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E wha-Division World Champion Training Camp Adrien Broner Talks, Showdown With Ashley Theophane & Ētahi atu

Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos & Training Camp Video
I Pirimia mekemeke Champions
Washington, D.C. (March 24, 2016) – toa Super Kōmāmā ao Adrien “Ko te Problem” Broner ka hoatu e te whakahou te puni whakangungu me kōrero tona korero taitara ao ki Ashley “te Treasure” Theophane e matuaTe Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i Koi i runga i Rāmere, April 1 i te DC koki i roto i Washington, D.C.
Kapinga teata i runga i Koi haamata i 9 p.m. AND/8 p.m. CT a ngā rua whawhai undercard whakaongaonga rite whetū maranga hinga kore Robert Aranga Jr. e i runga i te toa mua ao Mendez algenis me te tiaturiraa runga Gervonta “te Mea” Davis anga Mexico o Guillermo Avila.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Mō miria Whakatairanga me Mayweather Whakatairanga i roto i te rōpū ki te HeadBangers Whakatairanga, E utu i $200, $100, $50 a $25, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te hoko tīkiti torongawww.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000.
ka mau Broner wā i roto i te whakangungu ki te matapaki i tona puni i roto i te pane o te iwi, tona hononga ki Aranga Jr., tona pupūtanga ki Theophane me te ake:
“Ahau aroha whakangungu puni i roto i D.C. no te mea e te reira ahau i roto i o toku huānga. Ka taea e te tiki ahau whakakahoretia o te faanevanevaraa, ka arotahi ki runga i te mekemeke. Te rōpū i tatou ki raro i konei hopoi mai te pai i roto i o ahau.
“whawhai katoa e korero ki ahau eé taitamariki rite Robert Aranga Jr. ki te whakangungu rite te reira te whawhai whakamutunga o tou mahi, me te whawhai nui o to koutou mahi. Hoki tenei whawhai, te mea matua ko te e te reira noa te atamira nui, kahore atu rerekētanga.
“e matau ana ahau ki te haere i te reira ki te riro i te huru electrifying ki te mano nui. Ahau haere mai ahau ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu. e mohio ana ahau kei te haere mai Ashley Theophane ki te riro. Ia e kore te haere mai ki te takoto ki raro,, engari kei rite hoki tetahi mea e ahei te kawe ia tatou.
“He kino nga po katoa. Ko tika te whawhai Porter tetahi o oku po kino. Ko koe hoki i runga i te ara tatou, kei tatou hoki ki te he toa ao, a ka noho ahau toa i muri i April 1. Te haere ki te waiho i te whakaatu whakaharahara.
“e matau ana Floyd taea whiua e ahau tona toa. I te mutunga o te ra, te mahi ia te mea te pai hoki tona toa, a te whiwhi e ia he pere taitara. Ko nga wa katoa Mekemeke he tokua atu i te wikitoria. Katoa e te wāhi ki te riro mohio ahau e waiho e ahau te wikitoria engari. Ka hoatu matou ki runga ki te whakaatu nui.
“A, no te kore ahau e ahau whakangungu kua kua e ahau te mahi i runga i te rota o te mea i waho o te whakakai ki Mō miria tae toku taupānga hou e tika whakarewahia me to tatou Mō miria hokohoko ka whai tatou i runga i te hoko i te DC po whawhai koki.
“Te atu riro ahau, te angitu ake ahau. tika i ahau ki te mahi i toku mea i roto i te whakakai me ka huihuia mai i nga mea katoa.
“Ko katoa e taea e ahau te mea he e kore e kemo. Kaua e haere ki te tu noa. Te haere ki te waiho i te whakaatu whakaongaonga.”
Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions a
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Highlights available to embed at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC runga i te Koi tautoko e kurahauao tāpiri, pai rawa Beer.

RIZIN FF tohu DARON Cruickshank AND "HUGGY pea,"Ka ta TUARIMA NEW, STAR-hokowhitu MMA pāngia FOR APERIRA 17 MEGA-MAHINGA I Nagoya, JAPAN

sensation Kōmāmā Daron Cruickshank (whakaaturia) Kua hainatia ki ricin FF, a ka meinga e tona tuatahi whakatairanga i runga i te Sabati, April 17.

e Cruickshank i runga i Shinji Sasaki i whakataetae Kōmāmā;
Huggy Bear anga Kirill Sidelnikov i roto i te pupūtanga taumahamaha

Ētahi atu:
Women o Open Taumaha: GaBi Garcia vs. Anna Malyukova
216 pauna Catchweight: Theodore vs Tāroaroa. Jaideep Singh
Marama Heavyweight: Vadim Nemkov vs. Karl Albrektsson
TOKYO - March 24, 2016- Re'zin FF, te whakatairanga hākinakina whawhai arahina e matenga TEOTEORAA FC mua Nobuyuki Sakakibara, faaite i roto i te amuiraa press teie mahana, that it has inked five new, Arts Arts Mixed whetu-hokowhitu (MMA) pāngia hoki ona nui-tūmanako mega-kaupapa i roto i Nagoya, Japan runga Rātapu, April 17, tae atu i te ono tekau (155 pauna) whakataetae i waenganui i hainatia hou sensation TūrongoDaron Cruickshank (16-8, 1 NC) me te tohunga tukunga Shinji "Torao supernova te" Sasaki (16-8-3), me te pai ano te matchup taumahamaha i waenganui i hoa toi knockout Chris "Huggy Bear" Barnett (14-2) a Kirill Sidelnikov (8-4)

I roto i te tuwhera mahi taimaha o te wahine, whakapaipai toa ao Palāsilá Jiu-Jitsu me MMA amanaki taumahamaha o te wahine GaBi Garcia (1-0) ka tutuku ki e rua-te wā toa Pankration Anna Malyukova (1-0).

Tata ricin whakataetae semifinalist FF Grand Prix Theodore Tāroaroa (8-3) ka tapawha atu ki mua toa K-1 Jaideep "Heart" wiki (2-1 MMA; 40-10, 13 Kickboxing o KO) i roto i te 216- whawhai pauna catchweight.

toa Sambo ao Vadim Nemkov (5-1) Ka tangohia i te tūturu, patu kaitaua-whakaaro, me te runga amanaki Nordic "King" Karl Albrektsson (4-0) i roto i te taumahamaha marama (205 pauna) honga.

Daron Cruickshank vs. Shinji Sasaki

Cruickshank o Wayne, ahau. ka whakaturia waewae i roto i te whakakai RIZIN FF mo te wa tuatahi, e whai ake nei i te-tau 4, 13-whawhai poto ki te whawhai Championship Ultimate (UFC) e ngā whakauru mo whetu tāwhai Yves Edwards, Erik Koch a Anthony Njokuani.

He rua-wa Division NCAA III nonoke ma'u motu mō Oriwa College me te tuarua tohu whitiki pango i roto i te Tae Kwon Do, te 5-waewae-8, 30-Kua riro Cruickshank tau-tau faahiahia i pā te ao ki tona huinga o taikaha pūkenga a Tūrongo.

Sasaki o Hiroshima, Japan is a former Shooto Pacific Rim champion in the midst of a three-fight win streak. In his last start on March 12, te 5-waewae-9, 35-tau-tau e kua roaa 10 o tona 16 mahi toa i te ara o te tāpaetanga, piro te patiri, 40-TKO tuarua i runga i Won pikitanga Park ki o nifó he tupuhi.

(Runga ake: Chris “Huggy Bear” Barnett, ropia i roto i tona waitohu, -Tinana tonu pea take, stands behind MMA legends Fedor Emelianenko (mahue) ko Wanderlei Silva (matau) at a press conference in Japan before Barnett’s first round TKO victory over Shinichi Suzukawa on New Year’s Eve 2014)

Chris Barnett vs. Kirill Sidelnikov

Ki te ringa taimaha, raka maere no tona Force nui me te tuakiri rereke i rö tona "Huggy Bear" moniker, Barnett o Tampa, Fla., kua hanga ngangau i roto i te ao MMA o te mutunga o.

Te 5-waewae-9, 29-tau-tau e hanga ana tatau mowhiti mau he-tinana tonu pea take me whakanui ana whakaora i na roto i te raveraa i nekehanga breakdance me cartwheels i roto i te whakakai, Kua roaa 12 o tona 14 toa mahi ki te rā i te ara o (T)KO. I roto i tona timatanga whakamutunga, piro ia he TKO a tawhio tuatahi (nifó) i runga i Shinichi Suzukawa, i roto i te Tokyo i runga iHakihea 31

Sidelnikov o Stary Oskol, Russia Ko te 5-waewae-11, 27-tau-tau protégé mua o katoa-wā MMA nui Fedor Emelianenko. I Hakihea 29, i hanga e ia tona hokinga ki te mowhiti i muri i te faafaaearaa-tau e rima, te kaute i te kino, tuatahi a tawhio noa (2:23) WHO (nifó) i runga i Carlos Toyota i te hui tuatahi RIZIN FF i Saitama, Japan.

GaBi Garcia vs. Anna Malyukova

He ono-wa toa ao Palāsilá Jiu-Jitsu me te iwa tohu whitiki pango, te 6-waewae-2, 30-Garcia tau-tau o Los Angeles, Calif. mā Sao Paulo, ka hoki mai Brazil ki te mowhiti RIZIN FF mo te rua o te wa i muri i te kaute i te a tawhio tuatahi (2:36) WHO (nifó) i runga i Lei'd Tapa i runga i Hakihea 31.

Malyukova o Penza, Penza Oblast, Russia is a former collegiate basketball star turned Russian MMA Championship and World Cup of MMA winner. After amassing a near unblemished, record mahi runaruna o 7-1, hanga Malyukova tona tuatahi ngaio i runga i Mahuru 26, 2015, kowhetetia te whakatau loto mo tauranga Tatiana.

Theodore vs Tāroaroa. Jaideep "Heart" wiki

Te 6-waewae, 24-Aukstuolis tau-tau o Ukmerge, Lithuania Ko te toa Judo motu kua nei kua Nō te "Lithuanian Werewolf" e pā Japanese nei ite i te toa taitama whakamahi tona kāhua kaitaua ki te patoto i roto i (meke) Bruno Henrique Cappelozza i roto i te taka noa tuatahi (3:32) o atamira quarterfinal te whakataetae o RIZIN FF Grand Prix o te whawhai i runga i Hakihea 29, 2015, i mua i te turakina e toa whakataetae iku "King Mo" Lawal i roto i te taka noa whiringa whāiti

Katoa kotahi o te whakauru Aukstuolis ', ko te kupu tenei i tawhiti, Kua tae mai na roto i te ara o (T)KO tukunga ranei.

Singh o Punjab, India Ko te 6-waewae-6, 28-tau-tau, toa K-1, ka ara, o mua taumahamaha whakataetae kickboxing nei ka mau tona mōrea nui ki te rā ka marere ia i roto i te whakakai ki Emelianenko i roto i te hui matua o te hui whana-atu RIZIN FF i runga i Hakihea 31, ngaro ki te toa Russian rongonui i te ara o te a tawhio tuatahi (3:02) WHO (nifó).

win kōtaha teitei o Singh ki te rā ka haere mai i te K-1 World Grand Prix 2010 hui Whakamutunga i roto i Tokyo, Japan ka piro ia te a tawhio tuatahi (2:58) KO runga superstar Russian Sergei Kharitonov ki te matau tika.

Vadim Nemkov vs. Charles "King" Albrektsson

Ko tētahi atu ākonga ia Emelianenko me te teina o M-1 marama Global hīanga, taumahamaha Viktor Nemkov, te Vadim-tau 23-tau o Stary Oskol ko te toru-wā motu, me te 2014 ao whawhai toa Sambo.

tae Nemkov te atamira whiringa whāiti o te whakataetae RIZIN FF Grand Prix i runga iHakihea 29, mutunga Goran Reljic i te ara o te tuatahi a tawhio noa (2:58) WHO (nifó) i mua i te turakina i te whiringa waru-tangata e Jiri Prochazka.

Te 6-waewae-2, 22-year-old Abrektsson of Sweden will make his RIZIN FF promotional debut as one of the hottest emerging forces in Europe. With a fearless, kāhua māmā o te hara, oti te mema kapa Pancrase Faleva'inga kua katoa o tona hoariri ngaio e wha roto o rua rauna, mā (T)KO tukunga ranei.

Utu i 100,000 iene, tīkiti mō "Presents Top RIZIN Fighting Federation ahau,"E e wahi i Nippon Gaishi Hall, kei runga i te hoko, a taea te hokona ipurangi i Ticketbis.com.

I roto i te hui matua, toa whitu TEOTEORAA FC mua, me te superstar ānaWanderlei "te kaikohuru Tuaina" Silva (35-12-1, 1 NC) ka rōpū ki te toa ki runga ki te kia kauwhautia hohoro, i roto i te grappling motuhake "kēmu tūtohu,"A whawhai he one arā, o hoa pūrākau, Kazushi Sakuraba, (26-17-1, 2 NC) a Hideo Tokoro (33-28-2).

I roto i te whakataetae ture 180-pauna MMA catchweight, puncher mana kinoHisaki Kato (5-2) ka tango i runga i hoa faaoti Yuta "Ētahi" Watanabe (19-6-4).

Hoki ki te mahi mo te wa tuatahi i roto i te rima tau, taumahamaha aroha Kazuyuki "Ol 'Ironhead" Fujita (15-10), ka fehangahangai tata RIZIN FF Grand Prix whakataetae runner-ake, me te toi knockout kino George "Denise" Prochazka (16-3-1).

i roto i te mā (125 pauna) mahi, hai tukunga Allan "Grim" Birth (14-3) Ka maukati haona ki toa whero-wera Yuki Motoya (15-4, 1 NC).

A pee i Re'zin FF:

Paetukutuku – http://www.rizinff.com/en/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/rizinfightingfederation /
Twitter – https://twitter.com/rizin_PR


Lewiston, Maine (March 24, 2016) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, ka mau tona hui muri, “Nef 22: ARATAI ROADS KATOA HERE” i runga i Rāhoroi, April 23, 2016 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The fight card will feature a mix of mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional boxing bouts. I mua i teie mahana, faaite NEF te tua o te a'ee Welterweight ngaio ki te MMA wahi o te “NEF 22” kāri whawhai. Jarod “Minute Last” Lawton (4-2) hoki ki te whare herehere NEF ki te kanohi Arona Aschendorf (2-2) i te taimaha o te 170-pauna whawhai.


Ko tētahi o nga whetu pono o te rārangi NEF, muri ka puta Jarod Lawton mo te whakatairanga i te tau i mua i “NEF 17.” That night, Lawton lost a split decision to Bellator veteran Dennis Olson (14-11) i muri i toru rauna o te nanakia, physical battle. It was Lawton’s first loss in the cage i roto i nga tau e toru.


mau Lawton he whitiki pango i roto i Palāsilá Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). Along with his wife, Marcela Sorentino Lawton, Ko ia te tahi-rangatira o Team Lawton Arts me Athletics auaha – he kapa New England United (NEW) hononga e hāngai ana i roto i te Farmingdale, Maine. With a reputation for pulling out late-fight submission victories, Lawton says that he will be looking for the finish against Aschendorf on April 23.


“Kua ahau mahi pakeke i runga i te whakapai ake i toku kēmu,” Said Lawton. “I am in the best shape of my life and excited to be fighting again. I don’t know much about Aaron, but I’m always prepping to fight tough opponents and put on very exciting fights. I will be hunting for the finish as always.


Arona Aschendorf Ko te mema o te aro Club Atlantic Beach hāngai i roto o Atlantic Beach, Florida. He began actively competing in the sport of MMA in 2004. After a four year break, hoki Aschendorf ki te whare herehere hinga mua tenei mo te Whare o Rongonui MMA i Jacksonville, Florida. He is clear that he plans on coming in aggressive against Lawton when he makes the trip to Maine next month.


“Ka taea e ahau te mea e pā ana ki tenei whawhai katoa ko e au mahue ahau i te reira katoa i roto i te whare herehere i taua po,” said Aschendorf. “I’m going to fight hard and aggressive. Jarod pai kia rite hoki hei whawhai, because I’m not holding anything back.


hui i muri mai New England whawhai ', "NEF 22: ARATAI ROADS KATOA HERE,"E wahi Rāhoroi, April 23, 2016 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. Tickets for “NEF 22” start at just $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei i www.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Victor Ortiz, Andre Berto, Jorge Lara & Quotes Fernando Montiel Press Conference & Photos

PBC i runga i FOX & FOX Sports Rāhoroi, April 30
Mai i StubHub Center i Carson, Calif.
8 p.m. AND/5 p.m. PT
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos
Credit Photo: Arnold Turner / Pirimia mekemeke Champions
Los Angeles (March 23, 2016) – Mua toa Welterweight ao“Nanakia” Victor Ortiz a Ētahi atu “Te kararehe” Berto, me nguha mā tūturu Jorge Lara me te toa o mua ao Fernando “Cochulito” Montiel, tū he hui press i roto i Los Angeles Wenerei ki te matapaki ratou Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i FOX & FOX Sports showdowns tango te wahi Rāhoroi, April 30 i Center StubHub i Carson, Calif.
Te tripleheader o mahi primetime timata i 8 p.m. AND/5 p.m. miramira ana hoki i PT he pupūtanga taumahamaha marama whakaongaonga i waenganui i Edwin “La Bomba” Lotilikuesí a Thomas “Top Dog” Williams Jr.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e TGB Whakatairanga, E utu i $209, $105, $53 a $27, me takoha e hāngai ana, utu me utu ratonga, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei, me te wātea mō te hoko online i AXS.com.
puritia nga whawhai kōti i te Conga Room i L.A. Ora a korero e pā ana ki o ratou matchups rātou. ka TANGLE Ortiz me Berto i roto i te rematch tino tūmanako o ratou 2011 whawhai, riro e Ortiz, i te aranga tika Lara me toa o mua Montiel i roto i te whawhai pekanga o te ara e taea e whakarewa te toa ki te totohe taitara i roto i te wehenga mā whitu tāpae.
Tenei ko te aha te whai wāhi i ki te mea Wenerei:
Victor Ortiz
“Ko te tino tenei te pene i muri o toku mahi mekemeke me te hiahia ahau ki te tango i te rawa ki tonu i te reira. Au ahau hauora, me te au kuao ahau me au taea ki te wahia te keu tonu ahau.
“ka mea te tangata ko ahau he 'kēne tōmato’ nei i kahore mahi he i roto i te whakakai ki Berto te wā tuatahi. i ahau ki te haere ki Connecticut ki te tiki i toku whitiki, me toku faatura.
“kua whawhai ahau he rota o te pakanga. kua ahau i roto i whawhai. whawhati e ahau toku kauae me toku ringa, e te tika i reira e toru nga tau. Ko taku e pai ai ki te whawhai ki ahau arahina hoki. Te atu mekemeke te tiaki ahau, te pouri atu hanga reira ahau. e kore ahau e whakaaro he te tahi atu Welterweights i runga i toku taumata.
“Berto tūkino ahau mo tona tōrino whakararo. mahara ia ia he tupono tenei wa. Nga wa katoa ki te moe pai i.
“E kore e ahau te tawhiti tenei wa. Kei te haere ahau i roto i 100 maile ia haora, kātere tonu.
“2011 ko tetahi patai o te tau. kei te haere mai i te tukurua i runga i April 30 no te mea e hiahia ana ahau i tetahi atu taitara ao. Berto Ko te toa rahi; ka hoatu e ahau ki a ia e. ka waiho e ahau rite, me te mohio ahau e waiho e ia rawa.”
“Au oaoa e pā ana ki tenei tetahi ahau. April 30 Kei te haere ki te waiho i te po nui. fafau atu nei au ia koutou e.
“Te whawhai hoki i roto i 2011, ka eke ia ki ahau. i ia te mea i ia ki te mahi i ki te riro. Ko ki tenei wa haere ahau i roto i tino arotahi, me te rite te tango i nga mea katoa i ongo'i ahau ka mau ia i ahau i taua po.
“haere ahau ki te kura. i taka ahau i te whakamātautau me te inaianei i ahau i te whai wāhi ki te Tipua reira.
“ka mea ia e kore e te reira pai ki te haere i te tawhiti wā whakamutunga, engari tonu i ahau, a kihai ahau i i whakangungu ki toku kaha tonu.
“Toku kaha me te tere kei tonu i reira. Au koa haere mai tenei whawhai e pā ana ki te mea te haere i te reira ki te waiho he nui te po mo nga pā ahau.
“e kore ahau e pā ana ki te rere i toku mangai, me te mea mea tika mo te pāpāho. Kei te haere ahau ki te hoki ake i roto i te whakakai.
“kua hokona e ahau ki te whakaatu Victor etahi faatura no te mea whiua e ia te wā tuatahi i ahau. Ahau nui ahau i runga i te whakaute. faatura ahau Victor me te hītori o whawhai Mexican, hoatu e ratou o ratou toto, werawera me roimata i roto i reira.
“Ko te kupu tenei ui ia mo. Na e hiahia ana ahau ki te kia mohio ia te mea kei te whiwhi ia ia ki. e kore ko te āhuatanga kotahi ano te wa whakamutunga tenei. Na ka kite tatou i te reira i roto i te whakakai. Haere i roto i runga i April 30 a kite ahau hapai i tenei mahi.”
Jorge Lara
“Ko te he honore ki te e taea ki te whawhai i runga i te kāri rite tenei. Ahau tino oaoa e pā ana tomo te mowhiti i runga i April 30.
“e mohio ana ahau e kore te haere tenei ki te waiho i te whawhai ngāwari. Montiel Ko te toa tino aravihi me e te marietia aha e te faaineine tatou ia tatou mo tenei whawhai. e titiro whakamua matou ki te titauraa e whakaatu ana ia.
“whai i te faatura katoa i roto i te ao no te Fernando Montiel ahau. Ko ia he toa nui ao e te rawa u i roto i tona mahi. Me waiho e ahau i toku pai ki te tiki i te wikitoria.
“Ki te au taea ki te riro i te whawhai ka ahau e rite ahau ki te whawhai i te toa o Ihu Cuellar vs. A Apanere Merehe i roto i taua whawhai taitara. Ko te tuatahi, me te roa, E ahau ki te tiki i tenei wikitoria nui.
“Kaua e ngaro i tenei whawhai. e haere tatou i ki hoatu a reira i to tatou katoa, me te haere te reira ki te waiho i te matchup nui. Kei te haere ahau ki te hoatu taku katoa ki te waiho i te reira wikitoria.”
Fernando Montiel
“Ko te he honore, me te pai ai ki te waiho i te wahi o tenei kāri mīharo. Toku whawhai me Lara te haere ki te tiki i te mowhiti wera mo te toenga o te kāri.
“Kei te haere Lara ki mai mateuteu rite noa ahau. Ko ia he toa nui. te ia tūturu me mohio ahau te haere ia ki te kawe i tana pai.
“e mohio ana ahau e Jorge Lara ko te toa rawa pai, te ia kaitaua. e matau ana ahau ki te hanga e ahau he hape taea e te reira he roa te po mo ahau.
“e mohio ana ahau i ahau ki te whakawhirinaki i runga i toku wheako ki te haere mai i roto i te wikitoria. tatari ahau e rua o tatou ki te whawhai. He taea e te tahi mau knockdowns. Te haere ki te waiho i te whawhai ngahau mo nga pā.
“Ahau rawa mauruuru mo te faingamālie me tumanako ahau mai te katoa i roto i no te au whakamahere ahau i runga i te hanga i tenei i te whawhai faahiahia.”
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.premierboxingchampions.com www.TGBPromotions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass / whārangi kāinga me te foxdeportes.com, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, @ViciousOrtiz, AndreBerto,LaBombaBoxing, TopDoggJr, FOXSports, FOXDeportes KoSwanson_Comm ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports awww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. A pee i te whakahaere mā te whakamahi i #PBConFOX. PBC i runga i FOX tautoko e kurahauao, pai rawa Beer.

faaite undercard Mārō mō Apr. 2nd Adamek vs. ora Molina PPV i Poland

Krakow, Poland (March 23, 2016) – He totoka, Kua undercard whakangahau kua kauwhautia hoki “Te Piiraa Whakamutunga,” ngā toa e rua-wehenga te ao Tomasz “rota” Adamek ki mua kaiwero taitara ao Eric “Kai patupahū Boy” Molina, kia whakakitea ora April 2 i runga i te utu-ia-tirohanga i roto i Amerika Te Tai Tokerau i Tauron Arena i Krakow, Poland.
Adamek (50-4, 30 Koó), whawhai i roto i o Jersey City, Nj, a kino hoariri Texan Molina (24-3, 18 Koó) ka whawhai i roto i te 12-a tawhio hui matua mo te wātea International Mekemeke Federation (IBF) taitara taumahamaha Inter-Continental.
ka tuwha Integrated Sports Media te kāri i roto i noho Amerika Te Tai Tokerau i runga i te utu-ia-tirohanga mō te mātakitaki ora i 2 p.m. AND/ 11 a.m. PT i runga i taura, amiorangi a Ipurangi utu-ia-tirohanga mā roto i te tono, DIRECTV, Whatunga rihi, ko Vubiquity i te United States, me te Rogers TV, Bell TV, Shaw PPV ko SaskTel i Canada, hoki te utu hokohoko whakaaro o anake $29.95. Koa whakapā atu ki tō taura rohe kaiwhakarato amiorangi ranei mo ētahi atu mōhiohio. I tua atu, the fight is available in North America for purchase on-line at www.GFL.tv and via the FITE.TV taupānga hoki e rua Android me iOS. te aroaro tēnei takahanga i roto i Poland e Polsat, hei wāhanga o te raupapa Polsat mekemeke Night, me te Events Main a Don King Productions.
“E kore anake e ngākau inapō whawhai Polish i roto i Amerika Te Tai Tokerau i te whai wāhi ki te mataara i te tahi o whawhai runga o Poland, tae Ninety ona-wa katoa pai i roto i Adamek, engari pā mekemeke American, me te Canadian, i roto i te whānui, Ka taea ki te mataara i te kāri ki tonu i ngā whakataetae, whawhai tino ngahau,” peresideni Integrated Sports Media Doug Jacobs mea. “kei tatou oaoa ki te e taea ki te kawe i tenei kāri rahi ki Amerika Te Tai Tokerau, me te whakapono ka pārekareka kaimätakitaki i te avatea o te mahi mekemeke fakangalongata'a.”
te Apr. 2nd pay-per-view telecast will also include three 10-round bouts showcasing three other world title challengers. The co-feature event matches undefeated Polish cruiserweight prospect Michael Cieslak (11-0, 7 Koó) ki e rua-wā taitara ao kaiwero Francisco “te Ruānuku” Palacios (23-3, 14 Koó). Palacios, nei whawhai i roto i o Bayamon, Puerto Rico, rua ka haere te tawhiti oti i roto i tona rua o te taitara ao whawhai ki te toa Cruiserweight WBC Krzysztof Wlodarczyk.
He rua o heavyweights Polish Square atu i roto i whakaritea i te kēmu 10-a tawhio rite Andrzej Wawrzyk (31-1, 17 Koó), tona mate ana'e rite te ngaio i ki toa ao Alexander Povetkin i roto i te 2013 whawhai taitara ao, tutaki toa Polish mua Marcin Rekowski (17-2, 14 Koó).
Ko He atu a'ee Cruiserweight-ao te piha haapiiraa i runga i tap rite titlist Pākehā mua Mateusz “Kaiwhakaako” Masternak (36-4, 26 Koó) e ki runga ki o Oklahoma pouri-whakaaro Eric “Danger” mara (24-3, 16 Koó). Masternak, tetahi atu nguha te ao i Poland, kua runga i roto i te runga 20 e tinana matua e wha katoa hoki, (WBA #10, IBF #14, WBO #15 a WBC #18). A former WBC Youth champion, riro Masternak te taitara Cruiserweight Pākehā i roto i 2012, and WBC International Silver championship a year later. I roto i te 2014, ngaro Masternak te whakatau ritua 12-a tawhio i roto i te WBA whawhai taitara Cruiserweight Interim, engari whakamutunga tau mutu ia Ailton Carlos Nascimento ki te hopu i te wātea karauna WBA Inter-Continental.
Mara ko te hōia whawhai-whakamatauria he toa ao patua Kelvin Davis a whawhai contenders runga pērā i Ola Afolabi, yunier Dorticos a Ilunga Kabu.
kia whakakitea ai e rua atu whawhai, wā tukua e. toa Pākehā e rua-wā Rafal “Braveheart” Jackiewicz (48-14-2, 22 Koó) anga Welterweight Polish Mikara Syrowatka (13-1, 4 Koó) i roto i te rematch 10-a tawhio o ratou whawhai Hakihea whakamutunga i roto i nei Jackiewicz, tetahi Polish kaiwero taitara ao, won by way of a fourth-round technical knockout. In a 10-round European female lightweight title fight, toa tiakina hinga kore ewa Brodnicka (10-0, 2 Koó), o Poland, tutaki toa Italian record Torti (9-5, 3 Koó).

New York State Mekemeke Hall o Rongonui Whakangungu tīkiti hakari hoko nohopuku Rātapu, April 3 i te Russo On te Bay

Hector Camacho, Rocky Graziano, Arona Davis me upoko Howard Cosell 2016 piha haapiiraa
NEW YORK (March 23, 2016) – Kei te hoko nohopuku tīkiti mo te rima o-tau New York State Mekemeke Hall o te Rongonui (NYSBHOF) tina arataki, tautoko e Ring 8, Rātapu ahiahi (12:30-5:30 p.m. AND), April 3, i te Russo On te Bay i roto i te Howard Beach, New York.
NYSBHOF Class o 2016
toa Welterweight World (’90-91) Arona “Superman” Davis Bronx
toa World teina Welterweight (’93-94) Charles “te Natural” Murray Buffalo
E rua-wā kaiwero ao taitara Kōmāmā Vilomar Fernandez Bronx
World kaiwero taitara Kōmāmā Edwin Viruet. New York City
4-wā, 3-toa wehenga ao Hector “macho” Camacho Spanish Harlem
toa whitu World (1952) Rocky Graziano Brooklyn
World Kōmāmā (’25-26) titlist Rocky Kansas Buffalo
2-wā titleholder whā ao Joe Lynch Brooklyn
“toa Welterweight Uncrowned” Joe Miceli Buffalo
International Mekemeke Hall o Rongonui kaiwhakahaere matua ed Brophy Canastota
Kaiwhakatairanga Joe DeGuardia Bronx
Komihana / tuakiri pāpāho Randy Gordon Melville
Kaiwhakatairanga / kaiwhakahaere Dennis Rappaport Queens
Kaiwhakahaere Howie Albert Bronx
Trainer / cutman Freddie Brown Manhattan
autaua pouaka whakaata New York City Howard Cosell New York City
Kaimekemeke / kaitautoko Ruby Goldstein Manhattan
Kaiwhakahaere Jimmy Jacobs New York City
Ka riro ia ia inductee he whitiki ritenga-hoahoa hei whakaatu i tona arataki ki te NYSBHOF. Plaques are on display at the New York State Athletic Commission.
Te 2016 i tīpakohia inductees e NYSBHOF ngā mema o te komiti whakaingoa: Jack Hirsch, Steve Farhood, Bobby Cassidy, JR., Don Majeski, Henry Hascup, Ron McNair, Angelo Prospero a Neil Terens.
kaimekemeke katoa e hiahiatia ana ki te kia hohekore mō tau i te iti rawa e toru i roto i te tikanga ki te kia āhei hoki NYSBHOF arataki, a me inductees katoa kua noho i roto i te New York State mo te wahi nui o to ratou mahi mekemeke i te pirimia o to ratou mahi tēnā ranei.
CLASS o 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Carlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emile Griffith, “Sugar” Ray Robinson, Gene Tunney, Benny Leonard, Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Steve Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Nat Fleischer, Bill Gallo a Arthur Mercante, Sr.
CLASS o 2013: Jack Dempsey, Johnny Tanitī, Sandy tera hōiho, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Archer, Iran Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones , Junior Jones, James “Buddy” McGirt, Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, Bob Harumu, Shelly Finkel, Tony Graziano, Larry Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard a Don Dunphy.
CLASS OF 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Juan Laporte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafa Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr., Lou Ambers, Jack Britton, Terry McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Steve Farhood, Gene Moore, Angelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, CuS D'Amato, William Muldoon a Tom O'Rourke.
CLASS OF 2015: Haora Mamby, Joey Giambra, Johnny Persol, Harold Weston, Lonnie Bradley, Paora Berlenbach, Billy Graham, Frankie Genaro, Bob Miller, Tommy Ryan, Jimmy Slattery, Bob Duffy, Mike Katz, Tommy Gallagher, Bruce Silverglade, Charley Goldman, Jimmy Johnston, Cedric Kushner, Harry Markson, Damon Runyon ko Al Weill.
Utu Tickets e i $150.00 ia pakeke me te $60.00 mō ngā tamariki (i raro i 16), a ka whakauru i te moko oti, me te cocktail haora ki runga ki te urunga, tīmata i12:30 PM/AND, me te tina (rara pirimia, ika heihei ranei) and open bar throughout the evening. E wātea ana ki te hoko tikiti i te te karanga NYSBHOF / Ring 8 peresideni Bob Duffy i 516.313.2304. E wātea ana Pānui mō te hōtaka NYSBHOF, mai $50.00 ki $250.00, mā te whakapā Duffy. Haere i runga i te raina i www.Ring8ny.com hoki atu ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te New York State Mekemeke Hall o te Rongonui.
Bob Trieger, PRESS Full Kooti, 978.590.0470, bobtfcp@hotmail.com
ABOUT KING 8: I hanga i roto i te 1954 e te ex-prizefighter, Jack Grebelsky, Ring 8 ka te waru o nga āpiti o i reira he aha mohiotia rite te Veteran National kaimekemeke Association – konei, KING 8 – me te i ēnei rā parau tumu o te whakahaere tonu mau tonu: Kaimekemeke Tauturu i kaimekemeke.
KING 8 Kei te tino ngākaunui ana ki te tautoko i te iwi iti waimarie i roto i te hapori mekemeke nei e rapua e te tauturu i roto i ngā o te aufauraa i reti, utu hauora, ranei te mea tika fie ma'u.
Haere i runga i te raina ki te www.Ring8ny.com hoki ētahi atu mōhiohio e pā ana ki KING 8, te rōpū nui o tona ahua i roto i te United States me neke atu i te 350 te mau melo. Utunga mema Annual ko anake $30.00 a e tika ana te melo tata'itahi ki te hakari kuru i KING 8 hui ā-marama, hāunga Hōngongoi me August. Kaimekemeke hohe katoa, runaruna me te ngaio, e tika ana ki te KING haapoupou 8 mema tau. Manuhiri o Ring 8 He mai te mau melo i te utu o te anake $7.00 ia tangata.

Washington, D.C. Maori Anthony Peterson Te pakanga Kana Häkinakina Samuel Neequaye & Faces Super whitu nguha J'Leon Love Michael Gbenga I Rāmere, April 1 From the DC Armory In Washington, D.C.

Plus undercard katoa o Prospects Local!
Pirimia mekemeke Champions runga i te Koi haamata I
9 p.m. AND/8 p.m. CT
Washington, D.C. (March 23, 2016) – nguha Kōmāmā Anthony Peterson (36-1, 24 Koó) titiro ki te whakaatu atu i roto i tona oire ina pakanga ia Kana Häkinakina Samuel Neequaye (22-1, 15 Koó) i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio i runga i te Paraire, April 1 i te DC koki i roto i Washington, D.C.
te April 1 āhuatanga hui he Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i Koi headlined tripleheaderwhich e papatu wha-wehenga te ao Adrien “Ko te Problem” Broner tango i runga i nguha Ingarangi Ashley “te Treasure” Theophane ki te kapinga teata timata i 9 p.m. AND/8 p.m. CT.
ngā mahi atu i roto i te mowhiti 168-pauna nguha J'Leon Love (21-1, 11 Koó) i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio ki Nigeria o Michael Gbenga (17-24, 16 Koó).
ka kite atu wae undercard te tokotoru o D.C. Maori tomo te mowhiti rite-tau 23-tau 'amanaki taumahawaenga Demond Nicholson (16-1, 16 Koó) anga Ghana o Joshua Okine (22-4, 15 Koó) i roto i te a'ee waru-a tawhio noa, 20-tau-tau Welterweight hinga kore Kareem Martin (7-0-1, 3 Koó) i roto i te a'ee ono-a tawhio noa ki Somner Martin (5-1, 3 Koó) a-tau 21-tauPatrick Harris (8-0, 5 Koó) i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā ono-a tawhio ki Ghana o Samuel Amoako (21-8, 15 Koó).
Whakaawhiwhi i te mahi he-tau 24-tau Shyngyskhan Tazhibay (2-0, 2 Koó) i roto o katatānga engari whakangungu i roto i Washington, D.C., ko wai e fehangahangai-tau 23-tau Georgia-taketake Riarus Dudley (2-0-1, 2 Koó) i roto i te Welterweight pupūtanga e wha-a tawhio.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Mō miria Whakatairanga me Mayweather Whakatairanga i roto i te rōpū ki te HeadBangers Whakatairanga, E utu i $200, $100, $50 a $25, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te hoko tīkiti toronga:www.ticketmaster.com, wāhi Ticketmaster, karanga ranei (800) 745-3000.
Ko te teina o te toa o mua ao Lamont Peterson, tūmanako te Peterson 31-tau-tau ki te hohoro te hanga he ingoa mo ia i roto i te whawhai taitara ao. Rangatira o te whakauru ia mo Daniel Attah, Dominic Salcido, Mike Oliver ko Marcos Leonardo Jiménez, te Washington, D.C. Kei te titiro hua ki te riro tana whawhai karapīpiti whitu ka tomo ia ki te whakakai i roto i tona ake whenua. e ia i runga i Neequaye i Ghana e whakaako nei i teie nei i roto i Maryland. kanohi ia Ghana i te 2008 Olympics me tino tata patua Eugenio Lopez.
He nguha-mea patu kotahi i 168-pauna, hoki poipoia te aroha-tau 28-tau i tona mate ana'e ki te nuinga Scott Sigmon i Maehe, Jason Escalera i Pipiri me Marcus Upshaw i Mahuru ki te tiki ia ia i hoki i roto i te ao ranunga taitara. Ko te Inkster, Nona Michigan taketake whakauru mo Marco Antonio Periban, Derrick Findley ko Lajuan Haimona i runga i tona ara ki te nguha tūnga. e ia i runga i te Gbenga Nigeria-whanau nei patua Marcus Vinicius de Oliveira i Hui-tanguru.
# # #
Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions a
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Highlights available to embed at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC runga i te Koi tautoko e kurahauao tāpiri, pai rawa Beer.

RUA-TIME AO Tuhinga Andre Ward VU. Tūturu Sullivan Barrera



NABF mā whitu Tuhinga JOSEPH Diaz JR. VU. Jayson Vélez

Korukī Workout MEDIA ME Whakaahua

Showdowns whakaritea FOR SATURDAY, MARCH 26

AT Oracle Arena I Oakland, California


Pāwhiritia HERE hoki Whakaahua

Credit Photo: Roc Nation Sports / Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos

Jonathan, Pērā i (March 23, 2015) - I te Rātū, March 22, Rua-Time World Champion me runga-tauanga toa pauna-no-pauna Andre Ward (28-0, 15 Koó) me te tau kotahi tauanga IBF nguha taumahamaha marama Sullivan Barrera (17-0, 12 Koó) whai wāhi i roto i te tūmomo pāpāho i Faleva'inga o Kingi i roto i Oakland, California i roto i te mua o to ratou March 26 whawhai i Oracle Arena i Oakland. ka whakatau Ward ko Barrera i maha IBF 12-a tawhio kotahi tūranga me eliminator tūranga whakahauanga a'ee teata ora i runga i HBO World Championship Boxing® timata i 9:45 p.m. AND/PT. NABF mā whitu Champion Hohepa "Jojo" Diaz Jr. (19-0, 11 Koó) a runga-tauanga nguha mā whitu Jayson "Star" Vélez (23-1-1, 16 Koó) i hoki i roto i te haereraa i roto i te tūmomo mua o to ratou 10-a tawhio noa NABF mā whitu whawhai taitara e ka whakatuwhera ake i te telecast HBO.


I muri ahau nei i roto i te whakakai me he torutoru rauna i runga i te peke pahaki, whai wāhi whawhai e wha katoa i roto i ngā uiuinga ki te mau melo o te pāpāho i roto i te haereraa i. Super Bowl Champion me Oakland Māori Marshawn Lynch, he tautoko Andre Ward kaingākau, hanga he ahua motuhake i roto i te tūmomo i tautoko o Ward.


Kei raro ko te aha te whawhai i ki te mea i roto i te īngoa pāpāho whakamutunga:


Andre Ward, Rua-Time World Champion me runga-tauanga toa pauna-no-pauna:

"Ite ahau pai, me te rite ki te haere ahau. Au tae rawa ahau i te wa e tika. Ahau oaoa noa ki te tiki i te reira i runga i Rāhoroipo.


"Whakamahia ahau ki te pei e Oracle Arena i runga i 880 rite te koati i runga i toku ara ki a Faleva'inga a Kingi me miharo ki taea meinga e ahau te reira i reira tetahi ra, me te [kaiwhakangungu] Virgil [Hunter] whakamahia ki te mea ki te māia, 'E haere koe ki te kupu matua ki reira.' I ka ahau pakeke, whakamahia ahau ki te haere ki etahi o nga kāri hoatu ki runga ki i roto i te ao. Ko ahau tonu he runaruna me tika ahau e moemoea. mea i muri e matau koutou, i roto i te 2009, Ko ahau i roto i te whawhai totohu kaukau ranei ki Edison Miranda. Ki te riro ahau, i reira ko pea he tupono pai e e whiwhi ahau i te pere taitara me te toenga he hītori. Tenei e ano matou, te reira toku 7th wā i Oracle me te reira tonu he manaaki.


"Ko reira te wa tika ki te neke ki te taumahamaha marama. Ko te he huinga o kahore he te takatu tika ki te whawhai takatu ranei kihai i e hiahia ana ki te whawhai ki ahau. e hiahia ana ahau ki te kia nui. Ko nga momo o nekehanga whai koe ki te hanga i enei. ahau he ākonga o te hākinakina me te ina ako ahau i te hākinakina, Ko tenei te mea i mahi tonu greats. neke ana ratou ake. Nga mea nui kitea he ara ki te kia meatia reira ka hiahia ahau ki te kia i roto i taua aparauraa.


"Ko Barrera he tinana nui. te ia māia. Mea ki te riro i te puncher pai. kihai matou i kohia ia no te mea te ia he pa ngohengohe. tangohia matou ia no te mea i haere ia ki te tiki rite ahau, ka whakaatu i ahau te mea katoa tenei akomanga taimaha e pā ana ki. Ki te titiro koe i toku mahi, i reira te he wahi mo te rangi-ups e kore i ahau i te rota o te. e hiahia ana koe ki te whawhai i te pai, a, ki te kahore koutou e whawhai i te pai, e hiahia ana koe ki te whawhai ki te maha kotahi nguha. E te aha e tatou te mahi.


"Whakaaro ahau ahau tipu ahau ki te toa tōtika. Au neke ahau, ina whai ahau ki te neke. whakaaro ahau e te te ataahua o tetahi kaipara e kore e kino i tona tinana, me te tino e tona mahi tino. kua kite ahau i te tahi mau tuhinga e kereme ngaro ahau toku pirimia. te reira haurangi ki ahau. ite ahau e ahau kia rite ki te pai rite ahau kua tonu kua. Kua ahau i roto i te omaoma mekemeke, kahore nui o te whati mo te mua 20 tau. Ua haamauruuru ahau toku roro mo te rua tau e whakamutunga. Ua haamauruuru ahau toku tinana. rua tetahi tau ai homai te reira i ahau i roto i toku mahi.


"E e ahau ki te kia tika ahau. Ko wai ahau he nui. e kore ahau e whai ki te whakaatu ake i mo Kovalev i te mano i runga i Rāhoroipo. Tatou noa i ki te whakatinana i te mahere kēmu. whakaaro ahau e te haere ki te tuku i te karere ngā mahara te reira ki te tukua a ki te kahore e te reira, na e tika ia [Kovalev] te tiki i te karere ka whawhai tatou.


"Ki te kore ahau e riro tenei whawhai, i reira te kahore iho te ara. Ki te kore ahau e riro tenei whawhai, e kore ahau i te tikanga ki te whawhai mo te taitara. Ko te te mooni o toku āhuatanga.


"E kore kua Barrera whawhai he taata rite ahau i te aroaro o, kia taea e ratou te kōrero i te kēmu pai. Ka taea e ratou te nuinga i te kupu matua ārahi ake ki te whawhai. Ka taea e ratou te mea i te mea patipati katoa e hiahia ana ratou ki te mea. hinaaro noa tatou ki te nuinga i te matua Rātapu ata i muri i te mea i runga i te whawhai. E te aha ahau arotahi ki runga i ahau. "


Sullivan Barrera, Tau kotahi tauanga nguha taumahamaha marama IBF:

"Au kaha rawa Ward ahau. E ahau te papamuri Cuban ka ako ahau te rota o te pūkenga ki reira. Neke atu i te tetahi mea, te faaotiraa ki te hinga tetahi i roto i mua o ahau e tauturu i te hinga ahau Ward i runga i March 26.


"Kia ahau i roto i te whakakai, te reira i toku whare.


"He mea katoa Ward, ka whakarite ahau ki a reira, ka taea te reira.


"E e ahau e rua ringa. He ia e rua ringa. E ahau he mahi ki te mahi i runga i March 26.


"E mohio ana ahau Ward ko Kovalev e te tino tino faatura a hanga ana e ratou he rota o te moni, me te rota o te pānga, heoi kahore ratou e mohio ki te mea Sullivan Barrera Ko te ahei o te mahi. ka whakamatau ahau e i runga i Rāhoroi.


"E kore au tino ahau he taata e kua ki te titiro hoki te knockout. Oku pūkenga mekemeke korero hoki ratou. Kua whawhai ahau Andre Ward me te whawhai ki konei i roto i Oakland, na e kore ahau e whakaaro ka he whakatau utu i roto i toku manako.


"Ki nga pā katoa, tautautefito nga pā Cuban e kua tautoko ahau pai mohio e haere mai Rāhoroi, e haere ana ahau ki te mahi i whai ahau ki te mahi i ki mai i roto i te wikitoria mea katoa. "

JOSEPH Diaz JR., NABF mā whitu Champion:

"E kore e taea e ahau e mahara ki ta Jayson i ki Ronny Rios i tenei whawhai. kua ka ahau ki te haere i roto i reira, whakamatautau ia ia i roto i, me te whakarite ina ahau i roto i te whakakai.


"Ki te he hakari te faingamālie ano te wahi e ngā tukino ia me kite ahau e teimaha e oku nifó ia, Na o akoranga haere ahau ki te tiki i roto i reira, kia pukuriri, me te kia tangohia e ahau ia i roto i rite wawe rite taea.


"Mohio ahau whiwhi i runga i te roto, tapahia ana te whakakai me tango te reira ki te tinana e tika ana atu e pakaru ia ia ki raro. te e haere ki te hanga ia e kore e neke rite nui, a muri i runga i roto i rauna taea ahau whenua whiu nanakia ki te matenga. Kei te haere ahau ki te tango i te reira ki te tinana e tika ana atu.


"Hinengaro ahau 100% rite. Ko te atamira nui i roto i toku mahi i tenei, na au hinengaro arotahi ahau. Ahau pai rite. Ahau ite rite tenei te te taime i tatari ahau mo katoa toku ora katoa. ite ahau rite ahau rite mo tenei, a e kore e taea e ahau e tatari mo March 26. whakangungua ahau rawa pakeke hoki tenei whawhai, me ahau pai rite hoki reira.


"Hinaaro tino e ahau ki te hanga i te tenei whawhai tauākī. e hiahia ana ahau ki te whakaatu i te ao e taea e Hohepa Diaz e te mea nui i muri i roto i te mekemeke, na ako'i ahau rawa uaua ki te hoatu i runga i te whawhai nui mo nga pā whawhai, kia tino pukuriri, me te hanga i te reira te whawhai i roto i reira. Te ti'aturi nei ahau e Jayson Vélez he 110% rite no te mea ahau e hiahia ana ia ki te hei i tona pai.


"Ki te riro ahau i tenei whawhai, me te hanga i te tauākī, whakaaro ahau e taea e ahau te neke ki te tūnga nguha, me te tūmanako te tiki i te taitara te ao koperea e te mutunga o tenei tau. e hiahia ana ahau ki te whawhai hoariri uaua tenei tau no te hinaaro e ahau ki te whakaatu i te ao nei ko ahau.


"Ite ahau ano he kararehe, ina manga ahau ki te whakakai me e taea kite ahau i te reira i roto i te mākutu. Taime atoa au ū ahau whiu whai hua, Ka taea e ahau e korero ki e ahau pupuri ahau toku hoa tauwhainga. "

Jayson Vélez, Top-rated nguha mā whitu:

"I toku taumata, nga taata Ko te nguha runga. E ahau ki te whakangungu uaua me te whakapai ake i toku korero. Kua mahi ahau i runga i taua.


"Ki te kite koe i toku whakamutunga e toru ranei e wha whawhai, ka kite koe e kua e ahau i tūtahi i o rauna te tokorua tuatahi, me te ka e ahau te rere i roto i te hau, Kua mahi ahau i runga i toku haamahu kia kore e e tupu i runga i March 26.


"Kua kite ahau i whawhai a Diaz. Kua sparred tatou o nga wa he tokorua. ngā ka ia tere. ngā ka ia he matekai. te reira tana tuatahi HBO, na tino ngā kipakipa ia, engari na ko ahau. Te haere ki te waiho i te whawhai nui.


"E hiahia ana ahau ki te hei toa o te kupu. e mohio ana ahau e hiahia ana ia i te reira rawa. I te Rāhoroi, ka mohio tatou ko wai te hinaaro te reira atu. e hiahia ana matou e rua ki te riro a he whakangungu e rua hoki te wini matou. He whawhai i waenganui i te mana me te tere ko te nui kēmu-ake. Kore ki te whakahua te ia Mexican, me te ahau Puerto Rican. Ka taea e koe te tūmanako he whawhai nui, me te kore te mea kotahi e hiahia ana koe ki te mahue. "



Ward vs. Barrera, he 12-a tawhio IBF maha kotahi tūranga me eliminator tūranga whakahauanga aroaro nei e Roc Nation Sports i roto i te rōpū ki te Events Main, e wahi Rāhoroi, March 26, 2016 i Oracle Arena i Oakland, California. The event is sponsored by Corona Extra, Ticketmaster, Whakahaere Travel Rangatōpū Solutions (CTMS), koa, toronga, Zappos, BodyArmor, SAN Nutrition, Shoe Palace, Te Waterfront Hotel ko Tirohia Oakland. Ka te hui e teata ora i runga i HBO World Championship Mekemeke timatanga i 9:45 p.m. AND/PT. Te whakatuwhera i te telecast HBO ka Hohepa Diaz Jr. vs. Jayson Vélez i roto i te whawhai 10-a tawhio noa mo te taitara NABF mā te aroaro e te Whakatairanga Boy Golden i roto i te rōpū ki Miguel cotto Whakatairanga.


Tickets utu i $300, $150, $100, $50 a $25, e kore tae e wātea ana utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha i ngā wāhi Ticketmaster katoa, ipurangi i Ticketmaster.com (bit.ly/WardBarreraTix) a tenei i te waea i (800) 745-3000.


A pee i te kōrero i runga i Twitter mā te whakamahi i #WardBarrera.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo, tirohia www.rocnation.com, www.mainevents.com,www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.promocionesmiguelcotto.com, www.hbo.com/boxing, whai matou i runga i Twitter me Instagram @rocnation, @main_events, @goldenboyboxing, @cottopromotions me @HBOBoxing me riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.facebook.com/RocNation, www.facebook.com/MainEventsBoxing, www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing a www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.



Las Vegas (March 22, 2016) - New York State haere ture rohe tenei ra tukua Arts hōia Mixed heke mai (MMA) whakataetae ki te tango i te wahi i reira.

World Series o Fighting Tumu Carlos Silva hanga nga parau e whai ake nei:

“Ko te ra whakaongaonga, me te hītori hoki to tatou hākinakina nui tenei. Those who have been lobbying for the legalization of MMA in NY State, tae atu World Series o tumutumu hou o te whawhai Michael Mersch, kia mea tuku hoki ratou kaha me te ngākau nui ki te kitenga i roto i te wahi o te ture e ka hopea tukua pā ki te mataara ora MMA i roto i te Empire State, a ki whawhai whakataetae ki reira. We recently opened an office in Manhattan so, me to tatou hoa pouaka whakaata, NBC, e rapu ana tatou i mua ki te mau mai i to tatou waitohu o ngaio MMA ki New York rawa hohoro. "

Bellator MMA Tuhinga ON legalization o MIXED mua ARTS IN NEW YORK


Santa MONICA (March 22, 2016) - I teie mahana, te State o New York haere ture e ka tukua te hākinakina o toi hōia whakauru ki te heke i te "Empire State."


Bellator MMA peresideni Scott Coker i tenei ki te mea e pā ana ki te fanongonongo rohe:


"Pōti te New York Assembly o ki te whakamana i MMA ko te taime wai kei mo tenei hākinakina maere. Ka rite ki te tangata kua nei kua whakatairanga hākinakina whawhai hoki neke atu i te 30 tau, Ko te wa rawa whakaongaonga hoki i konatunatua toi hōia tenei. Kei te nui atu tatou i Bellator MMA titiro atu ki te whakahaere i tētahi kaupapa i roto i te 'Karauna Jewel o Amerika,’ New York. Two Bellator champions, Liam McGeary ko Marcos Galvao karanga New York kāinga me mohio ahau tikanga reira he mahi nui ki te rua o ratou, rite e te reira mo te whakatairanga katoa. Kua kua kua matou i roto i te whakapā atu ki te iwi nui i te Center Barclays me rave rahi atu wāhi maere, a kore e taea e tatou e tatari kawe hohoro tatou kaitäkaro-ao te piha, me whakaaturanga mahi-Kikī ki te ao i roto i te Empire State.”