Barcha xabarlar bilan FNU47


Portlend, Meyn (May 31, 2018) - Shu hafta boshida, New England sur (NEF) rasmiylarga Mayk Kresponing jang lageri paytida jarohat olgani va u bilan raqobatlasha olmasligi haqida xabar berilgan edi “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi” bo'yicha Iyun 16 Portlendda. Dastlab Krespo bilan uchrashish rejalashtirilgan edi Arnold keldi (3-0) bo'sh bo'lgan NEF MMA Havaskorlik Bantamweight chempionati uchun. Killian Merfi (1-0) Kresponing o'rnini egallashga va Arnoldni "Aura" da 135 funtlik unvon uchun kurashni rejalashtirilgan besh raundlik ishida kuchaytirdi..

Murfi birinchi marta debyut qildi “NEF 33” o'tgan oy Portlendda Krishna Skott ustidan g'alaba qozongan (0-1) Birinchi davra texnik nokaut orqali. U g'olibning doirasi uchun begona emas. Merfi - kurash bo'yicha Meyn shtatining sobiq chempioni, yilda Elliott shahridagi Marshwood High School uchun A sinfini qo'lga kiritgan 2015. Bugun, u Somersvortda Nostos MMA bilan mashq qiladi, Nyu-Xempshir UFC ishtirokchisi rahbarligida, va sobiq NEF Professional chempioni, Devin Powell (8-3). Dastlab Merfi Florida shtatining Gabriel Diaz bilan raqobatlashishi kerak edi “NEF 34,” ammo Dias shu oyning boshida ushbu kurashdan chiqib ketdi.

"Bu 135 kilogramm kamar uchun kurashni yakunlaydigan voqealarning hayajonli burilishidir,” - dedi Merfi. “Ushbu sayohatni boshlashimdan maqsad bu kamarni yutish edi – va men ushbu imkoniyat uchun minnatdorman. Men NEFga minnatdorchilik bildirmoqchiman, mening murabbiylarim, mening jamoadoshlarim va tarafdorlarim. 16 iyun, Men bu belbog'ni uyga Nostosga olib ketayapman. "

Ehtimol, NEF ro'yxatining boshqa biron bir a'zosi so'nggi o'n ikki oy ichida Kam Arnoldda qatnashmagan.. U o'tgan raundda faxriy Devid Tompsonning o'n bir soniyali nokautini, shu jumladan sariyog 'ichidagi issiq pichoq singari uchta raqibni kesib tashladi. “NEF 33.” Arnold "Lewiston" ning markaziy meynlik braziliyalik Jiu-Jitsu a'zosi, Meyn.

"Birinchidan, Men Killianga ushbu jangni qabul qilgani uchun shunchaki "rahmat" demoqchiman, Matt Petersonga menga boshqa raqib topgani uchun,” - dedi Arnold izoh olish uchun. “Killian kelajakda, hayajonli kurashchi – va men u bilan to'qnashganimdan juda xursandman. Men u tayyor bo'lishini bilaman va u ushbu bo'linishni silkitib, bayonot berishni xohlaydi. Qattiq ishlashda davom etaman, strategiyaga tuzatish kiritib, u erdan devorga sharlar bo'ylab o'ting. Bu ajoyib kurash bo'ladi – va men NEFning navbatdagi 135 funtli chempioni bo'laman ».

«Sportchi qisqa fursat ichida qadam qo'yganidan va shon-sharafga erishish imkoniyatidan foydalanganidan boshqa hech narsa meni hayajonlantirmaydi – va Killian Merfi shu kurashni Kam Arnold singari mag'lubiyatsiz hayvonga qarshi o'tkazishga rozilik berib qilgan.,” deb e'lon qildi NEF hamraisi egasi va matchmaker Matt Peterson. “Kam bir yildan kamroq vaqt oldin debyut qilganidan beri o'zini to'xtatib bo'lmaydigan ko'rinishga ega edi – va endi biz uni NEF oltiniga imkoniyat uchun o'zini bezatilgan kurashchiga qarshi sinab ko'rganini ko'ramiz. Go'yo bu karta allaqachon yozgi pirotexnika emas edi – Endi besh raundlik chempionlik jangi davomida mag'lubiyatsiz ikkita tirnoq bir-birlarini yiqitishga urinayotganlarini ko'rishimiz mumkin. Bu ham yaxshi bo'lsin emas!"

Nef keyingi aralash-jangovar-san'at tadbir, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” Portlenddagi Aurada bo'lib o'tadi, Shanba kuni Meyn, Iyun 16, 2018. Chiptalar endi onlayn tarzda sotilmoqda

New England Mushtlashish haqida

New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEFning vazifasi jangchilar va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli tadbirlarni yaratishdir. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.

Dan Pasciolla looking to defend and win New Jersey State Heavyweight title this Friday against Quian Davis

Atlantic City, NJ (May 31, 2018)Heavyweight Dan Pasciolla (9-3-3) won the New Jersey State Heavyweight title when he won a six-round unanimous decision over former world champion Imamu Mayfield on March 19, 2016.




The 32 year-old native of Brick, New Jersey signed on to fight Quian Davis (4-0-2, 2 KOS) this Friday night at The Showboat Hotel in Atlantic City, and was informed that the fight would be for the vacant title.




That was news to Pasciolla and his manager Rich Masini, as the pair believed that Pasciolla was still the champion.




I have been waiting for a fight. I was in camp in Poland, and I am in better shape. My goal is to get in the ring, and show a different Dan Pasciolla,” said the 5-year veteran.




When asked about Davis, Pasciolla is ready for his undefeated opponent.




I know he did not have much of an amateur career. He is just another guy that I will be getting into the ring with. Experience plays a factor, and I bring much more than thaton Friday. I have been working hard, and things are coming together,”




Pasciolla is not letting the fact the he is already fighting for a belt that he already owns get in the way of his preparation.




I am not sure why there is a new title since I already am the champion, but I will walk out with 2 belts on Friday. It is very important because it represents my state, so it is a big deal to me. I do not do a lot of talking. I will do my talking between the ropes.




This is a funny and crazy business at times,” said Pasciolla’s manager , Rich Masini. “Dan beat Mayfield for the state title, It is even recognized on, but somehow, I guess that doesn’t count anymore, but Dan will enter the ring with that belt, and apparently now we are fighting for the same title but a different belt. That aside, Dan will be fighting a tough opponent. Dan is used to being the underdog, but he relishes that role. Dan has worked very hard, and he has transformed his body and is in great shape.




I am sure Davis has trained hard. I just think it is very ironic that the same man is fighting for another belt of the same title that he already owns. Men uchun boks edi 30 yil, so nothing ever surprises me. I am glad that Rising Star Promotions is giving us another opportunity. The reason that I manage fighters is that there are good men out there, and Dan is a great man, who will be ready for his opponent on Friday night.

Leo Santa Cruz vs. Abnur Mares 2 Shanba, Iyun 9 Live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Crosstown Battles
A Los Angeles Boxing History Lesson
“Los Anjeles, one of the world’s greatest boxing cities, has probably developed more sensational box-office attractions than any other city.
Hap Navarro, Hollywood Legion Stadium matchmaker,


Los Angeles (May 30, 2018) – The first Leo Santa Cruz vs. Abner Mares clash, a candidate for “Yilning Fight” ichida 2015, was a hard fought crosstown Los Angeles battle for supremacy in the featherweight division won by Santa Cruz via a 12-round majority decision at STAPLES Center on August 29.




This Southern California natural hometown bash produced a strong live gate to go along with a peak of 1.641 million viewers on ESPN, their strongest numbers since 1998. The fierce, bloody war left Mares unfulfilled until their long-awaited rematch could be finally realized three years later. The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast on Saturday, Iyun 9 is approaching as we await the exciting, high-voltage return of Santa Cruz vs. Onalar.




Historically, Los Angeles has been the hotspot for slugfests between legendary local Mexican-American fighters. Known for their big hearts in the ring, Mexican-American boxers have electrified fans with their explosiveness and courage. When you mix in the fact that Southland boxing fans are loyal to the end, you have the ingredients for the much anticipated barnburner between Los Angeles-based rivals, Va boshqalar Santa Cruz. Onalar.




The rematch is bound to instill and bolster Mexican national pride in the hearts of the growing Southland Latino boxing community. STAPLES Center will surely be divided equally between those rooting for either Santa Cruz or Mares. With this fight just over a week away, we look back to similar exciting bouts between popular Los Angeles fighters.




A strong bitterness carried over from many years earlier was in full force during the pre-fight build up between former sparring partners and former world champions Mando Ramos and Raul Rojas. These Harbor-area fighters openly played mind-games with each other and tossed hateful personal insults back-and-forth in order to gain a psychological edge. In this crucial crossroads fight for both, Ramos, Long Beach, was led to believe that San Pedro’s Rojas was not in shape. Ramos proceeded to take it easy and coasted during training camp. When word got out that Rojas was in top-form, it occurred to Ramos that he’d been had. Shunday bo'lsa-da, Ramos mustered enough salvo to knockout Rojas in six rounds on December 10, 1970 at the Olympic Auditorium.




Ramos helped write another chapter of boxing history in the area as the long-awaited grudge match between two popular Chicano icons, Ramos and Ruben Navarro, also pitted the neighborhoods of Harbor vs. Maravilla against each other. The two fighters, who had been mouthing off to one another for three years, finally agreed to meet in the ring to claim exclusive bragging rights for the title ofbest lightweight in town.” Former world lightweight champion Ramos pulled off a close 10-round unanimous decision over top-contender Navarro, “The Maravilla Kidof East L.A., at the Olympic Auditorium on September 30, 1971.




In one of the most anticipated dream matches in Los Angeles boxing history, “SchoolboyBobby Chacon, of Sylmar, knocked out Danny “Qizil” Lopez, Alhambra, in the ninth round to win the mythicalCity Featherweight Championship.Chacon was in his wheelhouse all night long, rocking Lopez repeatedly with his right hand throughout the fight. This clash of local rising stars in the featherweight division, promoted by Aileen Eaton and the Olympic Boxing Club, occurred in front of a sold-out crowd of 16,027 at the Los Angeles Sports Arena on May 24, 1974. The fight produced so much interest that another 2,671 fans watched on closed-circuit TV at the Olympic Auditorium, located on the corner of 18th & Grand in downtown Los Angeles. Steve Springer of the Los Anjeles Times wrote in 1995 about the fight as a measuring stick for boxing fan passion in the area, deb “you would have to go back to Chacon-Lopez to find such excitement for a pair of Los Angeles fighters.




It was the first time in boxing history that two college graduates fought for the world title when WBC welterweight champion Carlos Palomino, of Westminster, successfully defended his title against Armando Muniz, of Montebello, by 15th-round TKO at the Olympic Auditorium on January 21, 1977. Many local boxing writers called this knockdown, drag-out war, The “Yilning Fight”, and in the rematch held May 27, 1978 at the same venue, Palomino once again stopped Muniz, this time by 15-round unanimous decision.




Santa Cruz and Mares grew up together on the same Southern California boxing scene. Both appeared on many of the same boxing cards, and Santa Cruz even picked up an IBF bantamweight belt vacated by Mares. Hozir, for these two Mexican warriors with almost identical boxing statistics, the road to greatness leads them both once more to STAPLES Center for surely another sensational ring-war.




Come fight night on June 9, 2018, the boxing world will be treated to another classic Los Angeles slugfest between two certified Mexican warriors. This bout truly promises to be the next chapter written in the long history of exciting Los Angeles crosstown battles. Nearly three years in the making, anticipation will be high and a screaming audience again on their feet, as they witness Maresquest for redemption in his rematch with Santa Cruz. As popular and well-liked as these two hometown heroes are in the Southland boxing community; there will be only one fighter who will walk out of STAPLES Center with his hands raised tall. Eng yaxshi erkak yutishi mumkin.




Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, Ringstar sport va TMO aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, begin at $50, Ortiqcha to'lovlari, va hozir indirimdedir. To purchase tickets visit or click BU YERGA.




The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will also feature unbeaten super welterweight world champion Jermell charlo sobiq jahon chempioni qarshi unvonini himoya Austin Trout as part of an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.


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Story written by Gene Aguilera, author of Latino Boxing in Southern California (2018) va Mexican American Boxing in Los Angeles (2014), Arcadia Publishing. Aguilera has been inducted into the WBC Legends of Boxing Museum, National Boxing Hall of Fame, and his 2014 release was chosen asBook of the Yearby the West Coast Boxing Hall of Fame.





Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun,, va Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing ustida amal, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, @AbnerMares, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at, va homiysi Korona, eng yaxshi pivo.

Errol Spence Jr. Dallas Media Mashq ishora & Rasmlar

Welterweight World Champion Makes Homecoming Defense Against Undefeated Challenger Carlos Ocampo
Shanba, Iyun 16 Showtime yashash® from Ford Center at
Dallas Cowboys Headquarters at The Star
Bosing BU YERGA for Photos from Stacey Verbeek

Dallas (May 30, 2018) – Mag'lubiyatsiz ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn jahon chempioni Errol Spence Jr. hosted a media workout at his gym in Dallas Tuesday as he prepares for his homecoming title defense at Dallas Cowboys Headquarters against undefeated challenger Carlos Ocampo Shanba, Iyun 16 live on SHOWTIME from Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, Texas in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The IBF titleholder spoked to media at the R&R Boxing Club along with trainer Derrick James, as the two prepare for Spence’s second title defense after winning the title from then unbeaten champion Kell Brook last May.




Tadbir chiptalar, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Man Down Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased at




Here is what Spence and James had to say Tuesday:






It feels good to be fighting back at home in Dallas. This is where I started and where my core fan base is. It’s great to fight in front of my people and even better that I can do it as a world champion now.




I wanted to make my first title defense in Dallas, but everything happens for a reason and now I have this great opportunity to fight at the Dallas Cowboysfacility. It’s an incredible venue that has everything you would want. It’s going to be a great atmosphere on June 16.




We’re working hard on our game plan and sharpening our skills in camp to make sure I’m the best version of myself when I step into the ring against Ocampo.




Timing is key in boxing. It’s more important than speed and it’s something I really focus on when I’m training. It’s timing and accuracy. You can be fast but if you don’t land, it doesn’t mean anything.




I’m a versatile fighter who is able to switch it up. I can box from the outside but also go on the inside. These are things that we’re always working on in the gym. Our opponent may bring something different than we expected into the ring, so we work on having a plan for everything.




It’s great to have another world champion like Jermell Charlo in camp with me. Iron sharpens iron and we just work hard every day so that we can push each other to the next level. All of that helps me become victorious.




I wouldn’t say I have one skill that sticks out the most in my arsenal. I’m a balanced boxer who can do everything. I can jab, throw a combo and show strong defense. I balance all of the attributes you need in the ring and that’s what makes me a great boxer.




I’ve been putting this division on notice for a while. Iyun 16 is another day that we’re going to give another one-sided performance and dominate. I’ve had the welterweight division on notice since my first fight. They know I’m here.




Whoever wins the fight between Danny Garcia and Shawn Porter for the WBC title will have to fight me. I’m ready to unify. I’m ready to take the belt from either one of those guys.


DERRICK JEYMS, Spence ning Trener




Errol is an incredibly hard worker in the gym and he always has been. We’re just making sure he’s on task and able to be peaking on June 16. I have no worries that he’s going to be distracted by fighting at home.




There can definitely be a lot of distractions at home, but Errol is determined and I know he has the mentality that will allow him to put on his best performance. We’ve been preparing for anything Ocampo could possibly bring to the ring.





I’m excited that my two daughters will be able to come to the fight. This night is all about our community and giving everyone here something to cheer about. The city has indicated that they’re really coming out to support Errol and he’s going to reward them.




If we keep putting in the work like we have been, everything is going to come naturally on fight night. We’ve taken a look at what Ocampo likes to do and we’ll be ready. Kunning oxirida, I think Errol is going to put on a great performance for this city.




# # #


About The Star

The Star is the 91-acre campus of the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters and practice facility in Frisco, Texas. Developed as a first-of-its-kind partnership between the City of Frisco and Frisco ISD, The Star features Ford Center, a 12,000-seat stadium that hosts Frisco ISD football games and other events; Cowboys Fit, a 60,000 square-foot gym developed in partnership with leading fitness developer, Mark Mastrov; Cowboys Club, a members-only club where the country club meets the NFL; The Omni Frisco Hotel, a 16-floor, 300-room luxury hotel; Baylor Scott & White Sports Therapy & Research at The Star, a 300,000 square-foot center of excellence for sports medicine set to open in 2018; as well as a variety of shopping, dining and nightlife options as part of the Entertainment District. For more information on The Star, tashrif




Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun , www.premierboxingchampions.comva Follow us on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, ErrolSpenceJr, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @TheStarinFrisco and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at va PBC Corona Extra tomonidan homiylik qilingan, eng yaxshi pivo.


Chris Kaledes (R) is shooting for his second straight M-1 victory bu juma

CHELYABINSK, Rossiya (May 30, 2018) – Greece-born flyweight Chris “The Greek KeladesKelades (12-3-0, M-1: 1-0-0), fighting out of Dartmouth, Kanada, takes on Ukrainian fighter Alexander Pletenko (13-4-0, M;1: 0-0-0) this Friday night on the M-1 Challenge 93 asosiy karta, Chelyabinskda, Rossiya.




Kelades made his successful M-1 Global debut last November at M-1 Challenge 86, when he defeated Oleg Lichkovakha uchinchi-dumaloq taqdim etish yo'li bilan (Kimura).


It’s been more than a half- year since your M-1 Global debut. Why did you take such a long break?




CK: “It’s hard to believe it’s been that long. I was supposed to fight back in March, but I had problems getting my travel visa secured, so I was rebooked to fight in April but, afsuski, the event was canceled. Shunday, I’ve been ready to fight, but circumstances have changed the dates. I’m excited for this fight and looking forward to fighting in Chelyabinsk. Two times my fights have been canceled and it was extremely frustrating, but it gave me more time to work on my game and learn new techniques.


In your M-1 Global debut, you have been very cautious during the first two rounds, but in the third round you got a submission. Is it your real fighting style or did you just wanted to win the debut fight without taking risks?




CK: Har bir jang farq qiladi. Sometimes in a new environment it takes longer to feel the fight start and you have to read the opponent before you react too aggressively.


What can you say about your next opponent, Alexander Pletenko? You have similar records. Does it mean you have similar fighting styles?




CK: “I’ve seen some of his fights and I don’t think we have similar styles. I’ve been fighting the best guys in the world and at a certain level it’s more difficult to finish fights.


Before joining M-1 Global you had never fought anywhere except North America. What does it feel like to fight half a world away from your home?




CH: “I really enjoyed myself the last time in my debut with M-1 Global. The travel is a little bit of a hassle with the distance, but I really enjoy fighting internationally and here in Russia. I like fighting away because I enjoy having to prove myself to other fighters and the fans. Bu meni undaydi!”




Russian star Aleksandr “Bo'ron” Shlemenko (56-10-1, 1 Shimoliy Karolina, M-1: 6-0-0) headlines M-1 Challenge 93 against Brazilian power-puncher Bruno Silva (17-6-0, M-1: 0-0-0).




Undefeated M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Artem Frolov (10-0-0, M-1: 7-0-0) defends his title for the first time against American favorite Joe “DieselRiggs (47-17-1, M-1: 2-0-1) ichida M-1 Challenge 93 qo'shma tadbir.


M-1 Challenge 93 will be live-streamed from Russia in high definition on www.M1Global.TV. Ta'lim olayotgan da ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun tizimga tomonidan dastlabki janglarini va asosiy kartasi tomosha qilish mumkin bo'ladiwww.M1Global.TV. Fans may watch all the action on their computers, shuningdek Android va Apple aqlli telefonlar va planshetlar kabi. M-1 Challenge 93 will also be available onwww.FITE.TV(preliminary card is free, $7.99 for the main card)





Twitter & Instagram:



@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global




Upcoming M-1 Challenge Events:

Iyun 1 – M-1 Challenge 93: Shelemnko vs. Silva in Chelyabinsk, Rossiya


From Masonic Temple in Detroit, Mich.; Endi sotish to'g'risida chiptalar

The Salita Promotions professional boxing event on Friday, Iyun 22, at the Masonic Temple in Detroit, is heating up even more with the announcement of an intriguing match-up of promising light heavyweight prospects with local ties.




In a fight with explosive action written all over it, Detroit’s own James “The Equalizer” Ballard (10-1, 3 KOS) will face undefeated Aslambek Idigov (12-0, 5 KOS), from Detroit via Grozny, Rossiya, ustida 10 exciting rounds.




Fighting mostly in his home city, the 28-year-old Ballard has become a fan favorite for his fearlessly aggressive style. Ballard says he refuses to lose on his home turf of Detroit.




“Expect a war,” said Ballard. “I will go out there and give the fans what they want by going toe-to-toe. I am coming for Idigov’s O. I’m not going to be out-boxed in my hometown. It’s a respect thing. It’s going to be a long night for him. We are training hard and ready to go hard every round if it takes that long. Iyun 22 can’t get here soon enough. I’m more than ready to send Russia back home.”




A compact puncher with pinpoint accuracy, Idigov has fan favorite written all over his muscular frame. Since he began training in Detroit’s famed Kronk Gym, Idigov says he’s learning to fight the American way.




“Training at the Kronk Boxing Gym in Detroit has been a great experience for me and I learn a lot and get better every day. I love their philosophy that the best win is a knockout!

James Ballard is a very good fighter. I have no problem fighting him and winning in his hometown, which is becoming my second home as well. Ning uni nasl bo'lsin!"




“This is a classic, crossroads fight between two talented and hungry prospects,” said event promoter Dmitriy Salita. “This is a ‘pick em’ type of match that will bring excitement to fans in the championship City of Detroit!"




The skillful pair will duel as part of the untelevised undercard of the blockbuster “It’s Our Time to Shine” event featuring two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and current Unified Women’s Super Middleweight Champion Claressa Shields attempting to become a two-division world champion against unified 154-pound champion Hanna Gabriels for the vacant IBF and WBA Women’s Middleweight World Championships.




The main event will be televised live on SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION (10 p.m. ET / PT) and will also feature highlights of Unified Women’s Middleweight Champion Christina Hammer as she defends her WBC & WBO Titles in her U.S. debut against former world champion Tori Nelson.


Tadbir chiptalar, which is promoted by Salita Promotions, mavjud or at the Masonic Temple Box Office at (313) 832-7100. VIP tickets are priced at $300, ringside tickets at $125, and remaining tickets at $75, $50 va $35.

Entoni “Sharbat” Young signs with Real Deal Entertainment

Young to take on Enver Halili bu Shanba night at Boardwalk Hall

Atlantic City, NJ (May 29, 2018)Boxing manager Rich Masini announced that welterweight Anthony “Sharbat” Young has signed a promotional contract with Real Deal Entertainment.




Yosh (18-2, 6 KOS) of Atlantic City will make his debut under the Real Deal Entertainment banner when he takes on this Saturday night when he takes on Enver Halili (10-1, 3 KOS) in a scheduled eight-round bout at Boardwalk Hall in his hometown of Atlantic City.




I am happy to join Real Deal Boxing. They are an up-and-coming promotion,” Young dedi.




In Halili, Young will be fighting the brother of a former opponent who defeated Young for one of his two defeats.




I expect a tough fight. I saw his fight against Raymond Serrano, and I think he was winning until he got disqualified. I expect to get the victory. Kunning oxirida, he is not his brother Skender. When his brother beat me, it was just a little setback.




The Atlantic City native is honored and motivated to be performing on Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame weekend.



It is special to fight at Boardwalk Hall. I am now at the point of my career, that I am set on bigger fights, and it is an honor to fight on Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame weekend. It motivates me as I want to be be inducted when my career is over.



Masini, who has managed Young for the last six-years, is excited at the new partnership that he has for his fighter.




I have seen “Sharbat” Improve greatly over his last seven fights. It is Anthony’s commitment and his team led by trainer Raul “Chino” Rivas that have done a great job with his preparation,” Said mashinalari. “Bunga qo'chimcha, Anthony’s dad, Teany has helped me in the management end of things. I am very proud of him. He has matured inside and outside of the ring.




I am looking forward to working with Real Deal Entertainment. Sal Musumeci has been a long time friend, and this is the final piece of the puzzle in-terms of completing the team around Anthony. The reason that I am in this business is because of people like Anthony. He is loyal, bag'ishlangan, and now has all of the pieces to become world champion. We have tried to keep him busy, but in the last eight-months, we have had some fights fall out, but we are back on Saturday against Enver Halili. “Sharbat” will be ready to show all that he is on the rise.

Abner Mares Hosts Community Event Thursday & Throws Out First Pitch at Los Angeles Dodgers Game Sunday as Part of Busy Memorial Day Weekend

Mares Rematches Featherweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruz Shanba, Iyun 9 Live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions
Bosing BU YERGA for Dodgers First Pitch Photos From
Mares Enterprises/Eder Mercado
Bosing BU YERGA for Community Event Video Footage & BU YERGA for Photos from Team Mares

Los Angeles (May 29, 2018) – Four-time world champion Abnur Mares participated in two great events over Memorial Day Weekend, first hosting a Community Day at the L.A. County Sheriff’s Century Boxing Gym on Thursday, and then throwing out the first pitch at the Los Angeles Dodgersgame on Sunday afternoon.




Mares is preparing for a world championship rematch against featherweight titleholder Leo Santa Cruz Shanba, Iyun 9 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




Payshanba kuni, Mares was joined by EMMY Award-winning sports reporter Jim Gray, Ringstar Sports Chairman and CEO Richard Schaefer and Maresstrength and conditioning coach Luis Garsiya, as the group spoke to 150 children ages seven to 19 on their careers and how champions are built in Los Angeles.




Boxing is a disciplined and dedicated sport,” dedi Mares. “The Sheriffs know that with hard work, dedication and discipline, you can make it in life.




You think in boxing a perfect record is everything? It isn’t. When you lose you know what makes you a better champion? Getting up, and becoming a champion again. Getting up every time and not quitting. That’s what makes a true champion.




On Sunday, Mares was at Dodgers Stadium to throw out the ceremonial first pitch as part of Viva Los Dodgers, the monthly series at the stadium that celebrates Latino culture. With fight week right around the corner, Mares was able to enjoy the event with his focus still squarely on his showdown with rival Santa Cruz.




It’s always great to be able to participate in events like these that directly reach people in my community,” dedi Mares. “I’m thankful to the Dodgers for the opportunity and I had a great time on Sunday. I hope everyone who was there comes out to STAPLES Center on June 9 because I’m locked in and ready to put on a great show for the fans in Los Angeles.




Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, Ringstar sport va TMO aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, begin at $50, Ortiqcha to'lovlari, va hozir indirimdedir. To purchase tickets visit or click BU YERGA.




The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will also feature unbeaten super welterweight world champion Jermell charlo sobiq jahon chempioni qarshi unvonini himoya Austin Trout.


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CHELYABINSK, Rossiya (May 29, 2018) – Undefeated M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Artem Frolov (10-0-0, M-1: 7-0-0) defends his title for the first time this Friday against American favorite Joe “DieselRiggs (47-17-1, M-1: 2-0-1) ichida M-1 Challenge 93 qo'shma tadbir, Chelyabinskda, Rossiya.




Frolov has knocked out four of his opponents and submitted four others. Last October, Frolov captured the belt by defeating UFC veteran Caio Magalhaes, Braziliya, by unanimous decision and he needed a break to heal his injuries.


Artem Frolov (L) puts his perfect record and M-1 Challenge middleweight title belt on the line this Friday against JoeDieselRiggs

Yilda 2016 you had three fights and last year you fought only twice. How many fights a year would you like to have in the future?




AF: “I would like to fight three times a year. I think this is the best number because it lets me have enough time for good recovery after fights and enough time for training camps. Albatta, there are also some distraction factors, which do not let me fight more often like, for example, some amateur competitions where I fight from time to time.


Your title fight against Caio Magalhaes was a hard trial for you. How difficult was that 25- minute brawl?




AF: “I knew the fight was going to be a tough confrontation because Caio is a great fighter with excellent striking skills. Ammo, during the fight I found the best way to fight him and saw how I could get the victory. He impressed me with his firmness; he did not quit after I delivered many hard punches, so I must admit he has a big heart.


When did you learn that you were going to fight Joe Riggs? What can you say about his skills?




AF: “Even before the title fight I knew that, if I won the belt, my first title defense would be against Joe Riggs. He drew my attention with his debut fight in M-1 Global. I checked his record, took a look at the list of the guys he had defeated, and understood that sooner or later we were going to meet in The Rage.




“Albatta, in the last few months, I watched many of the Diesel’s fights. His main advantage is his experience, he has five times more fights than me. Riggs is a well-rounded fighter, his wrestling skills together with the excellent control skills on the ground, and powerful ground-and- pound are probably his main strengths. Shunday, he is definitely a fighter of the ‘American school’.


After capturing the title, you were mentioned among the top 20 best prospects in the world by the famous MMA magazine Fighters Only. What does it feel?




AF: I was flattered to be mentioned in the best prospects list, especially by a respected magazine like Fighters Only. Such recognition proves that you dedicate your life to MMA for a reason and that you have really achieved something. But I know that I have much work to do and a lot of things in my game to improve.


Two weeks after your fight against Riggs there will be a contender fight between Mikhail Ragozin and Valery Myasnikov. Who do you think will be the winner? Which one of them would you like to fight?




AF: “I am acquainted with both these guys, so I would not like to fight either of them. I can’t say who is going to win this fight because they are both strong athletes and have their advantages. In my opinion the one who will have better cardio will win the fight.




I would prefer to fight only the strongest foreigners, not fellow countrymen. You travel around the country, have camps in different places, make friends and one day you are told that you are fighting one of them. That is not the best feeling, trust me, so I’d like to fight the best athletes from other countries, so I can fight not only for myself, my gym and my city, but for the country, defending the honor of the national flag.


You have the same number of wins by knockouts and submissions in your record. How would you like to end the upcoming fight?




AF: “I came to MMA as a wrestler, so it makes me happy that I am getting better at striking. Ammo, it feels great to win via submission as well, especially when it is a beautiful one. Aslini olganda, any finish is awesome, because my family and friends are worried about me during the fight and I don’t like to make them worry too long. Shunday, I prefer to finish the fights early.




Russian star Aleksandr “Bo'ron” Shlemenko (56-10-1, 1 Shimoliy Karolina, M-1: 6-0-0) headlines M-1 Challenge 93 against Brazilian power-puncher Bruno Silva (17-6-0, M-1: 0-0-0).


M-1 Challenge 93 will be live-streamed from Russia in high definition on www.M1Global.TV. Ta'lim olayotgan da ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun tizimga tomonidan dastlabki janglarini va asosiy kartasi tomosha qilish mumkin bo'ladi www.M1Global.TV. Fans may watch all the action on their computers, shuningdek Android va Apple aqlli telefonlar va planshetlar kabi. M-1 Challenge 93 will also be available onwww.FITE.TV(preliminary card is free, $7.99 for the main card)





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Upcoming M-1 Challenge Events:



Iyun 1 – M-1 Challenge 93: Shelemnko vs. Silva in Chelyabinsk, Rossiya

Tommi ‘Shirin T’ Jeykobs Bilal Muhammad bilan WBF International Crown uchun to'qnash keldi

Kolchesterning Tommisi ‘Shirin T’ Jeykobs Jahon chempioni bo'lish orzusiga erishish uchun tezkor yo'lda, u Gana Bilal Muhammadni Butunjahon boks jamg'armasi uchun qabul qilganda (WBF) Kolchester shahridagi Charter zalida Xalqaro super o'rta vazn toji 30-iyun, shanba 2018.



Shu yilning aprel oyida Jeykobs WBF Evropa superog'ir vazn toifasida Matar Sambu ustidan bir ovozdan ishonchli g'alabani qo'lga kiritdi., shu kungacha kim uni mag'lub etgan yagona bokschi bo'lgan, ular birinchi bo'lib Jeykobsga oyoq barmoqlari bilan borganlarida’ oktyabr oyida Britaniyalik magistrlar tojining birinchi himoyasi 2017.



Jacobs, sobiq Team International International havaskor yulduzi, faqat mart oyida professionalga aylandi 2016 va shu qisqa vaqt ichida uchta Professional unvonni qo'lga kiritdi, Britaniya ustalari, Xalqaro ustalar va Butunjahon boks jamg'armasi (WBF) Evropa chempionati va u o'zining to'qqizinchi professional jangida WBF International tojini qo'shishiga ishonadi.



Eng muhimi, Jacobs’ Bugungi kunga qadar sakkizta jang istiqbolga qarshi bo'lgan, bugungi kunda sportda kamdan-kam uchraydigan va Jeykobzni har doim eng yaxshi ellik funt kabi eng yaxshi olimlarga qo'shilishini ko'rgan kishi 4 Funt chempionlar, Muhammad Ali, Oskar De La Hoya, Bob Fitssimmons, Andre Uord va Djo Gans, Dastlabki to'qqizta professional musobaqada faqat ijobiy ko'rsatkichlar bilan kurashganlar.



“Chindan ham kurashni kutmoqdaman, Men ilgari tunnelni ko'rgan edim va dastlabki tanlov tugagandan so'ng tortishuvlarga duch kelganimdan keyin Sambou bilan yuzma-yuz turish va uni mag'lubiyatga uchratish juda qattiq edi. Mendan yaxshiroq bo'lmagan kishiga yutqazish bilan shug'ullana olmadim.



Endi bu men kelajakka qat'iy nazar tashlayman! Hech qanday holatda men keyingi raqibimni e'tiborsiz qoldirmayapman, u men ilgari duch kelgan boshqalardan yuqori darajalarda, Ammo men uni kattaroq va yaxshiroq narsalarning darvozaboni deb bilaman va shu darajadagi raqibga qarshi mening iste'dodlarimni namoyish etish uchun kutib o'tirmayman.”



Tommi ‘Shirin T’ Jeykobs Bilal Muhammad bilan Jahon boks jamg'armasining superog'ir yarim vazn toifasidagi xalqaro chempionati uchun Charter Hall-da bo'lib o'tadi, Colchester Bo'sh vaqt dunyosi, Kolchesterdagi Kovdrey avenyu 30-iyun, shanba 2018.



Chiptalarni to'g'ridan-to'g'ri kartadagi har qanday bokschidan olish mumkin yoki chipta liniyasini chaqirish mumkin 07475 09653