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Nejlepší ruský těžká váha Sergej Kharitonov se zavázal bojovat na M-1 Challenge 80 karta červen 15 v Číně

MOSKVA (Březen 27, 2017) – ruština těžké váze Sergei “Výsadkář” Kharitonov se zavázal bojovat Červen 15 na M-1 Challenge 80 karta v Charbinu, Čína. Kharitonov se utká s brazilským veteránem MMA Marcus Viniciuds “Hora” Lopes v hlavní události.
Kharitonov (23-6-0, M-1: 3-0-0) je neporažený ve třech M-1 Challenge turnajích, když porazil bývalého šampiona M-1 Challenge v těžké váze Kenny “Čert” Sýpka dvakrát, v M-1 Výzva 59 v 2015 v Kazachstánu (WKO/TKO4 – údery) a M-1 Challenge 43 v 2013 v Číně, (KO/TKO3 – zranění), a Financí Alexej na M-1 Challenge 53 v 2014 Rusko (KO2).
Kharitonov, který také bojoval ve Strikeforce a PRIDE, porazil některé z největších bojovníků MMA v těžké váze všech dob, počítaje v to Allistair Overeem, Andrei Arlovski, Fabricio Werdum a Pedro Rizzo.
Lopes (15-0-0, M-1: 2-1-0) poražený Evgeni Myakinkin tříkolovým jednomyslným rozhodnutím letos v únoru v M-1 Challenge 74. Lopes vyhrál tříkolové jednomyslné rozhodnutí nad Kurban Ibragimov ve svém debutu M-1 loni v červenci. Přišla jeho jediná ztráta M-1 M-1 Challenge 71 letos v říjnu bývalému šampionovi M-1 Challenge v polotěžké váze Stephan Puetz, který použil držení sytiče k vítězství v podání ve třetím kole.
Nátlakový bojovník a solidní útočník, Lopes je šampionem jiu-jitsu ve své rodné Brazílii, kde se většina jeho MMA zápasů konala během jeho 6 1/2-let profesionální kariéry.
V nedávném rozhovoru pro M-1 Global News, řekl Kharitonov, “Dostal jsem spoustu nabídek, ale raději bojuji v M-1 Global.” Níže je kompletní Q & A s Kharitonovem:
Víte, kdo bude vaším soupeřem na M-1 Challenge a, Pokud není uvedeno, jaká jsou vaše očekávání?
SK: “zatím nic nevím. Dostal jsem nabídku od M-1 bojovat v Číně. Od té doby, co jsem mluvil s (M-1 Global prezident) Vadim Finkelchtein na dlouhou dobu a rozumět si, Dal jsem souhlas Vadim řekl, že jsem v Číně populární a že chce, abych na tomto turnaji reprezentoval Rusko. Nyní, Nemám o tomto boji žádné myšlenky ani domněnky, protože se soustředím na svůj nadcházející boj s Bellatorem. To je teď můj hlavní cíl a po tomto boji budu přemýšlet o boji s M-1.”
Bellator nedal povolení k boji loni v prosinci v Rusku. Co se tentokrát změnilo a bylo těžké získat povolení znovu bojovat v M-1?
SK: “Nebyly žádné problémy. Jak jsme se dohodli, nechci komentovat, trochu jedna věc je jistá, Dostal jsem povolení a po mém dalším boji s Bellatorem budu bojovat na M-1 Challenge 80 v Číně.”
Bojoval jste v Číně na M-1 Challenge 53. Jak se vám tam líbí místní publikum a jaké jsou vaše celkové dojmy z turnaje?
SK: “Všechno bylo v pořádku. Líbila se mi úroveň organizace, Fanoušci’ postoj ke sportovcům, a odezva veřejnosti. Myslím, že M-1 má dobré zkušenosti s pořádáním turnajů v Číně, takže tentokrát z toho mohou udělat ještě větší show.”
Přijímáte nabídky k boji od jiných ruských organizací a proč jste se rozhodl bojovat v M-1?
SK: “Ano, Dostal jsem spoustu nabídek, zvláště v poslední době. Neřeknu konkrétně, ale byli z velkých ruských MMA organizací. Ale mám s M-1 dlouhodobý vztah a já a Vadim se dobře známe. Vycházíme spolu dobře a věříme si. Proto, O raději bojujte v M-1 Global.”


Cvrlikání & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

2016 Olympic Bronze medalist Nico Hernandez Shines in professional debut win at home

Tramaine “The Mighty MidgetWilliams decisions Eduardo “Hrom” Garza to improve to 10-0
NeecoRoosterMacias crows after
Dominant victory over Cesar Soriano
“KO Night Box: History Begins
Oficiální výsledky
Nico Hernandez (R) is a future star
(all pictures by Charles Yellowfeather / KO Night Box)
MULVANE, Kansas (Březen 25, 2017)A future star was born last night as 2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez turned in a stellar performance in his professional debut, zastavení Pat “Slacks” Gutierrez in the fourth round of the “KO Night Box: History Begins” main event, which aired live on CBS Sports Network from Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, Kansas.
“KO Night Box: History Beginswas presented by KO Night Boxing LLC, in association with Kansas Star Casino, and sponsored by Miller Lite, Mel Hambelton FORD and TITLE Boxing.
The large, hometown crowd of more than 3,100 had Hernandez (1-0, 1 KO) pumped to start the fight, in which he quickly established himself as the clear aggressor. The 21-year-old settled down in the second, showing his full arsenal of punches, as he banged Gutierrezbody and also landed effectively upstairs.
Hernandez cut off the ring in the third, often trapping Gutierrez (0-3) on the ropes, where he unloaded punishing punches that started to take its toll on the gutsy Las Vegas fighter. Hernandez’ dominance continued in the fourth, even as he surprisingly switched from orthodox to southpaw stance, hurting Gutierrez until his corner asked the referee to halt the action.
Nico Hernandez (R) pounded Pat Gutierrez
It doesn’t get better than this,” a beaming Hernandez said after the fight. “It means so much for me to bring boxing to Wichita, to all of Kansas, for these awesome fans. I started switching up a little because it was worked. I’d like to get back fighting again za dva měsíce.
I wasn’t to thank KO Night Boxing. This was the way I pictured it. As I was waiting in the tunnel, I could hear the crowd chanting my name. This was a great night of boxing. I want to bring more shows here.
“Boj zde dnes večer was much different than fighting in the Olympics (in Brazil). Dnes večer they were cheering me, they booed me at the Olympics no matter who I fought because I was an American.
Ve spolupráci funkce, gifted New Haven (CT) levák Tramaine “The Mighty Midget” Williams improved his undefeated record to 10-0 (3 KO), displaying special ring skills on his way to an impressive eight-round unanimous decision over tough Eduardo “Hrom” Garza (6-2, 2 KO).
A classic boxer, Williams also showed some pop dnes večer, dropping Garza twice, once in the first round and again in the third. Williams, who made his promotional debut for Roc Nation Sports, rolled to victory by scores of 79-71 a dvakrát 78-72.
Tramaine Williams (R) outclassed Eduardo Garza
I performance okay,” Williams commented. “The last two rounds I was a little winded but I hadn’t been in the ring for two years. We knew he dropped his chin when he jabbed; I followed the game plan and it worked. He fought his butt off, he didn’t come to lose. Nyní, Chci bojovat nejlepší. Let’s go!”
Relentless junior middleweight NeecoRoosterMacias (15-0, 8 KO), fighting out of Tehachapi, Kalifornie, enhanced his reputation as a rising contender on the regional scene, assaulting his game Mexican foe, Cesar Soriano (26-35-1, 16 KO), from the opening bell until the very end for a hard-fought win by eight-round unanimous decision.
A southpaw known for his non-stop motor, Macias connected with punches thrown from every conceivable angle, leaving Soriano no room to move or time to catch his wind, to win by scores of 80-71, 79-72, 78-73).
Neeco Macias had too much for Cesar Soriano
I feel like I could have done better,” Macias admitted. “My opponent came to fight eight rounds and we respect for each other. Stále se učím. Everybody has a game plan until they get hit. I didn’t move like I should have. I thank my opponent for giving me a fight I can learn from.

I was surprised he took so many punches, but he’s a veteran and I didn’t underestimate him. I trained hard and needed every bit of it. I’m getting better and I’m coming back strong to make boxing more exciting.

Fighting for the first time since last August, Kansas favorite Jeff Page, Jr. (18-3, 12 KO) dropped Missouri veteran Steve “The SpoilerWalker (26-34-1, 16 KO) three times for a first-round technical knockout victory in a fight contested at a 186-pounds catchweight.
V non-titulový boj, Kansas State junior middleweight champion Efrain Morales (5-0, 2 KO) zůstal neporažený, stopping fellow Kansan Robert Alexander Seyan (2-6, 2 KO) v úvodním kole.
Kansas featherweight Eric Vargas (2-0, 1 KO) pitched a shutout, winning all four rounds against pro-debuting Kevin “Indio” Garcia.
Kansas cruiserweight Juan Hollingsworth (1-0) won his pro debut by way of a four-round unanimous decision over Raymond Gray (1-2),
TITLE Boxing is the official apparel and gloves partner for Knockout Night Boxing.
Complete results & post-fight presser conference quotes below:
Oficiální výsledky
(Winners listed first each fight)
Nico Hernandez (1-0, 1 KO), Wichita, KS
WTKO4 (2:32)
Pat Gutierrez (0-3), Las Vegas, NV
Tramaine Williams (19-0, 3 KO), New Haven, CT
WDEC8 (79-71, 79-71, 78-72)
Eduardo Garza (6-2, 2 KO), Pal View, TX
Juan Hollingsworth (1-0, 1 KO), Winfield, KS
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-37)
Raymond Gray (1-2, 0 KO), Columbia, MO
CATCHWEIGHT (186 lbs.)
Jeff Page, Jr. (18-3, 12 KO), Andover, KS
WTKO1 (2:36)
Steve Walker (26-34, 18 KO), Hannibal, MO
Neeco Macias (15-0, 8 KO), Tehachapi, JAKO
WDEC8 (80-71, 79-72, 78-73)
Cesar Soriano (26-35-1, 16 KO), Mexico City, Mexiko
Efrain Morales (5-0, 2 KO), Garden City. KS
WTKO1 (1:46)
Robert Alexander Seyam (2-6, 2 KO), Wichita, KS
Eric Vargas (2-0, 1 KO), Garden City, KS
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 40-36)
Kevin Garcia (0-1), Rio Rancho, NM
Cvrlikání: @Kansas_Star, @Neonstarmedia, @KONightBoxing
Follow on Twitter & Instagram: @Nicomhernandez & @Tramaine_Midget and ABT Films on Twitter @abtfilms

Boj Network představuje LFA 7: Sanchez vs. Květen & GLORY 39 BrusselsDoubleheader Živé tento víkend

K okamžitému zveřejnění - březen 24, 2017


TORONTO – Boj Network, světová premiéra 24/7 multiplatformní kanál věnovaný úplné pokrytí bojových sportů, představuje víkend akcí nabité živé bojové sportovní akce, začíná dnes večer, Pátek, Březen 24 na 9 p.m. A, s LFA 7: Sanchez vs. Květen vycházející z aréně divadla v Houstonu, Texas.

Vysílat živě na Boj sítě v Kanadě a na celém světě ve více než 30 zemích Evropy, Africe a na Středním východě, LFA 7: Sanchez vs. Květen bude představovat Flyweight zúčtování mezi neporažený Roberto Sanchez (5-0) a Klayton May (8-2) a Bantamweight ko-main event důlky jednou poražen Adrian Yanez (5-1) proti neděle Pilarte (6-1).

GLORY, světovým premier league kickboxing, zahajuje jarní sezónu s živou doubleheader pro boj síti tuto sobotu, Březen 25 Z lesního National v Bruselu, Belgie.

Up nejprve na 1 p.m. A, GLORY 39 SuperFight Series Nabízí střet ke slávě lehké mistrovství světa, jako úřadující mistr GLORY Sitthica (113-30-5, 30 KO) obhajuje svůj pás proti č. 1 zařadil challenger Dylan Salvador (49-11-1, 21 KO).

Kompletní šest boj karta pro GLORY 39 SuperFight Series naleznete níže:

  • Lehká World Název Headline Bout: Sitthichai vs. Dylan Salvador
  • Lehká Co-Headline Bout: Marat Grigorian vs. Anton Petrov
  • Heavyweight Bout: Hesdy Gerges vs. Chi Lewis-Parry
  • Catchweight (150 lb / 68 kilogram) Záchvat: Qinghao Meng vs. Killian Moulun
  • Welterweight Bout: Harut Grigorian vs. Pavel Garaj
  • Lehké Bout: Tyjani Beztati vs.. Sabri Ben Henie

The GLORY 39 Brusel Hlavní karta airs žít tuto sobotu, Březen 25 na 4 p.m. A, hlavní hvězdou nově korunovaný GLORY welterweight šampion Cédric “Nejlepší” Doumbé (65-4-1, 39 KO) of France bránit svůj pás poprvé proti švýcarským útočníkem a č. 2 zařadil welterweight Yoann Kongolo (64-8, 46 KO).

Kompletní pěti boj karta pro GLORY 39 Brusel naleznete níže:

  • Welterweight World Název Headline Bout: Cédric Doumbé vs. Yoann Kongolo
  • Muší turnaje, finálový zápas: Vítězem Bout A vs. Vítězem Bout B
  • Heavyweight Co-nadpis Bout: Jamal Ben Saddik vs. Guto Inocente
  • Muší turnaj semifinále Bout B: Vs Serhiy Adamchuk. Nafi že Bilalovs
  • Muší turnaj semifinále Bout: Petchpanomrung Kiatmookao vs.. Aleksei Ulianov

Sláva doubleheader bude vysílán živě výhradně pro boj sítě v Kanadě a Turecku.

Pro úplný seznam vysílání plánu boj Network, navštivte www.fightnetwork.com, Sledujte nás na Twitterufightnet, Stát se fanouškem na Facebooku a navštivte nás na Instagramfightnet.

Iconic ‘WOSBritish Wrestling to Return to ITV

MANCHESTER | NASHVILLE – ITV Studios Entertainment Manchester announced today that it has teamed up with IMPACT Wrestling, a subsidiary of Anthem Sportovní & Entertainment Corp., to bring WOS Wrestling back to ITV, with an initial commission for a 10-part series.

The commission from ITV’s Helen Warner follows a successful one-off-special, which aired on New Year’s Eve 2016. The Executive Producers for ITV Studios are Tom McLennan and Simon Marsh. Jeff Jarrett, the Chief Creative Officer for IMPACT Wrestling, will be the Executive Producer for IMPACT Wrestling.

Thirty years after the original WOS ended – and legendary stars such as Big Daddy, Mick McManus and Rollerball Rocco left British screens – this new series will feature the very best of today’s wrestlers from the current red-hot U.K. wrestling scene.

They will compete in front of a live audience at the intimate Preston Guild Hall on Thursday 25th May and Friday 26th Květen (doors 7pm / bell time 7.30pm).

Tickets for these historic shows will go on sale at 9am on Friday 7th April from Gigsandtours.com /Ticketmaster.co.uk / prestonguildhall.co.uk

There will also be a launch event this Monday (27th Březen) na 2 pm in Manchester, where the full details of the WOS live shows will be announced, including the roster. Press and fans are invited to attend to the launch, which will include a Q&A and meet & greet. Places are extremely limited, to reserve one please email wswaudience@itv.com

This initial commission is part of a comprehensive co-production agreement between ITV Studios and IMPACT Wrestling to relaunch the WOS Wrestling brand, bringing British stars to ITV while leveraging the roster and creative team of IMPACT Wrestling along with its expertise in live event production and international distribution.

“This opportunity to work with ITV Studios to revive this iconic brand in the United Kingdom is a perfect example of the ways in which we intend to leverage our strengths to build our presence in international markets in collaboration with local organizations,” said Ed Nordholm, president of IMPACT Wrestling.

Director of Entertainment, ITV Studios Manchester, Tom McLennan said: “Britain’s wrestling scene is thriving and there has never been a better time to bring it back to ITV after a gap of 30 years.”

Jeff Jarrett, Chief Creative Officer for IMPACT Wrestling, přidán: “The WOS brand is etched in professional wrestling tradition. My family’s lineage in the industry dates back 70-plus years, so I am honoured for the opportunity to work on reviving the legacy of this historic British series.


Win Sets Up A Possible Unification Fight With WBC World Champion Mikey Garcia; Encore Presentation of Dnešní Fight Airs at 10 p.m. A/PT na SHO EXTREME®

Photos Courtesy: Lawrence Lustig/Matchroom Sport


NEW YORK (Březen 25, 2017) – Jorge Linares defended his WBA Lightweight World Championship with a unanimous decision victory over Anthony Crolla Sobota evening on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL from Manchester, Anglie. The win sets Linares up for a possible unification fight with WBC Lightweight World Champion Mikey Garcia, a matchup that would be considered one of the best that can be made in any weight class.

Sobotní main event from Manchester Arena aired live on SHOWTIME. Live fight coverage was provided by Sky Sports with Adam Smith calling play-by-play and world champion Carl Froch serving as ringside analyst. Garcia joined SHOWTIME Sports host Brian Custer and analysts Al Bernstein and Paul Malignaggi to provide commentary from a New York studio.

Linares and Crolla previously fought a fierce, closely contested battle last September, one that Linares won by just a few rounds. V sobotu, Linares retained the belt by a wide margin—118-109 on all three scorecards—virtually outclassing Crolla from the outset.

“He seems to be getting better with age,” said Froch, sharing a growing sentiment among boxing pundits.

Linares (42-3, 27 KO) cruised through much of the fight with an impressive display of boxing skill and power. A precisely timed uppercut floored Crolla in the seventh. Moments later Linares nearly finished him with a flurry against the ropes. Crolla, nicméně, would not go quietly. The Manchester native, perhaps spurned by his home crowd, bravely grew more aggressive in the second half of the fight. But Linares was simply too sharp, too fast and too comfortable for Crolla to overcome.

Mikey Garcia is coming off a brilliant knockout of world champion Dejan Zlaticanin in January and is hungry for a unification bout.

"Za prvé, I congratulate Jorge Linares for a great win,” said Garcia. “His skill, flexibility, combinations and power were definitely impressive. I hope we can make a fight as soon as possible. He didn’t look cut or hurt so maybe we can fight this summer.”

Undefeated Super Welterweight World Champion Jermell Charlo Defends Against Top Contender Charles Hatley Saturday, Duben 22 On SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®, Představovaný Premier mistrů v boxu, Od Barclays Center v Brooklynu

Welterweight World Title Eliminator Between
Ostatní Berto & Shawn Porter Headlines Action-Packed Night
BROOKLYN (Březen 24, 2017) – Unbeaten WBC Super Welterweight World Champion Jermell Charlo will defend his world title against No. 1-hodnocením challenger Charles Hatley Sobota, Duben 22 žít na SHOWTIME® z Barclays Center, domov Brooklyn BOXING ™.
Televised coverage of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, presented by Premier Boxing Champions, začíná 9 p.m. A/6 p.m. PT and is headlined by former world champions Ostatní Berto a Shawn Porter meeting in a 12-round welterweight world title eliminator.
Charlo (28-0, 13 KO) will face his mandatory challenger Hatley (26-1-1, 18 KO) after winning the vacant world title with a sensational eighth-round knockout of John Jackson in May of 2016.
I’m once again ready to get in the ring and continue to build my legacy,” Said Charlo. “I’ve been training hard, I’m focused and I’m even hungrier now that I have my belt. Charles Hatley has never been in the ring with someone like me and I’m going to do what’s necessary to get that win. My brother had an outstanding performance against Julian Williams and I want to compete with that. It’s motivated me and I’m ready to get out there and show off my power and skills.
I’ve been training for a long time for this fight and I can’t wait to get in the ring,” said Hatley. “I never stopped training since my last fight and I’m going to be ready to win that world title on April 22. Jermell is a good fighter, but he’s got a big mouth. I know we’re both training hard and going for the win, but I’m going to come out victorious.
Vstupenky na koncertě, která je podporována DiBella Entertainment, začátek $50 (bez příslušných poplatků) a jsou již v prodeji. Vstupenky je možné zakoupit on-line na adrese www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com nebo na telefonním čísle 1-800-745-3000. Vstupenky jsou k dispozici také na American Express pokladně u Barclays Center. Skupinové slevy jsou k dispozici na telefonním čísle 844-Bklyn-GP. The Charlo vs. Hatley fight is co-promoted by TGB Promotions and Don King Promotions.
The 154-pound division is very hot right now, and Jermell Charlo is one of the best and most exciting fighters in the weight class,” řekl Lou DiBella, Prezident DiBella Entertainment. “Charlo making the first defense of his WBC world title against a worthy challenger like Charles Hatley is a terrific addition to this card on Duben 22, Barclays Center, televised by SHOWTIME. It’s also fun to have Hatley’s promoter Don King around. Only in America!”
Jermell Charlo has demonstrated that he is a force in the 154-pound division and his confidence has only grown with winning the championship,” řekl Tom Brown, Prezident TGB Promotions. “This match against Hatley will further cement his place in the division. It’s the kind of challenge that will allow Jermell to display all of his power and boxing ability.
The silver champion will become the world champion on Duben 22 Barclays Center v Brooklynu,” said Don King of Don King Promotions. “We’re looking at a great fight. I know that Charlo will do the best he can. But he’s got two chances against Hatleyslim and none and slim is out of town.
One minute younger than his brother Jermall, Jermellwon his belt last year and made the Charlo brothers the first pair of twins to hold world title simultaneously in the same weight class.The 26-year-old from Houston trains in Dallas and is unbeaten since turning pro in December 2007. Charlo took on a steady slew of contenders on his way to a world title, including victories over Vanes Martirosyan, Gabriel Rosado and Joachim Alcine.
The first-time title challenger Hatley enters this fight on a nine-bout win streak after traveling to Australia to beat former two-time world champion Anthony Mundine by 11th round stoppage in 2015. The Dallas-native turned pro in 2008 after an impressive amateur career that saw him defeat Keith Thurman on his way to a U.S. National Amateur Championship. The 31-year-old won his first 14 fights and went his first 18 bouts without a defeat.
Charlo vs. Hatley becomes the eighth title fight or world title eliminator in the 154-pound weight class in the last 14 months on SHOWTIME or CBS, a roster featuring eight of the top-10 fighters in one of the deepest divisions in boxing.
Pro více informací navštivte www.SHO.com/Sports sledovat na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, AndreBerto, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ASwanson_Comm nebo se stát se fanouškem na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC is sponsored by Corona, Finest Beer.

Undefeated super lightweight Keenan Smith Headlines on Saturday, April 22nd at The Claridge in Atlantic City


Jerry Odom takes on Gabriel Pham

Stacked card features Anthony “Juice” Mladý

Also undefeated Leroy Davila, Elijah Vines, Tyrell Wright, John Bauza, Donald Smith & Dylan Price

Atlantic City, NJ (Březen 24, 2017)- Undefeated super lightweight Keenan Smith will headline a big night of action on Saturday, April 22nd at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.

The show is promoted by GH3 Promotions and D and D Promotions.

The card will also feature many up and coming stars from the Philadelphia/New Jersey region.

Smith Philadelphie má rekord 10-0 s 4 průchodky.

Kovář, the 2008 Národní Golden rukavice muší šampion a 2007 Junior Olympic National Champion, turned pro in April 2010-at 130 liber. Smith šel 72-4 v amatéry. Two of the victories came against current world-ranked contender Amir Imam.

On stal se profesionálem v 2010, and his wins over two undefeated fighters Alex Montes (1-0) and Lavelle Hadley (2-0). Smith also has a win over Bemjamin Whitaker (10-1) in a bout that was nationally televised on Showtime’s ShoBox series. Ve svém posledním záchvatu, Smith defeated Marquis Hawthorne on January 20th in Atlantic City.

The will be Smith’s 6 fight Atlantic City.

In the exciting eight-round co-feature, Gabriel Pham will battle Jerry Odom in a super middleweight bout.

Pham of Atlantic City, New Jersey má rekord 8-1 se čtyřmi knockouts.

The 28 year-old Pham turned professional in 2009, and won his first six bouts, which included a win over undefeated Michael Glenn (2-0). Since his only professional blemish, Pham has knocked out his last two opponents, with the latest being a 4th round stoppage over Chauncey Fields (4-10) on March 11th at The Claridge in Atlantic City.

This will be Pham’s 7th fight in Atlantic City, with this being his 3rd consecutive at The Claridge.

Odom z Bowie, Maryland má rekord 14-3-1 s 13 průchodky.

The 24 rok starý je a 5 ročník odborné. Odom won his first 11 konce, which included a thrilling stoppage over previously undefeated Victor Quinonez (8-0) in six-rounds in a bout that was nationally televised on Showtime’s ShoBox: Nová generace.

Odom then was disqualified in his bout against Andrew Hernandez, when Odom hit Hernandez while he was down. The loss was extremely controversial, and Odom avenged that setback in dramatic fashion as he stopped Hernandez inside of a round in their rematch. Odom, who has appeared on ShoBox five times, stopped Julius Jackson (19-1) července 22, 2016. Ve svém posledním záchvatu, Odom was stopped in five rounds by Philadelphia based upset specialist Taneal Goyco on November 11, 2016 ve Philadelphii.

Appearing in six-round bouts will be:

Leroy Davila (5-0, 3 KO) New Brunswick, New Jersey taking on an opponent to be named in a bantamweight bout.

Ian Zelená (12-1, 9 KO) z Paterson, New Jersey taking on an opponent to be named in a middleweight bout.

Anthony “Juice” Mladý (15-2, 6 KO) of Atlantic City will take on an opponent to be named in a welterweight bout.

Tyrell Wright (9-0-1, 6 KO) Jersey City, New Jersey battling Dan Pasciolla (9-2-1) cihelných, New Jersey in heavyweight bout.

John Bauza (5-0, 2 KO) of North Bergen, New Jersey will fight Tyrome Jones (4-0, 1 KO) Chicago, Illinois in a super middleweight bout.

Ve čtyřech kulatých záchvaty:

Super Middleweight Elijah Vines (3-0, 3 KO) Philadelphia, super featherweight Donald Smith (4-0, 3 KO) Philadelphia, super flyweight Dylan Price (1-0, 1 KO) of Sicklerville, New Jersey as well as Manuel Rodriguez of Newark, New Jersey making his pro debut against will see action against opponents to be named.

Tickets range from $50 – $150 a je možné zakoupit na telefonním čísle 856-842-7577


Now that sanction has officially been granted, the next fight for red-hot undefeated super middleweight David “Rudá vlajka” Benavidez will be an eliminator for the #2 mandatory challenger spot in the WBC’s world rankings against highly regarded contender Rogelio “Porky” Medina, Sonora, Mexiko.

WBC #1-rated Callum Smith and WBC #2-rated Anthony Dirrell will fight for the vacant 168 WBC Championship (tentatively scheduled for May), the winner of that fight must then face undefeated WBC #3 uchazeč, Avni Yildirim, from Turkey. The champion at the end of those two fights will be mandated to face the winner of the Benavidez vs. Medina eliminator.

For Benavidez (17-0, 16 KO), who served as chief sparring partner for middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin’s recent preparations to face Danny Jacobs, news of the fight with Medina is a welcome development.

This is the biggest opportunity of my life and I’m not going to let it go to waste,” said Benavidez. “I’m going to destroy this guy like I do everybody else. I have never trained this hard for a fight and I feel that, come fight time, I’ll be extremely strong and do it up.

Považován za zázračné boxu mnoho, the 20-year-old Benavidez, who turned professional at age 16, is the brother of former interim WBA World Super Lightweight Jose Benavidez, and has been trained since age two by his father Jose Benavidez Sr.

Father/trainer Jose says everyone on Team Benavidez is aware of what’s at stake against the formidable Medina, who lost a controversial decision to IBF World Champion James DeGale’s last year, in a fight that many felt Medina won.

We are excited and working really hard,” řekl. “This is the toughest fight of his career, so we’re taking it super serious. This is a big opportunity for us to shine and look good and go to the next level. We were training with Golovkin here in Big Bear (Kalifornie) and we’ve decided to stay here and keep training until the fight.

I know he’s a tough fighter and he’s been in a lot of wars, and he has a lot of experience, but I’m very motivated for this fight,” continued David. “We have a month and a half in training with Golovkin in camp already. Camp with him is hard work and training here in Big Bear gets you to the next level. The hard work I’m doing here will definitely get me this win.

Promoter Lewkowicz says any remaining questions about young Benavidez will be answered in this fight.

This is the final test for David Benavidez,” řekl Lewkowicz. “If he does to this guy what he did to so man other fighters, it will be time for the world to acknowledge that David is going to be a star in boxing. This test will show everyone that he is truly everything we’ve been saying he is since he was a teenager. I am proud of the hard work he is doing and look forward to this great victory.

Date and site for the fight are being negotiated. More details to follow.

FNU Bojové sporty Show: UFC Recaps, Golovkin vs. Jacobs Results, Bellator 175 Náhled

Tomáš, Tony and Rich discuss the world of combat sports. Conor MacGregor will fight Floyd Mayweather, Jr. if you believe Dana White. We also chat about UFC Fight Night events featuring Jimi Manuwa and Kelvin Gastelum notching huge career wins. We look back at Golovkin vs. Jacobs and the unlikelihood of Canelo taking the fight with Golovkin now. We also preview King Mo Lawal vs. Rampage Jackson next Friday.

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Březen 23, 2017







LOS ANGELES – Bellator MMA is bringing its biggest event ever to the “Big Apple!"

Madison Square Garden, “The World’s Most Famous Arena” and Mecca of combat sports, will host Bellator’s first-ever mixed martial arts event in the state of New York on Saturday, Červen 24 s Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva. The blockbuster pay-per-view features two of the sport’s most recognizable names in Chael Sonnen (29-15-1) a Wanderlei Silva (35-12-1, 1 NC), who will finally meet in a light heavyweight fight that has been brewing since 2011.

The double main event also features Fedor Emelianenko (36-4, 1 NC), an MMA legend that many consider to be the greatest heavyweight fighter of all-time, převzetí Matt Mitrione (11-5) in a bout that will undoubtedly produce fireworks between the heavy-handed strikers.

Dále, the Viacom-owned promotion is adding two world championship bouts. První, Douglas Lima (28-6) defends his belt against top free agent signing Lorenz Larkin (18-5, 1 NC) a pak se, current lightweight champ Michael Chandler(16-3) will put his world title on the line against the undefeated Brent Primus (7-0).

“As a fight promoter, my goal is to put together the biggest cards possible for our fans around the world,“Prezident Bellatoru Scott Coker řekl. “Bringing an event of this magnitude to a city and arena like New York and Madison Square Garden has been something Bellator, Spike and Viacom have wanted to make happen for quite some time. Na Červen 24, the goal becomes reality, when we put on the biggest event in promotional history, Bellator NYC."

Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva probíhá Sobota, Červen 24 and airs LIVE on pay-per-view beginning at 10 p.m. A/7 p.m. PT. Prior to the pay-per-view event, SPIKE will air Bellator 180 LIVE and FREE on both coasts, začínající na 8 p.m. A/5 p.m. PT. Dále, Bellator 180 prelims will air exclusively on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App at 6 p.m. A/ 3 p.m. PT. Additional contests will be announced in the coming days.

Tickets for the event starting at $60, bez platných poplatků za služby a daní, v prodeji Pátek, Březen 31 at Ticketmaster, TheGarden.com and Bellator.com. Fans can sign up for Bellator Nation here to participate in a presale that will take place Středa, March 29-Thursday, Březen 30.

Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva will be distributed by G&G Closed Circuit Events to bars, restaurants and other commercial establishments throughout the U.S. a Kanada. G&G Events is a leading provider of closed circuit television and has distributed some of the biggest events in sports, including De La Hoya vs. Mayweather, Mayweather vs. “Canelo” Alvarez and Mayweather vs. Pacquiao, stejně jako Bellator 120: Rampage vs. Král Mo. “G&G is thrilled about Bellator being back in the pay-per-view business with this tremendous event. We look forward to handling the distribution nationwide and for Canada,” said G&G President Nicolas Gagliardi. G&G Events can be contacted at www.ggccevents.com nebo na telefonním čísle(888) 258-7115.

Dále, through Bellator’s global distribution partners, Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva will be available in over 140 země po celém světě.

Sonnen spent a majority of his 44-fight career with the UFC, a run that saw him defeat current middleweight champion Michael Bisping, and compete against the likes of Jon Jones, Anderson Silva (dvakrát), Rashad Evans, "Shogun" Rua, Demian Maia and Brian Stann. In addition to his in-ring action, the West Linn, Ore. native has mastered the art of being in front of the camera, doing broadcast work for both ESPN and Fox Sports. Following a three-year hiatus from active MMA competition, Sonnen returned to the cage against Tito Ortiz na Bellator 170 v lednu.

„The Ax Murderer“ bojoval v některých nejpamátnějších sporech a bitvách, jaké kdy sport viděl. Jeho války s"Rampage" Jackson, Tito Ortiz, Mirko Cro Cop, Vitor Belfort, Dan Henderson, Kazushi Sakuraba, Chuck Liddell and Michael Bisping remain some of the more memorable bouts in MMA history. Silva is far from ready to close the book on his illustrious career, returning to action against a man that he has despised for quite some time. In addition to the PRIDE middleweight title, Silva’s trophy case includes awards for “Fight of the Year” (2003, 2004, 2007), KO roku (2008) and multiple “Fight of the Night” awards, including one for each of his last three fights. He now looks to continue entertaining fans inside the Bellator cage and begins with a bout several years in the making.

Bývalý mistr PRIDE, „Poslední císař“ je jedním z nejvíce ctěných a respektoval vysokou gramáží bojovníků tento sport viděl. Kamennou tváří a tichý, Emelianenko chlubil jeden z nejpůsobivějších neporažený pruhy v historii MMA, neztrácí záchvat mezi 2001 a 2009. Multi-mistr světa v MMA a Sambo, Fedor nedávno vrátil do sportu po krátké přestávce, accumulating two decisive wins since his return to action.

Matt Mitrione remains poised to make an impact in the Bellator heavyweight division following two emphatic wins since signing with Bellator in 2016. The Illinois native and standout defensive end at Purdue University earned All-Big Ten honors in 2000 and subsequently earned his way into the NFL where he played six seasons as a member of the New York Giants and Minnesota Vikings. Mitrione ultimately found his way into MMA where he became a high-level competitor, defeating the likes of the late Kimbo Slice, Derrick Lewis and Gabriel Gonzaga.

Hailing from Atlanta, Ga. “The Phenom” has been ruling the roost at 170-pounds in Bellator for the better part of three years. A winner of 16 z jeho poslední 18 soutěže, the American Top Team product remains set on doing away with all viable contenders at welterweight and his first step since reclaiming the strap from Andrey Koreshkov comes against one of Bellator’s newest signees, Lorenz Larkin.

Set to enter the Bellator fray is a “Monsoon” of violent proportions – unanimously ranked on lists compiling the top-ten welterweights on the planet, Larkin is set to continue his career in Bellator, after inking an exclusive, multi-fight contract last week. A known finisher, the pride of Riverside, Kalif. will make his promotional debut a winner of four out of five.

Chandler will look to defend his belt for the first time since successfully defending it in a “Fight of the Year” candidate against Benson Henderson loni v listopadu. A 16-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Chandler has consistently proven that he belongs among the world’s elite, riding into his bout on Červen 24 on a streak of four straight victories.

Also a native of Oregon, the surging Primus remains unbeaten after five consecutive wins to begin his Bellator MMA career. At pouze 31, Primus has been committed to honing his craft since he was 13, going as far as to sell his landscaping business to keep his hopes of someday becoming a champion alive. Na Červen 24, he finally has the opportunity to make his dreams come to fruition.

Follow the conversation using #BellatorNYC on social media.


Aktualizováno Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva Bojová karta:

Lehká těžká váha Main Event: Chael Sonnen (29-15-1) proti. Wanderlei Silva (35-12-1, 1 NC)

Heavyweight Main Event: Fedor Emelianenko (36-4, 1 NC) proti. Matt Mitrione (11-5)

Zápas o světový titul ve welterové váze: Douglas Lima (28-6) proti. Lorenz Larkin (18-5, 1 NC)

Souboj o světový titul v lehké váze: Michael Chandler (16-3) proti. Brent Primus (7-0)