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بررسی کاربر Pronabolin: افزایش طبیعی تستوسترون

توسط: غنی برگرون

قبل از آن غنی

من اخیراً این فرصت را داشتم که یک تقویت کننده تستوسترون به نام مصرف کنم پرونابولین, که یک محصول کاملا طبیعی است. به عنوان یک چوب بر با شرکت هیزم خودم (www.deadwoodsociety.com), من همیشه می توانستم از انرژی و عضله بیشتری استفاده کنم, اما این تنها دلیلی نبود که متوجه شدم به تستوسترون بیشتری نیاز دارم.

امسال برای اولین بار در هنرهای رزمی ترکیبی به عنوان یک مبارز آماتور آماده می شوم. من جیو جیتسو برزیلی و ضربات پویاتر را به تمرینات پس زمینه ام در کاراته اضافه خواهم کرد, بوکس و کشتی. همچنین قوانین خاصی وجود دارد که باید در آماتورها رعایت کنم که آرنج از هر نوع و تمام زانوها به سر منع شود.. این تمرین به قدرت زیادی نیاز دارد, استقامت و خودکنترلی.

قبل از یادگیری در مورد پرونابولین و امتحانش کن, من منتقد بزرگ رزمی‌کاران قدیمی‌تر بودم که از TRT استفاده می‌کردند: درمان جایگزین تستوسترون. فقط بحث و جدل زیادی پیرامون این موضوع وجود داشت, و هنگامی که معافیت ها برای درمان ها مجاز بود، مزایای سلامتی هنوز مشکوک بود. درمان‌های تجویز شده تستوسترون در آن آگهی‌های بازرگانی رایج ظاهر می‌شد که از افرادی که این داروها را مصرف می‌کردند و عواقب شدیدی را متحمل می‌شدند می‌خواستند با یک وکیل تماس بگیرند و برای خسارت وارده عدالت بگیرند.. سکته قلبی و مرگ از فوری ترین موارد بود “اثرات جانبی” از محصولات قوی تر.

پس, زمانی که Pronabolin قول داد همان افزایش تستوسترون را با مواد طبیعی ارائه کند (پایین را ببینید), من بهش یک فرصت دادم.

حقایق تکمیلی

به خط استفاده پیشنهادی در بالا توجه کنید. این تنها مشکلی است که با این محصول داشتم, و من امیدوارم که آنها به دنبال تغییر برچسب های خود در آینده باشند. دستورالعمل ها به بزرگسالان می گوید “گرفتن 3 کپسول یک بار در روز.” من با توصیه به کاربران برای مصرف یک کپسول همراه با صبحانه با آن مقابله می کنم, یکی در اواسط روز یا ناهار و دیگری بعد از ظهر یا اوایل عصر. استفاده همزمان از هر سه مورد به عنوان معرفی محصول، به من انرژی بسیار ناراحت کننده ای داد و باعث شد قلبم در دقیقه یک مایل به تپش برسد.. بعد از آن به سرعت مصرفم را به یک یا دو کپسول در یک زمان تنظیم کردم.

نگرانی اصلی من با تمرین کاهش وزن بود, و این محصول کمک بزرگی به آن بخش کرد. من از اطراف شروع کردم 205-210 پوند و قادر به حفظ وزن در حدود 195 در این نقطه. این تنها ده پوند با جایی که امیدوارم اولین بازی رزمی خود را در آن داشته باشم فاصله دارد: 185 پوند. قبل از استفاده پرونابولین, من واقعاً با کند شدن متابولیسم و ​​افزایش وزن بسیار مشکل داشتم. استفاده وفادارانه از این محصول به طور روزانه به متابولیسم من کمک کرد, و به نظر می رسید که فواید گوارشی بارزترین اثر از همه باشد.

یکی از پیشرفت‌های شگفت‌انگیزتر و خوشایندتر که در هنگام مصرف پرونابولین تجربه کردم مربوط به زندگی عاشقانه‌ام بود. تصمیم به شرکت در یک مسابقه هنرهای رزمی مختلط تنها بخشی از کمپین من برای تغییر زندگی من به سمت بهتر در همه مهم ترین دسته ها بود.. من فقط می خواستم بدنی قوی تر باشم, معنوی, موجود روانی و اجتماعی.

قبل از شروع مصرف پرونابولین، کمی جستجو برای خرما را آغاز کردم, و من قبل از مصرف این محصول اشتهای شدیدی برای رابطه جنسی و استقامت عالی داشتم. پس, در حالی که من واقعاً به کمک نیاز نداشتم, Pronabolin در واقع من را به عنوان یک عاشق به سطح بعدی برد. یک بار خانم مناسب را پیدا کردم و جدی شروع کردم, عشق ورزی بیشتر و شدیدتر شد, به دفعات بیشتر (پنج یا شش بار در یک شب گاهی اوقات), و همیشه برای خودم و شریکم بسیار راضی کننده است. من قطعا متوجه شدم که چگونه پرونابولین می تواند من را به یک سطح جنسی بالاتر ببرد و من را در آنجا نگه دارد, و همینطور دوست بانوی جدیدم.

ملاقات با زن رویاهایم و فهمیدن اینکه او به اندازه من عاشق زمان در رختخواب است، مزایای دیگری نیز به همراه داشت.. او در نزدیکی یک ورزشگاه هنرهای رزمی مختلط زندگی می کند که من می توانم در آن تمرین کنم, و او همچنین یک دوست با یک سگ دارد که دوست دارد با من به پیاده روی طولانی برود. او حتی در تلاش برای کاهش وزن خودش است, بنابراین زمانی که ما ملاقات کردیم، زمان بندی کاملاً عالی بود.

من قطعا می توانم بگویم که Pronabolin واقعا زندگی من را تغییر داد. این هیچ حقه یا دارونما نیست, و کار می کند! امیدوارم با نزدیک شدن به اولین مبارزه ام به تمرینات سخت تر و سخت تر ادامه دهم, و Pronabolin بخش بزرگی از این رژیم آموزشی خواهد بود.

توجه به این نکته ضروری است که اولین مرحله من از استفاده از این محصول شامل مصرف هر سه قرص هر روز نبود. من همچنین در طول فصل استاندارد سرماخوردگی و آنفولانزا در نیوانگلند با چندین بیماری دست و پنجه نرم می کردم. این تأثیر منفی شدیدی بر روال تمرینی من داشت, درست زمانی که به نظر می رسید در ریتم خوبی هستم, به خصوص در دو ماه گذشته بیماری مرا از این وضعیت بیرون انداخت. شاید برای تقویت سیستم ایمنی بدنم هم باید به دنبال مکمل هایی باشم. نکته اصلی این است, این یک فرآیند بررسی محصول خیلی علمی نبود. من Pronabolin را به روشی مصرف کردم که بسیاری از کاربران معمولی احتمالاً می توانند با آن ارتباط برقرار کنند.

در مرحله بعدی تمرین من از پرونابولین بیشتر به عنوان یک بلوک ساختمانی رسمی برای دگرگونی بدنم استفاده خواهم کرد.. در حال حاضر من بیشتر از یک ست چهار بسته شکم دارم تا یک بسته شش, و حتی این خیلی واضح و مشخص نیست. قفسه سینه من نیز نیاز به تقویت و فرم دهی بیشتری دارد.

قبل از اینکه وارد قفس روبه‌روی یک رزمنده دیگر شوم, من احساس می کنم که برای من ضروری است که بهترین ظاهر فیزیکی را که می توانم ارائه دهم، ایجاد کنم. می‌خواهم تماشاگران و حریفم بدانند که من یک مدعی جدی هستم, و این با نشان دادن تمام نتایج کار سختی که منجر به مبارزه شبانه می شود شروع می شود.

در حال حاضر, من می توانم به صراحت بگویم که پرونابولین به من کمک کرد تا ثابت کنم که تمام درمان های تستوسترون برای سلامت طولانی مدت ورزشکار خطرناک یا مضر نیستند.. این محصول همچنین به تامین انرژی طبیعی کمک کرد, متابولیسم من را افزایش داد, و به من فرصت جدیدی در زندگی جنسی من داد.

من به پرونابولین پنج ستاره می دهم, و من مشتاقانه منتظر ورود به مرحله بعدی آموزش و به اشتراک گذاشتن نتایج اینجا و بعد هستم صفحه یوتیوب ما.

من پیشرفت و عملکرد خود را در مرحله بعدی با دقت بیشتری دنبال خواهم کرد, و من آموزش خود را در معرض دید عموم قرار خواهم داد تا واقعاً نشان دهم که چگونه Pronabolin می تواند به هر کسی که می خواهد بدن و کیفیت زندگی خود را بهبود بخشد کمک کند..

اگر تجربه ای از این محصول دارید می توانید به اشتراک بگذارید, لطفاً نظر خود را بگذارید و به ما بگویید که Pronabolin برای شما چه کرده است.

این تقویت کننده طبیعی تستوسترون را سفارش دهید
برای سفارش امروز روی این تصویر کلیک کنید!

ویکتور اورتیز, دیگر برتو, ادوین رودریگز, Thomas Williams Jr., خورخه لارا & Fernando Montiel Media Workout Quotes & عکس

PBC در FOX & FOX ورزشی این شنبه Night at 8 p.m. و/5 p.m. PT
از مرکز StubHub در کارسون, کالیفرنیا.
کلیک کنید اینجا For Photos From Chris Farina/TGB Promotions/Premier Boxing Champions
نکته: Photos are forthcoming; please check the link shortly
سانتا مونیکا, کالیفرنیا. (آوریل 27, 2016) – Fight week kicked-off Wednesday afternoon with media workouts for the long awaited rematch between former world champion “معیوب” ویکتور اورتیز و دیگر “حیوان” برتو که سرفصلبرتر قهرمانان بوکس بر FOX و FOX ورزشی در روز شنبه, آوریل 30 از ورزشگاه استاب هاب سنتر در کارسون, کالیفرنیا.
عمل در شروع می شود 8 p.m. و/5 p.m. PT and features an explosive battle between light heavyweight sluggers ادوین “لا بومبا” رودریگز و توماس “بهترین سگ” ویلیامز جونیور. plus unbeaten featherweight خورخه لارا taking on former multiple division world champion فرناندو “Cucholito” Montiel در.
بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط تبلیغات TGB ترویج, در قیمت $209, $105, $53, و $27, به علاوه مالیات قابل اجرا, هزینه ها و هزینه خدمات, در فروش در حال حاضر و برای خرید در دسترس هستند آنلاین در AXS.com.
قبل از شروع دعوا تلویزیونی, یک مقام فن متحرک خواهد شد برای دارندگان بلیط خارج از مرکز StubHub به برگزار. حوادث در شروع 2:30 p.m. PT و ویژگی های یک آبجو باغ تاج, کامیون های مواد غذایی, موسیقی را از باند Metalachi و دستخط خریدهای با مبارزان محبوب مانند لئو سانتا کروز, ابنر مادیان, شاون پورتر و بیشتر.
Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from the Wild Card West Boxing Club in Santa Monica:
I put a total of 14 weeks of work into this fight. Nothing easy about that work. Come the 30هفتم, I’m going to prove why I beat Berto the first time.
“من می دانم که برای انجام چه کاری اینجا هستم. I’ve got my fire back. People claim that I don’t have the fire, but you’ll see on آوریل 30.
People don’t know what I go through on the daily. When I’m injured for months at a time, I just have me and my team. ما سخت کار می کنیم.
I’m going to be back on top in no time. That’s my opinion. I know where I belong.
I’m focusing on Berto. That’s my target and that’s my focus.
He’s done what he’s done. You have to respect that. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. We’re going toe-to-toe.
دیگر برتو
This is the type of game where if you don’t respect it, it won’t respect you. I’m in a much better place right now. I’ve learned a lot over the years since the first fight. I’m healthy and focused.
“من فقط آماده برای رفتن هستم. Camp was tremendous. We’re really ready to get in there and do it.
There’s a lot that goes into this for me. It was my first loss and I had so many emotions back then, so it’s time to get that monkey off my back.
My plan is to win this in a fashion so there will be no third fight.
My focus is on getting the victory روز شنبه شب. I want to look good doing. I’m not thinking about anything after that.
I’ve worked on a lot of different things in camp. We’re going to do whatever it takes to get the win.
You all haven’t ever seen me look like this. I’ve pretty much locked myself in a cage for eight or nine weeks. I’ve put everything aside. I’ve just been grinding.
He’s got some power and some style. He can do a few things. We have to go at it.
I feel great at this weight class. I have the speed and strength to make an impact in this division.
I hadn’t fought a southpaw in a while but we’ve had great sparring with guys like Marcus Browne. I feel very prepared. I’ve never had an issue with southpaws.
I’m excited to be back on the west coast. This is an incredible card. I was at the first fight between Ortiz and Berto and It’s going be another great fight. But I’m coming to steal the show در روز شنبه شب.
In boxing you’re as good as your last fight. Right now I’m a warrior who took more shots than I should have. I’ve improved quite a bit but I want to improve on any fights. I’m not going down again.
توماس ویلیامز جونیور.
“پیروزی, lose or draw you know Thomas Williams will bring the fight to you. I’ve been dropped and gotten up. This won’t go the distance, so don’t blink.
I’ve been boxing since I was five-years-old. I have an amateur pedigree and been pro since 2010. I had to take some time off in 2014 but now I’m back and stronger than ever.
The biggest challenge is just getting to the ring. I don’t want to get caught up in the talk of what he does. It’s just going to be me in there. If I go in and do the things that I’m supposed to do, I should come out on top.
You have to keep your punches short against a pressure fighter. A short punch will beat a wild punch any day. I just have to keep my composure and stay relaxed.
I haven’t watched any of his fights. I leave that up to my trainers to create the game plan and we go from there. I have seen him fight before. We were on the same card, so I did have the chance to watch him live.
خورخه LARA
Montiel has been around a long time. He’s been a world champion and he comes to fight.
I’ve studied him and watched him fight before. I feel I know him very well. I have a plan for how I’m going to get to him.
I am very well prepared. I’m not worried about his experience. I’ve trained hard to be ready and I know what I have to do on fight night.
The winners in this fight will be the fans. We are going to put on a great show and give the fans something to remember.
If I can beat him, I can move up the rankings and get closer to a world title shot. That is my goal and this is a big step on my path.
I’m really pumped up about fighting in front of the fans in Southern California. I know they will appreciate my style and it will be a great atmosphere در روز شنبه.”
فرناندو Montiel در
Lara is a young talented guy and I’m going to have to be at my best. He’s a dangerous guy and I will have to be ready.
I had to change everything to fight the lefthander after preparing to fight Abner Mares. We had a great camp and we will be ready.
I’m excited to be on a card like this. I think the main event is going to be a really fun fight for the fans. I see both guys going down during the fight but I’m going with Victor to win.
PBC در FOX است توسط تاج حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع. برای اطلاعات بیشترWWW.premierboxingchampions.com WWw.TGBPromotions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/صفحه خانگی و foxdeportes.com در توییتر دنبال کنیدPremierBoxing, ViciousOrtiz, AndreBerto, LaBombaBoxing, TopDoggJr, FOXSports, FOXDeportes وSwanson_Comm و تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک در www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing,www.facebook.com/foxsports و WWW.facebook.com/foxdeportes. دنبال گفتگو با استفاده از #PBConFOX.
Richard T. SloneThe official artist of the International Boxing Hall of Famewill be signing official posters of his Ortiz vs Berto 2 artwork. اولین 2,000 people to arrive to the Corona booth will get an autographed poster.

D and D Promotions Rumble at the Rink on شنبه چهارم ژوئن در The Grundy Arena در بریستول ارائه می دهد, PA

آزادی فوری

بریستول, PA (آوریل 27, 2016)در روز شنبه شب 4 ژوئن, یک سری جدید بوکس راه اندازی می شود زیرا D و D Promotions افتتاحیه خود را ارائه می دهد “در Rink غرش کنید” سری بوکس که در گراندی آرنا در بریستول, بابا.

مفهوم این سری این است که برخی از استعدادهای حرفه ای در حال ظهور را همراه با برجسته کردن رزمندگان آماتور برتر در دره دلاور روی همان کارت های مبارزه نشان دهد..
تبلیغات D و D, که متشکل از دیوید پرایس و داک نوویکی به مفهوم توسعه حرفه ای اعتقاد دارند & مبارزان آماتور و آنها را همزمان در معرض دید طرفداران بوکس قرار دهید.

کارت مشخص خواهد شد 4 مسابقات حرفه ای و همچنین 6 مسابقات آماتور سطح بالا.

“این راهی عالی برای هواداران بوکس است تا با ستارگان آن آشنا شوند فردا و این مبارزان را در همان نمایش داشته باشید. تعداد زیادی از مبارزان بزرگ وجود دارد, هم حرفه ای و هم آماتور در منطقه, و این به آنها فرصت بزرگی می دهد تا فرصت هایی برای نشان دادن توانایی های خود به دست آورند,” گفت دی و دی تبلیغات دیوید پرایس.

“ما مشتاق هستیم که بوکس را به منطقه بریستول برگردانیم. در این مجموعه مبارزان برجسته و گرسنه بسیاری حضور خواهند داشت. ما می توانیم مبارزات هیجان انگیز و رقابتی را تضمین کنیم که بهترین بوکسورهای جوان نیز در آن حضور خواهند داشت,” گفت تبلیغات D و D, توضیحات Nowicki.

بلیط های این عصر ویژه هستند $100, $75, $50 & $30 و با تماس با دیو قیمت در 267-246-7182 یا Doc Nowicki در 609-923-3982

Grundy Arena در واقع شده است 475 خیابان بیور در بریستول, PA


Photos by Team Lipinets
لس آنجلس, مانند (آوریل 27, 2016)Russia’s undefeated super-lightweight prospect, سرگئی Lipinets (9-0, 7 کوس), is adapting well to his surrounding here in the United States. Born in Martuk, Kazakhstan but fighting out of Southern California where he now resides, Lipinets is getting great work with top notch fighters, یک موجود ویکتور اورتیز.
Lipinets spent quality time in camp with Ortiz, helping him get ready for his highly publicized rematch with Andre Berto, taking place at the StubHub Center in Carson, کالیفرنیا این شنبه.
During his training camp for Berto, Victor and I went to war,” said Sergey Lipinets. “Right now I feel Ortiz is fighting at a high level and I feel he’s going to come out on top in the rematch. I gave him some great looks that I know is going to be beneficial to his game plan. Sparring with Ortiz was a great experience for me and I feel confident I can become a world champion in the near future.
In his last outing Lipinets scored an impressive fifth-round knockout against لوان Ghvamichava (16-2-1, 12 کوس), a 10-round main event that was nationally televised on FOX Sports 1. With only nine fights under his belt, Lipinets is gaining much respect within the boxing community.
After sparring sessions, coaches often come up to me and give me words of encouragement.Lipinets continued. “They tell me I have what it takes to become a world champion. The respect I’m getting from the inner circles of the boxing community is very flattering. من با سخت کوشی می دانم…all my dreams will come true.

کیت تورمن در مقابل. Shawn Porter Press Conference Quotes & عکس

My friend is about to become my enemy….
ژوئن 25 I’m doing my best to put you to sleep.” – کیت تورمن
He thinks he’s going to knock me out, I say he’s notI’m going to do everything it takes to beat him and make it look easy.” – شاون پورتر
This is the best that boxing has to offer.” – لو DiBella

کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس ها از آماندا وست / SHOWTIME
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس های از اد Diller / DiBella سرگرمی
نیویورک (آوریل 26, 2016) – Welterweight world champion کیت تورمن و قهرمان سابق شاون پورتر went face-to-faceTuesday afternoon in Manhattan as they hosted a press conference to discuss their highly anticipated روز شنبه, ژوئن 25 showdown on SHOWTIME قهرمانی بوکس در CBS, ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس از مرکز بارکلیز در بروکلین زندگی می کنند.
پوشش تلویزیونی در آغاز می شود 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT with featherweight world champion عیسی Cuellar defending his title against former three-division world champion ابنر مادیان.
بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط DiBella سرگرمی ترویج, شروع در $42, از جمله هزینه های قابل اجرا نیست, و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. بلیط را می توان با مراجعه به خریداری آنلاین www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com و یا با تماس 1-800-745-3000. بلیط نیز در دفتر جعبه امریکن اکسپرس در مرکز بارکلیز در دسترس هستند. تخفیف گروه از طریق تماس با 844-BKLYN-GP در دسترس هستند.
Thurman and Porter went eye-to-eye and talked about their eagerly awaited 147-pound world title clash that takes place in primetime on ژوئن 25.
اینجا چیزی است که شرکت کنندگان به حال برای گفتن سهشنبه:
کیث تورمن
I made you wait. But it’s worth it. This is a tremendous fight. Arguably the best matchup of the year. We’re going to work our butts off to make it the Fight of the Year.
Our two teams go way back. This is the most beautiful moment of my professional career and I’m about to compete with somebody I grew up with. I’m happy for my success and I’m happy for Shawn’s success. We come from the same boat. When you’re a young kid in the gym training and then you’re here today, that takes a special kind of person. Shawn and I are both that kind of person.
We took six weeks off after my accident, with three days a week of physical therapy. I was relaxing at home. I didn’t like it. به عنوان یک جنگنده, I wanted this fight as bad as the fans wanted this fight.
This isn’t just the biggest fight of my career. But it’s the most anticipated fight of my career. Sometimes it pays to add some drama to the game. It wasn’t our intention, but I think it worked out.
Barclays Center makes this a big fight. We get to promote here in New York City. New York is a fight town. My favorite fighter of all time, مایک تایسون, is from Brooklyn. This just happened to work out for the best.
I anticipate most of the welterweight division being in attendance on ژوئن 25. The situation that division is in right now is that we’re all in a frenzy. Everyone wants the spotlight and everyone wants to be the top dog. We all have that opportunity.
I want to have two titles by the end of this year. People talk about replacing Floyd Mayweather, but you can’t become the man without beating all the people in front of you. هربار یک دعوا. I want to stay at the top by grabbing another belt. I’m going to show that I’m the big dog at 147 پوند.
ژوئن 25, my friend is about to become my enemy. I’m going to treat him like any other enemy.
Get your tickets. Get your seats. Get your popcorn. Whatever you need to do. This is going to be a fight you don’t want to miss. This is going to be a knockout you don’t want to miss. I love you Shawn, but I’m doing my best to put you to sleep.
شاون پورتر
“من در مورد این مبارزه بسیار هیجان زده هستم. I’m blessed to have this opportunity. Not only to go for this title but to be a part of a record-breaking show at Barclays Center. This night is going to be memorable.
Keith Thurman is bringing out the competitiveness in me to a level I’ve always wanted. It’s a level I expect. I have a guy next to me who is challenging me more than ever. Me and Keith Thurman are going to put on a show. Everything you talked about, you’re going to get it.
It is amazing to be a part of something great like this. I’ve always considered myself to be a very good fighter and a very good athlete, but I’ve always wanted something like this and to have it is very humbling.
I wasn’t surprised that Keith said he would knock me out. He has to pump himself up and be confident. When he looked at me I think he was trying to convince me that he was being real and I was looking at him to find out if he was convinced. He thinks he’s going to knock me out, I say he’s not. I’m going to do everything it takes to beat him and make it look easy.
This is forming to be a big fight, one of those fights that we’ve looked forward to since we were kids.
This is my second time fighting at Barclays Center. من هستم 1-0 with a championship so now I’m looking for another one. I’ve been to some of the other fights at Barclays too and it is really an electric atmosphere. People are coming out to see something great and that’s what I’m going to give them.
I’m not changing anything in camp because of how familiar Keith and I are with each other. I have to do it at the right time in the ring. We’re going to do everything we do to prepare for a world championship fight.
Thurman is a little unorthodox at times so we’re prepared for that. It’s about going 12 rounds or less and looking good doing it. We’ve done a little sparring as pros but nothing as competitive as I’m expecting on ژوئن 25.
I have a feeling Keith is going to say he’s knocking me out a lot. I want to know if he believes that. He’s a cutthroat kind of fighter. من آن را میدانستم. The hands will be up, the defense will be taken care of, and we’re taking care of business.
DAN BIRMINGHAM, Thurman’s Trainer
We’re looking forward to this fight. به من, Keith and the Porters go way back, but sometimes you have to fight your friends.
These two guys are both at the top of their games and the best man is going to win.
KEN PORTER, پدر پورتر & ترینر
Dan Birmingham is actually one of my mentors and I’ve been watching Keith since he was 14-years-old. We’re all friends but to have the opportunity on this stage, I don’t think we can have better competitors as fighter and trainer. I don’t think it can reach a higher level.
I fully expect the immovable object versus the irresistible force meeting in the ring for an explosion on ژوئن 25.”
لو DIBELLA, رئيس جمهور از DiBella سرگرمی
This is the best that boxing has to offer.
“کیت تورمن در مقابل. Shawn Porter could very well be the Fight of the Year. It’s a fan fight that everybody has anticipated for many years. These are the two most established welterweights in the world battling to see who the successor to Floyd Mayweather’s domination of the division is.
This is so far the fastest-selling boxing event at Barclays Center and the biggest presale we’ve ever had for a fight at Barclays Center. This is one to start buying your tickets early.
Aside from being two of the very best at their weight class, these are two of the more interesting guys in boxing. These are two of the smartest and most cerebral fighters.
This is why I’m in boxing. This is why we’re all in boxing. This is on national, رایگان, over-the-air television and I think it’s great. WE want as many people as possible to watch this fight. We want to expose people to the best our sport has to offer.
استفن اسپینوزا, معاون اجرایی رئیس جمهور & مدیر کل, SHOWTIME ورزشی
We’re in the midst of perhaps the strongest run of boxing this network has ever had. While other networks cut back on programming, we are reinvesting in the sport and giving it as big of a platform as there ever has been.
We have the strongest lineup of any network this year. These are two of the strongest fighters in the most popular division in the sport.
The last primetime boxing match on CBS was 1987, Ali-Spinks 1. Those are big shoes to fill. When I pitched a fight for CBS I knew I had to bring something that was incredibly strong. That is what we have on ژوئن 25. This card has come together as perfectly as anyone could have imagined.
Two of the top five welterweights of their career battling for the top of the division. This is an event that speaks for itself. I’m proud to be involved with this event.
برت YORMARK, مدیرعامل بروکلین اسپرت & سرگرمی
It’s been a special time at Barclays Center the last couple of weeks. I think Barclays Center is defined by dramatic moments. When I think of this particular event, it’s going to be a dramatic moment in Brooklyn and I’m thrilled about it.
I’m a huge boxing fan and this is one of those nights that you circle on the calendar. You need to be there. We’re off to the best pre-sale and on sale since we opened Barclays Center. We have a bit of a history already and this will be the biggest one yet.
# # #
پلت فرم های برنامه نویسی بروکلین بوکس ™ بارکلیز مرکز است که توسط AARP ارائه. PBC است توسط تاج حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports و www.premierboxingchampions.com, در توییتر دنبال کنیدSHOSports, PremierBoxingKeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, @AbnerMares, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter وSwanson_Comm و یا تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک در www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, WWW.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment وwww.facebook.com/BarclaysCenter.

Unbeaten Super Welterweight Kanat Islam Battles Colombia’s Juan De Angel in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions: The Next Round On Bounce TV On Sunday, مه 8 From Lakeland Events Center in Lakeland, فلوریدا

بیش! Unbeaten Prospects Miguel Cruz & Samuel Figueroa Go Toe-To-Toe While Hard-Hitting Dennis Galarza Takes On Mexico’s Yardley Suarez
بلیط فروش در حال حاضر!
LAKELAND, FLA. (آوریل 26, 2016) – Unbeaten super welterweight and Olympic Bronze medalist Kanat Islam (20-0, 17 کوس) will take on Colombian brawler خوان دی آنجل(18-3-1, 17 کوس) در 10 دور این رویداد اصلی برتر قهرمانان بوکس: بعدی گرد بر گزاف گویی تلویزیون taking place Sunday, مه 8 from Lakeland Events Center in Lakeland, فلوریدا.
پوشش تلویزیونی در آغاز می شود 9 p.m. و/PT and features a pair of exciting undercard battles as unbeaten prospects میگل کروز (12-0, 11 کوس) و ساموئل فیگوئرا (10-0, 4 کوس) compete in an eight-round super welterweight showdown while featherweight prospect دنیس Galarza (12-1, 8 کوس) چهره مکزیک یاردلی سوارز (15-3, 9 کوس) در جلسه هشت دور.
I am very happy about this fight and I’m training very hard for the opportunity,” said Islam. “من آماده مبارزه هستم. He is a good opponent but I have everything I need to win. I’ve waited a long time for this chance and I’m going to put on a show. The people of Kazakhstan will get a great performance from me.
I’m looking to com win and win this fightsaid De Angel. “I know my opponent is tough and I have trained very hard for this fight. I am going to give him his first loss and make a big statement. I’m thankful for the opportunity and I will take advantage of it.
بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط تبلیغات کینگ ترویج, در قیمت $100, $75 و $50 و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. بلیط را می توان با مراجعه به خریداریwww.thelakelandcenter.com و یا با تماس 888-397-0100 و از باکس آفیس Lakeland Center با تماس 863-834-8111 یا بازدید بین 9:30 صبح. و 5:30 p.m. Monday through جمعه.
We are excited to bring this terrific show to Lakeland, فلوریدا,” مارشال کافمن از تبلیغات کینگ. “The main event should be an explosive one as the two fighters have a combined 34 حذفی در آنها 38 برنده. It will be an early night for someone. The fans in Lakeland and watching on Bounce TV will see some of the best future contenders in the world.
A Chinese born boxer representing Kazakhstan, Islam now fights out of Pahokee, Florida and made his U.S. debut in Miami in November 2015 with a first round knockout of Jonathan Batista. The two-time Olympian won a Bronze medal in 2008 and eventually made his pro debut in 2012 with a knockout of Daniel Beato. The 31-year-old owns victories over Francisco Cordero, Fidel Monterrosa Munoz and Emilio Julio.
Fighting out of Baranquilla, Colombia De Angel will make his U.S. اولین مه 8 در رویداد اصلی. The 28-year-old has won his last nine fights including eight by way of stoppage. او برنده 16 از گذشته خود 17 fights overall and most notably picked up a regional middleweight belt with a victory over Jose Pinzon in 2014.
در اگوادا متولد, پورتوریکو و در حال حاضر در لیک مری ساکن, فلوریدا, 25 ساله کروز یک عضو از تیم ملی پورتوریکو به عنوان یک آماتور بود. او در حرفه تبدیل شده 2012 and picked up five victories in 2015 as he ended fights with Virgil Green, دانیل رودریگز, الی ادیسون, خوان رودریگز, تراویس هارتمن و آنتونی Abbruzzese داخل از راه دور.
A powerful Puerto Rican southpaw, Figueroa defeated fellow unbeaten Javontae Starks on Bounce TV in October 2015. طرفدار 25 ساله، از در 2011 and will have another opportunity to take down an undefeated opponent on May 8.
Galarza is looking for his fourth straight victory in the state of Florida when he enters the ring on مه 8. The 23-year-old has fought professionally since 2013 and racked up five wins in 2015 before kicking off 2016 with a decision over Samuel Amoako in January.
طرفدار از 2013, the 21-year-old Suarez is coming off of a knockout victory over Charly Soto. The Sinaloa, Mexico-native will fight for the third time in the U.S. بر مه 8. Suarez picked up 11 victories between 2014 و 2015 including seven by knockout.
# # #
برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.premierboxingchampions.com, در توییتر دنبال کنید @ PremierBoxing, BounceTV, @KingsBoxing_ و @Swanson_Comm و مکالمه را با استفاده از #PBConBounce دنبال کنید, تبدیل شدن به یک فن در فیس بوک در www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions و www.Facebook.com/BounceTV. PBC به Bounce است توسط تاج حمایت: بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.
گزاف گویی تلویزیون سریع ترین رشد آفریقایی-آمریکایی است (AA) شبکه در تلویزیون و پخش در سیگنال های پخش از ایستگاه های تلویزیونی محلی و حمل کابل مربوطه. شبکه ویژگی های ترکیبی برنامه نویسی اصلی و خارج از شبکه سری, تصاویر متحرک تئاتر, فوق العاده, ورزشی زندگی می کنند و بیشتر. گزاف گویی تلویزیون رشد کرده است به در بیش از در دسترس باشد 93.5 میلیون خانه در سراسر ایالات متحده و 93% از همه خانه ها تلویزیون آفریقایی آمریکایی, از جمله تمام بازارهای تلویزیون AA بالا. در میان بنیانگذاران Bounce TV، مارتین لوتر کینگ، چهره های نمادین آمریکایی هستند, III و سفیر اندرو جوان.
محل کانال های محلی, بازدید BounceTV.com.

Rising Promotions back at The Claridge in Atlantic City on Friday, 27 مه

Isiah Seldon battles Eddie Edmond in main event

Chuck Mussachio rematches Willis Lockett plus undefeated Alvin Vermall; Quian دیویس & former Olympian from Ecuador Luis Perozo

Nick Kisner battles Anthony Caputo Smith in Cruiserweight attracton

Anthony Burgin to appear in Lightweight bout

The pro debut of former United States amateur sensation LeRoy Davila

برای انتشار فوری
ATLANTIC CITY, NJ (آوریل 26, 2016)–در جمعه شب, 27 مه, a big night of boxing will kick off a holiday weekend at The Claridge in Atlantic City as Rising Promotions will present a terrific card of boxing.
We are excited to come back to the Claridge. Thanks to the whole staff at Rising Promotions and the AC Boxing Hall of Fame, we are able to do our third show in only 5 months and give local fighters the opportunity to showcase their talent,”said Debra LaManna of Rising Star Promotions.
در رویداد اصلی, It will be about New Jersey bragging rights as ایشیا سلدون بر روی را ادی ادموند in a bout scheduled for six-rounds.
سلدون, 27 years-old of Atlantic City, New Jersey is a six-year professional and has a record of 8-1 with three knockouts and is coming his title-winning effort when he won a six-round unanimous decision over Michael Mitchell on March 19th at the Claridge.
ادموند از نیوآرک, نیوجرسی دارای سابقه از 4-4-2 with one knockout is a eight year professional. The 30 year-old has won two straight bouts which includes his last outing when won a four-round split decision over Edson Soto on August 15, 2015 in Jersey City, نیوجرسی.
در شش دور همکاری ویژگی, one of the most popular fighter’s from the shore area, نور سنگین وزن Chuck Mussachio will be back in the ring after a 39-month lay off when he takes on ویلیس لاکت in a rematch of a bout that that ended in a draw on September 19, 2008.
Mussachio of Wildwood, نیوجرسی دارای سابقه از 18-3-2 with five knockouts and will be looking to get back to winning ways that made him a contender with wins over former world champion Carl Daniels, Bobby Rooney (11-2-1) and Tony Ferrante (9-0).
The 36 year-old Mussachio is coming off a 2nd round stoppage defeat to Lionell Thompson on February 23, 2013 در آتلانتیک سیتی, نیوجرسی.
Lockett of Takoma Park, مریلند دارای سابقه از 14-16-5 با پنج knockouts به.
His record does not tell the story as Lockett has faced theWhose-Whoof fighters between Super Middleweight and Heavyweight.
او برنده کیفیت بیش از تایرون تیت (5-1), Calvin Riley (1-0), ویلی ویلیامز (6-1), سابق رقیب عنوان جهان لری مارکس, Joe McCreedy (10-2-1) & جان لنوکس (13-3). The winner of Lennox was part of Rising Promotions maiden card on December 5, 2015.
Lockett has faced eight undefeated fighters. Lockett will look to break a two-fight losing streak. در آخرین جلسه خود, Lockett was disqualified against Jordan Shimmell (19-1) بر فوریه 27 در واشنگتن, DC.
In an eight-round Cruiserweight bout, نیک کیسنر (16-2-1, 6 در KO) بالتیمور, دکتر ادامه خواهد داد آنتونی اسمیت Caputo از (15-7, 10 در KO) میدان کنت, PA.
In a six-round Cruiserweight bout, آلوین Vermall جونیور. (9-0-1, 8 در KO) of LaPlace, Louisiana takes on an opponent to be named.
In a four round Welterweight bout, Adrian Wilson (0-2) of Atlantic City will take on pro debuting Quan Johnson از Pennsauken, نیوجرسی
Also scheduled to appear in four-round bouts:
سبک وزن آنتونی Burgin (9-1, 2 در KO) از فیلادلفیا, PA; سنگین وزنQuian دیویس (2-0-1, 1 در KO) of Mays Landing, NJ;
Former Ecuadorian Olympian in Super Featherweight لوئیس Perozo (1-0, 1 ضربه فنی) نیویورک, NY;
Perozo represented Ecuador in the 2008 Olympics as a 17 ساله.
Also on the card will be the pro debut of Bantamweight لروی داویلا از نیوبرانزویک, نیوجرسی.

داویلا, who had over 60 amateur fights was ranked second in the United States in his weight class.

حملات بیشتر زودی اعلام خواهد شد.
بلیط هستند $125 برای حق بیمه, $77 مرحله Ringside و $52 رزرو شده و در دسترس هستند www.risingboxingpromotions.com یا 609-487-4444
اینستاگرم: risingpromo

Chile newest member of World MMA Association

مونت کارلو, اهل موناکو (آوریل 26, 2016) — انجمن جهانی MMA (WMMAA) has announced that Chile is the newest member of its worldwide association.
The Chilean MMA Federation (Federation Chilena de MMA) is certified by the national Ministry of Sports. Its inner-structure will be comprised of 15 branches, representing one for each region of Chile. There are currently eight MMA organizations with a goal to unite all under the umbrella of the Federation.
The Federation has developed MMA in various ways, from hosting regional amateur MMA championships to conducting seminars and educating officers. The Chilean MMA Federation is headed by President Alberto Maturana Rodriguez and Vice President Christian Parra Campos.
It is critical for an organization like ours to exist, to add unbiased structure not just for athletes, but also as a regulatory bodies,” رودریگز (تصویر به راست) گفت:. “Much continues to happen since our appointment. We just celebrated our first event under the WMMAA Pan-American Division and we look forward to using our experience and volumes of knowledge the Pan-American Division, as well as our honorary president توماس یو,brings to Chile and the sport. We share the vision and with all our efforts, we will defend, promote and endorse MMA as a sport, and give all participants and fans a significant difference in the sport.
We will continue to grow with every new country and take the MMA movement, as well as the recognition of MMA as a sport, forward. We will work like a family with the Pan-American Division to support this sport in Chile. We’re delighted to have been appointed and look forward to this opportunity of contributing to the WMMAA to continue the fight and make history in Chile and the MMA world.
Chile is now a member of the WMMAA’s Pan-American Division, along with Argentina, برزیل, کانادا, کلمبیا, کوبا, گواتمالا, مکزیک, نیکاراگوئه, Paraguay and Venezuela.
On behalf of the World MMA Association Pan-American Division, we would like to congratulate and welcome the Chilean MMA Federation on its recent appointment as our new provisional affiliate,” added Yu (تصویر به چپ), رئیس بخش پان آمریكایی. “In this WMMAA year of monumental progress, in which we will celebrate our fourth World MMA Association Champion this November in Macao, it will now allow us to focus on our inaugural Continental MMA Championship.
It is important to reflect on how the WMMAA movement will continue to grow in a new era of MMA. The WMMAA movement is essentially an educational movement and for this reason we encourage events such as the National Continental and International MMA Championships to promote MMA development, among all ages of participants, especially youth through sport, MMA and the WMMAA code of conduct. Let us build together for a peaceful and better world. Let us strive to provide and education for all in which sport, MMA and WMMAA ideals play and essential role, based on values, توجه, dignity, tolerance and solidarity.


دیترویت, MY (آوریل 26, 2016) – The featured fights and undercard fighters have been announced for Salita Promotionslatest old-school night of boxing entitledDetroit Brawl” برروز شنبه, مه 14, at the Masonic Temple in Downtown Detroit.
In the night’s six-round cruiserweight main event, Detroit’s Demetrius Banks (6-0, 4 کوس) will take on Bronx-based Puerto Rican cruiserweight Emilio Salas (5-1-1, 3 کوس) and in the six-round co-main event, undefeated bantamweight James Gordon Smith (9-0, 6 کوس) will face California via Mexico’s Pablo Cupul (8-19, 5 کوس).
بلیط “Detroit Brawlare on sale now and are priced at $28, $38, $63, $93, $100 و $123. They are available at all Ticketmaster outlets, ticketmaster.com, با تماس 800-745-3000, or by visiting the Masonic Temple box office.
Scheduled to appear on the undercard are a variety of up-and-coming prospects from Michigan and around the world, including Detroit’s super middleweight James Ballard (6-0, 3 کوس), super middleweight Darrell Van Horn (8-0, 5 کوس), East Pointe cruiserweight Clarence Dubose (2-0, 2 کوس), Lansing junior middleweight Antonio Urista (7-1, 2 کوس), Russian cruiserweight Alexey Zubov (10-1, 6 کوس), Brooklyn via Georgia super lightweight Giorgi Gelashvili (3-0, 2 کوس), Turkmenistan’s former Asian Games Amateur Champion, سردار Hudayberdiyev (1-0, 1 ضربه فنی) and comebacking Warren, میشیگان, super lightweight Luigi Gjokaj (2-2, 2 کوس).
Ballard is scheduled for six rounds. All other fights will be four-rounders. Opponents will be announced shortly.
Promoter Dmitriy Salita says he’s happy to be able to offer a consistent boxing series to Detroit fans, allowing them to follow the progress of local fighters, as well as fighters from abroad.
We are back with another Detroit Brawl and I’m very excited,” سعید ورد. “This series is a tremendous success and this one will be the best yet. We have another great assortment of local and international prospects, many of them facing each other in an iconic venue in Detroit. It’s going to be another old-school boxing show and I’m proud to be putting it on for the great fans of Detroit. It was my goal for this series to be about making Detroit the city where young fighters can progress in their careers in competitive match-ups.
در شب مبارزه, درب باز در 6:30 PM and the first fight is at 7:15 PM. The Masonic Temple is located at 500 Temple Street in Detroit. همه حملات در معرض تغییر.
Salita is also proud to announce that Detroit’s premier casino has once-again agreed to sponsor, along with some new local businesses including Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar and its proprietor, Erik Olson.
Your downtown playground, Greektown Casino Hotel is consistently voted Detroit’s Best Casino. Located right in the hub of the historic Greektown district it’s impossible to be any closer to the action. No matter what you want to play, Greektown Casino Hotel has your non-stop gaming action. From the newest slots and table games to live poker, Greektown Casino Hotel has 100,000 square feet of exciting, action-packed choices and so many thrilling ways to win!
Greektown Casino Hotel features a 30-story hotel with 400 stunning guestrooms and suites devoted to your comfort. And for your culinary needs, you can savor eclectic cuisine at one of their outstanding restaurants: Prism, Bistro 555 and The Market District.
For your special event or corporate gathering, Greektown Casino Hotel offers impeccable service in addition to a variety of exceptional spaces to help make your event an unforgettable experience.
بار ویسکی Thomas Magee's Sporting House به مشتریان یک بار ورزشی و ویسکی در مدرسه قدیمی در منطقه بازار شرقی دیترویت ارائه می دهد. توماس مگی به ارائه هر ورزشی افتخار می کند, هر بازی, و هر مبارزه, به علاوه آبجو و ویسکی عالی!
For event information, بازدید themasonic.com و SalitaPromotions.com. در شب مبارزه, درب باز در 6:30.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد “Detroit Brawl” یا تبلیغات سالیتا, بازدیدwww.salitapromotions.com. The Greektown Casino Hotel is located at 555 E Lafayette Street in Detroit. برای اطلاعات بیشتر, visit them online at greektowncasino.com. توییتر: @GreektownCasino.
بار ویسکی Thomas Magee’s Sporting House در واقع شده است 1408 E Fisher Service Drive در دیترویت. برای اطلاعات بیشتر, دعوت 313-263-4342 یا به صفحه رسمی آنها در فیس بوک مراجعه کنید:www.facebook.com/ThomasMageesSportingHouseWhiskeyBar
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در باره

جوایز Salita
تبلیغات سالیتا در سال تاسیس شد 2010 توسط دیمیتری Salita, یک بوکسور حرفه ای و رقیب عنوان جهانی که نیاز به یک نهاد تبلیغاتی برای داشتن بهترین جوان بوکس و مدعیان معتبر در آمریکای شمالی و سراسر جهان را دید. بینندگان تماشای مبارزان در شبکه های تلویزیونی سراسر جهان از جمله Showtime, ESPN, اسپایک تلویزیون, Universal Sports Network and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. ما به خود فرصت می دهیم که به جنگنده هایمان فرصت هایی را در داخل و خارج از حلقه ارائه دهیم. Salita Promotions منتظر ادامه رشد و تأمین نیازهای طرفداران مبارزه در سراسر جهان است.

Andre Berto Training Camp Notes & عکس

This fight has always been on my mind….
I’m going to give everyone the fight they deserve.
کلیک کنید اینجا For Training Camp Photos From Premier Boxing Champions
OAKLAND, کالیفرنیا. (آوریل 25, 2016) – قهرمان سابق دو دوره جهان دیگر “حیوان” برتو has wrapped up training camp and is set to travel to Southern California for his highly anticipated rematch against “معیوب” ویکتور اورتیز که سرفصل برتر قهرمانان بوکس بر FOX و FOX ورزشی این روز شنبه, آوریل 30 در مرکز StubHub به در Carson, کالیفرنیا.
بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط تبلیغات TGB ترویج, در قیمت $209, $105, $53, و $27, به علاوه مالیات قابل اجرا, هزینه ها و هزینه خدمات, در فروش در حال حاضر و برای خرید در دسترس هستند آنلاین در AXS.com.
قبل از شروع دعوا تلویزیونی, یک مقام فن متحرک خواهد شد برای دارندگان بلیط خارج از مرکز StubHub به برگزار. حوادث در شروع 2:30 p.m. PT و ویژگی های یک آبجو باغ تاج, کامیون های مواد غذایی, music from the band Metalachi and autograph signings with popular fighters including Leo Santa Cruz, ابنر مادیان, شاون پورتر و بیشتر.
Here is what Berto had to say from training camp:
On his improvements since his first fight against Ortiz:
I’ve improved tremendously. Mentally and all the way around the board. There was so much that went into that fight and that camp the first time. I shouldn’t have fought that fight, but being who I am, I wanted to get in there. I was just a young fighter who didn’t take the fight seriously. I overlooked my opponent. Now I’m a much more mature fighter. I’ve pushed myself for this camp.
This fight has always been on my mind. Even when I tried to move on, other people continued to remind me about it. Everyone said I needed to get him back. That’s the fight everyone has wanted to see and that everyone deserves. I’m going to give everyone the fight they deserve.
I believe that coming back from my shoulder surgery that I’ve been more motivated and improving as a fighter. Everyone has seen the improvements. We’re definitely ready for anything he wants to bring. If he’s aggressive we’re ready and everyone knows I can stand there and punch
On this training camp with Virgil Hunter:
“همه چیز بزرگ. It’s been a long, tough camp. I’m excited and ready to close it all in. We’ve done all the work. We’re in great shape. No stone was left unturned. It’s been a great eight or nine week camp.
On sharing training camp with Amir Khan and Andre Ward and the motivation it provides:
We all feed off of each other. All of us have pretty much been in camp together leading up to and through all of our fights. Even now Andre is there to watch us spar and work. It’s great motivation for all of us to be there. We’re all pushing each other to get better every day.
On how Virgil Hunter has helped him improve as a fighter:
I call Virgil the professional because he’s a teacher. He works you mentally. Each and every day. It’s like being in school. He drills it in your head over and over. He doesn’t let you go through the motions. You have to stay on track mentally to work on all of the things that you’ve been working on. He’s more of a teacher than a trainer.
On what he learned from his fight against Floyd Mayweather:
A lot of people can’t handle the atmosphere and the buildup of that magnitude. I got the chance to really find out how to handle it all. I think I surprised a lot of people around me with how easy I was taking it. I think Floyd was surprised too, he thought I would get shaken like other guys. But I felt like I was supposed to be there. I wasn’t going to be the guy who stands there in shock.
On preparing for Ortiz:
You have to be prepared for whatever he brings to the table. You don’t know how Victor is going to fight and if he’s going to do his extra stuff. Or if he’s going to try to box. چه کسی می داند? Maybe you hit him two or three times and he feels like he doesn’t want to be there. I’m prepared for the Victor of five years ago.
On Ortiz’s claim that he will knock out Berto:
That’s what he said the first time. I’ve made it evident as well that I’ll finish him and finish this chapter. I want it to be over. Still for some reason my name comes up. People continue to cross us together. I just want to finish this chapter and finish in style.
On what fans can expect روز شنبه شب:
The fans should expect an exciting fight. They might see the start of round 13 from the first one. It’s going to be extremely exciting. I doubt it’s going the distance. This is the fight the people deserve.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر WWW.premierboxingchampions.com WWW.TGBPromotions.com,HTTP://WWW.foxsports.com/presspass/صفحه خانگی و foxdeportes.com در توییتر دنبال کنیدPremierBoxing, ViciousOrtiz, AndreBerto, LaBombaBoxing, TopDoggJr,FOXSports, FOXDeportes وSwanson_Comm و تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک درwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports وwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. دنبال گفتگو با استفاده از #PBConFOX. PBC در FOX است توسط تاج حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.