeke pro mai 2006, Vasquez he lekooti o 19-9-1, 9 K0s.
Samuel (runga ake i te tika), 33, kua whawhai ano he pro roa noa, ka tahuri pro i roto i 2005 a toa tana iwa whawhai tuatahi. Kua mea patu e ia Gustavo Dailey, o Philadelphia,Joey Tiberi, o Newark, DE, a Carlos Vinas, o Newark, Nj.

I roto i ona tīmata tino hao, Maturuturu iho a Hamuera whakatau ki Eric Hunter, o Philadelphia, i runga i waru rauna, a ki te Dorin Spivey, o Virginia Beach, VA, mo 10 rauna.
Whitu teina Ihimaera “Tito” Garcia, o Vineland, Nj, whakaaro e insiders mekemeke ki kia kotahi o nga opuaraa pai i roto i te rohe, haere ki Yusmani Abreu, o Cuba, i roto i te kēmu e ono-a tawhio noa.
Garcia, 28, Kua whiua e hohekore mai i tahuri pro i roto i 2010 a kua iwa anake ngā wā pouaka i roto i atu i te rima tau, toa waru-wha i te knockout-a whawhai kotahi No Contest.

I roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga Kia 8 i te 2300 Arena, Patototanga Garcia i Tommy Ayers, o Cincinnati, OH, i roto i te taka noa tuatahi.

Abreu, 35 i teie nei e noho ana i roto i Las Vegas, NV, Ko te toa totoka ki te lekooti rawakore (4-11-2). Ko te lekooti ngā o tona 17 hoariri ko 95-21-5 a ka tahuri ia pro i roto i 2005 i roto i te Mexico ki Gilberto Flores Hernandez, i mahue-ringa, me te 12-4 i te wa. E iwa pouaka Abreu kua tangata i tūturu.

Āhuatanga te tuatoru e ono-rounder he rematch i waenganui i Welterweights teina Rawiri
Gonzales, o Philadelphia, a Ryan Belasco, o Wilmington, DE. Pouaka e ratou te utu i te ono-a tawhio noa i runga i Kia 8 i roto i te whakakai taua.
Gonzales, 25, Ko 5-0-2,1K0. Belasco, 31, Ko 18-6-5, 3 K0s.

E toru atu-perei wha whakaoti i te kāri: Edgar Cortes, o Vineland, Nj, vs.Antonio Conigliaro, St. Clair, PA, bantamweights super; Scott Kelleher, Philadelphia, vs. Alberto Manuykan, Union City, Nj, Welterweights teina; Avery Sparrow, Philadelphia, vs. tba, lightweights.

Ko te tau kāri whawhai e whitu-a'ee ki te kukume i te mano hokona-i roto i.

Mai i whā Sixto Escobar, tei riro te toa tuatahi ao Rican Puerto i roto i 1935, ki nāianei taitara-taata tei mau Danny Garcia, o Philadelphia, Kua i Puerto Ricans he roa a faahiahia ra hītori roto i te mekemeke.

I roto i whawhai rohe titiro ki te whakaatu i to ratou mau taleni i runga i te Oct. 2 kāri e rohe whawhai Puerto Rican i Philadelphia me New Jersey. E rave rahi o ratou te kawe mai he mateaki e whai ake ki o ratou whawhai.

I tua atu, Ka tonoa e fakaafe ke haere me te haina tëneti ki tino whawhai Rican Puerto ake a raro o Te Tai Rāwhiti.
Oketopa. 2

Ko te Tuatahi Puerto Rican Mekemeke Classic, ngā whitu pāngia, haamata i 7pm i te 2300 Arena i 2300 Tonga Swanson Road i South Philadelphia. Doors tuwhera i6 pm. Te Oketopa. 2 Kei te tautoko hui e Parx Casino, Rum DONQ, Ko te Penthouse Club, Lyrics Lounge, Nationwide pūtāhui Auto me Cricket Ahokore. Ka rere te kāri ora e www.gofightlive.tv and on a delayed basis by Comcast SportsNet. Tickets e $50 a $75 a taea te hokona e te karanga Peltz Mekemeke (215-765-0922) me ngā tīkiti a Wanamaker ( 215-568-2400 ). Tickets also can be purchased online at www.peltzboxing.com a www.wanatix.com

. Te Oketopa. 2 whakatairangatia ana kāri e Peltz Mekemeke, Kapa Top, Joe Ringa Whakatairanga me BAM Mekemeke.

Oketopa. 4
The Puerto Rican Day Parade is the Crown Jewel of the Puerto Rican Festival every year in Philadelphia. It is a showcase of Puerto Rican and Latin culture. The Parade begins Rātapu ata, Oketopa. 4, i te Eakins porotītaha i roto i te pa, me te pokapū tonu puta noa i te ra haere te Pineamine Franklin Parkway ki te waiata, kōnohete me ngā kaihoko hoko ratou taonga. City officials expect more than 5,000 iwi ki te haere. The Parade, tetahi o te tuatahi o tona ahua ki te teata, ka Whakapāho i runga i ABC-TV rohe me te motu Univision

Mua WBO Jr. Hoki toa whitu Rimitiriu Andrade ki te mowhiti i runga i Rāhoroi, October 17 when he takes on Dario Fabian Pucheta for the WBO International title at The Mohegan Sun

Providence, RI (Mahuru 15, 2015)–I kauwhautia te reira i teie mahana i te Whare State Island Rhode e tūturu mua WBO Jr. Toa whitu ka hoki mai a Rimitiriu Andrade ki te mowhiti i runga i te po Rāhoroi, October 17 ina e ia ki runga ki Dario Fabian Pucheta e ka tango i te wahi i te Mohegan Sun i Uncasville, Connecticut.

Ka te a'ee e whakataetaetia mo te WBO International Jr. Taitara whitu tekau.

Andrade (21-0, 14 KO o) e hoki mo te wa tuatahi i roto i 16 marama, a ka waiho i te 17 o a'ee Oketopa te whawhai e ka te rēinga Andrade hoki ki te taitara ao.

Andrade awhina tona taitara ki te mutu 7 tawhio noa ki runga Brian Rose i runga i Pipiri 14, 2014 i Center Barclays i Brooklyn.

Pucheta o Benos Aires, Argentina e ha lekooti o 20-2 ki 11 knockouts. Te 28 riro tau-tawhito kua toru i roto i te rarangi i ngā tona a'ee whakamutunga ka mutu ia Petuere Ushona (32-2) i runga i Oketopa 4, 2014 i roto i te Windhoek, Namibia.

Whakatairangatia ana te whakaaturanga e Jimmy Burchfield o CES Mekemeke, ki te Andrade – Pucheta a'ee i whakatairangatia ana e Kara Whakatairanga me Joe DeGuardia o Star Mekemeke.

“Ko te pā ana ki te wā e hoki whiwhi ahau i roto i te whakakai. Ko ahau fiefia ki te whawhai i te kāinga i roto i te mua o toku pā. Ko te wahi tino whakamarie i roto i te ao nei ia riro, a ka titiro atu ahau ki ngå toku taitara, me te parururaa i roto i mua i toku pā mateaki katoa. Noa e hinaaro e ahau ki te whakawhetai ki a ratou mo to ratou tautoko i te tau whakamutunga. Titiro whakamua ahau ki te kitenga katoa o toku pā i te whawhai,” Said Andrade.

“Kua titiro ahau i mua ki a Rimitiriu e whiwhi hoki i roto i te whakakai. Kua matou i roto i te whakangungu omaoma pakeke, and he will be ready to put on a good performance on October 17,” mea te papa o Andrade / kaiwhakangungu, Paora Andrade

“Ko ahau rawa fiefia e pā ana ki a Rimitiriu e whiwhi hoki i roto i te whakakai. Ko ia tetahi o te runga Jr. Middleweights i roto i te ao. Matapae ahau i roto i te tau e ka whawhai ia mo a toa i te Jr. Whitu aito o te ao mo te wa tuarua,” ka mea Whakatairanga Kara peresideni, Artie Pelullo.

Said Joe DeGuardia, peresideni o Star Mekemeke, “Kua oaoa ahau e Rimitiriu he hoki. Kua tonu ahau ite nei ia i te kaha ki te hei i te pai i roto i te ao, a titau ahau e i roto i te tau i muri mai ia, ka waiho he tūturu 2-wā Ao Champ.”

“He oaoa ki te kawe i to tatou toa Häkinakina me mua ao Rimitiriu Andrade hoki ki New England matou. Tenei he tupu ake te wahi Rimitiriu, ua faahotu e ona pūkenga me whakawhanakehia ki te toa aito-ërä ko ia i tenei ra, e rua i roto i a roto o te whakakai. I tua atu, e tatou whakahonoretia ki te kawe i tēnei kaupapa ki tetahi o tatou wāhi tino, Mohegan Sun Casino, a ki te mahi i roto i te feohi ki e rua o te pono rawa, kaiwhakatairanga pono me faingataa-mahi i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, Artie Pelullo o Kara Whakatairanga me Joe DeGuardia o Star Mekemeke. Neke atu i te tika hoa e ratou; He hoa no te oraraa taatoa ratou. Ki te toru o matou e mahi tahi, Ka haere tonu tenei kaupapa ki te whakaara i te pae, me te whakaturia te paerewa mō te mekemeke ngaio i roto i te raki,” ka mea a Jimmy Burchfield, peresideni o CES Mekemeke.

Utu tīkiti e $25, $50, $125 a $200 (VIP).

Ka taea te hokona e ratou i www.cesboxing.com www.mohegansun.com ranei i te waea i ranei 401-724-2243/2254.

Mō ētahi atu pārongo toronga www.cesboxing.com, te whaiCESBOXING i runga i Twitter, me te Instagram me “rite” te whārangi tahi CES Mekemeke Facebook mōhiohio. Taipitopito e wātea ana hoki i www.starboxing.com me www.banner-promotions.com.

Connecticut Mekemeke Hall o Rongonui Class o 2015 mana kauwhautia

Lou DiBella, Shelly Finkel, Arnie Bayer, Carey Mace, George Russo, Pita Timothy & Mate Sharnik
UNCASVILLE, Conn. (Mahuru 15, 2015) – Kaiwhakatairanga Lou DiBella me te kaiwhakahaere / kaiwhakatairanga Shelly Finkel arahi i te Class e whitu-melo o 2015 ki te Connecticut Mekemeke Hall o te Rongonui (CBHOF). New members will be inducted at the 11THā-tau Dinner CBHOF Gala Induction i runga i te Paraire po,Whiringa 13 i roto i te ballroom Uncas i Mohegan Sun.
Ko te inductees CBHOF hou hoki ngā kōmihana mekemeke o mua Pita Timothy a, murimatetia, kaimekemeke Carey Mace a George Russo, kaituhi mekemeke Mate Sharnik me te kaitaunaki mekemeke Arnie Bayer.
“Tatou i te Connecticut Mekemeke Hall o Rongonui e tino fiefia ki te kauwhau piha o tenei tau o inductees,” new CBHOF president John tiketike mea. “We have a great mix of internationally recognized boxing legends and a wonderful and most deserving group of Connecticut’s boxing royalty. Fakatāutaha, Ko ahau na pai ki te whakauru i tenei piha i roto i toku tau tuatahi ei peresideni o tenei whakahaere e whakaponohia. Titiro whakamua ahau ki te kitenga pā mekemeke tatou Connecticut katoa i Mohegan Sun i runga i Noema 13th.”
I roto i te New York City, DiBella (whakaaturia ki te mahue) Ko te Head mua o Mekemeke mo HBO, te hanga i te tino angitu “Mekemeke muri Pōuri” raupapa. Tona kamupene whakatairanga, DiBella Entertainment, has promoted countless boxing events at Mohegan Sun Arena and Foxwoods Resort Casino during the past two decades. DiBella also owned the Connecticut Defenders minor league baseball team that was based in Norwich. His top fighters have included Sergio Martinez,Bernard Hopkins, Paulie Malignaggi, Jermain Taylor, CBHOF inductee “Irish” Micky Ward, a Andre Berto i roto i te atu atu rangatira. He Harvard Law School paetahi, Ko te hoki DiBella te kaihanga kiriata angitu.
Finkel (fakatātaa'i ki matau ki te mutunga o Emanuel Steward), hoki i New York City, Ko te inductee International Mekemeke Hall o Rongonui nei ko te whakamaunga i Connecticut whawhai mo nga tau e maha rite rānei te kaiwhakatairanga kaiwhakahaere ranei. He is also a successful manager in the music industry. In the early 1990s, Finkel was arguably the most powerful manager in boxing. His most celebrated clients included Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Manny Pacquiao, Pernell Whitaker, Meldrick Taylor a Wladimir Klitschko.
Timothy (fakatātaa'i ki te mahue ki Sugar Ray Leonard) ko kōmihana mekemeke o te Kōmihana Tribal National Mashantucket Pequot i Foxwoods i 1995 ki 2009. He was mentored by the late John Burns, who was the founder of the CBHOF of which he is also an inductee. During his tenure at Foxwoods, Rau Timoti whakaritea o ngā pro, whai wāhi 90 whawhai taitara. Highlights of his reign included CBHOF inductee John RuizEvander Holyfield III mo te aito WBA taumahamaha ao, me te, pea, te whawhai nui i roto i te hītori Foxwoods, te whawhai taitara Cruiserweight ao IBF i waenganui i James Toney a Vassily Jirov. Other stars who fought at Foxwoods when Timothy was in charge include Roy Jones, JR., Diego Corrales, Shane Mosely a Acelino Freitas, me CBHOF inductees Dana Rosenblatt, Pita Manfredo, JR. ko U.S. Häkinakina Lawrence Clay-Bey.
Mace (72-18-2), whanau i roto i Hartford, started fighting professionally in the late 1940s. His most notable victory came in 1950, tu toa mua ao Joe Giardello. Mace was a member of CBHOF charter member Willie pep'S pūmau, a runga i te kotahi ira rite tiketike rite No. 8 welterweight in the world. Mace, ko tona a'ee whakamutunga ko te mate ki te mema CBHOFGaspar Ortega i roto i te 1962, noho i roto i te Manchester, ka haere atu ia i te matahiti o 73 i roto i te 2003.
Russo i 85 whawhai pro i waenganui i 1922 a 1934. He moved to Bridgeport when he was six and he eventually became a local legend in boxing, kori whakahaere rite Whero tangata o Hall, Acorn Club and East Washington Avenue. I roto i te 1992, kawea e ia mekemeke hoki i muri i te ngaro tekau tau-roa ki te whare PAL Old i roto i Bridgeport. Ano i mohio Russo rite te “Johnny Duke o Southern Connecticut.”
Fanauhia i roto i te New Haven, noho te mutunga o Sharnick tata tona ora katoa i roto i Norwalk, mua i te hokinga ki Florida, te wahi ka pōtitia ia ki te Florida Mekemeke Hall o Rongonui i roto i 2012, largely for founding the Smart Boxer Institute. Sharnik was a boxing writer for 23 tau i Sports Illustrated, kitea e tona kapinga o Cassius ClaySonny Liston Ahau, faahitihia waihoki hoki i mea, “He ringa ano he cannonballs Liston.” He moved on to become the chief for consultant at CBS for nine years and was chief advisor and the lone true believer in George Foreman‘s comeback bid eventually leading to another world heavyweight title. Sharnick also was an advisor for CBHOF member and two-time world champion Marlon Starling, kukume i te toa ao meake nei ki te tāpiri Eddie Futch as his head trainer. Futch’s assistant, Mema CBHOF Freddie Roach, pae hopea e ako'i Starling ia ia ka toa Welterweight ao.
I whānuitia Bayer i whakaaro hei kaitaunaki mau o te mekemeke, nga wa katoa tere ki te tuku moni i te rima tauturu, me te whakatuwhera putea ki te āwhina i te tautoko kori mekemeke i roto i nga pa, ano Boys Club Faleva'inga CBHOF inductee Johnny Duke o roto i te Bellevue Square, Hartford.
Tikiti mo te CBHOF 11th ā-tau Dinner Gala Induction, āhua utu i $90.00, kei runga i te hoko i te te karanga i teie nei Kim Baker i Mohegan Sun (1.860.862.7377) ranei Sherman Kaina i te Manchester Journal Inquirer (1.800.237.3606 X321). Doors tuwhera i 5:30 p.m. AND, Molotov i 6 p.m. AND, aru ana i te tina.
Haere ki ipurangi ki www.ctboxinghof.org mō ngā mōhiohio tāpiri e pā ana ki te Connecticut Mekemeke Hall o te Rongonui, tona 11th ā-tau Dinner Gala Inductee, whai wāhitanga hui tautoko, ranei inductees CBHOF mua.
Bob Trieger, PRESS Full Kooti, bobtfcp@hotmail.com,978.590.0470, fightpublicist
MŌ CBHOF: The Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame was founded in 2004 ki te whakahōnore me te whakanui i te mahi o te mau taata tino whai wāhi i roto i te hākinakina o te mekemeke. Ko tōna Ceremony Arataki tuatahi & I tū Dinner i roto i 2005. E kore i taea e kua tupu hītori mekemeke taonga o Connecticut ki te kahore i reira mo nga whakatutukitanga o te hunga tohutohu i roto i te Hall o Rongonui.
Ka rite ki te whakahaere pai-kore, Ko te hohonu mahi hoki ki te haapa'oraa i te wairua whawhai o Connecticut ahu i roto i ngā takoha aroha te Connecticut Mekemeke Hall o Rongonui.

Hono ki CBHOF paetukutuku


Lewiston, Maine (Mahuru 15, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, ka mau tona hui muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua” i runga i Rāhoroi, Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will feature a first for Maine – whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. As announced this past Rāhoroi po i “NEF XIX,” the MMA portion of the card is scheduled to feature an amateur strawweight women’s bout between Randi Beth Boyington (1-1) a Erin “Rahi Fun” LAMONTE (3-0).


Ko Boyington te wahine o kingi NEF MMA Ngaio Kōmāmā Champion Bruce “Boy ātaahua” Boyington (10-8) ko wai e hoki i roto i te mahi i runga i te Whiringa 21 kāri. Randi made her cage debut this past spring defeating Alex Walker (0-1) mā te whakatau loto i “XVII nef.” The crowd in the Colisée was on fire as the bout went back and forth through three hard-fought rounds. Randi trains under her husband at Boyington’s Taekwondo Academy, me te i MMA o Young i roto i te Bangor, Maine.


“Oaoa vau e ahau ki te takahi hoki ki te whare herehere i roto i te Noema – te reira te tahi mea te rapu atu ahau ki,” ka mea a Randi Beth Boyington ka tae hoki te kōrero. “Ahau e tatari ahau Erin ki te waiho i te hoariri uaua, and I’m training as such. I never underestimate someone’s ability. I know what I’m bringing to the cage as well and NEF fans will be impressed in November. Fighting on the same night as my husband is a bonus. We’re both hungry to have our hands raised at the end of our fights. I don’t think many others could understand or appreciate the emotions that a couple share until they go through a training camp to fight on the same card.


Erin Lamonte is not a stranger to the NEF cage. She appeared for the promotion in early 2013, hinga Angela Theriault (0-1) mā knockout hangarau a tawhio tuatahi (WHO). Lamonte was victorious twice more that year before taking time off from competing to have a baby with her husband Casey. Returning to the cage onWhiringa 21, it will have been nearly two years since the undefeated Lamonte won her last bout on a fight card in West Virginia. She has been eager to return to action for some time.


“Ko ahau tino hihiri ki te pae hopea kia hoki i roto i te whare herehere i runga i Whiringa 21, whawhai Randi Beth Boyington,” stated Lamonte. “I muri i te wa roa atu e tika ana ki te whanau o to tatou tama, I am itching to get back to training and competing. Time to prove that the new and improved mama Fun Size can still kick ass. After all, te raiona whaea ko tetahi o te kai kino rawa, a wehi i roto i te rangatiratanga kararehe.”


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua,” e wahi i runga i Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Tikiti hoki “NEF XX” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei iwww.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."

E whitu tūturu Heavyweight Dominic BREAZEALE ON Fred KASSI I PREMIER BOXING toa ON NBC OPENING a'ee MAA, SEPTEMBER 26 MEI TAONGATUKU Arena i roto i Birmingham, Alabama 8:30 P.M. ME / 5:30 P.M. PT

Tūturu Heavyweight CHARLES MARTIN e ON
Mexico TE Vicente SANDEZ, PLUS Tuhinga tūturu Terrell GAUSHA,
Bryant PERELLA & MARIO Barrios
11 P.M. AND/8 P.M. PT
Omar Figueroa Whakaū Hei Pepeke Mai a'ee Hōtaka
Nā Ki tētahi Whatīanga Hiwhiri
Birmingham, AL (Mahuru 14, 2015) – 2012 U.S. Amanaki taumahamaha Häkinakina me te tūturu Dominic “Te pouri” BREAZEALE (15-0, 14 Koó)ka tomo i te whakakai ki te hunga tinihanga “Big” Fred Cat (18-3-1, 10 Koó) i roto i te pupūtanga taumahamaha 10-a tawhio noa i runga i Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i NBC Rāhoroi, Mahuru 26 i Arena Legacy i Birmingham, Alabama, ki te kapinga teata timata i 8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. PT.
Headlined PBC i te NBC e te toa taumahamaha o te ao Deontay “Ko te rererangi Bronze” Wilder (34-0, 33 Koó) rite tohe ia ki a France o Johann “Ngārara” Duhaupas (32-2, 20 Koó).
Omar Figueroa, i whakaritea te tuatahi i runga i te kāri,i takoha ki te maturuturu i roto i tona a'ee whakaritea ki Antonio DeMarco e tika ana ki te whara whatīanga.
I roto i te tahi atu matchup whakaongaonga, toi knockout taumahamaha Charles “Missouri” Martin (21-0-1, 19 Koó) tapawhā atu ki Vicente “Buffalo” Sandez (15-4, 10 Koó) i roto i te take taumahamaha 10-a tawhio noa.
Āhuatanga mahi undercard ētahi nga tūturu Häkinakina Terrell Gausha (15-0, 8 Koó) taking on Puerto Rico’s Erietere Gonzalez (15-1, 10 Koó) i roto i te a'ee Welterweight super, atu Bryant Perella (10-0, 9 Koó) i roto i te faahinaaroraa te Welterweight, me te Mario Barrios (11-0, 6 Koó) i roto i te waru-a tawhio whawhai mā super.
Ka whakawhiti te haapurororaa ki NBCSN i runga i 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT.
Tikiti mo te takahanga, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment i roto i te feohi ki Bruno Team Takahanga, tīmata i anake $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. No te tīkiti haere ki www.alabamatitlefight.com.
Mai e tohu ana i te U.S. i te 2012 Olympics, Breazealehas kua tata tino i roto i te knockouts tuhi rite te pro, ka haere anake i te tawhiti i roto i te kotahi whawhai. Ko te quaterback-tau 30-tawhito takaro i te University o Northern Colorado i mua i te kato ake mekemeke me titiro ki te pupuri i ana record tūturu tonu i runga i Mahuru 26 ka anga ia ki te wero uaua o tona mahi. I roto i te 2015 te Glendale, Tuhia California Māori kua tūnga mo Victor Brisbal me Yasmany Consuegra.
Fanauhia i roto i te Cameroon, engari whawhai i roto i New Orleans, ka titiro te Kassi-tau 36-tawhito ki te hanga atu o tona mahi whakamutunga, ka roaa ia he Unuunu ki Chris Arreola i roto i te tokomaha i whakapono i te whawhai ko tata rawa ki te karanga. I mua i tukua Kassi knockouts i rima o ana whawhai mua waru a ka meinga e tona tīmatanga tuarua o 2015 i runga i Mahuru 26.
Fanauhia i roto i te St. Louis, Missouri, engari whawhai i roto i Carson, California, Mutu Martin kua tona whakamutunga 10 hoariri i roto i te tawhiti. Nona te 29-tau-tawhito knockout whakaora mo Damon McCreary, Raphael Zumbano Love me Tom Dallas i roto i 2015. Ka ātete ia i Baja California, A Mexico Sandez, te tangata e haere mai atu o te knockout runga mua hinga kore Thanasis Michaloudis.
I whānau a whakaarahia i roto i te Cleveland, Gaushawas he runaruna whakapaipai nei i riro mētara koura i te US. Toa National i roto i 2009 a 2012 me te kanohi i te US hei wāhanga o te 2012 Team Olympic. Ko te-tau 28-tawhito tūturu te mai tahuri pro i roto i 2012. I roto i te 2015 kua piro ia te wikitoria knockout mo Norberto Gonzalez, a patua Luis Grajeda. E ia i runga i te Gonzalez-tau 28-tawhito i roto i Cupey Alto, Puerto Rico.
He i roto i-tau 26-tawhito tūturu o Fort Myers, Florida, Mai Perrella atu o te knockout tuatahi tawhio noa ki runga Eduardo Flores i August. Kua tangohia e ia ake e toru knockouts i roto i te rarangi i roto i 2015 a ka titiro ki te hanga i te reira e waru i roto i te rarangi i runga i whānuiMahuru 26.
Whawhai i roto i San Antonio, Barrioslooks mo te rima o tona wikitoria o 2015 i runga i Mahuru 26. Te tūmanako o te 20-tau-tawhito ki te hanga i runga i tona torohaki i muri i te imiraa te paahitia te wha-a tawhio noa o Jose Cen Torres i runga i Mahuru 6.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, www.alabamatitlefight.com awww.dbe1.com, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @BronzeBomber and @NBCSports and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports a www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.


Ora tuatahi awa kāri whawhai i runga i WSOF.com mua ki
e rima-a'ee telecast i runga i NBCSN i runga i
Rāmere, E whitu. 18 i Comerica Theatre i Phoenix

Las Vegas (Mahuru 14, 2015) - E rua Tucson, Opuaraa whawhai Ariz.-e hāngai ana - Kamuela Kirk a Brian Grinnell - Kua hoatu te pere o te oraraa i muri i te whakautu a te whara Ihaka Vallie-Kara a Kelvin kaingaki ineligible to compete in their respective “WSOF 23: Gaethje vs. Palomino II "tukupā a'ee kāri tuatahi i Comerica Theatre i Phoenix, Ariz. i runga i Rāmere, E whitu. 18.

Kirk (4-1) Ka whakakapi Vallie-Flagg, tei paturu i te whara tuke, i roto i te whakaritea Kōmāmā (155 pauna) whakataetae ki Estevan Payan (16-8) o Tempe, Ariz., ko Grinnell (8-6) ka whakakiia i roto i mo kaingaki i roto i te whitu i whakaritea (185 pauna) matchup ki tūturu Vagab Vagabov (19-0) o Dagestan, Russia.

-Tau 21-tawhito te Kirk, ko wai e meinga e tona tīmatanga wha o 2015, kei te haere mai atu o te mahi kaha i runga i Hōngongoi 19, ka piro ia he a tawhio tuatahi (3:17) TKO i runga i Edgar Escarrega ki te mau pato'iraa a te aro turi.

Kirk produced submission victories in each of his first three starts. His only defeat, ko te kupu tenei i tawhiti, haere mai mā te whakatau wahia i roto i Hui-tanguru.

Tuatahi i Shawnee, Okla., te Grinnell-tau 27-tawhito (8-6) Ko te tohunga ki runga ki te whāriki nei i kī kua 6 o tona 8 professional career wins by way of submission. In his latest effort, te Hōngongoi 24 matchup ki Kuini Riwai, Grinnell takoha Kuini ki te pato i roto i te taka noa tuatahi (2:59) o te whawhai.

Ko te WSOF 23 e whitu-a'ee ka rere kāri tuatahi ora i runga i te kaitākaro ataata embeddable i runga i WSOF.com.

Utu i tika $39.99, tīkiti mō “WSOF 23: Gaethje vs. Palomino II” kei runga i te hoko i te pouaka tari Comerica Theatre, me te ipurangi i WSOF.com me Ticketmaster.com.

I roto i te hui matua, tūturu, kingi World Series o Fighting Kōmāmā (155 pauna) Champion Justin "Ko e Miramirahia" Gaethje (14-0) ka whawhai mo te rua o nga wa ki te pakeke-patu tāwhai Luis "maki touwhero" Palomino (23-10), i muri i te rua wāhi i roto i te pakanga katoa-i roto i, e kua oti tauā rite ki te "whawhai o te Tau" kaitono, i roto i te hui matua o te WSOF 19 i Comerica Theatre.

I roto i te hui tahi-matua, me te tuatahi Ao Series o Fighting taumahamaha te marama (205 pauna) tangaroa a'ee, Rawiri Manga (16-3), kingi whitu tekau te ao o te whakatairanga o te (185 pauna) toa, ka ngana ki te riro i te hīanga, e rua-te wehenga tuatahi i roto i te Ao Series o te hītori whawhai, ina anga atu ia ki te kōrero Cinderella Teddy Holder (9-1), Kua mea katoa i haere mai nei e iwa toa mahi i te ara (T)KO tukunga ranei.

Ko te ora, e rima-whawhai NBCSN telecast o "WSOF 23: Gaethje vs. I Palomino II "haamata 10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT.

Ka whakatuwhera nga tatau i Comerica Theatre i 3 p.m. MT a ka timata te a'ee tuatahi tuatahi i 3:45 p.m.

KĀRI MAIN (Ora i runga i NBCSN)

World Series o Fighting Kōmāmā Takahanga Main Championship:
Justin Gaethje (Champion) vs. Luis Palomino (Kaiwero)

World Series o Fighting Light Heavyweight Championship Co-Main Takahanga:
Rawiri Manga vs. Teddy Holder

Whā: Timur Valiev vs. Tito Jones
Catchweight (160 pauna): Phoenix Jones vs. Roberto Yong
Kōmāmā: Brian Foster vs. LaRue Burley

KĀRI PRELIMINARY (Ora i runga i WSOF.com)

Whitu: Vagabov vs Vagab. Brian Grinnell
Whitu: Clifford Starks vs. Krasimir Mladenov
Kōmāmā: Estevan Payan vs. Kamuela Kirk
Welterweight: Matthew Frincu vs. Danny Davis, JR.
Whā: Andres Ponce vs. Rawiri Nuzzo
Whā: Randy Steinke vs. Joey Miolla
Kōmāmā: Benny Madrid vs. Jeff Fletcher