Pou katoa e FNU47

Dirrell Brothers Hoki rite Pirimia Mekemeke Champions I Koi Hits Atlantic City

Olympic parahi mētara Andre Dirrell Battles o Ahitereiria Blake Caparello &
Former World Champion Anthony Dirrell E I te Veteran Karepe Truax
I te Taj Mahal Casino ko Hotel
Tickets I te Sale Na!
ATLANTIC CITY, Nj (March 22, 2016) – Olympic mātāmuri Andre Dirrell (24-2, 16 Koó) takes on Australia’s Blake Caparello (22-1-1, 6 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio attraction whitu super rite Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) hoki ki Koi i runga i te Paraire, April 29 i Taj Mahal Casino me Hotel i Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Ano i runga i te kāri kotahi, teina o Dirrell, toa o mua te ao Anthony “Ko te Dog” Dirrell (28-1-1, 22 Koó) ka whakatau mua kaiwero taitara ao Karepe “Golden” Truax (26-2-2, 16 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio take whitu super hei wāhanga o te po whakaongaonga o PBC runga i te Koi mahi timata i 9 p.m. AND/8 p.m. CT.
Te titleholder mua 168-pauna Anthony me rua-wā taitara kaiwero Andre he pirimia e rua hoki tetahi oma i aito koura, engari ka whai whakataetae kaki i hoariri tata nei kua i to ratou ake whai wāhitanga taitara.
“April 29 Kei te haere ki te waiho i te po ngahau o te mekemeke,” ka mea a Andre. “He hiakai rite noa ahau Caparello me ngā whawhai ia mo tona mahi kia mohio ahau te ia he tangata tino kino. kua mea katoa i roto i te puni, kua tino pera tawhiti. Ahau oaoa e ka whiwhi raua Anthony me ahau ki te whakaatu i to tatou pūkenga, me te horapa i to tatou ingoa te utuafare noa atu i runga i te whakaatu Koi taua e ahau.”
“Ko te he honore ki te kia whawhai i runga i te kāri kotahi rite toku teina,” Said Anthony. “Te haere ki te waiho i te po nui o te mekemeke. Ko te pai Truax, toa tiketike nei e kawe atu i te pai i roto i ahau. Me ahau te tangata ki te pana ahau ki te max. Ko nga wa katoa toku matapae he knockout.”
piro Caparello te knockdown a tawhio tuatahi i roto i tona 2014 ao taitara a'ee i mua i ngaro ki Sergey Kovalev, i Karepe Truax pakanga toa whitu Daniel Jacobs i roto i te PBC i te Koi tahi-āhuatanga i roto i 2015, oreraa ki Jacobs i te tumanako whakamutunga.
“Ko ha faingamālie nui ki ahau mo te whakaatu i te ao e ko ahau tetahi o te pai 168-patu muka i roto i te katoa o te mekemeke tenei,” Said Caparello. “Ko te piha taimaha no ahau te wahi tenei. Dirrell Ko te mua Häkinakina me, rite ahau, he kaiwero taitara ao. Titau e ahau te whawhai rawa uaua i runga i October 17, engari e mohio ana ahau e waiho ahau nei te wikitoria.”
“Ko te whawhai e whai ahau ki te tango i te rawa o ka riro tenei,” Said Truax. “Ko te tetahi atu rave'a nui mo ahau me au e maka ana e ahau nga mea katoa ki te whakangungu. Ko te pai Dirrell, toa sipoti ki ngā pūkenga. te reira i te mahi uaua engari au ake e ahau mo reira. Au kawea mai e ahau toku He-game kia pai te mahi ia i te taua.”
“April 29 ka waiho hei po tino,” ka mea a Marshall Kauffman o Whakatairanga Kingi o. “He nga teina Dirrell runga i te kāri taua ka waiho he po nui, me te ahurei o te mekemeke. He taranata rawa e rua, me te kei ratou i roto i ki e rua takatu nei e rapu mō pakaruhanga toa i roto i Blake Caparello ko Karepe Truax.”
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te Whakatairanga Kingi o, E utu i $100, $75 a $50, E wātea ana i putanga Ticketmaster katoa me kei runga i te hoko i teie nei.
He Ākuira runaruna e riro e rua U.S. Ao Toa i roto i te tua ki tona mētara Olympic parahi, He rite ki te hoki mai ki te mowhiti te Andre Dirrell-tau 32-tau i muri i te hekenga i te mate tona a'ee whakaritea i mua ki a Caparello. Ko te toa i roto i o Flint, Mau Michigan whakaora mo Arthur a Aperahama, me te Curtis Stevens, e rua parekura kuiti i runga i tona anō anake.
He toa tinihanga i roto i o Wikitoria, Ahitereiria, riro Caparello tana matamua 20 whawhai ngaio matua whawhai i roto i tona whenua kāinga. Nona e ia whakaora mo Michael Bolling, Jorge Olivera, Allan Green me mua hinga kore Robert Berridge. Te-tau 29-tau tino tata piro te whakatau loto mo Affif Belghecham i Pipiri me muri tona a'ee whakaritea ki Dirrell i roa, patua ia Luke Sharp i te whakatau.
kua kite Anthony Dirrell atu ati atu i te nuinga puta noa i tona mahi rite ki tona wa i roto i te mekemeke, kua kua tino whakahawea rua, te tuatahi i roto i te Hakihea 2006 no ka pāngia ia ki kore-Hodgkins lymphoma, a ka noho paetaha hoki 20 marama, me te ano i roto i te Mei 2012 ka whati ia ia i tona waewae raro maui, me te ringa maui i roto i te ati motopaika. Ko te Flint, Michigan-Maori e kore kia e mau ia ia ki raro ia ia e puritia e toa whawhai, me te mahi i tona ara ake nga rarangi ngaio. I roto i te 2014 riro ia tona toa tuatahi ka patua e ia te toa tiakina Sakio Bika. Tona ara hoki ki te taitara 168-pauna timata i Mahuru ka te nuinga ia i te mahi ki a Marco Antonio Rubio i runga i tona ara ki te wikitoria whakatau loto.
Fanauhia i roto i te Osseo, Minnesota, Truax is an experienced veteran who has fought professionally since 2007. Whawhai te nuinga i roto i te kāwanatanga i tona fare, riro te-tau 31-tau i tona tuatahi 14 whawhai. i maturuturu iho e ia i te 2012 pupūtanga ki Jermain Taylor engari haere tūturu i roto i tona waru whawhai i muri mai ki te whiwhi i te whawhai ki a Jacobs. Te nuinga tata, mutu Truax hōia Melvin Betancourt i roto i te wha o tawhio i Hui-tanguru.
Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, @AndreDirrell, @BlakeCaparello, AnthonyDirrell, GoldenCalebT, SpikeTV, SpikeSports, @KingsBoxing_and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.
Highlights available to embed at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC runga i te Koi tautoko e kurahauao tāpiri, pai rawa Beer.

Hinga kore Miramira ATAATA Tuhinga Regis PROGRAIS Super Kōmāmā



Prograis Hei Fehangahangai Veteran Arona Herrera tenei Paraire, March 25
I roto i te Takahanga Main o ShoBox: Ko te New Generation Quadrupleheader


E ora i runga i SHOWTIME® I 10:30 p.m. AND/PT


Regis "Rougarou" Papatono (16-0, 13 Koó) piro whakaora karapīpiti ki runga i opuaraa hinga kore i roto i 2015 i runga i ShoBox: Ko te Generation New. Tenei Rāmere, te southpaw super Kōmāmā e tona record kohakore i runga i te raina ki Mexico o Arona Herrera (29-4-1, 18 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa hui matua o te ShoBox quadrupleheader, ora i runga i SHOWTIME (10:30 p.m. AND/PT) i Buffalo Run Casino i Miami, Okla.


Tirohia THIS ngā ataata o Prograis, a New Orleans native who relocated to Houston after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Prograis wears a werewolf mask during his ring walk as homage to his “Rougarou” nickname. According to New Orleans lore, "Rougarou" Ko te rongonui hawhe-tangata, half-beast werewolf creature. It’s a deviation of Loup Garound, e te tikanga "Wolfman" i roto i te French.


"Whakamahi mātua te Rougarou ki te whakawehi tamariki, me te pupuri ki a ratou i roto i te rārangi,” Prograis said. “My father first started calling me that because in the gym everyone would say, ‘Your son is a beast’. He would say, 'Ko taku tama i New Orleans, na ko ia he Rougarou. '


"Tohu te reira i toku kāhua whawhai, toku fakaengāue, and my Louisiana heritage. Basically it means a swamp beast, with the mind and intelligence of a man. In the ring I am ferocious, engari te whakamahi ano hoki ahau maramarama ki te riro. "

Beibut Shumenov ngā Lebedev-Ramirez Cruiserweight whakakotahitanga taitara whawhai toa

Las Vegas (March 22, 2016) – World mekemeke Association (WBA) Wā toa Cruiserweight World Shumenov Beibu (16-2, 10 Koó) Kei te arotahi te May 21 whakakotahitanga toa taitara waenganui WBA titlist Denis Lebedev(28-2, 21 Koó) ko International Mekemeke Federation (IBF) toa Victor Emilio “Tyson de Abasto” Ramirez (22-2-1, 17 Koó).
A, no te patua Shumenov B.J. Flowers(31-1-1, 20 Koó) Hōngongoi whakamutunga i roto i Las Vegas, ka te toa marama taumahamaha WBA mua WBA toa Interim me ona No. 1 nguha whakahauanga.
Lebedev, Heoi, e kore kua whawhai te whawhai whakahauanga mai i muri April 10 i roto i i riro ia te whakatau 12-a tawhio noa i runga i te toa WBA ka Interim Youri Kalenga . Lebedev made a voluntary tittle offense last November, ka tu Lateef Kayode i roto i te waru o nga taka noa.
ka hoki i roto i te whakakai kia Shumenov muri marama (April), taipitopito ki tonu i ahu, a ka ka wero ia i te toa Lebedev-Ramirez i roto i 90/120 ra o to ratou putanga.
“E rapu ana atu ahau ki ia i te whai wāhi ki te whawhai i te toa Lebedev-Ramirez no tonu ngā i te reira toku taumu'á ki whakakotahi te taitara,” faataa Shumenov. “Lebedev has always been my target. Ramirez is the other fighter I’ve really wanted to fight and my manager tried to make a fight between us, rawa.
“kua ahau i roto i te omaoma mai toku whawhai whakamutunga, whakangungu pakeke ki te tino oku pūkenga. Na, I am a completely different fighter since I fought last July. My team is extremely happy and confident that I can beat all of the other world cruiserweight champions.
Hakihea Mutunga, I whakaritea Shumenov ki paruru i tona karauna WBA Interim ki rua-wā toa Cruiserweight ao Krzyesztof “Diablo” Wlodarczyk (50-3-1, 36 Koó), engari he take hauora nui mo te melo o te utuafare takoha Shumenov ki mawehe i te whawhai i faahitihia.
“Te whai wāhi ki te whawhai i te toa o Lebedev / Ramirez i roto i te whawhai whakakotahitanga nui noa haere e pā ana ki tenei tau, me te kore ahau i whai i taua kōwhiringa hoki, no ahau whakaae ki te tīmatanga whawhai Wlodarczyk hoki i roto i te Hakihea, ka ko e taea ki te ite e ahatia e ahau toku utuafare fakatāutaha,” 32-year-old Shumenov said. “Kahore ahau e raruraru whawhai Wlodarczyk i roto i te heke mai, but only after I fight the Lebedev-Ramirez unification winner. I tua atu, i tetahi wa, Kahore ahau e raruraru whawhai WBA No. 2-runga yunier Dorticos.
“Tika i teie nei, Au ahau i toku pirimia whawhai ano te whakapai ake tonu, whakangungu ki toku kaiako, Ismael Salas. I want to show the world my skills before I get too old. Literally, Ahau rite ki te whawhaiapopo and I’ve been ready for months. I’ll be back in the ring next month and then I’ll get my shot at the Lebedev-Ramirez winner.
Kia Fans hoa Beibut Shumenov i runga i tona Facebook Fan Whārangi i www.facebook.com/BeibutShumenov.

Tūturu BRENT Primus manako 'TONINHO FURIA' KI TE wehenga Kōmāmā LOLOTONGA MAIN KĀRI o 'Bellator 153'


Santa MONICA, Calif. (March 22, 2016) - Ko te aho-ake kāri matua hoki "Bellator 153: Koreshkov vs. Henderson " i runga i April 22 tonu ki te tupu, ki tua atu o tenei ra o Brent primus (6-0) versus "Toninho Furia" (27-5) i roto i te mahi Kōmāmā i Mohegan Sun Arena i Uncasville, Conn.


hono te a'ee te hui matua e ngā te tuatahi Bellator tino tūmanako o Benson "Whakaene" Henderson (23-5), rite wero ia toa Welterweight Andrey Koreshkov (18-1) mo tona whitiki. titlist mā mua Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (24-3) tutaki John "Macapa" Teixeira (19-1-2) i roto i te tahi-headliner me o Connecticut ake "Irish" Brennan Ward (13-3) hoki ki te mahi, ina manako ia Evangelista "Cyborg" Santos (20-16) ki te whakawehi Bellator MMA i 170-pauna.


Tīkiti mō "Bellator 153: Koreshkov vs. Henderson " tīmata i te tika $30 a kei runga i te hoko i Bellator.com inaianei, Ticketmaster.com me te Tari Mohegan Sun Pouaka. Tags ora me te noa i runga i te Koi i te hui 9 p.m. AND/8 p.m. CT, ia ka awa pāngia tuatahi ora i runga i Bellator.com a Te Bellator Mobile App. Kia ka kauwhautia ngā whakataetae tahi atu mau tata.


Whānui i titiro rite tetahi o opuaraa runga o te hākinakina, Primus Ko te toa e kua patua e te kamupene whenua fledging i taonga ia i roto i te tikanga ki te whai i ana moe o MMA koura. hoki Primus ki te whare herehere Bellator MMA hou atu te wikitoria pakeke-whawhai i runga i Derek Anderson i "Bellator 141: Guillard vs. Whitiki. " Na, ka titiro te Beresiria Jiu-Jitsu whitiki pango ki te tono tana mahi mo te rima o nga wa i raro i te kara Bellator - hanga i tona ahua tuatahi i roto i te kāri matua matau-teata.

I muri mai i tona tuatahi whakatairanga, "Toninho Furia" Kua whakaritea e ki kia hoki ki te 155-pauna wehenga ono tekau i mā, te wahi ia whakataetae whakamutunga. Kua whakataetae te hua Team Top Beresiria-tau 27-tau ngaiotanga mai 2005 Kua riro a iwa i roto i tona tekau matchups whakamutunga. Furia he hunaonga tamatahia mō te mutu wawe whawhai, ki waru o ona whakaora e haere mai i roto i te anga tuwhera.


Mō ētahi atu mōhiohio i runga i enei opuaraa e rua, tango i te titiro i ia o ratou pūkete ki runga ki Report Bleacher:

Brent Primus - "Te Ara paraharaha: Amanaki Brent Primus hokohokona tona Business Own mō karapu MMA"

"Toninho Furia" - "Te Ara paraharaha: He rite hoki Bellator Tuatahi maoro Prospect Gleristone Santos"

"Bellator 153: Koreshkov vs. Henderson "Kāri Fight whakahōutia:

Bellator MMA Welterweight World Taitara a'ee: Andrey Koreshkov (18-1) vs. Benson Henderson (23-5)

Bellator MMA mā whitu Co-Main Takahanga: Patricio Freire (24-3) vs. John Teixeira (19-1-2)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Āhuahira a'ee: Brennan Ward (13-3) vs. Evangelista "Cyborg" Santos (20-16)

Bellator MMA Āhuahira Kōmāmā a'ee: Brent primus (6-0) vs. Gleristone "Toninho Furia" Santos (27-5)


Kāri hukihuki:

Bellator MMA Kōmāmā tuatahi a'ee: Sam Watford (1-0) vs. Dean Hancock (2-0)

Bellator MMA mā whitu kë ngä a'ee: Chris Foster (8-4) vs. Felipe Lavandoski (5-0)

Bellator MMA Kōmāmā tuatahi a'ee: Jason Bakanowski (3-2) vs. T.J. Hepburn (4-2)

Bellator MMA mā whitu kë ngä a'ee: Pete Rogers (2-3) vs. Mike Mangan (0-3)

Bellator MMA Light Heavyweight tuatahi a'ee: Mike Zichelle (7-4) vs. Joe Cronin (19-16)

Bellator MMA mā whitu kë ngä a'ee: Matt Bessette (17-7) vs. Keith Richardson (14-6)

Bellator MMA whitu kë ngä a'ee: Tim Caron (3-0) vs. Justin Sumter (0-0)

Bellator MMA whā tuatahi a'ee: Blair Tugman (7-6) vs. Jay Perrin (2-1)


Las Vegas (March 22, 2016) whakaritea -World Series o whawhai kua taiea Toi hōia Mixed (MMA) industry veteran and sports attorney Michael Mersch, ona tino hou Āpiha Whakahaere me General te whakaaro, whai hua tonu.

hopoi mai Mersch ki te toa ao MMA kawenata, i runga i waru nga tau o te wheako rite te whakahaere taumata matua, me te Kaiāwhina General whakaaro mo te Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). In his latest role, mahi ia rite General te whakaaro me tino Tōrangapū Kaitohutohu mo te Nevada Attorney General.

"Ko oaoa ki anō-tomo i te mahi MMA ki tetahi o nga kaitākaro pirimia me rama mōhiotia i roto i te wāhi e ahau,” said Mersch. “With its robust team of media and sports business executives as well as blue-chip partners, timata ki NBC ko IMG, World Series o te whawhai kei roto i te waenganui o te wāhanga whakaongaonga o te tupu, he nui nga mea i runga i te pae. "

"Kei te titiro whakamua matou ki te he kawe Michael Mersch tona taonga o te ahumahi matauranga motuhake, wheako me ngā hononga ki to tatou hinonga tipu, a he māia e ka waiho e ia he kaha peia i roto i te pene i muri o to tatou mahi,"Ka mea a World Series o te whawhai Tumu Carlos Silva.

I roto i tona hou, tūranga rua, ka waiho Mersch hei kaitirotiro i te Ao Series o ngā mahi pakihi o te whawhai me te take ture; whiriwhiri me te tuhia taranata katoa, pouaka whakaata, wāhi, tautoko me te hokohoko whakaaetanga ture; a Aratairaa me te whakahaere whanaunga kāwanatanga tautooraa katoa mo o te kawenata.

He korero i te āheinga auau mō te Sports Lawyers Association me te maha tihi ahumahi MMA, mohio Mersch te rite tetahi o nga tohunga ki mua i runga i te ture me te ture i roto i te hākinakina e tupu tere o te ao.

World Series o mahi whawhai hoki ki NBCSN, ora i Hard Rock Hotel & Casino i roto i Las Vegas i runga i Rāhoroi, April 2, timata i 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT.

I roto i te hui matua o te whetu-hokowhitu, doubleheader aito te ao, kingi whitu ao (185 pauna) toa Rawiri Manga (17-3) ka hoatu tona taitara i hiahiatia i runga i te raina ki runga nguha Clifford Starks (13-2) ia, i roto i te hui tahi-matua, superstars Jon Fitch (27-7-1, 1 NC) a João "Te Beresiria Samurai" Zeferino (20-7) ka Square atu ki te Welterweight wātea ao (170 pauna) karauna i te tĭtĭ.

Whakauru Puerto Rican taumahamaha Jose Medina

Jose Medina.jpg


Winter Haven, FL (March 21, 2016) - Ka rite ki te kuao tamaiti e tipu ake i roto i Puerto Rico, titiro ake Jose Medina ki te taua whawhai e kua tonu te maungärongo i roto i to ratou hītori mekemeke taonga.


Mai i Pirika Trinidad ki Miguel cotto me Juan Manuel Lopez, maha whawhai tino ki te faahiahia i Medina. He ko tetahi rerekētanga nui Heoi. tino nui atu i te katoa o nga greats i tupu ake i runga i te motu heahea mekemeke e noho ko Medina 1,100 maero te tonga o Key Te Hau-ā-uru.


i 6'3 260 lbs, Medina he neke atu i te 75 pauna nui atu i te Māori nui rawa Puerto Rican ki te hopu i te taitara te ao i roto i te Jose Torres. Te hunga türanga ake Medina i mua i te kitenga o ia i roto i te mahi kia ui i tona conditioning engari e kore e he te-tau 19-tau noa nuinga anake ahakoa. I roto i te omaoma, ka karangatia e ia "Kung Fu Panda" stablemates tika ki tona raka shockingly mīharo, me te nimbleness roto te porohita porowhā.


I te runaruna, riro Medina toru Puerto Rican National Toa i mua i te hūnuku ki Florida i roto i 2015 te wahi mau ia i te League Athletic Florida State Pirihimana (PAL) taitara me te hiriwa i roto i te a Paora Murphy Toa. Ia ano hohoro riro he whai nui, rite te rohe Orlando e tetahi o te nui rawa taupori Rican Puerto i roto i te US.


Heoi, e kore e tikanga kore i reira i turaki.


"A, no ia te tuatahi ka haere i konei, e kore ia i whakangungu kaha i te aroaro o,"Ka mea kaiwhakangungu Marco Fazzani. "Kite People ia, no te tuatahi ka haere matou ki te hī me ratou whakaaro ko ia he slouch no o tona ahua. E tae noa ka e matou ia i roto i te whakakai, ka mohio katoa he Medina kahore kata. Mai ngā Kua whakangungu ia i konei, tupu ia e rua inihi me te riro te rota kaha tinana. e mahi hoki matou i nga ra katoa ki te whakapai ake i tona tinana. "


I te Maehe 4, hanga Medina tona tuatahi ngaio i te te La Carte Takahanga ti'ahapa i roto i Tampa ki Richard White. Admittedly io, patua Medina nga jitters tūmanakohia i haere tahi te tango i te potae mo te wa tuatahi, a piro te knockout a tawhio tuarua.


Ka haere i roto i te a'ee White kahore maiki, Kei te whawhai Medina mo te rua o te wa i roto i iti iho i te 30 ra ina tutaki ia Todd Bradley o Brandon, Sports FL i roto i te a'ee a tawhio e wha hei wāhanga o Mad Angatonú whawhai’ "Bombs atu 5" Rāhoroi, April 2i te Bayfront Hilton i St. Petersburg, FL. Ka rite ki te toa kei te tonu whakawhanake nei i roto i te maha ngā āhuatanga, mārama Medina te faufaa o noho pukumahi, me te he oaoa, nui atu i io mo tona whawhai ngaio tuarua.


"Au e ahau rawa mauruuru ki te whawhai i runga i tenei kāri,"Ka mea a Medina. "E tatari matou he huihuinga nui i runga i April 2. kua kite ahau i Bradley whawhai i mua engari e kore e hoatu e ahau toku mahere game atu. tino nui, e hiahia ana ahau ki te hoatu i aku pā whakangahau nui, me te puta upooti'a ".


Kaiwhakatairanga Joey Orduna o Mad Angatonú whawhai Sports, ko wai i Admittedly miharo, no te kitenga o Medina i roto i te mahi, Kei te titiro whakamua ki he ia i runga i te kāri.


"He Jose he ton o taranata, me kei te haere tino ia ki te waiho i te tino kai i roto i te rohe Petersburg Tampa-St rite whakawhanake ia. E ka kē ia i te turanga tahi tino pai, me te rite te taumahamaha ki tere, me te kaha, te nui o te iwi e whai e tupu anake ia. Ahau oaoa ahau kia kite haere ia ki te mahi i runga i te 2nd a whakapono te hunga kahore i kite ia ia i mua i he i roto i te no te te whāki ".


ngā te matchup Medina-Bradley te i runga i te kāri kotahi tekau a'ee whakatairangatia e Mad Angatonú whawhai Sports i te Bayfront Hilton i St Petersburg, FL. Te kāri ngā he maha o kohi Sunshine State tae i te hui matua i waenganui i Welterweight Ali Tareh, 13-11-5 (6 KO o) o Tampa ki Juan Aguirre, 6-16-1, o Jacksonville i roto i te waru rounder me te matchup Kōmāmā tino tūmanako waenganui St. a Petersburg Jose "Lil’ Pacquiao "Resendez, 4-0 (2 KO o), ko Raul Chirino, 7-1 (3 KO o), i roto i o Miami. āhuatanga te kāri he katoa o tekau pāngia me tīkiti i $35 kei runga i te hoko i te te karanga i teie nei 813-507-5110.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo, me ngā whakahōunga, haere ki Facebook.com/Madintegrityfightsports.

WSOF30: Manga VU. STARKS WORLD Tuhinga doubleheader lineup e tango RIMA pāngia tuatahi

KĀRI FIGHT tuatahi KI awa ora ON

Las Vegas (March 21, 2016) -World Series o te whawhai (WSOF.com) faaite i teie mahana i te tua o pāngia kāri tuatahi e rima ki ona tino-teWSOF30 nticipated: Manga vs. Starks ao aito Mixed Arts hōia (MMA) hui doubleheader i Hard Rock Hotel & Casino i roto i Las Vegas i runga i Rāhoroi, April 2, ora i runga i NBCSN i 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT.

Kīnaki i te pire undercard e ka rere ora, i roto i tona taatoaraa i runga i te kaitākaro ataata embeddable runga WSOF.com, timata i 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT, ka waiho hei Welterweight (170 pauna) tutukinga i waenganui i Abubakar Nurmagomedov (11-1-1) a Matt "Te Thunder Mai Raro raro" Frincu (7-1).

Te teina me te whakangungu hoa whāngai o te superstar Khabib Nurmagomedov, te Abubakar-tau 26-tau, e hails i Dagestan, Kei te eke Russia he wini pūkenga e toru-whawhai, ia Frincu o Tempe, Ariz. mā Queensland, ka hoatu Ahitereiria he wini pūkenga e rima-whawhai i runga i te raina.

whakamanamana Nurmagomedov te mīharo 82 ōrau auau mutu, i kua roaa Frincu ono o ana toa ngaio e whitu ki te rā i te ara o (T)KO tukunga ranei.

i roto i te ono tekau (155 pauna) mahi kāri tuatahi, artist knockout tūturu Steve "Thunderbeast" Kozola (6-0) ka meinga e tona World Series o Fighting tuatahi ki hoa nohopuku-maranga whetu Gil Guardado (5-1).

I te ahi mai i tona wikitoria tuatahi ngaio i roto i te Hōngongoi 2013, Kozola o San Diego, Calif. mā Chicago, Mate. kies ki Ao Series o Fighting i muri i te whakaputa hoki-ki-hoki, whakaora KO kino - ia ki te aroraa aritarita o nifó – i raro i te whakatairanga o Bellator.

I te Hānuere 16, 2015, piro Kozola he tuarua a tawhio (1:25) KO runga Honatana Rivera i Bellator 132 a, i runga i Maehe 15, 2015, piro ia he tawhio tuatahi (2:22) KO runga Ian Butler i Bellator 137.

Guardado o Las Vegas e titiro ki te kakari tona win karapīpiti te toru i muri i rua perfor tinoaravihi rahi husde te Ao Series o Fighting whare herehere tahatekau.

Te prodigy-tau 30-tau Xtreme Couture tukuna Pete Martin ki te kowaowaotia pororere i roto i te taka noa tuatahi (3:31) o te mahi i WSOF22 i runga i August 1, 2015, a tutakina atu te tau ki te wikitoria whakatau loto mo Giga Chikadze i WSOF26 i runga i Hakihea 18.

I roto i te mā (125 pauna) mau, Carlos Garcia (1-1) o San Bernardino, Calif. ka meinga e tona tuatahi ngaio ki Jason Pacheco (1-0) o Las Vegas.

Arama Aquaviva (4-2) o Las ka fehangahangai Vegas atu ki Andres Ponce (3-2) o Tempe i roto i te honga whā me te, i roto i te whakatuwhera matchup kāri tuatahi, Jeff Roma (1-2-1) o Las ka Square Vegas atu ki Ingoa kaiwhakamahi Salantri (0-1) i te Welterweight.

He tuaono, middleweigTuhinga (185 pounds) whawhai tuatahi ngā Clinton Williams(7-3) o Las Vegas e kauwhautia hohoro.

Utu i $20, tīkiti mō te WSOF30: Manga vs. Starks, E wātea ana hoki hoko online i WSOF.com me AXS.com.

Doors i te Tahi i Hard Rock Hotel & ka whakatuwhera Casino mo te hui i 4 p.m. PT, a ka timata te a'ee tuatahi tuatahi i 5 p.m.

I roto i te hui matua, reigning World Series of Fighting middleweight champion Rawiri Manga (17-3), o te tuatahi-ake te kawenata, taata tei taitara rua-wehenga, ka hoatu tona karauna i hiahiatia i runga i te raina ki runga nguha Clifford Starks (13-2).

I roto i te hui tahi-matua, superstar Jon Fitch (27-7-1, 1 NC) ka whawhai tata World Series o Fighting kotahi-po, e waru-te tangata whakataetae kaikawe-ake João "Te Beresiria Samurai" Zeferino (20-7) ki te wātea World Series o Fighting Welterweight aito i te tĭtĭ.

Wāhi kē i runga i te-whawhai wha, ora NBCSN telecast, tohunga tukunga Vinny "Pezao" Magalhaes (13-7) Ka Square atu ki Siaki "Ko te Honey Bear" Heun(9-4) i roto i te taumahamaha marama (205 pauna) whakataetae, i te Ao Series o Fighting roanga me te toi knockout Abu "Gladiator" Azaitar (11-1-1) Ka maukati haona ki Danny "Dee1" Davis, JR. (11-10-1) i te Welterweight.



Santa MONICA, Calif. (March 21, 2016) - Ka Bellator MMA o whā Championship i runga i roto i te pitting rematch te rārangi Marcos "loro" Galvao (17-6-1) me te toa o mua Eduardo "Dudu" Dantas (17-4) ki tetahi ki tetahi i roto i te hui matua o "Bellator 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " i runga i Pipiri 17 roto Tiaki Mart Center i Fresno, Calif.


I inumia tuatahi te a'ee ki te tango i te wahi i "Bellator 150: Kongo vs. Spartan " i roto i te Hui-tanguru, engari takoha te toa o nāianei i ki mawehe i te whakataetae e tika ki te mate.


"Bellator 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " te pahiatia e ora i runga i te Koi i 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT, ia ka awa pāngia tuatahi ora i runga i Bellator.com a Te Bellator Mobile App. Kia ka kauwhautia atu whawhai tata.


tīmata tīkiti mo te takahanga i anake $25 a kei runga i te hoko i tenei Rāpare, March 24 with a special pre-sale this Tuesday and Wednesday at Ticketmaster, Bellator.com me te Tari Tiaki Mart Pouaka Center.


"Ratou,"Ko wai kua whawhai hoki whakatairanga te ao-ingoa o nga momo o te Ao Extreme Cagefighting me Shooto mai 2003, Ka whakataetae mo te 11thwā i raro i te kara Bellator MMA. Te-tau 33-tawhito ko wawetia i te waenganui o te pūkenga toa e wha-whawhai, me te kua puta kaha i roto i te whitu o waru ana i kohi whakamutunga. I roto i tona haerenga whakamutunga, Oti Galvao Joe Warren i "Bellator 135: Warren vs. Galvao " mā tāpaetanga ki te riro tana taitara matamua-ake.


Na, Ka titiro Dantas ki tārua i te angitu i ia ki a Galvao i roto i to ratou hui tuatahi, i te hua i roto i te knockout rua-a tawhio noa iBellator 89. The 27-year-old Nova Uniao product bounced back from his unanimous decision loss against Warren to defeat Mike Richman i roto i te taua tikanga i "Bellator 137: Halsey vs. Grove. " Ko te Season Bellator 5 Kei te titiro whā Tournament toa ki te karanga ia ia he toa whā rua-wā mai Pipiri 17.


Whakahoutia "Bellator 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas Card 2 ":

Bellator MMA whā Taitara a'ee: Marcos Galvão (17-6-1) vs. Eduardo Dantas (17-4)

mutu LaManna Mena i te wha i roto i te mua o hokona-i mano i Claridge i Atlantic City

Seldon & Pasciolla tangohia ake whitiki taitara Tri-State; Rainone whakatau Chalmers

ATLANTIC CITY, Nj (March 21, 2016)–Tenei mua Rāhoroi po, nguha Welterweight, Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna thrilled a sold-out crowd at The Claridge in Atlantic City when he scored fourth round stoppage over Kendal Mena that highlighted a action-packed nine bout card.
I whakatairangatia te kāri e Haké Whakatairanga me Vincent M. Gulfstream Whakatairanga o Ponte.
Ki katoa o nga nohoanga noho, whiua pā i runga i te taiepa, a oaoa ratou mahi a LaManna, i mahi-tonu i te pere te whakatuwheratanga.
LaManna used hard right hands to continuously rock Mena. In round one, whakaturia LaManna te reo na roto i te avae Mena ki tetahi o aua tika.
I noho iho LaManna ki ona nifó ki te wāhi i reira tonoa e ia auvaha parau o Mena pupuhi i roto i oh tona mangai e rave rahi mau taime, a te mutunga i roto i taka noa e toru, i kaitautoko Rawiri Fanciosi ki tango i te wāhi i Mena. LaManna continued to rock Mena with hard shots and had him wobbled throughout round four. LaManna had Mena on the ropes and one more hard right hand pummeled into Mena and Franciosi stopped the bout at 2:23 o tawhio e wha.
LaManna o Millville, Nj Ko 20-1 ki e waru knockouts. Mena of San Cristobal, Dominican Republic Ko 20-4.
“Ua ite te reira i te pai ki te tiki i te mutu. I can only see bigger and better things coming for my career, I am only getting better and stronger, a matapae ahau atu knockouts ki mai,” Said LaManna. “ongo'i tūturu ahau tito a mohio ahau i mamae ia i roto i te taka noa tuatahi a tangohia ana e ahau toku wa ki te wahi i a ia ki raro, ka whiwhi ia i roto i. Rising Promotions and Gulfstream Promotions has three more dates at The Claridge (Kia 27, Mahuru 17 ko Whiringa 12) a ka hanga tonu ahau. I am still young and am taking my time to get where I want to be.
Isiah Seldon (8-1) haere mai hoki i muri i te okioki 33-marama ki te ono-a tawhio noa whakatau loto mo Michael Mitchell ki te hopu i te taitara Tri-State Super whitu.
Seldon o Atlantic City tata i te Tuhinga i roto i te kotahi a tawhio rite u ia he tini pakeke o nifó, a i mamae Mitchell i runga i te taura. It looked like referee Mary Glover was stepping in to stop the fight, engari ia wehea tika nga whawhai. Seldon got the best of the action over the game Mitchell and came home with the victory to the tune of 58-56 i runga i ngā kāri katoa.
Rana Pasciolla (7-1-1) riro te taitara Tri-State taumahamaha ki te ono-a tawhio whakatau loto shutout runga comebacking toa IBF Cruiserweight mua Imamu Mayfield (25-10-2)
Kaute i 60-54 i runga i ngā kāri katoa.
Welterweight Popular Long Island Tommy Rainone (25-7-1) hanga i tona tuatahi Hïkoi he tangata angitu rite piro ia he whakatau loto whawhai pakeke i runga i Maurice Chalmers (14-13-1) i roto i te a'ee waru-a tawhio. Rainone used effective punching to open up a cut over Chalmers left eye in round two. Chalmers tried to make the fight, engari whakamahia Rainone porotiti whai hua, me te riro e kaute o 79-73 i runga i ngā kāri katoa.
Daryl Bunting (1-0-1) tīmata te kāri atu ki te wha-a tawhio noa whakatau loto mo Darryl Watkins (0-3) i roto i te a'ee taumahawaenga super.
Bunting win e kaute o 40-36 rua me te 40-35.
Omar Brito (3-2, 2 KO o) piro te knockout kotahi-tokua taikaha mo Bienvenido Diaz (2-2) in a scheduled four-round super featherweight bout.
u Brito te ringa tino matau e tonoa Diaz ki te koaka. Diaz got to his feet but was wobbling around the ring and the bout was stopped at 2:20 o te tetahi a tawhio noa.
Quian Davis (2-0-1) riro te wha a taka whakatau loto mo Corey Morley (0-2-1) i roto i te a'ee taumahamaha.
Kaute i 40-36 i runga i ngā kāri katoa.
Alvin Vermall Jr.. (8-0-1) remained perfect by winning an entertaining four round unanimous decision over D’Quan Morgan (3-3-1) i roto i te a'ee Cruiserweight.
He ko hoki pai, me te puta mahi puta noa i te a'ee. Vermall, ko wai te mea i Catskills, New York has an exciting style reminiscent to another former Catskills fighter in Mike Tyson. Morgan was bleeding from his nose in round three. The two fought a spirited affair with Vermall winning by scores of 40-36 rua me te 39-37.

Hakim Bryant (6-0) noho tino tika ki te ono-a tawhio noa whakatau loto mo Rick Graham i roto i te a'ee taumahawaenga.
Bryant (6-0) dominated the action, a maturuturu iho Graham i roto i te taka noa e ono i te tini i runga i te taura, ka riro e te kaute o 60-51, 60-52 a 60-53.
He wātea te whakaaturanga mō te mātakitaki hoki $14.99 i runga i GFL.TV e pāwhiri HERE
Instagram: risingpromo

Dillon Cook Counting Down Days for ShoBox Debut!


D Cook.jpg

Seneca, MO (March 18, 2016) - I runga i March 25, junior middleweight prospect Dillon “White Lightning” Cook will find himself in a familiar place but with a new challenge when he battles Justin DeLoach in an eight round bout on ShoBox: The New Generation at the Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, OK.


Tickets for the event promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Holden Productions are $45, $55 a $75 and can be purchased by logging onto Buffalorun.com or Stubwire.com.


Hinga kore i roto i 16 professional bouts with six wins by knockout, Cook’s fought five of his last seven matches at the Buffalo Run, winning handily each time. A member of Holden Productions“Four State Franchise”, the popular Cook is from nearby Seneca, MO and fought in front of sellout crowds on multiple occasions. While these are definite advantages for Cook, DeLoach comes into the ring with an impressive background.


Against DeLoach, 13-1 (7 KO o), Cook is taking a significant step up in competition and will do so before a national audience. Hailing from Augusta, GA and based in Houston, TX, DeLoach trained alongside top fighters including IBF junior middleweight champion Jermall Charlo, undefeated Jermell Charlo, Bryan Vera and Edwin Rodriguez amongst others. Aita i maoro a'e, Team DeLoach announced that his new chief second is former two division champion Paul Williams and highly respected George Peterson will work as an assistant.


To prepare for DeLoach, Cook’s been training out of the Heartland Boxing Gym and travels to various gyms for sparring as he anxiously waits for the opening bell on March 25.


“I’m excited for the fight but trying not to let the pressure of fighting on TV get to me,” said Cook, a former National Junior Golden Gloves titlist and six time Kansas City Golden Gloves winner. "(To specifically prepare for DeLoach) we’re working on (technique to counter) his style. DeLoach is a good fighter I’ve seen him fight a few times he’s fast and a busy fighter but I’m pretty fast myself. I expect to match his speed, if not beat it.”


Cook also acknowledges his advantages and never second guessed taking the step up in competition.


“I’m a smart fighter and can adapt well (plus the) hometown crowd is definitely a benefit. I knew we’d step (up the competition in the near future) and this is a great time for it. I’ve had 16 professional fights and am ready to show the world that I’m capable of going to the next level.”


Cook’s promoter, Tony Holden, is confident in his fighter and believes the locals will come out droves to support him.


“I’m proud to see him get a shot on a national stage. He’s a key part of the “Four State Franchise” and is a big crowd draw. He’s worked very hard and I expect him to put forth a tremendous performance. I’d like to personally thank Showtime as well for this incredible opportunity.”


The Cook-DeLoach bout opens up a quadrupleheader live on Showtime (10:30 PM ET). The card also features highly regarded junior welterweight Regis Prograis (16-0) against Aaron Herrera (29-4-1), two showdowns where somebody’s 0 must go between unbeaten welterweights Ivan Golub (10-0) and Marlon Aguas (9-0) and junior welterweights Ivan Baranchyk (9-0) vs Nicholas Givhan (16-0-1).