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Glavni događaj:
Srednjoj obračun
Ulaznice su u prodaji ODMAH do

LAS VEGAS, NV – Izvršni direktor LFA Ed Soares najavio je danas da će promocija započeti 2018 ljetna sezona obračunom u srednjoj kategoriji između dva bivša izazivača naslova kada promocija kreće u Beaumont, Texas u LFA 43.




Glavni događaj LFA 43 održat će obračun u srednjoj kategoriji između dvostrukog izazivača naslova prvaka LFA Brendana “Sve u” Allen i dvostruki izazivač naslova Legacy FC Larry “Tae Kwon” Crowe. LFA 43 – Allen vs.. Crowe održava se ovog petka, 22. lipnja u Građanskom centru Beaumont u Beaumontu, Teksas. Glavna kartica prenosit će se uživo i širom zemlje na AXS TV u 9 poslije podne. I / 6 poslije podne. PT.




“Brendan Allen i Larry Crowe imaju dobro dokumentiranu povijest da su najbolji kandidati u našoj organizaciji,” Izjavio Soares. “Oni su godinama dvije naše vrhunske srednje težine, ali nekako im se putevi nikada nisu ukrstili. Naši navijači konačno će ih dočekati ovog ljeta kad krenemo prema jugu do Beamount-a, Texas u LFA 43. ”




Ulaznice za LFA 43 – Allen vs.. Crowe možete kupiti ODMAH na




Allen (8-3) ulazi u LFA 43 headliner koji se želi ponovno učvrstiti na vrhu LFA ljestvice srednje kategorije. Dvadesetdvogodišnji Louisianian dvostruki je izazivač naslova prvaka LFA, a za LFA će nastupiti peti put. Također se dva puta natjecao za Legacy FC prije nego što se promocija spojila s RFA-om za stvaranje LFA-a. Allen je stekao dragocjeno iskustvo početkom karijere, koji se sada uzgaja zajedno s njegovim sirovim talentom na Roufusport MMA akademiji u Milwaukeeju, Wisconsin. Popularni i talentirani stručnjak za predavanje na jugu stvorio je reputaciju jednog od najkliničnijih završnika u odjelu. Svih osam njegovih pobjeda stiglo je putem KO, TKO, ili podnesak. Čovjek poznat kao “Sve u” sada će ući all-in dok traži najveću pobjedu u svojoj karijeri.




Crowe (10-6) vraća se u LFA oktogon nakon pobjede nad glavnim ulogom LFA Bilala Williamsa u glavnom turniru LFA 26. 34-godišnji Teksašanin dvostruki je izazivač naslova Legacy FC i jedan od najdugovječnijih boraca u povijesti Legacy FC-a. Crowe je za Legacy FC debitirao u drugoj profesionalnoj borbi u srpnju 2010. Taj se dvoboj dogodio na trećem Legacy FC događaju. Na mnogo načina, Crowe i Legacy FC odrasli su zajedno. Čovjek poznat kao “Tae Kown” Crowe je izrastao u jednog od najcjenjenijih boraca promocije, dok je Legacy FC izrastao u jednu od dvije najbolje razvojne organizacije na svijetu. Sada će porijeklom iz Houstona dodati svoje ime u još jedan dio povijesti dok se trudi pobijediti na glavnom turniru LFA-e 43 u debitantskom događaju promocije u Beaumontu.



Trenutno Najavljen Glavni kartice (Televiziji na AXS TV-u 9 poslije podne. I / 6 poslije podne. PT):



Main Event | Srednjoj Bout (185 lb)

– Brendan Allen (8-3) vs. Larry Crowe (10-6)


Pero Bout (145 lb)

– Jake Heffernan (6-0) vs. Peter Stanonik (5-3)


Pero Bout (145 lb)

– Kolton Englund (5-2) vs. Juan Gonzalez (5-1)


Lagan Bout (155 lb)

– Cameron Graves (6-2) vs. Jordan Titoni (6-2)


Ženska slama borba ( 115 lb)

– Itzel Esquivel (2-2) vs. Desiree Yanez (1-0)


Teškoj Bout (265 lb)

– Jeremy Hardy (5-3) vs. Joel Moore (3-0)




LFA 43 bit će prvi LFA događaj koji će se održati u gradu Beaumont. To će ujedno biti i jedanaesti put u koji LFA putuje “Država usamljene zvijezde” Texas. Dodatne informacije o LFA 43 Uskoro će biti objavljen. Cijeli Glavni kartica LFA 43 će biti na televiziji uživo i zemlje na AXS TV-u 9 poslije podne. I / 6 poslije podne. PT.




Molimo posjetite za bout ažuriranja i obavijesti. LFA je na Facebooku na Legacy Fighting Alliance. LFA je također na Instagramu na @LFAfighting i Twitter na @LFAfighting.




U 2017 RFA i Legacy FC spojeni su u LFA, vodeća razvojna organizacija u mješovitim borilačkim vještinama. Udružene snage LFA-e započele su karijeru više od 130 sportaši kako bi dostigli vrhunac MMA-a natječući se u UFC-u. U svibnju 2018 promocija se pridružila grupi tvrtki London Trust Media Holdings.

Leo Santa Cruz Los Angeles Workout Quotes & Fotografije

Featherweight World Champion Santa Cruz Rematches Four-Time World Champion Abner Mares Saturday, Lipanj 9 Live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles & Predstavlja Premier Boks prvaka
Kliknite OVDJE za Fotografije iz Esther Lin / Showtime

LOS ANGELES (Svibanj 22, 2018) – Featherweight world champion Leo Santa Cruz hosted a media workout in Los Angeles Tuesday as he prepares for his world title rematch against four-time world champion Abner Mares Subota, Lipanj 9 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will also feature unbeaten super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo obrani titule protiv bivšeg svjetskog prvaka Austin Pastrva.




Ulaznice za događaj uživo, koji promovira Ringstar Sport i TGB Promocije, begin at $50, plus primjenjive naknade, te su na prodaju sada. To purchase tickets visit or click OVDJE.




Santa Cruz and Mares first battled in August 2015 at STAPLES Center with Santa Cruz earning the majority decision and a vacant featherweight title. The consensus top-five featherweights will look to put on a repeat of the performance that saw them throw over 2,000 punches combined.




Santa Cruz was joined at City of Angels Boxing Tuesday by his father and trainer, Jose Santa Cruz, and Ringstar Sports Chairman and CEO Richard Schaefer. Here is what they had to say Tuesday:






I think Abner has looked better in recent fights, but not so much that he looks unbeatable or anything. He’s shown some improvements but I feel I’ve gotten much better as well. It’s going to be a great fight and I’m going to come out victorious.




He says he’s going to box me more this time, but it’s easier to say that than do it. When you get in the ring and hear the fans, they make you want to brawl. Once you hear the crowd you want to entertain them. You love to hear the people scream.




I’m going to try to go out there and give the fans a great fight like I always do. I feel like I’m in great condition right now. I feel a lot stronger and even my dad has told me this is as good as he’s seen me look.




I’ve learned a lot since the first Mares fight. I’ve learned how to adjust during a fight better. I’m a more complete fighter and it’s going to help me look even better this time.




I’m still as motivated as ever. I have the same hunger as if this fight was for my first title. I never underestimate anyone and always give it my all in the gym. It’s no different heading into this one.




We’re going to try to win bigger this time but I’ll be ready to go 12 kola. I’d definitely love to stop him. If the knockout comes it comes, and if I see an opening I’m going to take advantage.




I try to motivate my dad as much as I can by training hard. He says he’s happiest when I’m working hard so I just keeping trying to push it every day and make sure he’s happy.




The two fights with Frampton definitely made me a better fighter. They gave me a lot of experience and I learned a lot from those fights. I know I’m going to be a better fighter for this fight than the first time we fought.




We always prepare for 12 kola. I’ve been going 13 rounds in sparring because my dad always likes to go one extra. This has been one of the best camps we’ve had as far as conditioning and sparring.




I am ready to unify with any of the featherweight champions. Me and Gary Russell Jr. fought in the amateurs. He beat me but it was a good fight and I believe I can beat him. I know the tactics I’d use. Hopefully I can get my rematch.




We’re focused on improving everything in camp. We’re working on my power, brzina, foot work and all of the skills it will take to win this rematch.


JOSE SANTA CRUZ, Leo’s Father & Trener




The first fight with Mares was a bit rough and even dirty at times. After four rounds I felt like they were stealing the fight from us so I told Leo to tire him out and show that he’s the better boxer. The results of the fight proved that.




There are a lot of great fighters out there but not many have good defensive techniques and that is where every fighter can improve. With my kids and with Leo I have always trained him to be good defensively because anyone can throw punches but not everyone can take a punch and keep going. I have always loved this sport but I love to win even more. Leo is still growing but I think he’s the best fighter at featherweight right now.




I definitely think that Mares will come with new skills to this fight and have a different approach with his new trainer now that he’s with Robert Garcia. I think he’ll try to box more and look to get us on the counterpunch.


RICHARD SCHAEFER, Predsjednik & CEO Ringstar Sport




Leo is the kind of fighter who always rises to the occasion and always finds a way to come out victorious. It’s really a 50-50 borba. I can give you a lot of reasons why both guys are going to win. It’s the best fight on June 9 and it’s one of the best fights you’re going to see this year.




Leo Santa Cruz and Abner Mares are never going to be in a boring fight. They create special action and drama in the ring. The winners are going to be the fight fans every time.




This is an important fight for both of these guys. It’s about bragging rights in Los Angeles and in the loaded featherweight division. I know that it’s going to bring out the best in both fighters.




Leo won a very narrow decision that could have gone either way, but Leo pulled it out in the first fight. Abner and Robert Garcia have meshed really well and Robert has been able to bring the best out of Abner. He’s going to give Leo Santa Cruz a great challenge again and with the fight in Los Angeles, the fans will definitely propel both guys to go extra hard.




These are the kind of fights that fans love. This is the kind of fight that transcends boxing. These are two fighters who are just incapable of being in a boring fight. They put people on their feet.


# # #





Za više informacija posjetite, www.premierboxingchampions.coma www.staplescenter.compratiti na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, @AbnerMares, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook, je sponzoriran od strane Corona, najbolje pivo.

Jedan na jedan s privremenim prvakom u muškoj kategoriji M-1 Challenge Armanom Ashimovom

Alexander Doskalchuk vs.. Ashimov ovaj četvrtak na M-1 Challenge 92 u Sankt Peterburg, Rusija

Saint Petersburg, Rusija (Svibanj 22, 2018) – M-1 Challenge Privremeni prvak u muhaškoj kategoriji Arman Ashimov preuzima nositelja naslova M-1 Challenge muha Aleksandar Doskalčuk(8-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0) ovaj četvrtak (Svibanj 24) utvrditi “neosporen” kralj M-1 globalnih muhara, u M-1 Challenge 92 supredstavljeni događaj, u M-1 Areni u St.. Petersburg, Rusija.




Ashimov (8-2-1, M-1: 3-0-0), koji je zauzeo svoju privremenu krunu u M-1 Challenge 87 prošle veljače,

Zaustavljanje Mikaela Silandera u rundi dva voa udarca, odgovorio na niz M-1 Globalnih pitanja:


Arman, kako vam je privremeni naslov u muhaškoj kategoriji M-1 Challenge promijenio život?




AA: “Bio sam izuzetno sretan što sam postao prvak, ali ne bih rekao da sam osjetio tako veliku razliku. Kazahstanci su me dobro poznavali i prije nego što sam osvojio naslov, ali nakon što sam osvojio pojas, mediji su mi počeli posvećivati ​​više pažnje. Teško je reći jesam li osvojio više navijača jer sam ih imao toliko u Kazahstanu, ali nadam se da sada u drugim zemljama ima više ljudi koji vole način na koji se borim. Ljudi me često prepoznaju na ulicama Kazahstana, podrži me, pitajte za selfije. Ali ne osjećam se kao zvijezda. Ja sam samo jednostavan momak. Takva me pažnja ne muči, jer su mi svi Kazahstanci rođaci, kako mogu uskratiti selfie?


Koja je tajna vašeg nokaut udarca? Je li vam bio cilj trenirati tako težak udarac?




AA: “To je Allahova volja. Nismo promijenili plan treninga, trenirali smo štrajkajuće i grappling kao i uvijek. Spreman sam proći punih pet krugova, Ako je potrebno. Dovoljno sam jak za 25-minutnu borbu i upravo je to ono što uvijek imam na umu. Smatramo priliku da odemo nekamo na trening kamp, ali sada moram ispuniti cilj, i osvojiti nesporni naslov.


Nema mnogo ljudi koji znaju za to, ali ti si sjajan grabežljivac. Možete li nam reći nešto o svom iskustvu u grapplingu?




AA: “Doista, Ne pričam puno o tome, ali imam određeno iskustvo i u grapplingu. Stvar je u tome što je u filmu The Rage, Ne volim hvatanje ukoštac, Više volim stand-up borbu. Ako moj protivnik želi provjeriti moje vještine, Pokazat ću ih. S razlogom sam majstor borbenih sportova iz jiu-jitsua međunarodne klase, nakon svega.”


Što možete reći o svom protivniku Aleksandru Doskalchuku?




AA: “Aleksander Doskalchuk vrlo je iskusan svestrani borac. Njegov stil borbe sličan je stilu jednog od mojih prethodnih protivnika, Mikael Silander. Dobar je i u štrajkanju i u graplingu. Ne znam koji će plan igre odabrati, ali saznat ćemo vrlo brzo.”


Nesumnjivo će prijenos gledati cijeli Kazahstan, ali hoće li neki vaši obožavatelji doći u Sankt Peterburg na borbu?




AA: “Mnogi obožavatelji doći će ovamo iz Kazahstana, uz njih će biti mnogo Kazahstanaca koji žive u Sankt Peterburgu, koji će mi doći korijen. Čak će me i Skupština Kazahstana podržati. sve mi to daje dodatnu motivaciju!”




Ruska teškaška zvijezda Sergei Kharitonov (27-6-0, M-1: 5-0-0) naslovi M-1 Challenge 92 naspram Anton Vyazigin (9-2-1, M-1: 4-1-0) u njihovom SuperFightu.


M-1 Challenge 92 će biti prenošena uživo iz Rusije u visokoj definiciji na www.M1Global.TV. Gledatelji će moći pogledati prethodne borbe i glavni karticu prijavom na registrirati na www.M1Global.TV. Obožavatelji mogu gledati sve akcije na svojim računalima, kao i na Android i Apple pametne telefone i tablete. M-1 Challenge 92 bit će dostupan i na www.FITE.TV(preliminarna kartica je besplatna, $7.99 za glavnu kartu)




Cvrkut & Instagram:


@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global




Nadolazeći M-1 izazovni događaji:

Svibanj 24 – M-1 Challenge 92: Kharitonov vs. Vyazigin u Sankt Peterburgu, Rusija

Lipanj 1 – M-1 Challenge 93: Šelemko vs.. Siva u Čeljabinsku, Rusija

The makers of 5-hour ENERGY® shots Sign on as a Principle Sponsor of Claressa Shields vs. Hanna Gabriels Women’s Middleweight World Championship Fight on Friday, Lipanj 22 Live on SHOWTIME®

Salita Promotions proudly announces that Living Essentials, LLC, the makers of 5-hour ENERGY®, the energy shot for hard-working people, has signed on as a principle sponsor of the upcoming “It’s Our Time to Shine” professional boxing event on Friday, Lipanj 22, at Masonic Temple in Detroit, Michigan.




Featuring two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and unified women’s super middleweight Champion Claressa Shields attempting to become a two-division world champion against unified 154-pound champion Hanna Gabriels, “It’s our Time to Shine” will be televised live on SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION (10 poslije podne. ET / PT). The two champions will be contesting for the vacant IBF and WBA Middleweight World Championships.




“I am delighted that the makers of 5-hour ENERGY® shots are supporting the historic world championship event taking place in Detroit,” said Salita Promotions Founder, Dmitriy Salita. ‘It’s Our Time to Shine’ will be an exciting night of professional boxing from beginning to end and I am sure a shot of 5-hour ENERGY® will keep fans engaged and energetic for all the exciting action happening in the ring.”




Living Essentials, LLC released the following statement: “The makers of 5-hour ENERGY® shots are excited to support Salita Promotions, as they prepare for the return of Claressa Shields and world championship boxing to Detroit – – a city rich in boxing history and the hometown of 5-hour ENERGY®.”




Fast and easy to consume, 5-hour ENERGY® shots are a quick, simple and effective answer to flagging energy levels in your hard-working day.. Regular strength 5-hour ENERGY® shots contain zero sugar, four calories and caffeine comparable to a cup of the leading premium coffee.




Štitovi (5-0, 2 Kos), who grew up in nearby Flint, was the first American boxer in history – male or female – to win consecutive Olympic Gold Medals. The 23-year-old turned professional following the 2016 Olympics and became unified women’s super middleweight world champion in just her fourth professional fight. Shields now begins her first camp with renowned trainer John David Jackson as she attempts to become a two-division champion.




Two-division champion Gabriels (18-1-1, 11 Kos) is the reigning WBA and WBO World Champion. The native of Costa Rica won her first world title at welterweight in 2009 and has since fought in an astounding 11 consecutive world-title fights. The 35-year-old won her first belt in the 154-pound division in 2010 and became unified champion in 2016. In her last bout, Gabriels avenged the only loss on her record, a 2013 defeat to then-undefeated title challenger Oxandia Castillo. She looks to become a three-division world champion on June 22.




SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION will also feature extensive highlights of unified women’s middleweight champion Christina Hammer (22-0, 10 Kos) as she defends her WBC & WBO titles in her U.S. debut against former world champion Tori Nelson (17-1-3, 2 Kos).




Ulaznice za događaj, koji promovira Salita Promocije, dostupni su na or at the Masonic Temple Box Office at (313) 832-7100. VIP tickets are priced at $300, ringside tickets at $125, and remaining tickets at $75, $50 a $35.

The Bosnian PrinceArmin Mrkanovic defeats Nicholas Lavin this Past Friday night in Queens, Njujork

Mrkanovic now eyeing rematch with UBF champ Josh Himes

Queens, Njujork (Svibanj 22, 2018)–ArminThe Bosnian PrinceMrkanovic returned to the ring after an 11-month absence to win a win six-round unanimous decision over Nicholas Lavin in a cruiserweight bout that took place this past Friday night at Amazura Concert Hall in the Jamaica section of Mrkanovic’s hometown of Queens, Njujork.




Mrkanovic controlled the action, and won by shutout scores of 60-54 on all cards to up his record to 8-3.




The bout was the 1st ring appearance for Mrkanovic since his highly controversial defeat against Josh Himes that took place last June 24th in West Virginia.




In that bout, Mrkanovic should have been awarded the bout as he outboxed Himes, and even asked for a review of the fight by the UBF, but his requests fell on deaf ears, and now Mrkanovic is demanding a rematch for the UBF title.




“1st of all, it was good to come back and get a win. It its always special to perform in front of my hometown fans,” said Mrkanovic, whose focus quickly turned to Himes and the UBF.




I demand a rematch with Himes. The UBF told me that they would make this happen, and to this point they have been silent. Everyone who saw the fight knows that I got screwed, so it is only right that we do this rematch. Himes knows what happened. He has not even fought since our fight. I am ready now, so hopefully the UBF and Himes do the right thing and make this happen.

Nico Hernandez captures IBA flyweight World title in 5th professional fight Calls out fellow Olympic bronze medalist “Irci” Paddy Barnes

Inaugural Event
Subota, Svibanj 19, 2018 * 9:00 poslije podne. I / 6:00 poslije podne. PT
The new IBA World flyweight champion Nico Hernandez
(L-R) head trainer Lewis Hernandez, assistant trainer Villa, Nico Hernandez, Hall of Fame referee and IBA official Steve Smoger and promote John Andersen.
(photo courtesy of Courtney Wells / Boyd Gaming Corp.)

MULVANE, Svibanj. (Svibanj 21, 2018)History was made this past Saturday night on theSUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakespay-per-view card, kada 2016 Olympic bronze medalist and local hero, Nico Hernandez, knocked out Hungarian challenger Szilveszter “Silent Assassin” Kanalas in the opening round to capture the vacant International Boxing Association (IBA) Flyweight World Championship in only his fifth professional fight, u Kansas Star Areni u Mulvane, Kanzas.




In the first world title fight ever held in Kansas, Hernandez (5-0, 4 Kos) overwhelmed Kanalas (14-7, 9 Kos), the former World Boxing Federation (WBF) super flyweight world champion, to become the youngest (22) IBA world champion ever, as well as setting the record for the fewest pro fights needied to become IBA world titlist.


SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakes was launched as Super Channel’s new live boxing series,SUPERBOX LIVE, u suradnji s KO Night Boxing LLC, and it aired live exclusively in Canada on Super Channel.




Integrated Sports Media distributedSUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakesin the United States on cable, satellite and digital pay-per-view as it was live-streamed worldwide on FITE.TV aplikacije i web stranice (excluding Canada).




Hernandez was aggressive from the opening bell, pounding Kanalashead and body. A Hernandez left hook to the body really hurt Kanalas, who went down from a right that followed the vicious liver shot. Kanalas beat Hall of Fame Steve Smoger‘s count, and it was only a matter of time before Hernandez would end the fight. It came soon, right after another body-and-head combination put the over-matched Hungarian on the mat for the second and final time.




A lot of people underestimate my power,” Hernandez said after the fight. “I believe that once he felt my power, I don’t think he wanted it anymore. I felt like I took his heart away. I was patient, I wanted it to go a few rounds to see what he had, but I took his heart away. I can’t really be disappointed because I am a world champion now.




Nico was explosive Saturday night and he showed killer instinct,” organizator John Andersen komentirao. “He was going to box, but I think he smelled fear, and Nico got into Kanalashead. He sensed it and jumped on him.




Before he left the ring, Hernandez took the microphone in the center of the ring and called out three-time Olympian and two-time Olympic bronze medalist, “Irci” Paddy Barnes (5-0, 1 KO), who was the favored to win a gold medal in the flyweight division at the 2016 Olimpijske igre. He was eliminated in the round of 16 and Hernandez took home the bronze medal. “There’s a bronze medalist from (Northern) Irska, Paddy Barnes, and that’s who I’d really love to fight.




I think that’s a fight we should start a conversation about,” Andersen remarked. “It’s not line Barnes is 21 (on je 31) and I don’t know of a lot of 30 or older flyweights. It makes a lot of sense and can be a big fight. They’re both Olympic bronze medalist, already fought in scheduled 10 a 12 round fights, and have belts. (Barnes is the WBO Intercontinental flyweight champ). Nico needs to step up in terms of competition, previše. I think they should get in the ring and then we can see what happens.




If they don’t want to make this fight right away, maybe we can build it up by putting them on the same card, and then fight next year. This fight makes a lot of sense for both fighters and Nico has already said he wants to fight Barnes.




Hernandez joined reigning IBA world champions, light heavyweight Sergej Kovalev and junior middleweight Mark DeLuca, as well as past IBA world champions such as Hall of Famers Oscar de la Hoya, George Foreman, Roberto Duran a Arturo Gatti, in addition to starsRoy Jones, Jr., Bernard Hopkins, Shane Moselyja, James Toney, Mikkel Kessler, Eric Morales, Diego Corrales, Jose Luis Castillo, Glen Johnson a Antonio Tarver.




2011 Russia Junior Championships gold medalist Andrey Afonin (6-0, 3 Kos) kept his undefeated record in tact when PedroEl Reguilete” Rodriguez (23-4, 19 Kos), the Cuban native and former World Boxing Association (WBA) Fedalatin cruiserweight champion, was unable to answer the bell in the third round of the co-featured event.




Unbeaten Ukrainian heavyweight Oleksandr Teslenko (13-0, 11 Kos), promoted by DiBella Entertainment and fighting out of Toronto, Zaustavio TerranceBig JimMarbra (9-6, 7 Kos) u drugom krugu.




Undefeated Washington featherweight Victor Morales, Jr. (9-0, 5 Kos) was too much forDavid Berna (15-4, 14 Kos), of Hungary, who complained of an elbow injury and lost by way of a second-round technical knockout, in the televised opener.




In the television swing bout, which was held prior to the main event, popular Wichita junior welterweight Jeff Strum (3-0, 2 Kos) kept the train rollinwith a second-round knockout of Nigeria-native Archie Weah (2-11).




In the most competitive fight of the night, as well as the lone match that went the complete distance, St. Louis cruiserweight Leroy Jones (3-3, 2 Kos) won a four-round unanimous decision over Kansas City, KS favorite Chris Harris (2-3-2, 2 Kos).


Kompletne rezultate ispod:


Službeni rezultati





Nico Hernandez (5-0, 4 Kos), Wichita, KS

WTKO1 (2:52)

Szilveszter Kanalas (14-8, 9 Kos), Pecs, Mađarska

(Hernandez won vacant IBA World flyweight title)




CO-FEATURE – Teškaša

Andrey Afonin (6-0, 3 Kos), Kursky, Rusija

WTKO2 (3:00)

Pedro Rodriguez (23-5, 19 Kos), Miami, FL by way of Cuba





Oleksandr Teslenko (13-0, 11 Kos), Toronto, Canada by way of Ukraine

WKO2 (0:30)

Terrance Marba (9-6, 7 Kos), Sankt Peterburg, Florida





Leroy Jones (3-3, 2 Kos), Saint Louis, MO

WDEC4 (39-37, 39-37, 39-37)

Chris Harris (2-3-2, 2 Kos), Kansas City, KS





Jeff Strum (3-0, 2 Kos), Wichita, KS

WTKJO2 (2:56)

Archie Weah (2-11), Norcross, GA by way of Liberia





Victor Morales, Jr. (9-0, 5 Kos), Vancouver, WA

WTKO2 (2:56)

David Berna (15-4, 14 Kos), Budimpešta, Mađarska





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Undefeated Welterweight Gerome Quigley battles Raymond Serrano for USBA and WBC United States Welterweight titles on Saturday, June 16th at Gardens Ice House in Laurel, Maryland



LAUREL, MARYLAND (SVIBANJ 21, 2018)–Velter kategorija Gerome Quigley will look to stay perfect when he takes on tough Raymond Serrano in a 10-round battle for the USBA and WBC United States titles on Subota, June 16th na The Gardens Ice House u Lovor, Maryland.




The show is promoted by Jeter Promotions and GQ Promotions.




Quigley of Montgomery Village, Maryland has an unblemished mark of 18-0 s 16 miševa, and is one of most underrated contenders in the world. He states that he will be ready for his toughest bout to date.




I don’t know much about him other then he is tough and durable. This will be a good test for me, and I am stepping to the next level with this fight. Serrano is battled tested, so that should bring out the best in me,” said Quigley.




Despite having nearly a 90% Omjer nokaut, Quigley feels that he is more a of a boxer then a fight that is just looking for the knockout.




I look at myself as a boxer-puncher. I am well balanced. When people see my record, they may look at me as just a puncher because of all of the knockouts, when the reality is that I am a boxer. I have more boxing ability then punching ability.




This fight is a chance for Quigley to get on the map be mentioned with the top welterweights in the world.




A win would get me in the mix and guarantee me a spot in the top-10 or top-15 of the WBC and IBF. It will put the world on notice about who I am as a fighter.




Quigley has been plying his trade in the Beltway area (Quigley has fought in Germany 3 puta) while slowly stepping up his competition level. Now he feels that he is ready to ascend on the national and world stages.




I was staying low-key and build up my record and maybe sneak up on somebody. I was promoting my own fights. I saw this model that (show co-promoter) Tony Jeter used. He is an inspiration for what I have done. He promoted himself. He got ranked twice in the top-15 and got himself some major fights. osjećam, especially with this win, I can do that.




Even though the stakes are high for this bout, Quigley is fighting for more than just two belts and a world ranking.




If all goes well, I can bring my Fiance and two kids here. They are living in Frankfurt, Njemačka, and I can bring them back here.




Quigley was 68-5 kao amater, and was a 2-time United States open champion, as well as a 2007 semifinalist at the National PAL Tournament.




A stacked undercard with 6 undefeated fighters seeing action.




Jedan na jedan s M-1 Challenge prvakom u poluteškoj kategoriji Aleksanderom Doskalchukom

Šampion govori!
Doskalchuk vs.. Arman Ashimov ovaj četvrtak na M-1 Challenge 92 u
Sankt Peterburg, Rusija


Saint Petersburg, Rusija (Svibanj 21, 2018) – The “neosporen” Borba za naslov M-1 izazova u muškoj kategoriji bit će na programu ovog četvrtka (Svibanj 24), kada je M-1 Challenge prvak u muhe Aleksandar Doskalčuk (na slici gore) i privremeni titl Arman Ashimov kvadrat u M-1 Challenge 92 supredstavljeni događaj, u M-1 Areni u St.. Petersburg, Rusija.




Doskalchuk (8-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0), boreći se iz Ukrajine, je osvojio svoj naslovni pojas prošlog rujna uM-1 Challenge 83, kad je za podnošenje upotrijebio giljotinu Vadim Malygin u drugom krugu. Neporažen u konkurenciji M-1, Doskalchuk je osvojio većinsku odluku u svom debiju M-1 prošlog svibnja, više Binh Son Le na M-1 Challenge 78.




Ashimov (8-2-1, M-1: 3-0-0) zaradio svoj privremeni naslov snimljen prošle veljače zaustavljanjem Gadzhimurad Aliev a Ervani Melonio udarcima, odnosno, u drugom i prvom krugu. Na M-1 Challenge 87, snažno udarni Kazahstanac izbačen Mikael Silander u dva kruga za osvajanje privremenog prvenstva u muhaškoj kategoriji M-1 Challenge.



Doskalchuk (na slici gore) sjeo na vruće sjedalo kako bi sudjelovao u ekskluzivnom razgovoru jedan na jedan:




Prošlo je sedam mjeseci otkako ste osvojili naslov. Zašto si morao napraviti tako dugu pauzu?




OGLAS: “Morao sam uzeti vremena da zaliječim sve svoje ozljede. Bilo je problema s gležnjem, tako da nekoliko mjeseci nisam mogao trenirati i boriti se. Uskoro, vidjet ćemo kako će ova pauza utjecati na moj nastup. Sve moje ozljede su u prošlosti i spreman sam pobijediti u nadolazećoj borbi i postati neprikosnoveni prvak u muškoj kategoriji M-1 Challenge.


Što ste osjećali kad su vam rekli da treba uvesti privremeni naslov?




OGLAS: “Nisam osjetio ništa. Privremeni naslov mi ne znači ništa i koncentrirao sam se samo na jednu stvar: pobjeđujući u mojim borbama. Poznato je da je Ašimov vrlo brz borac i ima moć u svojim rukama. Ne mogu ništa reći o njegovoj izdržljivosti, jer sve ovisi o načinu na koji borba ide. Vidjet ćemo koliko je dobra njegova izdržljivost vrlo brzo u našoj borbi.”


Što mislite kako će vaša borba proći? Hoćete li iskoristiti svoju prednost u grapplingu?




OGLAS: “Spreman sam za bitku u pet rundi i, naravno, U svakom ću trenutku tražiti priliku da dovršim protivnika. Ne bih rekao da će moja taktika biti usmjerena na podneske. Pogledajte moje borbe; Volim boks i u MMA se ne možete osloniti samo na jedan aspekt.


Vaša borba protiv Ashimova prebačena je s emisije proteklog vikenda u Kini na 24. svibnja u Sankt Peterburgu, Rusija. Kako je to promijenilo vaš plan treninga?




KAO: “Bio sam spreman za borbu 12. svibnja, ali Arman nije dobio vizu, pa smo morali promijeniti planove za novi datum. Možda je tako najbolje. Let za Sankt Peterburg lakši je i brži nego za Kinu. Usput, u Sankt Peterburgu, mnogo će me više obožavatelja iskorijeniti. Podrška je vrlo važan dio igre i zahvalan sam svim navijačima koji će navijati za mene u M-1 Areni u Sankt Peterburgu, i svi koji će držati palčeve gledajući prijenos!”




Ruska teškaška zvijezda Sergei Kharitonov (27-6-0, M-1: 5-0-0) naslovi M-1 Challenge 92 naspram Anton Vyazigin (9-2-1, M-1: 4-1-0) u njihovom SuperFightu.


M-1 Challenge 92 će biti prenošena uživo iz Rusije u visokoj definiciji na www.M1Global.TV. Gledatelji će moći pogledati prethodne borbe i glavni karticu prijavom na registrirati na www.M1Global.TV. Obožavatelji mogu gledati sve akcije na svojim računalima, kao i na Android i Apple pametne telefone i tablete. M-1 Challenge 92 bit će dostupan i nawww.FITE.TV(preliminarna kartica je besplatna, $7.99 za glavnu kartu)




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@ M1GlobalNews


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Nadolazeći M-1 izazovni događaji:

Svibanj 24 – M-1 Challenge 92: Kharitonov vs. Vyazigin u Sankt Peterburgu, Rusija

Lipanj 1 – M-1 Challenge 93: Šelemko vs.. Siva u Čeljabinsku, Rusija




LOS ANGELES - Zbog ozljede, Mirko Cro Cop više se ne može natjecati u svom dugo očekivanom debiju u Bellatoru naBellator 200 protiv Roy Nelson. Kao rezultat, the Bellator 200 glavni događaj sada vidi vladajući prvak u srednjoj kategorijiRafael Carvalho (15-1) obraniti svoj naslov protiv najboljeg kandidata Gegard Mousasi (43-6-2) u aferi od pet krugova, dok u glavnom događaju sudjeluje neporaženi britanski napadač Michael je "otrov" Stranica (12-0), poznatiji kao „MVP,”ProtivDavid Rickels (19-4, 2 NC) u velter. Bellator 200 održava se u petak, Svibanj 25 u SSE Areni, Wembley u Londonu, a emitirat će se na Paramount Network u 9 poslije podne. ET / 8 poslije podne. CT.




Glavna karta također uključuje bivšeg nositelja naslova Phil Davis (18-4) preuzimanje Linton Vassell (18-6) u poluteškoj kategoriji i reality zvijezdi pretvorio se u MMA borca Aaron Chalmers (3-0) debitirajući na promociji protiv kolege BritAsh Griffiths (4-5). Ostatak glavne karte bit će objavljen kasnije ovog tjedna.




Prije glavne kartice na Paramount Network, Bellator 200 također će sadržavati mnoštvo uzbudljivih preliminarnih dvoboja koji prikazuju mnoge najbolje mlade talente Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Neporaženi Anastasia Yankova (5-0) vraća protiv uvijek teškog Kate Jackson (9-3-1), dok je trio bivših BAMMA prvaka u akciji kada je bivši prvak u srednjoj kategoriji Mike Shipman (11-1) borbe Carl Noon (7-2), bivši BAMMA perolaki kralj Daniel Crawford (10-1) izazovi Pedro Carvalho (6-3) i bivša BAMMA lagana naslovnica Ryan Scope (11-1) lica Martyn Harris(4-4). Navijači će vidjeti veterana Bellatora Anatolij Tokov (25-3) sukobiti se s Vladimir Filipovic (10-2), SBG Irska-proizvodCharlie Ward (4-3) U akciji protiv Louis King (1-1) i perspektivu obučenu za Mousasi Costello van Steenis (9-1) sastanak Kevin Fryer (6-2).




Ulaznice za događaj sada su u prodaji u The SSE Areni, Blagajna Wembleyja (0844 815 0815),, a Bellator 200 bit će emitiran na Paramount Network u 9 poslije podne. ET / 8 poslije podne. CT, dok će se preliminarna akcija strujati na i globalno na Bellator Mobile App s početkom u 12:30 poslije podne. I / 9:30 a.m. PT.



*Kartica podložne promjenama.

Antonije “Magic Man” Tarver Credits USA Boxing for giving him Structure that carried him to top

COLORADO SPRINGS, Krug. (Svibanj 21, 2018) – Future Hall of Famer Antonije “Magic Man” Tarver (31-6-1, 1 NC, 22 Kos) has just about done it all as a boxer having been an Olympic medal winner and world champion as an amateur, along with capturing five major light heavyweight world titles as a professional, as well as a pair of Prsten magazine’s top honors, and four other world championships in two different divisions.
I credit USA Boxing for giving me structure for the first time in my life,” Objasnio Tarver. “Everything was scheduled; curfew, eating, trening, spavati….sve! I then understood that I had to be accountable for everything I did. I had talent, but I wasn’t structured, and that was bigger than me. I had to adjust to authority. My determination took off, giving me support I never had before. I went on to make speaking engagements and get sponsors. I broke barriers. I’ve been the best at every level that I fought at in the world.
Tarver was a highly decorated amateur who had an amazing 158-12 rekord. He is the only boxer to capture gold medals at World Amateur Championships, U.S. National Championships and Pan-American Games in the same year (1995). The Orlando, Florida-born southpaw won a bronze medal at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, losing in the quarterfinals to future world champion Vassiliy Jirov, who Tarver had defeated in the semifinals of the 1995 World Amateur Championships. Tarver also won top honors at the 1994 National Golden Gloves Tournament and 1995 World Championships Challenge.
I went on a winning roll in 1995 and went into the Olympics in rare form,” Tarver rekao. “And that’s why I was favored to win a gold medal. I was hitting him (Jirov), the same guy I’d beaten in the World Championships, but no points were registering for me. I had a good second round, but I was down three points, so I threw my game plan away in the third round. I felt I had to do more and got away from my style: counter punching, not getting hit, and being patient. I thought I had won and so did a lot of people. I made up for that, iako, with a gold-medal professional career.
I had been faced with a decision about going pro after I was beaten in the ’92 Olympic Trials. I decided to stay in the amateurs, despite not having any guarantees about making the 1996 U.S. Olimpijski tim. I sacrificed four years of my pro career, which is why I turned pro at a relatively late age (27). I was determined when I found out the 1996 Olympics were in Atlanta. I think I made the right decision and I have no regrets.
I had always dreamed of going to the Olympics. I saw Roy Jones, Jr – we first fought each other at 13 – get robbed of gold. I was watching that on television, jumped up, and knew where I was heading: The Olympics! We both suffered horrible decisions in the Olympics and I knew then that our careers would be parallel.
Tarver made his pro debut February 18, 1997 u Philadelphiji, zaustavljanje Joaquin Garcia (4-0) u drugom krugu.
I was an Olympic bronze medal winner but when I first turned pro,” Tarver added, “I didn’t have a promoter or manager. Nobody was willing to take a chance on me until I was 4-0, when I signed by first contract with Russell Peltz. I felt nobody could beat me.
Nobody was able to beat Tarver, at least until his 17th profesionalna borba, kada Eric Hardingdefeated Tarver by way of a 12-round unanimous decision.
Dvije godine kasnije, Tarver embarked on a 12-fight murderer’s row stretch during the next seven years, arguably establishing him as the No. 1 pound-for-pound borac na svijetu. It all started with a successful rematch with Harding (21-1-1) in Indianapolis, when Tarver dropped Harding in the fourth round, plus twice more in the fifth, on his way to a fifth-round technical knockout to avenge his lone pro loss to that date.

Next up for Tarver was a showdown with 44-3 Montell Griffin for the WBC and IBF 175-pound division titles, which were vacated by Roy Jones Jr.., Travanj 26, 2003 na Foxwoods Resort Casino u Mashantucket, Connecticut. In his first world title shot as a pro, Tarver pitched a complete shutout, decking Griffin in the first and last rounds to shut out his opponent by scores of 120-103 iz sva tri suca.
Sedam mjeseci kasnije, međutim, Tarver lost a controversial 12-round majority decision and his WBC crown (he was stripped of his IBF belt) to WBA Super and IBO champion Jones in Las Vegas. The following May at the venue, Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, iako, Tarver became the first to knockout Jones, putting him to sleep in the second round.
Tarver then became a mainstream celebrity, appearing on late-night shows and covers ofPrsten magazine and KO Magazine, and co-hosting an ESPN Petak Noćni Borbe televizijska emisija.
I was robbed in my first fight with Roy,” Tarver insisted. “They called my knockout of Roy the greatest upset in light heavyweight history. Why didn’t they see me coming? I had beaten everybody ranked ahead of me. Roy was the pound-4-pound king, but he knew. I may not be the fastest, the quickest, or the strongest, but I doubt that there’s ever been a pro fighter to enter the ring with a higher IQ than me. Even at my age, I still feel that way today.
The WBC stripped Tarver of his title in 2004 for fighting IBF champion Glen Johnson (41-9-2) instead of the WBC mandatory challenger. Johnson, ironično, was stripped of his IBF title for the same reason right before his fight in Los Angeles with Tarver. Tarver and Johnson fought for Prsten and IBO titles and Johnson won a 12-round split decision.
In their rematch six months later u Memphisu, Tarver won a unanimous 12-round decision over Johnson to capture the IBO strap. Tarver completed his trilogy with Jones, retaining his IBO title with a unanimous 12-round decision (117-111, 116-112, 116-112).
Tarver lost a 12-round decision June 10, 2006 in Atlantic City to Bernard Hopkins for the IBO championship, which was soon vacated and recaptured by Tarver with a 12-round majority decision over Elvir Muriqi (34-3).
Tarver traveled to Australia in 2011 to challenge IBO cruiserweight champion and local hero Danny Green, who retired after nine rounds, as Tarver added another title belt to his display case.
U prosincu 2013 u Temeculi, Kalifornija, Tarver knocked out Jonathon Banks (29-2-1) in the seventh round, and Tarver’s last fight was a 12-round split decision draw with former world champion Steve Cunningham (28-7) u Newarku, New Jersey.
U 2006, Tarver starred as MasonThe LineDixon, the heavyweight champion in the film,Rocky Balboa.
Tarver, as he marches towards his planned history-making performance by becoming the oldest heavyweight world champion of all-time, also has served as a color commentator in boxing for Spike TV and Showtime.
Danas, u dobi od 49, Tarver is still technically active, and he also trains his son and undefeated middleweight prospect, Antonio Tarver, Jr. (5-0 (4 Kos), where they live in Tampa, Florida.
I was older than the rest of the boxers on the U.S. Olympic Team and the U.S. National Team,” Tarver primijetio. “What a team! Guys like Diego Corrales a Zab Juda didn’t make that Olympic Team. I gave Floyd Mayweather, Jr. his first moniker, ‘Pretty Boy Floyd’, until he changed it years later to ‘Money’. We had a bond on that Olympic team with Floyd, Fernando Vargas, David Reid, Zarim Raheem and the others.
Although at the age of 49 he is still an active fighter, Tarver occassionally does some color commentating and he trains pro and amateur boxers at a gym in Tampa, Florida. “I’m not retired as a fighter,” Tarver commented. “I started a program, ‘Train with The Champ’, and it includes room rent and training. I like to say it’s an AirB&B for boxing. I train my son (5-0 bokser srednje kategorije Antonio Tarver, Jr. tamo. I learned a lot from my early days, training in Orlando with my coach, Lou Harris, and I reunited with Jimmy Williams, koji je 90 sada, training my son together in Tampa.
Tarver also is an advocate of the relatively new “SAD Boks Alumni Association,” which was created to champion a lifelong, obostrano korisne odnose između SAD-boksu i njegovih bivših, –boksači, dužnosnici, treneri i boks navijača — Alumni udruga spaja generacije prvaka, nadahnjuje i daje natrag u SAD-u boks budućim boks prvaka, i iz prstena.
I’m going online to join,” Tarver rekao. “I’m looking forward to attending an Alumni Association meeting, Lipanj 24-30 during the Junior Olympics in Charleston, Zapadna Virginia.
Everything that goes around, dolazi oko, in USA Boxing. Just ask future Hall of Fame candidate Antonio Tarver.
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