Összes hozzászólása FNU47

Küzdelem jelentés: Thomas és Dudzinski lenyűgözik a debütálást Preece-ként, McIntyre és McGivern nagy győzelmet arat Cardiffban

Report Gianluca Di Caro


Ben McGivern vs.. Ben Hough
Carl Thomas vs.. Kyle McNicholas
Kacper Dudzinski vs.. Michael Kelly
Levi Griffiths vs.. Scott McIntyre
Liam Preece vs.. Steffan Hughes

A fényképek Thomas Jones jóvoltából



Szombaton Londoni otthonomtól nyugatra, Cardiff gyönyörű városába tettem meg az utat az Owen Watkins által népszerűsített rendezvényen a Wales Ice Arénában.

Az eseményt a várva várt összes walesi nehézsúlyú összecsapás vezette le Hari Miles és Dorian Darch között., a Boksz Világ Alapítvány számára (WBF) Nehézsúlyú Európa-bajnokság. A küzdelmet azonban el kellett halasztani, mivel Darch nem tudott részt venni a felfüggesztés miatt, amelyet néhány héttel azelőtt egy másik eseményen folytatott harc után kapott..

A visszaesés ellenére Owen Watkins úgy döntött, hogy a show-nak folytatódnia kell, és egyrészt örülök, hogy ezt a választást választotta, Mivel a tervezett aljzaton számos csúcskategóriás amatőr szerepelt, már alig várom, hogy megnézhessem szakmai debütálásukat.

Elsőként Carl Thomas és Kyle McNicholas voltak debütálva egy négyfordulós könnyűsúlyú versenyben.

Mindkét legény nagyon jól kezdte bemutatni saját ökölvívási képességeit.

A forduló előrehaladtával Thomas fokozta a nyomást, megtámogatta McNicholast a köteleken, és lövésekkel kezdte el hasogatni a Liverpudlian testét és fejét.

Ahogy a kör az utolsó percig haladt, Thomas repedésig ért a fején, ami McNicholast a lényegéig rázta, Thomas követte a test baljával, majdnem azonnal a test nagy baljával, amely McNicholast a vászonra küldte.

Meglepő módon McNicholas számba vette, biztosan keményen tenyésztik őket Merseyside-on, mivel ez egy gonosz test volt, amelyet közvetlenül az alsó borda alá lőttek, csak nem látja, hogy az emberek ilyen gyakran felkelnének.

Az újraindításkor Thomas egyenesen visszaindult a támadásba, először egy merev döfést lő ki, majd egy újabb szúrás marad a test felé és egy kettős jobb a fej felé.

Thomas továbbra is fenntartotta a nyomást, borsozzuk McNicholast gonosz test-fej kombinációval, majd egy újabb jó merev döféssel, hogy McNicholast egy semleges sarokba támasszuk, mielőtt szenzációs bal kampóval engednék hasogatni a testet, hogy küldött McNicholas másodszor le.

Roger Riley játékvezető kezdte a számlálást, és amikor éppen elérte a nyolc számlálási pontot, McNicholas sikertelenül próbálkozott és emelkedett, a játékvezetőnek nem marad más lehetősége, mint a harcot integetni, amikor a csengő az első kör végét jelzi.

Örömmel mondhatom, hogy McNicholas teljesen rendben volt, és nem sokkal később talpra állt.

Végső gondolataim erről a konkrét küzdelemről; lehet, hogy csak egy fordulóig tartott, de milyen repedés volt.

Következik Kacper Dudzinski profi bemutatkozása a belfasti Michael Kelly ellen egy négyfordulós szupersúlysúlyú versenyen.

Dudzinski már a kezdetektől komolyan erős ütése mögé került, és gyors kezekkel és merev kettős ütésekkel kezdte irányítani az eljárást..

Kelly nem bögre, Nem egy hosszú lövés, ugyanolyan hozzáértő, mint jönnek, de még neki is be kellett vallania, hogy védekező álláspontot képvisel, és türelmesen várnia kell minden lehetőséget, bármennyire is karcsú, ellenkezni, amelyek őszintén szólva kevesen voltak.

Dudzinski komolyan lenyűgözte Kellyt, és fantasztikus jövője van a sportban.

Lehet, hogy debütált, de teljesítménye alapján szombat éjszaka, egy korábbi valódi címkihívóval szemben, Úgy gondolom, hogy egészen a csúcsig megy, és meg is érdemli, bárki, aki képes Kellyt a hátsó lábán tartani, ahogy Dudzinski gyakorlatilag a teljes négy forduló alatt, kétségtelenül valami különleges.

Félreértés ne essék Kelly rúgott néhány lövést, de Dudzinski szenzációsan gyors kézsebessége és remek védekezése a lehető legkevesebbet tartotta.

Szép kis érintés Kellytől az utolsó forduló végén, „mátrix stílusú” reakciómozgást követve, ez szinte megakadályozta, hogy megérintse a kesztyűt, viszont, nagy bosszúságára grófot kapott Chris Kelly játékvezetőtől, bár Kelly meg volt róla győződve, hogy valóban elkerülte a kesztyűt, hogy megérintse a vásznat, de ahelyett, hogy ott állt volna és tiltakozott volna, leesett, és folytatta az egész számolást, hogy megmutassa rosszallását, örömére a tömeg.

Négy remek forduló után nem volt meglepő, hogy Dudzinski kezét tartották fenn – a hivatalos eredmény azt mutatta, hogy Dudzinski a pro-győzelmét a-val szerezte 40-35 pont margin.

Következett Ben McGivern és Ben Hough egy négyfordulós Cruiserweight versenyen.

Micsoda küzdelem, McGivern főként az eljárás vezetője, kényszerítve Hough-t a hátsó lábához, valamint a köteleket az első szakasz jó darabjához. Lehet, hogy Hough az első jó részében védekezett, de amikor adódtak a lehetőségek, stílusosan vette őket.

Gyakorlatilag teljes fordulat volt a második fordulóban, Hough birkózó vezérléssel és McGivern hátulra helyezésével, és kötelek, hasonlóan ahhoz, ahogy a skót az első fordulót főnöknek tartotta.

A harmadik versszak sokkal szorosabb volt, annyira nehéz volt szétválasztanom őket, pont bölcsen.

A negyedik nagyjából a harmadik végével indult, mindkét főszereplő kalapáccsal és fogóval jár, de a forduló előrehaladtával McGivern annyira felgyorsította a tempót, hogy ne csak biztosítsa a fordulót, hanem a győzelem is.

Négy szenzációs összes akciókör után, ahogy fentebb adtam, McGivern jött el győztesen, Roger Riley játékvezető szerezte a kiváló versenyt 39-37 a skót javára.

A küzdelmet követően mindkét ökölvívó elfogadta a visszavágót, amelyről megbízhatóan értesültem, valószínűleg Liverpoolban kerül sor Szeptember 8. – tedd a naplóba a dátumot, ez egy olyan harc, amelyet senki nem hagyhat ki!

Az éjszaka utolsó előtti küzdelme látja Blackwoodot, Dél-Wales’ Liam Preece kontra nagyon, nagyon késői csere Pentrefoelas, Észak-Wales’ Steffan Hughes az összes walesi versenyen.

Milyen parafa volt ez a harc, minden akció-thriller volt a kezdetektől az utolsó harangig.

Figyelembe véve, hogy Preece jelentős súlyhátránnyal küzdött, tényleg azért ment, a harcot tapasztaltabbjaihoz viszi, és nehezebb, ellenfél.

Preece magabiztosan bokszolt nemcsak támadás közben, hanem akkor is, amikor védekezett a pontos pontos exoceták ellen, amelyeket Hughes indított.

Preece mindvégig lenyűgöző volt, és biztos vagyok benne, hogy ez senkit nem lepett meg a Wales Ice Arena-ban, amikor Chris Kelly játékvezető eredménymutatóját felolvasták 40-36 pont győzelem a dél-walesi Lad.

Az éjszaka utolsó profi küzdelme Port Talbot volt amatőr sztár, Levi Griffiths és Liverpool Scott McIntyre ellen vert.

Griffiths annyira sima, az előkelő fiatal jól kezdett, és szúrós lövéseket adott, ami arra kényszerítette McIntyre-t, hogy korán váltson a „B” tervre, hogy megpróbáljon bent maradni, hogy megakadályozza a walesi nagy lövéseket.

McIntyre B terve nem biztos, hogy szép volt, de fiú ó, fiú, nagyon hatékony volt.

A kezdeti ’nyitás után’ időszak, ami lehetővé tette a sikamló walesi ember számára, hogy jó szintű sikert érjen el, a harc zöme telefonfülkében történhetett.

McIntyre-nek nyilvánvalóan nem állt szándékában lehetőséget adni Griffiths-nek, hogy bármilyen nagy lövéssel rásimuljon, csak végig kötve tartotta, néha gonosz eszközökkel, olyannyira, hogy számos figyelmeztetés után, ha megtartják vagy nem törik meg, ha elmondják, Roger Riley játékvezető levont egy pontot, azonban még ez a pontlevonás sem akadályozta meg a liverpooli férfit a győzelem megszerzésében, a hivatalos pontszám 39-36.

Kell, hogy mondjam, miközben személyesen csalódott, hogy a Miles-Darch WBF európai bajnoki küzdelem nem zajlott, Owen Watkins promóter olyan kiváló osztályú támogatási kártyát állított össze, hogy én, valamint biztos vagyok benne, hogy mindenkinek, aki részt vett, a Pugilistic étvágya jól és valóban elégedett volt a felajánlott viteldíjjal, és várom a következő promócióját, amelyre a Neath-i Cwrt Herbert Szabadidő Központban kerül sor 22szeptember.

2016 United States Olympian, Charles Conwell remains perfect with 2nd round stoppage over Travis Scott in New Orleans

2016 Egyesült Államokon kívül. Olympian Charles Conwell was impressive by stopping Travis Scott in the 2nd round of their junior middleweight bout.
Conwell came out in round by hurting Scott with a flurry of punches on the ropes. Conwell ended things with a perfect left hook to the body that sent Scott to a knee for the ten count at 1:34.

Conwell, A Cleveland, OH raises his record to 8-0 a 6 kiütéssel. Scott, of Baton Rouge, LA falls to 19-4.
This win means a lot as it shows that I can not only beat good fighters with experience, but get them out of there,” said Conwell. “It also shows that I am on a whole other level then guys out there in my weight, and that I am a force to be reckoned with.
Charles has remarkable power for somebody his age, and he really has no ceiling. This was supposed to be his step up fight,” said Split-T Management CEO, David McWater.
Conwell is co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Holden Productions
Fényképezte: Mikey Williams / Top Rank


Teofimo Lopez shines with 6th round stoppage over William Silva in ESPN co-feature

NEW YORK (Július 16, 2018)–Teofimo Lopez shined in a major step up bout as he dominated William Silva by scoring a 6th round stoppage in their lightweight bout that was the co-feature on ESPN.

The bout took place on Saturday night at the Lakefront Arena in New Orleans.

In round one, Lopez dumped Silva with a left hook. Silva was bleeding from the nose, A kerek öt, Lopez landed several hard hooks to the bloodied Silva, and then dumped Silva to the canvas in the corner.

Lopez came out in round six by landing three left hooks and a right that dropped Silva and the bout was called at 15 másodperc.

Silva who came in with a record of 25-1, and is only loss was to Felix Verdejo on HBO, had never been knocked down before the fighter known as “Gordo” dropped him three times.

Lopez is now 10-0 a 8 kiütéssel. Silva is 25-2.

I know everything is set up by the jab,” Said Lopez. “The jab is the most important punch. I was playing with his mind. I was setting him up by letting him get comfortable and then to land the big shot. I hurt my hands, early in the fight but you prepare yourself for the worst possible. I just put everyone on notice that I’m coming for those world title at 135lbs!”

I can’t remember ever seeing such a dynamic young performer as Teofimo Lopez. He’s going to be the best in the world,” said Split-T Management CEO David McWater.

Lopez is promoted by Top Rank

Fényképezte: Mikey Williams / Top Rank

Unbeaten 140-Pound Contender Fabian Maidana Battles Veteran Andrey Klimov & 2016 Egyesült Államokon kívül. Olympian Karlos Balderas Enters the Ring on Saturday, Július 28 from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in a Premier Boxing Champions Event

Több! Undefeated Terrel Williams Clashes with Unbeaten Prospect Jamontay Clark on an Action-Packed Night of Undercard Fights


LOS ANGELES (Július 16, 2018) – Undefeated szuperkönnyű Fabian Maidana will square off against former title challenger Andrey Klimov a 10-round bout that highlights undercard action Saturday, Július 28 from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The action continues with 2016 Egyesült Államokon kívül. Olympian and rising unbeaten prospect Karlos Balderas (5-0, 4 KO) in a six-round super featherweight fight plus Terrel Williams(16-0, 13 KO) taking on unbeaten welterweight prospect Jamontay Clark (13-0, 7 KO)in a 10-round fight.




The event is headlined by a lightweight world championship title unification bout between WBC Lightweight World Champion Mikey Garcia and IBF Lightweight World Champion Robert Húsvét Jr. él SHOWTIME.




Jegyek az élő esemény, amely elősegíti Ringstar Sport és TGB promóciók, begin at $50, plusz vonatkozó díjak, és már kaphatók. Jegyeket, visit AXS.com.




Maidana (15-0, 11 KO) is the younger brother of two-division world champion Marcos Maidana. The 26-year-old from Buenos Aires, Argentina is coming off an impressive TKO victory over Justin Savi on April 21 after defeating Johan Perez by decision in his prior fight. Klimov will present an increase in competition for Maidana as he continues on the path from prospect to contender.




The 35-year-old Klimov (20-4, 10 KO), who was born in Klimovsk, Oroszország, but now lives in Beverly Hills, stopped Ruben Movsesiani in his last fight on Sept. 30, 2017. That win snapped a three-fight losing streak in which he dropped decisions to former world champion Jose Pedraza, Liam Walsh and Alejandro Luna after a three-fight winning streak that led to the title fight against Pedraza.




The 22-year-old Balderas, a first-generation Mexican-American, competed on the U.S. Olympic boxing team in the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil before turning pro in April 2017. Representing Santa Maria, Kalifornia., he most recently made his STAPLES Center debut on June 9 with a first round knockout of Alex Silva to remain unbeaten in his promising professional career.




The card will also feature former title challenger Roberto Marroquin (27-4-1, 20 KO) against Panama’s Ricardo Nunez (20-2, 18 KO) in a 10-round showdown, once-beaten super featherweight Ivan Delgado (11-1-1, 4 KO) in a six-round bout and undefeated prospect Jerry Perez (7-0, 5 KO) stepping into the ring for a six-round super featherweight fight.




Additional fights will see unbeaten 19-year-old prospect Wesley Diana facing Pennsylvania’s Evincil Dixon in a four-round 140-pound attraction, veretlen Brandon Glanton figyelembe a mexikói Daniel Najera in a six-round cruiserweight bout and once-beaten featherweight Luis Coria facing Mexico’s Guadalupe Arroyo egy hat fordulóban leszámolás.




Rounding out the lineup is unbeaten prospect Jose Balderas in a six-round fight, veretlen Lina Licona in a four-round junior flyweight women’s bout and an eight-round clash between undefeated Neri Romero és Phoenix Jesus Aguinaga.




The three-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT)will also see Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis “A Real King Kong” Ortiz returning to action to face former title challenger Razvan Cojanu in a 10-round bout and unbeaten super lightweight contender Mario “El Azteca” Környező figyelembe az ütőképes Jose Roman in a 10-round showdown.




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További információért látogasson el www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comés www.staplescenter.comKövetés Twitteren @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions éswww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC is sponsored by Corona, Finest Beer.

World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation Officially Up & Running

Inaugural event set for October on worldwide PPV


CHICAGO (Július 16, 2018) — Combat sportsnewest organization, World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation (WBKFF), officially announced today that it is fully operational and targeting this October to promote its inaugural professional event, to air worldwide on independent pay per view.




WBKFF principals include CEO Tom Stankiewicz, COO & Director of Operations JC and matchmaker Paul Tyler.




The exact date of this historical event, helyszín, complete PPV details, and bouts will be announced during this summer.




WBKFF will soon become the biggest, most popular in combat sports,” JC predicted. “This all started from our passion for hand-to-hand combat and to give fans what they deserve. WBKFF and fan-friendly will be synonymous. We’re going to give combat sports fans what they want and deserve: integrity, passion and fairness.




Newly adopted rules including holding and striking, spinning backfists and hammer fists will be used in all WBKFF fights, which will be contested in a traditional boxing ring for optimum viewing and safety. All men’s and women’s matches will feature five (two-minute) forduló.




WBKFF has actively scouted and recruited battle-tested veterans and promising prospects alike from boxing, MMA, kick-box, Muay Thai, wrestling and other combat sports disciplines.




Members of the WBKFF stable of fighters range from legendary MMA veteran and undefeated kickboxer Phil “New York Bad AssBaroni to Street Beats Internet and YouTube MMA sensation Chris “Mighty MouseYarborough, pro-debuting Team USA national boxing champion TikaIce ColdHemingway and former University of South Alabama football star Desmond LaVelle, former UFC fighters SethPolish PistolaBaczynski, Tomi “Da TankGallicchio és Christina Marks, former Bellator fighters Virgil “Rezdog” Zwicker és Dakota Cochrane, and former world boxing title challenger Jasmine Clarkson, among the more notables to date.




Additional signings, including some with major names in MMA and boxing, are in negotiation stages.






Verekedések és a harcosok változhatnak.






Weboldal: www.WBKFF.com





Facebook: /WBKFF




Twitter & Instagram: @WBKFF

National Golden Gloves champion Roney Hines to make pro debut this Friday in Sloan, Iowa


Cleveland, Ohio (Július 16, 2018) – This Friday night at the WinnaVegas Casino Resort in Sloan, Iowa, 2018 Nemzeti Golden Gloves bajnok, heavyweight Roney Hines will make his pro debut when he takes on David Becker in a four-round bout that will precede a ShoBox: The New Generation tripleheader.




Hines, 23 éves, A Cleveland, Ohio won the National Golden Gloves in May in Omaha, Nebraska, which is just an 90 minute drive from Sloan, Iowa.




I am ready to get this out of the way, and put my name on the map. I want to show people what I have,” said Hines.




Hines, who describes himself as a boxer-puncher, has the physical attributes of the modern day heavyweight by standing almost 6-foot-7 and weighing close to 240 font.




Hines, who recently signed with GH3 Promotions explained he is with the New Jersey based promotion due to past success moving young fighters along.




I am very comfortable with GH3. With Vito Mielnicki, it’s a family type of atmosphere. I plan to fight every month if I can. Whenever Vito says he can get me in the ring, then I will fight. I just want to take this 1 step at a time. I know what I bring as a fighter, and I am looking forward to showing my skills.




In Becker, Hines is facing an opponent who is 1-1 a 1 knockout from St. Joseph, Missouri.




I do not know anything about him. He just needs to know who I am, and if he doesn’t, I will show him on Friday.




I am going to work hard, and take this one step at a time. I will be a factor in the heavyweight division before too long.




Hines is promoted by GH3 Promotions and is co-managed by Chances Aurelius and former NFL star Ray Edwards. Hines is trained by Push Davis.




Mielnicki said, “I am looking for Roney to have around 15 fights before the end of 2019.

WBA Super Middleweight Women’s World Champion AliciaThe EmpressNapoleon Defends Her Title Against Once-Beaten Contender Hannah Rankin Saturday, Augusztus 4 a NYCB LIVE-n, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum

LONG ISLAND, NY (Július 16, 2018) – WBA Women’s Super Middleweight World Champion Alicia ‘The EmpressNapoleon, (9-1, 5 KO), of Lindenhurst, NY will make her first defense against WBC Silver Middleweight titlist Hannah Rankin, (5-1, 1 KO) of Glasgow, Skócia szombaton, Augusztus 4 a NYCB LIVE-n, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.




Scheduled for ten rounds, Napoleon vs. Rankin is a special attraction undercard bout on the stacked Premier Boxing Champions card headlined by the welterweight showdown between former world champions Egyéb Berto és Devon Alexander on FOX and FOX Deportes (7:30 p.m. ÉS / 4:30 p.m. PT).




Jegyek az élő esemény, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, már kaphatók. Jegyek megvásárolhatók az interneten ellátogatwww.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, vagy hívja 1-800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Ticketmaster Box Office at NYCB LIVE. Group discounts are available by calling 516-231-4848.




I’m thrilled for this opportunity to be able to defend my world title for the first time on Long Island at NYCB LIVE,” said Napoleon. “It’s a special moment in my career and truly an honor to be part of the first women’s bout ever in this iconic venue.




I know how good Hannah Rankin is. She just won the WBC Silver Middleweight Title and she’s taller than me with a longer reach, plus she just finished training with Cecilia Braekhus. I’ve been training the whole summer and I’ll be ready to defend my title on August 4.




I’m very excited to announce this women’s world title fight between Alicia Napoleon and Hannah Rankin on our stacked August 4 event at the Coliseum,” mondta Lou DiBella, Elnöke DiBella Entertainment. “Alicia is a Long Island girl and a charismatic world champion with a legion of fans in the New York City area. She won her world title at Barclays Center and will defend it at NYCB LIVE. Hannah Rankin is a quality challenger from Scotland, who is well known for her ring ambition as well as her accomplishments as a professional musician. Women’s boxing in the United States and internationally continues to rise in popularity and our commitment to promoting it remains stronger than ever.




The popular Napoleon, owner of both Overthrow Gyms in Manhattan and Brooklyn, won her world title on March 3 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn with a dominant ten-round decision over previously undefeated Femke Hermans in front of a huge contingent of supporters from both Long Island and New York City. Napoleon had a previous fight scheduled for June 21 postponed and has continued training in preparation to defend her world title.




Fighting in the paid ranks for just one-year, Rankin defeated then undefeated Sanna Turunen over ten rounds in June to capture the vacant WBC Silver Women’s Middleweight Title and her third straight victory headed into August 4.




A professional musician outside of the ring, the 27-year-old Rankin plays the bassoon and has traveled the world in recent years playing with numerous orchestras while also training and furthering her career in the squared circle.




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Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, vagy csatlakoztatott eszközök, beleértve az Apple TV -t, Android TV, Tűz TV, Xbox One és Roku.




További információk: látogatás www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage és www.foxdeportes.com, Követés TwitterenPremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, @NYCBLive and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook
at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportsés www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC is sponsored by Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island is an extension of BSE’s BROOKLYN BOXING™ brand. További információk, látogatás brooklynboxingshop.com.


Bruno Ferreira battles back from cancer; Returns after 3 years of inactivity to fight atRoad to M-1: USA”

Augusztus 11th worldwide Pay Per View from Nashville


NASHVILLE, Tennessee. (Július 16, 2018) – Undefeated Brazilian MMA fighter Bruno Ferreira (8-0-0) returns to action August 11 after successfully battling cancer the past three years.



The now 30-year-old Ferreira will take on always dangerous Tony Gravely (12-5-0), A Virginia, at “Road to M-1: USA”, presented by M-1 Global USA and Angel Fight Promotions.




This is very special for me,” Ferreira said. “Hála Istennek. I’ve waited so long for this to happen. People can expect that I will be equal to or better than in my last fight.




The cancer treatment was very severe. I had three surgeries and several cycles of chemotherapy, which was so strong and bad that every cyclelasting from Monday to Fridaywas four to five hours. It seemed like I was dying. I tried to cheer up my mother and wife before each surgery, but the fear inside me was huge. When I woke up, I thanked God that I had survived.




Road to M-1: USA” will air live on worldwide pay-per-view from Global Mall in Nashville, Tennessee. A hybrid ring-cage, “A Rage”, will make its debut in America.




Integrated Sports Media will distributeRoad to M-1: USA” in North America on cable, satellite and digital pay-per-view via iN Demand, Vubiquity, DIRECTV and DISH in the United States, as well as Rogers, SaskTel, and Shaw PPV in Canada, and live-streamed worldwide on the FITE.TV alkalmazás és webhely (www.fite.tv), kezdődően 9 p.m. ÉS / 6 p.m. PT, ajánlott fogyasztói ára mindössze $19.95.




Georgia middleweight DougYamatoUsher (9-3-0) arcok ReggieThe Regulator” Madártoll (14-6-0), of Florida, A fő esemény. The co-featured event matches Russian lightweight Vadim Ogar (6-3-0) Észak-Karolina, kontra Yoislandy “Kuba” Izquierdo(11-4-0).




Diagnosed with testicular cancer three years ago, Ferreira’s rise to the top of the MMA world was derailed with his life-threatening medical issue, which severely jeopardized his combat sports career. Sessions of heavy-duty chemotherapy and three surgeries left Ferreira wondering if he’d survive, never mind fight once again.




Although he continued to train, albeit at a much lower level of intensity, he increased the potency of his training after treatments concluded, but he had lost his training rhythm. A restricted diet enabled Bruno to come back strong and now he’s making his post-cancer return in his American debut.




Ferreira does admit that, at one stage, he never thought he’d fight again. “There were a few moments,’ he explained, “especially when I first discovered it. I had a conversation with my brother about my MMA career being over. Ő mondta: ‘Calm down, you’ll just delay it a little while.The hope of returning to fight gave me strength, but sometimes did cross my mind that I wouldn’t recover from my time off. Thanks to God I came back and today I am about to realize my greatest dream.




Fighting on worldwide pay per view will have an even more special taste because all the people who helped me will be able to watch and see that not only and I’m doing well, I’m doing what I like the most….harc!




I want to grow inside of M-1 Global, in search of a title belt, living to fight. I also want to let others suffering from cancer to know that this disease does not always end in death. They need to have a lot of faith in God and live one day at a time. Wake up, köszönöm; alvás, köszönöm. I heard a lot of bad things, but I didn’t give up. Be thankful for your miracle, I believe mine has already happened.




Other scheduled main-card fights include Georgia flyweight C.J. “The Autobot” Hamilton (12-6-0) vs. Floridian fighter Abdiel “A Nightmare” Velazquez (8-5-0), Kentucky welterweight Brandon “The JuggernautBell (5-6-0) vs. JacobTick-TockMcLintock (9-2-0), of Arizona; and Tennessee welterweight James Conway (3-0-0) vs. P.J. Dobozok(5-7-0), A Chicago.




Preliminary card bouts include California heavyweight Cody “The MooseGoodale (5-4-0) vs. NkemdirimKim Oti(2-3-0), of Alabama, New Brunswick, Canada bantamweight Chris Johnson (5-6-0) vs. JerrodThe Hillbilly Hammer” Jennings (2-1-0), of Kentucky, and Nashville favorite Dwayne Herrelle (0-1-0) vs. pro-debuting Kentucky lightweight Kegan Agnew.




Verekedések és a harcosok változhatnak.













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Zhora Hamazaryan Camp Notes

Undefeated Lightweight battles Thomas Mattice on ShoBox: The New Generation on Péntek, July 20th at The WinnaVegas Casino Resort in Sloan, Iowa



PHILADELPHIA, Penn. / ORANGE, Kalifornia. (Július 16, 2018) – Undefeated lightweight Zhora Hamazaryan (9-0, 6 KO) has been preparing for his battle with fellow undefeated Thomas Mattice that will be part of a ShoBox: the New Generation tripleheader that will take place onFriday, July 20th at The WinnaVegas Casino Hotel in Sloan, Iowa.




The broadcast on SHOWTIME® will begin at 10 p.m. ET / PT (késleltetett nyugati partján).




Training has been very good so far,” mondta a 22 year-old Hamazaryan, originally from Gyumri, Örményország, and is now training out of Los Angeles. “I am excited and happy to show my talents on American Television.



Hamazaryan will be making his second start on American soil, and he has not scouted his undefeated foe.




I do not know much about Mattice,” said Hamazaryan, who is trained by former lightweight pro Jerry Rosenberg. “I prefer to not look at any tape of my opponents. I look at this as just another fight. I want to get in there, win the fight, take care of business, and move on to the next one.




Hamazaryan looks to make a big splash, and become a big star in The United States.




I am going to get this fight out of the way, and on to bigger fights here in the States.




Hamazaryan is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.




Tickets for the show, which is promoted by GH3 Promotions, Victory promóciók, Ringside Ticket Inc., Banner Promotions & Thompson Boxing are priced from $10-$60 és megvásárolhatók a winnavegas.com.




For more information visit www.sho.com/sportsfollow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.







For regular updates on our fighters, események, and promotions, please check Banner Promotions Facebook Page , and follow us on Instagram és Twitter BannerBoxing


Bangor, Maine (Július 16, 2018) - New England Harcol (NEF) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 35: Wicked Season,” tovább Szeptember 8 at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. Korábban ma, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional lightweight bout to the fight card. Megtréfál “Hook OnHarvey (4-0) will return to the cage to take on Jay Ellis (15-79) A harc súlya 155 font-.

The fight with Ellis will take place just over 16 months since the last time Harvey did battle in the NEF cage. The former amateur lightweight champion is undefeated thus far in his professional career. Harvey has entered the cage four times in the pro ranks and has finished all four opponents in the first round with two knockouts and two submissions to his credit. He is a member of Young’s MMA based in Bangor, és “NEF 35will be Harvey’s first opportunity to fight in front of his hometown fans, family and friends sinceNEF Presents Dana White: Benéz’ harcrawhich took place at the Cross Insurance Center in August 2016.

“I’m excited to display the improvements I made since my last fight,” Harvey said. “Thankful for any opponent willing to hook on, will be one for the highlight reel for sure!"

Harvey ellenfele, Jay Ellis, is a longtime veteran of the sport based out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin where he trains with Team Knockout. Ellis regularly travels to New England to compete and has gained a cult following throughout the region. Last summer, he shocked Bangor fight fans by taking the fight to Ryan Sanders (16-9) and nearly upsetting the hometown favorite with a submission attempt before Sanders was able to score a come-from-behind victory.

I’m so happy to be coming back to Maine to put on another great performance,” stated Ellis when reached for comment. “This time my hand will be raised high as the victorious one.

NEF következő vegyes harcművészeti esemény, “NEF 35: Wicked Season,” will see the company make its return to the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place Szombat, Szeptember 8, 2018 with a bell time of 7 pm. Jegyek már kaphatók a www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.