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Крістофер Брукер & Antowyan Aikens meet Face to Face before their big showdown this Friday, Травня 6 на 2300 Арена у Філадельфії

Філадельфія, Пенсільванія (Травня 2, 2016)–THIS Friday ніч, May 6th, a terrific night of boxing returns the 2300 Арена в Південній Філадельфії as King’s Promotions presents a ten-bout card.
У головній події, rising super middleweight Крістофер Брукер (8-1, 5 КО) бере на себе Antowyan Aikens (10-1-1. 1 KO) in a bout scheduled for eight-rounds.
This past Friday night in Atlantic City, the Brooker of Philadelphia and Aikens of Atlantic City met for an impromptu face off and they are both ready for this important battle.
У шість круглих со-функція, former world welterweight champion, Керміт Цинтрон (35-5-2, 28 КО) Читання, PA will be back in action when he takes on Едуардо Флорес (23-20-3, 15 КО) Кіто, Ecuador in a jr. в середньому бій.

In a six-round super lightweight bout, Наїм Нельсон (12-1, 1 Північна Кароліна, 1 KO) бої Карлос Веласкес (24-23-2, 15 КО) Манагуа, Нікарагуа.

In a six-round super welterweight bout, Ерік Весна (6-1,1 KO) Читання, PA боротиметься Justin Johnson (6-11-4) Піттсбурга, Пенсільванія.
У чотири круглих бої:
Скотт Келлехер (4-0, 2 КО) Філадельфія буде боротися Роберт Рамос (1-4, 1 KO) Аллентаун, PA in a super lightweight fight.
Tyrone Crawley Jr. (4-0) Філадельфія будуть умиротворяти з Korey Sloane (2-8-2) of Philadelphia in lightweight bout.
Amir Shabazz (3-0, 1 KO) of Philadelphia fights Tahlik Taylor (1-3) of Freeport, NY in a light heavyweight affair.
Aaron Brooks Філадельфія зробить свій професійний дебют проти Райан Бівінс (0-1-1) of Philadelphia in super middleweight bout.

Томас Веласкес (4-0, 3 КО) Філадельфія, PA боротиметься Grashino Yancy (1-0) Стейтен-Айленд, New York in a super featherweight bout.

Еммануель Дурість (6-0, 4 КО) Філадельфія, PA will take on an opponent to be announced in a bantamweight contest.

Tickets for this great evening of boxing are priced at $100 для Ringside, $75 for Premium, $50 for Reserved and $35 for Standing room and can be purchased BY CLICKING HERE

Korobkov vs. Nagibin added t0 M-1 Challenge 66 Nemkov defending title vs. Yusupov, Puetz returning vs. Seledtsov

ST. САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, Росія (Травня 2, 2016) – An intriguing fight between a pair of Russian featherweights, Mikhail Korobkov і Тимур Нагібін, has been added to the M-1 Challenge 66 подія, Травня 27 in Orenburg City, Росія.
У головній події, М-1 Challenge в напівважкій вазі Віктор Немков (23-5-0, М-1: 14-4-0) will defend his against challenger Рашид Юсупов (6-2-0, М-1: 3-1-0). КолишнійМ-1 Challenge в напівважкій вазі Стефан “Т-800” Puetz (13-2-0, М-1: 4-1-0), fighting out of Munich, Німеччина, also returns to face M-1 Global-debuting Andrey Seledtsov 5-1-0, М-1: 0-0-0), who is a former Spetsnev solider.
M-1 Challenge 66 буде транслюватися в прямому ефірі з Москви у високій чіткостіwww.M1Global.TV. Глядачі зможуть спостерігати попередні бої і основної картки, зайшовши на реєстрацію на www.M1Global.TV. Вентилятори можуть дивитися всі дії на своїх комп'ютерах, а також на Android і Apple, смартфонів і планшетів.
Korobkov (9-0-1, М-1: 0-0-1) is coming off of a hard-fought draw with Родріго Магалхаес(see above picture) last December at M-1 Challenge 63, in which he had his 9-fight win streak snapped that started with his pro debut.
Nagibin has reeled-off seven consecutive wins since he lost his pro debut. На M-1 Challenge 64 в лютому цього року, he won a decision over Андрій Лежнев. Nagibin is known for his powerful kicks (see picture below) and back-fists.


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RFA МАЄ НАМІР Chicagoland З РСР 39 – Барселуш проти. MOFFETT

Raoni Барселуш
BOBBY “Людина-вовк” MOFFETT
Напівлегкій титул чемпіона світу
П'ятниця, 17 червня У прямому ефірі на AXS TV
в Hammond, INDIANA
Квитки у вільному продажу в CAGETIX.com

Лас-Вегас, Невада – Воскресіння бойовий союз (RFA) президент Ед Соарес оголосив сьогодні, що РФ робитиме свою першу поїздку в Чикаго в червні з чемпіонатом хедлайнером. Головною подією RFA 39 показує перший захист титулу РФА в напівлегкій вазі Raoni Барселус. Він поставить свій титул на лінії проти верхньої перспективи і місцевої улюбленої Боббі “Людина-вовк” Моффетт. RFA 39 – Барселуш проти. Моффетт відбувається П'ятниця, 17 червня в Хаммонд Civic Center в Hammond, Індіана. Основна карта буде транслюватися в прямому ефірі і по всій країні на AXS TV в 10 p.m. І / 7 p.m. PT.
“Я в захваті від чого бій титул чемпіона світу в Hammond” Встановлений Соарес. “Наш напівлегка вага Raoni Барселуш захищатиме свій титул в перший раз проти номера один суперник Боббі Моффетт. Ці два верхніх напівлегкій перспективи в світі, і це відмінний спосіб показати любитель побитися в Чикаго, що РСР це все о.”
Квитки на RFA 39 – Барселуш проти. Моффет тепер доступні для покупки. Ви можете підтримати ваш улюблений боєць купити Купивши квитки через CAGETIX.com
Барселуш (9-1) захищатиме свій RFA напівлегкій вазі в перший раз після того, як насолоджуватися домінуючим 2015, який багато експертів ММА бачив найближчі кілька років тому. Barcelos був прив'язаний до величі в ММА, перш ніж будь-коли ступаючи ногою в сталевій клітці. Син джиу-джитсу коралів (червоно-чорний) ремінь Лаерт Барселуш, він почав вивчати “Gentle Art” у віці двох років. Потім, на відміну від багатьох джиу-джитсу чорного пояса, Барселуш успіх у вільній боротьбі, де він виступав в якості члена бразильської національної команди з вільної боротьби. Однак, його рідкісне поєднання єдиноборства дисциплін високого рівня не те, що робить його особливим серед кращої перспективи мми. Це той факт, що він має досить ударною силою, яка також може отримати роботу. Це проявляється в тому, що більше половини з його перемог прийшли через нокаутом або технічним нокаутом, який включає в себе перший раунд нокаутом раніше непереможного відділу NCAA I All-American борець Джамал Паркс в РСР 23. Барселуш тепер шукає, щоб зробити те ж саме з іншого верхньої перспективою, як він готується до свого першого RFA захисту титулу.
“Я дуже радий захистити свій RFA титул чемпіона світу в РСР 39,” Заявлена ​​Барселуш. “RFA показує кращий новий талант ММА у світі, і зараз транслюється в прямому ефірі тут в Бразилії. Мої друзі, сім'я, і товариші по команді тепер є можливість дивитися мені боротися в прямому ефірі на Esporte Interativo. Це мрія збулася, і честь бути чемпіоном великої події, як РСР. Цей ремінь повертається додому в Бразилію зі мною в червні.”
Моффетт (8-1) вступає в цю боротьбу з великою кількістю руху. Він їде на чотири бої перемогу поспіль, яка включає в себе перемогу над давнім RFA ветеринара Dan Море в РСР 24. Моффетт народився і виріс 10 милі від місця тільки через державний кордон в Хоумвуде, Іллінойс. Завдання захисту домашнього дерну і захопивши титул в напівлегкій RFA тільки збільшила голод цієї захоплюючої молодий перспективи. це голод “Людина-вовк” буде потрібно, коли він стикається з самим небезпечним супротивником в його кар'єрі. цитуючи класика 2010 фільм, який розділяє його прізвисько, “Я не знаю, що ви полювали монстрів? Іноді монстри полюють за вами.” Моффет тепер прагне направити свою внутрішню лікантроп в РСР 39.
“Я просто дуже радий, що найбільший бій в моїй кар'єрі буде вдома перед моєю родиною і друзями,” Моффет пояснив. “Я відчуваю, що все, що я працюю на тепер здійснитися. Барселуш є жорстким. Він дуже хороший боєць і чемпіон. Я пишаюся тим, що він хоче битися зі мною. Я з нетерпінням чекаю, щоб зробити наступний крок у моїй кар'єрі, вигравши титул RFA на 17 червня.”
Повна карта бою для РСР 39 – Барселуш проти. Moffett буде оголошений найближчим часом. Це буде перша подія РСР, щоб зайняти місце в “Хузьер держава” Індіана і це буде п'ятнадцятим стан, що РФА відвідав. Весь основної картки Мірча 39 буде транслюватися в прямому ефірі по всій країні і на AXS TV на 10 p.m. І / 7 p.m. PT це П'ятниця, 17 червня.
Будь ласка, відвідайте RFAfighting.com оновлень сутички та інформації. РФА є також на Facebook на Facebook.com/RFAfighting, Instagram на RFAfighting, і Twitter в RFAfighting.
Про RFA: RFA є професійним змішаний просування бойових мистецтв, що дає висхідних зірок і топ-суперників можливість довести свій талант любителям і лідерів в галузі. РФА представлені живі події на щомісячній основі навколо Сполучених Штатів, включаючи Лас-Вегасі, Лос-Анджелес, Денвер і Мілуокі. RFA можна побачити в прямому ефірі в більш ніж 43 млн будинків у національному масштабі його телевізійної угоди з AXS TV. Заснована в Лас-Вегасі, Невада, RFA є одним з найбільш активних і шанованих організацій ММА, швидко розвивається вид спорту в світі. (Octagon, Ultimate Fighting Championship®, UFC®, і восьмигранний килимок конкуренції і конструкція сепаратора є зареєстрованими торговими марками, що належать виключно Zuffa, ТОВ. Всі права захищені).

Про AXS TV боїв: AXS TV Бої відома своїми загальновизнаним П'ятниця Нічні Змішані Бойові Мистецтва і події Кікбоксинг. Як ваш будинок для ММА, AXS TV використовує широка мережа акціях з боку Сполучених Штатів, Канада, і Європа. І Азія транслювати більш б'ється живе, ніж будь-який інший телевізійної мережі. “Голос” Майкл Шіавелло і п'ятикратний MMA чемпіон світу Пет Мілетич забезпечити глядачам експертів грають по-ігри, Покриття боєць в глибини, і докладний аналіз кожної карти боротьби. AXS TV трансляції світового класу в прямому ефірі бій події з RFA, Лев Fight, Спадщина FC, і MFC кожен П'ятниця ніч 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. І.

Lightweight World Champion Rances Barthelemy Battles Former World Champion Mickey Bey in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Friday, Червень 3 From The Hard Rock Live at the Seminole Hotel & Casino In Hollywood, Флорида

Більше! Unbeaten Bantamweight Prospect Emmanuel Rodriguez
Takes on Mexican Brawler Victor Proa

Квитки у вільному продажу!
ГОЛІВУД, Флорида. (Квітня 29, 2016) – Undefeated lightweight world champion Rances “Kid Blast” Бартельмі (24-0, 13 КО) will make his first title defense against former world champion Міккі “Дух” Бей (22-1-1, 10 КО) в головній події Прем'єр Бокс чемпіонів (PBC) на Шип П'ятниця, Червень 3 at the Hard Rock Live at the Seminole Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Флорида.

Телевізійний охоплення починається 9 p.m. І/PT as unbeaten Puerto Rican prospectЕммануель Родрігес (14-0, 10 КО) takes on hard-hitting Mexican Віктор “PitufoProa (28-1-2, 21 КО) in a 10-round bantamweight affair.

There were rumors that a fight between me and Mickey Bey was on the brink of happening prior to my fight against Denis Shafikov, so now that it is here, I know it was destined to happen,” Саїд-Бартельмі. “I’m not a rookie anymore. I’m not going into this worried or nervous about it being my first title defense at 135. I’m comfortable enough now to see every fight as just another challenge I need to execute my game plan the most effectively and with the least amount of errors.

Barthelemy won my title, I had to vacate it due to a hand injury, so all he is doing is keeping it warm for me,” said Bey. “Тренувальний табір йде велика. I have been training hard for over a month. I have the best team in the business, with the most knowledgeable trainers. I’m looking forward to the challenge with him being undefeated and a two-time world champion. We both have a lot of skills, so it will make an entertaining fight for sure.

I want to challenge all of the bantamweight champions to fight me so they can see a real athlete in the ring,” сказав Родрігес. “I have been training hard. This is a lifestyle for me. I have been training since December and on June 3, I am going to deliver a knockout.

I’m excited about this opportunity against a good young fighter,” said Proa. “I’ve been training hard and feel like this is my time. I’m going to come forward and see what this guy can do.

Квитки на турнірі, which is promoted by Kings Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and Panther Promotions, за ціною $130, $80, $60 і $35 і вже у продажу. All seats are reserved and available at all Ticketmaster outlets, на сайті www.myhrl.com,WWW.ticketmaster.com or charge by phone: 1-800-745-3000. Двері відкриваються в 5:30 вечора, with the first fight set to begin at 6:30 p.m. *Additional fees may apply.

This will be a tremendous night of boxing on Spike TV,” Маршалл Кауфман сказав в Акції Короля. “Barthelemy is an up-and-coming star in the sport and he is facing a former world champion who never lost his belt in the ring. This will be a great fight and there should be a great atmosphere with a lot of Cuban boxing fans there to support their world champion.

We’re looking forward to bringing a great night of boxing to the State of Florida. We’re giving the fans another treat come June 3rd. The card is stacked with matchups that will undoubtedly be crowd pleasers,” сказав Леонард Еллербе, Генеральний директор Мейвезер Акції. “Both Mickey Bey and Rances Barthelemy have world titles under their belts, so they will bring in the experience of being able to perform, and match it up against one another to see who will come out the best man standing at the end of the night.

We at Panther Promotions are very excited for this June 3rd card at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Казино,” said Elliot Alvarado, Генеральний директор, Panther Promotions. “We are proudly joining forces with both Mayweather and Kings Promotions, which are featuring PBC on Spike TV. This is going to be a sensational evening of boxing featuring Cuban Lightweight Champion Rances Barthelemy vs. Cleveland’s own former champion, Міккі бий. Our goal is to bring back the classic fights to the Seminole Hard Rock Live in South Florida.

Кубинський любитель чемпіон, 29-year-old Barthelemy has yet to taste defeat since turning pro in 2009. Народився на Кубі, але в даний час борються в Лас-Вегасі, he won a super featherweight world title in July 2014 by defeating Argenis Mendez in impressive fashion, and followed that up with a second round TKO victory over Angino Perez. After dominating former champion Antonio DeMarco in June, he won a world title in a second division when he impressively defeated Denis Shafikov in December.

Bey won his world title in 2014 with a decision victory over long reigning champion Miguel Vasquez. The 32-year-old vacated his title due to inactivity and injuries but returned in December to defeat previously unbeaten Naim Nelson by decision to earn himself a shot at the very title he vacated. Bey’s previous victories include defeats against Alan Herrera, Carlos Cardenas and Hector Velazquez.

Якраз в 23-річної, Родрігес був на найкоротшому шляху до боротьби звання чемпіона світу з поворотним професіоналом у 2012. Він зробив свій U.S. debut in November by stopping Eliecer Aquino after previously taking down Gabor Molnar, Луїс Інохоса і Алекс Ранжел в 2015. Манати, Puerto Rico-born fighter will bring his exciting style into the ring against another tough opponent on June 3.

Боротьба з Монтеррей, Мексика, Proa will be fighting in the U.S. for the third time when he takes on Rodriguez on June 3. The 31-year-old was unbeaten in his first 28 pro starts and has won his last two bouts, including most recently a first round stoppage of Oswaldo Delgado in February.

Слідуйте за щебетатьPremierBoxing, RealKidBlast, @MickeyBeyTMT, SpikeTV, SpikeSports, @KingsBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @PantherPromo and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions і
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Основні доступні для вбудовування в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.


Спіймати Replay Понеділок На 10 p.m. І/PT На SHOWTIME EXTREME®
Натисніть ОСЬ Щоб скачати фото; Естер Лін / Showtime
Натисніть ОСЬ Щоб скачати фото; Ідріс Ерба / Мейвезер Акції
Interview With Promoter Floyd Mayweather: HTTP://s.sho.com/1TCWl6u
ВАШИНГТОН, D.C. (Квітня 30, 2016) – Badou Jack retained his WBC Super Middleweight title in a controversial draw against Lucian Bute Субота на SHOWTIME, setting up a fall unification with IBF champion James DeGale, who defended his IBF crown against Rogelio Medina in the opening bout of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast from the DC Armory.
Let’s unify the decision and see who the best is,” DeGale said to Jack in a post-fight interview moderated by SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray.
I’m ready in September, ready in August,” responded Jack.” “I’m ready whenever. Let’s do it where it makes the most sense financially.
Jack was the sharper fighter from the opening bell, committing to pounding the body of the former long-time titlist. Facing his second southpaw, Jack prevented Bute from fighting his game, smothering the Romania-born Canadian whenever he attempted to fight on the inside.
While Jack varied his punches with a diverse attack to the body and head, he slowed in the latter rounds and allowed Bute to climb his way back into the fight. Bute had perhaps his best round in the 10ї and closed the show well, в 11ї і 12ї. But it was too little too late for Bute, who escaped D.C. with what most felt was an undeserved draw.
Bullshit, but is what it is. Ask Bute as well, he knows what time it is,” сказав Джек, who landed nearly 100 more punches than Bute, у тому числі 61 відсотків його ударів влади, і 40 percent total of his total shots. “His punches weren’t hurting me. I feel I won the fight. Maybe I lost the last round. He’s a great guy and a great champion, but I know I won the fight.
It’s not Bute’s fault, it’s the judges. People saw I won the fight.
The 36-year-old Bute certainly looked like a fighter with plenty left in the tank, rejuvenated under trainer Howard Grant with his sights set on the new crop of stars in the super middleweight division.
“Це було рукопашний бій,” Саїд Б'ють, who connected at just a 21 percent rate with his total punches. “Повір мені, it was very close fight. My last fight with DeGale was very close, сьогодні ввечері was a very close fight. I showed everyone I’m still at the top.
James DeGale defended his IBF Super Middleweight World Championship with a close, hard-fought unanimous decision against Rogelio Medina in the opening bout of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast.
DeGale was supremely accurate, посадка 51 відсотків його ударів влади у порівнянні з тільки 23 for Medina, including a staggering 66 відсотків його ударів влади. The switch-hitting southpaw attacked from unorthodox angles, and was most effective when he snuck in a right uppercut to back up Medina. But the British titlista record 12ї from Great Britainfailed to utilize his jab and was not able to deliver on his prediction of a knockout inside of six rounds.
The boxing skills are too good,” DeGale said. “If I’m being honest, he’s a very strong fighter, but skills pay the bills. I watched this guy years ago and he didn’t have the engine like that. He’s gotten better and stronger in the last year and a half.
I’m a bit disappointedI should be taking out people like Porky Medina, no disrespect to him.
I’m always learning in the gym. My inside work, my defense, my concentration. I’m going to go back to the gym, I’m going to work and I’ll be ready in September.
I want Badou Jack. I want a fresh name on my record.
Медіна, з іншого боку, nearly doubled DeGale, метання 1,140 Усього ударів, у порівнянні з 612 in the best performance of his career, but not enough to dethrone the champion. The Mexican challenger pounded the body and was at his best with DeGale against the ropes, striking the British champion with a killer left hook to the body.
He said he was going to stop me. He was running all around and he didn’t stop me like he said he would,” said Medina, who’s seven losses have come against fighters with a combined record of 131-2-2. “He’s the only one who thinks he won. The fans think I won. I definitely want the rematch.
Суботу event was promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing.
Брайан Кастер hosted the SHOWTIME telecast, з Мауро Ranallo calling the action, Hall of Fame analyst Аль Бернштейна and former two-time world champion Полі Маліньяджі commentating and Джим Грей звітність. В іспанській одночасної, Алехандро Місяць called the blow-by-blow and former world champion Рауль Маркес served as color commentator. The executive producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was Девід Дінкінс молодший. з Bob Dunphy керівництво.
# # #
Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.mayweatherpromotions.com і www.SHO.com/Sports and follow on Twitter at: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, SHOSports ІSwanson_Comm або стати шанувальником на Facebook по www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions і www.facebook.com/SHOsports.

Андре Берто, Томас Вільямс-молодший. & Jorge Lora Score Huge Knockouts on PBC on FOX & FOX From StubHub Center in Carson, Халіф.

Натисніть ОСЬ Для фотографій
Фото кредит: Сюзанна Тереза ​​/ Premier Бокс чемпіонів
Carson, ТАКИЙ ЯК (Квітня 30, 2016) – In front a packed house of 7,760 and a nationally televised ПБК на FOX and FOX Deportes аудиторія, Андре Берто, (31-4, 24 КО) turned back the clock and successfully gained his revenge over “Порочне” Віктор Ортіс, 31-6-2 (24 КО) with a stunning fourth-round knockout in a rematch of their 2011 “Бій року” в суботу night at Southern California’s legendary open-air boxing venue StubHub Center.
Ortiz found success early dropping Berto with a straight left, sending the Winter Haven, Florida-native to the canvas. Berto turned the tables in brutal fashion in the fourth, drilling Ortiz with a right uppercut which sent the southpaw from Ventura, Халіф. sprawling to the mat. Upon rising, Ortiz was met with a barrage of punches which sent him down again as referee Jack Reiss waived the fight off at the 1:14 mark of the round.
Said a thrilled Berto, “I wasn’t hurt by the first knockdown. I was more mad at myself for getting caught. Once he went down it was over, I knew he was hurt and I went right after him. He couldn’t take my power.

I feel terrific, it’s a great comeback victory. I would take on Danny Garcia sure, just tell me when and I’ll be ready.

From a disappointed Ortiz, “I didn’t really lose control. I dropped my hand and he caught me. He is a hard puncher just like myself.
This was a history book type of fight. He went down. I went down. Righty vs. lefty. This is boxing.
I knew as soon as the head butt happened that it was not good because the blood started pouring. That’s not a big deal. It happens in boxing.
I never disliked Berto. It is part of the game. He acted like he didn’t like me, but I always tried to shake his hand. I don’t hate anyone.
У телевізійному со-функція, Томас “Переможець” Вільямс-молодший., 20-1 (14 КО), continued his reign of terror in the light heavyweight division with a spectacular second round (2:59) knockout of Едвін “La Bomba” Родрігес (28-2 19 КО).
With both contenders throwing and landing bombs from the opening bell, Williams and Rodriguez were each rocked in the first stanza. Towards the end of the second round with the action reaching a boil, Williams unloaded with a massive left hand that sent Rodriguez sprawling to the canvas resulting in an immediate stoppage.
Said an elated Williams, “I told you what was going to happen, that he was going be open for everything and he was. I countered him and hurt him with every punch. I could see his punches like it was slow motion.

I want the title, absolutely I want to fight Adonis Stevenson next, he’s the champ and I want his belt.

From a dejected Rodriguez, “I thought I could have continued. I didn’t know what the referee saw, but I could have kept going.

I didn’t fight the fight I was supposed to. I was supposed to go in there and box, and I didn’t do it. I should have taken my time.

He throws like crazy and I wasn’t fighting defensively. I should have stuck to my game plan and that’s my fault.

In the televised opening, unbeaten featherweight contender Хорхе Лара, (28-0-2 20 КО), savagely stopped former world champion Фернандо “Cochulito” Монтьель, (54-6-2, 39 КО) в першому турі. Montiel was drilled to the canvas four times before the action was halted at the 1:37 знак.
Саїд Лара, “It went totally according to plan. We trained for every round, but we knew that it wouldn’t go every round. After the first knockdown, I knew it wouldn’t go past the first round.
I want the winner of either Mares v. Cuellar or Frampton v. Санта-Крус.
I am honored to beat a great champion like Montiel.
From a shocked Montiel on the quick start by Lara, “It’s what I expected. He didn’t do anything that surprised me. He just caught me with a shot. But he gave me a couple shots behind the head that weren’t good.

When ask if he was fouled, “Абсолютно. Especially when I was down and he hit me in the back of the head. The referee should have called that (a foul).”

In televised heavyweight action, Джеральд “Чорний півень” Вашингтон покращився 17-0-1 (11КО) with an eight round unanimous decision over former world title challenger “Швидко” Едді Чемберс, 42-5 (23КО). Рахунки були 80-72 в два рази і 79-73.
In a televised swing bout top light heavyweight prospect, Девід “Червоний прапор” Бенавідес, 14-0 (13КО), зупинився Philip Jackson, 16-3 (15КО) in the second round at the 2:07 знак.
PBC on FOX was sponsored by Corona, Finest Beer. Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайтеWWW.premierboxingchampions.com WWw.TGBPromotions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/домашня сторінка і foxdeportes.com Слідуйте за щебетатьPremierBoxing, @ViciousOrtiz, AndreBerto, LaBombaBoxing, TopDoggJr, FOXSports, FOXDeportes ІSwanson_Comm і стати шанувальником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing,www.facebook.com/foxsports і WWW.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Дотримуйтесь розмова, використовуючи #PBConFOX.

Andre Dirrell Wins Unanimous Decision over Blake Caparello in Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Live from the Taj Mahal Casino & Hotel in Atlantic City

Anthony Dirrell Scores First Round Knockout Over Caleb Truax
Jonathan Guzman Stops Daniel Rosas in Title Eliminator
Натисніть ОСЬ Фотографії для
Кредит: Dave Nadkarni/Premier Boxing Champions
Атлантік-Сіті, Нью-Джерсі (Квітня 30, 2016) – Бронзовий призер Олімпійських ігор Андре Діррелл (25-2, 16 КО) defeated Australia’s Блейк Caparello (22-2-1, 6 КО) одноголосним рішенням суддів (98-91 X 3) in a 10-round super middleweight attraction in the Прем'єр Бокс чемпіонів (PBC) на Шип main event from the Taj Mahal Casino and Hotel in Atlantic City, Нью-Джерсі.
In a bout that started off with a lot of back and forth action, Caparello struck first with a left in the second round that sent Dirrell to the canvas.
The knockdown I got in the second round felt good,” Саїд Caparello. “I knew I had him hurt, but I wasn’t able to capitalize on it.
Caparello again got Dirrell against the ropes and seemingly into a bit of trouble with a similar left in round three, but eventually Dirrell settled in and managed to gain control of the fight.
Dirrell said, “My focus, determination and my drive got me the win сьогодні ввечері. I know I’ve got more work to do, but I never stopped grinding in there сьогодні ввечері.”
Caparello continued to go to work and battle, but it was clear who the ring general was from the close of the third round and until the final bell rang.
Dirrell exclaimed, “I wanted to send the boxing world and this whole division a message. I’m coming for anyone with a belt. I’ll take on anyone who’s a champion. I know I’ll be a world champion. I have to be a champion. I don’t slow down for anyone. I’m going to keep pushing to get where I’m going.
On his struggles in the later rounds, Caparello said, “I continued to look for the same left hand all night, it just didn’t come again. Andre has a lot of tricks, he is both good and fast. I am not happy with my performance.
Dirrell concluded, “Сьогодні ввечері my brother and I were both able to display our talents in front of a national audience on Spike. Anthony is strong as an ox and got the win quickly сьогодні ввечері. I got the win on determination and heart. I had to use my toughness in this fight, and I pushed myself as hard as I could to get the win.
In the second televised bout of the evening, колишній чемпіон світу Ентоні “Собака” Діррелл (29-1-1, 23 КО) met former world title challenger Калеб “Золотий” Truax (26-3-2, 16 КО) in a 10-round super middleweight affair.
The former 168-pound titleholder Dirrell got off to a quick start, scoring two knockdowns in the first round, causing referee Harvey Dock to stop the fight at just 1:49 у першому турі.
Dirrell said of the dominating performance, “What helped me сьогодні ввечері was landing my shots early. I was right on top of him with combinations and controlling my jab and that set the tone. Я показав сьогодні ввечері that I work hard in the gym, and it paid off. If I work like I did this time leading up to the fight, then I know nobody can beat me.
A stunned Truax said, “Everything was great leading up to the fight. I don’t know what happened сьогодні ввечері. He just caught me early. I think it was an overhand right.
Reflecting on what the victory means for his struggling hometown of Flint, МОЇ, Dirrell said, “My work сьогодні ввечері inside the ring made a big statement for what my brother and I are doing outside of the ring. A lot of people were watching сьогодні ввечері, and now they know a little bit more about what’s going on with the Flint Water Crisis back home.
The opening televised bout featured undefeated knockout artist Джонатан Гузман (21-0, 21 КО) continuing his hot streak in a 12-round super bantamweight title eliminator against Mexico’s Daniel Rosas (20-3, 12 КО).
Гусман, an unbeaten fighter out of the Dominican Republic and now training in Massachusetts, stabilized early and easily controlled the action in the second half of the fight.
Guzman said, “I used a lot of concentration early and let him make errors so I could see what he was planning to do. Once I saw the mistakes he was making I let my hands go.
Rosas was stunned in the third round, but Guzman was unable to close on the wobbled fighter. У п'ятому турі, Guzman landed a left that knocked Rosas back and followed it with another, dropping Rosas just before the bell.
I wanted to let him throw some punches early. It helped me gain confidence and learn his tendencies,” said Guzman. “I saw him dropping that right hand, and I knew it would open up the opportunity for me to land my left.
Rounds six and seven saw Rosas take a pummeling, but miraculously stay on his feet. At the end of the eighth frame, Guzman dropped Rosas for a second time, and again Rosas was saved by the bell.
Однак, referee Benjy Esteves had seen enough and stopped the fight following the close of round eight.
When asked about the stoppage, Rosas said, “The ref stopped the fight. I thought the fight should have continued, but he decided to stop it.Rosas continued, “(Гусман) knocked me down, but I kept on fighting. Я ніколи не був постраждав. Guzman is a strong fighter, but I felt I could have continued and come back in the rest of the rounds.
# # #
The fight card was promoted by King’s Promotions.
Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте WWW.premierboxingchampions.com і www.spike.com/shows/Прем'єр-бокс-чемпіони. Слідуйте за щебетатьPremierBoxing, @AndreDirrell, @BlakeCaparello, AnthonyDirrell, GoldenCalebT, SpikeTV, SpikeSports, @KingsBoxing_and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. Основні доступні для вбудовування в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC на Spike спонсорується Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

WBA Interim cruiserweight world champion & Mandatory challenger Beibut Shumenov protests Dorticos-Kalenga WBA “регулярний” world cruiserweight title fight

Лас-Вегас (Квітня 29, 2016) – Всесвітня боксерська асоціація (WBA) Interim cruiserweight world champion Шуменов Бакбо (16-2, 10 КО), the only Kazakhstan-native to hold world titles in two different weight classes, is disputing the WBA’s sanctioning of the WBA “регулярний” cruiserweight world championship fight, Травня 20 в Парижі, between two lower-ranked WBA fighters, Чи не. 2 Юніер Дортікос і Ні. 5 Юрій Каленга (recently upgraded to No. 3).
У липні минулого року, Shumenov defeated B.J. Квіти by way of a 12-round unanimous decision to become the mandatory challenger for WBA “регулярний” у важкій вазі Денис Лебедєв, who was later elevated to “Супер” чемпіон.
Lebedev hasn’t fought a mandatory defense протягом одного року, За іронією долі, when he won a 12-round decision over Kalenga, who had earned his world title shot, like Shumenov, by becoming WBA Interim world champion. The WBA granted Lebedev an extension in terms of his due mandatory defense because of the Russian’s unification fight Травня 21 in Moscow against International Boxing Federation (IBF) титулу Victor Emelio Ramirez.
I’m very disappointed the WBA is sanctioning Dorticos-Kalenga for its ‘regularcruiserweight title, when I am the No. 1 ranked and current WBA Interim champion,” Шуменов сказав. “I repeatedly informed the WBA through emails, texts and verbally that I was ready to fight back in January. I preferred to fight Lebedev but I was willing to fight Dorticos or anybody else in the top 15. For the past few months, I’ve been laboring over what I believe is a very bad decision, letting two lower-ranked fighters, Немає. 2 і Ні. 3 хлопці, fight for the WBA ‘regular’ назва. I am shocked and bewildered and do not understand the WBA’s rationale to have either of these fighters declared the WBA ‘regularchampion without first defeating either Lebedev or me, the Interim champion and No. 1 rank contender.
I appealed the decision but, so far, the WBA has done little in response to my appeals other than delay and stall before finally ruling that I will fight the Lebedev-Ramirez winner months from now, ще, ignoring my appeal to stop the regular title status of Dorticos-Kalenga and still sanction a fight between them, its No. 2 і Ні. 3 rated fighters, for the WBA ‘regular’ назва. This is unfair to fans, who deserve to watch the best fighting the best, especially when a world championship is at stake! We now have this odd situation where there will be three separate WBA cruiserweight fights in May, all for a different version of WBA world title I just don’t feel anyone should get the WBA ‘regulartitle without first defeating a champion or at least the top-ranked fighter in the division. The WBA knew I was and am ready to fight. Its decision makes no sense and, по-моєму, diminishes the prestige and meaning of the title. I have respect for Dorticos and Kalenga but I think the legitimacy of any world title resulting from a fight between the No. 2 і Ні. 3 ranked contenders, when the No 1 mandatory contender who already holds the WBA Interim champion is ready and available, to say the least, is highly questionable.
The WBA told me and announced to the media that it was working to have only one world champion in each division. While I’ve been sitting out the last four months waiting to fight, the WBA has decided to allow six different guys to fight for три WBA cruiserweight world titles, practically on the same day, instead of crowning only one WBA cruiserweight world champion. I look forward to returning to the ring and my manager, Аль Haymon, has advised me that I will fight in May and we will announce next week. I want to thank everyone for their support and I apologize to my family, друзі, fans and my country, Казахстан, for this chaos the WBA has caused that has damaged and delayed my professional boxing career. I will move forward and continue to fight inside the ring, letting my attorneys and manager fight this unfair situation outside the ring.
Вентилятори можуть один Бейбут Шуменов на його сторінці в Facebook в www.facebook.com/BeibutShumenov.

Petr Petrov Camp Notes


Santa Fe Springs, ТАКИЙ ЯК–NABA Lightweight champion Петро Петров (36-4-2, 17 КО) has been training hard for his big showdown with NABF Lightweight champion Marvin Quintero (28-6, 24 КО) that will take place on П'ятниця, Травня 6 на The Toshiba Plaza, adjacent to the state-of-the-art T-Mobile Arena. The Toshiba Plaza є located on the Las Vegas Strip between New York-New York and Monte Carlo.

Petrov took time out from his busy training schedule at the Santa Springs Boxing Club in Sante Fe, California to provide the following comments as he gets ready for this big opportunity:

“Табір буде здорово. We have had eight great weeks sparring. This is the best training camp I have had in all of my camps.

On Quintero:
He is a good boxer. He is a southpaw who has a lot of experience. He is a slick fighter, but I am experienced as well, and I am ready for anything.

This will get us the NABF title and get me ranked in the WBC, so this is the next step to getting closer to a world title.

It’s a big event weekend. We know there there will be a lot of media and fight fans there. I am a fan friendly fighter, and it comes down to putting on a great show in front of all the boxing people in attendance.

“Мені 100% ready to get the victory on May 6th. We have to win this fight, and we will be ready for anything else that comes after.
Banner Promotions President, Arthur Pelullo statedWe are very much looking forward to Petr having a great performance on May 6th and that will catapult him to the big opportunity that he has worked very hard to get.
З 36 victories under his belt, lightweight contender Petr “Зар” Petrov holds an impressive boxing resume, included winning ESPN’s 2014 Boxcino Lightweight tournament. Petrov was last seen in April 2015 taking on former world champion GamalielPlatanoDiaz where he successfully defended his NABO and NABA Lightweight Titles via unanimous decision. As the current NABA Lightweight Title holder, Petrov will be looking to add another notable title to his name when he faces Quintero on May 6th.
This event is free and open to the public. Media interested in attending should submit a credential to credentials@mercuryllc.com

Petr Petrov vs. Marvin Quintero is a 10-round fight for the NABF and NABA Lightweight title and is presented by Golden Boy Promotions in association with Banner Promotions and sponsored byCerveza Tecate, Born Bold,” Casa Mexico Tequila, DOOM®Fight Like Hell on Травня 13, and HANDS OF STONE: The True Story of Roberto Duran, in theaters this August. The first bout begins at 4:30 p.m. The Estrella TV Boxeo Estelar broadcast will air live on П'ятниця, Травня 6 на 9:00 p.m. І/6:00 p.m. PT and will stream live simultaneously on estrellaTV.com and on YouTube via Fenomeno Studios: youtube.com/FenomenoStudios. The Ring TV live stream will begin at approximately 4:30 p.m. PT through 9:00 p.m.

Visit Banner Promotions at www.banner-promotions.com; follow us on Twitter at @BannerBoxing; visit us on Instagram at @BannerBoxing; Вступити в групу на Facebook на www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions; and follow the conversation at #TeamBanner.

Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.estrellatv.com, follow on twitter at @GoldenBoyBoxing, @EstrellaTV and become a fanon Facebook at www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing, www.facebook.com/EstrellaTVNetwork, visit us on Instagram at @GoldenBoyBoxing, and @EstrellaTV, follow the conversation using #BoxeoEstelar.

Lightweight World Champion Rances Barthelemy Battles Former World Champion Mickey Bey in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Friday, Червень 3 From The Hard Rock Live at the Seminole Hotel & Casino In Hollywood, Флорида

Більше! Unbeaten Bantamweight Prospect Emmanuel Rodriguez
Takes on Mexican Brawler Victor Proa
Квитки у вільному продажу!
ГОЛІВУД, Флорида. (Квітня 29, 2016) – Undefeated lightweight world champion Rances Kid Blast” Бартельмі (24-0, 13 КО) will make his first title defense against former world champion Міккі “Дух” Бей (22-1-1, 10 КО) в головній події Прем'єр Бокс чемпіонів (PBC) на Шип П'ятниця, Червень 3 at the Hard Rock Live at the Seminole Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Флорида.
Телевізійний охоплення починається 9 p.m. І/PT as unbeaten Puerto Rican prospect Еммануель Родрігес (14-0, 10 КО) takes on hard-hitting Mexican Віктор “PitufoProa (28-1-2, 21 КО) in a 10-round bantamweight affair.
There were rumors that a fight between me and Mickey Bey was on the brink of happening prior to my fight against Denis Shafikov, so now that it is here, I know it was destined to happen,” Саїд-Бартельмі. “I’m not a rookie anymore. I’m not going into this worried or nervous about it being my first title defense at 135. I’m comfortable enough now to see every fight as just another challenge I need to execute my game plan the most effectively and with the least amount of errors.
Barthelemy won my title, I had to vacate it due to a hand injury, so all he is doing is keeping it warm for me,” said Bey. “Тренувальний табір йде велика. I have been training hard for over a month. I have the best team in the business, with the most knowledgeable trainers. I’m looking forward to the challenge with him being undefeated and a two-time world champion. We both have a lot of skills, so it will make an entertaining fight for sure.
I want to challenge all of the bantamweight champions to fight me so they can see a real athlete in the ring,” сказав Родрігес. “I have been training hard. This is a lifestyle for me. I have been training since December and on June 3, I am going to deliver a knockout.
I’m excited about this opportunity against a good young fighter,” said Proa. “I’ve been training hard and feel like this is my time. I’m going to come forward and see what this guy can do.
Квитки на турнірі, which is promoted by Kings Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and Panther Promotions, за ціною $130, $80, $60 і $35 і вже у продажу. All seats are reserved and available at all Ticketmaster outlets, на сайті www.myhrl.com,WWW.ticketmaster.com or charge by phone: 1-800-745-3000. Двері відкриваються в 5:30 вечора, with the first fight set to begin at 6:30 p.m. *Additional fees may apply.
This will be a tremendous night of boxing on Spike TV,” Маршалл Кауфман сказав в Акції Короля. “Barthelemy is an up-and-coming star in the sport and he is facing a former world champion who never lost his belt in the ring. This will be a great fight and there should be a great atmosphere with a lot of Cuban boxing fans there to support their world champion.
We’re looking forward to bringing a great night of boxing to the State of Florida. We’re giving the fans another treat come June 3ї. The card is stacked with matchups that will undoubtedly be crowd pleasers,” сказав Леонард Еллербе, Генеральний директор Мейвезер Акції. “Both Mickey Bey and Rances Barthelemy have world titles under their belts, so they will bring in the experience of being able to perform, and match it up against one another to see who will come out the best man standing at the end of the night.
We at Panther Promotions are very excited for this Червень 3ї card at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Казино,” said Elliot Alvarado, Генеральний директор, Panther Promotions. “We are proudly joining forces with both Mayweather and Kings Promotions, which are featuring PBC on Spike TV. This is going to be a sensational evening of boxing featuring Cuban Lightweight Champion Rances Barthelemy vs. Cleveland’s own former champion, Міккі бий. Our goal is to bring back the classic fights to the Seminole Hard Rock Live in South Florida.
Кубинський любитель чемпіон, 29-year-old Barthelemyhas yet to taste defeat since turning pro in 2009. Народився на Кубі, але в даний час борються в Лас-Вегасі, he won a super featherweight world title in July 2014 by defeating Argenis Mendez in impressive fashion, and followed that up with a second round TKO victory over Angino Perez. After dominating former champion Antonio DeMarco in June, he won a world title in a second division when he impressively defeated Denis Shafikov in December.
Bey won his world title in 2014 with a decision victory over long reigning champion Miguel Vasquez. The 32-year-old vacated his title due to inactivity and injuries but returned in December to defeat previously unbeaten Naim Nelson by decision to earn himself a shot at the very title he vacated. Bey’s previous victories include defeats against Алан Еррера, Carlos Cardenas and Hector Velazquez.
Якраз в 23-річної, Родрігес був на найкоротшому шляху до боротьби звання чемпіона світу з поворотним професіоналом у 2012. Він зробив свій U.S. debut in November by stopping Eliecer Aquino after previously taking down Gabor Molnar, Луїс Інохоса і Алекс Ранжел в 2015. Манати, Puerto Rico-born fighter will bring his exciting style into the ring against another tough opponent on June 3.
Боротьба з Монтеррей, Мексика, Proa will be fighting in the U.S. for the third time when he takes on Rodriguez on June 3. The 31-year-old was unbeaten in his first 28 pro starts and has won his last two bouts, including most recently a first round stoppage of Oswaldo Delgado in February.
Слідуйте за щебетатьPremierBoxing, RealKidBlast, @MickeyBeyTMT, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@KingsBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @PantherPromo and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions і
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Основні доступні для вбудовування в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.