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FACE OFF SAMUEL VARGAS срещу. АЛИ ФУНЕКА НАБА Шампионат в полусредна категория

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Самуел Варгас срещу. Али Фунека
Акценти “Face Off” в битката за титлата на NABA
Август. 19 в Брамптън, Канада

TORONTO, Ontario, Канада (Юли 5, 2017) – Шампион в полусредна категория на Северноамериканската боксова асоциация Samuel Vargas е бил на най-голямата сцена в бокса и е решен да докаже, че все още принадлежи там.
28-годишният Варгас (27-3-1, 14 Нокаута) се засилва в една от най-значимите битки в кариерата си, Август 19, докато защитава титлата си в NABA срещу трикратен претендент за световна титла Са “Час пик” Трябва да (39-6-3, 31 Нокаута) в основното събитие на Lee Baxter Promotions’ (LBP) второ събитие в Brampton Powerade Center, “Face Off”, в Брамптън, Ontario, Канада.
Варгас-Фунека е безспорен един от двубоите на най-високо ниво, който ще се проведе в Торонто след няколко години.
“Сам все още е на етап от кариерата си, когато се подобрява и да предизвика човек, който през по-голямата част от десетилетие е бил претендент за световна титла, показва, че все още е гладен и все още иска да се тества,” промотор Лий Бакстър каза.
Здравият като пирон Варгас, който се бие от Торонто, се движи с инерцията на доминираща победа с 10-рунд единодушно решение Армандо Роблес (31-5-2, 18 Нокаута), на първото събитие на LBP Powerade Center миналия март, както и победа у дома за нокаута на петия рунд на родения в Колумбия миналия май над бившия претендент за световната титла Марко Антонио Авендано (30-10-1, 22 Нокаута).
Впечатляваща победа над неговия изпитан южноафрикански противник със сигурност ще пренареди Варгас на световната боксова сцена, където беше преди малко повече от година, когато се бори с двама от най-добрите велтървейт в света, бивш титлист на WBA Super World Super Lightweight Дани Гарсия (32-0, 19 Нокаута), и настоящата Международна федерация по бокс (IBF) Световен шампион Ерол Спенс Jr. (15-0, 12 Нокаута), в загубата на все още безценен боен опит за Варгас срещу противници от световна класа.
“Винаги следим големите битки за Сам. Победа над Фунека наистина би отекнала в света на бокса,” Добави Бакстър.
Funeka има някакъв недовършен бизнес в “Великият бял север” загубил в 2009 в едно от най-противоречивите решения в последния спомен за Джоан Гусман (29-0) в Квебек Сити. Въпреки че много зрители накараха Варгас да победи Гусман, включително неофициалния голмайстор на HBO Харолд Ледерман, отбелязвайки схватката 117-111 за Фунека и призова за разследване на съдийството, което скоро последва, доведе до съмнително 12-рундово мнозинство за свободното IBF световно първенство в лека категория.
“Канадските фенове винаги са имали меко място за Фунека,” Бакстър отбеляза. “Тълпата в Pepsi Coliseum беше на негова страна и те се влюбиха в него тази нощ. Той заслужава тази битка колкото Сам.”
Въпреки това, Оттогава Фунека остава боен претендент, да отидете на път и да се биете с някои от най-добрите звезди в спорта. Миналата година, той разстрои непобедената преди това руска перспектива Висхан “Little Тайсън” Murzabekov (12-0) с 12-рундово решение в родината на опонента си. Напоследък, опасният южноафрикански ветеран води кървава битка с Джеф Хорн (15-0-1), който миналата събота разстрои бъдещата Зала на славата Мани Пакиао да стане новата Световна боксова организация (WBO) 147-паунд дивизия световен шампион. Фунека дори пусна коравия австралиец, преди да бъде спрян в шестия кръг на битката им през декември миналата година в Нова Зеландия.
Фунека представлява измервателна пръчка за Варгас, за да прецени сравненията му с някои от най-добрите велтъри в света.
Дали Варгас ще прекара по-лесно с Фунека от Хорн? Отговорът ще бъде известен Август. 19.
Билети, като се започне от $40.00, се продават и могат да бъдат закупени чрез Ticketmaster на адрес тази връзка.
Уебсайт: leebaxterpromotions.com
Кикотене & Instagram: @LeeBaxterMgt

Facebook: /LeeBaxterTattoo

Тарас Shelestyuk & Ruben Villa успешно защити непобедените записи в събота вечер

За незабавно освобождаване
PHILADELPHIA, Penn. /ОРАНЖЕВ, Халиф. (Юли 3, 2017) – В “Заключен n’ Зареден” Main Event, борец от полусредна категория Тераса “Real Deal” Shelestyuk (16-0, 10 Нокаута) направи бърза работа на Исус Алварес Родригес (15-3, 11 Нокаута) като го нокаутира в третия рунд Събота вечер от Omega Products International в Сакраменто, Халиф.

Shelestyuk, който се класира Не. 5 от WBO, прогнозира победа в нокаут в предизборното си интервю с бронзовия олимпийски медалист (Лондон 2012) казвайки, че планира да бъде агресивен от самото начало.

“Не исках тази битка да се отдалечава,” Саид Shelestyuk, който приписва агресивността на новия треньор Джоел Диас. “С Джоел работихме за увеличаване на производителността на ударите и това се показа в тази битка.”

Shelestyuk, който е от Украйна, но сега прави дома си в Лос Анджелис, разтърси Родригес в първия рунд. Той се свърза с комбинация от два удара, която изпрати мексиканеца към платното. В третия кръг, Шелестюк удари рано и често, спечелване на нокаут победа в 2:05 марка.

Най-добрата перспектива в перо Вила Рубен (7-0, 4 Нокаута) на Салинас, Халиф. нанесе побой на надминалия се ветеран Джонатан Алкантара (7-16-2, 1 KO) на Салвадор. Вила, който помете и трите карти с резултати (40-36), изглеждаше еднакво удобно да се бие отвън или в джоба.

“Мисля, че тази битка показа колко съм гъвкав,” Вила каза. “Боксирах го добре и го разбърках вътре, без да получа никакви попадения. Това беше солидно представяне.”

Вила, наистина, изглеждаше част от елитна перспектива. Той беше агресивен през цялата битка, въпреки това беше изключително дисциплиниран в защитния край.

“Няма съмнение, че съм го разочаровал,” Вила продължи. “Разбрах, че му е трудно. Никога не му позволявам да се отпусне.”

Шелестюк и Вила са съвместно популяризирани от Banner Promotions и Thompson Boxing.
За повече информация, моля, посетете Банери-Промоции.с.
За редовни актуализации на нашите бойци, събития, и промоции, Моля те, провери Страница за промоции на банери , и ни последвайте Instagram и Twitter BannerBoxing.
Снимка от Карлос Баеза / Thompson Boxing


За незабавно освобождаване: Бангор, Maine (Юли 3, 2017) - New England Битки (NEF) returns to the Cross Insurance Center в събота нощ, Август 5, 2017 със следващото събитие смесени бойни изкуства за насърчаване на борбата, “NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor.” По-рано днес, NEF announced the addition of a female amateur bantamweight bout to the fight card. Angela Young (2-2) ще се срещне Джесика “The Black WidowBorga (5-3) в бой тегло от 135 килограма.

If there is anyone who knows about putting on exciting fights, it is Angela Young. The wife of Young’s MMA founder Chris Young, майка, and a full-time nurse, she has brought the heat in all four of her previous contests for NEF, earning several “Fight на нощта” honors. Young had the crowd on the edge of its seat for her thrilling encounter with Christine Brothwell earlier this year – битка, която тя спечели с единодушно решение. She has never backed down, even when on the losing end of a slugfest like the one she had with Kylie O’Hearn on Cape Cod last year, and it has made her one of the most popular fighters with the NEF audience. Based on their styles, Young predicts yet another strike-fest full of fireworks when she meets Borga on August 5th.

I’m beyond excited for the match up with Borga for NEF in Bangor,” каза Young. “I respect her as a fighter and even more so for traveling to Maine once again take a fight. Neither one of us are afraid to stand and bang, making this a fight people aren’t going to want to miss.

Jessica Borga of Florida will make the trip north to compete in Maine for the third time in less than a year. She made her NEF debut last September and quickly became a favorite of Pine Tree State fight fans. През ноември миналата година, Borga put on a dominant performance in Lewiston, winning a unanimous decision over black belt Brianne Genschel. She has captured multiple regional titles in the southeast portion of the country. Borga looks forward to returning to fight in front of her Maine fans once again.

I can’t wait to be back at NEF for 2017,exclaimed Borga when reached for comment. “I’ve been waiting to come back and show what I’ve learned. I appreciate Angela Young stepping up to put on a show for everyone. I’ll be ready and can’t wait to show my improvements.

"NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor” will be held at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Мейн в събота, Август 5, 2017. Билетите са в продажба сега в www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

За повече информация за актуализациите на събитието и да се борят с карти, моля посетете уеб сайта на промоцията на адрес www.NewEnglandFights.com. В допълнение, можете да гледате видеоклипове в NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, follow them on Twitter @nefights and join the official Facebook group “New England Битки."

За New England Битки

New England Битки ("NEF") е борба събития промоции фирма. Мисията NEF е да създаде най-качествени събития за бойци и фенове на Мейн, така. Изпълнителен екип NEF има богат опит в управлението на бойни спортове, производство събития, Връзки с медиите, маркетинг, правна и реклама.


За незабавно освобождаване: Горъм, Maine (Юни 30, 2017) - New England Битки (NEF) обяви по-рано днес, че промоцията на борбата отново ще спонсорира спортист на тазгодишния Brawlin’ Клиника по борба Lobsta & Турнир. Лагерът трябва да се проведе в кампуса на Горъм на Университета на Южен Мейн (USM) отЮли 18 до юли 22. As it has done in years past, NEF ще избере един победител, за когото промоцията на борбата ще включва обучение за програмата.

This is one of the most important things we do in the community every year,” said NEF matchmaker and co-owner Matt Peterson of Rumford, Maine. “So many of our promotion’s competitors came from a wrestling background. Wrestling instills in young athletes a lifelong sense of discipline and hard work, and that is exactly what we want the winner of this contest to take away from the camp this summer.

Camp instructors Mike Morin and Jon Deupree are both veterans of the MMA cage. Morin is the head wrestling coach at USM and a two-time All-American during his days competing for the Huskies. Deupree is an assistant coach with USM and was a two-time NCAA national qualifier.

“Myself and my staff would like to thank NEF for once again sponsoring a local wrestler to attend the Brawlin’ Lobsta Wrestling Camp,” exclaimed Morin. “This is not only directly helping raise the level of wrestling in the state of Maine, it has also helped us at USM jump levels. We look forward to working with all of the wrestlers this year at the camp and in the future.”

Interested contestants are asked to submit a photograph of themselves wrestling to either the NEF Facebook page or via email to newenglandfights@gmail.com заедно с кратко изявление на 100 думи или по-малко подробно защо вярват, че клиниката ще им помогне да постигнат целите си.

New England Битки’ next mixed-martial arts event, "NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor,” will be held at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine на Събота, Август 5, 2017. Билетите са в продажба сега в www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

За повече информация за актуализациите на събитието и да се борят с карти, моля посетете уеб сайта на промоцията на адрес www.NewEnglandFights.com. В допълнение, можете да гледате видеоклипове в NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, follow them on Twitter @nefights and join the official Facebook group “New England Битки."

FNU Бойни спортове Show: UFC и Bellator Recaps, Преглед на PFL, Бокс график

Мъжко животно, Тони и Рич обобщават основните събития от миналата седмица, включително спорната UFC Fight Night 112 финал и близкия двоен KO в Bellator 180 от Медисън Скуеър Гардън. Обсъждаме също така Конър Макгрегър да извика Хабиб Нурмагомедов за следващия си съперник в UFC Octagon. Разбира се, ние също разбиваме Manny Pacquiao срещу. Джеф Хорн.



Chris Eubank Jr. срещу. “Цар” Arthur Abraham IBO Super Middleweight World Championship To air July 15 live on PPV in United States

TENAFLY, Ню Джърси(Юни 29, 2017) – One of boxing’s most polarizing and exciting young fighters faces a dangerous three-time, две разделение световен шампион, като Chris Eubank Jr. defends his International Boxing Organization (IBO) Super Middleweight Championship against “Цар” Артур Абрахам на Събота, Юли 15, available to watch on Pay Per View in the United States, като се започне от 2:30 ч ET / 11:30 am PT, live from SES Arena, Уембли в Лондон, Англия.
“Eubank младши. срещу. Abraham”, promoted by Poxon Sports in association with Team Sauerland, is presented in the United States by Integrated Sports Media and Protocol Sports Marketing, Ltd.
Интегрирана Sports Media ще разпределя “Eubank младши. срещу. Abraham” live in the United States on cable and satellite PPV via iN Demand, Vubiquity, and DISH for a suggested retail price of only $24.95. In Canada, the event will be available on television to fight fans that subscribe to premium pay television network Super Channel.
Outside of North America, “Eubank младши. срещу. Abraham” is being distributed to broadcasters worldwide by leading boxing television rights distribution firm, Протокол Sports Marketing Ltd.
Само 27 възраст, the British-born Eubank Jr. (24-1, 19 Нокаута) enters the contest with less experience than Abraham but with power, a mean streak, and meaningful boxing pedigree. Eubank младши. спечели 16 на неговата последна 17 fights by stoppage.
Баща му, Chris Eubank Sr. (45-5-2, 23 Нокаута), е бивша Световна боксова организация (WBO) super middleweight and middleweight world champion. Eubank Sr. co-trains and manages his son, in addition to being an idiosyncratic presence in and around his son’s fights, and the British fight scene.
A former Interim World Boxing Association (WBA) В средна World Champion, Eubank младши. captured the IBO title this past February, спиране Renold Quinlan (11-1, 7 Нокаута) в 10татакръг. His July 15тата fight versus Abraham will mark the confident young champion’s first IBO title defense.
Abraham is a strong, come forward fighter,” Eubank младши. каза, “но той е едномерна. He’s very good in that one dimension, but a one-dimensional fighter cannot beat me. I see a lot of holes in his game and I’m going to exploit those holes ruthlessly.
The IBO No. 1 rated Abraham (46-5, 30 Нокаута) fights out of Berlin, Германия. “Цар” Arthur is a two-time WBO super middleweight world champion, as well as a former International Boxing Federation (IBF) среднотежка световен шампион. The powerful Armenian has a sensational 18-4 (9 Нокаута) record in world championships, 7-4 (4 Нокаута) against former or current world champions. Noted victims during his 17-year professional career reads like a Who’s Who of Boxing in the 160- and 168-pound divisions, включително световни шампиони Раул Маркес, Hector Javier Velazco, Джърмейн Тейлър, Robert Stieglitz thrice, и Giovanni De Carolis. Abraham has also defeated world-class opponents such as Martin Murray, Paul Smith два пъти, Lajuan Simon, Edison Miranda два пъти, Khoren Gevor, Sebastian Demers, Kofi Jantuah, Kingsley Ikeke, Robin Krasniqi и Howard Eastman.
Four of Abraham’s five career losses have been to world champions Carl Froch, Андре Уорд, Stieglitz and Gilberto Ramirez. Stieglitz is the only opponent to stop Abraham, който е спечелил 10 на неговата последна 11 битки, the most recent a 12-round unanimous decision win over Krasniqi (46-4, 17 Нокаута) this past April in Germany.
I will make sure that I’m in top shape and ready to secure a great victory,” Abraham remarked. “I know Chris Eubank, Jr. е добър боец, like his dad. Очаквам тежка битка, but I am confident I will beat him.
Also airing live is the 12-round International Boxing Federation (IBF) Featherweight World Championship match as popular Welshman “Мълния” Lee Селби (24-1, 9 Нокаута) makes his third defense of the title he captured May 30, 2015, when he won an eighth-round technical decision over previously unbeaten Evgeny Gradovich (19-0-1, 9 Нокаута).
Selby will be challenged by former WBA Featherweight World Champion Jonathan VictorYoniBarros (41-4-1, 22 Нокаута), of Argentina, who is the IBF No. 1 претендент.
Additional PPV fights will soon be announced.
Кикотене: @IntegratedPPV, @SuperChannel

Ringstar Sports Rising Stars Return to Action Sunday, Юли 30 като 2016 Lithuanian Olympian Eimantas Stanionis Battles Eridanni Leon & Unbeaten Prospect Money Powell IV Takes on Carlos Lozano from Rabobank Theater in Bakersfield, Калифорния

Още! The Pro Debut of Jose Balderas & Nigerian Amateur Standouts карикатура Ajagba & Wesley Apochi in Undercard Attractions
Билети в продажба Утре!
BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. (Юни 29, 2017) – An exciting afternoon of undercard action onНеделя, Юли 30 will be highlighted by a pair of Ringstar Sports rising prospects as 2016 Lithuanian Olympian Eimantas Stanionis (1-0, 1 KO) отговаря Eridanni Leon (5-2, 1 KO) in a six-round welterweight clash while unbeaten Money Powell IV (2-0, 2 Нокаута) битки Carlo Lozano (7-6, 4 Нокаута) in four-rounds of welterweight action from Rabobank Theater in Bakersfield, Калифорния.
The July 30 event is headlined by the return of former world champion Victor Ortiz battling Mexico’s Saul Corral в полусредна категория действие. PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes coverage begins at 7 p.m. И/4 p.m. PT and will feature super welterweight contender Джъстин DeLoach taking on former title challenger Фернандо Гереро още 2016 U.S. Олимпиец Karlos Balderas in his second pro fight.
Additional undercard action will feature a trio of young fighters making their pro debuts. Жозе Balderas, brother of U.S. Olympian Karlos, will make his pro debut in a four-round bantamweight bout, 2016 нигерийски Olympian карикатура Ajagba will compete in six rounds of heavyweight action against Tyrell Herndon (6-1, 2 Нокаута) и Wesley Apochi will step into the ring in a six-round cruiserweight attraction.
Неделя, Юли 30 will be a great opportunity for fans in Southern California to get a glimpse of the future of the sport,” - каза Ричард Шефер, CEO and Chairman of Ringstar Sports. “In addition to Karlos Balderas competing on the FS1 and FOX Deportes portion of the card, fans will get another look at the power of Eimantas Stanionis and the skills of Money Powell IV on their way to future stardom. Fans are going to want to show up early and catch all of the fights on July 30.
Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports, са с цени $80, $45 и $30 и са в продажба Петък, Юни 30 for purchase online at AXS.com.
An accomplished amateur representing Kaunas, Литва, Stanionis is looking to become the next Eastern European fighter to make a splash in the U.S. The 22-year-old had a 141-19 record as an amateur and earned four senior national championships before winning gold at the European Olympic Qualifier to earn his trip to the 2016 Games. A gold medalist at welterweight at the 2015 European Amateur Boxing Championships, Stanionis was impressive in his pro debut, scoring a first round TKO of Rasheed Lawal in April.
Born in Germany, where his former boxer father was stationed in the military, Powell IVdedicated himself to boxing for good when his family moved back to the U.S. в 2011. The 19-year-old has quickly made a name for himself since then, спечелване на 2016 Youth Welterweight National Championship to earn the top ranking in the 152-pound division by USA Boxing. Fighting out of Fort Mitchell, on the state line of Alabama and Georgia, Powell made his pro debut with a first round knockout in April and followed it up with another first round stoppage in June.
Balderas made his name by winning numerous tournaments in the Southern California amateur boxing circuit while racking up an impressive 80 победи в 88 битки. В допълнение, the bantamweight won a National Golden Gloves title in 2013, a Junior Golden Gloves championship, two Adidas National tournaments, a National PAL title and two Junior Olympic tournaments. Jose also advanced to the quarterfinals of the U.S. Олимпийските проучвания. Although he is a year older, Jose waited until his brother’s Olympic journey had finished to turn pro so that the two could enter the professional ranks in the same year.
The 23-годишният Ajagba is set to turn pro after beating the odds and making the 2016 Rio Olympics to represent his native Nigeria. Although he lost in the quarterfinals, Ajagba made a splash by delivering a highlight reel knockout in his opening bout against Trinidad and Tobago. The fighter known as “Кинг Конг” also won an African games gold medal during his impressive amateur career.
Orogun, Nigeria’s Apochi was once the captain of his country’s national boxing team, a testament to how far he came since a surprising second place finish in the 2011 Africa Games. The 29-year-old represented Nigeria at the 2013 World Championships before earning a Commonwealth Games bronze medal in 2014.
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Следвайте на TwitterPremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm и станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/Обадете Star Sports иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Акценти на разположение в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.PBC на FS1 & FOX Deportes се спонсорира от Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Queens Wrestling attracts 19 students from 9 states to launch new program.

The Queens University of Charlotte Wrestling Program was started in April with the hiring of U.S. Olympian Ken Chertow. Chertow is a 3x All-American at Penn State and coached at Ohio State and Penn State while also developing and coaching his Gold Medal Training Camp System.

Today Chertow announced his initial recruiting class of nineteen student-athletes from 9 различни държави – NC, PA, VA, MD, SC, GA, FL, NY and CA.

The Queens Wrestling Team will get together for the first time Неделя, Юли 2 when they host the Gold Medal Training Camp at Queens Юли 2-6 as the team will be on campus serving as counselors.

The initial Queens Wrestling recruiting class of 2017 is led by high school All-American Noah Curreri from New York. Noah is a Flo Nationals All American, NY State Finalist and 2x NY State Placewinner with a career record of 133-26.

The Queens recruiting class includes six home state North Carolina wrestlers including two 2X North Carolina State Champions Anthony Toineeta from Cherokee High School and Marcelino Aponte from Jack Britt High School. Another 2x State Champion is Maryland’s Nathan Gainey who is a 3X state finalist and a 2X State Champion from Odenton, MD. Gainey finished his high school career with a record of 139-16.

Below is a breakdown of the entire Queens Roster in weight class order.

Noah Gilbert is a 3x State Placewinner from East Burke HS in Hildebran, NC. Gilbert finished his season with a 49-1 record and finished his career 192-24 making him the record holder for all time wins in Burke County. Gilbert graduated with a 3.5 GPA and is the male athlete of the year at East Burke HS.

Melvin Rubio is a 2x North Carolina State Placewinner at Enka High School.

Alessandro Araujo is a 2x Georgia State Qualifier and transfer student from Lawrenceville, Грузия.

Noah Stoltzfus is a Pennsylvania regional qualifier from Middletown High School.

Nathan Gainey is a 2x Maryland State Champion.

Milton Jackson is a North Carolina State Qualifier from Mallard Creek HS with 138 кариерата печели. He was awarded the Senior Male Outstanding Athlete Award winner and won the Excellence Award from Hendricks Lexus Dealership.

Devin Hayes is a California State Qualifier.

Daniel Goodwin is a 2x Virginia State Placewinner from Chesapeake, VA with a 4.0 GPA.

Stephon Haliburton is a Florida State Qualifier.

Drake Cable is a 2x North Carolina State Placewinner for Robbinsville High School.

Karson Ayres is a California State Qualifier from Fountain Valley, Калифорния. He is a 4x league champion and 2x CIF champion.

Mack Barnett is a transfer student from Suffolk County Community College in New York.

Steven Hamilton is a South Carolina State Placewinnner from Fort Mill High School.

Anthony Toineeta is a 2x North Carolina State Champion from Cherokee High School.

Noah Curreri is a Flo Nationals All-American and 2x State Placewinner from New York.

Jake Balmas is a North Carolina State Placewinner from Stanfield, NC. Balmas also excels in the Olympic Styles and is a 2x Freestyle state finalist and 3x Greco-Roman state finalist.

Benjie Hund is from Marvin Ridge High School near Charlotte.

Jacob Marin is 2017 Florida State Champion at Heavyweight. Jacob finished this year at Wakulla High School with a record of 37-1. Jacob will also be playing Rugby at Queens.

In addition to these 19 борци, the Queens Coaching Staff joining Chertow will include many outstanding coaches including:
-NCAA All-American and Rutgers graduate Tom Tanis
-NCAA All-American and Pitt graduate Zac Thomassueit
-North Carolina State Champion Rob Tate.
-VP of High Point IST Solutions Tim Hennessey
-UNC Chapel Hill graduate and Showmars VP Zach Zitsos
-2x Academic All-American at University of Wisconsin Whitewater Tom Trieloff
-Campbell graduate Paul Renaud,
-Gardner Webb graduate Alex Ventura.

Coach Tanis and Coach Hennessey will also continue to teach at the C2X Commitment to Excellence Wrestling Club in Fort Mill, SC.

Queens will host the Gold Medal Training Camp Юли 2-6 and the entire staff and team will be joining Coach Chertow and the campers. The team members will be serving as counselors creating a very personalized and beneficial experience.

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Welterweight Jamal James Battles Former Title Challenger Jo Jo Dan in Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes Action Saturday, Юли 15 from NYCB LIVE’s Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Long Island

Още! Unbeaten Prospect Brandon Figueroa Faces Eliezer Aquino in Bantamweight Matchup
Покритие започва най- 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT Following
PBC на FOX & FOX Deportes Telecast
LONG ISLAND, NY (Юни 29, 2017) – Once-beaten welterweight Джамал James (20-1, 9 Нокаута) will meet former title challenger Jo Jo Dan (36-4, 19 Нокаута) in a 10-round showdown featured on Премиер боксови Champions на FS1 и FOX Sports Събота, Юли 15 at the newly-renovated NYCB LIVE, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
Televised coverage on FS1 begins at 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT, immediately following the PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes show headlined by a welterweight brawl between former world champions Omar Фигероа и Robert Guerrero.
The FS1 show will also see unbeaten prospect Brandon Фигероа (12-0, 8 Нокаута) competing on his older brother Omar’s undercard as he takes on Елиезер Акино (19-2-1, 13 Нокаута) in an eight-round bantamweight attraction.
I’m excited to be able to get back in the ring on July 15,said James. “I’m grateful to have the team that I have so that I could fight on this great card in Long Island on FS1 and FOX Deportes. I’ve been training hard and I’m hungry and anxious to get back in the ring and show off my skills.
I am back at welterweight for my fight on Юли 15 and I plan on putting on a good performance so that I can get back in the mix for a world title shot,” said Dan. “I am having a great training camp at the Grant brothersgym in Montreal and I’ll be in top shape on fight night. My team and I are thrilled to be part of this event that brings big-time boxing back to Long Island.
Televised coverage on FOX and FOX Deportes begins at 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT and also features unbeaten light heavyweights Маркъс Браун и Сийни Монаган in a 10-round bout and a showdown between Polish heavyweights Arthur Pin и Adam Kownacki.
Билети за събитието на живо, която се насърчава от DiBella Entertainment, започне в $50 (Не включително приложими такси) и са в продажба сега. Билети могат да бъдат закупени онлайн, като посетитеwww.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, или като се обадите 1-800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Ticketmaster Box Office at NYCB LIVE. Group discounts are available by calling 516-231-4848.
A tall welterweight at 6’2″, James looks to bounce back after a decision loss to Yordenis Ugas last August in which the 28-year-old accepted the fight on less than a week’s notice. Борбата от Минеаполис, Minnesota, James was unbeaten in his first 20 fights as a pro including impressive victories over Javier Molina and Wale Omotoso that began his 2016 кампания.
Роден в Румъния, Dan fights out of Quebec, Canada and has picked up victories in two of his three stateside fights. A Pro, тъй като 2004, Dan was unbeaten in his first 26 professional starts. He owns two impressive victories over Canadian rival Kevin Bizier and challenged Kell Brook for his welterweight title in 2015. Dan fought twice at 154-pounds, including a challenge of now world champion Jarrett Hurd, before moving back down in weight and scoring a fifth-round stoppage of Jesus Gurrola in March.
The 20-year-old Brandon Figueroa turned pro in May of 2015 by defeating Hector Gutierrez and followed that up by stopping Ricardo Mena, Ramiro Ruiz and Francisco Muro to close out the year. The Weslaco-native stayed busy in 2016, picking up six victories, including five by way of stoppage before starting 2017 with a fourth-round stoppage of Raul Chirino in February and an eight-round decision of Luis Saavedra in May. На Юли 15 he will fight on the undercard of his brother Omar for the third time.
Fighting out of Higuey, Доминиканската република, Aquino has fought professionally since 2007 and was unbeaten in his first 18 професионални пристъпи. The 30-year-old has previously fought twice in the U.S. heading into this showdown on Юли 15. Aquino enters this bout having won his last two bouts by way of stoppage.
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Феновете ще могат да предавате на живо двубоите по FOX Sports GO, на английски или испански език чрез емисии в FS1 или FOX Deportes. Боевете са на разположение на работния плот в FOXSportsGO.com и чрез магазина за приложения, или свързани устройства, включително Apple TV, Android TV, пожар телевизия, Xbox One и Roku. В допълнение, всички програми също са на разположение на FOX Sports върху SiriusXM канал 83 по сателитните радиа и върху приложението SiriusXM.
За повече информация: посещение WWW.premierboxingchampions.com, HTТР://www.foxsports.com/presspass / начална страница, WWW.foxdeportes.comwww.SHO.com/Спортен последват в TwitterPremierBoxing, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes @LouDiBella, @NYCBLive and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, WWW.facebook.com/foxsports иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.аз нww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC е спонсориран от Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island is an extension of BSE’s BROOKLYN BOXING™ brand. За повече информация, посещение brooklynboxingshop.com.

M-1 Global returns to Finland for first time in 9 години


M-1 Challenge 82, Август 5, in Helsinki

Hartwall Arena in Helsinki, Финландия
Home for M-1 Challenge 82
САНКТ ПЕТЕРБУРГ, Русия (Юни 28, 2017) – M-1 Global, one of the largest mixed-martial-arts organizations in the world, has announced its return to Finland for the first time in nine years, Август 5, as top fighters from Finland, Русия, America and across Europe will compete in M-1 Challenge 82.
M-1 Challenge 82 will be streamed live from Helsinki, Finland in high definition on www.M1Global.TV. Зрителите ще могат да гледат предварителните битки и основната карта, ако влезете във регистрира в www.M1Global.TV. Фенове могат да гледат всички действия на компютрите си, както и за Android и Apple смарт телефони и таблети.
Hartwall Arena, the largest ice hockey arena in Finland, will host M-1 Challenge 82. The famous venue seats between 12,000 и 15,000 spectators, pending the event, and it has hosted the 1997, 2003 и 2012 World Ice Hockey Championships.
Past M-1 Challenge events have featured leading Finnish fighters over the years such as Marcus “Пещерен човек” Vanttinen (pictured on left), Juha-Pekka Vainikainen, Niko Puhakka, Janne Tulirinta, Toni Valtonen и Lucio “Спартански” Линарес. Some of these fighters will be competingАвгуст 5 при M-1 Challenge 82.
M-1 Global’s newest signed fighter, Vanttinen (24-6-0, М-1: 2-2-0), is a veteran member of the Team Finland. The 29-year-old Vanttinen faces Russian light heavyweight prospect Михаил Ragozin (8-2-0, М-1: 1-0-0) при M-1 Challenge 82 Main Event.
Микаел “Мечка” Сила (16-5-0, М-1:0-0-0), 31, has an appropriate nickname. Powerfully built and possessing explosive physical force, he puts pressure on his rivals from the first second of the battle, using his grappling skills to his full advantage. Having won 15 на неговата 20 битки, Silander is matched against M-1 Challenge title challenger Viali Branchuk (22-6-0, М-1: 2-2-0), на Украйна,
Finnish fan-favorite JanneJambaElonen-Kulmala (15-5-0, М-1: 0-0-0) makes his M-1 Global debut versus Brazilian bantamweight Хелитон дос Сантос (15-6-0, М-1: 0-1-0). Elonen-Kulmala will be fighting in front of his hometown fans in Helsinki.
Valtonen (27-15-0, М-1: 6-2-0) returns to M-1 action against Ukrainian heavyweight BorisBoraPolezhay(16-6-0, М-1: 1-1-0. Valtonen has been an MMA fighter for 14 years and for much of that time-period he has been one of the stars of Finnish MMA-promotion, Fight Festival, which was successful at the 2009 M-1 World Championship Challenge. Valtonen fought in KSW and Shooto competitions. Another Helsinki native on the M-1 Challenge 82, Valtonen figures to have tremendous support at Hartwell Arena.
Son LeBuddahBinh (5-2-0, М-1: 1-1-0), 28, lives and trains in Gothenburg, representing the Finnish team, East Front. The 28-year-old first competed in MMA competition only five years ago, but he has since had a total of eight amateur and professional fights. Although relatively inexperienced, his strong performances have resulted in him being Sweden’s No. 3 класирана в тежест.
Binh is always in great physical shape and he has very good stamina. All eight of his fights went the distance but none were boring. In a contest against another Swedish prospect, Bilal Musa, Bing fractured his leg at the beginning of the second round, yet fought through the paid to earn victory by way of a three-round decision. In his very interesting M-1 debut against Emin Guseyov, who has an excellent strike technique. Binh used his wrestling and grappling skills, which he was taught by coach Babak Nejad, who also trains UFC star Anthony Johnson, to win a three-round decision.
Negotiations with several other leading fighters in Finland are also being concluded and their fights against foreign fighters will be announced shortly. Fighters from the United States, Бразилия, Франция, Португалия, Швеция, Русия, Ukraine and Poland are also expected to compete on the M-1 Challenge 82 събитие.


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@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
M-1 Challenge 81: Юли 22, 2017 в Ингушетия, Русия
M-1 Challenge 82: Август 5, 2017 in Helsinki, Финландия