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“Cancun Boxing” 九月 24 replay featuring Mexican KO artist Jhonny Gonzalez to air this Wednesday at 10 P.M. PT on CBS Sports Network

CANCUN, 墨西哥 (十月 10, 2016) – The replay of the August 24th “Cancun Boxing” 卡, 由 Pepe Gomez Boxing 与 Neon Star Media 联合主办, will air this Wednesday night (十月. 12, 开始 10 P.M. PT / 1 A.M. AND, 在CBS体育网. Encore presentations will be Friday, 十月. 21 (7 P.M. PT / 10 P.M. AND) and Friday, 十月. 28 (1 A.M. PT / 10 P.M. AND).

The event is the third installment of the “Cancun Boxing” 系列将在哥伦比亚广播公司体育网播出 2016. 坎昆绿洲酒店综合体, 坎昆唯一的终极全包娱乐度假村, 将主办这个正在进行的系列中的所有活动.

Hall-of-Fame announcer Al Bernstein and Sean Wheelock called the action live from ringside in Cancun, 墨西哥.

Future Hall of Fame candidate Jhonny Gonzalez (61-10, 51 科斯) defended his World Boxing Council (WBC) Silver super featherweight title for the fourth time, against Japanese invader Hiroysugi Yamamoto (19-12-2, 3 科斯), in the scheduled 10-round main event.

Gonzalez is Mexican knockout machine (51 职业科斯) 谁, as the saying goes, has never been in a bad fight. The 3-time, 2-division world champion Gonzalez, 额定无. 4 by the WBC going into this fight, has been on a mission for one more world title shot.

The 35-year-old Gonzalez has defeated 11 world champions during his illustrious 17-year professional boxing career, including a Who’s Who of the bantamweight, featherweight and super featherweight divisions: 马克·约翰逊 (KO8), 押尼珥Mares (KO1), 豪尔赫·阿尔塞 (TKO11), Ratanachai Sor Vorapin (KO7), 费尔南多·蒙铁尔 (12月12日), 艾琳·帕切科 (将军澳9), 埃利奥·罗哈斯 (12月12日), Maurice Pastrana (TKO4), Hozumi Hasegawa (TKO4), Francisco Tejedor (将军澳1) and Adams Rivas (12月12日).

Yamamoto, who was fighting in North America for the first time, is a former WBC Asian Boxing Council and Asia Pacific title challenger.

(L-R) Yamamoto and Gonzalez (photo courtesy of Pepe Gomez Boxing)

在10轮的共同特征, Mexico City archrivals Diego “拆迁人” 十字 (16-3-1, 13 科斯) and IvanMacanonCano (23-7-2, 15 科斯) battled for local welterweight bragging rights, while Mexico City flyweight LourdesLe Pequena Lulu” 华雷斯 (17-2 2 科斯) took on Cancun’s favorite daughter, 叶塞尼亚·戈麦斯 (13-4, 8 科斯), in an 8-round bout that opened the televised segment of the “Cancun Boxing” 事件.

CBS Sports Network is available across the United States through local cable, 视频和电信供应商,并通过卫星上的DirecTV频道 221 和Dish Network频道 158. 欲了解更多信息, 包括一个完整的节目时间表,以及如何让CBS体育网, go to www.cbssportsnetwork.com


叽叽喳喳: @pepegomezcancun, @cancun_boxing, @Neonstarmedia

Instagram的: @pepegomez1

Facebook的: www.Facebook.com/pepigomezquiqui, www.facebook.com/Neon-Star-Media-378687919005532

BELLATOR MMA 将于 12 月推出一场特别的双打比赛 2 & 3 来自永星世界赌场 & 度假村还可以.



SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (十月 10, 2016) – Bellator MMA 很高兴地宣布该促销活动是有史以来的第一个 星期五/星期六 双赛赛事. 第一晚的娱乐活动将包括一场轻量级世界冠军重赛,对阵当前分区冠军 爱德华多·丹塔斯 (18-4) 对阵危险的前二级冠军 乔·沃伦 (14-5), 这加入了之前宣布的羽量级对决 A.J. 麦基 (5-0) 和 伊曼纽尔·桑切斯 (13-3).


与此同时, 第二天晚上的比赛将以一场与前冠军的羽量级比赛为主角 帕特·柯伦 (22-7) 针对 约翰·特谢拉 (19-1-2).


独特的双赛赛事将于周五举行, 十二月 2 周六, 十二月 3 永星世界赌场内 & 度假村在Thackerville, 行. 门票开始只是 $45 并可在 WinStar 世界赌场购买 & 度假村售票处, 以及票务和Bellator.com.


“Bellator 166: 丹塔斯 vs. 沃伦 2" 免费直播 在周五 在 SPIKE 上 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步的较量将串流直播上 Bellator.com该Bellator移动应用.


“Bellator 167: 柯伦VS. 特谢拉” 免费直播 周六 在 SPIKE 上 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步的较量将串流直播上 Bellator.com该Bellator移动应用. 另外的较量将在未来几周内公布.


刚刚取得胜利 马科斯加尔旺 为他加冕最轻量级冠军, 27 岁的丹塔斯今年将首次卫冕金腰带. 这位难以捉摸的巴西人在获胜后参加了比赛 11 他的过去 13 结束, 包括七个饰面, 总共给他 10 他的停赛 18 事业胜利. 由于使他的宣传亮相 2011, “Dudu”已跻身 Bellator MMA 精英行列, 九次出场中有八次取得胜利, 唯一的失败来自于他即将到来的对手, 乔·沃伦. 两次成功卫冕后, 丹塔斯通过一致决定将腰带输给了沃伦 “贝拉托 128。” 现在他的腰上又挂上了金子, 丹塔斯需要尽最大努力确保历史不会在“地球上最坏的人”身上重演。


沃伦将寻求复制他对抗活跃的丹塔斯的成功, 在五回合击败他之后, 25-近两年前在同一地点发生的分钟血腥屠杀. 这场胜利结束了五连胜,并让沃伦统一了 135 磅级冠军. 丹佛人, 科罗拉多州, “地球上最坏的人”在过去九场比赛中赢了七场, 包括他最近战胜前 UFC 竞争对手的比赛 Sirwan Kakai“Bellator 161: 金刚VS. 约翰逊。” 在 39 岁, 这位前两级 Bellator MMA 冠军现在将尝试成为 Bellator 历史上赢得冠军的最年长的拳击手.


Bellator MMA 老将帕特·柯兰 (Pat Curran) 将进入笼子参加 17 在 Scott Coker 领导的促销活动的指导下, 这将把他与 大卫Rickels 促销活动历史上最多的一次. 最重要的是, “Paddy Mike”将有机会加盟 帕特里西奥“斗犬” Bellator MMA 历史上获胜次数最多的人, 同 13, 如果他能取得胜利. 自加入促销活动以来 2010, 柯兰已累积 12 胜, 包括对现任羽量级冠军的重大胜利 丹尼尔·斯特劳斯, 前羽量级冠军帕特里西奥“比特犬”,”以及前雏量级/羽量级国王 乔·沃伦. 29岁的水晶湖, 伊利诺伊州本地人势头强劲, 连续赢了两场比赛,最后赢了九场 12. 两次获得世界冠军,并两次成功卫冕, 柯兰一次又一次地证明,他的名字属于 Bellator MMA 始终具有竞争力的羽量级部门的顶尖人物.


29 岁的特谢拉继续在 Bellator MMA 羽量级级别中扬名, 当他在促销人员的指导下第四次亮相时. 类似于他的对手, 特谢拉最近也取得了一系列成功,也步入了笼子, 取得三连胜,并在过去八场比赛中赢了七场, 包括首轮淘汰赛的三人组. 在加入 Bellator MMA 之前, 特谢拉只在巴西开始了他的职业生涯, 创下不败纪录 12-0 一平局. 即将到来的比赛只是特谢拉九年职业生涯中第四次在祖国巴西以外的地方进行比赛. 同 14 他 19 事业胜利所击倒或提交的方式来, 在这场令人垂涎欲滴的对决中,你一定能看到“马卡帕”早早且频繁地发起最后一击.


更新 “Bellator 166: 丹塔斯 vs. 沃伦 2" 主卡:

最轻量级世界冠军主赛事: 爱德华多·丹塔斯 (18-4) VS. 乔·沃伦 (14-5)

羽特征回合: A.J. 麦基 (5-0) VS. 伊曼纽尔·桑切斯 (13-3)

更新 “Bellator 167: 柯伦VS. 特谢拉”主卡:

羽量级主赛事: 帕特·柯伦 (22-7) VS. 约翰·特谢拉 (19-1-2)


桑普森拳击自豪地宣布阿根廷的中量级猛男塞萨尔米格尔签署 “拉霍亚” 巴里奥努埃沃的独家长期推广合同.
巴里奥努埃沃 (30-3-2, 20 科斯), 从萨尔塔, 阿根廷, 第一次打开世界拳击元首在今年一月, 当他打进了毁灭性的一个冲压能够巴拿马竞争者Azael的凯西欧的KO世界拳击理事会的四分之一决赛 (WBC) 次中量级比赛.
在一个统治级表现, 左撇子巴里奥努埃沃第一凯西欧了下来每一次, 第二轮和第四轮然后向下两次在第五, 其中最后一个是一个单一的左钩拳,把凯西欧睡觉.
然后,他被安排去面对宾夕法尼亚州的萨米 “该谁能墨西哥” 巴斯克斯在四强, 然而, 巴斯克斯当选放弃自己的机会,一个绿色的WBC带,而是采取了战斗,失去了 2008 奥运金牌得主菲利克斯·迪亚兹去年七月.
在他7年的职业生涯, 27岁的左撇子巴里奥努埃沃已经举行的阿根廷 (FAB) 次中量级和WBC重量级拉丁美洲锦标赛. 该凯西欧KO是他已经开始尝试他的祖国阿根廷以外的唯一一次打.
“我很高兴能够加入桑普森Lewkowicz和他的公司,” 说巴里奥努埃沃. “我准备在打击世界上任何人 147 磅,与他, 我能得到我想要的战斗. 我一直说,我需要的只是机会,我会做休息。”
Lewkowicz, 专家在发现在国外市场隐藏的拳击天赋, 说巴里奥努埃沃有什么需要成为一个顶级的竞争者.
“他是 27 岁,仍然得到与每场战斗更好,” 说Lewkowicz. “塞萨尔是谁即将在北美市场闹事了很多战士的天赋. 我正在找他大吵了一架,展示自己的技能, 是否对迪亚兹, 或任何其它前15量级的竞争者. 他会不会长久,一旦出现这种情况是未知的。”

NEF 宣布举行第二场女子格斗比赛 26

即时发布: 路易斯顿, 缅因 (十月 10, 2016) – 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 展示下一场综合格斗赛事, “NEF 26: 霸权,” 周六, 十一月 19 在安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店. 今天早些时候,, NEF高管宣布在比赛卡中增加业余羽量级女子比赛. “好莱坞” 汉娜Sparrell (1-1) 将举行 “凶猛” 费尔南达·阿劳霍 (4-4-2) 在145磅重的战斗.


汉娜·斯帕雷尔 (Hannah Sparrell) 于 9 月首次亮相 NEF 笼 2015 以一致判定击败基拉·因诺森蒂 (Kira Innocenti) (0-1). 她去年春天回到笼子里 “22 NEF” 在对阵安吉拉·杨(Angela Young)的比赛中失败 (1-2). 这回合, 来来回回的战斗, 是今年 NEF 中最令人难忘的一年,并且可能会参加竞选 “年度扑灭” 也获得荣誉. 斯帕雷尔 (Sparrell) 是不伦瑞克一级综合格斗 (First Class MMA) 会员, 缅因.


“我非常兴奋能够再次踏入 NEF 笼子 11月19日,” 斯帕雷尔说. “几个月来, 我有过朋友, 支持者和球迷问我下一场比赛什么时候举行. 我很高兴能为他们提供可靠的答案. 虽然我在NEF期间输给了安吉拉 22, 我昂着头离开了那里, 新认识的信心, 以及再次进入笼子的渴望.


“费尔南达有着扎实的, 和全面的 MMA 职业生涯. 她在笼子里的经验和舒适程度让我下定决心努力训练, 给她好好打一仗, 并感受到在艰苦的比赛结束后举手的感觉!”


费尔南达·阿劳霍 (Fernanda Araujo) 也是 NEF 笼的老将. 在 2012, 她在刘易斯顿首次亮相,对阵玛丽亚·里奥斯 (2-3) 结果是一场血腥的斗殴. 虽然她在第二轮通过技术击倒输掉了比赛, 阿劳霍的勇敢表现给缅因州观众留下了深刻的印象.


周六开市钟声, 十一月 19 被设定为 7 P.M. Tickets start at $25 和可在 www.TheColisee.com or by calling the Colisee box office at 207.783.2009, 延期 525.


有关事件,并拼牌更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 在 Twitter 上关注他们 @nefights 并加入官方 Facebook 群组“新英格兰战斗.”



新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造缅因州的战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.

凯奇勇士 79:纽波特, South Wales Saturday October 15, 2016

星期二, 十月 11, 2016

向公众开放于 3:00下午
第一回合 业余爱好者 – 4:00下午 (如有变更,)
Pro Prelims – 7:00下午
电视转播主卡 – 9:00pm local time

笼勇士格斗锦标赛重返纽波特, South Wales for the second time this year and features the rising stars of Welsh MMA.

CWFC 79, which takes place at the Newport Centre is headlined by a lightweight contest between Englishman Scott Clist (11-2) and Swede, Martin Svensson (14-6). Clist will be looking for his third CWFC win in six months after defeating Brad Wheeler and Tim Wilde at CWFC 75 and CWFC 77. All of Clist’s wins have come via stoppage but Svensson, a former Ultimate Fighter competitor, is his toughest and most decorated opponent to date.

CWFC 79 will feature five live televised professional bouts, three pro-prelims and twelve amateur contests.

UPDATE: Changes to the original card include the cancellation of the following contests between Jack Marshman and Andreas Michailidis, Lew Long and Che Mills and Nad Narimani whose opponent Arnold Quero now faces Dean Trueman in a lightweight contest.

迪恩·特鲁曼(Dean Trueman) (6-3) is a late replacement for the injured Narimani. Trueman last preformed on Cage Warriors in November 2014 when he suffered a decision loss to Liam James but has fought twice since then clocking up wins against Adam Ventre and Huseyin Garabet – submitting Gabaret in the first round earlier this year.

Kicking off the televised main card is a newly added bout between 23-year old Aaron Khalid (4-2) who trains at the MAT Academy alongside Lew Long and 20-year old Adam Procter (5-0) who trains in South Shields under Alex Enlund. Both have cut their teeth on the regional MMA scene in the UK, this will be their first opportunity to perform in front of a live international TV audience.

The main card looks like this – 9pm local time:
(LW) Martin Svensson vs. Scott Clist Headline Contest
(BW) Martin Sheridan vs. 乔什·里德
(LW) Arnold Quero vs. 迪恩·特鲁曼(Dean Trueman)
(FW) Eddi Pobivanez vs. 杰克·肖尔
(WW) Aaron Khalid vs. Adam Procter

纽波特中心的大门将于 3:00pm – the show is sold out.

播送 & 电视合作伙伴

The main card is live on:
英国电信运动 | UK and Ireland
维亚卫星 | 斯堪的纳维亚半岛

世界系列之战拉开序幕?”与四名老兵在爱国进行战斗, 科罗拉多州在星期六, NOV. 12

更多: 凯文·西尔斯(Kevin Sears)在重量级动作中替换受伤的乔什·科普兰(Josh Copeland)对抗斯梅利尼奥·拉玛(Smealinho Rama)



LAS VEGAS (十月 10, 2016) - 世界系列的战斗 (www.WSOF.com) 宣布已经与四名退伍军人进行了三项不同的战斗, 包括将在其NBCSN直播节目中播放的节目 (10:30 P.M. AND/7:30 P.M. PT), 揭开序幕的“谁是最艰难的”?”在WSOF34上的程序: 福斯特vs. 希尔兹, 在Loveland的百威活动中心, 膝部. 上 星期六, 十一月. 12.

联盟还宣布 乔希“可爱熊”科普兰 (13-4) 已被迫退出原定与前世界冠军的重量级对决 Smealinho“王子”拉玛 (9-2) 由于膝盖受伤. 拉玛现在将面对 凯文·西尔斯 (4-2).

“我们很高兴推出“谁是最艰难的人”?的计划,由四名专业战士组成,他们为我们的国家服务, 谁一直在寻找潜在的改变职业的机会,在主要舞台上竞争,“说世界系列格斗总统 父亲酋长.

5月,世界格斗大赛宣布将推出“谁最艰难”?”,以向活跃或有抱负的MMA战斗机提供退伍军人, 有机会在其推广下竞争.

主持WSOF34的NBCSN直播, 肖恩·克鲁希滕(Shane Kruchten) (11-4) 和 杰里米·马翁(Jeremy Mahon) (5-4) –美国. 海军陆战队退伍军人-将参加150磅重的轻量比赛.

在轻重量级 (205 英镑) 比赛将成为WSOF34初步回合卡的头条新闻, 中美. 海军陆战队资深人士 布兰登·科林斯 (3-2) 将与碰撞 克里斯·摩根 (0-0), 谁将首次出道.

第四老兵, 前美国. 陆军游骑兵 尼科利·纳瓦罗(Nicoli Navarro) (3-1), 将与不败的新贵相处 艾伦·古铁雷斯 (2-0) 在轻量级 (155 英镑).

肖恩·克鲁希滕vs. 杰里米·马翁(Jeremy Mahon)

身高6英尺1, 32-岁的Kruchten圣地亚哥, 加利福尼亚州. 在伊拉克战争中看到了行动 2003 和 2004, 随后因在战斗中的努力而被授予“总统单位奖状”和“战斗行动丝带”,并以Lance下士的军衔退休。.

自从进入专业 2007, 克鲁赫滕已将每个战斗钱包的一部分捐赠给了强大橡树战士基金会, 美国同胞在加利福尼亚为退伍军人举办的务虚会. 海军陆战队资深人士和前世界系列格斗比赛的竞争对手 乍得·罗比绍.

克鲁奇滕的开始将结束两年半的中断,他在输给 迈克·科里(Mike Corey) 通过第二轮 (2:59) 服从 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在克鲁赫滕的世界大战系列中首次亮相. 此前失利, 克鲁赫滕已经退缩了 11 连胜, 6 通过提交和 3 通过 (牛逼)KO.

5尺10, 37-岁的休斯顿马翁, 德州在最初入侵伊拉克期间被部署到了伊拉克 2003, 后来在费卢杰(Fallujah)担任安全承包商, 努力确保那里平民的安全.

退役为中士之前, 马翁获得了海军和海军陆战队成就奖章以及总统单位奖. 他经营一个非营利组织, DAWG基金会, 训练狗并将其提供给需要日常帮助的退伍军人.

马洪希望在第二轮比赛中取得第三连胜 (4:22) WHO (拳) 的 戴维斯·西尔维斯特 在Bellator 149 上 二月 19.

布兰登·柯林斯vs. 克里斯·摩根

身高6英尺1, 32-岁的休斯顿柯林斯, 得克萨斯州八年期间还获得了海军和海军陆战队成就奖章 (2004-2012) 与海军陆战队一起,看到他参观了阿富汗,在那里他是一名特种作战官和他所在单位的武术教练.

柯林斯是他在北卡罗莱纳州基地的拳击队的成员,, 搬到加利福尼亚后, 他很快过渡到MMA.

摩根, 6英尺3, 28-岁丹佛居民, 膝部. 在经历了三年的业余职业之后,他将开始他的第一个职业生涯,这使他编制了一项 5-2. 所有 5 他的胜利来自于第一轮行动 (牛逼)KO或提交.

尼古拉·纳瓦罗vs. 艾伦·古铁雷斯

身高6英尺, 30-丹佛(Denver)岁的纳瓦罗(Navarro)在陆军的 75 游侠养生, 特种作战部队, 间 2004 和 2008, 最终达到下士的等级.

他在军队任职四年, 纳瓦罗获得了作战步兵徽章, 专家级步兵徽章和跳伞者徽章.

Navarro是一名退休学生, 前泰拳世界冠军和UFC明星 杜安(Duane)“砰”路德维希(Ludwig). 迄今为止,纳瓦罗的所有三场职业胜利都是通过以下方式实现的: (牛逼)KO或提交.

虽然不是老将, 5尺11寸, 23-斯卡吉特山谷(Skagit Valley)岁的古铁雷斯(Gutierrez), 洗. 出生于海军陆战队家庭, 与他的父亲, 妈妈和兄弟都已经服役. 古铁雷斯(Gutierrez)将每场战斗都献给他最近去世的兄弟.

古铁雷斯快速应对了他的前两个职业对手, 至今, submitting 瑞安·施克特森(Ryan Schecterson) 在第一回合中被a住 (2:00) 在五月的古铁雷斯职业首次亮相中 9, 2015, 并得分第一轮 (1:11) KO (拳) 上 泰勒·罗伯茨二月 27.

从价格 $20, WSOF34的门票: 惠誉VS. 百叶窗”在百威活动中心票房有售, BudweiserEventsCenter.com, 并致电1-877-544-TIXX.

在WSOF34的主要赛事中, 统治世界的次中量级 (170 英镑) 冠军 乔恩惠誉 (28-7-1, 1 NC) 将与第一竞争者和装饰过的超级巨星相撞 杰克盾牌 (31-8-1).

在次中量级联合主赛事中, 保罗·布拉德利 (23-6), 将在“世界大战”中首次亮相,并获得前冠军 10 世界排名 有信“雷霆”狼 (32-10).

“ WSOF34”的其他比赛: 惠誉VS. 盾牌”即将公布.

Houston’s Historic George Foreman Youth and Community Center to Host 2016 Gulf Boxing Association Regional Championships

Premier eventGulf LBC selects team to travel to USA BOXING Elite National Championships in conjunction with the Selection and Announcement of the First Inaugural George Foreman Youth and Community Center Elite International Travel Team!!
HOUSTON, TX (十月 10, 2016) -Starting with the ring of the bell on October 22nd, local area boxers will be fighting for a spot to represent the Gulf Coast Region美国拳击全国锦标赛 & 在 International Travel.
Weight categories will include: 小便一点点 8-9, Bantam 10-11, Intermediate 12-13, 青年 14-15, Youth 15-16, & Elite 18-40 in both Open and Novice divisions. Winners will represent the Gulf area at the 2016 USA Boxing Elite, Youth and Junior National Championships to be held in Kansas City Missouri 十二月 4-10, 2016. This tournament is a sanctioned event through USA Boxing the National Governing Body of Amateur Boxing and is a feeder to National and Olympic recognition.
George Foreman Youth and Community Center was founded 32 years ago in 1984 by Olympic Gold Medalist and 2-time heavy weight champion 乔治·福尔曼. The GFYCC is dedicated to providing a safe and secure location for youth to participate in sports and after school activities.
This year for the first time in Houston boxing history, we are developing an elite international youth boxing team,” said George Foreman, IV. “The team will be selected for the sole purpose of training and traveling to other countries to gain experience on an international platform and promote cultural diplomacy! Utilizing grant and donor funding this team will be representing the George Foreman Youth and Community Center and will be announced Saturday October 22, at the Gulf Region’s Boxing Championship. The team will be reviewed by my father, 1968 Olympic Gold Medalist and 2-Time Heavyweight Champion, George Foreman Sr. The first international trip for this new Houston team is scheduled for Jan. 2017.”
Doors open for the Gulf Gloves Championships on Saturday October 22nd at 11:00 是 with announcements and the presentation of the colors by the United States Army Houston Recruiting Command Baytown Beaumont Company at 12:45 下午. The national anthem will be performed by the internationally acclaimed Houston Brass Quintet! 拳击将开始 1:00 下午. Championship finals will begin at 1:00 下午Sunday October 23rd.
Media open workouts for Houston amateur standout boxers will be held Wednesday October 19th at the George Foreman Youth and Community Center at 2202 Lone Oak Road Houston, 得克萨斯州 770934:00 下午.
Confirmed attendees for interviews will be:

George Edward Foreman IV: Son of 2 Time Heavy Weight Champion, President of Foreman Public Relations

玛琳·埃斯帕扎: 2012 奥运会铜牌得主, 2014 Amateur World Champion, 2006 & 2016 Amateur World Championships Bronze Medalist, Nine-Time USA Boxing National Champion.

洛基华雷斯: 2000 Olympic Games Silver Medalist, 1999 Amateur World Champion, WBC Silver Featherweight World Champion.

劳尔·马尔克斯: 1988 Amateur World Championships Bronze Medalist, 1992 Olympic Games Quarter-finalist, IBF Light Middleweight World Champion.

弗兰克·泰特: 1984 Olympic Games Gold Medalist, IBF Middleweight World Champion, NABF Light Heavyweight Champion.

胡安 “宝贝公牛” 迪亚兹: WBA Lightweight World Champion, WBO Lightweight World Champion, WBA Super-Lightweight World Champion, IBF轻量级世界冠军.

“甜” 雷吉·约翰逊: WBA中量级世界冠军, IBF轻重量级世界冠军.

In addition to many Houston area professional boxers and Gulf Boxing Association alumni. Event is sanctioned by USA BoxingGulf LBC: 16-25-14268

Ronald Gavril Becomes the New NABF Super Middleweight Champion Over Christopher Brooker in a Tenth Round TKO In The Mayweather Promotions Sin City Showdown at Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas, NV


Ladarius Miller Knocks out Ronald Rivas in a second round TKO
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图片来源: 伊德里斯艾尔芭/梅威瑟促销
拉斯维加斯 (十月 8) – The Uzbekistan-born Super Middleweight 罗纳德Gavril (17-1, 13 科斯) 打败 克里斯托弗·布鲁克 (11-2, 5 科斯) by way of TKO from Sam’s Town Live inside of Sam’s Town Hotel & 在拉斯维加斯赌博大厅, NV in the main event of Mayweather Promotions Sin City Showdown, the first installment of their monthly series of boxing at Sam’s Town Live.
From the second the bell rang it was non-stop action in the ring as Gavril and Brooker fought for the vacant NABF Super Middleweight title. Both fighters rolled out combination punches and uppercuts early in the rounds. Brooker fired off shots and Gavril was countering, neither fighter would let up. 在 5
圆, Brooker landed a clean uppercut that had Gavril on the canvas and shook up. Gavril regrouped and returned with blows to Brooker, leading in a war of blood exchange.
It was a slugfest between these Super Middleweight fighters, which ultimately led to Gavril knocking Brooker down twice in the 10th round, defeating him and claiming the vacant NABF title.
The guy was very very tough, but I came back to win,” said Gavril. “I trained extremely hard with my team and they prepared my body for this fight. My endurance really got me through this fight. I have to say the knockdown in the 5th round got me to refocus and get my mental toughness in gear.
He wouldn’t let up, but that didn’t stop me from getting the title. I only had one goal coming into this fight, and I accomplished it, I am the new champion.
I was extremely upset with the decision,” 布鲁克说. “I go hard in every fight and this fight was no different. The judges had the scores as a draw so I feel like I was going to get robbed any way. There wasn’t a three knockdown rule, so I just didn’t understand why the judges called it so pre-maturely. “The judges should have let me continue fighting, this was a title fight, not a regular match. I definitely thought the knockdown in the fifth round put me ahead, but I guess I was wrong.
I am looking to fight anyone, whoever and whenever the next opportunity is for me to fight, 我将. If possible, I want the re-match against Gavril.
The co-main event featured a pair of welterweight prospects that produced an exciting matchup, ultimately leading to second round TKO after only 55 seconds by Memphis-born Ladarius米勒 (12-1, 3 科斯) 针对 Ronald Rivas (5-5-1 3 科斯).
I am so happy with my performance,” 米勒说. “I am getting better and better with each fight, and this fight proved that my hard work and consistency in the gym and with my team is working.
“简单的说, I just wasn’t prepared like I should have been for this fight. He came out and proved to want it more than I did. I came in ready, trying to get comfortable, before I could adjust he came in with the punch.
Sanjarbek “战争” 拉赫曼诺夫 (6-0, 3 科斯) kept his record in tact in a 6-round action-packed bout against then-undefeated Jonathan Dinong (5-1, 4 科斯). Both fighters kept the pressure on, but Rakhmanov proved to be the better fighter going the distance and getting the win.
Samuel Santana (8-11-3, 2 科斯) won by way of disqualification in a Super Lightweight showdown against Jose Vargas (6-1, 4 科斯), giving the young prospect his first loss. Mayweather Promotions opening bouts resulted in wins by both prospects as, 泽维尔·马丁内斯 (5-0 2 科斯) 打败 Wilfredo Garriga (3-4-1 2 科斯) by unanimous decision in a six-round Super Featherweight match-up and 丹尼尔·冈萨雷斯 (2-0) representing Las Vegas, NV stopped 肖恩·阿科斯塔 (0-3-1) after four rounds of action winning by majority decision.
# # #
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.mayweatherpromotions.com to follow the action on Twitter @RonaldGavril, @MayweatherPromo, and @SamsTownLV, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在: www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

扑网介绍ONE: 勇士状态, WSOF 33 & UFC 204 周五现场直播, 十月. 7

多伦多–搏击网, 全球首屈一指 24/7 多平台的通道专用于格斗运动的全覆盖, 在这个星期五展示了一整天的混合武术实况报道, 十月. 7, 在开始 9:30 A.M. 并与 ONE锦标赛: 勇士状态 从仰光, 缅甸. 活动结束后不久, 扑灭网络现场直播 UFC 204: VS比斯平. 亨德森 2 称重 在 1 P.M. 来自曼彻斯特的ET, 英国. 结束一天, 世界大战侵略堪萨斯城 WSOF 33: Gaethje VS. Dugulubgov, 它开始于 11 P.M. AND.

在ONE锦标赛的主要赛事中: 勇士状态, 一颗115磅重的主销将决定地球上最好的男性轻量级战斗机 内藤喜孝 (11-0) 捍卫自己的王冠,对抗不败的菲律宾挑战者 约书亚·帕西奥(Joshua Pacio) (12-0). 在其他功能的较量, “缅甸蟒蛇” 昂拉桑 (18-9) 面对曾经击败过的波兰顶级球队产品 米哈尔·帕斯特纳克(Michal Pasternak) (11-1), 菲律宾最轻量级的感觉 凯文·贝林贡| (13-5) 与塔吉克斯坦人发生冲突 穆恩·加富罗夫(Muin Gafurov) (10-1), 加上澳大利亚最轻量级的前景 乔丹·卢卡斯(Jordan Lucas) (8-1) 与坚强的俄罗斯退伍军人战斗时,他看起来会回到胜利专栏 优素普沉船 (15-4-1, 1NC).

与此同时, UFC的官方度量衡 204: VS比斯平. 亨德森 2 将以周六的所有竞争对手为重点 1 P.M. AND, 包括UFC中量级冠军和家乡最爱 迈克尔·比斯平, 挑战者 丹·亨德森, 共同主赛事明星Vitor Belfort和Gegard Mousasi, 加上Jimi Manuwa, Ovince圣Preux, Stefan Struve和Daniel Omielanczuk. 权衡将包括来自Fight Network多伦多工作室的实时分析,并将在周六重播, 十月. 8 在 7 P.M. ET进入TSN2的实时预赛.

同样在星期六, 十月. 8, 扑灭网络(Wight Netwok)提出了三个小时的特别节目 迈克尔·比斯平: 赎回之路 在 12 P.M. AND, 其中介绍了Bisping的关键搏斗,最终使他与Dan Henderson复赛,获得了UFC中量级冠军. 特别节目之后将是UFC 199: 洛克霍尔vs. 比斯平 2 在 3 P.M. AND, 让您回到Bisping激动人心的冠军沮丧.

堆积, 六打主卡,让WSOF进行空前的三小时广播 33: Gaethje VS. 杜古鲁戈夫(Dugulubgov)在卫冕期间进行了轻量级冠军赛, 不败冠军 贾斯汀的“亮点”Gaethje (16-0) 和No. 1 竞争者 奥兹Dugulubgov (8-2), 更多 大卫·科 (16-3) 捍卫他的轻量级冠军 马加良斯温尼 (15-7) 在合作的主要事件. 其他确认的回合包括WSOF之间的轻度倾斜 25 八人制比赛冠军 布赖恩·福斯特 (25-9) 和巴西退伍军人 路易斯·布希(Buiz)Firmino (19-6), 特色轻量级比赛进站Jason“堪萨斯城匪”高 (19-5) 针对 若昂·“巴西的武士”Zeferino (20-8), 次中量级对决 约翰“大限”霍华德 (24-12) 和 阿布巴卡尔Nurmagomedov (12-1-1) 揭幕主牌将是两名WSOF新手和淘汰赛艺术家之间的重量级对决– 肖恩·“野人”乔丹 (18-7) 和 阿什莉·吉奥·古奇 (10-4).

除了所有的现场活动, 打网络作为目标UFC库中的内容, 特色菜和系列, 含 终极战士, UFC偷跑, 现在UFC, UFC终极内幕 和经典 UFC的PPV, WEC PRIDE 事件.

对于战网的广播时间表的完整列表, 请访问 www.fightnetwork.com, 按照我们在Twitter上@fightnet, 成为粉丝在Facebook上,并参观我们的Instagram @fightnet.



SANTA MONICA, CALIF (十月 7, 2016) – Bellator MMA is returning to Italy with another action-packed combo event on 十二月. 10 from the Mandela Forum in Florence, featuring both Bellator MMA and Bellator Kickboxing brands. The Scott Coker-led promotion today announced the MMA portion’s main event, which will feature 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (13-1) 和 梅尔文Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC) in a rematch for Carvalho’s 185-pound championship. 与此同时, “Bellator跆拳道: 佛罗伦萨” has added a lightweight matchup between Italian superstar striker 乔治·彼得罗相 (82-2-2, 1 NC) 和英国跆拳道冠军 乔丹·沃森 (48-11-2).


The mixed martial arts event will also boast Italy’s most popular and beloved mixed martial artist, 阿莱西奥Sakara (18-11, 2 NC), 谁与墨西哥裔美国重击手较量 乔伊·贝尔特兰 (17-13, 1 NC) 在轻重量级的比赛中.


Exact broadcast details for “Bellator 168: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2” “Bellator跆拳道: 佛罗伦萨” will be revealed shortly.


The Bellator Kickboxing card also features an anticipated female flyweight rematch between Dutch striking ace Denise Kielholtz (45-3) 以及今年六月击败她的女人, 专家的荣耀 (11-1-1) for the inaugural Bellator Kickboxing Flyweight World Championship. 另外, other Bellator superstars Raymond Daniels, Kevin Ross 乔·希林 也有可能在这张卡上与稍后指定的对手竞争.


If you ask both Carvalho and Manhoef, the two’s first meeting didn’t go as planned for either party. 主要活动 “Bellator 155” saw both men go toe-to-toe for 25 minutes before the three judges rendered a split decision in favor of the incumbent champion; a verdict that many deemed controversial. 现在, nearly seven months after their first meeting, the pair of competitors will meet again.


Carvalho’s second-round body kick knockout of Brandon Halsey at “Bellator 144: 哈尔西VS. Carvalho” was the third biggest oddsmaker upset in 2015, and was the bout that earned the gold he wears around his waist today. The 30-year-old will be making his fifth appearance under the Bellator MMA banner and will look to extend his current winning streak to 14-bouts.


With a resume of knockouts as violent as Manhoef, it’s no surprise the Dutch competitor has earned the nickname of “No Mercy.” Known for his relentless striking style, the former K-1 and Strikeforce competitor finds himself once again in a position to lay claim to the Bellator 185-pound MMA title, and has even further incentive to leave the judges’ out of it.


Adoringly referred to by his fans as “The Doctor,” Petrosyan is one man you do not want an appointment with. The top-ranked Armenian-Italian striking ace will be making his debut with the budding Bellator Kickboxing Promotion when he squares off against Watson on 10 十二月. Training alongside his brother Armen, the 30-year-old southpaw put together an incredible 42-fight unbeaten streak, cultivating an extensive trophy case that includes multiple championship belts as well as “Kickboxer of the Year” accolades in both 2011 (BloodyElbow.com) 和 2012 (LiverKick.com).


When you compete in the lightweight division in the world of kickboxing, aside from striving to earn the title, you’re also looking towards a fight with the No. 1 kickboxer in the world in Petrosyan. An ISKA World Champion and K-1 UK runner up, Watson will get that chance when he meetsThe Doctor” 在 “Bellator Kickboxing: Florence.It will be interesting to see what game plan the British striker implores when he meets his opponent — but if his nickname of ‘Quadzilla’ is any indication, the 28-year-old will utilize his kicks to keep the vicious striking of Petrosyan at bay. Training extensively around the world, Watson has also spent a good amount of time in the Muay Thai scene, accruing a knack for finishes (21) 沿途. Victorious in his lone 2016 战斗, Watson hopes to soar into 2017 with a win against arguably the greatest kick boxer in the world under his belt.

更新了“Bellator 168: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2” Card:

量级世界冠军布特: 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (13-1) VS. 梅尔文Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC)

轻重量级功能扑灭: 阿莱西奥Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) VS. 乔伊·贝尔特兰 (17-13, 1 NC)

更新了“Bellator 跆拳道: 佛罗伦萨”卡:

轻量级功能战: 乔治·彼得罗相 (82-2-2, 1 NC) VS. 乔丹·沃森 (48-11-2)

蝇量级世界冠军: Denise Kielholtz (45-3) VS. 专家的荣耀 (11-1-1)