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LFA 前往北卡罗来纳州举行首场轻量级冠军争夺战

LFA 17 – 莫伊塞斯 vs. 沃特利

NCAA 第一级摔跤手
内森 “混乱” 玛内斯
亚历克莎·康纳斯 vs. 塔莉塔·德·奥利维拉
FRIDAY, 7 月 21 日在 AXS TV 上直播
夏洛特格雷迪科尔中心, 北卡罗来纳州
门票现在通过发售 CrownTickets.com
HOUSTON, 得克萨斯州 – 传统格斗联盟 (LFA) 首席执行官埃德·苏亚雷斯 (Ed Soares) 今天宣布,该促销活动将于 7 月份首次访问北卡罗来纳州,为其首届轻量级冠军加冕.
LFA的重头戏 17 首届 LFA 轻量级世界冠军争夺战将在 RFA 轻量级决赛冠军蒂亚戈·莫伊塞斯 (Thiago Moisés) 和地区王者罗伯特·沃特利 (Robert Watley) 之间进行 . LFA 17 – 莫伊塞斯VS. 沃特利发生 星期五, 7月21日 在夏洛特的格雷迪·科尔中心, 北卡罗来纳. 整个主卡将被电视直播,并在全国范围AXS电视上的 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.
“LFA将在LFA加冕首个轻量级冠军 17 在北卡罗来纳州,” 规定苏亚雷斯. “蒂亚戈·莫伊塞斯 (Thiago Moisés) 是 RFA 历史上最具统治力的冠军之一,而罗伯特·沃特利 (Robert Watley) 则赢得了东海岸的多个地区冠军. 我很高兴看到这两位自豪的冠军在首届 LFA 轻量级冠军争夺战中展开对决 7月21日.”
LFA 门票 17 – 莫伊塞斯VS. Watley 现已可供购买. 您可以通过购买你的票支持您喜爱的战斗机 CrownTickets.com 并在结账时选择他们的名字.
莫伊塞斯 (9-1) 是 RFA 历史上最具统治力的冠军之一. 这是派遣了塞尔吉奥·佩蒂斯等冠军的促销活动, 佩德罗·蒙霍兹, 和布莱恩·奥尔特加 (Brian Ortega) 前往 UFC. 这位 22 岁的巴西选手在 RFA 的所有四场比赛中均占据主导地位, 但他在 RFA 的夺冠表现 35 也许是最难忘的. 莫伊塞斯利用极为罕见的直升机臂杆让大卫·卡斯蒂略 (David Castillo) 夺取了空缺的头衔. 提交的要点被疯传,他随后被提名为 “年度提交作品” 在拉斯维加斯举行的年度世界 MMA 颁奖典礼上. 莫伊塞斯随后两次卫冕,并出现在 Dana White 节目中: 在看’ 第一次卫冕期间的一场战斗. 他现在希望将首个 LFA 轻量级冠军头衔添加到他不断增长的成就清单中.
沃特利 (7-1) 被广泛认为是东海岸顶级的轻量级前景. 这位马里兰州本地人目前正在取得七连胜,这对东海岸造成了严重破坏,以至于电影爱好者现在正在寻求修改《婚礼不客气》中的名言: “蟹饼, 足球, 和综合格斗. 这就是马里兰州所做的!” 沃特利希望在连续四场冠军争夺战中赢得第三个 MMA 冠军. 然而, 这将是他所争夺的最负盛名的冠军头衔,他将 LFA 冠军视为他在这项运动中无可争议的轻量级顶级新星的证明. 汹涌澎湃的巴尔的摩攻城锤将 “伤害” 位于魅力之城,现在他希望在前往北卡罗来纳州争取首届 LFA 轻量级瓷砖比赛时也能向南走同样的路.
LFA联合主赛事 17 北卡罗来纳州和弗吉尼亚州的顶级雏量级选手之间将展开激烈的边境战争和期待已久的重赛, 当迪伦·卡拉 (5-1) 期待为他对阵长期对手托尼·格雷夫利的唯一失利复仇 (9-4). 卡拉是备受推崇的前景 “焦油脚跟州”. 他希望捍卫自己的主场,甚至与唯一击败他的人争夺比分. 那个人会很严肃, 他是 NCAA一级摔跤手,在弗吉尼亚州边境以北长大.
在女子最轻量级, 亚历克萨·康纳斯 (4-1) 在 LFA 激动人心且胜利的表现后重返 LFA Octagon 8. 那场比赛是在她的家乡南卡罗来纳州举行的第一场电视转播的 MMA 比赛. 这位 26 岁的女子现在前往边境以北,在那里她将欢迎巴西最有前途的女性之一来到卡罗莱纳州.
塔莉塔·德·奥利维拉 (5-1) 曾在祖国巴西参加过五次比赛,在欧洲参加过一次比赛. 她最近的一场比赛是在波兰的第一轮胜利, 发生在康纳斯之后的一天’ LFA最近一场比赛 8. 这位 30 岁的巴西降服专家即将在 LFA 对阵康纳斯,这是她在北美的首秀,对手是该部门最顶尖的美国新秀之一 17.
LFA 17 还将以 Nathan 的宣传首次亮相为特色 “混乱” 马内斯 (8-0), 谁是该国最轻量级的新星之一. 这位 25 岁的地区冠军被广泛认为是南方最有前途的人才之一. 前两场对手签约后他因各种原因面临退出, 第三个预定对手预计很快就会被命名.
目前公布的主卡 (在 AXS TV 上播出 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT):
主要事件 | 轻量级冠军赛 (155 磅)
– 蒂亚戈·莫伊塞斯 (9-1) VS. 罗伯特·沃特利 (7-1)
合作的主要事件 | 轻量级布特 (135 磅)
– 迪伦·卡拉 (5-1) VS. 托尼·格雷夫利 (9-4)
女子最轻量级比赛 (135 磅)
– 亚历克萨·康纳斯 (4-1) VS. 塔莉塔·德·奥利维拉 (5-1)
轻量级布特 (135 磅)
– 内森·马内斯 (8-0) VS. TBD
九月 2016, RFA 和 Legacy FC 官员宣布,他们将合并成立综合武术领域首屈一指的发展组织 (MMA) 一月开始 2017. RFA 和 Legacy FC 已经开启了超过 100 已经通过在UFC的竞争达到了MMA的巅峰运动员.
LFA 17 将作为第二次在东海岸举行的 LFA 活动. 这也将是 LFA 首次前往 “焦油脚跟州” 合并之前或之后的北卡罗来纳州. 有关 LFA 的更多信息 17 将很快公布. LFA全主卡 17 将进行现场直播,并在全国范围AXS电视在 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.
请访问 LFAfighting.com 对于回合更新和信息. LFA 的 Facebook 网址为 传统格斗联盟. LFA也对在Instagram的 @LFAfighting 和Twitter的 @LFAfighting.
LFA是一家专业从事混合武术推广,让冉冉升起的新星和顶级竞争者的机会来证明自己的才华球迷和领导者的行业. LFA通过RFA和旧版FC之间的重地合并形成. LFA 每月在美国各地(包括拉斯维加斯)举办现场综合格斗赛事, 洛杉矶, 丹佛, 达拉斯, 和休斯顿. LFA 可以在超过 48 万家庭通过全国性的电视处理AXS电视. 总部位于休斯顿, TX, LFA 是世界上发展最快的运动中最活跃和最受尊敬的 MMA 组织之一. (八方, 终极格斗Championship®, UFC®, 和八面竞争垫子和保持架设计注册完全由Zuffa是拥有的商标, LLC. 版权所有).
关于 AXS 电视格斗:
AXS电视战斗礼物的LIVE混合武术和跆拳道事件比任何其他电视网络 45 预定现场世界级格斗卡 2017 星期五 晚上 9 点/下午 6 点. AXS电视战斗可以发现 在线, 上 Facebook的叽叽喳喳. AXS电视广泛分布于中美. 通过AT&牛逼的U - verse, 宪章, 康卡斯特/ Xfinity, DIRECTV, DISH, 吊带电视, Suddenlink, Verizon的FiOS, 和其他电缆, 卫星, 电信和流媒体提供商. 该网络在加拿大也进行, 墨西哥和加勒比海地区.

“光滑”本森·亨德森重返贝拉托迎战帕特里克·“比特犬” 183 周六, 九月 23 在圣何塞

更多, 罗伊“大国”尼尔森 VS 首秀. 贾维·阿亚拉 (JAVY AYALA) 参加重量级联合主赛事

ALSO, BELLATOR跆拳道 7 次中量级冠军卡里姆·加吉 (KARIM GHAJJI) 和


LOS ANGELES – Bellator 返回圣何塞 SAP 中心, 加利福尼亚州. 周六, 九月 23 为 Bellator 183 Bellator Kickboxing 7, 前世界冠军回归 “光滑”本森·亨德森 (24-7) 承担永远危险的事情 Patricky“斗犬” (17-8), 而现任 Bellator 次中量级跆拳道冠军 Karim Ghajji (97-13-1) 捍卫自己的头衔,对抗浮华 Raymond Daniels (11-3).

此外, Bellator 183: 亨德森VS. 比特犬 还将首次亮相宣传 罗伊·“大国”尼尔森 (23-14) 谁遇见了加州自己的人 贾维“养眼”阿亚拉 (10-5) 在一场爆炸性的重量级对决中. 其他比赛将在未来几周内公布.

Bellator 183: 亨德森VS. 比特犬 将现场直播和免费秒杀 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步行动将流于Bellator.com和Bellator移动应用. 该活动门票周四开始发售, 六月 29 在 10:00 A.M. PST(太平洋标准时间),可在 Ticketmaster.com 上获取.

继被许多人视为 2016 年“年度最佳之战”的迈克尔·钱德勒 (Michael Chandler) 之战之后, 亨德森请了一段时间来应对困扰他的伤病. 现在, 这位 33 岁的选手已恢复 100% 状态,准备好与另一位“比特犬”兄弟较量, 在 Bellator 击败了 Bellator 目前的羽量级冠军 Patricio “Pitbull” 后 160 在去年八月. 战胜内特·迪亚兹, 唐纳德·塞罗内, 羊羊埃德加, 吉尔伯特·梅伦德斯和豪尔赫·马斯维达尔已经在他的几乎 11 作为专业人士多年, “Smooth”再次恢复健康,并在他已经令人印象深刻的职业生涯中寻求再次夺冠.

帕特里克“比特犬”在 TKO 战胜弟弟后加入这场比赛,寻求对亨德森复仇, 帕特里克·. 北里奥格兰德河, 巴西球员在职业生涯中第 18 次踏入 Bellator 的笼子,他将寻求在自己令人印象深刻的开局基础上再接再厉。 2017 运动. 过去赢了七场 10 结束, 包括乔什·汤姆森 (Josh Thomson) 第二轮的成绩 Bellator 172 in February, 这位31岁的人见过 11 他 12 职业生涯以淘汰赛方式结束.

首届 Bellator 次中量级跆拳道冠军, 加吉, 九月在与丹尼尔斯会面的路上与佐尔坦·拉扎克(Zoltan Laszak)交换了胜利 23. 36岁的, 许多人都以绰号“Gadjetboy”而闻名,” 将在 Bellator Kickboxing 旗下第五次亮相, 自四月份夺回金腰带以来,他将首次成功卫冕冠军头衔 Bellator Kickboxing 6 匈牙利.

来自洛杉矶, 丹尼尔斯将带来他的侵略性, 自去年与 Bellator 首次亮相以来,首次将独一无二的空手道风格带到北加州. 晋级不败 — 四场比赛中获得 3 次停赛机会 — 当丹尼尔斯争夺他的第一个世界跆拳道冠军时,“真正的交易”将惩罚加吉的身体.

战斗在外面拉斯维加斯, 尼尔森 (Nelson) 在八年后首次亮相 Bellator, 19-与UFC进行的搏斗使他赢得了Mirko Cro Cop的胜利, 安东尼奥·罗德里戈诺盖拉, “大脚怪”席尔瓦和奇克·金戈. 同 19 他 22 事业胜利所击倒或提交的方式来, 《大国》已准备好回归斯派克, 在那里他令人难忘地击败了已故的 Kimbo Slice,并随后赢得了赛季冠军 10 终极斗士.

阿亚拉将进入贝拉托笼对阵尼尔森,寻求继上一次对阵谢尔盖·哈利托诺夫后的另一场令人震惊的爆冷。 Bellator 163, 阿亚拉在对阵哈里托诺夫的比赛中抢尽了风头,用一招阻止了这位俄罗斯重量级拳手。 第一回合开场仅 16 秒,强力一拳. 现在, 有机会正式欢迎尼尔森参加 Bellator 比赛, “Eye Candy”希望再次震惊观众,并牢牢确立自己对整个重量级拳坛的威胁. 阿亚拉在 Bellator 比赛中的所有五场胜利都是通过停赛取得的, 与尼尔森的对决肯定会产生火花.


更新 Bellator 183: 亨德森VS. 比特犬 战卡

轻量级主赛事: 本森亨德森 (24-7) VS. Patricky“斗犬”弗莱雷 (17-8)

重量级的合作主要事件: 罗伊·尼尔森 (23-14) VS. Javy阿亚拉 (10-5)


更新 Bellator Kickboxing 7: 加吉 vs. 丹尼尔斯 战卡

次中量级跆拳道世界冠军主赛事: Karim Ghajji (97-13-1) VS. Raymond Daniels (11-3)




Bellator是一家领先的综合武术和跆拳道组织,拥有世界上许多最优秀的战士. 在老将拼子斯科特·科克尔的方向, Bellator提供近 1 全球超过十亿人 160 国家. 在美国, 可以在SPIKE上看到Bellator, 格斗体育电视台负责人. Bellator由执行团队,其中包括在电视制作行业顶尖人才, 现场活动编排, 战斗机研制/关系, 会场采购, 赞助创建/开发, 国际牌, 市场营销, 广告, 宣传及佣金的关系. Bellator总部设在好莱坞, 加利福尼亚州. 被娱乐巨头维亚康姆拥有, 家与观众通过电视对面引人注目的内容连接世界上首屈一指的娱乐品牌, 影, 在线和移动平台.



Spike可用于 98.7 百万家庭,是维亚康姆媒体网络的一个部门. 维亚康姆的单位 (纳斯达克: VIA, VIAB), 维亚康姆媒体网络是全球领先的节目和内容的创造者在所有的媒体平台之一. Spike 的互联网地址是  www.spike.com以及最新的档案新闻信息和照片, 请访问 Spike 的新闻网站:  http://www.spike.com/press. 在推特上关注我们  spiketvpr了解最新的突发新闻更新, 背后的幕后信息和照片.

罗伯特·复活节 VS. Denis Shafikov Final Press Conference Quotes & 照片

Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce this Friday, 六月 30 from Huntington Center in Toledo, 俄亥俄 – 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT
点击 这里 for Photos from De’Aris Ferguson/About Billions
多, OH. (六月 28, 2017) – 不败轻量级世界冠军 罗伯特·复活节 和顶级竞争者 丹尼斯Shafikov discussed their world title showdown with media Wednesday in advance of their bout that headlines 总理拳击冠军 弹跳 这个星期五, 六月 30 从托莱多的亨廷顿中心, 俄亥俄.
Bounce 的电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT and features super welterweight contender 朱利安·威廉姆斯 接受曾经的打击 约书亚康利. Both fighters were also in attendance Wednesday to discuss their 154-pound matchup.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by About Billions Promotions in association with Warriors Boxing, 售价为 $225 $125, $100, $75, $55 和 $35, 与现已公开发售. 门票可在网上通过访问购买 www.ticketmaster.com, 或致电 1-800-745-3000.
Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from the Huntingon Center:
We’ve had a real tough camp. Every day I’ve been pushed by team and I thank them for that. They put me in the position that I need to be in.
I understand that Shafikov is a really tough fighter. They’ve always said the guy in front of me is tough. I’m not here to talk about all the close fights he’s almost won. I will be the first man to stop him.
“我来自哪里, we don’t play games. Especially when it comes to somebody taking something from us. We’re not going to let that happen.
I’m thankful for everyone that came out here and everyone who helped put this great card together. I’m just excited to get there in the ring and stand next to him.
I have an advantage in reach, but Shafikov is a tough opponent who’s coming to fight. I’m going to show-off my skills and be the first to stop him.
I just have to be me. If you’ve ever seen me fight, you can see that I always stay composed. You’ll see the same thing in the ring 在周五.
When you get in that ring, it’s only me and him. These great fans can’t help me, only my fists. I’m focused on taking control of the fight. I know how to adjust and be a professional in there if I have to.
It’s been eight tough weeks of training camp and I can’t wait to have this beautiful city behind me. 六月 30, it’ll be man down!”
I believe that this is my time. It’s my third title fight and this will be the time that I take home the belt and reach my dream.
“我给 100 percent every time I step into the ring. I know that this will be an exciting fight but I also know that I have to do whatever it takes to win the title.
I’ve been able to bounce back after my last two title defeats and make myself a better fighter each time. You will see that 在周五 night and I will be victorious.
I appreciate everyone coming out to support the fight. This is really a great card. I watch Robert a lot on television and I can see that the fans here are really supporting him. I’m looking forward to an excited crowd.
Joshua Conley and myself will put on a really good fight, and I expect to come out on top and get back in that win column.
I’m ready to challenge anybody in the division and I’m going to show that I’m back on the right track this Friday night.
I’ve put in the hard work during camp to get a big victory and put myself on the map in the 154-pound division.
I know that I’m fighting a really good fighter. This is my opportunity and if I knock Julian Williams out, I’ll be right in the mix with the best super welterweights in the world.
# # #
弹跳顶级拳击冠军 will be available to be streamed via via Bounce’s new subscription-video-on-demand service 红糖, which features an extensive and one-of-a-kind library of iconic black movies as well as Bounce original programming and series. The new service is available for mobile phones and tablets in the Google Play Store and iTunes App Store as well as for Amazon Kindle Fire tablets in the Amazon Appstore and for computers at www.BrownSugar.com. There is a free initial trial period for subscribers with a retail price of $3.99/month thereafter. Brown Sugar has Google Chromecast capabilities which allow video to play on televisions directly from mobile devices available for consumers with Android and iOS devices.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, 在Twitter @ PremierBoxing, @RobertEaster_Jr, @BounceTV, 和@Swanson_Comm 并使用#PBConBounce 关注对话, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.Facebook.com/BounceTV. PBC on Bounce 由 Corona 赞助: 最好的啤酒.
Bounce 是增长最快的非裔美国人 (AA) 电视网络和地方电视台的广播信号和相应的电缆传输. 该网络具有原创和网络外系列的节目组合, 文艺电影, 特价, 直播体育赛事多. 弹跳已经发展到超过 94 美国和百万家庭 93% 在所有非裔美国人的电视家庭中, 包括所有的顶级AA电视市场. Bounce 的创始人包括美国标志性人物马丁·路德·金, 三世和安德鲁·杨大使.
对于本地频道定位, 参观BounceTV.com.

Top featherweight prospect Toka Kahn-Clary Back where he belongs, climbing higher

普罗维登斯, RI (六月 28. 2017) – Last Saturday night in Louisville, 肯塔基州, 轻量级前景 十日 “T Nice” 卡恩 - 克拉里 (22-1, 15 科斯) stole the show fighting in his promotional debut for Hall-of-Famer 霍利菲尔德‘s Real Deal Sports & 管理, putting on a boxing clinic to earn a one-sided eight-round decision over determined Dominican 天使 “猫” 卢纳 (11-3, 6 科斯).
The Liberia-born Toka-Kahn, 的战斗普罗维登斯, RI, fought on national television for the first time, live on CBS Sports Network Real Deal Championship Boxing series co-feature, at Freedom Hall as part of six-weekI Am Alifestival, honoring the late, 伟大 穆罕默德·阿里 在他的家乡.
Luna came out strong, never let up and forced Kahn-Clary to fight effectively backing up, something that most boxers are unable to do. Toka dropped Luna in the seventh round en route to a near shutout victory with judges’ 分数 80-72, 80-72, 79-73.
He must have seen me get caught early in my only loss (VS. Jhon Gemino) and he tried to do that too from the opening bell,” Kahn-Clary said. “He was in great shape and very determined. I buckled him once and dropped him, but he bounced right up and kept coming forward. He applied a lot of pressure and I couldn’t back him up. I felt good and was in great shape. I got hit with a few good shots but composed myself and just boxed I showed I could take shots and keep boxing. I put my opponent down after a flurry with an uppercut, right up the middle, doing the big damage. I wanted to impress Evander, letting him know I belong in his stable, and that I want and deserve a title-fight.
Kahn-Clary’s adviser, 塞斯·德罗比奥, announced that Toka will return to the ring in September, also back in Louisville, fighting for an undetermined title in a 10-round bout.
This was a perfect fight for Toka,” 他说. “He had to fight backpedaling, which is very difficult to do successfully. His will was tested but he put on a complete boxing clinic against a very tough opponent, who came out in a blaze and kept coming forward. They had a furious exchange with about 30 seconds remaining in the seventh round. Toka dropped him in final six-seconds of the seventh round. Luna beat the count but was really saved by the bell. 另一 20 seconds left in that round, or if it was a 10-round fight, Toka very well may have stopped him. He threw beautiful 5-6 punch combinations.
It was a great fight for Toka. His previous two fights he knew his opponents were outclassed going into the fight and that he was supposed to knock them out. This fight was against a much better opponent. Toka took a few good shots but he was in top shape. The fans in Louisville really moved watching him fight. We’ll be back there in September fighting for a title to be determined.
叽叽喳喳 & Instagram的: @TokaKahnClary

帕奎奥VS. HORN 本周六在加拿大超级频道独家直播

埃德蒙顿, 阿尔伯塔, 加拿大 (六月 28, 2017) – 决赛 [今天举行新闻发布会这个星期六 晚上的 “布里斯班之战,” 世界拳击组织的特色 (WBO) 次中量级世界冠军 曼尼 “吃豆子’ 帕奎奥 (59-6-2, 38 科斯) 和他的冠军挑战者, 杰夫·霍恩 (16-0-1, 11 科斯).
“布里斯班之战: 帕奎奥VS. 喇叭,” 由 Top Rank 和 Duco Events 主办. 将播出 这个星期六 晚, 加拿大超级频道独家播出, 布里斯班 Suncorp 体育场现场直播, 澳大利亚.
超级频道订阅者将能够观看四场激动人心的战斗, 开始 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT, 在 “布里斯班之战” 卡, 帕奎奥 vs 帕奎奥. 喇叭.
帕奎奥VS. 从锅里 & 哈顿在 SC1 上重播
作为热身 “布里斯班之战” 上 七月 1, 超级频道将在 星期五 六月 30开始 7 P.M. AND / 4 P.M. PT 他SC1:

曼尼·帕奎奥 VS 奥斯卡·德拉·霍亚
– 十二月. 6, 2008

曼尼·帕奎奥 VS 瑞奇·哈顿
– 五月 2, 2009 (IBO世界超轻量级冠军)
这些战斗也将在 超级通道按需.
这是帕奎奥今天接受官方新闻发布会主持人采访的链接 我是达蒙:
星期六 晚上的超级频道电视节目还将播出两届爱尔兰奥运选手 迈克尔·康伦 (2-0, 2 科斯), 从 贝尔法斯特, 在六回合羽量级比赛中对阵 贾勒特 “华雷斯” 欧文 (5-4-3, 2 科斯), 布里斯班的 12 轮联合赛事中,国际拳击联合会 (IBF) 少年最轻量级世界冠军 杰温 “漂亮男孩” 安卡哈斯 (24-1-1, 16 科斯), 甲米地市, 菲律宾, 将与顶级竞争者争夺冠军头衔 泰鲁 木下 (25-1-1, 8 科斯), 神户的, 日本. 现场直播将以一场八回合的中量级比赛拉开帷幕 莫斯利, JR. (10-1, 7 科斯), 波莫纳, 加利福尼亚州. 前三级世界冠军的儿子 “糖” 莫斯利, 和 大卫·杜桑 (10-0, 8 科斯), 堪培拉, 澳大利亚.
叽叽喳喳: @超级频道
Instagram的: @SuperChannelTV
Facebook的: /超级频道

Former World Champion Victor Ortiz Returns to Battle Mexico’s Saul Corral in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & 福克斯周日驱逐出境, 七月 30 from Rabobank Theater in Bakersfield, 加利福尼亚州

更多! Super Welterweight Contender Justin DeLoach Faces
Former Title Challenger Fernando Guerrero
2016 中美. Olympian Karlos Balderas in Televised Action
在开始 7 P.M. AND/4 P.M. PT
门票发售 星期五, 六月 30!
贝克斯菲尔德, CALIF. (六月 28, 2017) – Exciting former world champion 维克托·奥尔蒂斯(31-6-2, 24 科斯)将满足墨西哥 索尔畜栏 (24-9, 15 科斯) in a 10-round welterweight matchup on星期天, 七月 30 那头条 总理拳击冠军 FS1 FOX体育 live from Rabobank Theater in Bakersfield, 加利福尼亚州.
电视报道开始于 7 P.M. AND/4 P.M. PT and will feature super welterweight contender 贾斯汀迪洛克 (17-1, 9 科斯) 接受前冠军挑战者 费尔南多·格雷罗 (28-4, 20 科斯) in a 10-round showdown and 2016 中美. 奥林匹亚 卡洛斯Balderas (1-0, 1 KO) in his second pro fight.
This is a great opportunity for me to get back in the ring, shake off the ring rust and put on a show for the fans,” 奥尔蒂斯说. “I’ve been really focused on training and getting myself back physically and mentally to where I need to be. This is my first time fighting since my son was born and it’s given me a whole new purpose in life. I’m thankful to everyone who has helped me get to this point and I can’t wait to go do what I do best and entertain everyone in the arena and watching on FS1 and FOX Deportes.
I am excited to test myself against another great former champion in Victor Ortiz,” said Corral. “Everyone who has seen me fight knows I will give it my all every time I step into the ring. I plan on being aggressive and making Ortiz very uncomfortable in the ring. He has had problems overcoming adversity in the ring and I am going to test him and give him everything I have.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports, 售价为 $80, $45 和 $30 并在销售中 星期五, 六月 30 for purchase online at AXS.com.
Every time Victor Ortiz gets into the ring, you know that it is going to be an electric night and I expect another action-packed show on 七月 30,” 理查德·谢弗说, Ringstar Sports董事长兼首席执行官. “Fans here in California and watching on FS1 and FOX Deportes will get to see the former world champion against the always tough Saul Corral as he works his way back towards the top of the welterweight division. This great show will also feature a strong matchup between a rising contender in Justin DeLoach and the veteran Fernando Guerrero, plus Ringstar’s own Karlos Balderas, 一 2016 中美. Olympian who loves put on a show in the ring and will continue to prove that he has the skills to fulfill his tremendous potential.
An action fighter who never shies away from an exchange, Ortiz returns to the ring having picked up victories over the likes of Andre Berto, 维维安·哈里斯, and Nate Campbell while also facing the top fighters in the sport including Floyd Mayweather, Marcos Maidana and Lamont Peterson. 堪萨斯本地已经花时间在近年来的电影,如电影角色 “左撇子” 和 “敢死队3” but is now fully focused on a return to the pinnacle of the welterweight division.
Representing Agua Prieta, 索诺拉, 墨西哥, Corralis the winner of 10 of his last thirteen bouts including a hard-fought defeat in his last outing against former champion Josesito Lopez. The 30-year-old has fought professionally since 2006 and went the distance in a 10-round decision loss to U.S. Olympian Sadam Ali last September. He won a Mexican title in July 2016 with a fifth-round stoppage of Francisco Medel and also challenged former champion Mike Alvarado amongst his 33 career bouts.
The 23-year-old DeLoach is one of the fastest rising contenders in the 154-pound division as he enters this bout the winner of his last seven contests, including three wins over previously unbeaten fighters Domonique Dolton, Junior Castillo and Dillon Cook. His most recent outing saw him deliver a second-round knockout of then once-beaten Christopher Pearson. 来自奥古斯塔的战斗机, 乔治亚州转为职业球员 2013 并赢得了他的第一次 10 在早期失败之前进行战斗 2015.
The 30-year-old Guerrero lives and trains out of Los Angeles but grew up in Maryland after being born in the Dominican Republic. The veteran owns victories over Ishe Smith, 亚伯拉罕·汉, Derrick Findley and Gabriel Rosado plus a defeat in a world title bout against Peter Quillin. 亲自 2007, Guerrero most recently challenged 154-pound contender Tony Harrison last March.
Fighting out of Santa Maria, 加利福尼亚州, the 20-year-old Balderas is the son of Mexican parents who immigrated to the United States to give their children a better life. Balderas had an impressive amateur career that included a 2014 Youth National Championship, four National PAL championships and an impressive run in the World Series of Boxing. His amateur career culminated in a trip to the 2016 Olympic Games where he represented the U.S. and defeated fighters from Kazakhstan and Japan before a decision loss in the quarterfinals. He made his pro debut back in April, forcing Michael Thomas to retire after one round.
# # #
球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/呼叫五星体育www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Featherweight Prospect Miguel Flores Takes On Former Title Challenger Chris Avalos in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes July 18 from Rapides Parish Coliseum in Alexandria, 路易斯安那州

更多! Unbeaten Ahmed Elbiali Battles Leo Hall in Showdown of Light Heavyweight Prospects
亚历山大, LA. (六月 28, 2017) – Featherweight prospect 米格尔·弗洛雷斯 (21-1, 9 科斯) will return to the ring to face former title challenger 克里斯·阿瓦洛斯 (26-5, 19 科斯) in a 10-round showdown that headlines 总理拳击冠军 脚趾到脚趾星期二在FS1和 拳击冠军 福克斯Deportes体育场 七月 18 from Rapides Parish Coliseum in Alexandria, 路易斯安那州.
电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT and features undefeated 艾哈迈德Elbiali(15-0, 12 科斯) in a 10-round showdown against light heavyweight prospect 狮子座堂 (8-2, 7 科斯).
I’m very excited to be fighting back on FS1 and FOX Deportes,” 弗洛雷斯说. “I’ve learned a lot since suffering my first defeat but now it’s time to get back in the win column. I’m up against a very tough fighter in Carlos Avalos. I’m just ready to let my hands go and provide the fans with some great action. This will be a classic Mexican war that the fans will enjoy.
I’m excited to get in the ring and show that I’m still very dangerous every time I’m in there,” said Avalos. “Flores hasn’t faced somebody like me and if he thinks this will be an easy comeback fight for him, he’s in for a rough night. I’m going to leave it all in the ring and give the fans watching an action-packed fight. I know I have what it takes to walk out of there with a win.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Warriors Boxing in association with Keep Punching Entertainment, 售价为 $150, $80, $50, $30 和 $22, 与现已公开发售. Tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster at ticketmaster.com 或致电 1-800-745-3000 or at the Rapides Parish Coliseum Box Office.
Miguel Flores is anxious to bounce back from the first loss of his career and going up against Chris Avalos is the perfect opportunity for Miguel to show what he’s made of,” 说莱昂Margules, 勇士拳击总统. “The fans at the beautiful, newly renovated Rapides Parish Coliseum are in for a treat and the show fits in nicely with the Premier Boxing Champions shows that are always televised on FS1 Toe-to-Toe Tuesdays.
Originally from Michoacan, 墨西哥, 但战斗了休斯敦, Flores will look to bounce back from his first pro defeat in February to veteran contender Dat Nguyen. The 24-year-old had a big 2015 beginning in May with a victory over German Meraz and followed up by wins against Juan Ruiz, Carlos Padilla and Alfred Tetteh. He started 2016 with a headlining win over Mario Briones in January before dominating Ruben Tamayo over 10 rounds in May and scoring a decision over previously once-beaten Ryan Kielczweski in August.
The 27-year-old Avalos enters the ring with a wealth of experience, including a world title challenge against Carl Frampton and a battle with current champion Oscar Valdez. The fighter out of Lancaster, California earned his world title shot with victories over Yasutaka Ishimoto, Rolly Lunas and Drian Francisco. Avals has also been triumphant over previously unbeaten fighters Yenifel Vicente and Khabir Suleymanov.
开罗的本地, 埃及现在居住在迈阿密, the 26-year-old Elbiali had success in four TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAY appearances over the last two years. Those three contests saw him score a first round knockout of Fabiano Pena and eight-round unanimous decisions over Mariano Hilario and Andrew Hernandez. Most recently he delivered a first round stoppage of Jackson Junior in March in a fight broadcast on FS1 and FOX Deportes.
Leo Hall steps back into the ring looking to rebound from decision defeats to top prospects Earl Newman and Christopher Brooker. 格斗出底特律, Hall turned in 2014 and won his first eight pro fights. The 22-year-old has won seven of his eight bouts by way of knockout since his pro debut.
# # #
球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass /主页foxdeportes.com 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, FOXSports, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 按照使用#PBConFOX谈话. PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona, 最好的啤酒.

Taras Shelestyuk Enjoying Working with New Trainer Joel Diaz Ahead of Saturday’s Fight

橙, Calif./Philadelphia, 佩恩. (六月 27, 2017) – 不败, world ranked welterweight 平台 “真正的交易” Shelestyuk is banking on his new trainer, the highly regarded Joel Diaz, to take his game to the next level.
I enjoy working with Joel Diaz,” said Shelstyuk, who brought home a bronze finish in the 2012 London Olympics to his native Ukraine. “He’s a great communicator. He knows how to bring out the best in boxers.
Shelestyuk (15-0, 9 科斯), 谁 周六 headlines Thompson Boxing’sLocked n’ 已加载” 8-round main event from Omega Products in Sacramento, 加利福尼亚州。, 目前排名没有. 5 由WBO.
在 31, Shelestyuk can ill afford a slip up on his way up the official rankings. 他的对手, 耶稣罗德里格斯阿尔瓦雷斯 (15-2, 11 科斯), is all too eager to play the spoiler 周六夜晚.
I know I can’t sleep on Rodriguez,” 说Shelestyuk, who is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing. “I have to make a statement early in the fight to let him know what I’m about.
Shelestyuk vs. Rodriguez and the entire 8-bout card will be streamed live on TB Presents: Locked n’ 已加载. Watch the action on ThompsonBoxing.comFacebook的活 在开始 6:30 P.M. 太平洋标准时间 / 10:30 P.M. 美东时间.
门票 “Locked n’ 已加载” 售价为 $40, $60, & $100 并且可用于购买在网上 ThompsonBoxing.com, 或致电 714-935-0900.
Shelestyuk is coming off a unanimous decision win against Jaime Herrera in November. 战斗, televised on SHOWTIME, had championship implications with Shelestyuk winning the WBO-NABO welterweight title.
Since teaming up with Diaz several months ago, Shelestyuk, 谁是左撇子, has tightened his punching ability and plans to be assertive throughout the 8-round fight.
I think most people know that I’m more of a boxer than a puncher,” said the Los Angeles-based Shelestyuk. “You can still have an aggressive style with a technical game plan and that’s what we’re working on. How to be aggressive in a methodical fashion.
This is a big fight for Taras. Should he win 周六, we feel he is ready for a major fight. He is hungry and has the incentive to put on a great performance 周六 夜晚,” 说横幅促销总统, 阿蒂Pelullo.
在共同特征, standout amateur Ruben Villa (5-0, 3 科斯) 萨利纳斯, 加利福尼亚州. looks to stay undefeated against Jonathan Alcantara (7-15-2, 1 KO) in a fight set for 6-rounds.
Villa has all the tools to become the next world champion at featherweight. He cleaned up the amateur ranks with back-to-back National Golden Gloves championships prior to turning professional last year.
He inked a promotional contract with Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing last July.
TB Presents: Locked nLoaded broadcast team consists of Beto Duran on play-by-play and Steve Kim provides expert, color commentary.
门开处 5:30 P.M. local time with the first bout at approximately 6:30 P.M. Omega Products International is located at 8111 Fruitridge Road, 萨克拉门托, 例如 95826 并且可以在到达 916-635-3335.
Locked n’ 已加载” is presented by Thompson Boxing Promotions and sponsored by Lucas Oil, in association with Everlast.
欲了解更多信息, 请访问 Banner-Promotions.同.
关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的 和推特 BannerBoxing.
卡洛斯·巴埃萨摄 / 汤普森拳击

阿图尔·斯皮尔卡 VS. 亚当·科纳奇新闻发布会语录 & 照片

福克斯电视台超级拳击冠军专题报道波兰重量级对决 & 福克斯周六驱逐出境, 七月 15 来自长岛 NYCB LIVE 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆
点击 这里 从埃德迪勒图片/ DiBella娱乐
这里 粉丝见面会的照片 & 问候来自
埃德·迪勒/ DiBella娱乐 (不久添加照片)
布鲁克林 (六月 28, 2017) – 前冠军挑战者 Artur Szpilka 不败 亚当Kownacki 在布鲁克林举行的新闻发布会上首次对决 星期三 当他们准备波兰重量级对决时 总理拳击冠军FOX FOX体育 星期六, 七月 15 在新装修的拳击场举行的第一场拳击比赛NYCB LIVE, 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆的主场.
电视报道开始于 8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. PT 的头条新闻是前世界冠军之间的次中量级斗殴 奥马尔·菲格罗亚 罗伯特·格雷罗 加上一场不败的轻重量级比赛 马库斯·布朗 Seanie莫纳汉.
门票现场活动, 这是由DiBella娱乐促进, 开始 $50 (不包括适用的费用) 与现已公开发售. 门票可在网上通过访问购买www.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, 或致电 1-800-745-3000. 门票也可在NYCB LIVE的Ticketmaster售票处购买. 团体折扣可通过致电获得 516-231-4848.
斯皮尔卡和科纳奇在绿点 Krolewski Jadlo 餐厅向媒体发表讲话, 布鲁克林,然后前往皇后区的约翰尼咖啡馆与粉丝见面并打招呼.
这里是参与者不得不说 星期三:
“这次训练营一切都不同了. 我专注于亚当·科纳奇的训练. 我减轻了一些体重并且感觉更快. 一切都感觉很完美.
“我想向世界和我的国家表明,维尔德之战中发生的事情是一场意外. 我觉得我已经准备好了,我已经等不及了.
“这次训练营的陪练非常完美. 我有两个很棒的陪练伙伴,他们给了我不同的外观,让我为亚当做好准备. 我很高兴在陪练中我受到了很大的压力.
“我不担心家乡打仗. 我只专注于眼前的男人. 我的工作就是去那里照顾那个试图把我击倒的人.
“我听科纳奇谈到我的下巴, 但一旦我们进入擂台,他就无话可说了. 七月 15 每个人都会看到我的力量,这将证明我是更好的战士.
“今天我们聊了很多, 但 七月 15 只有我们的拳头可以说话,我迫不及待地想在大家面前表演. 我将向全世界证明我已经准备好再次挑战世界冠军。”
ADAM Kownacka
“我现在感觉很好. 我在波兰待了四个星期,与托马斯·阿达梅克(Tomasz Adamek)对练,我认为这对我帮助很大. 现在我和我的团队回到这里完成训练营并为艰难的左撇子做准备.
“我想我能够在战斗之夜控制自己的情绪. 这是我漫长职业生涯中的另一场战斗. 我得走了,尽力而为. 这是我在成为世界冠军和实现梦想的道路上迈出的一大步.
“我认为风格使战斗. 我的风格是最适合他的风格. 我挺身而出,给他带来压力,但他已经被抛弃了很多次, 我想他的下巴可能已经不见了. 很难从他对阵维尔德那样的淘汰赛中恢复过来.
“我们在健身房里竭尽全力. 知道如何在对抗左撇子时切断环绝对是非常重要的. 我每天都在进步,每一次陪练都在进步. 我会准备好 七月 15.”
“这是我大放异彩的好机会. 我祝阿图尔在世界上一切顺利, 但现在是我的时间. 七月 15 你会看到一场精彩的战斗。”
罗尼盾, 销的教练
“阿图尔已经达到了可以与世界上任何人战斗的水平. 我们知道亚当神是怎样的. 这将是技能对技能的较量.
“阿图尔的训练营进展顺利. 他一直在与一些强大的拳击手进行一些非常好的拳击比赛,这些拳击手可以模拟亚当将要做的事情.
“斯皮尔卡现在状态很好, 他准备好了. 我们将确保他不会犯与维尔德比赛中同样的错误. 他看了录像带,知道该怎么做。”
基思·特林布尔, 科纳奇的教练
“我很感谢亚当有这个机会. 我在长岛长大,所以能参加这个活动真是梦想成真.
“这将是对球迷一个伟大的斗争. 人们支持足球队的方式, 我们将会看到 七月 15 来自波兰球迷的. 这将是一个地狱般的夜晚.
“亚当正在刻苦训练,他已经准备好走完全程. 我们已做好战争准备. 阿图尔最近为冠军而战,所以我们不能要求更好的战斗. 如果我们取得这场胜利, 我们还有大事要做。”
娄DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁
“很高兴来到绿点,这里有如此多的波兰人口,他们了解这场斗争的重要性. 这是两位波兰重量级人物之间最激烈的一场战斗.
“阿图尔是波兰的终身居民, 他现在在休斯顿与罗尼·希尔兹一起训练, 而亚当是一名来自布鲁克林、现在住在长岛的美国波兰孩子,正在崛起. 这是第一次 31 年长岛将有一场盛大的演出. 任何了解拳击的人都知道这将是一场伟大的战斗.
“这场比赛的胜利者就在重量级比赛中. 阿图尔在被捕前与德昂泰·维尔德进行了一场精彩的战斗. 他们都是战士. 这是亚当证明自己的机会. 这场斗争已经酝酿了很长时间,这里关系到很多自豪感。”
# # #
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以下是获得冠军的 Pound-4-Pound 球员名单.
安吉尔·巴里恩特斯 14 年 (95 磅), 查韦斯·巴连特斯 14 年 (101 磅), 多里安·汗 14 年 (106 磅), Jayden Hooker 11-yrs (Female 80 磅), 约翰·阿姆斯特朗 10 年 (65 磅), 贾森·巴拉哈斯 10 年 (85 磅),

Jordan Aguilar 19-yrs (114 磅),
Jonathan Aguilar 14-yrs (110 磅)
Anthony Torres 13-yrs (80 磅),
Jovanny Aguilar 13-yrs (95磅),
LAS VEGAS, NV (六月 28, 2017)The Pound-4-Pound Boxing program out of Las Vegas, had another successful outing this past weekend at the Roy Jones Jr. “Future Stars of Boxingtournament that took place at the Sam’s Town Casino in Las Vegas. 出于 15 active participants, 11 came home with championship belts.
Our program had another fantastic showing this past weekend,” said coach 理查德·巴林特斯. “就像我一直说的, it’s about building self-esteem with these kids. They’re a great group from top to bottom. I’m very proud of our team and we are looking forward to the next tournament. Our main goal is to enter in as many tournaments as possible before the end of the year.
Check out The Interview we did last week with Coach Barrientes: