All posts by FNU47

UFC lagundamine 207 Main Card: Eelvaade ja ennustused


Poolt: Rich Bergeron

UFC 207 tähistab kauaoodatud tagasitulekut “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey (12-1) kaheksanurgale, kus ta kunagi domineeris naiste kaalukaalumeistrina. Hollywoodi Rouseylt dramaatiliselt võetud pealkiri on nüüd Amanda Nunese võimeka vöö ümber (13-4). Rouseyl on 30. detsembril võimalus see ära rebida ja oma puusade ümber tagasi panna.

Rousey on puurist väljas olnud üle aasta, ja ta kinnitas juba hiljuti, et tema karjäär segavõitluskunstides on lõppemas. Nunes on noor, näljane ja hirmutav kui alaealine (+150) otsides vööst kinni hoida legendaarse judoka ja MMA juggernauti vastu. Rousey tuleb lemmikuna sisse -185.

Lisateavet koefitsientide ja kihlvedude kohta leiate aadressilt 12BET.

Sellele menukale sündmusele on rohkem küsimusi kui vastuseid. Kas Rousey raputab rõngasrooste maha ja naaseb hiilguse juurde? Kas ta on juba üks samm pensionipõlve suunas? Kas Nunes suudab oma kahtlejad vaigistada ja jätkata kõigi UFC naiste kuldkaalu meistrite pärandit? Mis ka ei juhtuks, esimene voor on ülioluline. Mõlemad naised soovivad sellest teha kiire õhtu.

Ennustus: Rousey tuleb tagasi kättemaksuga ja kuvab palju täiustatud löögi- ja löögikaitset. Nunes võitleb kõvasti ja esindab Brasiilia parimat, aga Rondal on liiga palju kaotada. Tal pole võib-olla enam täiuslikku plaati, mida kaitsta, kuid tal on ideaalne põhjus selle võitluse võitmiseks. Samuti peab ta kehtestama oma alfa-staatuse, et sulgeda omaenda kriitikud ja tõestada, et ta on tagasi oma tiitlit tagasi nõudma. Rousey võidab teise ringi alguses nokaudiga.

Kaasaegsel põhiturniiril on järjekordne UFC bantamkaalu tiitel. Dominic Cruz (22-1) annab Cody Garbrandt (10-0) pragu vööl, mis võiks olla tõeline nälkjas. Kuigi Cody ei kaotanud kunagi võitlust ja lõi professionaalsel tasemel üheksa oma kümnest karjäärivastast, Dominic Cruz (-225) veeretab 13 võitlusega võiduseeriat, mis pärineb aasta märtsist 2008. Garbrandt (+175) esindab küll vanasõna “lööja võimalus” siin, kuigi. Ta on võitnud oma kolm viimast mängu TKO või nokaudiga. Kõik nad lõpetasid tänu Cody kiirele löögijõule.

Ennustus: Arvestades, et Cruz on taktikaline, kaitsev võitleja, ta areneb, kui võitlus satub sügavamatesse voorudesse. Garbrandt ei saa ilma esimese ringi nokaudita võita, kuna Cruzi puuri toodud kogemus ja toores talent on ainulaadne ja dünaamiline. Ta teeb kohandusi nagu ükski teine ​​võitleja ning kasutab keha ja pea liikumist, mis näib segavat kõik vastased, kellega ta viimastel aastatel silmitsi seisis,. Cody peab kinni püüdma “Dominator” temaga ühenduse loomiseks, ja tal on selleks ainult üks voor. Cruz võidab hilise vooru TKO või ühehäälse otsusega.

Fabricio Werdumi raskekaaluline kokkupõrge (21-6-1) ja Cain Velasquez (14-2) on ka UFC-s 207. Võitlus on UFC korduskohtumine 188 sõda kahe koljatia vahel, mis lõppes sellega, et Werdum võitis meistritiitli kolmanda vooru esitamisega (Giljotiini õhuklapp).

Seekord umbes, Velasquez on soositud võitleja (-210) samas kui Werdum on a +170 allajääja. See on veel üks kakleja vs. taktikute matš, ja see võib minna mõlemale poole. Werdum näitas Stipe Miocicu vastu nõrka lõua, ja Cain otsib kõiki võimalusi selle kontrollimiseks.

Ennustus: Velasquez saadab Werdumi kahe ringi sees. Kaini silmatorkav on Werdumist parem, ja ta ei tee seda viga, et laseb Werdumil seekord võitluse maapinnale viia. Velasquez KO poolt.

Neil Magny (18-5) ja Johny Hendricks (17-5) tule UFC jaoks puuri 207 kahe liiga parema poolkaalu hulka. Mõlemad kogevad viimasel ajal spordis mõningaid tõuse ja mõõnasid, kuigi. Magnyl oli Lorenz Larkini viimases heitluses peatatud kolme võitlusega seeria, samas kui Hendricks kaotas viimasest neljast võitlusest kolm. Hendricks on endisest minast kaugel ja meistriliiga päevadest kaugel. Stephen Thompson pühkis matti Hendricksiga jõhkrasse TKO-sse, enne kui Kelvin Gastelum astus endise meistri vastas olevasse puuri ja viis pärast kolme raskelt võidetud vooru koju ühehäälse otsuse..

Ennustus: Magny on vastupidavam ja dünaamilisem võitleja, ja Hendricks ei saa piisavalt lähedale, et oma parimaid jõulööke teha. Magny peatab Hendricksi’ ettemaksed, eitada tema eemaldamiskatseid ja esitada või peatada endine tšempion enne viimast kella. Magny kolmanda vooru TKO poolt.

Põhikaardilt eemaldamine on järjekordne võitlus, milles osaleb endine meister. T.J.. Dillashaw (13-3) lahingud reisimees John “Kivi käed” Lineker (29-7) bantamkaalus võitluses, mis tuleb kindlasti tuleviku klassika. Lineker toob intensiivsuse, jõud ja täpsus, mille tunnistaja on lihtsalt hämmastav. Dillashaw liigub puuris ringi nagu iiri kasuisa, rünnakute vältimine nagu Mehhiko härjavõitleja. Lineker näitas oma viimases võitluses John Dodsoniga, et ta võib olla kaval, tehniline võitleja samuti.

Ennustus: Mida T.J. puudumine on Linekeri tugevus: VÕIM. Lineker õpib oma raamistiku leidma teises voorus ja hakkab tungima Dillashaw ebatraditsioonilisse kaitsesse. Kolmanda ringi keskel püüab ta T.J kinni. varundades ja lõpetades võitluse jalgadel jõhkra löögiseeriaga, peksab, põlved ja küünarnukid puuri vastu. Lineker kolmanda vooru TKO poolt.

TITANIDE KOKKUVÕTE! Lucian Bute vs.. Eleider Alvarez veebr. 24 Quebeci linna Videotroni keskuses

For Immediate Release

Lucian Bute

MONTRÉAL (Detsember 12, 2016) Rühm Yvon Michel (GYM) ja Gestev kinnitavad väga hea meelega Titaanide kokkupõrge megaüritus endise Rahvusvahelise Poksiföderatsioonina (IBF) super race maailmameister Lucian Bute (32-3-1, 25 Kos) ootab ees Maailma Poksinõukogu (WBC) Hõbeda kergekaalu meister Eleider “Torm” Alvarez (20-0, 10 Kos), Reede, Veebruar 24, Québeci linna Vidéotroni keskuses toimunud 12-ringilises raskekaalus.
See sündmus on esitlus Vidéotron, koos Bet-O-Play.

Eleider Alvarez
Alvarez paneb oma WBC kohustusliku väljakutsuja positsiooni meistriks Adonis“Supermees” Stevenson (28-1, 23 Kos) ohus, sest aprilli lõpus on selle maailmameistritiitli võitlus juba reserveeritud.
Samuti on Bute seadnud eesmärgiks Stevensoni väljakutse esitada. Veteran southpaw kavatseb selgelt demonstreerida, et ta väärib järjekordset woti maailmameistritiitlit, võttes nr. 1 Alvarezi võitmatu osa. Sõltumata lõpptulemusest, võitja on Stevensoni kõige populaarsem ja õigustatud väljakutsuja, dramaatiliselt kasvav huvi ja tuntus täiesti Québécoisi maailmameistrivõistluste showdowniga.
Kõik koostisosad on kokku kogutud, et suurendada rahva huvi selle võitluse vastu, mis osutub üheks olulisemaks kogu Quebeci ajaloos.
See on kohalik vastasseis kahe sportlase vahel, kes valisid Quebeci oma koduks, integreerumine täielikult loalikultuuri ja prantsuse keele õppimine, samuti seal, kus nad on võitnud valdava enamuse oma võistlustest. Selle suure kokkupõrke tulemusel on rahvusvahelisel tasandil tohutuid tagajärgi ka kergekaalu divisjonis.
Ühes nurgas on endine maailmameister Bute, kes on oma ajal esitanud palju inspireerivaid etendusi 13 maailmameistrivõistluste võitlused (10-2-1, 8 Kos) saada Quebecis suurepäraseks staariks ja imetletud kuulsuseks.
Teine nurk leiab peksmata Alvarezi, viimase kolme aasta maailmatasemel võitleja, kes on oma säravaimad etteasted esitanud välismaal, ehkki enamasti teiste Quebeci suurte tähtede varjus. Kolumbia endine olümpialane soovib tõestada oma tõelist väärtust pärast seda, kui ta on Stevensoniks ette valmistunud, võideldes vastastega üle viimase aasta. Ta teenib oma kõrgeima rahakoti, mis on sarnane sellega, mida ta oleks saanud kõigepealt Stevensoniga võitlemiseks.
“Quebeci fännid tervikuna rõõmustavad kõigepealt selle megavõitluse üle ja olen veendunud, et kaotajaid pole,” GYM president Yvon Michel öeldud. “Kuigi selle vastasseisu tulemust on raske ennustada, tõenäoliselt on see võitlus nii huvitav ja tihe, et, lõpuks need kaks said, üksteise järel, maailmameistrivõistluste võitlus Montreali võimsa lõunamehemeistri vastu, Adonis Stevenson.”
“Meie jaoks oli oluline see võitlus pidada Vidéotroni keskuses,” lisatud Asepresident näitab & Québecori loominguline sisu, Michel granger. “Viimane kord (Stevenson-Williamsi võitlus) oli edukas ja see on sama ka Veebruar 24.”

“Viimased kuus kuud on minu jaoks olnud rasked,” Bute selgitas. “Pärast Washingtoni olukorra lahendamist, Mul oli hea meel lõpuks istuda ja arutada oma järgmise võitluse üle. Võtsin vastu kohe, kui mulle pakuti võitlust. Me räägime võitmatust tüübist 1 poolt WBC. See on üsna suur väljakutse. Kallutan mütsi Alvarezele, kes pani tema positsiooni ohtu.
“Ootasin vahelist ühinemise tiitlivõitluse võitjat James Dégale ja Badou Jack, aga mul polnud garantiisid ja ma ei saanud endale lubada ootamist. Minu eesmärk on taas võidelda maailmameistrivõistluste nimel, kas see on kell 168 või 175 naela, ja ma ei tahtnud lihtsalt mõttetut ettevalmistavat võitlust pidada.
“Pärast kõigi võimaluste hindamist, jõudsime järeldusele, et peame selle võitluse võtma,” Alvarez’ pea treener Marc Ramsey märkis. “Muidugi, on riske … aga see on seda väärt. Eleider on kaua oodanud võimalust poksida kellegi Quebecis tunnustatud inimese vastu, ja inimesed pole veel tema potentsiaali täielikult näinud. Pakkumise saades oli ta kõik naeratanud.”.
“Kui Marc mind oma kabinetti kutsus,” Alvarez kommenteeris, “Mõtlesin, et mis toimub. Üldiselt, kui ta mind oma kabinetti kutsub, see pole hea uudis. Ta palus mul maha istuda ja kas ma tahan Butega näkku minna. Naeratasin ja ütlesin, jah. Ta on Quebeci populaarseim poksija, nii et minu motivatsioon on erinev. Teen seda enda ja oma pere heaks. Ma tahan olla maailmameister ja nüüd läheb see läbi Luciani. Olen pikka aega otsinud sellist suurt võitlust ja olen esimest korda pealik.”
Piletid tulid täna müüki (Esmaspäev, Detsember. 12) Vidéotroni keskuse veebisaitidel, Evenko ja saidil

Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) asutati 2004 autor Yvon Michel ja tema kaaslased. Organisatsiooni missiooniks on kõrgetasemeliste poksijate arendamine treeneritugi ja eriti konkurentsivõimelise juhtimise kaudu. Selle eesmärkide saavutamiseks, GYM värbab aktiivselt talente ja korraldab üritusi ning see on seotud populaarse sarjaga, “Premier Boxing Champions (PBC),” ning on loonud olulised Videotroni partnerlused Loto Quebeciga, TVA Sport, Keskuse Videotron, Montreali kasiino ja Lac Leamy, Tonik GroupImage ja Lapointe hambaravikeskus, lisaks tihedale koostööle Rixa Promotionsiga.




Santa Monica, CALIF (Detsember 12, 2016) – After an incredible year that saw Bellator MMA host events in international territories all around the globe, it is only fitting that the promotion’s year-ending event, "Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii," toimub see Reede, Detsember 16 at the 3Arena in Dublin, Iirimaa.


Shortly after her fight against Helen Harper (4-1) was announced, Bruna Vargas (2-1) has withdrawn from the bout due to injury. Harper will be paid her show money and a new women’s featherweight bout has been added to the SPIKE-televised card between undefeated fighters Sinead Kavanagh (3-0) ja Elina Kallionidou (5-0).


The Spike-televised main card will be highlighted by a heavyweight main event pitting “King Mo” (19-5, 1 NC) against Olympic Judo Gold Medalist Satoshi Ishii (14-6-1). Veel, a pair of anticipated featherweight scraps will see Anthony Taylor (1-1) look to quiet the crowd as he enters enemy territory to challenge Northern Ireland’s James Gallagher (4-0) ja, Iirimaa Brian Moore(9-4) take on the always-game Daniel Weichel (37-9).

Piletid "Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii” are on sale now and start at 35€ at, and the 3Arena Box Office. The event can be seen free on SPIKE at 9 Pärastlõunal. JA/8 Pärastlõunal. CT, and will be immediately followed by "Bellator Kickboxing: Florence.”


Fighting out of Straight Blast Gym (SBG) Dublinis, “KO” Kavanagh has fought all three of her professional bouts with BAMMA, and has earned her nickname bye scoring two knockouts in her first three fights. Kavanagh fought in BAMMA’s first-ever women’s fight, and ended her opponent’s night in just 17 sekundit. Originally slated to compete in a bantamweight fight against Eeva Siiskonen (5-4-2) on the BAMMA portion of this co-promoted night of fights, Kavanagh now moves up in weight to face Kallionidou under the Bellator banner.


Praegu ainult 18 aastastele, Kallionidou has already made a name for herself in her home country Greece, where she holds the Cage Survivor women’s featherweight title. Incredibly, “Gunner” started her professional career off with a bang, scoring a first-round TKO just a month after her 16th sünnipäev. Sellest ajast, the Greek fighter has gone 5-0, Kolme knockouts. The fight this Friday night, will be her first fight outside of Greece.


In addition to a full card of Bellator action, ticketholders will also have the unique opportunity to experience an additional fight card from Europe’s leading mixed martial arts promotion, BAMMA. The bantamweight belt will be on the line at “BAMMA 27,” as Tom Duquesnoy (13-1, 1 NC) ja Alan Philpott (16-8) prepare to duke it out for the division gold. Lastly, the stacked event features a featherweight world title fight pitting former Bellator competitors Ronnie Mann (25-8-1) vastu Martin Stapleton (18-4).



Täielik "Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii” Main Card:

Heavyweight Main Event: Muhammed "King Mo" Lawalia (19-5, 1 NC) vs. Satoshi Ishii (14-6-1)

Featherweight Co-Main Event: James Gallagher (4-0) vs. Anthony Taylor (1-1)

Featherweight Feature Bout: Daniel Weichel (37-9) vs. Brian Moore (9-4)

Featherweight Feature Bout: Sinead Kavanagh (3-0) vs. Elina Kallionidou (5-0)

Bantamweight Feature Bout: Shay Walsh (14-4) vs. Luiz Tosta (9-2)


Updated “BAMMA 27” Main Card:

Bantamweight World Title Bout: Tom Duquesnoy (13-1, 1 NC) vs. Alan Philpott (16-8)

Featherweight World Title Bout: Ronnie Mann (25-8-1) vs. Martin Stapleton (18-4)

Featherweight Main Card Bout: Dylan Tuke (3-0) vs. Sean Tobin (4-2)

Featherweight Main Card Bout: Brian Moore (9-4) vs. Niklas Backstrom (10-2)

Welterweight Main Card Bout: Kiefer Crosbie (1-0) vs. Conor Riordan (Debüüt)

Welterweight Main Card Bout: Nathan Jones (9-5) vs. Walter Gahadza (16-0)

Sensational Welterweight War Headlines Special Sunday Edition of Detroit Brawl on January 22, at Masonic Temple in Detroit

Already building a reputation for putting on Detroit’s best boxing shows, promoter Dmitriy Salita and Salita Promotions have done it again by featuring a potentially explosive war in their next show.
In a special Sunday edition of their popularDetroit Brawlseries on Jaanuar 22, 2017, Detroit fan favorite and world-class spoiler LanardoPain ServerTyner (30-10-2, 19 Kos) will return to action to face undefeated Toledo, Ohio, hotshot WesleyCasanovaTucker (13-0, 8 Kos) in the eight-round main event.
Once again sponsored by the Greektown Casino Hotel, piletid “Detroit Brawlare priced at VIP $123, Box Seats are $80 ja $60, Seating is $40, ja $20. They are available at all Ticketmaster outlets
Known for his powerful fists and granite chin, Lanardo Tyner is a former USBO and USNBC Welterweight Champion and one of boxing’s most dangerous gate keepers. Tyner has never been stopped in his career, despite facing a long list of future champions and top contenders including Canelo Alvarez, Lamont Peterson, Jessie Vargas, and Antonio DeMarcoand given them all tough fights. Tyner holds victories over former world champion Vivian Harris and a then 17-0-1 Charles Hatley. He also stopped then 21-3-1 Tyrese Hendrix and fought to a draw with top contender Adrian Granados.
I know he’s a good fighter and a cool guy. I sparred him one time. He’s strong and aggressive. Exactly what I like,” said Tyner. “I’m going to try and make it a war. Hopefully he’s down for it. We both like to fight like thatwhoever backs up, that’s who is going to lose. I doubt I will lose.
Tyner says he can’t wait to see all his fans at the fight and looks forward to seeing where he stands in the division by testing himself against another undefeated would-be contender.
I love to fight in Detroit. I really don’t fight here too often now, so I’m looking forward to fighting in front of all my people and I know he’s bringing a lot of people too, so it’s going to be a great fight. Beating him would mean that I’m still relevant and can still mess up these young punks. He’s stepping up against me. Minu jaoks, I’m just making sure I still have it.
Undefeated southpaw Wesley Tucker had over 250 amateur bouts and won several championships including the Toledo Golden Gloves, Silver Gloves, and Junior Olympics multiple times. A skilled counter puncher with above average power, Tucker has, Seni, shown strong ring generalship and a veteran’s confidence, in-ring. Passing the test against Tyner will be a strong indicator he belongs in the discussion of world-class up-and-coming welterweights.
I know he never gets knocked out and he’s a big puncher, but I am too,” said Tucker. “I was impressed with him. He hit me with a good body shot when we sparred. I’m going to mix it up with him. It’ll be explosive. I love fighting in Detroit because it’s 45 minutes from my hometown. I will have more people there this time than came to my last one and I had over 50 at the last one.
Promoter Salita says he’s looking forward to putting on this fight for the fans in his adopted city of Detroit.
This will be a war,” ütles ta. “Neither of these guys ever back up and they can both hit very hard. It’s going to be a great test for Wesley Tucker because only the very best can beat Lanardo Tyner. Fights like this are what I pictured when I started the Detroit Brawl series. This is a TV-worthy fight that either fighter could win. I’m very proud to be part of this great event.
More fights, opponents and rounds will be announced shortly. On Fight Night, Uksed avatakse kell 4:00 pm ja võitleb algama 5:00 pm.
For more information on theDetroit Brawlor Salita Promotions, külastus Facebook ja Puperdama: @DetroitBrawl

Berlin Abreu upsets David Peralta via split decision in exciting war at Sands Bethlehem Event Center

Kermit Cintron scores stoppage victory; Ronald Ellis decisions Riojas

For Immediate Release
Petlemma, PA (Detsember 12, 2016) – Berlin Abreu won a 10-round split decision over David Peralta to capture the WBC Latino Welterweight bout Möödunud Laupäev kell Sands Bethlehem Event Center.
The bout headlined a nine-bout card, which was promoted by GH3 Promotions, King’s Promotions and Sampson Boxing.
It was a terrific back and forth battle that produced action throughout the fight. Abreu used his quickness to fire off rapid fire combinations. Every time it seemed that Abreu was seizing control of the bout, Peralta would would storm back with a hard flurry of his own.
Both guys had a lot of swelling on their faces. In the final-third of the contest, Abreu landed more, and even had Peralta backing up and holding on.
The bout could be a breakthrough performance for Abreu, who sprang the upset over Peralta. Peralta came into the bout ranked number-15 by the WBC, and was coming off a possible career making victory over former world champion Robert Guerrero.
Abreu of Santo Domingo, Domincan Republic won by scores of 97-93 ja 86-94, while Peralta took a card 97-93.
Abreu is now 14-1. Peralta of Cordoba, Argentina is now 26-3-1.
In co-funktsioon, former two-time welterweight champion Kermit Cintron was sharp in taking out Rosemberg Gomez after the 3rd round of their scheduled 8-round welterweight bout.
Cintron was dominant throughout as he showed signs of the fighter, who won the world welterweight title on two occasions. He had Gomez hurt in round three as he divided up his attack to the head and body and finally floored the native of Managua, Nicaragua with a combination. Gomez best offense was a tackle of Cintron as he fell to the canvas on the knockdown. Cintron was alright and after the round, Gomez and his corner pulled the plug on the contest.
Cintron Reading, PA on nüüd 39-5-2 koos 30 knockouts. Gomez is now 19-6-1.
Ronald Ellis remained undefeated with a 8-round unanimous decision over Oscar Riojas in a super middleweight bout.
Hinded olid 80-72 kaks korda ja 79-73.
Ellis of Lynn, MA will now take part in a nationally televised bout on January 20th koos rekord 13-0-1. Riojas of Monterrey, Mehhiko on 10-7-1.
Erik Spring and Grayson Blake battled to a 6-round draw in a super welterweight bout.
All three judges saw the bout even at 57-57.
Kevad Reading, PA is 8-1-2. Blake of State College, PA is 6-4-1.
Derric Rossy took out big Richard Carmack in the 2nd round of their Heavyweight bout.
Rossy landed a combination in the 2nd round that was finished up by a right to the corner that sent Carmack to the canvas. Carmack did not beat the count at 1:48.
Rossy Medford, NY is 31-12 koos 15 knockouts. Carmack if Kansas City, MO is 15-10-1.
Blake Mansfield remained undefeated by winning a 6-round unanimous decision over Antowyan Aikens in a super middleweight bout.
Masnfield dropped Aikens with an uppercut in the 1st round. AIkens had some moments as he used his height and reach but it was not enough as Mansfield won by scores of 59-54 ja 58-55 kaks korda.
Mansfield of Burlington, NC on 4-0-1. Aikens on Atlantic City, NJ on 10-3-1.

Abraham Nova took out Joshua Santos in the 2nd round of their super featherweight bout.

Nova scored a knockdown in round when he landed a right hand that made the knee of Santos buckle underneath him as he fall to the canvas. Santos was limping, but was able to continue. Santos came out landing punches in the 2nd frame, but that was short lived as another crushing right from Nova dropped Santos again and the bout was stopped at 2:02.
Nova of Baintree, MA 4-0 koos 3 knockouts. Santos of San Juan, PR on 2-2-1.
Chordale Booker remained undefeated by winning a 4-round unanimous decision over Dawin Pickney in a super welterweight bout.
Booker of Brooklyn, won by tallies of 40-36 ja 39-37 twice and is now 4-0. Pickeny of Hot Springs, ARK is now 1-3-1.
Jeesus Perez made a successful pro debut by halting Antonio Allen at 2:38 of round three of their super lightweight bout.
Perez of Reading, PA is 1-0 koos 1 KO. Allen of Philadelphia is 0-5.

Box Fan Expo to be present at the 54th Annual WBC Convention in Hollywood, Florida

Ultimate fan kogemus sündmus, mis annab poks fännid võimalus kohtuda-ja-tervitama top võitlejad, poks kuulsused ja tööstuse inimesed up-close, isiklik seadistus will return on Cinco de Mayo weekend 2017
For Immediate Release
Las Vegas (Detsember 12, 2016) – The Popular Box Fan Expo will be present with a booth at the 54th, annual WBC convention, to greet boxing fans as well as industry people and give out info on the Next Boxing Expo. The WBC convention will be held from December 11th, kuni December 17th.

The booth will be located at the famous Diplomat Hotel in Hollywood, Florida. Fans and boxing industry people can stop by and say hello.

Box Fan Expo has been a huge success with Boxing fans and Boxing industry people. Many boxing stars have attended the last two Expo’s such as Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Roy Jones noorem, Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Juuda, James Toney, Mikey Garcia , Leo Santa Cruz, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie pardlid, Leon Spinks and many more

The third annual Box Fan Expo will take place in Las Vegas on May 6th, 2017 (Cinco De Mayo weekend) Las Vegas Convention Center, pärit 10hommikul kuni 17.00. Box Fan Expo on ülim poksifännide kogemussündmus, and it also coincides with a major fight event weekend.

Tickets for the Box Fan Expo can be purchased at:

The event allows fans to Meet and Greet Boxing Superstars of today, Legendid spordist ja muud poksi kuulsused nende boksis. Kohapeal, fännid kogevad erinevaid tegevusi autogrammide seanssidest, Fotosessioonid, FaceOff koos oma lemmik poksijatega, samuti võimalus osta oma boksist kaupu ja mälestusesemeid, pluss veel palju muud… te ei soovi sellest kohustuslikust Expon käimata jätta!

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Baranchyk Batters Lopez;Lippe-Morrison halts Cobb in Miami, Korras

Baranchyk fired up.jpg
For Immediate Release
Miami, Korras (Detsember 11, 2016) – Rising stars and Holden Productions “Four State Franchise” members Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk and Trey Lippe-Morrison kept their perfect records in tact following impressive victories Saturday, Detsember 10 at the Buffalo Run Casino.
Headlining in front of a standing room only crowd in his adopted hometown of Miami, Korras, Baranchyk battled game Phoenix native Wilberth Lopez over ten rounds. Lopez, who defeated five previously unbeaten foes, had to deal with the ultra-aggressive style of Baranchyk but scored a flash knockdown in the fourth round. The knockdown, his first suffered as a pro, had little impact on the fight. For the rest of the contest, the IBF #12 ranked Baranchyk overpowered Lopez, who was on the receiving end of many hard shots but finished the bout on his feet.
Hinded olid 98-91 kaks korda ja 97-92.
Baranchyk, who resides in Brooklyn, NY by way of Russia, nüüd 13-0 koos 10 knockouts. Lopez falls to 15-7 (10 KO poolt).
In koostöö põhiturniiri, Lippe-Morrison kept his knockout streak intact with a two round beatdown of veteran Ty Cobb. Living and fighting out of Vinita, Korras, Lippe-Morrison focused on attacking Cobb’s midsection, forcing him to lower his guard. Lippe-Morrison quickly changed focus and dropped Cobb in the second round with a left hook to the head. Cobb beat the count but found himself on the floor shortly thereafter courtesy of another hard left hook. The tough Texan made it back to his feet but was in no shape to continue, forcing the stoppage at 2:10.
“I felt good and stuck to the game plan of going to his body,” Lippe-Morrison said after his victory. “By going to the body early, we knew we’d find an opening up top and that’s exactly what happened.”
Lippe-Morrison is now 13-0 with all of his victories by knockout. Cobb sips to 19-8 koos 11 KO poolt.
“I’m pleased with the way Ivan and Trey fought,"Ütles Holden. “The future is extremely bright for both men and the demand to see the Four State Franchise fight at the Buffalo Run Casino is an an all-time high.”
Baranchyk and Lippe-Morrison are both expected to appear on ShoBox in early 2017.
In undercard tegevus, two more members of the “Four State Franchise” won impressively.
Junior middleweight Dillon “White Lighting” Cook of Seneca, MO shutout durable Mexican veteran Juan Jesus Rivera, 28-16 (18 KO poolt), in an eight round contest. Kokk, kes paranes 18-1 koos 7 KO poolt, maintained control from bell to bell and won every round on each scorecard.
Two sport standout Jarrett “The Legacy” Rouse bested once-beaten Shadi Shawareb in a found rounder. Rouse, who is unbeaten in both boxing and mixed martial arts, scored a second round knockdown and won by scores of 39-36 kõik kolm kaarti.
Rouse, a Bartlesville, OK native, on 10-0-1 koos 4 knockouts. Shawareb, of Oklahoma City, on 9-2-2 (5 KO poolt).
Australian lightweight contender Billel “Baby Face” Dib upped his record to 21-1 (10 KO poolt) after topping Colombian slugger Carlos Padilla, 16-5-1 (10 KO poolt), aastal kaheksa vooru hooaeg. Dib is promoted by DiBella Entertainment.



Sergei Lipinets, Erickson Lubin Triumph on SHOWTIME BOXING on FACEBOOK LIVE

IBF Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua Retains Crown

With Third-Round KO over Eric Molina on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL

Vaata Replay Esmaspäev, Detsember. 12, juures 10 Pärastlõunal. JA/PT kohta SHO EXTREME®

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Photo Credit: Stephanie Trapp / Showtime®

LOS ANGELES (Detsember. 10, 2016) - Abner Mares (30-2-1, 15 Kos) scored an impressive, upset 12-round split decision over defending champion Jeesus Cuellar (28-2, 21 Kos) to capture the WBA Featherweight World Championship and become a four-time boxing titlist Laupäev in the main event of a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader.


In the co-feature from Galen Center on the campus of USC in Los Angeles, Jermall Charlo (25-0, 19 Kos) retained his IBF Junior Middleweight World title with an emphatic fifth-round knockout over previously unbeaten, top-ranked Julian "J-Rock" Williams (22-1-1, 14 Kos). (VIDEO UUENDUSED:


Earlier in the day on SHOWTIME, unbeaten IBF Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua (18-0, 18 Kos) koputasin välja Eric Molina (25-4, 19 Kos), Weslaco, Texas, in the third round in Manchester, Inglismaa. (VIDEO UUENDUSED:


Emad, Huntingtoni Beach, Californias., by way of Guadalajara, Mehhiko, was victorious by the scores of 117-110, 116-111 ja 112-115. Judge Kermit Bayless was the lone descender to score the hard-fought match for the Argentine. Mares scored the bout’s lone knockdown in the 11th round. Cuellar, Buenos Aires, had an 11-fight winning streak end. (VIDEO UUENDUSED:


Emad, making his first start sisse 16 kuud and first with renowned trainer Robert Garcia, executed a technically sound game plan and was the more accurate puncher than Cuellar, who was under the tutelage of Hall of Famer Freddie Roach for the first time in his career.


“I feel so good, it’s been a long time. I’m champion, laps,’’ said Mares, 31, a former WBC featherweight and super bantamweight world champion and IBF bantamweight world champion, who became Garcia’s 10th maailmameister. “We had the perfect game plan.


“I never doubted myself. I felt it in my heart. When I fought Lõvi (Santa Cruz) I beat myself because I fought the wrong fight. I fought smart täna õhtul. I thought it would be a unanimous decision, but at the end of the day I’m champion.’’


Cuellar is known as a devastating puncher, but he was unable to land his power shots or cut off the ring against Mares, who seemingly pocketed rounds with accuracy and a solid left hook. Mares floored Cuellar with a straight right in the opening minute of the 11th, sending Cuellar to the canvas for the third time of his career. The onslaught continued, with a resurgent Mares teeing off on Cuellar until he raised his hands following the final bell.

“They said he was a power puncher, they said he was going to knock me out, but I proved that I have some power, liiga,’’ said Mares, who dropped a majority 12-round decision to Santa Cruz in his last fight on Aug. 29, 2015. “I want Leo, Ma tahan (Carl) Frampton, I want anyone. I’m a champion. I’m not afraid of anyone.”


Cuellar stated his case for a rematch afterward.


“I thought the fight was pretty even until he threw me down, and that’s when he took control,"Ütles Cuellar, who was making his third title defense. “He definitely had the boxing skills going today. I would have preferred a rough fight, but Mares had his skills today. Ma tahan rematch. I gave him the opportunity and now I think it’s fair that he gives it to me.”


In koostöö põhiturniiri, Charlo dropped Williams three times, once in the second and twice in the fifth. Williams, who had not lost a round in 10 consecutive fights, went down for the first time in his career from a strong counter left-hand midway through the second round.


Williams, who established his counter right early, performed well for the next two rounds in the first title fight between undefeated 154-pound champions since Floyd Mayweather dismantled Canelo Alvarez sisse 2013.


But Charlo decked him again with a brutal right uppercut midway through the fifth round that sent Williams collapsing face-forward onto the canvas. Williams got up, but he was clearly in trouble. Charlo floored him seconds layer with a left hook, forcing referee Wayne Hedgepath to instantly halt the contest at 2:06.


Charlo was ahead with scores of 38-37 on the three scorecards entering the fifth round in a highly skilled matchup between two fighters in their prime.


Afterward a fracas broke out in the ring between the fighters and their cornermen after Charlo wouldn’t acknowledge Williams’ congratulatory hand shake. Williams immediately stormed from the ring. The fans booed Charlo loudly throughout his post-fight interview with SHOWTIME reporter Jim Gray.


“I did what I was supposed to do, Ma olen väga rahul oma tulemuslikkust, I listened to my trainer,’’ said Charlo, the identical twin brother of WBC 154-pound titlist Jermell Charlo. “I trained hard for this fight, I stayed in the gym the whole time.


“No matter what, people have to respect my accomplishments. He just wasn’t on my level. I told everyone what I was going to do since the fight was announced. I knew I was going to win; he was badly hurt after the knockdown.

“I just want to tell Julian Williams, Mul on kahju. Leading up to this fight Julian talked, and I held it in. I did what I had to do to become the champion of the world and I deserve my respect. He disrespected me all the way up to the fight. I made the fight happen; I gave the fans what they wanted to see. I stayed at 154 naela, although I do want to move up to 160, just to fight someone the world said I couldn’t beat.


“I said I don’t want your congratulations; I want your apology. I don’t care what they say, I knocked him out. No matter what they say about me I’m going to continue to work hard. I did what my trainer told me to do, I stayed in there and bang the shot came home. I’m never disrespected this dude, never, until I knocked him out.


“Yes, I want to unify. I want to prove I’m the best junior middleweight in the world, none of them are on my level.

Williams offered no excuses. “I just got caught,’ he said. “I was fine after the second round and kept going. He just caught me. He wasn’t too big. He just caught me.

“I didn’t care about any of that [post-fight drama]. I just wanted to win.”


Charlo-Williams was the fourth 154-pound title fight on SHOWTIME in 2016.

In one off the fights streamed earlier Laupäev on FACEBOOK LIVE, Sergei Lipinets (11-0, 9 Kos) koputasin välja Lenny Zappavigna(35-3, 25 Kos) to become the mandatory challenger for the IBF Junior Welterweight World Title.


After flooring Zappavigna midway through the fourth, Lipinets finished off the Australian with an overhand right in the eighth in a closely contested and bloody affair.


“Yes, this was my toughest fight, it’s bloody and rugged but no problem for me,’’ Lipinets said. “This was an eliminator and now I want my next fight to be for the world championship. Julius Indogo has the IBF title and now I’m the mandatory.

“I’m very happy with my performance. We’ve worked on adjusting during fights and that worked very well for me täna õhtul. I was hoping for the knockout but my trainer said to keep working and the stoppage will come.”

“I left it all in the ring,’’ Zappavigna said. “I fought my heart out and I came here to give it my best. Even though I’m disappointed with the loss, I am at peace with the result because I know I couldn’t have done anything else.

“I wish Sergey all the best in his world title fight.

“I know my fans are behind me and I’m bringing pride back to Australia. I know I was in control of the fight, but my Australian ‘white line feverkicked in and I tried to take his head off.”

In the opening bout on Facebook Live, talented undefeated middleweight Erickson Lubin (17-0, 12 Kos) knocked out previously once-beaten Juan Ubaldo Cabrera (23-2, 15 Kos) juures 2:09 teise ringi.


“He was a little awkward in the first round,’’ Erickson said. “I set him up with my jab and I knew I hurt him in the second. That’s when I knew it was time for him to go.


I think that fight definitely proves that I’m in the discussion as one of the top up and comers in the sport, but I don’t feel any pressure. I’m back in the gym esmaspäeval.


I want to be undisputed champion. I want all of the belts. Give me the Charlos, Julian Williams, any of them.


I’ll take whoever is in front of me next, but those names and put them in bold letters and you know I’ll be front and center for that Charlo-Williams fight.


The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader and SHOWTIME INTERNATIONAL telecast will re-air on Monday, Detsember. 12, 10 Pärastlõunal. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME. The fights were promoted by Ringstar Sports and TGB Promotions and sponsored by Corona.




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Lisateavet ja, jälgida puperdama @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing, JesusCuellarBOX, @AbnerMares, FutureOfBoxing, JRockBoxing, @TGBPromotions ja @Swanson_Comm või saate Facebooki fänniks aadressil ja toetab Corona, Finest Beer.




Matchroom Sport Announces Joshua To Defend Against Long-Reigning Heavyweight Kingpin Wladimir Klitschko Aprill 29 At Wembley Stadium


Vajuta SIIN Sest Fotod; Krediidi Matchroom Sport


Anthony Joshua extended his perfect record to 18-0 koos 18 knockouts in a dominating defense of his IBF Heavyweight World Championship over American challenger Eric Molina Laupäev on SHOWTIME from Manchester Arena in Manchester, Inglismaa. VIDEO UUENDUSED:


Joshua floored Molina with a huge left in the third, leaving the Texas native crumpled in the corner. Molina looked dazed and barely beat the count, but he was again in trouble and defenseless seconds later, sundides Kohtunik peatada Võistlust 2:02.


Pärast võitlust, Matchroom Sport managing direction Eddie Hearn announced that Joshua will make the third defense of his title on Aprill 29 against long-reining heavyweight kingpin Wladimir Klitschko at London’s Wembley Stadium.


“Disaster avoided täna õhtul,” Joshua said. “He started off teeing off with some haymakers early on. There are not too many tactics he can do. It’s hard for him to come in and fight when you aren’t giving him any options. Someone who is boxing with you can give you options, but someone who is boxing on his back feet cannot.”


“This is the start of my story and there will be many more things to come when I step into this ring. I’m not one to talk and I’m not one to mess around, but if I did start talking I think people would find out what I’m all about. I’ve stayed consistent and I’ve stayed patient and I’m still undefeated.”


“We are moving into a huge arena (Wembley). He’s a very respectful man outside of the ring, and he’s very competitive in the ring. This is the step up people have wanted. Klitschko wants his belts back and may the best man win.”


Said Klitschko: “He is the best man in the heavyweight division and his record speaks for itself. This is the fight that the fans want and that is why this fight will happen.”


“Do you want to see a big fight? Do you want to see a fight where two Olympic champs are involved? Do you want to see the fight between A.J. and W.K.? You got it.”


New M-1 Challenge featherweight champion Magomed Idrisov knocks out Ivan Buchinger

For Immediate Release
Ramazan Emeev decisions Anatoly Tokov

NAZRAN, Ingushetia, Venemaa (Detsember 9, 2016) – Rising Russian MMA star Magomed Idriosov knocked out Ivan “See on” Buchinger in the opening round of tänaõhtusel M-1 Challenge 73: Battle of Narts main event to become M-1 Challenge bantamweight champion.
In co-funktsioon, M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Ramazan Emeev won a hard fought three-round split decision over Anatoly Tokov in Ingushetia, Venemaa.
Feared as a striker, Idrisov ((7-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0) lived up to his reputation and remained undefeated as a professional, putting Buchinger to sleep with a devastating punch in round one. Tema 2013 MMA debut, Idrisov knocked out current M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Alexander Butenko in a non-M-1 Global fight. The Russian is now undefeated in four M-1 Global fights having previously defeated Yuri Maia (KO1 – löögid) in the M-1 Challenge 49 Knockout öö, Max Coga (DEC3) and Sergej Grecicho (DEC3) in his last fight September 20, 2015 juures M-1 Challenge 51.
Idrisov (R) put Buchinger to sleep to become M-1 Challenge Featherweight champion
Buchingeri (31-5-0, M-1: 6-1-0), võitlevad välja Slovakkia, rode a 10-fight win streak into M-1 Challenge 73, losing for the first time since 2012 to Conor McGregor. Buchinger stopped Tural Ragimov to capture the vacant M-1 Challenge title October 17, 2014 juures M-1 Challenge 52.
Two of the best middleweight fighters in the world, Emeev (15-3-0, M-1: 9-1-0) and Tokov (24-3-0, M-1: 8-2-0), battled from to start to finish as Emeev won a three-round split decision for his fourth consecutive victory.
Emeev (L) & Tokov went toe-to-toe
Undefeated Russian Moysar Evoloev remained undefeated (6-0-0, M-1: 6-0-0) by taking a three-round unanimous decision over American Lee “American Bulldog” Morrison (15-8-0, M-1: 2-5-0) at a 140-pound (63.5 kg) catchweight.
Russian lightweight Khamzat Dalgiev (8-1-0, M-1: 5-1-0), fighting at home in Ingushetia, chocked British-invader ChristianThe AnimalHolley (10-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0) into a submission in the second round.
Closing out the Main Card, American bantamweight “Karistaja” Josh Rectification House (14-4-0, M-1: 2-0-0) stopped his Kazakh opponent, Sergei Morozov (6-2-0, M-1: 3-2-0), Esimeses voorus.
Brazilian bantamweight DiegoThe PrideDavella (16-5-0, M-1: 1-0-0) won his M-1 debut, choking Zalimbeg Omarov (7-2-1, M-1: 4-2-1) in a second-round submission on the Over Card.
On esialgse kaardi, Kurban Ibragimov (6-2-0, M-1: 3-2-0) submitted fellow Russian heavyweight Denis Polekhin in the first round, Russian featherweight Alexey Nevzorov (12-2-0, M-1: 6-1-0) registered a second-round TKO of Ukrainian Andrey “Raud” Lezhnov (8-7-0, M-1: 3-3-0), Russian lightweight Pavel Gordeav (4-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0) cruised to a second-round victory by submission choke of Kyrgyzstan’s Erlan Ulukbekov (2-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Russian welterweight Akhmed-Khan Ozdoev (1-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0) stopped previously undefeated Ukrainian Andrew Bilyk (4-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), and Akhmad-Khan Bokov (2-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0) submitted Elmar Mamedov (2-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0) in the first round of a battle of Russian featherweights.
Results and photo gallery below:
Magomed Idrisov (7-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0), Venemaa
WKO1 (Punch3:25)
Ivan Buchingeri (31-5-0, M-1: 6-1-0), Slovakkia
(Idrisov won M-1 Challenge featherweight title)
Ramadan Emeev (15-3-0, M-1: 8-1-0), Venemaa
Anatoly Tokov (24-3-0, M-1: 8-1-0), Venemaa
CATCHWEIGHT (140 lbs. / 65.5 kg)
Sergei Morozov (7-1-0, M-1: 4-1-0), Kasahstan
Lee Morrison (15-8-0, M-1: 2-5-0), USA
Khamzat Dalgiev (8-1-0, M-1: 5-1-0), Venemaa
WSUB2 (Choke – 1:50)
Christian Holley (10-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), UK
Josh Rectification House (14-4-0, M-1: 2-0-0), USA
WKO1 (4:30)
Sergei Morozov (6-2-0, M-1: 3-1-2), Venemaa
Zalimbeg Omarov (7-1-1, M-1: 4-1-1), Venemaa
Diego Davella (15-5-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Brasiilia
Kurban Ibragimov (6-2-0, M-1: 4-2-0), Venemaa
WSUB1 (4:15)
Denis Polekhion (2-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Venemaa
Akhmed-Khan Ozdoev (0-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Venemaa
Andrew Bilyk (4-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Ukraina
Pavel Gordeav (4-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Venemaa
WSUB2 (Choke – 1:50)
Erlan Ulukbekov (2-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Kõrgõzstan
Aleksei Nevzorov (12-2-0, M-1: 6-1-0), Venemaa
WTKO2 (4:52)
Andrei Lezhnev (8-7-0, M-1: 3-3-0), Ukraina
Akhmad-Khan Bokev (2-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Ingushetia, Venemaa
WSUB1 (5:15)
Elmar Mamedov (2-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0), St. Petersburg, Venemaa
Ibragimov & Polekhin
Ulukbekov & Gordeav
Bilyk & Akhmed-Khan Ozdoev
Holley & Dalgiev
Lezhnev & Nevzorov
Davella & Omarov
Mamedpv & Bokov
Morrison & Evloev
NEXT SHOW: Veebruar. 18, M-1 Challenge 74, St. Petersburg, Venemaa
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@ M1GlobalNews
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