Pou katoa e FNU47

Heavyweights LIGHT whakaongaonga THOMAS WILLIAMS & Humberto SAVIGNE MEET I PREMIER BOXING toa ON Koi teata kaiwahi i 9 P.M. AND

I Biloxi, Mississippi
Biloxi, MISS. (October 28, 2015) – Heavyweights marama Whakaongaonga Thomas “Top Dog” Williams (18-1, 12 Koó) a Humberto Savigne (12-2, 9 Koó) ka tutaki i roto i te tukinga 10-a tawhio noa ki te whakatuwhera ake Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i Koi, Rāmere, Whiringa 13 i te Beau Rivage Resort & Casino i runga i te Mississippi Gulf Tai, ki te kapinga teata timata i 9 p.m. AND.
Ko te PBC runga i te Koi hui matua poka nguha taumahamaha o te marama Edwin “La Bomba” Lotilikuesí (27-1, 18 Koó) ki tūturu Michael kekeno (19-0, 14 Koó) i roto i te take 10-a tawhio noa.
“Ongo'i tino āio ahau ahu ki tenei whawhai,” Said Williams. “Kua ahau i taea ki te tiki i hoki ki te mea kua mahia e ahau i roto i te puni mai i te tīmatanga i roto i toku mahi me te oaoa vau no te ahauWhiringa 13. Kua kite ahau i toku hoa tauwhainga, me au e whakamahere ahau i runga i te kato ia motu. Ka waiho e ahau te wikitoria, ina waiho e ahau te whakakai.”
“Au mana'o ahau kotahi-rau ōrau me kua i te puni whakangungu nui,” Said Savigne. “Ahau e mahi pakeke a haere mai Whiringa 13, te haere i te reira ki te waiho i te tino Humberto Savigne. E kore ahau e hiahia ana ki te hanga i tetahi matapae, engari au e haere mai ahau mo te wikitoria.”
Tikiti mo te takahanga, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment, E utu i $62.95, $48.95, $34.95 a $20.95, me utu tāke, me te mahi. He tīkiti runga i te hoko i teie nei, a taea te hokona i te tari pouaka Beau Rivage Theatre, www.ticketmaster.com ranei i karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000.
I 28-tau-tau, Kei te titiro Williams ki te tango i roto i tetahi atu nguha uaua i runga i tona ara ki te totohe taitara. Ko te Fort Washington, Nona whanau Maryland-toa whakaora mo Enrique Ornela, Koroniria White a Yusaf Mack puta noa i tona mahi. Tino tata te wā ia Michael Gbenga i runga i tona ara ki kowhetetia te whakatau loto i roto i te Hakihea 2014.
Fanauhia i roto i te Cuba ko whawhai inaianei i roto i o Miami, Riro Savigne he mētara koura i te 1999 Pan American Games me te 2000 Toa Cuban Motu. Kua mea patu ia Jeff Lacy, Maxell Taylor me whawhai mua hinga Jackson Junior me Quinton Rankin mai i tahuri pro i roto i 2009.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.premierboxingchampions.com awww.spike.com/shows/premier-mekemeke-toa, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LaBombaBoxing, LouDiBella, SpikeTV MeSpikeSports, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, i www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment a www.Facebook.com/Spike. Highlights available to embed at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.

A IT TRUE! Te reira whakatara TRUE! - Bellator MMA Tuhinga WWE mua ME superstar TNA CURRENT, Olympic GOLD mētara Kurt koki


Whakaritea koki ki Hono TE kua-Awesome 'Bellator MMA Fan fest' AT Dave & Buster TE ON NOV. 5 ME HAERE 'Bellator 145' ON NOV. 6 AT SCOTTRADE CENTER I ST. Louis


Pāwhiritia hoki Bellator 145 Official ataata Fan Fest

Ko anake Fan Fest mo Bellator iwi mema anake, becoming an official Bellator Nation Member is simple and FREE. Pāwhiri ki konei to register and RSVP to Fan Fest.

Pāwhiri ki konei ki te tiki mäminga FOR THE NEXT 10 HOURS

Pāwhiritia hoki Bellator 145 Official ataata Fan Fest

Santa Monica (Oketopa. 28, 2015) - I runga i Whiringa 5, pā hākinakina whawhai i katoa huri noa i te motu e ūngutu i runga i te Dave & Busters i Maryland Heights, Missouri for the "Mana Bellator Fan Fest," where they can meet several of their favorite athletes and receive photos and autographs.


Kauwhautia rangatira Bellator i tenei ra e TNA superstar, former WWE superstar and Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Koki will join the epic line up, which is already packed with star power the likes of Kimbo Poro, Liam McGeary, Royce Gracie, Ken Shamrock a Tito Ortiz.


TA: Bellator Fan Fest at Dave & Buster o

E karangatia Pā o ngā reanga katoa ki Dave me Buster o roto i Maryland Heights, MO ki te whakatau me te farii i tëneti i etahi te MMA whawhai rahi me te tino o te wa katoa o. Ka whai hoki pā te whai wāhi ki te riro tīkiti me paraihe nui, me te hopu i te whakaahua ki te mowhiti kotiro Bellator.

Ko anake Fan Fest mo Bellator iwi mema anake, becoming an official Bellator Nation Member is simple and FREE. Pāwhiri ki konei to register and RSVP to Fan Fest. Ki te mea ko kē koe he mema o Bellator Nation ka whiwhi koe i tētahi fakaafe īmēra ki te Tono.


HEA: Dave & Buster o

13857 Riverport Dr..

Maryland Heights, MO


No: Rāpare, Nov. 5 i 8 p.m. CT

WHO: Kurt Koki was a Pennsylvania High School State Champion Wrestler, me te linebacker katoa-State i runga i te Mt. Kapa Repanona High School Football. Whaia te whetu e rua-hākinakina nonoke i D-1 hōtaka Clarion University o, i reira kohia e ia he patua o ekea tae atu tetahi National Runner ake, e rua National Toa, e toru hōnore katoa-American, me ngā taitara atu rave rahi.


I muri i te kāreti, Koki riro koura i te Wrestling FILA Ao Toa, ka anga ka whakangungu mo te 1996 Kēmu Olympic raro i ngā akoranga o Dave Schultz i te Foxcatcher Club i te aroaro o tona kohuru tino whakapuakina. I muri i te matenga o Schultz, Koki e waiho Foxcatcher ka uru atu te Wrestling Club Dave Schultz i tona mahara.


A, no te faaoti i te mau tamataraa Olympic, Roaa Koki i tona wahi ki te whakataetae i roto i te Olympics, engari i tukua e rua piere o tona pekehoe waha, e rua kōpae herniated me uaua kumea e wha i roto i te tukanga. Ki te rima marama ki te okioki me te Rehab, Koki e riro tona mētara koura Orimipia i roto i te 90-100 kg wehenga.


I muri toa i te koura, Parlayed Koki ana pūkenga mamau ki te mahi mīharo i roto i te mamau ngaio i roto i te maha o ngā rōpū pērā i TNA, ECW, Ŋwa, WCW, Pua, me te tino arā te WWF / WWE.


Te koki i te whātōtō ngaio anake i roto i te hītori ki te kua riro taitara i roto i te WWE, WCW, TNA ko IWGP, tapeke he mīharo 13 Ao Toa me 21 total championship belts. I roto i te 2010, "Wrestling Observer Newsletter" Dave Meltzer o te ingoa koki te "whātōtō o te tekau tau" mo te tau 2000.

There is only one Kimbo Poro. Tutuki te ngangau pāhau hape rongo i roto i te raupapa o te ara whawhai i whawhaki, taumata parekura o te aro i runga i YouTube. I muri parlaying paku ana tona ki te mahi MMA, Piti Kimbo ki te scene me-wa katoa tetahi o nga whetu tino rongonui hākinakina o ka. Kimbo has been the focal point of the first and third-most watched MMA fights in the sport’s history. Tenei Hune mua i roto i te St. Louis, tona whawhai ki a Ken Shamrock pakaru pūkete mamata Bellator MMA o.


The first British World Champion in the history of MMA will always be Liam McGeary. I 6'6 kua tutuki te toa tiketike notoriety huri noa i te ao ki tona skillset mīharo i kitea e mutu ia ia whawhai ki te mana mīharo knockout me te toa Jiu-Jitsu. Currently undefeated at 11-0, Ko kanapa hoki te Bellator MMA Champion te heke mai. Te nuinga tata, Patua McGeary hoa kaiuru Fan Fest Tito Ortiz i roto i te hui matua o te repo “Bellator MMA: Taipohū 1.”

Ko te ingoa Gracie he longo ki MMA, and that is largely in part to Royce Gracie, te tangata whakaaro nei ki te i whakaaro te hākinakina ta tatou i ite i te reira i teie mahana. The winner of the first several UFC events, Gracie e wetewete i hoariri maha i roto i te po kotahi, he tokomaha o nei i nui ake i ia. For many years there was no answer for the Gracie jiu-jitsu technique that he brought into a fight. I teie mahana,, te uaua ki te kitea te toa MMA kahore nei i whakangungua i roto i te toi o te Jiu-Jitsu.


Kīia mea pinepine ki rite "te mea tōmua" o MMA, Ken Shamrock is a pioneer of the sport, a whakaurua he waitohu maere o MMA i tauturu i te faataaraa i te hākinakina ki te mea he mea i teie mahana. Ki te suplexes maere me tutaki waewae, "Te tangata te nuinga Dangerous o te Ao" tonu hanga mo te pau-kite TV. His heated rivalries with guys like Royce Gracie and Tito Ortiz generated incredible buzz, a tauturu popularize te hākinakina. His fight with Tito Ortiz was at one time the second-most watched MMA fight of all time.

“The People’s Champion” Tito Ortiz is a fan-favorite all over the world. The former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion was one of the toughest competitors in the cage. Utilizing his wrestling background, Ortiz ko te mīhini tei paruru i tona taitara i te mīharo rima nga wa. Always with a flare for the dramatic, Ortiz i neherā kaha i roto i te whare herehere ki te takatu rite Ken Shamrock, me te i waho te whare herehere ki UFC peresideni Dana White.

FIGHT INFO: "Bellator 145" features two world title bouts. Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (24-2) tohe tona here mā ki Daniel Straus (23-6) a E "te kino E" Brooks (16-1) tutaki mātanga tukunga Marcin Held (21-3), ki te whitiki 155-pauna i runga i te raina. The event will also feature a trio of Missouri natives with Michael Chandler (13-3), te tangata e whawhai Rawiri Rickels (16-3, 1 NC); taumahamaha Bobby "Ko e Dominator" Lashley (13-2) who looks to avenge a previous loss on his record when he finally meets James Thompson (20-14) i roto i te rematch; a Justin Lawrence (8-2) tangata e tutuki Emmanuel Sanchez (11-2).


Tīkiti mō "Bellator 145, " e tīmata i tika $30, are on sale now at Ticketmaster.com and at the Ford Box Office at Scottrade Center. Tatau mo tuwhera i te hui 5:00 p.m. CT wā rohe, a ka tango te whakataetae tuatahi tuu kotahi haora i muri i.


MAI PUAI ROCK Hotel & Casino I Las Vegas
Las Vegas (October 28, 2015) – Welterweights super tūturu Frank “Ka kati” Galarza (17-0-2, 11 Koó) a Jarrett “Swift” Hurd (16-0, 10 Koó) ka whakatau i roto i te tukinga 10-a tawhio nui e te kaimahi rite te hui tahi-ngā hei SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING (10:45 p.m. AND/PT) i runga i Rāhoroi, Nov. 14 i Hard Rock Hotel & Casino i Las Vegas.
Ko te hui matua, ora i runga i SHOWTIME®, Ka ngā WBC mā whitu World Champion Gary Russell Jr.(26-1, 15 Koó) i roto i te korero tuatahi o tona taitara ao ki Oscar Escandon (24-2, 16 Koó).
“Kua ahau i konei i mua i engari e mohio ana ahau e tonu i ahau te tahi mea ki te whakamatau,” Said Galarza. “Ua mauruuru vau no te tenei faingamālie me ahau rite ki te whakaatu i te ao Ahau tetahi te pai whawhai 154-pauna i roto i te katoa o te mekemeke o.”
“Ko te pai i ki iti iho whatitiri i roto i te mangai me te ake uira i roto i te ringa,” Said Hurd. “Au oaoa e pā ana ki tenei whawhai, me te rite ki te whakaatu i te ao mai toku aravihi ahau Nov. 14.”
“Galarza ko Hurd tohu e rua o te pai opuaraa tūturu i roto i te wehenga Welterweight super,” ka mea a Tom Brown o TGB Whakatairanga. “Ko te he tūpono tiketike, whawhai te utu nui e ka kawea i roto i te pai rawa i roto i te whawhai e rua mo te hunga e whanga i runga i SHOWTIME me i roto i te haereraa i te Hard Rock Hotel & Casino.”
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e TGB Whakatairanga, E utu i $155, $105, $80, $55 a $30, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Kia hokona ngā tīkiti i Hard Rock Hotel tari pouaka, na roto i te karanga 888-9-AXS-TIX, ranei online i www.axs.com.
He nguha i roto i te wehenga 154-pauna, Kua riro Galarza ono whawhai tika mai i te tīmatanga o 2014, tae atu ki te knockout tuarua-a tawhio noa oaoa i runga mua hinga kore John Thompson. He Brooklyn Māori nei tahuri pro i roto i 2010, kua faauruhia te rongonui Galarza maha ki tona kōrero whaiaro o te manawanui. I roto i tona ahua whakamutunga i runga i April 10, Piro Galarza he knockout a tawhio toru o Sheldon Moore i tona whenua o Brooklyn i runga i ShoBox: Ko te Generation New. The 30-year-old will look to make his mark in his first shot on a big stage when he enters the ring on Nov. 14.
Whawhai i roto i Accokeek, MD., Hurd he kohakore record ngaio mai i tahuri pro i roto i 2012. Whakatuwheratia te 25-tau-tawhito ake 2015 ki te mutu a te toru-a tawhio noa o te hōia Eric Mitchell, a aru ki te mutu a te whitu-a tawhio noa o mua hinga kore Jeff Lentz i August. Ka tangohia ano e ia i te taahiraa-ake i roto i te whakataetae, ka wero ia ia Galarza i runga i Nov. 14.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, TGBPromotions, HardRockHotelLV KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

Mua AO TOA Chris ALGIERI RETURNS MAA, Dec. 5 Ki te whawhai ki Erick wheua AT Barclays CENTER

Katoa-Brooklyn Taitara a'ee Ao waenganui i Daniel Jacobs & Pita Quillin Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING ® E ora i runga i SHOWTIME®
Brooklyn (Oketopa. 28, 2015) – Mua toa ao ko Long Island-Māori Chris Algieri (20-2, 8 Koó) hoki mai ki a Center Barclays i Brooklyn ki te tango i runga i Ecuador o Erick Bone (16-2, 8 Koó) i roto i te Welterweight a'ee 10-a tawhio runga Rāhoroi, Dec. 5.
Ko te Algieri vs. Whakatairangatia ana whawhai wheua e DiBella Entertainment i feohi ki Star mekemeke a ka waiho wahi o te undercard tāpae ngā taranata rohe runga kia e ka kauwhautia i roto i te taatoaraa hohoro. E tautoko ana te undercard te hui SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING headlined e te whawhai katoa-Brooklyn i waenganui i toa whitu ao Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs (30-1, 27 Koó) me te toa o mua ao Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (32-0-1, 23 Koó). I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, WBA mā World Champion Ihu Cuellar (27-1, 21 Koó) Ka fehangahangai nguha Puerto Rican whakaongaonga Honatana “Puehu” Oquendo(26-4, 16 Koó).
“Ko ahau rawa fiefia ki te hoki ki Center Barclays, te wahi i ahau etahi o toku whakaaturanga pai,” Said Algieri. “IDec. 5, Kua titiro ahau ki mua ki ia toku mahi pai ano.”
“Ko te whawhai nui hoki ahau i tenei,” ka mea Bone. “E mohio ana ahau ki Algieri pai me matau ana ahau kei te haere ia ki te kawe i te reira. E kuru ana ahau he toa nui, me te i muri i toku mahi i runga i Dec. 5, ka mohio te ao ki toku ingoa.”
Tikiti mo te tīmatanga hui ora i $50, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona Tickets ipurangi mā te toro www.ticketmaster.com,www.barclayscenter.com mā te karanga ranei 1-800-745-3000. E wātea ana hoki ngā tīkiti i te American Express Pouaka Office i Center Barclays.
Whakatika Algieri ki te rongo i roto i Pipiri 2014 i Center Barclays ka tere ia Ruslan Provodnikov mo te taitara super Kōmāmā ao. Ko te hoki mai-tau 31-tawhito ki Brooklyn i muri i iho ana i te whakatau kuiti, me te totohe ki Amir Khan i Mei. Ko te toa kickboxing mua i Huntington, N.Y., hanga i tona record mekemeke i runga i te kaha o tona kaupapa pai, me te mohio ki te werohanga. Tona wikitoria ki runga ki Provodnikov roaa ia he pere i Manny Pacquiao i Nov. 2014, a bout that Algieri lost. He had previously defeated strong contenders Mike Arnaoutis and Emanuel Taylor on the way to his world title.
Kua whawhai te Bone-tau 26-tawhito i roto i te U.S. mai 2014 a ka anga tona mahi stateside ki whakaora mo Francisco Figueroa, Mahonilai Montes a Pita Oluoch. Fanauhia i roto i Manabi, Ecuador, Riro Bone te tuatahi 12 pāngia o tona mahi. Te nuinga tata ngaro ia ki te toa mua ao Shawn Porter i muri i te tango i runga ano he whakakapinga mutunga mo hoariri o Porter.
Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, StarBoxing, BarclaysCenter KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment a www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.

MARIO Barrios RETURNS NOV 10 I Austin, TX

Photo Na Team Barrios
San Antonio, TX (October 28, 2015) – Rising whetu, tūturu super-mā Mario Barrios (12-0, 7 Koó), Kei te whakaritea ki te hanga hoki i tona ara ki te mowhiti i runga i Whiringa 10, 2015 i te Austin City Music Hall i Austin, Texas. Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) Rātū TOE-TO-TOE i runga i Fox Sports 1 a Mekemeke Champions i runga i FOX Sports Ka rangi te timatanga hui ora i 9 p.m. AND, 6 p.m. PT. In the main-event, Alejandro “Cobrita” Gonzalez Jr. (25-2-2, 15 Koó) ka tutaki Karim Guerfi (22-3, 6 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa whā a'ee. Noho, nei te 8-a tawhio noa, ka hei wahi o te telecast, ki te mata he TBA hoariri.
I tatari hoki te hoariri ki te kia kauwhautia, Noho, haere ki te Feitu'u Seni Felenisisikou ki te tiki i etahi mahi i roto i te cornerman ārahi, Bob Santos.
“Mai kua ahau i roto i konei kua ahau haapii te rota mahi ki a Bob Santos,” Said Mario Barrios. “Santos has a lot of experience working with top level fighters and he’s showing me new things to help me get better. There’s a lot of little things that we’ve been working on that make a tremendous amount of difference when I’m in the ring. I’m using different footwork while improving on my defense, mea rite ki taua.”
Hoki i roto i San Antonio, Whakaako Barrios ki tona papa Martin, who’s been with him since the amateurs when he started boxing at age 9. They’ve come along way together and have a special bond.
“Oku papa kua tonu i reira hoki ahau,” Tonu Barrios. “I tua atu ki te whakaako i ahau me pehea ki te waiho i te tangata, he taught me how to box and stay out of trouble. It’s tough finding sparring sometimes, engari te ia i reira tonu ki te hanga i te patunga tapu e tika ana ki te tiki i te tangata. Matau ia te mea kei te haere i te reira ki te tango hoki ki te tango i ahau i toku mahi ki te taumata muri, and I appreciate him for that. Together we make a very strong team.
Noho, e ora i roto i te tata San Antonio, Texas, knows how important it will be to shine on national television. With a huge crowd expected to show support, Ko te rite ki tana tohu i roto i te wehenga super-mā Barrios.
“Ki te i whakakitea tenei whawhai i runga i Fox Sports, E mohio ana ahau te mea i toku wa ki te whakaatu i te katoa i roto i toku wehenga, tae atu ki te hunga e ka e matakitaki ana i runga i te pouaka whakaata, he aha kua mahi ahau kia pakeke ki te tiki ki tenei tūranga.” Faaoti Mario Barrios. “E te rota o te hoa tata, me te hapu i reira he tautoko whakaatu, so I’m coming with everything I got. I don’t care who the opponent is, Ka waiho e ahau rite ki te faahoruhoru.”
Tickets utu i $125, $85, $75, $45 a $25, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, mo tenei hui ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Kite * Battah Whakatairanga, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei, a taea te hokona e te karanga Leija * Battah Whakatairanga i 210-979-3302. Tickets can also be purchased at the Austin City Music Hall box office.

Guinness World Record- WBC world title on line at Brooklyn Brawl October 29th

48 ME KIHI'I GREAT; AO Guinness Record Holder ā-miharo Alicia Ashley karapu UP THURSDAY

Ashley tihi utaina KĀRI FIGHT AT Aviator i Brooklyn

Brooklyn, N.Y.. (Oketopa. 28, 2015)She is a dean at the Bernard Hopkins School of Pugilism.
Alicia Ashley, 48 tau, Ka ngana te taitara ao ki te riro, te ao WBC super wahine karauna whā, i runga i Rāpare ahiahi i roto i Brooklyn, a ki te mea ia angitu, e whakanuia ia ki tetahi tua maere ki a ia anō. Ka riro ia i tetahi atu urunga ki te Guinness Buka a Ao Records rite te wahine matamua te taitara ao ki te riro, te whakatakoto i tētahi pae noa teitei ki tona pikinga maere me te mauroa.
Te ngana ka tango i te wahi i runga i tetahi atu “Brooklyn Pakanga” kāri e whakatairangatia ana e Dmitriy Salita, a ka kia takirua Ashley atu ki Christina McMahon, i runga i te rere ūkui i te matatini Aviator i roto i te tonga Brooklyn.
Ashley sports a 22-10-1 (4 Koó) record, a faaite i te tahi o te mea ana i ona tohu, a ka haere tonu ki te tamau noa mua te wāhi i reira e iri ara nga pugilists piko ake nga mitts.

“Ite ahau kua ahau i te mahi rongonui i roto i te mekemeke e kore te kanohi kitea monetarily,” Ka mea a Ashley. “Ahau i te papatu, e wha wa ao, me kua i roto i te Guinness Buka a Ao Records rite te toa mekemeke wahine matamua. Kua ahau i whawhai katoa i runga i te ao, me te i whawhaki, whakaute nga wahi katoa, me te wa e whawhai ahau. Hoki ahau, mekemeke ko te mahi, me te tonu ahau te mahi i toku pai ki te whakangahau.”

Ka mea a Salita e titau nei ia e meatia e ia tika e. “E whakahonoretia matou ki te whai i te taua pai kaipara me te tūranga tauira kīnaki tenei kāri pai,” ka mea ia. “Alicia he tangata te tangata, wahine me nga tamariki e taea te titiro ki runga ki te, te tangata nei kia maha maitatai nui, hei kaitäkaro me te tangata.”

Ashley whawhai mo te aroha o te mahi, a ka mahi i runga i ona pūkenga i muri i maka ana i roto i te ra mahi. “Toku mahi matua ko te kaiwhakangungu whaiaro, me te mekemeke i a Gleason Faleva'inga,” tonu ia. “E ora ana ahau i roto i te Bed Stuy, Brooklyn ki taku tahu Matthieu, i tutaki nei ki ahau i te omaoma e ono matahiti i teie nei.”

And what she does she think of the lady who will try and take her down a peg Rāpare po?

“Christina McMahon Ko te toa tūturu ko wai kua riro i roto i te iari o tētahi atu ki muri, ka riro he taitara. Ka waiho ia hei hoariri pāharakeke nei e haere mai ki te whawhai, me i te tino no te toku kāhua slick. Ahau i te toa tawhiti roa, me te matapae e ka haere atu ahau ki te wini whakatau loto.”

Doors tuwhera i 6 p.m. ki te a'ee tuatahi whakaritea hoki 6:30 p.m., rite te Brooklyn Pakanga titiro ki te faatîtî kotahi ano New York City ki fistic riri. Timata tīkiti i $20 a e wātea ana mā te karanga 1-844-890-2120 ranei mā te toro SalitaPromotions.com.

Whakahokia Super whā nguha Del Valle Whiringa 14 i roto i te Puerto Rico!


Bayamon, PR (October 28, 2015) - Rican Puerto super whā nguha Luis "Orlandito" ka hoki Del Valle ki te whakakai i roto i te whakataetae a tawhio waru Rāhoroi, Whiringa 14 i te Auditorio Taone de Comerio i Comerio, Puerto Rico.

Te aroaro o te kāri e te Miguel cotto Whakatairanga me Roc Nation Sports a ka AIR Rāmere, Whiringa 20 mā te rīpene minenga Unimas.

He ngangau katoa-mahi e homai pā ratou moni utu ia, me nga wa e tomo ai ia ki te mowhiti, Del Valle he pai 19-2 kaute ngaio ki 14 o ona whakaora i haere mai i te knockout. Raorao, nana nei i hanga te ingoa hoki ia i runga i te scene ao na roto i te whawhai i runga i HBO me Showtime, mutu Roberto Castaneda i waru rauna tenei Maehe mua. He toa mā NABA mua, Nona Del Valle whakaora mo Dat Nguyen me Christopher Martin.

I tēnei wā i roto i te puni whakangungu kaha te taha nguha tūturu Jayson Vélez, Del Valle he fiefia mo te po whawhai, kua whakaturia ana mātanga i runga i nui ngā whai wāhitanga i roto i 2016.

"Te hinaaro nei au ki te whakawhetai Roc Tuakiri o Aotearoa me Miguel cotto Whakatairanga mō te hoatu tetahi faingamālie ki te whakangahau i te iwi o Puerto Rico ahau,"Said Del Valle. "Fighting i te kāinga faauru i ahau, a haere ki te mea katoa kia rite ki tūmanakohia i runga i te 14th, Ko ki te tango i runga i tētahi i roto i te tihi to tatou mahere 5-10. Mea Tuatahi tuatahi, E kore Me anake ahau ki te riro marama i muri mai, engari rave i te reira i roto i te ahua tino na te eé runga i roto i te 122 ka whai pauna wehenga toku ingoa ki runga ki to ratou hihiani!"

E huaina hoariri Del Valle o tata.

Ka taea e pā taunekeneke ki Del Valle i runga i TwitterOrlanditoBoxing.


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® i runga i Nov. 14, Ora I 10:45 p.m. AND/PT i te SHOWTIME®Mai i Hard Rock Hotel & Casino i Las Vegas
Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Tikiake Photos i Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME
Washington, D.C. –(Oketopa. 28, 2015) -Māori Beltway-rohe Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 Koó) tū te īngoa pāpāho i te Enigma Mekemeke Club i Capital Heights, MD i runga i Rātū rite faaineine ia mo tona a'ee aito i runga i Whiringa 14 i runga i SHOWTIME.
Russell Jr. ka meinga e te korero tuatahi o tona WBC mā whitu World Championship ki Colombia o Oscar Escandon (24-2, 16 Koó) i roto i te hui matua o SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING i runga i Rāhoroi, Nov. 14, ora i runga i SHOWTIME (10:45 p.m. AND/PT) i Hard Rock Hotel & Casino i Las Vegas.
Tenei te ta Russell Jr., Gary Russell Kaumātua. (Papa o Gary me te kaiwhakangungu) a Gary Antonio Russell(Teina o Gary me amanaki mekemeke tūturu) i ki te mea i runga i Rātū:

“Puni whakangungu kei te haere nui, kei tika i runga i te akoranga tatou. Tera tetahi koho iti i roto i te puni no te mea i mahara ahau ki te whawhai ki runga ki Oct. 24. Tīmata ahau mākutu, but once the fight got pushed back to Whiringa 14 I cut the sparring off. Kihai ahau i hiahia ki te tihi wawe rawa.
“I teie mahana, (Rātū) I toku ra tuatahi hoki mākutu ano. Ahau e mahi i runga i toku wā, ring generalship and lateral movement. We’re right on course.
“Ko te kaha me te roa Oscar Escandon. Mai ia whakamua tonu. Ki te ko atamai tona kokonga e tamata ratou ki te tangohia atu e tere toku ringa e waiho he take nui i roto i te whawhai. Ka hiahia ia ki te kati i te tawhiti, tāmi oku nifó kia kore he tere te tauwehe.
“Kei te mahi tatou i runga i hoko whawhai rite tonu whakamarie i runga i te waho rite ki ahau whawhai ahau i runga i te roto.
“He rota o te whawhai e tetahi-ahu. Te tamata nei tatou ki te hanga i taua taimana tiaho i runga i taha katoa.
“E mohio ana ahau e, e te wikitoria ahau, kahore he feaa. Tangata e i roto i te whakakai koutou tiki ki enei iti, 8-ounce gloves always has a possibility of creating an upset whether he’s a big puncher or not. Te reira e anake kotahi pere. It’s the fightersjob to take away that opportunity.
“Oaoa vau ki te whawhai ahau, wā. I don’t even think about this fight being a title defense. E te reira tetahi momo o te taikaha hinengaro me te hinengaro kaha ki te tiki i roto i te whakakai me te mahi. Ko te tangata i roto i te whakakai ki ahau ko te toa i roto i oku kanohi.
It’s been about seven months since I fought. I’m always anxious to get back in the ring.
“Ki te whiwhi ahau mua Escandon e aroha ahau ki te whawhai Leo Santa Cruz, we fought in the amateurs. But we never underestimate any opponent and we are focused on getting this fight out of the way first. Lee Selby is another guy that we’re looking at. Of course Abner Mares, ahakoa ngaro ia, would be a great fight. These are the type of guys that we’d like to fight.
“He toku hapu ki ahau i roto i te puni whakangungu tikanga katoa ki ahau. Ko te wahi e whiwhi ahau toku pūngao i. He rota o te takatu ongo'i rite to ratou ki te haere atu i te puni whakangungu, otiia e kore ahau e whai ki te waiho te kāinga. Toku hapu ko te kaikōkiri i toku puni whakangungu me te kitea e ahau te wahi i toku kaha, me te hihiri. I te mutunga o te ra, E kuru ana ahau mo toku utuafare.
“Ki te mutu ake toku teina whawhai i runga i toku undercard e te mea tino matao hoki ahau. Ka riro te reira rerekē no te mea e whakataetae ia, tino koutou e kite i te mahi i ahau tona kokonga i te aroaro o toku whawhai taitara.”
“E mohio ana ahau ki te mea i te whawhai taitara, engari haere matou ki nga whawhai, ano te reira i te whawhai taitara. E kore matou e mohio ki te ton e pā ana ki te hoariri i tana, tatou whakangungu tika ano he toa.
“Kua ahau tama ono, He toa katoa o ratou. E ratou katoa huanga rerekē rite te iwi e iriti i rerekē ki te hunga e rite te iwi ratou, ka i roto i te whakakai.
“Antonio Russell he 4-0, ngā katoa o tona ora mahi ia tino pakeke. Waho o te omaoma, Ka taea e ia te whakatika tetahi mea. Antoine, ko wai tika taau mo nga tamataraa Olympic, he ngingila. Au rawa whakakake o ia ahau, no te mea ia tika tuite kapiteni o tona piha ki te GPA rawa o te tangata i roto i te mataeinaa Prince George o. Na ka whai a koutou Gary, Kei te pera pakeke mahi nei, te ia te patereareha o te utuafare a muri a'e. Kei a ia he wairua tawhito.
“Ahau whakakake o katoa o toku kuao, me au whakakake e kei tatou he'iuniti utuafare kaha ahau. Ua haapii mai matou i te rota i mate a Gary ki Vasyl Lomachenko. To tatou he moto i te omaoma e iri i te kara, te reira 'e ai ta Angitu ko te Revenge Ultimate’ a kua ora tatou i taua ake mai i te mate. Ua haapii mai matou i te hoê haapiiraa faufaa rahi i taua whawhai, a kua neke i runga i.
“Mekemeke Ko te mea memeha noa, e kore e meatia e koutou te reira ake ake. E tatou te mahi i to tatou mea ake. E kore ahau māharahara e pā ana mea i mea ai te tahi atu taata.
“Ka rite ki te papa, whana koutou parapara metua i roto i te mea i roto i tenei hākinakina, Ka taea e tetahi mea tupu. E kore koe e hiahia ki te kite i to koutou tama mutu ake mamae. Na ako'i tatou mo tetahi tūkunga. No te mea o taua parapara, Kua tino me pakeke kua ahau i runga i aku tama i roto i te tikanga ki te ngana ki te pupuri haumaru ratou.”
GARY ANTONIO RUSSELL (Fighting i runga i te Rāmere, Oketopa. 30 -teata kore Pirimia Mekemeke Champions i runga i Patupatu TV undercard me pea te Whiringa 14 undercard.):
“Ki te ara whakangungu tatou me te whawhai, whakatakoto ake to tatou korero tatou he, me te whakatakoto to tatou he ake to tatou korero.
“Ko taku mahi he ki te haere i roto i reira, ka riro whawhai. E matau ana ahau ki toku hoa tauwhainga ko te taata roroa, engari e mohio ana ahau ano hoki e kore e haere ana ia ki te riro. E kore e whai ia i te mana ki pahaki mowhiti generalship ranei e whai ahau.
“Kia riro ai i ahau, Ahau i runga i ki te muri. Au whakangungua e ahau ki te whawhai i ngā wā katoa. Te ti'aturi nei e ahau te tiki e ahau i tenei taata i roto i te tīmatanga o, ki te haere mai te reira, me te hakari iho. Katahi Hiahia aroha ahau ki te whawhai ki runga ki te kāri o toku tuakana e rua wiki i muri i.”
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Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, TGBPromotions, HardRockHotelLV KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

Hinga GERVONTA Davis & Tūturu ROHE Tuhinga Miguel Cruz TĀURU te whakakai ki pāngia undercard motuhake ON PARAIRE, OCTOBER 30 AT TE wāhi AT UCF I Orlando

Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder E Mahi rite ki te Anō Kaitātari hoki Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions: Ko te Next Rāuna I Patupatu TV
Headlined e Heavyweights Tony Thompson & Malik Scott
9 p.m. AND
Orlando, FL (October 27, 2015) – Rising hinga kore Kōmāmā Gervonta “Tank” Davis (12-0, 11 Koó) me amanaki tūturu Miguel Cruz (10-0, 9 Koó), i Lake Meri tata, Fla. E ngā i roto i pāngia motuhake hei wāhanga o te mahi undercard i runga i Rāmere, October 30 i te Wāhi i UCF, kei muri i te CFE Arena i Orlando, Fla.
Te October 30 headlined hui e heavyweights Tony “Ko te Tiger” Thompson (40-5, 27 Koó) a Malik “King” Scott (37-2-1, 13 Koó) i runga i Te Pirimia mekemeke ChampionsKo te rauna Panuku i runga i Patupatu TV a tarere i runga i BounceTV.com. Toa taumahamaha te ao Deontay “Ko te rererangi Bronze” Wilder ka mahi rite te kaitātari i te āheinga mō te whakaaturanga i runga i Patupatu TV.
Haamata kapinga teata i 9 p.m. AND and features undefeated super lightweights Lydell Rhodes (23-0-1, 11 Koó) a Sergey Lipinets (7-0, 6 Koó) i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio, me opuaraa tūturu Javontae Starks (13-0, 7 Koó) a Samuel “El Macho” Figueroa (9-0, 4 Koó) i roto i te waru rauna o te mahi Welterweight.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te Warriors Boxing, E utu i $102, $52 a $27 a taea te hokona e te karanga Warriors Mekemeke i (954) 985-1155 ranei mā te torowww.warriorsboxing.com. Tickets also available through ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster putanga, na roto i te te karanga 800-745-3000, ranei i te Tari CFE Pouaka Arena.
Davis anga toa mua ao Cristobal Cruz (40-18-4, 24 Koó) i roto i te pakanga Kōmāmā waru-a tawhio noa, a ka fehangahangai Cruz Honatana Batista (14-7, 7 Koó) i roto i te Welterweight take waru-a tawhio noa.
Ngā ano i runga i te undercard ko James McGirt Jr. (24-3, 13 Koó), tama a toa mua ao “Buddy” McGirt, rite e ia i runga i Rimitiriu Walker (8-10-2, 4 Koó) i roto i te ono-a tawhio noa whitu super whakataetae.
Tonu te mahi pakeke-patu ki-tau 22-tawhito Gary Antonio Russell (4-0, 3 Koó), teina o te toa mā te ao Gary Russell, i roto i te faahinaaroraa whā ono-a tawhio noa ki Gabriel Braxton (2-11, 1 KO) i roto i o Whero Oak, Georgia ko Orlando oMercia Figueroa (1-0, 1 KO) i roto i te whakataetae Cruiserweight wha-a tawhio noa ki Boston oKevin Miller (0-1).
He amanaki tino-i titiro nei riro i te 2012 National karapu taitara, Kua tuhia kē te Davis 20-tau-tau e toru whakaora Tuhinga roto i 2015. Te nuinga tata, mutu te Baltimore-Māori Recky Dulay i roto i te taka noa tuatahi i roto i Mahuru. Nona ia te wikitoria whakatau i runga i hōia Tiamana Meraz a ka tango i runga i te toa ao mua i roto i te Tijuana, A Mexico Cruz i runga i October 30.
Fanauhia i roto i Aguada, Puerto Rico me meneti noho inaianei waho o Orlando, te Cruz 25-tau-tau ko ha mēmipa o te Team National Puerto Rico hei runaruna. Ka tahuri ia pro i roto i 2012 a nona e wha whakaora i roto i 2015 rite te mutunga e ia whawhai ki Daniel Rodriguez, Eri Addison, Juan Rodriguez ko Travis Hartman roto i te tawhiti. Ka tangohia e ia i runga i te Batista-tau 31-tawhito o te Dominican Republic.
Fanauhia i roto i Brentwood, Rite New York tona papa toa ao, McGirt inaianei whakaako me te noho i roto i te Vero Beach, Fla. Ko te 32-tau-tawhito angitu wawe i roto i tona mahi ki whawhai Ramond Joval, Jason Naugler ko Patrick Parete ko marere atu i te hākinakina e whai ake nei i te mate ki reira hinga kore Edwin Rodriguez i roto i 2010. Ka hoki ia i roto i 2014 a ka mau iho Larry Smith me Rahman Yusubov ārahi ki runga ki tona October 30 whawhai ki te Walker-tau 30-tawhito i roto i Kansas City.
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Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.premierboxingchampions.com, te whai i runga i Twitter @ PremierBoxing, BounceTV, MalikKingScott, WarriorsBoxingProm KoSwanson_Comm me te whai i te kōrero mā te whakamahi i #PBConBounce, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.Facebook.com/BounceTV a www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo.


WSOF 25 manako NBCSN hou tīmata te wā o 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT

Las Vegas (October 27, 2015) -World Semau aamu o te Fighting (TeSOF.com) hrite whakapumautia te tua o rua pāngia kē - LaRue "te maoritanga o" Burley vs. Joe Condon a Benny "Ko e Tama" Madrid vs. Ramil Mustapayev - Mo ona-tia'ihia tino, kotahi-po, waru-tangata Kōmāmā (155 pauna) whakataetae i runga i te Paraire, Nov. 20, ora i runga i NBCSN i 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT i Comerica Theatre i Phoenix, Ariz.

Me tetahi o quarterfinal toa atamira whawhai o te whakataetae e taea ki te anō-te tomo i te whare herehere mo tona atamira pūmau whāiti e tika ana ki te wharanga paturuhia en huarahi ki te wikitoria, Ka kōkiri te foi o te a'ee ki te tawhio whakataetae e whai ake nei i roto i te wahi o te toa mamae.

Ki te kore ano te toa ranei foi e hauora nui ki te anō-tomo i te whare herehere, Heoi, tetahi o nga toa whawhai rāhui ka mahi ano he whakakapinga i roto i te mara whakataetae.

"Ko te mana oti ki te tua o enei matchups tatou lineup whakataetae, a kei te tumanako tatou ki ia i te whawhai pūmanawa wha tīpakohia mo enei nui whawhai e rua, whakataetae i runga i tenei kāri hītori, me te kia rite ki te tomo i te whakataetae kotahi-whakakorenga ki te tika,"Ka mea Ao Series o Fighting peresideniRangatira Matua.

-Tau 31-tawhito te Burley (6-1) o Gilbert, Ariz. Kei te titiro ki te hoki ki te hanga i muri i te mamae tona mahi tuatahi blemituku ten, he a tawhio tuatahi (:32) KO (meke) i nga ringa o te hōia aravihi me tetahi o nga whakataetae whakataetae waru, Brian Foster, i WSOF 23 i runga i Mahuru 18.

I mua ki te mate, I puta Burley tetahi o rawa opuaraa a MMA, tuhi whakaora i roto i tona whawhai tuatahi e ono ngaio, tae atu ki te toru o tawhio (3:40) WHO (nifó) o te hoa whetū maranga Bubba Jenkins, i muri i te unbeaten career as an amateur. Four of Burley’s six career toa Kua tae mai na roto i te ara o (T)KO tukunga ranei.

Condon (12-8) o Victorville, Calif. Ko te titiro hoki ki te return ki te tīwae win i roto i te mea e waiho tona tīmatanga tuatoru mo te Ao Series o te Fighting, e whai ake nei i te def whakatau lotokai ki Nick Newell i WSOF 20 i runga i April 10.

I roto i tona tuatahi whakatairanga i runga i Hānuere 17, the 29-year-old Condon submitted A Honatana Nuñez ki te kowaowaotia pororere i roto i te toru o tawhio (4:22) o te whawhai i WSOF 17.

-Tau 35-tawhito te Madrid (8-3) o Phoenix kei te haere mai atu i te faahiahia, tuatahi a tawhio noa (1:26) tāpaetanga (kowaowaotia iho muri-tahanga) wikitoria ki runga Jeff Fletcher i WSOF 23. The win snapped a three-fight skid that came after Madrid had reeled off wins in his first seven professional career fights, he maringanui i hora e wha tau i waenganui i 2009 a 2013.

Mustapayev (3-1) o Albuquerque, N.M. mā Moscow, Russia ka meinga e tona World Series o te whawhai tuatahi, me te ka aituä i te tino, 3-0 oma e ko ia i roto i te waenganui o tenei tau.

He mema o te Greg Jackson'S me Mike Winklejohn'S rōpū whawhai orometau, Ko te hou atu te auheke Mustapayev, tuatahi a tawhio noa (3:10) WHO (nifó) o Jarel Askew i roto i te matchup i tangohia e wahi i runga i August 29.

Utu i $29.99, tīkiti mō "WSOF 25: Eight-tangata Kōmāmā Tournament "kei runga i te hoko i te tari pouaka Comerica Theatre me te ipurangi i Ticketmaster.com me WSOF.com.

I roto i tetahi taiapa o te whakataetae take waru-tangata, Luis "maki touwhero" Palomino (23-11) o Miami, Fla. Ka Square atu ki Rich Patishnock (6-2) o Te Tai Rāwhiti Stroudsberg, Pa., ia Brian Foster (23-7) o Sallisaw, Okla. ka whawhai ki João Zeferino(18-6) o Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

I roto i te taiapa ritenga, Brian "o te kaiwhanga" Cobb (20-8) o Bakersfield, Calif. ka whawhai Mike "Te Martian" Ricci (10-4) o Montreal, Quebec, Canada, iaIhirama Mamedov (12-1) o Jersey City, N.J. mā Derbent, Dagestan, Ka fehangahangai Russia Jorge "Macaco" Patino (38-15-2, 1 NC) o Houston, Texas mā Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Ka tutaki i te toa o te whawhai i waenganui i Palomino ko Patishnock te toa o te whawhai i waenganui i Te poipoi, te Zeferino i roto i te atamira whiringa whāiti o te whakataetae, i ka Square atu te toa o te a'ee i waenganui Cobb ko Ricci ki te toa o te a'ee i waenganui Mamedov ko Patino i roto i te atamira whiringa whāiti o te hui.

Ko te semifina rual atamira winners ka fehangahangai tetahi ki tetahi i roto i te Sharinghoaraa a tawhio noa.

I roto i te hui tahi-matua Kōmāmā, Jason "te Kansas City tahae" Runga (18-5) o Kansas City, Koe. ka ko reira i roto i te Estevan "El Terrible" Payan (16-8, 1 NC) o Tempe, Ariz.

Ka whakatuwhera nga tatau i Comerica Theatre i 6 p.m. MT, a ka timata te a'ee tuatahi i 7 p.m.

Kia ka kauwhautia pāngia tahi atu hohoro.

Mō te Ao Series o te whawhai (WSOF)
“Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF.com) Ko te ao whānui pirimia ngaio Toi Martial Mixed (MMA) whawhai whakatairanga whakatapua ki tuku i te pai whawhai mahi-Kikī mō pā whawhai i te whakaputa i te pai ka taea ōrite-ups i waenganui i whawhai whiriwhiri i huri noa i te ao. Mō ētahi atu kōrero haere ki WSOF.com. A pee i “Ao Series o te whawhai” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries a “Ao Series o te whawhai” President Ray Sefo SugarRaySefo.