Pou katoa e FNU47

Whakahokia tūturu mā Miguel Flores Rātū Nov 10 Ora i runga i Fox Sports (PBC)

Photo eCiscoKnowsBest mōFinoBoxing
HOUSTON, TX (October 27, 2015) – Mā tūturu, Miguel Flores (17-0, 8 Koó), Kei te titiro whakamua ki te hoki tona mowhiti ki Alfred Tetteh (23-4-1, 20 Koó) i runga i Whiringa 10, 2015 i te Austin City Music Hall i Austin, Texas. The 10-round bout will serve as the co-feature to Alejandro Gonzalez Jr. vs. Karim Guerfi, a Premier Boxing Champions main event. Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) Rātū TOE-TO-TOE i runga i Fox Sports 1 a Mekemeke Champions i runga i FOX Sports Ka rangi timatanga ora i 9 p.m. AND, 6 p.m. PT.
Haere mai atu i te TKO te wha whakamīharo a tawhio ki Carlos Padilla i tona a'ee whakamutunga, Flores will look to extend on his unbeaten record. Hailing from Houston, Texas, Te hinaaro Flores ki whakanui ana hoki i tona whawhai teata, i te ritenga o tona pā kāwanatanga te kāinga.
“Ahau rawa mauruuru no ki te whawhai i te rave'a i runga i Fox Sports i Texas, te wahi e whai i ahau he rota o te utuafare e te mau hoa i roto i te haereraa i te.” ka mea maranga whetu Miguel Flores. “Ka rite ki te toa, e hiahia ana tonu koe ki te faahoruhoru, especially when you fight on national television. I have a Mexican fighting style and there will definitely be moments in this fight where we’ll be going toe-to-to, which is fitting for the event. The fans are going to see a lot of action. Nana, ka kawea mai e ahau toku pai.”
Tickets utu i $125, $85, $75, $45 a $25, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, mo tenei hui ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Kite * Battah Whakatairanga, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei, a taea te hokona e te karanga Leija * Battah Whakatairanga i 210-979-3302. Tickets can also be purchased at the Austin City Music Hall box office.

Tīkiti Limited e wātea ana mō Nov 13. Conn mekemeke HOF arataki & tina hui tohu i Mohegan Sun

UNCASVILLE, Conn. (October 27, 2015) – Tīkiti Limited E tonu e wātea ana mō te 11th annual Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame (CBHOF) Gala Induction Dinner, kitea e te Class o 2015 arataki hui, me te whakaaturanga o te 2015 Takitahi tohu CBHOF, Rāmere po, Whiringa 13 i roto i te ballroom Uncas i Mohegan Sun.
E āhua utu tīkiti i $90.00 a wātea ki te hoko i te karanga Kim Baker i Mohegan Sun(1.860.862.7377) ranei Sherman Kaina i te Manchester Journal Inquirer (1.800.237.3606 X321). Doors tuwhera i 5:30 p.m. AND, Molotov i 6 p.m. AND, aru ana i te tina.
2015 CBHOF Inductees
Lou DiBella, Kaiwhakatairanga
Shelly Finkel, Kaiwhakatairanga / Kaiwhakahaere
Pita Timothy, Mekemeke Komihana
Carey Mace, Kaimekemeke
George Russo, Trainer / Kaimekemeke
Mate Sharnik, Kaituhi / Kaiwhakahaere
Arnie Bayer, Mekemeke Advocate
2015 CBHOF Tohu toa
Luis Rosa, JR., Kaimekemeke ngaio o te Tau
Chordale Booker, Amateur Boxer o te Tau
Glenn Feldman, Official o te Tau
Brian Clark, Te Koha ki Mekemeke
Haere ki ipurangi ki www.ctboxinghof.org mō ngā mōhiohio tāpiri e pā ana ki te Connecticut Mekemeke Hall o te Rongonui, tona 11th ā-tau Dinner Gala Inductee, whai wāhitanga hui tautoko, ranei inductees CBHOF mua.

'Siberian Rocky’ TAPUTOU MORE o TA TE pā HERE I Monte Carlo tuatahi ON NOV. 7

7putanga th o
MONTE-Carlo BOXING Bonanza
'NIGHT o toa’

Johannesburg, October 27 – Toa o mua te ao Ruslan Provodnikov (24-4, 17 Koó) ta ka waiho ia i roto i te āhua nui mō te pupūtanga wiki o muri ki Ihu Rodriguez Alvarez (13-0, 10 Koó) i roto i te Monte Carlo rite ko ia i roto i te whakangungu mo te whawhai i roto i te New York i te wa ano.

Ke te hunga mahere, ahakoa, no te mea “ke e ono e whitu ranei hoariri ratou ngakau e pā ana ki te whawhai ki ahau”. Ngā ratou Amir Khan me Shawn Porter.

Hanga i roto i-tou-kanohi kāhua o te Russian ia he whawhai uaua mo te tangata, a te mea iti ohorere e kua baulked maha ingoa nui i te whai wāhi ki te wero ia.

“Ko te matekiri, engari ka tamau maite noa tatou,” ka mea ia i tona turanga i roto i te Indio, California i reira te mahi ia ki te kaiwhakangungu hou Joel Diaz, kaiwhakangungu o mua o Provodnikov tāwhai Timothy Bradley.

Ui Monte Carlo pā aha ahua o te whawhai e nehenehe e titau wiki i muri mai, Käore tohu te reva Whakatairanga kaimekemeke ki tona ingoa i mea i kua e ia i roto i te rua whawhai o nga kaitono tau, me te whawhai o te tau ki a Bradley i roto i 2013.

“Tika i teie nei, te whāinga ki te riro ano toa ao ko. Kua meinga ahau e he toa pai riroraa i roto i Amerika,” ka mea te-tau 31-tau nei tupu ake i miharo hoki Mike Tyson. “Ki te mea ko koe te whetu i roto i te USA ka ko te whetu koutou katoa i runga i te ao. Plus te taumata whakataetae i roto i te US he i ona rawa.”

Ka tupu ake i roto i te uru Siberia, huanga e ia te putanga o Eastern Blog whawhai rite ia, Gennady Golovkin, Artur Beterbiev a kia tini ke atu ki te mau tamataraa, wahia iho e na roto i te hītori Soviet.

“Te tahi mau taime fifi e tino hanga te iwi tino pakeke-mahi, me te tamau i roto i te mea e rave ratou i reira kua,” mea te tangata, e huaina te “Siberian Rocky”.

Kei te titiro whakamua Provodnikov ki te whai i roto i te tapuwae o Golovkin, rua nei i whawhai i roto i te rangatiratanga ki te nui e faateniteniraa.

“E kore kua ahau i reira, engari kua rongo ahau i te reira tetahi o nga wahi tino ataahua i roto i te ao. Ahau mohio koa Gennady wa katoa te reira. E kore e taea e ahau tatari ki te kite i te maha pā i ahau i runga i reira.”

Ka rite ki ake, Te titau te Russian ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu pai. “Kua kite ahau i a Rodriguez whawhai. Ko ia te toa tino kaha, a hinga kore. Tenei ka waiho i te whawhai.”

Ana pā, o te akoranga, e kore e hinaaro i te reira i tetahi atu huarahi.

Rahuitia Online: http://www.montecarloboxingbonanza.com/

http://megasportsnews.com/wp-ihirangi / tukunga / 2011/01 / Whitiāhua-Camera-i-OCAL-angalelei-o-Clker.com_.pngThis Kei te anake hui piha haapiiraa te ao tohaina ao mā te ārahi distributor tika mekemeke me hākinakina hokohoko u, Kawa Sports Marketing. Ko te kamupene ko wawetia i roto i te kōrero ki ki nga¯ kaipa¯ho runga te ao te whakarite kia te Whiringa 7 Ka taea te kite i telecast e pā hākinakina nga wahi katoa.

Tuhinga tīkiti
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Ētahi atu! Night Full O undercard Mahi Tāpae Ki te Prospects Local
Tickets Tonu wātea hoki PBC I NBCSN headlined e Own Jermell Charlo o Houston mau i runga i Joachim Alcine
HOUSTON (October 27, 2015) – Amanaki whitu tūturu Karepe “Ringa Sweet” Plant (10-0, 8 Koó) hoki ki te whakakai i roto i te a'ee waru-a tawhio noa hei wāhanga o te tāpae undercard i runga i Rāhoroi, October 31 i NRG Arena i Houston.
Te October 31 headlined takahanga e Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i NBCSNngā tūturu whetu maranga Jermell “Iron te tangata” Charlo (26-0, 11 Koó) i roto i Houston tango i runga i te toa mua ao Joachim Alcine (35-7-2, 21 Koó). Haamata kapinga teata i 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT ki te kaha-pahaki amanaki Tony Harrison(21-1, 18 Koó) tango i runga i Cecil McCalla (20-2, 7 Koó).
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Leija * Battah Whakatairanga, E utu i $163, $109, $49 a $22, me utu e hāngai ana. He tīkiti runga i te hoko i teie nei, a taea te hokona e te karanga Leija * Battah Whakatairanga i 210.979.3302 ranei i putanga Ticketmaster katoa, i te waea i 800.745.3000, mā te ipurangi i www.ticketmaster.com a i te NRG Taiwhanga South Ticket Windows.
Tūturu ki katoa engari e rua whakaora e haere mai ana i te knockout, hoki te Plant-tau 23-tawhito ki te mowhiti hou atu o te wikitoria i roto i te Mahuru i runga i Jamar Freeman. Ko te Ashland, Ka e whawhai whanau Tennessee-toa i roto i Texas mo te wa tuatahi i rite ki te pro, titiro ki te whakaatu i te mana knockout kua awhinatia e kohikohi ia tona record tūturu. He wikitoria i runga iOctober 31 e meinga ia 6-0 i roto i te pukumahi 2015.
Ko te taranata rohe i runga i te undercard ngā te tokotoru Houston-Maori o rite-tau 22-tawhito Devonte Williams (8-0, 5 Koó) e i runga i Rick Graham (3-9-2, 1 KO) i roto o Detroit i roto i te ono-a tawhio noa Welterweight super a'ee, 28-tau-tau Pablo Cruz (11-1, 3 Koó) facing Mexico’s Andres Lara (5-3, 1 KO) a Hehe Gonzalez (4-1, 2 Koó) pakanga Kenneth Williams (3-2-1, 1 KO) o Palm Springs, California i roto i te Welterweight whakataetae wha-a tawhio noa.
Tonu te Houston-hā ki whanau Uzbekistan- Bahá mamadjonov (17-2, 11 Koó), nei whawhai i roto i Houston, i roto i te waru-a tawhio noa a'ee super Kōmāmā, 22-tau-tau Christon Edwards (4-0, 3 Koó) i roto i te wha-a tawhio noa Welterweight super a'ee.
Āhuatanga mahi ētahi-tau 30-tawhito Levan Ghvamichava (15-1-1, 12 Koó) O koe, Georgia i roto i te pupūtanga Kōmāmā waru-a tawhio noa ki Honolulu o Cameron Kreal (8-7-2, 1 KO), 25-tau-tau A Honatana Morales o Channel Tirohia, Ki a Texas Patrick Simea (1-3) i Houston i roto i te wha-a tawhio super whakataetae whitu me nga debuts pro o Allison Edwards o Spring, Texas ko California o Kathryn Talley rite whakataetae ratou i roto i te whakataetae Kōmāmā wha-a tawhio noa.
Te whakaawhiwhi i te po o te whawhai he-tau 21-tawhito Marshall Sanchez (1-0) o, whakapapaku iho, Texas i roto i te a'ee mā wha-a tawhio noa ki Elio Ruiz (1-6) o Austin, Texas, Lucia Osegueda(5-1) o Baytown, Texas anga Dallas-Māori Jasmine Clarkson (2-4) i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā wha-a tawhio noa, me te-tau 26-tawhito Rawiri Limerick Jr. (4-0, 2 Koó) o Katy, Texas squaring-atu ki Guatemala o Rolando Rivas (3-2-1, 2 Koó) i roto i te Welterweight a'ee wha-a tawhio noa.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxinga www.leijabattahpromo.com, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, TwinCharlo, IAmBoxing, LeijaBattahPR, NBCSports, @NRGParkFan and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions awww.facebook.com/NBCSports. Highlights available to embed at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.

Kaimekemeke Amateur te rēhita mō 130th ā-USA Mekemeke New England Toa


MEDF0RD, Mass. (October 27 2015) – Neke atu i te 125 kaimekemeke runaruna – e kopikopiko ana i tuwhera te piha haapiiraa ia tauhou, rangatira a Junior maona – Kua rēhita kē ki te whakataetae i roto i te ū mai 130th USA mekemeke New England Toa ā-ka e kia whakahaeretia e Quietman Sports Faleva'inga i rua wāhi Massachusetts.
Quietman Sports Faleva'inga i Medford (MA) Kei te fatuhia ka whakahaeretia e te toa taumahamaha ao mekemeke e rua-wā John “Ko te Quietman” Ruiz, te toa taumahamaha ao tuatahi me te anake o te kainga tupu Pāniora.
Ka tū te quarterfinals Rāhoroi, Whiringa 7, whai i te whai ake Rāhoroi o (Nov. 14) whiringa whaiti, e rua i Chelsea High School. Ka taau toa whiringa whāiti mō te whiringa toa taitara whakaritea, Rāhoroi, Nov. 28 at Plymouth Memorial Hall. Winners in each weight class will advance to the USA National Championships. Doors tuwhera i 5:00 p.m. AND ki te tukinga tuatahi whakaritea ki te tīmata i 7:00 p.m. AND.
“Whakatika, haere koutou tikiti mo tenei hui nui,” Ka mea a Ruiz. “Toa o mua te ao Tony DeMarco ka waiho he āheinga motuhake i roto i ētahi atu.”
Utu Tickets e i $55.00 (ringside), $22.00 (nohoanga) a $12.00 (whakauru whānui) E wātea ana mā te haere kiwww.quietmansportsgym.com (pāwhiri i runga i New England Championship whārangi) ranei i te kuwaha.
Leading open boxers who’ve registered to compete include James Perella (BP mekemeke), Amanda Pavone (A Pita Welch Faleva'inga), Xavier Vega (Canal St. Te omaoma), Iraia Peixoto (Big ono mekemeke Academy), Johnny Rosa (Lawrence mekemeke), Christopher Davis-Fogg (Uppercuts mekemeke Club), Owen Minor (Camp Haere Matau) a Ashleigh Moore (Nonantum). Kia rēhita ngā kaimekemeke mā te haere ki www.quietmansportsgym.commua ki te October 31 kati.
I roto i te mua 50 tau, USA mekemeke New Ingarangi toa kua whakaurua toa o te ao pērā i Brockton (MA) whitu “Fakaofo” Marvin Hagler (1973) ko Providence (RI) Welterweight Demetrious “Boo Boo” Andrade (2005-2006), me te U.S. Maona Andrade ko Providence taumahamaha super Jason “Big ono” Road(2001-2002-2003), a Providence whitu / taumahamahaMatt “Whakaene rawa” Godfrey (2000 & 2004), Worcester (MA) whitu Edwin Rodriguez (2008), ko Framingham (MA) Welterweight Danny “Bhoy” O'Connor.
E wātea ana mā te haere ki te Takahanga tautoko me te pānuitanga hōtaka whai wāhitanga www.QuietmanSportsGym.com karanga ranei781.396.6700.
Twitter & Instagram: QuietmanSportsGym
Facebook: www.Facebook.com.QuietmanSportsGym

Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna ki te kupu matua i runga i Rāhoroi, Hakihea 5 i te Claridge i Atlantic City

Plus Anthony “Wai” Young i roto i te tahi-āhuatanga me te tūturu anahera Cencepcion

No te Tonu Tuku
Atlantic City, Nj (October 26, 2015)–I Po Rāhoroi, Hakihea 5,Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna will be featured in the main event of a card that will take place at the Claridge Hotel i Atlantic City.
Whakatairangatia ana te kāri e Rising Whakatairanga Star i feohi ki te awa Gulf Whakatairanga a Vincent M Ponte.

Ka waiho ano te kāri whawhai roto i te taha ki Ray McCline o te Atlantic City Mekemeke Hall o te Rongonui.

LaManna (18-1, 7 KO o) o Millville tata, Ka tangohia New Jersey wahi i roto i te 8-a tawhio noa Welterweight a'ee ki te hoariri ki te kia te ingoa.

Te 23 tahuri ngaio LaManna tau-tawhito i roto i 2011 a riro ana ma ono pāngia tuatahi i kitea e te whakauru ia mo Ashandi Gibbs & Jamaal Davis.

Mai te mamae tona mate anake, Riro LaManna kua rua tika i ngā te whakatau 6-a tawhio loto mo tiketike Ayi Bruce i runga i Mahuru 26 i roto i Beach Haven, New Jersey.
Ko e mate, i ko i te whawhai teata motu ki Antoine Douglas, hoatu LaManna te huatau kia neke ia ki raro, i roto i te taimaha, a inaianei ka whakahau te nguha whitu o mua, ano he Welterweight.
LaManna, ko wai kua atu mana o tona mahi ki tona hanganga o Rising Whakatairanga Star, kua hohe rawa rite tenei ka waiho tona whawhai 3 i roto i 4 marama.
Te kitenga o ano mahi i roto i te a'ee a tawhio noa e ono e Welterweight Anthony “Wai” Young.
Te 27 Māori tau-tawhito o Atlantic City he lekooti o 11-1 ki te rima knockouts, ka waiho hanga tona ahua 5 i roto i tona whenua. He is coming off a 6-round unanimous decision over Jonathan Garcia on August 15 i roto i te Atlantic City.
Ano i roto i te mahi e taumahamaha John Lennox (13-3, 5 KO o) o Carteret, New Jersey, Super whā, Anthony Carramano (2-1) o Staten Island i roto i te a'ee 4-a tawhio noa, Marama Heavyweight Angel Concepcion (7-0) o Newark, New Jersey i roto i te a'ee 4-a tawhio noa; Pro Cruiserweight debuting Alvin Varmall o Catskills, New York me Pro debuting taumahamaha Julio Arceo o Philadelphia

Kia ka kauwhautia atu pāngia me hoariri tata.

Tickets e $50 GA, $75 Ringside, $75 Stage & $125 VIP (Wharau o 5 e wātea ana hoki $500) and are available at RisingStarBoxing.com
The Clardige Hotel is located at 123 S. Indiana Ave. Atlantic City NJ

Instagram: risingstarboxing
Twitter: risingstarbox

Rärangi hötaka mekemeke Whatunga Fight Weekly (Oketopa. 26-Nov. 1, 2015)

(U.S. anake rārangi te kore te kore tohua. No te hōtaka Canadian, tirohia tv.fightnetwork.com from your region.)
Whawhai ko Whatunga te 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai. Tags te reira i ngā hōtaka e arotahi ana ki te hōkai katoa o te momo hākinakina whawhai, tae atu ki ngā whawhai ora, me te ake-ki-te-miniti rongo me te tātaritanga mō te mekemeke, whakauru toi hōia, kickboxing, mamau ngaio, ngā tikanga mau rākau, rongo whawhai, me te raupapa whakaari whawhai-waiata, pakipūmeka me te āhuatanga kiriata.
Kei raro kitea ngā o te hōtaka o tenei wiki:
Rāhina, Oketopa. 26
5:00 p.m. – KOTV mekemeke Classics – Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te tekau tau e rua o mua.
7:30 p.m. & 11:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai Na Extra New – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
9:00 p.m. ANDUSBA taumahamaha Championship: Mansour vs. Harris – Ngā Amir Mansour vs. Maurice Harris mo te wātea USBA taumahamaha taitara i, Aug. 23, 2013 i roto i te Dover, DE.
Rātū, Oketopa. 27
4:00 p.m.KOTV mekemeke Classics – Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te tekau tau e rua o mua.
8:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na Tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
Wednesday, Oketopa. 28
3:00 a.m., 7:00 a.m. & 10:00 p.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Classics – Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te tekau tau e rua o mua.
7:30 p.m. AND — Whawhai Na Extra New – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
Rāpare, Oketopa. 29
1 a.m. & 11:30 p.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Weekly Te uhi i te rongo hou katoa i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te pūtaiao reka.
9:00 a.m. AND – KOTV mekemeke Classics – Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te tekau tau e rua o mua.
8:30 p.m. AND – Whawhai Na Extra New – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
Rāmere, Oketopa. 30
9:30 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Weekly Te uhi i te rongo hou katoa i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te pūtaiao reka.
7:30 p.m. AND — Whawhai News Na Tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
Rāhoroi, Oketopa. 31
3:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Weekly Te uhi i te rongo hou katoa i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te pūtaiao reka.
Rātapu, Nov. 1
3:00 a.m. AND – KOTV mekemeke Weekly Te uhi i te rongo hou katoa i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te pūtaiao reka.
7:00 p.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Classics – Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te tekau tau e rua o mua.
8:00 p.m. ANDUltimate Classic mekemeke: Carter vs. Bassett – Ngā Jimmy Carter vs. Percy Bassett i Mar. 5, 1951 i roto i te Philadelphia, PA.
Twitter & Instagramfightnet


Nguha Potapov wāhanga o Eastern Pākehā Talent ngaru i roto i Brooklyn i tenei po Rāpare

Pugilism Ao-piha he hoki i roto i Brooklyn, Ko te whakakake ki te kauwhau Salita Whakatairanga.
Brooklyn, N.Y.. (Oketopa. 26, 2015)I Rāpare, Oketopa. 29, blue-chip contender Nikolay Potapov, runga No. 9 i roto i te ao i roto i whā, ka whakaatu atu ana ngā pūkenga nui i roto i te tāone o nga kingi.
Tona rangatira faahiahia mai i muri i tika 13 whawhai ngaio, toa katoa.
Kei te maka kaiwhakatairanga Dmitriy Salita te pa i oti i runga i te kāri whawhai toka-totoka, e kauwhau i te Matatini Aviator i roto i te tonga Brooklyn.
“Nikolay Ko te nguha runga, me te titiro ahau atu ki tona whawhai i runga i te raupapa Brooklyn Pakanga rite tona talateu ki te pā whawhai American,” ka mea te kaiwhakatairanga, i noho nei mauihaa i roto i te kowhiuwhiu i te mura o te pūtaiao reka i roto i NYC mo te mua tau e rave rahi. “Kei a ia ngā pūkenga katoa ki te whakataetae ki te pai i roto i te ao nei.”
Hails Potapov i Russia, a he wāhanga o te poipoi hou o Eastern battlers Pākehā nei e tango mana o te hākinakina, tapahia i te kakahu o te Gennady Golovkins me Sergey Kovalevs.
E ia tona 13-0 (6 Kos) lekooti i runga i te raina ki te Mexican maa, Pedro Melo, he hōia o 25 whawhai pro i roto i te a'ee whakaritea mō te 10-rauna.
Pērā ki te maha whawhai Russian, Potapov Ko te kaikonihi manawanui, pai ki te haere mai i mua, kia mua, He taketake mārō, e nifó tahi pai, e matau ana te uara o te whakaeke tinana arotahi, mauria tona kotingotingo koroiroi…fele, ka waiho ia e hiahia te tangata aces whā ki te totohe ki, hohoro. Ko te tuatahi, He ki te hapai i mahi ia i runga i Rāpare po.
He tokomaha e haere ana i te whakaaturanga ka haamana'o te hui matua oaoa i te kāri Salita whakamutunga, i roto i te Coney Island, ka tere Maukati Koroniria Alex Miskirtchian. Matchmaking Fan-hoa ko te tohu Salita; te tahi atu pāngia i runga i te tap ngā te whawhai taitara, pitting Alicia Ashley (22-10-1) ki Christina McMahon (7-0) i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio mo te wātea WBC wahine ao karauna whā super.
Hitters Hard Bakhtiyar Eyubov (8-0; Welterweight super), whitu tekau teina Steve Martinez (15-2) a super welter Mikkel LesPierre (10-0-1) E katoa e whai ana ki te hanga i te pōrutu i roto i ono pāngia a tawhio, i roto i te puka o te mahi knockout, i te Aviator. Cruiserweight Emilio Salas (3-1-1), super Kōmāmā Giorgi Gelashvilli (2-0) a debuting welter super Serdar Hudayberviyev e whakaaturia i roto i te wha pāngia a tawhio, me.
“Tonu to tatou torohaki ki to tatou raupapa Brooklyn Pakanga ki te tupu,” Said Word. “Ahau, me nga whawhai katoa ngaio pakeke-mahi i runga i te kāri, appreciate your support! Haere mai kia kite i tenei kuao, me te pūmanawa paihere o kaimekemeke whakaatu ki a koe he aha mekemeke ko te hākinakina tino toa i roto i te ao!”
Doors tuwhera i 6 p.m. ki te a'ee tuatahi whakaritea hoki 6:30 p.m., rite te Brooklyn Pakanga titiro ki te faatîtî kotahi ano New York City ki fistic riri. Timata tīkiti i $20 a e wātea ana mā te karanga 1-844-890-2120 ranei i te toro SalitaPromotions.com.

Whawhai Weekly MMA Whatunga hōtaka hötaka (Oketopa. 26-Nov. 1, 2015)

(U.S. anake rārangi te kore te kore tohua. No te hōtaka Canadian tonu, tirohia tv.fightnetwork.com from your region.)
Whatunga Fight Ko te he 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai. Tags te reira i ngā hōtaka e arotahi ana ki te hōkai katoa o te momo hākinakina whawhai, tae atu ki ngā whawhai ora, me te ake-ki-te-miniti rongo me te tātaritanga mō konatunatua toi hōia, kickboxing, mamau ngaio, ngā tikanga mau rākau, mekemeke, rongo whawhai, me te raupapa whakaari whawhai-waiata, pakipūmeka me te āhuatanga kiriata.
Kei raro kitea ngā o te hōtaka o tenei wiki:
Rāhina, Oketopa. 26
7:00 p.m. AND – 5 Rauna – Whawhai o Whatunga John Ramdeen me Robin Black fakaafe'i manuhiri motuhake ki te roherohenga te wiki o MMA mahi.
7:30 p.m. AND & 11:30 p.m. AND– Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
Rātū, Oketopa. 27
1:30 a.m. AND – XPTV – Kapinga o-rohe U.S. ngā kaupapa MMA ngaio, me te runaruna.
5:00 & 5:30 p.m. ANDXtreme whawhai Championship – Florida-hāngai MMA pro ngā runga opuaraa American, whetu ao me hōia UFC.
6:00 p.m. & 10 p.m. AND — – 5 Rauna teie mahana – Pāhorangi ki John Ramdeen me Robin Black whawhati iho i te whānui o te kaupapa momo i roto i te ao MMA, tae atu ki ngā arokite o takahanga ka ū mai, me nga hau hou katoa, me matua.
8:00 p.m. AND – 5 Rauna – Whawhai a Whatunga John Ramadeen me Robin Black ani manihini manuhiri motuhake ki te wehenga i te wiki o MMA mahi.
8:30 p.m. AND – Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
11:00 p.m. ANDHard patoto Te whawhai 46 – Ngā Hehe Arnett vs. Dimitri Waardenburg mo te Hard patuki whā taitara i Oct. 24, 2015 i roto i te Calgary, Canada.
Wednesday, Oketopa. 28
5:00 p.m. ANDTexas Whawhai Night – MMA mahi i Texas ngā opuaraa runga i te Lone Star State o roto i te whare herehere.
6:00 p.m. ANDBest o te Cage riri – Ngā whawhai matarohia i te whakahaere Cage riri UK-e hāngai ana ki te Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Paora Daley me ētahi atu.
7:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me te āhuatanga.
7:30p.m. AND – Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
8:00 p.m. ANDWarriors whare herehere Fighting Championship 59 – Ngā Jim Alers vs. Martin Svensson mo te taitara mā, Ētahi atu whā prix rahi, i Hepetema. 14, 2013 i roto i te Cardiff, Wales.
11:00 p.m. ANDMMA Meltdown ki Gabriel Morency – Wawahi iho Gabriel Morency nga tupu katoa i roto i te MMA, te matapaki te aroaro, matapae, me manuhiri wiki motuhake, me ngā uiuinga motuhake.
11:30 p.m. AND2015 IMMAF Amateur MMA Toa: Wāhanga 4 / 4 – Kapinga o te 2015 IMMAF Amateur MMA Toa i Las Vegas, ngā te o te Kōmāmā tangata, whitu o nga tangata, mā wahine, me te super-taumahamaha wehenga o nga tangata.
Rāpare, Oketopa. 29
2:00 a.m. ANDUltimate Challenge MMA 31 – Ngā Neil Grove vs. Tomasz Czerwinski i roto i te mahi taumahamaha i Dec. 1, 2012 i roto i te London.
4:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. ANDTakedown Wrestling – Kapinga Eztensive o ngā kaupapa mamau amateur, tae atu i te rongo hou, muri-te-scenes kapinga i ngā kaupapa me ngā uiuinga motuhake.
6:00 p.m. AND – Championship whawhai Alliance – MMA Pro i Florida ngā i te momo o Josh Sampo, Mike Kyle, John Howard, He McCorkie, Luis Palomino me ētahi atu.
7:00 p.m. AND – Fighting ihupuku ki – Kickboxers HAO piki te arawhata o te angitu hei ihupuku ki whakataetae mo ha faingamālie ke hoko AtAKi me whiwhi wheako e hiahiatia ki te angitu i te taumata teitei.
8:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me te āhuatanga.
8:30p.m. AND – Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
9:00 p.m. ANDEnfusion Live #21: Belgium – Kickboxing ngaio ngā Nordin Ben Moh vs. Sergio Sanchez, Brice Guidon vs. Dexter Suisse ko Anke Van Gestel vs. Aleide Lawant mo te -61 kg taitara ao i Oct. 10,k 2015 People i roto i, Belgium.
11:00 p.m. ANDMMA Meltdown ki Gabriel Morency – Wawahi iho Gabriel Morency nga tupu katoa i roto i te MMA, te matapaki te aroaro, matapae, me manuhiri wiki motuhake, me ngā uiuinga motuhake.
Rāmere, Oketopa. 30
12:00 a.m. & 11 a.m. ANDKo e Showtime Motuhake – Whakahaere pirimia kickboxing o te ao ngā Badr Hari, Melvin Manhoef a Giorgio Petrosyan.
5:00 p.m. AND – Fighting ihupuku ki – Kickboxers HAO piki te arawhata o te angitu i roto i te hākinakina rite ihupuku ki whakataetae hoki ki te tupono noa hei ngaio, me te whiwhi wheako e hiahiatia ana ki te angitu i te taumata teitei.
6:00 p.m. AND – M-1 Challenge – Pro MMA i Europe ngā runga maranga whetu amanaki me te ao.
7:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me te āhuatanga.
7:30p.m. AND – Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
9:00 p.m. ANDKi 2 Toe ki Chung Lee – Noho-iho uiuiraa ki Sanshou mātanga, me te whetu whitu UFC Chung Lee.
9:30 p.m. ANDNSS 23: Khalidov vs. Manhoef – Ngā Mamde Khakidov vs. Melvin Manhoef, Sean McCorkle vs. Mariusz Pudzianowski a Kendall Grove vs.. Mikara rauemi i Pipiri 8, 2013 i roto i te Gdansk, Poland.
Rāhoroi, Oketopa. 31
6:00 a.m. ANDBest o TKO – Ngā George St-Pierre vs. Travis Galbraith i UCC 11.
7:00 a.m. ANDBest o Gladiator Challenge – Ngā Uria Feipá vs. Rawiri Velasquez i Gladiator Challenge 27.
8:00 a.m. ANDBest o te SportFight – MMA kounga Top i te Pacific Northwest. Hosted by UFC veterans Matt LIndland and Chael Sonnen. This episode features Brian Caraway and Ian Loveland in action.
2:00 p.m. ANDNSS 32: Road ki te Wembley– MMA LIVE ngā vs Mariusz Pudzianowski. Pita Graham, Borys Mankowski vs. Hehe Taylor no te taitara Welterweight KSW, Thomas Narkun vs. Goran Reijic mo te KSW taitara marama taumahamaha, me James McSweeney vs. Martin vs. Marcin Rozalski, i a London Wembley Stadium.
8:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me te āhuatanga.
8:30p.m. AND – Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
9:00 p.m. AND2015 IMMAF Amateur MMA Toa: Wāhanga 1 / 4 – Kapinga o te 2015 IMMAF Amateur MMA Toa i Las Vegas, ngā mā te o nga tangata, strawweight wahine, me te taumahamaha wehewehenga o te tangata.
10:30 p.m. AND2015 IMMAF Amateur MMA Toa: Wāhanga 2 / 4 – Kapinga o te 2015 IMMAF Amateur MMA Toa i Las Vegas, ngā whā o te tangata, mā wahine, me te wehenga taumahamaha marama o te tangata.
Rātapu, Nov. 1
6:00 a.m. ANDPancrase Classics – Classic pakanga MMA tāimu'a ngā Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Marquardt Ingoa, Chael sønnen me ētahi atu.
11:00 a.m. ANDBest o te ADCC– Puritia ake Āhuatanga Compilations o te ngā tākaro grappling rahi, ngā Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza a Royler Gracie.
12:00 p.m. ANDWhiriwhiri Muay Thai: Tairana vs. Kaiwero – Ko te raupapa nui Muay Thai i roto i te ao ngā moni whawhai tu-ake ao tango i runga i te Team National Thailand rongonui.
5:30 p.m. AND – 2014 Judo Tyumen Grand Slam – Highlights i te 2014 Judo Tyumen Grand Slam i Hōngongoi 12-13, 2014 i roto i te Russia.
6:00 p.m. AND – Fighting Season te Wairua MMA 4 – Haaputuraa o te whawhai te ao i SFL, Poutohu FFC, M-1 me te ake.
11:00 p.m. AND – Enfusion Live #18: Amsterdam – Kickboxing Pro i Amsterdam, Holland, ngā runga opuaraa ao, me te aranga.
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Boxing Hits the Big Screen as Miguel Cotto vs. Canelo Alvarez is Presented Live in Select U.S. Cinemas tēnei Whiringa

Classic Puerto Rico vs. Mai Mexico Battle ki Teataraa Movie

Live from The Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas on Whiringa 21 Anake

Denver - Oketopa 26, 2015 – Boxing fans across the country will have a ringside seat for a highly-anticipated clash of two titans when Fathom Events, Roc Nation Sports, Whakatairanga Boy Golden, Miguel cotto Whakatairanga me Whakatairanga Canelo hakari Miguel Cotto vs. Canelo Alvarez, the battle between Puerto Rico’s most decorated fighter Cotto (40-4, 33 Koó) me te superstar Mexican Canelo (45-1-1, 32 Koó) ora i roto i te whare tīpako te motu i runga i Rāhoroi, Whiringa 21 i 9:00 p.m. AND/ 8:00 p.m. CT / 7:00 p.m. MT / 6:00 p.m. PT.


Ka haapurorohia te whawhai 12-a tawhio noa tino-tia'ihia ora ki te tīpako whare puta noa i te US, i nga Events Center Mandalay Bay i roto i Las Vegas. Miguel Cotto, ka kingi nei WBC, Ring Magazine a Lineal whitu World Champion, Ka haere upoko-ki-upoko ki a Canelo Alvarez, mua WBC ko WBA Super Welterweight World Champion, i roto i te mea kei te te auaha ake ki te kia o 2015 whawhai whakaongaonga rawa me nui te whawhai i roto i te aamu o te rongonui Puerto Rico vs. Mexico totohe.


Tickets for theater screenings of Cotto vs. Canelo can be purchased online by visiting www.FathomEvents.com ranei i whai wāhi tari pouaka whakaari. Fans puta noa i te U.S. will be able to enjoy the event in select movie theaters through Fathom’s Mamati Pāohotanga Whatunga. For a complete list of theater locations visit the Fathom Events paetukutuku (He whare me whai wāhi kaupapa ki te huringa).

"Ka rite ki ahau i mea i nga wa katoa, i roto i toku mahi katoa, Ko ahau i konei ki te whawhai i te ingoa pai me nga whawhai pai,"Ka mea a Miguel cotto. "Tenei e tetahi atu pene i roto i toku mahi a ka waiho e ahau te taka mana. Ka pārekareka ki Fans te whawhai tūturu, tetahi whawhai matarohia i roto i te Puerto Rico vs. Mexico totohe. "


"He te he hītori nui i waenganui i Mexico a Puerto Rico, me tenei te haere ki te waiho i te whawhai hītori, tetahi tetahi mo te pakiwaitara,” said Canelo Alvarez. “I have a lot of pride to be fighting for my country. Te haere ki te waiho i te nui po. "

Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Koó) Ko te Māori tuatahi o Puerto Rico ki te riro i te toa ao i roto i te akomanga taimaha rerekē e whā me te riro ei aito motu me te mono o Pirika "Tito" Trinidad rite kaimekemeke tino nui te motu o. I roto i tona mahi faahiahia, Cotto kanohi Puerto Rico i roto i te 2000 Olympic Games i roto i Poihākena, Ahitereiria, a ko te mua WBO Junior Welterweight World Champion, te mua WBA Welterweight World Champion, te mua WBO Welterweight World Champion me mua WBA Super Welterweight World Champion. Inaianei titiro cotto ki atu tona anō teitei ki te wini mo Canelo.


Whakahoki ki te mowhiti fiekaia atu ake ake ki tona kāhua whawhai nui-pūngao me te mana, 25-tau-tawhito superstar mekemeke Mexican, me te whakapehapeha o Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Koó) Ko i runga i te misioni ki te tūnga ia ia rite te kaimekemeke tino rongonui o tona whakatupuranga. Ki te wini ki cotto, te mua Champion Canelo WBC me WBA Super Welterweight Ao taea e pakaru ki te rārangi pauna-no-pauna runga.


Roc Nation peresideni ko te tino o te Branding me Rautaki Michael Yormark mea, "Roc Tuakiri o Aotearoa me Golden Boy faaite i te weriweri mo te hanga i te whawhai nui i roto i hītori. E hiahia ana matou ki te hoatu pā mekemeke te mea utu ratou: he whakaatu o hanganga hautoa. "


"Tikiti mo hui whakaongaonga tino o te mekemeke o te tau, Cotto vs. Canelo, hohoro haere no te mea ko te whawhai e te whakapūmau i whakaari me te mahi i te tīmatanga ki te whakaoti i tēnei,"Ka mea Whakatairanga Golden Boy Tiamana me te CEO Oscar De La Hoya. "Ko te mea hanga tenei kēmu ake 'te Whawhai mo te Fans,'A matou e hiahia ana ki te e taea ki te hoatu pā e kore e taea e hanga i taua mea ki Las Vegas i te ara whakaongaonga ki te mataara i te whawhai, me te ite rite kei ratou i roto i te ao kia kite i te mahi ake tata me te tangata i roto i. "


Ka mea te rapu Events Tumu John Rubey, "Neke atu i te te mua tau e rave rahi, Kua whakakiia pā mekemeke whare kiriata puta noa te whenua ki te kite nui superstars mekemeke o te ao Square atu i roto i te whakakai. Ki te cotto vs. Ko Canelo na ki tonu i te taonga me te hītori totohe, he aha te wahi pai mo te hunga pā ki te kaititiro i tenei a'ee hītori atu i runga i runga i te mata nui!"

