Všechny příspěvky od FNU47

FNU Bojové sporty Show: Souhrn boje, Náhledy Bellator a UFC, Chuck vs. Tito 3?

Tomáš, Tony and Rich recap last week’s boxing action, including the quick KO of Vanes Martirosyan by Gennady Golovkin. We also look ahead to Ryan Bader vs. King Mo Lawal in the Bellator Heavyweight Tournament. Dále, Raquel Pennington takes on Amanda Nunes at UFC 224, and Pennington will likely have to win by knockout to get the belt in the Brazilian backyard of Nunes. We also chat about the week’s major news stories in combat sports, namely Chuck Liddell wanting a rematch with Tito Ortiz and Oscar De La Hoya promising to promote the fight in a new MMA venture for the boxing legend and promotional kingpin. Nedávno, after our broadcast Thursday night, Tito and Chuck moved much closer to that trilogy fight with Tito announcing he is coming out of retirement for the bout. Listen to the whole show by clicking on the link below.




Joshua Greer vyřadí Glenna Dezurna, Charles Foster dominuje Alvinovi Varmallovi Jr.. & Arnold Khegai poráží Adama Lopeza ve společných zápasech

Catch The Replay Pondělí, Květen 14 Na 10 p.m. A/PT On SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE Stahovat fota; Credit Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME

PHILADELPHIA (Květen 12, 2018) - Vyhlídka na lehkou váhu s modrým čipem, kterou Devin Haney získal, byla tou nejtěžší zkouškou jeho kariéry, porazit veterána Masona Menarda přes deváté kolo TKO v hlavní události ShoBox: Nová generace Pátek v SHOWTIME od 2300 Arena ve Philadelphii.

Haney (20-0, 13 KO) vstoupil do boje jako vysoce ceněná vyhlídka, která nikdy nebyla testována. Čelil své první zkoušce v pátek v čem byl plánovaný 10kolový zápas ShoBox veterán Menard (33-3, 24 KO).

Haney převzal kontrolu nad bojem od úvodního zvonu a nikdy se ho nevzdal. Devatenáctiletý mladík zvedl Menarda dominujícím úderem zvenčí a bočním pohybem se vyhnul úderu. Menard nebyl schopen přistát s žádnými smysluplnými údery a ve srovnání s Haneyovým důsledným pohybem a atletikou vypadal pomalu..

Po devíti kolech nadvlády, Menardův roh toho viděl dost a po kole zastavil boj. Haney obstál v té nejtěžší zkoušce své kariéry, ani jednou nenechal Menarda převzít kontrolu nad bojem.

"Plán spočíval v tom, že tam vejdu a vypracujeme úder.",“Řekl Haney. "Pokud přišlo vyřazení.", Vzal bych to, ale vešel jsem tam, nasadil boxerskou kliniku a ukázal světu, že dokážu jít naplno 10 kola.

"Mám pocit, že jsem předvedl představení.". Byl jsem uvolněný a dělal svou práci. Jsem rozhodně další superstar. Od této chvíle budou jen větší a lepší věci. pracuji velmi tvrdě. Vstoupil jsem a podal dobrý výkon proti muži, o kterém lidé říkali, že mě může vyrazit nebo mi ublížit.”

Po boji, poražený Menard respektoval Haneyho výkon.

"Nikdy mi neublížil.". Chytil mě nejlepšími výstřely, jaké dokázal, a nikdy mi neublížil. Ale dítě může rozhodně bojovat,“Přiznal Menard.

V 10 kole ko-funkce, vyhlídka na superbantamovou váhu Joshua „Don’t Blink“ Greer (17-1-1, 9 KO) vstřelil svůj třetí ShoBox knockout proti rodákovi z Baltimoru Glennu Dezurnovi (9-1-2, 6 KO).

Boj byl od samého začátku výbušný, oba bojovníci tlačili tempo. Greer využil Dezurnova vysokého strážce k vypracování těla, zatímco Dezurn se tlačil dopředu, aby uvnitř zasáhl Greera. Greer začal dominovat ve třetím kole, když velká pravá ruka zranila Dezurna a zbývaly dvě minuty.

"Věděl jsem, že přijde tvrdě, tak jsem dal práci do tělocvičny, abych se ujistil, že jsem připraven.",“Řekl Greer. "Jsem rád, že se všechno vyplatilo."

Greer v pátém kole zranil Dezurna rovnou levicí, a nakonec ho svázal proti provazům řadou úderů, které téměř zastavily Dezurnův trenér Barry Hunter. Po kole, Hunter varoval Dezurna, že zastaví boj, pokud se Dezurn nebude bránit.

Navzdory tomu, že v pátém téměř klesl, Dezurn přežil další tři kola. Zraněný a vyčerpaný Dezurn nebyl schopen dát si nic za své údery a v osmém kole poprvé v kariéře narazil na plátno, než rozhodčí Benjy Esteves zastavil boj s 1:47 zbývající.

"Chytil jsem se několika dobrými výstřely.", ale rychle jsem se vzpamatoval a byl jsem stále v boji,“Řekl Dezurn. "Mám hodně srdce.", což je pro mě dar a kletba. “

Sebevědomý Greer byl po zápase potěšen svým výkonem.

"Nepřekvapilo mě, že jsem ho mohl vyrazit.",“Řekl Greer. "Věděl jsem, že mohu zlomit jeho vůli."

V osmikolové doporučené atrakci, vyhlídka na lehkou těžkou váhu Charles Foster (16-0, 8 KO) zůstal neporažený jednomyslným rozhodnutím vyhrát proti Alvinovi Varmallovi ml. (15-0-2, 12 KO), skóroval 77-75, 78-74, 79-73.

Foster dominoval boji od samého počátku, ovládající mizerného Varmalla, kdo se stal 174th bojovník, který utrpěl svoji první ztrátu ShoBox. Varmall se v prvních kolech odvážně pokusil dostat dovnitř, ale disciplinovanější Foster ho držel na uzdě, s Vermallem zakopnutím a uvázáním uvnitř.

"Moje zkušenost byla tím rozdílem.",“Řekl Foster. "Naložil na jeden úder a já jsem se držel svého herního plánu." – trčí za úder, práce s tělem. “

Foster okořenil Varmalla levou rukou olova, označit svého soupeře natolik, aby ho rozbil a nakonec unavil. Varmall vyslal několik výstřelů, ale nebyl schopen Fosterovi ublížit a v pozdějších kolech, jeho údery postrádaly sílu.

"Když přišel dovnitř, nemohl mi ublížit.",“Řekl Foster. "Byl jsem tím, kdo řídil celý boj."

V úvodním zápase čtyřbojového televizního vysílání, superbantamová váha Arnold Khegai udržel svůj neposkvrněný rekord neporušený jednomyslným rozhodnutím nad veteránem Adamem Lopezem, skóroval 77-74, 77-74, 78-73.

Tvorba jeho U.S.. debut, ovládaný Khegai (12-0-1, 8 KO) stiskl akci od začátku. Khegai pracoval s úderem a zůstal mobilní, vydělávat na vratkém Lopezovi (16-2-3, 8 KO) s perfektně načasovaným protikusem s 30 sekund zbývajících do druhého kola. Khegai zůstal v prvních kolech zaneprázdněn důslednými kontrakcemi, ale získal bodový odpočet za zásah do zadní části Lopezovy hlavy, přičemž v šestém kole zbývaly sekundy.

"To byl můj první boj v USA.". a chtěl jsem ukázat něco zvláštního,“Řekl Khegai. "Všichni čekali na vyřazení.", ale chtěl jsem ukázat své boxerské schopnosti. Mohl jsem jít na KO uprostřed boje, ale chtěl jsem dokázat, že umím boxovat. “

I přes mírný pokles produktivity v pozdějších kolech, Ukrajinec zůstal efektivní, přistání 31 záběry těla ve srovnání s pouhými 15 od Lopeze.

Lopez, zaskočeni Khegaiovým bojovým stylem, byl zklamán svým výkonem v rekordní sedmé pozici ShoBox vzhled.

"Čekal jsem, že bude špinavý bojovník.", ale trochu mě to odhodilo ze hry. Rozhodčí mi stále říkal „neodplatujte, neodplatujte. “

"Opravdu jsem nemohl přistát se svými tvrdými střelami. Přistál jsem pár,“Řekl Lopez. "Ve čtvrtém nebo pátém jsem ho ohromil pravým hákem.". Trochu se otřásl, ale je to dobrý bojovník. Vystoupil z toho. “

Akce byla podporována Greg Cohen Promotions ve spojení s Akce Devina Haneyho a Tvrdé zásahy.

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Barry Tompkins volal ShoBox akce z ringside s Steve Farhood a bývalý mistr světa Raul Marquez sloužící jako odborní analytici. Výkonný producent byl Gordon Hall s Richard Gaughanvýrobě a Rick Phillips řídící.

Pro více informací navštivte www.sho.com/sports sledovat na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, nebo se stát fanouškem na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

Tony Harrison Edges Former World Champion Ishe Smith With Split Decision Victory

Top Contender Andrew “Beast” Unleashes a 6th Round KO Over Lateef Kayode
Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE na obrazech od Chrise Farina / Mayweather Promotions
Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE for Photos From Premier Boxing Champions


LAS VEGAS (Květen 11, 2018) – Former super welterweight champion Je On “Cukr Shay” Kovář suffered a split decision loss to Detroit’s Tony Harrison live from Sam’s Town in Las Vegas. V co-hlavní události, Andrew Tabiti scored a sixth round KO overLateef Kayode to remain undefeated in the Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce main event.




Po 10 rounds of action, Harrison (27-2, 21KO) came out on top over Kovář (29-10, 12 KO) to gain the victory by split decision. Harrison’s speed and reach allowed him to land his shots and avoid Smith’s punches. This made it difficult for Smith to get into a groove and execute his game plan. Judges saw the bout: 97-92 Harrison, 95-94 Kovář, 96-93 Harrison.




It’s difficult for me to rate my performance,” řekl Smith. “I think we put on a great show, but overall his reach made it hard for me to land my punches. I don’t think his speed or his age affected my plan, it all comes down to me. I fought a great fight and as you can see, judges ruled it a split decision.




I followed the instructions my corner gave me, they asked me to move and box, a to je to, co jsem udělal,” Said Harrison. “I thought I could’ve put a lot more shots together offensively. Ishe is a vet and he showed it each and every round. Each round that I thought I could stop him, he came back. I just had to put the pressure on him a little more. Celkem vzato, I rate my performance a B+, my guard, my defense and offense was on point, my legs were on point. I stood up after the 3rd round all the way to the end and proved to everybody I could finish like a champ.




In the co-main event of the Bounce telecast, featured undefeated top contender, Tabiti(16-0, 13 KO), who impressed hometown fans by defeating Kayode (21-3, 16 KO) with a 6th round KO. The fight started off calm, but Tabiti was patient. By the 6th round, Tabiti was comfortable and found the perfect opportunities to land his power shots. Po 1 minute and 8 seconds of action in the 6th kolo, Tabiti landed a clean uppercut sending Kayode to the canvas for the KO win.




I’m hard on myself, but I’d give my performance a solid nine,” said Tabiti. “I think I came out and did what I told everyone I would; I showed my skillset, kept a steady pace, and got the KO. I was working on that body shot uppercut combo in the gym, the Mike Tyson 1-2. Další, I’m coming for a title shot. After a nine-month layoff, I’m pleased with my performance. I just want to continue bringing the fans exciting shows.




I feel that my performance was good, I wasn’t tired,” said Kayode. “I felt that with our style of fighting we kept clashing and hugging, we should’ve been able to keep our heads up and put on a show. I was there showing I was ready to fight, but he wanted to fight too, but the way he was coming we just kept clashing and it didn’t make the show look good. I just want to get back in the gym, keep training, and I hope Mayweather Promotions brings me back for another fight.




In the matchup between Ecuador’s Erick Bone (20-5, 8 KO) and Las Vegas fan favorite Cameron Krael (13-13-3, 3 KO), Bone defeated Krael by a close split decision, judges scoring the bout 95-94 Krael, 95-94 Kost, 96-94 Kost. This fight between two hungry fighters started off very measured with both guys choosing their shots wisely but turned into an all-out brawl as both fighters gave electrifying performances. Bone got the best of Krael in the early rounds, and Krael caught a second wind and started to put the pressure on Bone. He seemed to dominate the final rounds, hurting Bone several times but it wasn’t enough to up the scorecards in his favor.




Bone reflects on his performance by saying, “When seeing a record like his, one might trust it, but he is a great fighter, real fast and technical and loves to throw punches. He is a boxer that can cause a problem to any fighter. In the ring it was much more difficult than what I had imagined and Krael made me box more. I feel that I didn’t give it the 100 percent that I am capable of, and this fight taught me a lot. I haven’t fought in the U.S. since June and that’s almost a year, so this was a test that I learned a lot from, I’m happy judges saw this fight in my favor.




I don’t agree with the judgesdecisions at all,” says Krael. “I was caught earlier in the rounds, ale myslím, že jsem udělal dost vyhrát boj. I should’ve won by split decision. My downfall was allowing myself to be open when I was trying to figure him out, and that’s when he caught me with those combinations. jsem zklamaný, because I really thought I was the better guy at the end. My plan is to get back in the gym and keep my stamina up and work on boxing these guys out.




Rostoucí vyhlídka, Ladarius Miller (16-1, 5 KO) a Jose Marrufo (10-8, 2 KO) went the distance in 8 rounds of brutal action. Miller took control early in the rounds and slugged it out with Marrufo. Although battered and bruised Marrufo refused to back down without a fight and continued to fight back until the last bell. Judges scored the bout: 78-72, 77-74, 79-71 for a unanimous decision victory to Miller.




Tonight’s fights were opened with a welterweight showdown between Maurice Lee (8-1, 3 KO) a Joel Guevara (3-4-1, 2 KO) which ended in a TKO stoppage over Joel Guevara, Lanell Bellows, fighting out of Las Vegas battled it out with Naim Terbunja and after 8 rounds of action, judges ruled the bout in a draw.


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Bounce is the fastest-growing African-American network on television and airs on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. The network features a programming mix of original and off-network series, divadelních filmů, speciály, živé sportovní a další. Bounce has grown to be available in 99 million homes across the United States and 95% of all African-American television homes.



Pro více informací navštivte: www.premierboxingchampions.com a www.mayweatherpromotions.com sledovat na TwitteruPremierBoxing, BounceTV, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions ASwanson_Comm , Staňte se fanouškem na Facebooku na: www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions a www.Facebook.com/BounceTV. Follow the conversation using #PBConBounce. PBC on Bounce is sponsored by Corona: Finest Beer.




Bounce is the fastest-growing African-American (AA) network on television and airs on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. The network features a programming mix of original and off-network series, divadelních filmů, speciály, živé sportovní a další. Bounce has grown to be available in more than 94 million homes across the United States and 93% of all African American television homes, včetně všech top AA televizní trhy. Among the founders of Bounce are iconic American figures Martin Luther King, III and Ambassador Andrew Young.




Pro lokální umístění kanál, navštivte BounceTV.com.








Bellator 199: Bader vs. Král Mo probíhá zítra v SAP Center v San Jose, Kalif. Událost bude vysílána živě a zdarma na Paramount Network na 9 p.m. A/8 p.m. CT, zatímco předběžné akce bude vysílat na Bellator.com a globálně na Bellator Mobile App.

Kompletní Bellator 199: Bader vs. Král Mo Výsledky vážení:

Heavyweight Grand Prix Main Event: Ryan Bader (225.1) proti. "King Mo” Lawal (217.4)

Hlavní událost welterové váhy: Paul Daley (170.3) proti. Jon Fitch (171)

Zápas o hlavní kartu muší váhy: Lee Morrison (144) proti. Aaron Pico (145.7)

Heavyweight Main Card Bout: Cheick Kongo (241.7) proti. Javy Ayala (265.5)

Lehká hlavní karta: Carrington Banks (155.6) proti. Adam Piccolot (155.3)

140-Pound Catchweight Předběžný zápas: Elias anderson (139.8) proti. Hyder Amil (137.9)

Featherweight Předběžný zápas: Matt Aragoni (144.9) proti. Ignacio Ortiz (145)

Flyweight předběžný zápas: Mark Climaco (125) proti. Daniel Oseguera (124.7)

Lehký předběžný zápas: Hugo Lujan (154.7) proti. NENÍ SLOVO. Okanovich (155.4)

Welterweight Předběžný zápas: Tom Ponce de Leon (169.7) proti. Dominic Sumner (170.9)

Bantamweight Předběžný zápas: Nohelin Hernandez (135.9) proti. Josh San Diego (135.5)

Flyweight předběžný zápas: Josh Paiva (125.7) proti. Adam Antolin (124.8)

Bantamweight Předběžný zápas: Cass Bell (135.8) proti. Khai Wu (136)

Střední váha předběžného zápasu: Jordan Williams (184.1) proti. Brandon Hester (185.4)

Předkolo ženy v muší váze: Janay Harding (145.8) proti. Amber Leibrock (145)

165-Pound Catchweight Předběžný zápas: Danasabe Mohammed (164) proti. James Terry (164.7)

Featherweight Předběžný zápas: Malcom Hill (144.4) proti. Gaston Bolanos (145.6)

137-Pound Catchweight Předběžný zápas: Justin Fork (135.8) proti. David Rivera (135.1)

190-Pound Catchweight Předběžný zápas: Deron Winn (192.1*) proti. Ahmed White (188.4)


*Missed weight

Adonis Stevenson vs. Badou Jack Media Predictions

Writers See Close Contest in Light Heavyweight Title Showdown but Lean Toward Two-Division Champion Jack Over Long-Reigning Champion Stevenson
Stevenson vs. Zvedák Sobota, Květen 19 žít na SHOWTIME®from Air Canada Centre in Toronto

TORONTO (Květen 11, 2018) – Members of the boxing media asked to weigh in on the world title showdown between light heavyweight champion Adonis Stevenson and two-division world champion Badou Jack all see a close fight on Saturday, Květen 19 but lean toward the challenger to take the crown from the champion live on SHOWTIME from Air Canada Centre in Toronto.




Stevenson vs. Jack is part of a split-site SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®telecast beginning at 10 p.m. ET/PT with featherweight champion Gary Russell, Jr. defending his title against mandatory title challenger Joseph Diaz from the MGM National Harbor in Maryland on Saturday, Květen 19.




Vstupenky na koncertě, which is promoted by Groupe Yvon Michel, Lee Baxter Promotions and Mayweather Promotions, are on sale now and available at www.ticketmaster.ca.




Here is what the media had to say about this matchup:


Steve Simmons (Toronto Sun) – “Jack by decisionAdonis Stevenson is 40 years old and hasn’t fought in the past 11 months and has hardly been active the past two years. Look for Badou Jack to try and box Stevenson, stay away from his immense power and work his way to a 12-round decision.


Bob Velin (USA TODAY) – “Stevenson, 11th-round TKO: Jack is the bigger man, and has a six-year age advantage, and both men have not been real active recently. But Stevenson, even at 40, is an outstanding boxer-puncher and keeps impressing. I believe he will stop Jack late.


Lyle Fitzsimmons (Boxing Scene / CBS.com) – “I love this fight. And every time I think about the result, my mind changes. Stevenson is certainly the puncher of the two men, while Jack seems the more dynamic all-around fighter. I can see Badou winning nearly every round based on skill and speed, but it’s harder to envision him getting through 36 full minutes without taking some solid left hands. The hunch here at this moment, ačkoli, is that he can avoid those bombs in the early going and lessen their severity as he wears Stevenson down in the second halfen route to a decision win.Call it 116-112 for Jack.”


Lester Silva (Univision) – “Although Adonis Stevenson hasn’t been tested in years, he possesses one of the best solid left hands in the sport of boxing. His hometown crowd will be on his side May 19 against Badou Jack, who is just getting off with lots of momentum after winning a title. This should be a very interesting fight only if Badou avoids getting caught with that powerful left hand.


Adam Caparell (Complex) – “His age (40) and the questionable competition he’s fought the last five years has to catch up to Stevenson at some point, doprava? Not sure if I see Jack dropping Stevenson, ale I’m taking ‘The Ripperin a majority decision.”


Josh Katzowitz (Forbes) – “Every time I think Adonis Stevenson has gotten too old or too inactive to continue to win, I’m always proven wrong. Badou Jack is Stevenson’s biggest test in the past five years, so I’m tempted to pick him to beat Stevenson. But even at 40 let, Stevenson still has enough skills to hold on to his belt and he’s still strong enough to knock out a fighter like Jack. I’d pick Stevenson to win by late stoppage.”


John Cudney (Reddit BoxingSunday Puncher) – “Adonis Stevenson vs. Badou Jack is as close to 50/50 as they come. Stevenson’s left hand is one of the deadliest punches in the sport, and Badou Jack has established himself as one of the game’s best body punchers. To add further intrigue, both men have each suffered a single loss, with each of those losses coming by first round knockout. Either man could win, and the outcome could either be an early KO or a hard-fought decision. I’m going with Badou Jack by decision. I think Jack will be able to avoid Stevenson’s left hand and make this a long and difficult night for the champion. Jack’s body punching will be the perfect weapon to make Stevenson finally feel his age in the ring.


Rhett Butler (The Shadow League) – “This is honestly a fight for true fight fans who understand the pivotal and unique David vs. Goliath matchup that this truly is. Adonis Stevenson has an illustrious array of light heavyweight bodies on his resume and is a true juggernaut in the division. Stále, Jack earned a world title in his first jaunt at light heavyweight and as the old adage goes, ‘true champions can do it in multiple weight classes’. Both Stevenson and Jack are hungry but I think that Jack will fell the giant in Stevenson this time out. It’s his time and Stevenson thinks since Andre Ward retired he might be safe from anyone not named Kovalev. It will be a war of attrition, that ultimately Badou Jack will have his hand raised from.


Gabe Oppenheim (Props) – “I pick Jack by decision, though a late stoppage wouldn’t surprise me.


Gilbert Manzano (Las Vegas Review Journal) – In a really close fight, I say Badou Jack pulls it out. Very close, split decision for Jack. I think the fans will witness a couple knockdowns too.


Andreas Hale (Ring Magazine) – “Close boj! Adonis Stevenson’s age might finally catch up to him and he might be underestimating Badou Jack. We might be in for a little barn burner in the middle of the rounds. I’m gonna say Jack by split decision.”


Salvador Rodriguez (ESPN) – “It’s not an easy fight for anyone. Adonis Stevenson is 40 years old and Jack showed some very good things in his first fight at 175 with the KO over Nathan Cleverly last year. I believe Stevenson has something in his pocket, but not enough to defeat a younger lion like Badou Jack. I go for Jack by points.”


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Pro více informací navštivte www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, mayweatherpromotions.com awww.groupeyvonmichel.ca sledovat na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdonisSuperman, @BadouJack, MayweatherPromo, nebo se stát fanouškem na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions a www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC is sponsored by Corona, Finest Beer.

Featherweight Champion Gary Russell Jr. and Unbeaten Top Contender Joseph ‘JoJo’ Diaz Jr. Media Workout Quotes and Photos

Photos of Gary Russell Jr. by Kent Green – Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE
Photos of Joseph Diaz Jr. by Lina Baker / Golden Boy Promotions – Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE

(Květen 11, 2018) – Featherweight world champion Gary Russell Jr. and undefeated mandatory challenger Joseph “JoJo” Diaz Jr. met members of the media on opposite coasts on Thursday, just one week out of their WBC world title showdown on Saturday, Květen 19, from MGM National Harbor in Maryland.




Russell will defend his WBC title against Diaz in a split-site SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast (10:05 p.m. ET / PT) and will feature WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson defending his title against two-division world champion Badou Jack in a 12-round main event presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Toronto.




Russell was joined by his younger brothers, Gary Antuanne Russell a Gary Antonio Russell at The Enigma Boxing Gym in Capitol Heights, Md., while Diaz took part in a workout at Azteca Gym in the City of Bell, just east of downtown Los Angeles.




Tickets for the MGM National Harbor show, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Golden Boy Promotions, are on sale now and are available by visiting http://mgmnationalharbor.com/.




Here’s what the fighters had to say on Thursday:






Sometimes you tend to magnify an event because of the fact that it’s in your hometown and it’s on a major card. It tends to take away from the true goal and the true purpose. I just need to focus on what the objective is. We never magnify the events. I think it’s cool that the neighbors and the mail lady and the people who honk their horns as they see me jogging down the street have the ability to get in their car and drive 15 minutes down the road to be a part of everything that’s going on and get to see a product of their environment.




I draw my energy from my family, mí přátelé, the true fans of Gary Russell Jr. That’s what I ultimately do it for. Regardless of what our profession is, we try to have a sense of financial stability for our families and that’s my objective as well. That’s what keeps me motivated.




Diaz already made the statement that I am the best fighter in the featherweight division. He already made the statement that none of the other world champions are willing to step into the ring to compete against me. The managers and the promoters aren’t willing to put their fighters in the ring against me.




I welcome the fact that Diaz wants the fight. As a world champion, I wouldn’t want or expect anything less. I want a competitor that’s ready to fight and that’s going to bring their best. I believe that he’s going to be the best that he can possibly be. My objective is to prepare myself to the best of my ability. I never really focus too much on my opponents. If Gary Russell Jr. is the best that he can be on fight night, then we’re good.




I know that Diaz is young, má hlad. He’s the number one contender. He has eight weeks to prepare for nobody else but me. That’s always a recipe for somebody who’s really going to be ready and hungry. I think he knows that he’s getting in the ring with one of the best fighters in the world so he’s going to be ready.




“Miluji to, co dělám. Even when I’m done with the sport of boxing, I’ll still be in the gym training and looking to spar. I’ve been competing since I was seven years old. I’ll be 30, it’s a lot of time that I’ve spent grinding. I just want to be able to spend time with my family and my friends and help give back to this younger generation.




I take my hat off to him for getting in the ring and making this fight happen. You have to appreciate that as a fellow warrior and as a fellow gladiator, I respect it.




I have the strength, the speed, the power, ring generalship, boxing IQall of that will come together on the 19th.




I definitely see my hand speed being effective but it’s more than that. That’s just a physical attribute. What happens when you see two fighters who have an equal amount of hand speed and an equal amount of power? It’s the mindset.




It’s always cool to compete with my younger brothers and share the field of battle with them. But I try not to magnify the event. The true focus is being victorious on the 19th.




It’s always important to see my brothers develop, even if it wasn’t on my card. We have a concept of a dynasty. My definition of that is information being passed down from generation to generation. I feel as though when my younger brothers get to the age I am, I expect them to be better than what I am now. The sky is the limit and I want them to keep developing not just as fighters but as men.




We put the city on the map. We’re bringing boxing back to the DMV area. Gervonta Davis is a fighter that I’ve watched come up through the amateurs and now he’s a world champion. Jarrett Hurd is another one that I’ve watched come up in the amateurs. He used to watch me train getting ready for the Olympics and now he’s a world champion as well. It goes to show that if you keep pushing, you stay hungry, diligent and you don’t cut corners, the sky is the limit.






I have no hostility toward Gary Russell Jr. I respect Gary Russell Jr., and I know what he brings to the table. Ever since I was brought up as a professional fighter I was always humble and I was always down to earth. Now that I have the opportunity to become the champion that I know I can be I feel like I’m more outspoken because I know that the opportunity is finally here, and I know what I’m capable of doing.




I want to fight the best at 126 pounds and I want to show all the fans that I’m the real deal. By fighting and bringing on the toughest 126 pounders like Gary Russell Jr., and defeating him, that’s going to showcase to the whole boxing world that I am the real deal and I will be the king at 126 liber.




He’s been inactive and used to fighting just once a year now. But what makes him so dangerous is he’s very, very speedy and has great hand speed. And not only that but he knows how to use his hand speed and counter when guys are opening up. My father and I know what we are bringing to the table, and I’m fast, také. I have a very high boxing IQ and I’m very powerful in there. I know how to land sneaky body shots and I’m a big 126-pound fighter, and that will be the key to victory. He will try and land his power shots, but they’re not going to be effective because I’m the bigger fighter.




I need to bring this WBC belt back to L.A. and to South El Monte. I’ll be the first champion coming out of there and I’m a role model to a lot of youth. That’s what makes me hungry and I’m one hundred percent confident I’ll be the champion and we will have a big parade in South El Monte, and you’re all invited!




I’m like Pernell Whitaker and an Oscar De La Hoya mix. Pernell because he’s fast and Oscar because he applies the pressure and throws combinations. That’s what I plan on bringing to this fight. Applying the pressure and taking him to a point where he’s never been before. He drops his hands a lot and his defense is not that good, so I’ll be taking advantage of that. I’ll be landing body shots, and let’s see if he can take it for 12 kola.




This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Fighting for a world title against Gary Russell Jr., je splněný sen. I feel like I’m so much better a fighter now than I was at the Olympics. If feel like if I fought that kid who was in the Olympics now I’d stop him in the first round. My management and trainers have groomed me for this fight on May 19. I fought some undefeated fighters, some experienced fighters and some real live dogs. I just feel like all the experience I’ve gained in the past will serve me well.




I’d like to fight all the best in the 126-pound division, Leo Santa Cruz, Abner Mares, Oscar Valdez and Lee Selby. These are big fights that I really want to make and I want to fight the best and be the best.





We’re in the ring with Gary every day, so we see a lot of things that other people don’t. People only judge him for his hand speed and are just starting to recognize his power, but nobody has seen his full potential yet. No fighter he has faced has forced him to bring it out.




Diaz doesn’t know what he has coming for him. Most fighters are one-dimensional. Gary is comfortable fighting anyway. He can fight on the inside, the outside, he can counter, he can box you, JoJo Diaz does not know what to expect.




There’s never a time when we’re in the gym together when we’re not critiquing each other and learning. That’s the whole point of being in the gym every day. Once you feel you’re learning has stopped, I think you should give it up. We’re always in here trying to sharpen our game.




It’s more enjoyable fighting with my brothers. As a child, if you had three kids and one of them went to school by himself, it would be a little rough. It’s great having that support and the comfort having your brothers on the same card.




We try to gravitate towards our brother and take certain things from him. We notice his hand speed and we’re his younger brothers, of course we have that alter ego where we think we could be faster than him or hit harder than him. That competitiveness drives us. It’s always there.






The camp has been good. We’ve been getting the work in. Everybody seems to be on point. We’re always in camp together.




JoJo Diaz has a lot of confidence. All fighters pretty much all do the same thing, unless they have incredible physical attributes that make them stand out. JoJo believes in himself and that’s something that’s a plus for any fighter. Whether or not he’s ready to go out of his shell, které se teprve uvidí. He loves his left hand, he tries to go to the body. He impressed me as a good inside fighter.




This is a huge plus for us. We’re only 15 minutes from home. We just get to do what we have to do and go home.




Antonio is a really hard puncher. A lot of people don’t know it, but for that weight class, he hits extremely hard. Antuanne is starting to develop into a complete fighter. He’s always learning. You never get to the point where you have it all, it’s a constant growth but he’s really starting to understand the technical aspects of the sport. I’m happy with both of them.



# # #




Pro více informací navštivte www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sledovat na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MrGaryRussellJr, TGBPromotions, @MGMNatlHarbor and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing a www.Facebook.com/MGMNationalHarbor. The event is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.



The Charlo Twins Join Host Brendan Schaub Ahead of Jermell’s World Title Bout Against Austin Trout, Červen 9 Živě na SHOWTIME

Available NOW On YouTube A Facebook

Photo Courtesy: SHOWTIME/Chris Farina

CO: SHOWTIME Sports released the newest installment of the first-of-its-kind sports talk show BELOW THE BELT, hosted by Brendan Schaub, available now on the Below the Belt YouTube Channel a Below the Belt Facebook Page. In this week’s installment, rising stars Jermell and Jermall Charlo discuss their recent success, plans for total domination and show off their charismatic personalities in a few fun segments with Schaub. On the heels of his second-round knockout of Hugo Centeno Jr., Jermall calls out Triple G and Jermell looks ahead to his June 9 showdown against former world champion Austin Trout. To Jermell, all roads lead to a unification bout with current IBF and WBA champion Jarrett Hurd.


BELOW THE BELT explores the latest news in combat sports and pop culture, with Schaub delivering candid thoughts in his unique and unfiltered style. The multi-platform program, which also includes a weekly podcast and a composite program that airs once per month on SHOWTIME EXTREME, features interviews with the biggest names in combat sports and entertainment, road trips, fight camp visits, sketches, animation and pop-culture spoofs. Další splátka BELOW THE BELT launches May 23followed by the composite program on SHOWTIME EXTREME May 31.


Krátký, ale vražedný puncher, bojující za dřepem, styl peekaboo, lehká těžká váha Alvin „Iron Majik“ Varmall ml. si užívá srovnání, která lidé dělají mezi ním a bývalým šampiónem těžké váhy „Iron“ Mikem Tysonem.




"Vždy si toho srovnání vážím.",“Řekl Varmall, „Do své staré přezdívky„ Majik “jsem přidal„ Iron “, protože Mike Tyson je jedním z mých oblíbených bojovníků a, z milosti Boha, Nakonec jsem trénoval v boxerské tělocvičně Kus D’Amato v Catskill, New York, stejná tělocvična jako Tyson, a naučit se jeho styl v jeho nejčistší podobě. “




V současné době jediný profesionální stíhací trénink ze známé posilovny, Varmall (15-0-1, 12 KO), původem z New Orleans, Louisiana, přijme New Haven, Charles Foster z Connecticutu (15-0, 8 KO) tento pátek, Květen 11 v osmikolové atraktivní atrakci a ShoBox: Nová generace quadrupleheader, živě na SHOWTIME na 10 p.m. ET / PT z 2300 Arena ve Philadelphii.




V 10kolovém hlavním turnaji v Louisianě Mason Menard (33-2, 24 KO) přebírá neporaženého Devina „The Dream“ Haneyho (18-0, 12 KO) Las Vegas na mistrovství USBA Lightweight Championship. V 10 kole ko-funkce, vyhlídky na superbantamovou váhu Josh „Don’t Blink“ Greer (16-1-1, 8 KO) a Glenn Dezurn (9-1-1, 6 KO) se setká a v úvodním televizním boji, superbantamová váha Arnold Khegai (11-0-1, 8 KO) bude čelit Adamovi Lopezovi (16-2-2, 8 KO) v osm-dokola záchvat.


Vstupenky na akce, který propaguje Greg Cohen Promotions, Tvrdé zásahy & Akce Devina Haneyho, jsou ceny na $125 pro VIP, $70 pro ringu a $50 pro všeobecné přijetí a jsou k dispozici na 2300 Arena pokladna nebo online na www.HardHittingPromotions.com.




26letý Varmall říká, že emuloval skvělého Tysona všech dob od svých prvních dnů v boxu.




"Styl Cus D’Amato.", Myslím, že by se dalo říct, je můj základ. Od začátku mé amatérské kariéry, můj první trenér, Rodney Jenkins, začal mě stylem peekaboo a funguje to pro mě nejlépe. Nakonec jsem měl 21 bojuje s 19 KO a vyhrál státní příslušníky USA v těžké váze. “




Varmall říká, že je v perfektní kondici a je připraven začít vyřezávat své vlastní dědictví v boji o ceny.




"Jsem na tuto příležitost naprosto připraven.". Čekal jsem na to dlouho a konečně je to tady. Trénoval jsem to nejtěžší, co jsem kdy trénoval, a pro tento tábor jsem dělal spoustu různých věcí. Jsem rozhodně připraven předvést svůj talent a schopnosti. Říkat, že nejsem nervózní, Lhal bych, ale jde o ovládání tohoto pocitu. To je to, co se učíme v tělocvičně Cus D’Amato, jak ovládat své pocity a používat to jako něco, co nás katapultuje, místo toho, aby nám bránily. Poté, co je vše řečeno a hotovo, každý může o mém výkonu říci, co chce, protože vždy přijdu, abych přinesl to nejlepší. “




Varmall říká, že si na začátku své kariéry uvědomil, že jeho děrovací síla byla výrazně nadprůměrná díky sparingu s veteránem těžké váhy v Louisianě.




"S tím chlápkem jsem zápasil.", „Velký“ Fred Kassi. Je z New Orleans. Víš, jak velký je Fred. Jednou, před zápasem, přišel do rohu a řekl, 'Kouzlo, nech mě zkontrolovat tvoje rukavice. Chci se jen ujistit, že hrajeme fér. “Poté, řekl můj trenér, 'vidět? Říkal jsem ti, tvrdě udeříš!"




Konec konců, Říká Varmall, nedosáhl úspěchu ani legendy k velkému Tysonovi. Raději si vybere své vlastní místo.




"Na konci dne byl Mike Tyson Mike yson a Alvin Varmall mladší.". je Alvin Varmall Jr.. I když oba máme základ stejného stylu, Dělám to způsobem, který je pro mě nejpohodlnější. To udělal i Mike. To mi pomůže dosáhnout svého plného potenciálu. “


O Greg Cohen Promotions




Jeden z předních reklamních oblečení Boxing je, Greg Cohen Promotions (GCP) je uznávaný název pro pořádání světové profesionální boxerské události a podpora elitních profesionálních bojovníků po celém světě.




Zakladatel a generální ředitel Greg Cohen byl zapletený s profesionálním boxu v různých kapacitách od konce 1980, zdokonaluje své řemeslo a prosadil jako chytrého mezinárodní obchodník boxu.




Vyznačuje se jeho schopnost zahlédnout a rozvíjet surový talent, Cohen nejprve udělal propagační titulky pro jeho odborným vedením, a mnoho dalších, Bývalý WBA Junior Middleweight Champion Austin “Bezpochyby” Pstruh, kdo Cohen pomohl k obsluze od neznámého Nového Mexika vyhlídky na elitní pay-per-view úrovně superstar.




Kromě pstruha, Greg Cohen Promotions spolupracoval s zavedenými jmény, jako je bývalý jednotný a dvojnásobný přeborníka v těžké váze Hasim “The Rock” Rahman a all-time-skvělé více váhová kategorie mistr světa James “Zhasnutý” Toney.




Cohen v současné době propaguje neporaženého šampiona WBO NABO v těžké váze za nejlepšího uchazeče Jarrella Millera, nejlépe hodnocený kandidát střední váhy Robert Brant, a bývalý šampión lehké váhy WBO NABO a světový kandidát Mason Menard, a mnoho dalších.




Greg Cohen Promotions hostil world-class boxerské události v nejkrásnějších místech v celých Spojených státech a ve světě a také hrdě poskytuje talent a / nebo obsah na několika televizních sítí, včetně CBS Sports Network, HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBC Sports Network, CBS Sports Network, MSG a FOX Sports Net.




Pro více informací, návštěva gcpboxing.com. Najdete nás na Facebooku na www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing. Cvrlikání: GCPBoxing.



Unified Women’s Super Middleweight Champ Faces Hanna Gabriels in the Main Event of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIÁLNÍ EDICE Pátek, Červen 22 Live on SHOWTIME®


Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE for Photos from Terrell Groggins


DETROIT (Květen 10, 2018) – Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and unified women’s super middleweight champion Claressa Shields worked out for the media and spoke to local youth Wednesday at The Downtown Boxing Gym in Detroit. The boxing star is two weeks into training camp ahead of her SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIÁLNÍ EDICE showdown Friday, Červen 22 na 10 p.m. ET/PT live on SHOWTIME from the historic Masonic Temple.




The 23-year-old Shields, who grew up in nearby Flint, will attempt to become a two-division world champion when she faces unified women’s 154-pound champion Hanna Gabriels for the vacant IBF and WBA Middleweight World Titles.




Ahead of the crucial middleweight world title fight, Shields has altered her preparations significantly. She has changed her diet, switched to renowned trainer John David Jackson and has moved her camp from Michigan to Florida.



Joining Shields at the workout on Wednesday was Dmitriy Salita, Founder of Salita Promotions. Here is what Shields and Salita had to say.

Claressa Shields:

On fighting in Detroit…

“To fight in Detroit for a world title on SHOWTIME and to be mentioned with great Detroit fighters like Tommy Hearns and James Toney is incredible. Those guys are known worldwide. It shows me that I have a chance to do the same thing and bring attention to women’s boxing. That’s my goal overall – to make sure women’s boxing lives for a long time”


On moving camp to Florida…

“You really can’t deal with unnecessary distractions getting ready for big world title fights like I have been having. You want people pushing you to be better and not have people pulling you down.




“I was dealing with everybody who’s around pulling me left and right and calling me at 2, 3 o’clock in the morning. All this negative stuff that goes on in Flint that 23-year-olds are being involved in is something I can’t be involved in. That initially made me do the whole move. I have to stay focused and work hard on my goal of beating Hanna Gabriels and capturing the world title in a second division.


On training with John David Jackson…

“We’re on the same page and we’re always talking about the game plan for Hanna and what we’re going to do and what we have to work on. John doesn’t try to change my style, he just makes small adjustments to improve the good things that got me to this level. I feel great about this camp so far and I look forward to putting it all together in June.”


On Hanna Gabriels…

“Hanna is a talented world champion. I have a lot of respect for her skills and accomplishments. It takes great, competitive matches to bring women’s boxing to an elite level and that’s what I want to do. I always said that I want to fight the best. Června 22, I look forward to putting on a special performance for the fans watching the fight on SHOWTIME and those at the Masonic Temple. It’s going to be a special night and I can’t wait to capture my second division world title close to home in front of my hometown fans live on SHOWTIME.”


On being an inspiration for kids…

“Kids need to know that everything is possible. I decided to be an Olympic gold medalist at the age of 11. I did it when I was 17. How do you stay focused on one goal all that time? Take one step towards it every day, sometimes small and sometimes bigger. Ale, the important thing is to keep focused on your goal. If you persevere and work hard enough, truly everything is possible”


Dmitriy Salita, Founder of Salita Promotions

“We had a tremendous media turnout at today’s media workout at Detroit Downtown Boxing Club. It’s very special to see such support for Claressa, who’s story and success transcends boxing and is very much in line with the comeback story of Flint and Detroit – “America’s Greatest Comeback City”.




“It’s very meaningful for kids in Detroit gyms like the Downtown Boxing Club to see someone that came from a similar background and neighborhood that they did and accomplish all the amazing things that Claressa is doing. Claressa makes them see and believe that through hard work, belief and focus everything is possible. Boxing is a tool that she has mastered with which to deliver this very important message.




“June 22 is going to be one of the biggest fights of the year and one of the most meaningful and memorable moments in sports and women’s boxing.”

Hungarian Invasion! Szilveszter “Silent Assassin” Kanalas going to Kansas to upset Olympian Nico Hernandez for IBA Flyweight World title


Inaugural Event

High Stakes
Sobota, Květen 19, 2018 * 9:00 p.m. A / 6:00 p.m. PT
LIVE on Super Channel & Pay-Per-View (US)



LAS VEGAS (Květen 10, 2018 – Hungarian invader Szilveszter “Silent Assassin” Kanalas (14-7, 9 KO) has a plan designed to upset local favorite Nico Hernandez (4-0, 3 KO), a 2016 Olympic bronze medalist, May 19th in their showdown for the vacant International Boxing Association (IBA) World Flyweight Championship, headlining SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakes at Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, Kansas.

Hernandez vs. Kanalas will launch Super Channel’s new live boxing series,SUPERBOX LIVE, in association with KO Night Boxing LLC, airing live exclusively in Canada on Super Channel.


Integrated Sports Media will distributeSUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakesin the United States on cable, satellite and digital pay-per-view via iN Demand, Vubiquity, DIRECTV, DISH and live-streamed worldwide onFITE.TV Aplikace a webové stránky (excluding Canada) za doporučenou maloobchodní cenu pouhých $19.95.




In the first world championship boxing match ever held in the state of Kansas, Kanalas challenges 22-year-old Hernandez, the reigning IBA Americas champion, v 12 kole hlavní události.




Fighting hometown hero Hernandez in his backyard, where the Wichita fighter made his pro debut last year, apparently doesn’t faze the 19-year-old Kanalas. “I think it’ll be fantastic fighting him in the arena,” Kanalas said. “It will be a good atmosphere for me and Nico. We will both be giving our all.




Nico seems like a good guy, but I don’t want to be friendly with him before the fought, or in the ring. Maybe after the fight. We won’t talk in the ring, only fight. Nobody knows before a fight what will happen in the ring. Everybody has a plan, samozřejmě, and I do as well. I’m not going to talk about my plan to win the fight, but I can tell you Nico will not love my plan.




Před dvěma lety, Kanalas became one of the youngest (17) world champions ever, when he defeated fellow Hungarian boxer, Jozsef Ajtai, for the vacant World Boxing Federation (WBF) Super Flyweight World Championship.




I was very happy when I won my first title,” Kanalas remembered. “I thought the world was mine, but life isn’t easy. I had some private life problems and I didn’t prepare enough for my second title fight opportunity for the IBF Youth World title fight in Indonesia. The fight started good for me with two judges giving me the first round, but I got tired and lost in the third round. I’m very happy that I have this title fight and will try to take advantage of this great opportunity.




I’m very happy that fans back home will be able to watch the fight live. I will not feel alone. I want to show my family and friends that I can do big things in the ring.




The prestigious list of IBA world champions during the past quarter-centory includes Hall-of-Famers Oscar de la Hoya, George Foreman, Roberto Duran a Arturo Gatti, as well as stars such as Roy Jones, Jr., Bernard Hopkins, Shane Mosely, James Toney, Mikkel Kessler, Eric Morales, Diego Corrales, Jose Luis Castillo, Glen Johnson a Antonio Tarver.




CLICK HERE FOR PROMO VIDEO: https://ims-channel-videos.s3.amazonaws.com/IntegratedSports/trailer/KO_Boxing_NicoSyl_trans.mp4



Russian heavyweight prospect Andrey Afonin (5-0, 2 KO) takes on Cuban fighter PedroEl Reguilete” Rodriguez (23-4, 19 KO) in a eight-round, V co-představoval událost. Afonin was a 2011 Russian Junior Championships gold medalist, while Rodriguez is a former World Boxing Association (WBA) Fedalatin cruiserweight champion.




Another heavyweight also fighting on the televised segment of the show is undefeated Ukrainian heavyweight prospect Oleksandr Teslenko (12-0, 10 KO), fighting out of Toronto, proti soupeři, jež budou stanoveny.




Undefeated Washington featherweight Victor Morales, Jr. (8-0, 4 KO) splňuje David Berna(15-3, 14 KO), Maďarská, v osm-dokola záchvat.




Also fighting on the under, all in se čtyřmi kulatými záchvaty, are popular Wichita junior welterweight Jeff Sturm (2-0, 1 KO) proti. Nigeria-native Archie Weah (2-10), Kansas City, KS cruiserweight Chris Harris (2-2-2, 2 KO) proti. Leroy Jones (2-3, 2 KO), of Saint Louis (MO), Topeka-, KS welterweight Brian Clements (0-1-1) proti. Nebraska’s Luis Marquez (0-2), and undefeated Texas junior middleweight Joe Alday, Jr. (7-0, 7 KO).




Vstupenky jsou ceny v $120.00 (VIP), $80.00, $50.00 a $30.00 (Ceny nezahrnují servisní poplatky) and available to purchase online at www.ticketmaster.com, Kansas Star Casino and .. Vstupenky jsou ceny v $120.00 (VIP), $80.00, $50.00 a $30.00 (Ceny nezahrnují servisní poplatky) and available to purchase online at www.ticketmaster.com, Kansas Star Casino and US Logo, Inc. (520 N. West St., Wichita / 316.264.1321).




Jedná se o všechny věkové kategorie ukázat. Dveře otevřené na 6:00 p.m. CT with the opening bout scheduled at 7:00 p.m. CT.




To watchSUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakeslive in Canada, showcasing undefeated Canadian heavyweight Teslenko, in addition to more exciting boxing to come in 2018, fight fans can contact their local cable provider to subscribe to Super Channel and all that it offers, včetně řady premium, filmy a mnoho dalšího, tak nízké, jak $9.95 za měsíc.




Venum (www.venum.com) has been named the official gloves and apparel of SUPERBOX LIVE






www.konightboxing.com, www.internationalboxingassociation.com




Cvrlikání: @NicoMHernandez, @KONightBoxing, @SCSportsTV, Kansas_Star, @KansasStarArena, @IntegratedPPV, @Fitetv, @NeonStarSE, DiBellaEnt, LouDiBella,