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Vadim Finkelchtein: “Die Situation zwischen Emelianenko und Maldonado wird lächerlich”

CARLO, Monaco(Juli 28, 2016)- Weltverband MMA (WMMAA) Vadim Finkelchtein ist an die Öffentlichkeit gegangen, um die jüngste Entscheidung der WMMAA bezüglich der Berufung von Team Maldonado zu erläutern, was zur Änderung des Beamten führte Fedor EmelianenkoFabio Maldonado Kampfergebnis zu einem Unentschieden, zusätzlich zur Kündigung seines Richterkopfes, Radmir Gabdullin.

WMMAA-Präsident Vadim Finkelchtein
Vadim, Sprechen Sie uns durch das Berufungsverfahren. Warum haben Sie das überhaupt akzeptiert, seit die russische MMA Union die Berufung des Maldonado-Managers abgelehnt hat??
VF: “Jeder konnte sehen, was nach dem Kampf in den Medien und in der MMA-Community los war. Gründer der russischen MMA Union und der World MMA Association, Ich erhielt unzählige Nachrichten und Anrufe von Leuten, die eine Erklärung forderten, wie es den Mitarbeitern der russischen MMA Union möglich war, ihren eigenen Chef zu amtieren’ Kampf. Ich habe Hunderte von negativen Kommentaren gelesen, die die russische MMA Union und die WMMAA herabsetzen. Einige gingen sogar so weit zu sagen, dass es um die russische Mafia ging, die dort Geschäfte macht, Alle russischen Richter werden gekauft, etc. Ich habe versucht, mich von diesem Debakel fernzuhalten, da der Kampf in einer anderen Beförderung stattfand, aber als Maldonados Manager einen Appell an die WMMAA schickte, Bitten Sie darum, das Kampfergebnis neu zu bewerten, wir konnten nicht nein sagen. Der Ruf von WMMAA stand ebenso auf dem Spiel wie der der russischen MMA-Szene, auch.”
Wie sah der Prozess der Auswahl der Neubewertungskommission aus und warum wurde Oberrichter Radmir Gabdullin suspendiert??
VF: “Im Prinzip, Ich musste Radmir machen, als oberster Richter der WMMAA, verantwortlich für den gesamten Prozess. Jedoch, da er einer der Gründe war, tauchte der Appell überhaupt erst auf, Die logischste Entscheidung war, ihn vorübergehend zu suspendieren und den Generalsekretär der WMMAA zu ernennen (Alexander Engelhardt) damit umgehen.”
In seinem letzten Interview, Radmir Gabdullin hat die Bedeutung des Urteils der WMMAA herabgesetzt, Es sei alles inoffiziell und er habe nie Berufung eingelegt.
VF: “Hier gibt es nichts zu kommentieren. Es ist eine reine Lüge. Ich verstehe nicht, was er erreichen wollte, indem er so etwas sagte. Im Bedarfsfall, Ich kann die E-Mail des Managers mit Mitarbeitern der russischen MMA Union anzeigen, Kamil Gadzhiev und WMMAA-Mitarbeiter als Empfänger. Zu sagen, dass er nie eine Berufung erhalten hat, ist absurd und eine dumme Ausrede.”
Gleichzeitig beleidigte er die Profis, die den Kampf neu bewerteten, indem er sie als inkompetent bezeichnete.
VF: “Als ich es las, war meine erste Reaktion eine große Enttäuschung. Wie könnte er, als offizieller Oberrichter, Sagen Sie seinen Kollegen, die er wirklich gut kennt, so etwas? Er leitete mehrere Veranstaltungen mit ihnen. Ihre Erfahrung ist zehn- oder sogar hundertmal größer als die von Radmir. Marco Broersen hat große europäische Ereignisse amtiert, einschließlich KSW, M-1 Global und viele andere, für 15 Jahre. Er hatte auf diesem Gebiet gearbeitet, als Radmir noch in der Schule war. Es ist eine Schande für ihn, so etwas zu sagen. Es ist sowohl für Radmir als auch für die russische MMA-Union erniedrigend.”
Können Sie erklären, warum der 24-jährige Radmir als oberster Richter sowohl in der WMMAA als auch in der russischen MMA Union ausgewählt wurde, ohne jegliche Erfahrung oder angemessene Ausbildung??
VF: “Sie wissen, alles begann wieder in 2010-2011, Als ich mich entschied, Amateur-MMA zu entwickeln, um Tausenden junger Sportler Karrieremöglichkeiten zu bieten. Dafür war die MMA-Union in Russland notwendig, sowie die offizielle Anerkennung von Mixed Martial Arts als Sport. Es war schwer. Ich hatte keine Erfahrung in einer Föderation; viel Papierkram. Es fehlte uns an qualifiziertem Personal, als wir anfingen, Leute zu suchen. Ich bot Fedor Emelianenko an, der Präsident der Union zu sein, wobei ich die WMMAA leitete. Gabdullins Name wurde von Fedor erwähnt. Er sagte, da war dieser junge und vielversprechende Typ, Mal sehen, was er kann. Ich stimmte vollkommen zu, obwohl mir klar wurde, dass er weder Erfahrung noch Wissen hatte.”
Wie haben Sie auf Kamil Gadzhievs Kommentare reagiert, in denen in jedem Interview behauptet wurde, ein Unentschieden sei das beste Ergebnis?, aber nachdem das Ergebnis von Sherdog nach dem Urteil der WMMAA geändert wurde, Er änderte seine Meinung und versprach, Sherdog anzurufen und zu mailen, um gegen seine Aktion zu protestieren?
VF: “Ich habe mit Kamil telefoniert. Er machte deutlich, dass er der WMMAA und der russischen MMA Union vertraut, während er seine persönliche Meinung wiederholte, dass die Auslosung die gerechteste Entscheidung wäre. Ich weiß nicht, warum seine Worte nicht konsequent von seinen Taten gestützt wurden.”
Die russische MMA Union hat viele Beamte. Noch, niemand würde die Situation kommentieren, einschließlich Fedor selbst. Warum das?
VF: “Ich kann diese Frage nicht beantworten. Das Wichtigste für mich ist Gerechtigkeit und Ansehen, und das gilt für die russische MMA und WMMAA, zu. Ich konnte keine Seiten auswählen, Aus diesem Grund wurde eine internationale Richterkommission eingerichtet. Niemand versuchte, den Sieg des anderen Mannes zu erringen, wie einige in Kommentaren behauptet haben. Als WMMAA-Präsident, Ich schäme mich, dass die Situation so weit gegangen ist. Die überwiegende Mehrheit der führenden MMA-Standorte unterstützte das Urteil der WMMAA; Sherdog änderte das Ergebnis. Ein weiteres Beispiel ist das Umfrageergebnis von Match TV, 56 Prozent der russischen Wähler sagten, Fedor habe den Kampf nicht gewonnen. 'Big’ John McCarthy sagte es. Sergey Kharitonov,Alexey Oleinik und viele andere haben dasselbe gesagt. Leute, die Fedor seit Jahren anfeuern, haben das erkannt. Und jetzt haben wir eine Person, die das Gegenteil sagt, Unsere Entscheidung zu sagen ist inoffiziell, dass erfahrene Richter in kürzester Zeit inkompetent geworden sind, und er hatte nie eine Berufung erhalten. Das ist eine traurige Situation und wir müssen angemessen damit umgehen. Die Welt wartet auf fundierte und begründete Entscheidungen, bekommt aber stattdessen Ausreden und Lügen. Unser Ruf steht deshalb auf dem Spiel.”
Zeitplan des Majors 2016 MMA-Veranstaltungen
3.-8. August – Asiatische MMA-Meisterschaft in Hwasun, Südkorea
Sieben. 14-16 – MMA-Europameisterschaft in Tiflis, Georgia
Oktober. 7-9 – Erste Panamerikanische Meisterschaften in Santiago, Chile
November. 18-20 – MMM-Weltmeisterschaft in Macau, China
Zwitschern: @ theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa


Santa Cruz Family Opens Up About Father Jose’s Battle With Cancer




Frampton, & McGuigan Plan For Irish Invasion




As Leo Santa Cruz and Carl Frampton prepare to collide for one of the top spots in the featherweight division an diesem Samstag, the undefeated fighters have plenty of motivation as they approach their marquee summer blockbuster.


Boxing has always been a family affair for the Santa Cruz clan, with father Jose leading the charge with the assistance of Leo’s brother, Anthony. But a frightening diagnosis of cancer has threatened to prevent Jose from manning Leo’s corner for the first time in his career.


After unifying the super bantamweight division, Frampton moved up to featherweight for his second fight in the U.S. And while the Irish sensation aims to become a two-division world champion, he’s also hoping to become a star in America and follow in the footsteps of his mentor, Hall of Famer Barry McGuigan.


Check out these intimate SHOWTIME Sports features on Santa Cruz and Frampton as they approach a career-defining moment an diesem Samstag, live auf Showtime® (9 p.m. UND/6 p.m. PT) von Barclays Center in Brooklyn.




Karten für das Live-Event, which is presented by Premier Boxing Champions and promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with Cyclone Promotions, ab $38 und kann online durch den Besuch erworben werden, oder telefonisch unter 1-800-745-3000. Tickets sind auch an der American Express Box Office auf Barclays Center. Gruppenrabatte sind telefonisch unter 844-BKLYN-GP verfügbar.


Undefeated former two-division world champion Mikey Garcia will fight for the first time in two-and-one-half years when he faces Elio Rojas in the co-feature on SHOWTIME. In the opening bout of the Showtime Championship Boxing® im Fernsehen übertragen, Tony Harrison und Sergey Rabchenko will meet in a 12-round IBF Junior Middleweight Elimination Bout.


An all-Brooklyn showdown between welterweights Paulie “Magic Man” Malignaggi undGabriel “Tito” Bracero highlights the undercard on SHOWTIME BOXING on SHOWTIME EXTREME®. A 10-round clash between once-beaten lightweight Ivan Redkach and streaking Tevin Farmer, ein Gewinner 14 straight, will open the SHOWTIME EXTREME®telecast live at 7 p.m. UND/PT.


Barclays Center Brooklyn Boxen ™ Programmierplattform ist von AARP vorgestellt. Für weitere Informationen besuchen folgen auf TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, RealCFrampton, BarclaysCenter, und @Swanson_Comm oder ein Fan auf Facebook an,, PBC wird gesponsert von Corona, Feinste Bier.


Juli 29 airing live on Spike TV from Videotron Centre
Adonis ”Übermensch” Stevenson – WBC and lineal light heavyweight world champion:
”Willkommen in Québec City Thomas. Ich habe deinen Kampf gegen Edwin Rodriguez gesehen. Es war eine schöne Leistung mit einem schönen KO. Als ich diesen Kampf sah, Ich sagte mir, ich wollte diesen Kampf mit dir. I knew I was going to be motivated.
”Ich weiß, dass Williams hart trifft und dass er jetzt einen Namen in den Vereinigten Staaten hat, Aber ich behalte die gleiche Kronk Gym Mentalität, die Emmanuel Steward mir beigebracht hat: Wir gehen für die KO. It is also my daughter’s birthday and I want to get her a KO, Ich bin motiviert. That will be exciting…blink nicht!”
Thomas ”Platzhirsch” Williams – WBC #8 light heavyweight ranked challenger:
You don’t know what I have been through to be here. Tweets, talks and predictions won’t mean nothing Freitag Nacht…..facts will. There will be a new champion.
Eleider ”Sturm” Alvarez – WBC #1 ranked challenger and WBC Silver light heavyweight champion:
With only a 10-day notice, I am really happy to face a fighter of good caliber. Berridge is a tough guy who faced good names like Thomas Oosthuizen and Blake Caparello, but I prepared really hard for Chad Dawson. I am ready.
Robert ”The ButcherBerridgeNew Zealand light heavyweight champion :
I am excited to be here and to face a solid boxer. Expect a good performance from me Freitag.”
Yvon Michel – Präsident GYM:
The event is called ‘SHOOTOUTbecause of the aggressive style of Thomas Williams Jr, who fights like there is no morgen, combined with the explosive power of Adonis Stevenson.
Williams is a clear and present danger but we are convinced that Adonis is well prepared and will succeed, so that we will all be happy Samstag morning while eating breakfast. We still have not seen his full potential yet.
The fight between Eleider Alvarez and Robert Berridge is really important for the rankings in the light heavyweight division. Alvarez is highly considered by all the independent rankings (The Ring, BoxRec) and Berridge was already in training before the withdrawal of Chad Dawson, because he was supposed to fight on HBO PPV last weekend before the bout was cancelled for administrative reasons. He is fearless and a hard hitter.
Tickets für die “SHOOTOUT” Ereignis, jointly promoted by GYM and Gestev and presented by Vidéotron, in collaboration with Mise-O-Jeu, ab $50.00 and are on sale and available to purchase at, die Videotron Centre Box Office, Aufruf GYM at (514) 383-0666 andthe Champion Boxing club (514) 376-0980, or by dialing 1-855-790-1245


Open To the Public
LAS VEGAS, NV (Juli 27, 2016) – Die 4th Annual Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame Ceremony kicks off an diesem FreitagJuli, 29, 2016, with a meet and greet at the world renowned Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. The daylong event will commence from 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and take place at Caesars Palace on the 3rd floor outside the Palace Ballroom in the pre function area. Boxing champions from past and present will be on hand to sign autographs and take photos with those in attendance. The event is open to the public. Charity donations, which will be donated to local boxing programs, will be accepted during the event.
Am Samstag Juli, 30, 2016, eleven members of the boxing fraternity will be honored with induction into the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame. In the boxer category, Riddick Bowe, Ray Mancini, Christy Martin, Pernell Whitaker,Ricardo Lopez und Freddie Little will be inducted, and all six have confirmed their attendance. In the non-boxer category, Ausbilder Kenny Adams, Thell Torrence und Johnny Tocco are the honorees, and will be joined by boxing writer Tim Dahlberg and broadcaster Jakob “Smitty” Schmied. Leider, Tocco passed away in 1997, but all of the others are confirmed to be on-scene for their inductions.
Tickets for the NVBHOF induction Gala, priced $300, $175, $75 are on sale now by clicking hier
Below are the list and times of the boxing icons that will be present at Freitag Meet & Greet.
11am-12pm Ana JulatonFormer 2-time Women’s Super-Bantamweight World Champion
Hasim RahmanFormer 2-time Heavyweight World Champion
Devin HaneyUndefeated Rising Star and Featherweight Phenom
Ische SmithFormer Super-Welterweight World Champion
Richard SteeleFamed Retired Boxing Referee
12pm-1pm Jesse VargasCurrent WBO Welterweight World Champion
Mike McCallumFormer Light Middleweight, Middleweight and Light Heavyweight Champion
Verno PhillipsFormer 2-time Super-Welterweight World Champion
Leon SpinksFormer 2-time Heavyweight World Champion
Bones AdamsFormer Super-Bantamweight World Champion
Terry NorrisFormer 3-time Super-Welterweight World Champion
1pm-2pm Laura SerranoFormer Women’s Super-Featherweight World Champion
Ricardo LopezFormer Minimumweight and Light-Flyweight Champion
Kevin KelleyFormer Featherweight World Champion
Joel CasamayorFormer Super-Featherweight and Lightweight World Champion
Riddick BoweFormer 3-time Heavyweight World Champion
2Uhr-15.00 Uhr Ava RitterFormer 2-time Women’s Flyweight World Champion
James SmithBoxing Commentator and Host of In The Corner TV show
Badou JackCurrent WBC Super-Middleweight World Champion
Eddie Mustafa MohammadFormer Light-Heavyweight World Champion
3pm-4pm Christy MartinFormer Women’s Super-Welterweight World Champion
Pernell WhitakerFormer Lightweight, Super-Lightweight and Welterweight World Champion
Zab JudahFormer Super-Lightweight and Welterweight World Champion
Quick TillisFormer Heavyweight World Title Challenger
Ernie ShaversFormer Heavyweight World Title Challenger
Shawn Porter – Der ehemalige Weltmeister im Weltergewicht
4pm-5pm Elena ReidFormer Women’s Flyweight World Champion
Freddie LittleFormer Super-Welterweight World Champion
Kenny AdamsProfessional Boxing Trainer)
Paulie AylaFormer Bantamweight and Super-Bantamweight World Champion
Crystina PoncherBoxing Commentator
Bernardo OsunaESPN Boxing Commentator
The Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame is an IRS 501-c-3 non-profit, charitable organization which donates to boxing-related causes. Ticketkäufe, Auktions- oder Gewinnspielkäufe, und Spenden sind steuerlich absetzbar.

Leo Santa Cruz vs. Carl Frampton Fight Week Media Workout Quotes & Fotos

Featherweight World Title Clash Headlines
Showtime Championship Boxing® Diese Samstag, Juli 30
From Barclays Center Live on SHOWTIME
(9 p.m. UND/6 p.m. PT)
Action Begins on SHOWTIME EXTREME® bei 7 p.m. UND/PT
Klicken HIER für Fotos von Amanda Westcott / Showtime
Klicken HIER für Fotos von Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
BROOKLYN (Juli 27, 2016) – Undefeated featherweight world champion Leo Santa Cruz and undefeated former unified 122-pound world champion, Irish star Carl Frampton, were joined by undercard fighters in Manhattan at Church Street BoxingMittwoch for the final media workout before Samstag Showtime Championship Boxing tripleheader live from Barclays Center in Brooklyn.
Fernsehen Schutz beginnt jeweils mit 9 p.m. UND/6 p.m. PT on SHOWTIME following fights on SHOWTIME EXTREME that begin at 7 p.m. UND/PT.
Karten für das Live-Event, which is presented by Premier Boxing Champions and promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with Cyclone Promotions, ab $38 und kann online durch den Besuch erworben werden, oder telefonisch unter 1-800-745-3000. Tickets sind auch an der American Express Box Office auf Barclays Center. Gruppenrabatte sind telefonisch unter 844-BKLYN-GP verfügbar.
In attendance Mittwoch and fighting on SHOWTIME wereundefeated two-division world champion Mikey Garcia und Ex-Weltmeister Elio Rojas, who meet in a 10-round super lightweight bout, plus super welterweights Tony Harrison und Sergey Rabchenko, who meet in a world title eliminator.
Also working out at Church Street Boxing were the main event boxers on SHOWTIME EXTREME, Brooklyn natives Paulie Malignaggi und Gabriel Bracero.
Hier ist, was die Kämpfer zu sagen hatte Mittwoch:
I’m ready to come here and give a great fight. Ich will es einen Krieg zu führen. Carl Frampton is a great fighter and he makes for an interesting fight. I’m excited to perform in front of the fans.
Carl is an undefeated fighter just like myself, so we’re both going to be hungry. We’re going to leave it all in the ring. Neither of us wants to lose and we’re going to give it our all.
My dad is going to be in my corner and that’s very important to me. We’re both excited to give the fans a great show. It’s a great relief to have him here and for many more years.
I think that this is the perfect time for this fight. We’re both undefeated and in the prime of our careers. It’s an easy fight to make and a really big fight that the fans will love.
I don’t think moving up in weight will affect Carl at all. He’s got a big frame and he’s a big guy. He is probably a little bit bigger than me. I know he had problems making 122 Pfund, but this should be easier for him.
I think he’s going to move and I’m going to have to be smart and not get caught. If I’m not feeling his punches, then we’re going to stand in front of him and exchange. I can also box with him if I need.
I know I’ll have to use my jab and follow up with the right. We have a game plan and backup plans. We’ll be ready for anything.
I think our styles are both very exciting. Ich kann nicht warten, Samstag Nacht. This is the right fight. I’m hoping that both of us come forward and give the fans a show.
People think Frampton is the underdog because he’s moving up in weight. But I moved up in weight too. I never take an opponent lightly. I’m going to come really hungry. I respect every fighter and I train for my opponent to be at his best.
I have a lot of respect for Frampton. He has everything you need to be a great fighter. Excellent footwork, great power and good punches. Once he’s in the ring with me, I’m fighting for my future.
This could definitely be a career-defining fight. I think getting a win over Carl Frampton will get me to the next level. I think the winner of the fight will be considered one of the best fighters in the world.
JOSE SANTA CRUZ, Leo’s Father & Trainer
“Ich bin wirklich froh, hier zu sein. I’ve been at all of Leo’s fights and it’s great to be at this one. This is just another reason to be happy. I’m so thrilled for Leo that he has this opportunity and to be here for him.
I know Frampton is undefeated, but Leo comes very prepared. He has worked hard in camp, wie er es immer tut. Hopefully both fighters give the fans a good fight on fight night.
It’s getting big this week. It’s real. I’m completely up for it. I’m excited to bring a big crowd over here and I’m going to do everything I can to have my hand raised.
This is a dream of mine. To come to America and box is something I’ve always wanted to do. Barclays Center is taking over as the best venue in New York and I’m going to look to put on a world-class performance. It will take my best to get this victory.
Obviously I have enough motivation on my own, but it would be nice to bring back the title that Barry (McGuigan) once owned. It feels a bit like destiny for me. It’s my turn to win it back for him. I’m doing this for my whole team. I’m doing this for my family and I’m doing this for my entire country.
I’ve dealt with fighting bigger guys throughout my whole career. I’m used to it. I’ve fought bigger guys than Santa Cruz. I think on fight night I’m going to be stronger. People forget that he started his career at bantamweight while I fought as a featherweight in the amateurs. On the night, I’ll be the bigger man and that will be the difference.
Leo seems like a nice guy and he’s very respectful. I’ve been respectful to him. He’s obviously a very good fighter. This is a world title fight, so I don’t think we need any extra words between the two of us. We’re both undefeated and we’re looking for a war.
The last time I was an underdog was 2009 during the Irish championships. I was a massive underdog and everyone who knew me won a lot of money that night.
Leo is a great fighter. He’s world class. Easily the toughest opponent that I’ve faced so far. But I think I’m Leo’s best opponent as well. I think this has all the ingredients to be a top quality fight. I’ve had a hard training camp and I’m ready to leave everything in the ring.
I’ve got a game plan. I’m not going to blink. We’re hoping that ‘game plan Awill work, but if not, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve.
All the pressure is on Santa Cruz. Everyone is expecting him to win. I’m going to come in there and upset him. I’m here to put on a great performance and bring the belt back home.
I’ve gotten a good reception since coming to America and I think it will only grow on fight night. People will appreciate my style and I think our styles will gel well in the ring.
I’m feeling strong mentally and physically. I feel like my stamina level has increased with the new weight. I’m eating well and enjoying myself.
Barry McGuigan, Frampton Manager, Ex-Weltmeister & Hall of Fame
Being here is great. I never got a chance to fight here in New York. I’ve always known that Frampton would be a sensation over here. We’ve always wanted to be here on the east coast. We’ve worked very hard with the Irish community to get his name out there. It’s been fantastic.
This is a can’t miss fight. It can’t be a bad fight, no matter how you look at it. It’s going to be an exciting fight. It might start off tepid, but it’s going to develop into a phenomenal fight. The mesh of styles is going to make this a Fight of the Year candidate.
It was a wonderful experience being at the Empire State Building yesterday and it was our first opportunity to meet the Santa Cruz family. They’re wonderful people and Leo is an incredible fighter. He’s not arrogant and he’s the sort of guy that everybody likes. We admire Santa Cruz, but we believe that Carl is going to put on an amazing performance Samstag Nacht.
What’s important is winning am Samstag Nacht. We put so much time and commitment to this game. You don’t want to do all that work and lose. Getting the win is vital.
I don’t feel any pressure at all. Zu mir, it’s just another day at the office. I have faith in my abilities and confidence in what I can do as a boxer. I’m excited to be back. I’m going to go in there and take care of business like I always do.
The New York fans have always showed me a lot of love and support. Egal was, they’re in for a good boxing match. The fans are great and they want a great fight. I never look to make a boring fight. I always want to put on a show. I want to give the fans something to talk about.
I’m more motivated than I ever have been before. It’s been a long time of working hard in the gym every day.
I’m very happy to be back and I want to accomplish a lot more. I think you’re going to see a better Mikey am Samstag. My will to win is higher than it’s ever been.
Being on a card like this is a reminder of everything that I can be. If there is interest in me right now, it shows that someone believes in me. We put everything else aside and focused on this date. Danach, I’m looking for a world title.
ROBERT GARCIA, Mikey’s Brother & Trainer
I think that Mikey is going to put on a great performance. Anything could happen in boxing. Mikey should look good and he should win convincingly.
I think the interest that people have in Mikey’s future shows how much potential he has. He’s a guy who could be a big name to help carry the sport.
We haven’t been listening to anything outside of the camp. We stopped any conversations outside of training to get 100 percent focused on this fight. We’re looking to come back stronger than ever.
We’re both coming off of long layoffs. I see the fight pretty even. Garcia might have some advantages of being the bigger guy but I’m not worried about that.
The new weight feels good. It’s different but it’s nice to not have to kill the body to make weight. We’ve been on weight for two weeks. I’ve brought some power with me as I go up in weight. Ich fühle mich stark.
I’ve been doing everything right in training camp. My specialty is moving my hands and excellent footwork.
I feel like I can beat Mikey Garcia. I have some things that I think will give Mikey Garcia a lot of trouble. Ich habe die Werkzeuge. We know that Mikey is the favorite. Everyone thought LeBron James was going to lose in the Finals when he was down 3-1, but this is a sport and anything can happen.
I take this sport seriously. Everything I do, Ich mache 100 Prozent. I’m here for the city of Detroit. The city needs something to rejuvenate and that’s what I’m trying to do. I want to bring big-time boxing back to Detroit.
This is going to be a fan-friendly fight. This is going to be like Thurman vs. Tragen. The styles are just perfect for this fight. I’m going to be at my best on fight night.
Being here in New York is great. I can tell right away that it’s a great fight atmosphere and I love it.
It was a very long camp. I’m in great shape and ready mentally. I have a lot to prove in this fight and I’m excited to get in there.
I watched a 15-second clip of him and then I shut the video off. I don’t want to make adjustments off of him, I want him to adjust to me. I know that he’s a tough competitor. You can’t take anything away from his record.
“Ich nehme es ein Kampf auf einmal. I just want to get the respect that I deserve. That’s what I’m coming for. They call me for a fight and I say yes.
I think I’m at my best right now. I’m starting to peak. I’m starting to find my grown-man strength and my second wind in the ring. When I’m going in late rounds I feel comfortable.
Whoever wants to fight; they know I’m going to say yes. I just want to compete. I’m fighting for my city and I want to see where I’m at. I’m ready to carry the load for Detroit boxing. I wouldn’t want to be from anywhere else.
My team is definitely the strongest it’s ever been. I’m in a really good place mentally right now. I think I’m going to show a whole new level am Samstag Nacht.”
It’s the most important fight of my life. I think it’s a very interesting fight, with it being my first time in America. I’ve enjoyed it a lot so far. New York never sleeps. There are always many different kinds of people. It’s a nice city.
Having Ricky Hatton as my trainer helps me because of his great experience. He’s been in many big fights and he’s a great trainer. I’m very comfortable working with him.
I am aiming for a knockout, but I’m ready for 12 Runde. It’s boxing though, so anything can happen. It could be over very quickly.
This is a big chance in my life. It’s a big step and I’m ready to take advantage of it.
RICKY HATTON, Rabchenko’s Trainer
This isn’t exactly like fighting, but I do get very nervous and tense in the corner. I’ve fulfilled my dreams and now I’m here trying to help other fighters fulfill their dreams. I get nervous but I’m confident in him.
Sergey has been a pleasure to train. I think he’s going to be a world champion. I really do. He’s been a European Champion and he’s overcome his loss. I think this is the best he’s ever been. We’ll hope that it translates to Samstag night because he certainly has the potential to be a world champion.
I can’t train fighters that I’m not fond of. I’ve known Sergey for a number of years and I’m here for him. I have a feel for being in the corner with him. There is a different type of nerves I have being in the corner.
Paulie Malignaggi
I hope the crowd enjoys this fight. I really want to put on a show for the local fans and represent for my home.
It would normally be strange to fight a guy I know so well. But I know he’s a competitor. I’ve known his mentality since the amateurs. Er kommt um zu gewinnen. Once the bell rings, this guy isn’t taking any prisoners. I trained with that same mentality.
I know we’re both competitors. Who wants the bragging rights am Samstag Nacht?
Hopefully we can bring some fans of ours to the building am Samstag night and they can become fans of Santa Cruz and Frampton.
This is a great crossroads fight. I trained for the competitor that I know he is and I’m ready to put on a show.
This fight gives me an opportunity to keep dreaming in that ring. I have an opportunity to do some things that people don’t think I’m able to, but I feel like I still can. I’m going to put my skills to good use and accomplish what I’m set out to do.
It’s not about impressing myself, it’s about getting the job done to the best of my abilities. I want to prove to people that I still have more left than they think.
This is all business. Paulie is a friend now and he’ll be a friend after. But I’m trying to make it to Paulie’s level. He is successful and I’m trying to do the same thing. Boxing is my outlet to reach those goals.
There was a time when I was away in prison. I would receive boxing magazines in the mail and see Paulie there and on TV. I wanted to be Paulie’s competition and have his success. By him giving me this opportunity I can accomplish that. I’m thankful but I’m taking him down.
I don’t want to sound overconfident. You’re going to see a chess match. Paulie is a boxer. When he makes a mistake, I’m going to capitalize on it. The rest will be a surprise.
This is the biggest fight of my career. If I beat Paulie, my career will jump to the next level. I can get the big fights that I’m looking for. I’m never looking past Paulie and I’m focused on the task at hand.
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Greg Cohen Promotions Signs Streaking Bantamweight Contender Elton Dharry to a Promotional Contract

Greg Cohen Promotions proudly announces the signing of IBF #14-rated bantamweight Elton Dharry to a promotional contract.
Dharry (20-5-1, 13 KOs) got off to a slow start in his career, losing five times and drawing once in his first nine. Jedoch, since then, he is undefeated in 17 consecutive fights, dating all the way back to 2010.
Während dieser Zeit, 30-year-old Dharry has picked up the WBC Caribbean Boxing Federation (CABOFE) and Guyanese Bantamweight Championships, as well as the IBF Inter-Continental Bantamweight title from then 12-1-1 Jose Rios.
Early on in my career, I was not really with the right team and the judges never really got it right, so it made me look like a fighter I’m not,” explained Dharry of his slow start. “I know most people would quit and walk away, but I had the self-belief and determination to come back and become something. I changed my team to (Ausbilder) Martin Gonzales and Don Saxby and stopped taking short notice fights.
The streaking Dharry says he feels good about coming aboard the ever-expanding GCP stable of champions and contenders.
I feel good about it. I’ve known Greg Cohen for a while now and I feel like he’s going to get me the right fights to get me where I need to be and get me the world title shot I want. I’m very excited because I know he’ll get things going soon.
Of Indian descent, but born in Guyana, Dharry and his family moved to Brooklyn in 1999, where he started boxing at age 11 after getting into several fights at school. Als Amateur, he fought in the US Nationals, the Metro finals, and the Olympic box-offs before turning pro in late 2004. He now fights out of the famous Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn.
I set a goal for myself many years ago,” continued Dharry. “My goal is to be world champion and I’m sticking to it. My belief is I can accomplish this, especially with my new promoter making it happen for me.
Dharry says he’d particularly like to face WBA Champ Rau’shee Warren, or IBF boss Lee Haskins, but will take on anyone Cohen puts in front of him.
I’m a counter puncher but I like to adapt to whoever I’m facing and whatever they bring. I box if I need to and fight if I need to. I’ll trade shots if I have to as well. I have the determination it takes to do anything.

Australischer Top-Schwergewichts- und ungekrönter Champion Lucas Browne meldet sich freiwillig für das WBC Clean Boxing Program

Former WBA World Heavyweight Champion Lucas Big DaddyBrowne of Australia is upping the ante in his quest to clear his name and regain his championship by voluntarily enrolling in the WBC’s Clean Boxing Program.
The hard-punching Browne (24-0, 21 KOs) stopped Uzbekistan’s Ruslan Chagaev in round 10 last March in Grozny, Russland, to become Australia’s first-ever heavyweight champion. The dramatic victory, jedoch, was nullified and Browne’s championship was stripped away and returned to Chagaev, nach dem Kampf, after he reportedly tested positive for the banned substance Clenbuterol.
Browne, who tested completely clean in a random drug test by VADA six days before the fight against Chagaev, staunchly maintains his innocence of purposefully taking any banned substance ever, and says he is taking steps to ensure he is never again accused of cheating.
I’m proud to announce that I am now part of the Clean Boxing Program, which is being run by the WBC and VADA,” Said Browne. “By voluntarily enrolling in this program I am able to be randomly tested at any time, 365 days of the year.
Browne, who was the one who insisted that VADA perform drug testing before the Chagaev fight, says the decision to join the program was an easy one to make. “I have absolutely no issues with this, as I am a clean athlete and I believe boxing needs this kind of regulation. I welcome this aspect of safety for the sport of boxing. I despise all drugs, whether they be performance-enhancing or recreational.
Browne’s manager, Matt Clark, says that by becoming Australia’s first fighter to volunteer for the program, his fighter will hopefully start a trend.
Lucas is Australia’s premier boxer and resents drugs of any kind,” sagte Clark. “We hope that other fighters from around the world join Lucas and sign up for the program. Anything that makes boxing safer is a good thing.
Browne and Clark say they are still fightingtooth and nailto clear his name and thank the public for the tremendous support they have received, weltweit.
Having always been a clean athlete, I am totally opposed to any form of doping,” Browne concluded. “I’ve always felt that cheaters in professional boxing should be banned for life. Mit 21 KOs in my 21 Siege, I’m of the same opinion as (current WBC World Heavyweight Champion) Deontay Wilder: If I was ever to use PED drugs, I might end up killing someone!”

Lee Baxter-Aktionen’ „Next Generation“ im Free Stream Live verfügbar

Toronto, Ontario, Kanada (Juli 27, 2016) – Lee Baxter Promotions freut sich, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass die erste „Next Generation“-Karte stattfindet Donnerstag, Juli 28 in der Danforth Music Hall in Toronto wird kostenlos und live auf FRPLive.TV ausgestrahlt.
Kürzlich von Lee Baxter selbst erstellt, Die „Next Generation“-Karten bieten Boxern, die glauben, das Zeug dazu zu haben, das nächste Level zu erreichen, ein Ventil. Die meisten Kämpfer kommen aus Kanada, aber einige werden aus verschiedenen Teilen der Welt anreisen.
Von TV-Sendungen bis hin zu Live-Events, Konzerte, Interviews und Originalinhalte, bietet seinen Zuschauern eine breite Palette an Unterhaltung. Die Website wurde vom legendären DJ Funk Master Flex ins Leben gerufen und fügt täglich neue Inhalte hinzu.
Promoter Lee Baxter sagte über die Ausstrahlung seiner ersten Karte: „Ich bin froh, dass wir Kampffans auf der ganzen Welt kostenlos Unterhaltung bieten können. Ich glaube, es gibt keinen besseren Weg, unsere neue Serie und die Kämpfer in allen Teilen der Welt vorzustellen, als ihnen zu erlauben, sie bequem von zu Hause aus zu sehen.“
Schlagzeilen gemacht von einem Showdown zwischen dem talentierten aus Ontario stammenden Steven Wilcox und dem mexikanischen Juan Orozco, die Sendung für die Fünf-Kampf-Karte beginnt um 7 pm est und weltweit zu sehen unter
Gesponsert von Everlast, Vonbets, Hardknocks Boxclub & Brauerei Labatts, Tickets für die „Next Generation“ sind ab sofort erhältlich für $45, $55 und $65 indem Sie sich bei Ticketmaster.Ca . anmelden. Die Türen öffnen um offen 6:30 pm und der erste Kampf ist geplant für 7:30.

Banner Promotions & Thompson Boxing unterschreibt den herausragenden Amateur Ruben Villa zu einem Co-Werbevertrag


Philadelphia, PA / Orange, SOWIE. (Juli 26, 2016)–Banner Promotions und Thompson Boxing Promotions are pleased to announce the signing of amateur standout Ruben Villato a co-promotional contract.
Die 19 year-old Villa of Salinas, California compiled an outstanding record of 166-17 in the unpaid ranks that included two National Junior Golden Gloves titles and two National Golden Gloves championships at 123 Pfund.
Ruben did not make the U.S. Olympic team due to his struggles to make 123 pounds in the Olympic Trials. He will campaign as a professional in the featherweight division (126 lbs).
“Ich bin aufgeregt, and I have been working very hard to get to this point. I cannot wait to turn professional,” sagte Villa.
It is very cool to sign with two great promoters. We were offered the opportunity, and we took it.
As for the Olympic trials I was disappointed, yet happy at the same time. I was happy to make it that far, and now I am ready for the next phase of my career.
Villa began boxing at the age of five when his family, who were big boxing fans, took young Ruben to the gym.
That spawned his amateur career, which saw him reach the number-1 national ranking at 123 pounds and saw him defeat eventual United States Olympian Shakur Stevenson.
He is a good fighter, and I hope he wins a medal and at some point we can break the tie in our fights against each other. I see that as a big fight down the line in the pros.
Villa defeated Stevenson in the National Golden Gloves and Olympic Trials.
The 5’6Villa is managed and trained by Danny Zamora. Zamora performs the same roles with world-ranked NABA, NACHBAR, NABF and Boxicino 2014 lightweight champion Petr Petrov.
Villa describes his style as a boxer who uses angles and does not get hit much.
My boxing influences are a bit of Vasyl Lomachenko and Canelo Alavrez.
Ruben’s family and friends are not only a big part of his life, but also part of his success.
My parents started me in boxing, and they have been extremely supportive in this. I also have 4 Schwestern (Ruben is the 2nd oldest of the 5 Kinder), and they are very supportive as well. “
Villa has sparred with Petrov, Bruno Escalante and Manuel Avilla, and that has given him a good gage on where he is at as he embarks on his career.
I do well with those guys. I can hold my own, and those guys are great professionals. It gives me confidence as I start out.
Whenever you have the chance to sign someone as talented and as gifted as Ruben Villa, you jump at that opportunity,” sagte Ken Thompson, President of Thompson Boxing Promotions. “Villa comes to us from an accomplished amateur background. He has all the traits you look for in a prospecttremendous skill set, positive attitude, and a love for the sport. He has an outstanding future ahead of him.

Arthur Pelullo, President of Banner Promotions stated, “We are very excited by the signing of Ruben. He has all the makings of a future star. I can see big things in his future, as he has great ability, a pro-style and the intangibles to be a great fighter for a long time. We are very familiar with Ruben’s team, and we have a great relationship with his manager, Danny Zamora. We are eager to start Ruben on his journey to become a world champion.

Ruben is a great prospect, a top amateur and an Olympic alternate,” said Villa’s Manager Danny Zamora. “I believe he will be a world champion. I met Ruben through his trainer Rudy Puga, and I have been following him for three years. I feel that he has all the makings to be a star.

Villa will turn professional an diesem Freitag night at the Doubletree Hotel in Ontario, California on a Thompson Boxing card that will be headlined by Jose Roman Annahme Carlos Cardenas
Photos by Carlos Baeza / Thompson Boxing

Robert Guerrero, Alfredo Angulo & Terrell Gausha Press Conference Quotes & Fotos

PBC on Spike Tripleheader Comes to Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif.
Auf Samstag, August 279 p.m. UND/8 p.m. CT
Klicken HIER for Photos from John Aguon/Spike
/Premier Boxing Champions
(Fotos werden in Kürze hinzugefügt)
ANAHEIM, CALIF. (Juli 26, 2016) – Ex-Weltmeister Robert “The Ghost” Krieger, Mexican brawler Alfred “Der Hund” Angulo und ungeschlagen 2012 U.S.. OlympierTerrell Gausha participated in a press conference in Santa Monica Dienstag hosted by Spitze in advance of the Premier Boxing Champions and Bellator doubleheader August 26 und 27 from Honda Center in Anaheim.
PBC on Spike findet statt Samstag, August 27 in an event headlined by the former multi-division weight champion Guerrero as he takes on Argentine slugger David Emanuel Peralta. Fernsehen Schutz beginnt jeweils mit 9 p.m. UND/8 p.m. CT and features the hard-hitting Angulo battlingveteran Freddy Hernandez plus the unbeaten super welterweight Gaushagoing up against the Bronx’s Steve Martinez.
Tickets für die August 27 Ereignis, die von TGB Promotions gefördert wird, sind zum Preis von $31, $58, $108 und $203, zusätzlich anfallende Gebühren, und sind jetzt im Verkauf. Tickets sind über erhä, Ticketmaster retail locations or by calling800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Honda Center Box Office.
The event took place at the Spike headquarters in Santa Monica as the PBC fighters discussed the exciting weekend of action along with the Bellator fighters. Here is what the PBC fighters had to say Dienstag:
Robert Guerrero
I want to get back in there with the top guys. All the fights are there. I have to get back in that position. I have to get them to stand toe-to-toe with me.
I don’t need to prove anything to myself. I know I can fight. I come in and work hard every day. I have to go and prove it to the fans. The fans are what makes us. I have to prove it to everybody watching that I’m there at the top level.
We definitely want a rematch with Danny Garcia. If I don’t get that, it’s anyone at 147 Pfund. The guys are all there and I’m ready to battle.
You have to be able to be ready for anything in the ring. I know Peralta is going to be dangerous and at his best. Ich bin nicht an ihm vorbei auf der Suche.
Training has been going great. I have my team together and we’re working hard. We’re staying focused and ready to get the job done.
I have a tough guy in front of me on August 27. I have to take care of him and leave no doubts so that I can get in there against the top guys again.
I think boxing and MMA can co-exist because everybody likes to watch people beat each other up. People like guys getting put down and getting back up. It’s nice to have the two events back-to-back and I’m happy to be the guy out there putting on a show for the fans.
I want to show people that ‘El Perrois back and that I still want to compete in the biggest fights. If I work hard, I think that I can have an opportunity by next year for a title shot.
I have a great team in training and we’re working hard for this challenge. I want to put on a great show for the fans. I want fans to remember my fights and I think this will be the best fight of the night.
Two Mexicans fighting is always a great fight. We have a lot of experience and we’re both going to come forward and fight with our hearts.
This will be a great night of boxing. I’m confident no matter who I fight. I bring my heart to the ring and fight for my fans until the last bell.
I’m going to go out there and try to be victorious. This is a tough opponent. Once I dominate this guy I think I’ll be closer to a title shot.
I think I’m ready for a title shot soon. I want to go out there and take care of this guy and show that I’m ready to take over the division.
This is a great chance to showcase my talent. The fans are what’s most important. You want to be the guy that people see and take a liking to.
I don’t need to call anybody out. My way of doing it is by my performance. I’m a laid back and humble guy. I will fight anybody though. It’s a yes to any name.
I know a lot about Steve Martinez. We were in the amateurs at the same time so we really came up together. He’s a tough fighter and a very good test for me. On paper he’s the toughest opponent I’ve faced in the pros.
One thing about me, I make adjustments in the ring. Who knows if he’s going to try and switch it up? I’m ready for anything he has.
I see myself being smart in the ring. Winning each round and picking this guy apart. I’m sharper and faster. I’m going to outclass him. I’m training hard trying to get him out of there.
It’s cool to see us combining boxing with MMA and shedding light on each other’s sport. It’s a really tough sport and I take my hat off to all of those guys. But my thing is boxing and I’m sticking to it.
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