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“Ночь битвы в заливе” Веса & Фотографии Куинси, Массачусетс

Официальный весов
(Все фотографии Эмили Харни / Гранитные акции Chin)
Квинси, Масса. (Август 4, 2017) – Официальное взвешивание было проведено сегодня вечером в таверне Хэнкок в Куинси для завтра ночь “Ночь битвы в заливе” карта, представлены Гранит Chin Акции, в Marina Bay Sportplex в Куинси, Массачусетс. Fighters’ веса и изображения ниже:
MAIN EVENT – ЮНЫЙ средневесов – 8 РАУНДОВ
(L) Дерек Сильвейра (12-1, 6 КО), Salem, Массачусетс 152 фунтов.
(R) Майкл Кларк (44-16-1, 18 КО), Колумбус, Огайо 158.3 фунтов.


(R) Александра Лопес (17-4-2, 1 KO), Маршфилд, Массачусетс 148 фунтов.
(L) Лиза Гарланд (15-7, 8 КО), Йорк, Южная Каролина 150 фунтов.
(L) Крис Трайетти (23-4, 19 КО) Куинси, Массачусетс 188 фунтов.
(R) Ник Лавин (5-5, 4 КО), Шелтон, Коннектикут 199.4 фунтов.
Свет тяжеловесов – 6 РАУНДОВ
Брэндон Монтелла (7-0, 6 КО), Saugus, Массачусетс 179 фунтов.
Майк Сойер (7-8, 5 КО), Орландо, Флорида (завтра)
Средневесов – 6 RIOUNDS
Карлос Гонгора (8-0, 7 КО), Brooklyn, Нью-Йорк 162.6 фунтов.
Ларри Смит (10-33-1, 7 КО), Даллас, Техас 160 фунтов.
ЮНЫЙ средневесов – 4 РАУНДОВ
Пэдди Ирвин (3-0, 2 КО), Куинси, Массачусетс 157 фунтов.
Деметриус Томас (0-4), Филадельфия, Пенсильвания 153.6 фунтов.
Майк О’Хан, Младший. (1-0), Whitman, Массачусетс 145 фунтов.
Даниэль Амаро (0-2-1), Дорчестер, Массачусетс 146.8 фунтов.
(все бои & истребители, подлежащие изменению)
ЧТО: “Ночь битвы в заливе”
КОГДА: Суббота, Август 5, 2017
ГДЕ: SportsPlex в Марина Бэй, Куинси, Массачусетс
ОРГАНИЗАТОР: Гранитные акции Chin
Первый бой: 7:30 p.m. PT
БИЛЕТЫ: Билеты, по цене $60.00 (удобная точка для обзора), $50.00 (General Admission) и $40.00 (стоячая комната), в продаже и доступны для покупки в www.ticketriver.com и у двери (Суббота ночь)
СПОНСОРЫ: Tufankjian Auto Group и Tobin Scientific - крупные спонсоры мероприятия.; дополнительные спонсоры включают The Chantey, Джек Кэмпбелл Электрик, Хэнкок Таверна, Коптильня Бреннана, JN Phillips Auto Glass и шериф Майкл Белотти.
Щебет: @Granite_Chin

M-1 Challenge 82 Веса & Pictures

ХЕЛЬСИНКИ, Финляндия (Август 4, 2017) – Чиновник взвешивает завтра M-1 Challenge 82 мероприятие прошло сегодня в Хельсинки. Официальные веса ниже:
Официальный весов
MAIN EVENT – Свет тяжеловесов – 3 X 5
Mikhail Zayats (22-8-0, М-1: 12-5-0), Россия 205 фунтов. (93 кг)
Маркус Vänttinen (24-6-0, М-1: 2-2-0), Финляндия 202 ½ фунта. (92, 9 кг)

Айрес Бендруа (10-5-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Португалия 172 фунтов. (78,2 кг)
Юхо Валмаа (14-4-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Финляндия 169 ½ фунта. (77,1 кг)
Кейт Джонсон (12-2-0, М-1: 1-0-0), США 169 ½ фунта. (77,1 кг)
Alexander Butenko (43-12-3, М-1: 9-2-1), Украина 169 фунтов. (77,1 кг)
Легковесов – 3 X 5
Michael Silva (18-6-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Бразилия 153 фунтов. (69,6 кг)
Павел Гордеев (7-1-0, М-1: 2-0-0), Россия 154 ½ фунта. (70,3 кг)

Bantamweights – 3 X 5
Виталий Branchuk (22-6-0, М-1: 2-2-0), Украина 125 фунтов. (56,7)Микаэл “Килектор” Sila (16-5-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Финляндия 124 ½ (56,6 кг)

Heilton (Душ Сантуш) Davella (15-6-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Бразилия 134 ½ фунта. (61,1 кг)

Helton (Душ Сантуш) Davella (15-5-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Бразилия 134 ½ фунта. 61,1 (кг)
Janne Elonen-Kulmala (15-5-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Финляндия 135 фунтов. (61,3 кг)
Тони Валтонен (27-15-0, М-1: 6-2-0), Финляндия 204 ½ фунта. (92,9 кг)
Boris Polezhay (16-6-0, М-1: 1-1-0), Украина 204 ½ фунта. (92,9 кг)
Средневесов – 3 X 5
Ruslan Shamilov (2-0-0, М-1: 2-0-0), Россия 184 ½ фунта. (83,9 кг)
Моисей Мурриетта (5-0-0, М-1: 10-0), США 184 ½ фунта. (83,9 кг)
Легковесов – 3 X 5
Arnaud Kherfallah (3-1-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Франция 154 фунтов. (70,1 кг)
Патрик Пиетила (8-4-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Финляндия 154 ½ фунта. (70,2 кг)
Bantamweights – 3 X 5
Сон Ле Бинь (5-2-0, М-1: 1-1-0), Швеция 124 ½ фунта. (56,6 кг)
Олег Lichkovakha (7-1-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Россия 125 фунтов. (56,7 кг)
грузиков – 3 X 5
Фредерико “Muskito” Доброжелатель (2-2-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Швейцария 125 фунтов. (56.7 кг)
Акакий Хорава (2-1-0), Грузия 125 фунтов. (56,7)
Владимир Ничепоренко, Украина 220 фунтов. (100 кг)
Юрий Слобяник, Россия 225 фунтов. (102,2 кг)
КОГДА: Суббота, Август 5, 2017
ГДЕ: Хельсинки, Финляндия
Прямая трансляция: www.m1global.tv (11.30 a.m. И / 8:30 a.m. в США)

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@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
M-1 Challenge 82: Август 5, 2017 в Хельсинки, Финляндия
В эту субботу в Хельсинки, Финляндия

Carlos Rosario takes on Jerome Conquest in Lightweight showdown on Friday, Сентябрь 29 на 2300 Арена в Филадельфии

Junior Castillo takes on Gabriel Pham in 10-round co-feature
Tyrone Crawley Jr takes on Victor Vazquez
Дэвид Гонсалес сразится с Дариусом Эрвином

Erik Spring fights Anthony Prescott

Plus Amir Shabazz and Robert Irizarry in action


Филадельфия, Пенсильвания (Август 4, 2017) –Карлос-Росарио и Джером Conquest will meet in a highly anticipated eight-round lightweight bout that will headline a great night of boxing on Пятница, Сентябрь 29 на 2300 Арена в Южной Филадельфии.
Показать способствуют Акции короля.
Росарио Pennsauken, Нью-Джерси запись 7-2 с четырьмя нокаутом.
The 26 year-old of is a three-year professional, and is known for being a hard puncher.
Rosario already has quality wins over Bobby Hornsby (8-1-1), Виктор Васкес (4-1) and Eliezer Mendez Garcia (1-0).
Rosario will look to get back in the win column after being stopped by Joshua Davis on 19 мая на 2300 Арена.
Conquest of Philadelphia has a record of 8-2 с одной нокаутом.
Like Rosario, the 31 year-old Conquest is a three-year professional and has a quality win on his resume of Christian Molina (4-1).
Conquest has won two in a row, and in his last bout he took a six-round unanimous decision from Jae Ho Kim on 24 июня на 2300 Арена.
В десять тур совместно особенность, Младший Кастильо (14-1, 10 КО) of the Domincan Republic takes on Габриэль Фам (9-1, 4 КО) Атлантик-Сити.
В шесть круглых бои:
Тайрон Кроули, Младший.(7-0) Филадельфии встречает Виктор Васкес (8-3, 3 Кос) Йонкерса, Нью-Йорк в суперлегком весе.
Дэвид Гонсалес (8-2-2, 2 КО) Филадельфия сражений Дарий Эрвин (8-2, 1 KO) Лос-Анджелеса в поединке в суперлегком весе.
Эрик Весна (9-1-2, 1 KO) Чтения, PA будет бороться Энтони Прескотт (6-7-2, 2 КО) Черри-Хилл, NJ in a super welterweight fight.
В четыре круглых бои:
Роберт Irizarry (3-1-1) Черри-Хилл, NJ бои Джордан Питерс (2-1-1, 2 КО) Вашингтон, DC in a super featherweight fight.
Johnny Cuevas of Philadelphia will make his pro debut against an opponent to be named in a lightweight bout.
Амир Шабаз (4-1) of Philadelphia will square off with an opponent to be named in a light heavyweight bout.
Билеты на этот великий вечер бокса можно приобрести в www.2300arena.com для $100, $75 и $50

Boardwalk BrawlsWebster vs Harris Press Conference quotes

Derrick Webster headlines в эту субботу at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City against Lamar Harris
Prince Badi Ajamu returns against Edgar Perez
Бывший U.S. Olympian Terrance Cauthen takes on Nick Valliere
Plus undefeated Mike Hilton, Shaddy Gamhour, Vidal Rivera and heavyweight Zhang Zhilei
Атлантик-Сити, Нью-Джерси (Август 3, 2017)–Below are quotes from Четверг afternoon’s press conference at the Flagship Resort in Atlantic City before Суббота night’s Boardwalk Brawls card at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
Карта, which is promoted by Mis Downing Promotions in association with Square Ring Promotions is headlined by super middleweight Derrick Webster (23-1, 12 КО) из Глассборо, New Jersey taking on Lamar Harris (9-13-4, 5 КО) of Saint Louis in a bout scheduled for eight-rounds.

Пресс-конференция Котировки
Деррик Webster--“This fight is going to be very exciting. This is going to be an action-packed card. I want to thank Roy Jones, Младший. Roy always has time for anybody who wants to take a picture. I don’t know what I would do without him.

Принц Бади Аджаму–“I look forward to this special and great show. I have been helping a lot of fighters out over the years, and when you put that kind of energy and effort out, I want to be on the main stage and help myself. I am not over looking Perez. You might think a fighter is not good, but he is as good as he is the night of the fight so I am not taking anyone lightly. I am expecting him to come with his best.

Чжан Zhilei–“I am from China and I came here three years ago to pursue my dream of being a professional boxer. Я хочу поблагодарить всех за эту возможность, and it will be a great fight.

Shaddy Gamhour–“I am from Sweden, but I am very happy for this opportunity to fight in Atlantic City. I been here training three months, so this is just another fight.

Рой Джонс-младший--” It is very inspirational to see people come in and strive to do things we want to do in our careers. I had my 2nd career fight here in Atlantic City, and this is something we should bring back. I am happy to bringing my guys to fight on Mis Downing’s cards. It is possible that I will have a rematch with Prince Badi, but he has to do what he needs to do в субботу.”

В восемь круглых со-функция, come-backing cruiserweight Prince Badi Ajamu (27-3-1, 15 КО) Камден, NJ will take on Edgar Perez (7-21, 3 Кос) Чикаго.
Also on the bill will be former United States Olympian Terrance Cauthen (36-8, 9 КО) Трентон, NJ will fight Nick Valliere (5-2, 2 КО) развет- реки, New Jersey in a six-round super welterweight bout.
In a ten round-bout:
World-Ranked Heavyweight, Чжан Zhilei (16-0, 12 КО) of Las Vegas via China, and is ranked number-13 by the WBO will take on Nick Guivas (13-7-2, 9 КО) Топика, Канзас.
also in six-round bouts:
Майк Хилтон (6-0, 6 КО) Трентон, NJ will take on veteran Willis Lockett (14-20-6, 5 КО) из Такома Парк, Maryland in a cruiserweight bout.
Видал Ривера (6-0, 4 КО) Камден, New Jersey will take on an opponent to be named in a featherweight bout.
В четырех круглых бои:
Shaddy Gamhour (1-0, 1 KO) Пенсакола, Florida will battle Jessie Singletary (0-2) Вашингтон, DC in a middleweight bout.
Ламонт Маклафлин (0-1) of Philadelphia battles Tahlik Taylor (1-7) Фрипорт, NY in a super middleweight affair.
Дион Ричардсон (3-1, 2 КО) Ньюарк, NJ will fight against Felip Nazario (0-7) из Бронкса, Нью-Йорк в легком поединке.
Билеты по цене $125, $100, $75 & $50 и могут быть приобретены в The Claridge Hotel или позвонив по телефону 609-815-1181

Железный мальчик ММА 7 В прямом эфире с оплатой за просмотр, август 12 из Феникса

ФЕНИКС (Август 3, 2017) – Юго-Запад США уже более десяти лет постоянно выпускает лучших бойцов смешанных единоборств.. Будет продемонстрировано следующее поколение Суббота ночь, Август 12, на Железный мальчик ММА 7 карта, в прямом эфире с оплатой за просмотр из театра знаменитостей в Фениксе, Аризона.
Комплексная Спорт Медиа распределит “Железный мальчик ММА 7” жить в Соединенных Штатах, начиная с 11 p.m. И / 8 p.m. PT, на кабеле, спутниковая связь и интернет с оплатой за просмотр через DirecTV, в спросе, Vubiquity, и БЛЮДО, помимо того, что они доступны по всему миру в приложении и на сайте FITE (www.FITE.tv), по рекомендованной розничной цене всего $19.95.
“Мы очень рады сотрудничать с Integrated Sports Media в Железный мальчик ММА 7,” сказал Роберто Варгас, Президент компании Iron Boy Promotions. “Эта карта - самая талантливая карта MMA из представленных нами, и мы не можем дождаться, чтобы поделиться с остальной частью страны о том, что фанаты ММА Аризоны уже испытали – взрывной, качественные бои от одних из лучших бойцов страны.”
Аризона и Нью-Мексико развили ожесточенное соперничество за последние несколько лет.. Главное событие продолжает эту тенденцию в полулегком весе. Рэнди Штайнке (17-11-1, Туберкулез: 1-0-0), борьба из Глендейла, AZ, берет на себя Фрэнк Рид (16-4-0, IB: 0-0-0), Альбукерке, Нью-Мексико.
Рэнди Штайнке

Фрэнк Рид
31-летний Стейнке был профессиональным бойцом ММА за 10 годы, включая бои в Мировой серии файтингов, Сражается с Америкой и Королем клетки. Брака - ветеран Короля клетки, последний раз сражавшийся в Bellator..
Меса, Полулегкий вес Аризоны “Rollin '” Ноланд Хайленд (3-1-0, IB: 2-0-0) встречает Айдахо Энтони Паглиаро (3-5-0, IB: 0-0-0), в то время как полулегкий Римский “Галлито” Салазар(10-6-0, Туберкулез: 0-0-0), Куин-Крик, AZ, сталкивается с колумбийским захватчиком Думар “Кораон де Леон” Роа (11-6-0, TYB: 0-0-0).
Полулегкий вес Аризоны Андрес “Каратель” сутенер (2-5-1, IB: 0-1-0) бросает вниз с Boostyare “Буллит” нефариос (2-2-0, IB: 0-1-0), Лас-Вегасе, Невада.
На главной карте представлены несколько дебютных бойцов, таких как легчайший вес Аризоны. Младший кортес против. Нью-Мексико Кольцо Fallon. Полулегкий вес Аризоны Даниэль Перу (1-0-0, IB: 1-0-0) сравнивается с профессиональным дебютом Брендон Трухильо, Нью-Мексико, в то время как тяжеловес Вальдо Кортез дебютирует в профи против соотечественника из Аризоны Даррелл “Сверхчеловек” Denslow (0-1-0, IB: 0-0-0). Непобежденный легчайший вес Кевин “Зыбучие пески” Нативидад (3-0-0, IB: 0-0-0), Темпе, AZ, ставит на карту свой идеальный рекорд против Лас-Вегаса’ Румянец “Мессенджер” Мухаммед.
Запланировано шесть любительских матчей ММА, чтобы открыть “Железный мальчик ММА 7” карта.
Билеты по цене $55.00, $40.00 и $30.00 и доступны для покупки в Интернете по адресуwww.ironboy.com или в кассах Театра знаменитостей.

Щебет: @IntegratedPPV, @ironboyboxing, @FiteTV



Matt Andrikut v Mike Hansen square off in MMA action from NEF 25.

ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ: Rumford, Мэн (Август 3, 2017) – New Mike Hansen’s dreams of becoming a mixed martial arts (MMA) champion were admittedly premature. Then they were derailed for nearly a decade by a combination of injuries, service to his country and fatherhood.


The teenage ambition that made Hansen believe he could conquer the world, or at least his little corner of it, never went away, хотя.


Twenty-nine months after resurrecting his career with New England Fights, Rumford’s Hansen (5-5) finally gets that coveted title shot. He will battle hometown favorite C.J. Кувшин (2-0) в «НЭФ 30: Rumble in Bangor” this Суббота, Август 5 at Cross Insurance Center for the organization’s vacant middleweight title. The card starts at 7 p.m.

Хансен, который превратил 32 в июле 21, says the opportunity fulfills an early goal while living and fighting in Massachusetts back in 2005.


"Я был 19 years old and thought I had a great head on my shoulders, so I called out the (World Fighting League) champion at the time, who was John “Doomsday” Howard,” Hansen said. “I said that I wanted that belt and that I was coming after him. Knowing what I know now, he probably would have whipped the (дерьмо) out of me.”


Howard went on to compete at the highest level with Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC) and is now a veteran of 37 journeys into the cage. Hansen’s career path had many more stops, starts and detours.


He started with six amateur wins out of the gate and won his initial professional foray with ease. The title fight will take place on the eve of the 12й anniversary of that pro debut.


“Being 19 лет, I was kind of cocky. I remember telling my dad nobody could compete with my wrestling,” Hansen said. “Back then, MMA hadn’t really evolved. The wrestler had the advantage over the jiu-jitsu guy. You could just hold a guy down and snuggle and hug and sweat out a win.”


After his first knockout loss, Hansen promised his father he would quit the sport. But he had already caught the fever, and his confidence was sky high.


Hansen was training for a bout at Laconia, New Hampshire’s bike week when he suffered a broken ankle two weeks before the weigh-in. He recovered and was in training for another fight when he was stabbed and beaten with a baseball bat in what could have been a fatal case of mistaken identity.


He remarkably walked out of the hospital a day later and soon embarked on a more structured path as a combat engineer in the United States Army. While enlisted, Hansen suffered a serious shoulder injury. Even after retirement, a return to the MMA cage seemed unlikely.


Then came a fateful call from an old friend and neighbor, NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson, И остальное уже история. Hansen has carved out a reputation as one who will take on any opponent in any weight class at any time, and perhaps there is no greater example than the Ewer matchup.


“The belts are vacant at 170, 185 и 205 (фунты). I can make weight for all those if I have enough time,” Hansen said. “I guess Peterson thought it made sense to kill two birds with one stone and put me in with Ewer at 185. Six weeks ago is when they called me, and at first they asked me about 170. I really liked the fight, but the weight didn’t make sense. I was sitting on the couch at 248.”


Hansen has spent most of his time in the heavyweight and light heavyweight divisions. He was glaringly outweighed in his last bout, a February loss to Ras Hylton.


Only once previously has he downsized to the middleweight threshold, a February 2016 loss to Zach Elkins. In the case of Ewer, who has done most of his work at 170, meeting in the middle might play to Hansen’s advantage.


“We’re two different styles of fighters. He’s coming up in weight and I’m coming down,” Hansen said. “He’s never been in the cage against anybody with my kind of power. When I’m hitting somebody at 200 фунты, I’m hitting them with the force of somebody who’s 245. My opponents have told me they’ve never been hit harder by a guy my size. I feel like it’s my fight to lose, as long as I don’t make any mistakes and go in there with the stamina I need to have.”


Hansen is confident against Ewer, у кого был 5-2 amateur record with notable wins over Ricky Dexter and Crowsneck Boutin before turning pro. He knows better, однако, than to underestimate any fighter out of the Young’s MMA stable.


“I feel like I’m the more talented fighter and that I have more tools in my tool box. But I know Young’s MMA is a great camp and that he trains with a lot of great guys,” Hansen said. “Chris (Молодой) finds a way to set you up to fight the fight you need to win. Look at the Pat Kelly fight (against Rafael Velado). They prepared to turn that into a kickboxing fight, and then he went out and did just that.”


Hansen has seen his name rise into the New England top-five conversation. Most of the fighters ahead of him have experience with larger promotions.


He said a win over Ewer could inspire him to travel and continuing to pursue the dream. That’s consistent with the personality he has shown through this second act of his career.


“I’ve been fighting the top-level guys in NEF for about the past two-and-a-half years,” Hansen said, “I always told Peterson to set me up with a guy who’s in the top 10 or just above me. I wanted to work my way up.”


From his days as a high school state wrestling champion at Mountain Valley High School, Hansen flaunted a distaste for winning that served him well.


In those days, he wore a T-shirt that read, ‘Nobody remembers second place,’ with four gold medals beneath it. Hansen’s attitude remains, but the mainstay of Berserker’s MMA out of the Greater Rumford Community Center noted that it is never only about himself.


“I want to win the title for all the people who have supported me and trained with me in Rumford. I also want it for my gym. We’ve done this three times in the amateurs and now we’re going to do it with a pro,"Он сказал. "(GRCC is) just a little on-profit that helps people pursue their dreams. I’d love to hang that belt on the wall. It shows people in the community what we’re capable of here, and hopefully it gets them interested and grows the gym. That’s my goal.”


Билеты на «НЭФ» 30: Rumble in Bangor” are available at CrossInsuranceCenter.com. For more information on the fight card and event updates, please visit NewEnglandFights.com.


О Новой Англии боев

Нью-Ингленд Бои ("NEF") является борьба Рекламные акции компании. Миссия NeF является создание высокого качества мероприятия для бойцов и болельщиков в штате Мэн, так. Исполнительная команда NeF имеет обширный опыт в области управления единоборств, производство события, по связям со СМИ, маркетинг, правовой и реклама.




Жить на SHOWTIME® на 10:30 p.m. И/PT from MGM Grand Detroit


“The game plan is simple: Win the fight.” – Nikki Adler

“I think I can get her out in six rounds.” – Claressa Shields


Нажмите ВОТ Загрузка фотографий взвешивания; Кредит Стефани Trapp / SHOWTIME


Детройт (Август. 3, 2017) – WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Nikki Adler and hometown favorite, two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa Shields officially made weight в четверг, one day before they headline a doubleheader завтра/Пятница, Август. 4 на ShoBox: Новое поколение жить на ВРЕМЯ ДЛЯ ШОУ® (10:30 p.m. И/PT, задержка на западном побережье) от MGM Grand Detroit.


Щиты (3-0, 1 KO) чашу весов в 165 ¼ pounds with the champion Adler (16-0, 9 КО) of Germany coming in at 166 фунтов, даже. В ShoBox Со-функция, world-ranked super bantamweight Vladimir Tikhonov (15-0, 9 КО) of Russia will face Джесси Hernandez (8-1, 6 КО) Форт-Уэрта, Техас, в восемь-раундовом поединке. Both fighters weighed in at 123 ¼ фунта.


Shields’ good friend and newly crowned UFC Featherweight World ChampionCris “Cyborg” Justino was on hand Четверг and will walk Shields into the ringв пятницу. Also in attendance at the weigh-in was a potential future Shields’ opponent, five-time world champion Christina Hammer, who is undefeated at 21-0 and currently holds the WBC and WBO Middleweight titles.


Justino and Hammer met with the media in a forum moderated by Shields’ co-manager Mark Taffet before the weigh-in.


“I never thought it would happen, that the sports of MMA and boxing would come together like it has with the upcoming Mayweather-McGregor fight,” said Justino, the former Strikeforce and Invicta FC champion. “I think it’s great and incredible and could possibly open the door for other fights between the sports.”


“I’m looking forward to watching Claressa win the fight завтра ночь,- сказал Хаммер.. “I want to see her keep winning so we can fight one day. I only want to fight the best and she seems to be one of the best.”


Tickets for the event promoted by Salita Promotions are on sale now and are priced at $350, $250, $125 и $60. They will be available atwww.ticketmaster.com.


Programming Note: Эпизод 2 ALL ACCESS из: Мэйвезер. McGregor will air Пятница night before the ShoBox Телепередача на 10 p.m. И/PT. To watch an exclusive clip of the episode, кликните здесь: http://s.sho.com/2u8OxWK.


Официальный весов:

Nikki Adler: 166 Фунты

Claressa Shields: 165¼ фунты

Vladimir Tikhonov: 123¼ фунты

Джесси Анхель Эрнандес: 123¼ фунты

Заключительный Цитаты:



“This fight is very big in Germany, and I know there will be a lot of eye on me. It will be 4:30 утром, but there will be live streaming and viewing parties.


“I’m going to be defensive in the early going and know that Claressa is going to come forward. I want to get the fight into the later rounds. Это 10 rounds of boxing and there will be lots of action.


“I know I will be tough to knock out and have no plans of going down. Claressa has gotten all the hype so far and she wants to put on a show for her fans. I’m going to do everything I can to send those fans home upset after I beat her and carry those belts out of the ring.


“This is my second fight with my trainer Rene [Friese]. I wanted to train with the best and I need a trainer who had worked with the top fighters.


“My trainer has really been stressing strategies. We have a lot of them. The game plan is simple: Win the fight.


“Fighting for the first time in the United States is going to be amazing. I’ve only fought in Russia and Germany, so to be here in a main event on SHOWTIME is really special.”

Claressa Шилдс:

“I feel like I’m a lot healthier and hydrated than I did fighting at 160. I’m not sluggish. I used a chef who prepared my meals for the first time and I feel great.


“I’ve known about Nikki Adler and Christina Hammer for a long time. I like both of the girls, but when it comes to getting in the ring it’s all about business.


“Technically I see that [Nikki] is very poised and calm. She’s patient, but not too patient.


“Even though she may be the bigger fighter, I know I’m the aggressor. I think I can get her out in six rounds.


“Of course everyone wants to get the big knockout, but I haven’t found the right punch that gets the girls knocked out. I’m young so I know it will come.


“I’m glad Cyborg is here to support me. She hits hard and we’ve sparred. She’s strong and she is fast. She’s picked up a lot from me, and I’ve learned from her. She’s the most feared MMA fighter, and I’m most feared in boxing. So it’s great for both women’s sports.”



“This is my first time ever in America. I’m pretty impressed with it. There’s so much to do and see, but I can’t let distractions get in the way.


“I’ve been here for about a month training at Kronk Gym. Russian fighters are known for being very disciplined, and we know the opportunity that is in front of us. There is no room for slip ups and to get lazy. This is my big shot and I’m going to take advantage of it.


“The sparring has been the biggest thing. I’ve been sparring with pros and amateurs. It’s so much more powerful here and the variety is something I would never get at home.


“I can box and I can brawl. Whatever I have to do to get the win.”



“I had a layoff of about five years and worked construction jobs because I had to pay the bills, but now I’m back and focused on boxing.


“In the past I’ve been known to be too aggressive, so I’m going to try and slow things down and be a more tactical boxer.


“I have six brothers who were professional boxers and I’ve learned from them. My nickname is ‘The One’ because now I’m the only left fighting.


“I’m the youngest of 15 дети, all with the same parents. We are a very close family.


“I’m a natural right-hander and I’m ready to fight a lefty like Tikhonov. I’ve fought some southpaws and I’ve been sparring with lefties.


“He’s undefeated for a reason. I don’t think he’s been in there with someone as tough as I am; as aggressive as I am.”


RENE FRIESE, Adler’s trainer

“We came all the way over here to bring home the belts back to Germany.


“We have our plan and our strategy in place. We are ready for this fight.”


JASON CRUTCHFIELD, Shields’ trainer

“There hasn’t been much smack talking for this fight. I told her you need to let your fists do your talking. Your mouth can’t help you in the ring.


“We are ready for 10 раундов. I’m not going to say it’s hard; it’s doable. It’s her first time doing it. We’ve trained for it and she’s been 10 rounds in training three or four times.”


# # #


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Closed Circuit Tickets Available Now for Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor Showdown Saturday, Август. 26

Closed Circuit Locations Available at MGM Resorts International Properties Along The Strip
ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Август 2, 2017) – Closed circuit tickets for the blockbuster summer matchup between Флойд Мэйвезер и Конор МакГрегор are available ahead of theСуббота, Август. 26 Showtime PPV® event taking place at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
Билеты на Мэйвезер. McGregor closed circuit telecast at ARIA Resort & Казино, Bellagio Resort & Казино, MGM Grand Hotel & Казино, Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, The Mirage Hotel & Казино, Monte Carlo Resort and Casino, New York-New York Hotel & Казино, Luxor Hotel and Casino and Excalibur Hotel & Casino are priced at $150, not including applicable fees and are now on sale. Party Packages including food & beverage options also are available at select viewing locations beginning at $99. To purchase closed circuit package tickets at ARIA, Bellagio and MGM Grand call 855-329-2260. Tickets for all other locations may be purchased online at ticketmaster.com, in-person at any MGM Resorts International Box Office or by phone with a major credit card at 1-800-745-3000.


LFA 22 – HEINISCH vs. Перес

Титул чемпиона мира

Билеты уже в продаже через AltitudeTickets.com
Хьюстон, Техас – Наследие Борьба Альянс (LFA) CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will crown a new middleweight champion in September when the promotion returns to Colorado.

Главное событие LFA 22 will feature the top two middleweight prospects in the sport. Colorado’s own IanThe HurricaneHeinisch will face Brazilian dynamo and fellow undefeated prospect MarkusMalukoPerez for the vacant LFA middleweight title. LFA 22 – Хайниш vs.. Perez takes place Пятница, 8 сентября в 1STBANK центр в Брумфилд, Колорадо. Вся основная карта будет транслироваться в прямом эфире и по всей стране на AXS TV на 9 p.m. И / 6 p.m. PT.
LFA will crown a new middleweight champion at LFA 22 в Колорадо,” Установленный Соарес. “Ian Heinisch and Markus Perez are the top two middleweight prospects in the sport. На 8 сентября, only one will walk away with their perfect record intact with the LFA middleweight title wrapped around their waist.
Билеты на МАФ 22 – Хайниш vs.. Perez are available for purchase NOW at AltitudeTickets.com. You can also support your favorite fighter by purchasing your tickets at CombatTickets.com.
Heinisch (8-0) received plenty of fanfare when he signed with the LFA earlier this year. This was due to the fact that Heinisch is widely regarded as one of the top middleweight prospects in the world. The two-time Colorado state wrestling champion from Ponderosa High School lived up to media and fanslofty expectations, and then some, when he made his highly-anticipated LFA debut in the main event of LFA 10. Heinisch quickly dispatched the well-versed Brazilian powerhouse Lucas Rota in less than a round with a rare Ude-Garami (Keylock) from Kesa-Gatame (Scarf Hold). This positioned him at the front of the line for a title shot. The 29-year-old will now get the opportunity to fight for the vacant LFA middleweight title in front of his home crowd at LFA 22.
Перес (8-0) is perhaps the only middleweight prospect in the world that can match the intrigue surrounding Heinisch. This is due in large part to the fact that Perez has been just as dominant in his native Brazil as Heinisch has been stateside. Человек, известный как “Malukowill be making his highly-anticipated international MMA debut on the heels of back-to-back wins over UFC veterans Ildemar Alcântara and Paulo Thiago. Those wins saw Perez’s stock as a top prospect skyrocket as Alcântara and Thiago have a combined 20 fights in the UFC between the two of them. The 27-year-old is now eager to showcase his talents outside of Brazil for the first time. He will get that opportunity on 8 сентября when he fights for the vacant LFA middleweight title.
Со-главное событие LFA 22 will feature the farewell fight of one of Colorado’s most beloved and accomplished fighters when Gilbert Smith gets his hands wrapped and throws down one last time in front of his adoring home crowd. The proud Coloradan has enjoyed an MMA career that has seen him reach the highest levels of the sport.
Соединенные штаты. Army veteran and Colorado Springs resident competed on two seasons of the UFC’s hit reality television series Ultimate Fighter. Along with being a memorable cast member on TUF 17 and TUF 25, Smith competed for the UFC and Bellator, as well as both RFA and Legacy FC before the two promotions merged to form LFA at the beginning of the year. During his time with RFA, Smith won the welterweight world title.
The man standing across the Octagon from Smith at LFA 22 will be Andrew Kapel (11-6). Kapel is a longtime friend and teammate of Benjamin Smith, who is the man that Gilbert Smith took the RFA title from two summers ago in the main event of RFA 26. Kapel, like Benjamin Smith, is a student of Greg Nelson at The Academy in Minneapolis, Minnesota and will look to exact a bit of revenge in the same building where Gilbert Smith submitted Benjamin Smith. The budding grudge match in Gilbert’s farewell fight has one more layer. Kapel submitted Smith’s teammate Adam Stroup last month in less than a round.
In the always exciting women’s strawweight division, Maycee Barber (1-0) will return to the LFA Octagon against RFA vet and fellow top prospect Mallory Martin (1-1) at LFA 22. Barber burst on to the MMA scene in June with a dominant professional MMA debut at LFA 14. Barber submitted undefeated prospect Itzel Esquivel via armbar in the first round of a bout that took place in her opponent’s hometown. Now Barber will return to the LFA Octagon in her home state. She will face a fellow Coloradan prospect in Martin who is no stranger to the 1STBANK Center in Broomfield. It was in this same venue where Martin submitted the Gilbert Smith trained Melissa Parker via Rear Naked Choke at RFA 34. Now the table is set for a showdown between the top two strawweights in “Столетний государство” as the 19-year-old Barber faces the 23-year-old Martin on the main card of LFA 22.
В настоящее время Объявлено Главная Карта (Телевизионный на AXS TV в 9 p.m. И / 6 p.m. PT):
Главное событие | Бой за титул в среднем весе (185 фунт)
– Ян Хайниш (8-0) против. Маркус Перес (8-0)
Со-главное событие | Бой в полусреднем (170 фунт)
– Гилберт Смит (12-6) против. Эндрю Kapel (11-6)
Женский бой в минимальном весе (115 фунт)
Maycee Barber (1-0) против. Mallory Martin (1-1)
В Сентябре 2016, Представители RFA и Legacy FC объявили о слиянии и создании ведущей организации по развитию смешанных единоборств. (MMA) начиная с января 2017. RFA и Legacy FC начали карьеру более 100 спортсмены, достигшие вершины ММА, конкурируя в UFC.
LFA 22 will serve as the third LFA event to take place in the state of Colorado. RFA visited “Столетний государство” eight times before the merger. Дополнительная информация о LFA 22 будет объявлено в ближайшее время. Вся основная карта LFA 22 будет транслироваться в прямом эфире по всей стране и на AXS TV на9 p.m. И / 6 p.m. PT.
Пожалуйста, посетите LFAfighting.com за обновлениями схватки и информации. LFA на Facebook в Наследие Борьба Альянс. МАФ также находится на Instagram в @LFAfighting и Twitter в @LFAfighting.

After eight year hiatus, Prince Badi Ajamu back with a purpose

Ajamu takes on Edgar Perez in co-feature bout в эту субботу в The Claridge Hotel в Атлантик-Сити
Derrick Webster headlines against Lamar Harris
Бывший U.S. Olympian Terrance Cauthen takes on Nick Valliere
Plus undefeated Mike Hilton, Shaddy Gamhour, Vidal Rivera and heavyweight Zhang Zhilei
Атлантик-Сити, Нью-Джерси (Август 2, 2017)–В 2009, and after winning two in a row, Light Heavyweight contender Принц Бади Аджаму walked away from the ring at age 37.
Ajamu, who was a perennial contender had a record of 27-3-1 с 15 нокауты, but decided that he needed some time away from competitive action.
Fast forward eight years, Ajamu steps back in the ring as he takes on Эдгар Перес in the six-round co-feature bout в эту субботу ночь на Отель Claridge в Атлантик-Сити.
Карта, which will headlined by super middleweight Derrick Webster (23-1, 12 КО) из Глассборо, New Jersey taking on Lamar Harris (9-13-4, 5 Кос) of Saint Lois, Missouri in a bout scheduled for eight rounds, is promoted by Mis Downing Promotions and Square Ring Promotions.
Ajamu, сейчас 45 years-old of Camden, New Jersey has kept in great shape while away from the squared circle.
I have been helping people in the gym the whole time, and I decided that if I am putting time in that, I mind as well get back in there and do this on my own,” said Ajamu.
Ajamu also believes that being in the ring will also help fight for a cause that he has been involved with for sometime.
What better way to bring attention to child abduction, which is a big problem in this country then to be in the ring and help get the message out there.
Ajamu said that at age 45 that this is not a one-and-done situation, as he plans to stick around for specific purposes.
The goal is take this as far as I can. I want to win another title and tie another Camden legend, “Джерси” Джо Уолкотт,” said the former Pennsylvania, IBC Inter-Continental, WBC Continental Americas, WBC Caribbean, , WBO NABO and World Boxing Foundation Light Heavyweight champion.
Another goal is a rematch with legendary Roy Jones, Младший.
Jones defeated Ajamu in 2006, and its’s more than a coincidence that Jones will be in a attendance as a co-promoter for the event.
Yes there is definitely a reason why I am on this card, and Roy is co-promoting, but I have to get past Perez. I know he is a tough fighter who comes forward, and he is capable as I know Lavarn Harvell who was undefeated at the time that he beat him.
I have been in the gym, and have been working on things. You will see a more technical version of me,. Like I said I been in the gym, and now I want to use the energy on something significant.
Also on the bill will be former United States Olympian Терренс Каутен (36-8, 9 КО) Трентон, Нью-Джерси будут бороться Ник Valliere (5-2, 2 КО) развет- реки, New Jersey in a six-round super welterweight bout.
In a ten round-bout:
World-Ranked Heavyweight, Чжан Zhilei (16-0, 12 КО) of Las Vegas via China, and is ranked number-13 by the WBO will take on Ник Guivas (13-7-2, 9 КО) Топика, Канзас.
also in six-round bouts:
Майк Хилтон (6-0, 6 КО) Трентон, NJ will take on veteran Уиллис Локетт (14-20-6, 5 КО) из Такома Парк, Maryland in a cruiserweight bout.
Видал Ривера (6-0, 4 КО) Камден, New Jersey will take on an opponent to be named in a featherweight bout.
В четырех круглых бои:
Shaddy Gamhour (1-0, 1 KO) Пенсакола, Florida will battle Jessie Singletary (0-2) Вашингтон, DC in a middleweight bout.
Ламонт Маклафлин (0-1) Филадельфия сражений Tahlik Тейлор (1-7) Фрипорт, NY in a super middleweight affair.
Дион Ричардсон (3-1, 2 КО) Ньюарк, NJ will fight against Felip Nazario (0-7) из Бронкса, Нью-Йорк в легком поединке.
Билеты по цене $125, $100, $75 & $50 и могут быть приобретены в The Claridge Hotel или позвонив по телефону 609-815-1181