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Ennis vs. Serrano Headlines ShoBox: The New Generation Live On SHOWTIME® Na 9:35 p.m. ET/PT From 2300 Arena ve Filadelfii


Photo Credit: SHOWTIME


Watch, Pohled & Podíl Via YouTube: s.sho.com/2QyCjOp



CO: SHOWTIME Sports delivers a day in the life of training camp with Philadelphia’s Jaron Ennis as he prepares to face Raymond Serrano V hlavní události ShoBox: Nová generace to Pátek, Listopad 16, živě na SHOWTIME na 9:35 p.m. ET / PT od 2300 Arena ve Philadelphii.




Ennis (21-0, 19 KO), who knocked out Armando Alvarez via third-round stoppage in hisShoBox debut in July, has knocked out 11 consecutive opponents. He faces perhaps the toughest test of his career in Serrano, a 29-fight veteran whose five losses have come against opponents with a combined fight night record of 89-1-1.




Training under his father Bozy, who also trained Jaron’s older brothers Derek Jr. and Farah, the 21-year-old undefeated prospect puts in work in what he describes as an ‘old-school’ training camp consisting of chopping wood, flipping tires and climbing rope. With victory in his hometown on his mind this Friday, Ennis vows to become a household name in the sport of boxing.




“When you’re a boxer from Philly, it means you have to put on a show,” says Ennis. “I love fighting at home, that’s the best feeling ever. People let the crowd get to them, I just feel at home. I feel comfortable and relaxed. I get to show out on SHOWTIME in Philly, get a win and look good doing it.




“My goal is to be world champ and be a great example for the kids. I want to unify, get all the belts, move up in weight and keep going, and keep going. Watch out all 147’s. A young animal is on the way!"




In the co-feature of Friday’s live ShoBox televizní vysílání, series veterans Kenneth Sims Jr. (13-1-1, 4 KO) and Samuel Teah (14-2-1, 7 KO) meet in an eight-round super lightweight bout. Undefeated Ukrainian Arnold Khegai opens the three-fight card when he takes on New Jersey’s Jorge Diaz (19-5-1, 10 KO) v osm-kulaté Super bantamové zápas.

Super Prospect Shoh Ergashev Brutalizes Ramsey with First-Round KO, Saturday in Chicago

Uzbekistani super lightweight Shohjahon “Shoh” Ergashev showed why he’s the new 140-lb fighter to watch in boxing last Saturday, Listopad 10, at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago, as he destroyed opponent Zack Ramsey in the first round.




The current WBA International Super Lightweight Champion, Ergashev (nyní 14-0, 13 KO), tore into Ramsey from the opening bell of their scheduled six-rounder, dropping him within the first 15 seconds with a right hand and finishing it at 1:09 with a thudding body shot.




Fighting on the undercard of the World Boxing Super Series Cruiserweight Tournament doubleheader Ergashev elicited “oohs and ahhhs” from the crowd with his brutal display of force. Former unified super lightweight and current welterweight champion Terence Crawford was among the impressed onlookers in the crowd.




Ergashev’s promoter, Dmitriy Salita, says that in preparation for this fight, Ergashev had been knocking out heavyweights in the Kronk Gym where he trains.




“Shohjahon is one of the hardest punchers in any weight class,” said Salita. “His skills and physical strength make him not only one of the best in his division, but I believe one of the most exciting and powerful fighters in all of boxing.”




26-year-old Ergashev growls that he’s ready for anyone in the world.




“I want to fight the best names in the division and look forward to having an opponent that can last some rounds with me! I am coming!"

BADOU JACK DĚLÁ BIG pohybuje v Dubaji

(Photo Credit: Badou Jack Instagram)
Two-Division World Champion dělá vichru Trip, která představovala výzva k účasti v Dubaji Fitness Challenge,
Setkání Khabib Nurmagomedov & Více
LAS VEGAS (Listopad 12, 2018) – Dvě divize mistr v boxu Badou Jack i nadále prokázat, že je skutečně mistrem celého světa, jak udělal vzrušující cestu do Dubaje, který obsahoval výzvu k účasti v Dubaji Fitness Challenge, setkání s UFC hvězdy Khabib Nurmagomedov a e-mail.
S pozvánkou od Dubaj cestovního ruchu, Jack se podílel na iniciativu, která podporuje státní SAE, Obyvatelé a návštěvníci vykonávat po dobu nejméně 30 minut denně, pro 30 po sobě jdoucích dnů. Veřejná akce Jacka šanci dále šířit jeho pozitivní zprávy.
“Byla taková čest být pozván na tuto akci, která byla součástí nezapomenutelnou cestu,” řekl Jack. “Jsem velmi vděčný do města Dubaj pro mě nechal mluvit s lidmi o důležitosti zůstat aktivní. Je to pro mě důležité, aby bylo možné, aby dopad na celém světě, a to byla velká příležitost.”
Navíc k tomuto výběrovému řízení, Jack navštívil UFC hvězda Khabib Nurmagomedov, čerstvý off vítězství nad Conor McGregor minulý měsíc. Oba mistři světa, kdo oba praktikovat muslimskou víru, setkali poprvé a diskutovali řadu témat, a zároveň turné místní boxerskou / MMA posilovny a pózování s Jackovy mistrovské pásy.
“Bylo to úžasné zkušenosti se dostat mluvit s dalším šampionem a konkurenta jako Khabib,” řekl Jack. “Jsem velký fanoušek toho, co je schopen udělat v kruhu a jako kolega velvyslanec pro muslimské víry. Bylo to opravdu zábavné čas mluvit s ním, když jsme byli oba v Dubaji.”
V rámci výletu, Jack mluvil s Pánské Zdraví Blízký východ za článek, který poběží uvnitř časopisu a podrobněji další z mnoha snah Jack se v současné době věnují uvnitř i vně kroužku. Jackova čas v Dubaji také ho viděl vyzván GQ na Středním východě jako speciální host na zahajovací akce před jejich inaugurační vydání.
“Miluji užívání těchto zájezdů do celého světa, aby si vyzkoušeli celou škálu kultur i nadále budovat svou značku a vrátit kamkoli, že mohu něco změnit,” řekl Jack. “Ať už je to Ripper Nutrition, Jack Foundation Badou nebo můj box kariéru, Jsem hrdý na to použít můj platformu. Mám spoustu cílů a snů ve sportu boxu, ale i mimo něj. Takže tyto druhy spojů bude mi pomáhat dávno mé boxerské kariéry.”
S více a více uznání kladen na Jack rok co rok, bude podhoubí celosvětové podpory “Ripper” stoupá, jak se chystá k návratu do ringu v rané 2019. Dávejte pozor na další zprávy od Jacka, včetně charitativních akcí pro nadcházející sezónu dovolených.

Rozhodčí světové třídy….. Tom Cleary USA boxerská asociace absolventů, Třída 2018 Branec

COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Listopad 12, 2018) – Pozdní Tom Cleary během své slavné kariéry byl jedním z nejuznávanějších rozhodčích na světě. Připojí se k vybrané skupině ve třídě 2018 uvedení do síně slávy USA Alumni Association Alumni Association.




Druhý ročník Síně slávy USA Boxing Alumni Association, konané ve spojení s 2018 Elitní a mládežnické mistrovství USA v boxu a Junior a Prep Open, Prosinec 2-8, se bude konat v prosinci 7, v hotelu Radisson (215 S. Temple St.) v Salk Lake City, Utah.




Kromě Clearyho, Třída 2018 zahrnuje také USA. Medailisté olympijského týmu a svět (profesionální) šampioni Roy Jones, Jr., Andre Ward a Claressa Shields, stejně jako bývalý americký ředitel koučování v USA, pozdě Emanuel Steward.




Zahrnuta byla i charterová třída uvedená v loňském roce Muhammad Ali a Evander Holyfield, stejně jako veteránští trenéři Roosevelt Sanders a Tom Coulter.




Dlouholetý obyvatel Westchesteru, Ohio, Cleary byl od té doby členem amerického boxu 1982, a od roku působil jako vedoucí funkcionářů Národní asociace kolegiálního boxu 2002 až do jeho května 21, 2017.




Rozhodl se dovnitř 12 rozdílné země, na čtyřech kontinentech, jako mezinárodní úředník přidělený AIBA. Tom získal tříhvězdičkové hodnocení a byl vybrán do World Series of Boxing.




“Tomova oddanost amatérskému boxu a respekt, který získal od boxerů, trenéři a kolegové jsou bezkonkurenční,” řekl Chris Cugliari, Výkonný ředitel Asociace absolventů USA boxu. “Sdružení absolventů důrazně podpořilo jeho případ pro síň slávy, a jeho indukce byla přijata jak jeho blízkými, stejně jako celá amatérská boxerská komunita. Tomův závazek sloužit USA Boxing je skvělým příkladem pro nás všechny a nemohli jsme být pyšnější, když jsme ho mohli označit za člena letošní třídy Síně slávy.”




Tom nikdy nezapomněl, odkud přišel, věnovat nespočet hodin mládeži v Cincinnati, kromě toho, že pomáhá boxerským klubům efektivně fungovat v celé jeho komunitě po více než čtvrt století.




The 2017 Úředník roku NCBA, Tom pracoval místně, regionální, národní, Mezinárodní, světové a olympijské úrovně boxu. Mezi nejdůležitější patří práce na mnoha amerických trzích. Národní mistrovství, čtyři USA. Olympijských soudů (2000, 2004, 2008 & 2012) a 2007 Mistrovství světa v Chicagu.




“Když jsem byl mladým trenérem na Air Force Academy,” USA boxerský trenér Ed Weichers komentoval, “potřebovali jsme vyměnit špičkového rozhodčího AIBA, který odcházel do důchodu. Hledali jsme vysoce kvalifikovanou osobu a byl doporučen Tom Cleary. Vyšel další 25 roky rovně. Tom byl jedním z nejlepších rozhodčích. Tolik mu záleželo na bezpečnosti boxerů a Tom byl také cenným rádcem.




“Tom byl úžasný muž, kterého všichni milovali. Spravoval rozhodčí kliniky ve Spojených státech a vždy pomáhal těm, kteří to potřebovali, mladí i dospělí. Tomova práce v oblasti Cincinnati ovlivnila tolik boxerů a trenérů více než 25 léta. Velmi nám chybí.”




USA Boxing Alumni Association


Vytvořeno k celoživotnímu prosazování, vzájemně výhodné vztahy mezi USA Boxing a jeho absolventy, –boxerky, úředníci, trenéři a fanoušci boxu — Sdružení Alumni spojuje generace šampionů, inspirovat a vracet se budoucím šampiónům USA v boxu, dovnitř a ven z kruhu.




USA Boxing Alumni Association je otevřena všem, kteří mají rádi box a chtěli by zůstat ve spojení s amatérským boxem.. Členům je poskytován přístup k široké škále speciálních akcí pořádaných Alumni Association, včetně recepce Síně slávy USA Boxing Alumni Association.




Připojit se k Alumni Association, jednoduše se zaregistrujte na alumni@usaboxing.org pro $40.00 za rok členský příspěvek. Noví členové obdrží tričko, klíčenka a elektronická peněženka.





Tom je přežit jeho manželkou, Diane, jejich dvě děti a osm vnoučat.




Vedení a mentorská loď Toma Clearyho inspirovalo všechny, kteří měli to štěstí, že se s ním setkali. Vášnivě se staral o boxery, se kterými sdílel prsten, nabízet slova rady dříve, během a po záchvatech.




Cvrlikání: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

WBKFF Results: Chris Leben destroys Phil Baroni in one round Dakota Cochrane stuns Johny Hendricks in two

Chris Leben vs. Phil Baroni
Johny Hendricks vs. Dakota Cochrane
Listopad 9, 2018 * Casper Events Center * Casper, Wyoming
K okamžitému zveřejnění
World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation
Chris Leben destroys Phil Baroni in one round
Dakota Cochrane stuns Johny Hendricks in two

Rise of the Titans
Oficiální výsledky & OBRÁZKY
The Crippler” (R) Zastavil “The New York Bad Ass” – Chris Leben stops Phil Baroni
(all pictures by Christopher Cook)
CASPER, Wyoming (Listopad 10, 2018) – Bombs away was the theme last night (Pátek) as combat sports veterans made their bare-knuckle fighting debuts on the excitingRise of the Titansworldwide pay-per-view event, presented by the World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation (WBKFF), at Casper Events Center in Casper, Wyoming.
Blood was flying, fighters were dropping, and fans and a near capacity crowd was really into the constant brawling throughout an evening entertaining, competitive and memorable fights.
The main event showcased a pair of combat sports icons, Chris “The CripplerLeben aThe New York Bad AssPhil Baroni, in a special light heavyweight attraction. Left-handed Leben, bojuje ze San Diega, shook off Baroni’s early roughhouse tactics, floored him, and then put his lights out midway through the first round.
He was clinching and I wanted to stand in the middle of the ring and bang,” Leben remarked. “Down he went from a big left hand. He does have a hard head.
(L) Dakota Cochrane finished off Johny Hendricks
V co-představoval událost, former UFC welterweight champion JohnyBiog RiggHendrickscame out of a one-year retirement from fighting to take on dangerous MMA veteran Dakota Cochrane, Omaha, NE. Hendricks was originally scheduled to fight in the main event against “Irský” Brennan Ward, who withdrew earlier this week. Cochrane was already fighting on the card and he quickly agreed to replace Ward and take on his popular Fort Worth opponent in a middleweight special attraction.
Hendricks suffered a cut under his right eye in round one, then Cochrane suddenly and shockingly ended the fight 21-seconds into the second round with an explosive, straight right that silenced the pro-Hendricks crowd.
“To (bare knuckle fighting) was definitely different,” a jubilant Cochrane said after the fight. “I love my big right hand, I’ve been practicing it.:
“Poctivě, I’m movedsaid an elated WBKFF CEO and founder Tom Stankiewicz after the conclusion of his organization’s inaugural show. “I was very surprised by the underdog, Munoz, and a new star was born tonight, Dakota Cochrane. Everybody fought their best, they were all warriors. I hope all these fighters stay with us. We are planning our second show for February 9 at a site to be determined.
Boj noci: Julian Lane (L) and Joey Angelo each won a new Ford Mustang (viz obrázek níže)
Always tough Ohioan fighter Julian “Hellboy” Lane a Las Vegas’ middleweight Joey Angelo had the ultimate showdown, which broke out into a fire-fight in the third round, at least until Lane connected with a straight right on the chin to drop Angelo. Trailing on the scorecards, Angelo opened the fifth round going for broke, but Lane was the aggressor from start to finish, as well as the more efficient puncher, vydělávat rozdělené rozhodnutí vítězství. Lane overcame a broken left hand he suffered in the third round.
Christina Marks (L) bloodied Jasmine Clark en route to an impressive win
San Diego MMA fighter Christina Marks, 2017 The Ultimate Challenge runner-up, and former world boxing title challenger Jasmine Clark, Texasu, squared off in a female bantamweight match. Marks, who celebrated her 33rdbirthday in style, cut Clark over the right eye midway through the opening round. Marks swarmed her opponent in the second, keeping her distance and landing stinging shots on Clark’s damaged eye, until she was no longer able to defend herself and retired.
The $100,000 WBKFF Lightweight Tournament launched last night with two black-and-blue type fights. Former UFC and Strikeforce fighter RobbieProblems” Peralta, Escondido, JAKO, caught Ireland-born Sojka “The Mellow FellowCucciniello, now living Spain, in the second round with an overhand right that dropped him. Blood dripping down his face like a badge of courage, the gutsy Irishman finished the third round strong, and the two fighters battled on equal turf in the fourth. Despite Cucciniello’s vision obviously hampering him, he kept coming forward in the fifth, but Peralta maintained control, effectively picking his spots, en route to an impressive win by unanimous decision.
South African Leon “The Iron LionMynhardt, now living in Fairfield, JAKO, was too much for Texan Vrub “Duch” Gonzalez in the other tournament match, and the fight was eventually halted by the referee in the second round because of excessive punishment.
Bývalý UFC a Bellator bojovník Dělat si srandu z “Zubař” Dolů, fighting out of Des Moines, Iowa, had not fought in 2-½ years, when he entered the ring to fight boxer MadMax Alderete, Albuquerque. Neer needed a round for the rust to wear off, after which he walked down Alderete and unloaded on his head and body, mostly throwing upper cuts, one putting him down near the end of the third round. Alderete was unable to answer the bell for the fourth round.
Brazilian MMA veteran Marcelo “MelloAlfaya put late replacement Joey Munoz on his back with the first punch he threw, but his Nebraska opponent showed tremendous heart, resulting in the crowd getting behind him. Attrition started to play a role in the third round, as both fighters slowed down, but they battered each other in a wild fourth round. In the fifth and final round, Alfaya was penalized a point for hitting after the break, and Munoz closed the show, pulling off the first upset of the evening by way of a five-round majority decision. Munoz took the fight on one-day notice, lost 17 liber, and drove three hours to Casper.
Former UFC and Strikeforce fighter Issac Vallie-Flagg and upset minded Cory Simpsonopened the PPV segment of the night fighting at a 175-pound catchweight. After a somewhat strategic first round the pace changed abruptly in the second round as both fighters opened-up. Class soon prevailed as Vallie-Flagg, Albuquerque, knocked down a game Simpson early and he then finished him off with a barrage of brutal body shots for a second-round knockout.
Hall of Fame ring announcer Jimmy Lennon, Jr. joined WBKFF’s all-star announcing teamBas Rutten, who is also WBKFF president, Kenny Rice a Jessica Penne -for the pay-per-view and Preview airings, distributed by Integrated Sports Media.
Super těžká váha C.J. “Big CakeLeveque suffered a cut to his right eye in the opening round, courtesy of Houston’s Juan Torres, but the 288 ½ pound Californian immediately responded by decking Torres, who spotted his opponent 212-pounds, with a roundhouse right early in the second. Torres bounced right back, ačkoli. He drilled Leveque with a vicious shot in tight-quarters, sending him face-first to the canvas for a second-round knockout to conclude the preliminary card.
The first preliminary card fight set the tone right from the opening bell in a 160-pound catchweight fight. Long-haired favorite Jeff Chiffens, fighting out of Delaware, came out firing shots and 15-seconds in the opening round, Chiffens drew blood first, opening-up a cut overFred Pierce‘s right eye. After the ring doctor examined and cleared Pierce to fight, the action resumed and Chiffen dropped Pierce with a powerhouse right. Pierce beat the count, but referee stopped the fight at the 1:04 známka prvním kole.
Newly adopted rules including holding and striking, spinning backfists and hammer fists were allowed, and a traditional boxing ring was used for optimum viewing and safety. All men and women’s matches were scheduled five (two-minute) kola.
Complete results and more pictures below:
MAIN EVENT – LIGHT těžké váhy
Chrisův život, San Diego, JAKO
WTKO1 (1:19)
Phil Baroni, Long Island, NY
CO-FEATURE – Střední váhy
Dakota Cochrane, Omaha, NE
WKO2 (0:21)
Johny Hendricks, Fort Worth, TX
Střední váhy
Julian Lane, Mansfield, OH.
WDEC5 (49-46, 49-46, 47-48)
Joey Angelo, Las Vegas, NV
Christina Marks, San Diego, JAKO
WDEC2 (1:54)
Jasmine Clarkson, Cedar Hill, TX
Robbie Peralta, Escondido, JAKO
WDEC5 (50-45, 49-46, 49-46)
Jay Cucciniello, Malaga, Španělsko
Leon Mynhardt, Fairfield, JAKO
WTKO2 (0:56)
Nick Gonzalez, Austin, TX
Střední váhy
Josh Neer, Des Moines, ON
WTKO3 (2:00)
Mike Alderete, Albuquerque, NM
Joey Munoz, Scotts Bluff, NE
WDEC5 (48-46, 48-47, 47-47)
Marcelo Alfaya, South Rio Grande, Brazílie
Issac Vallie-Flagg, Albuquerque, NM
WKO2 (1:20)
Cory Simpson, Las Vegas, NV
Juan Torres, Kříže, NM
WKO2 (1:33)
C.J. Leveque, Brentwood, JAKO
Jeff Chiffens, Wilmington, DE
WTKO1 (1:04)
Fred Pierce, Talihina, OK
The two participants in the Fight of the Nightwinner Julian Lane and Joey Angeloeach won a new, high-powered Mustang from WBKFF
Lane floored Angelo before he broke his hand in third round
(L) Robbie Peralta and Jay Cucciniello put on a show
Jeff Chiffens (R) landed a picture-perfect punch on Fred Pierce
Joey Munoz (back on ropes) pulled off the upset of the night
Webová stránka: www.WBKFF.com
Facebook: /WBKFF
Cvrlikání: @WBKFF
Instagram: @WORLDBKFF
ABOUT WORLD BARE KNUCKLE FIGHTING FEDERATION (WBKFF): Based in Chicago, WBKFF’s mission is to become the worldwide leader in combat sports. The WBKFF stable of fighters already exceeds 100. Bare knuckle fighting is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Only the strong will survive when the gloves are off and all that stands between opponents is their will and determination.

Brandon Adams dominates Shane Mosley Jr. to win The Contender championship

PHILADELPHIA, PENN.(Listopad 9, 2018)-Brandon Adams was dominant in pounding Shane Mosley Jr. over 10-rounds to win a wide unanimous decision and claim The Contender championship at the Forum in Inglewood, Kalifornie.




V druhém kole, Adams landed some solid shots with both hands on the inside. Adams continued to land the quick accurate punches through the first half of the fight. Adams in-and-out punching had Mosley thinking more than punching.




In round six, Adams started to pick up the tempo, and landed a series of power punches with both hands. Adams featured several hard rights and ripping uppercuts. In round seven, Adams continued to land flush punches and hurt Mosley with each connect. Mosley was cut over his left eye in the 7th frame. Adams continued his dominance down the stretch and won by scores of 100-90 a dvakrát 99-91.




My camp, everybody helped me. They pushed me. All of the combatants were tough. They pushed me, and they helped me reach new heights.,said Adams in the ring after the fight.




It was a dominant win for Brandon. He put on a terrific performance, and he proved that he is one of the top middleweights in the world. There will be plenty of big fights on the horizon for Brandon,” řekl Banner Promotions prezident, Artie Pelullo.




With the win Adams (21-2, 13 KO) is guaranteed a top-10 ranking by the WBA.




The Contender was seen Live on EPIX ®.




Pro pravidelné aktuální informace o našich bojovníků, dění, a propagační, prosím zkontrolujte Banner Promotions Facebook Page , a sledujte nás na Instagram a Cvrlikání BannerBoxing


COUNTDOWN LIVE: WILDER VS. FURY Begins At 6:45 PM ET/3:45 PM PT Live On SHOWTIME® And SHOWTIME Sports® Social Media Platforms Preceding Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury
Massive Night Of Action Presented By Premier Boxing Champions


NEW YORK – Listopad 9, 2018 – A split-site doubleheader airing live on SHOWTIME and streaming live on SHOWTIME Sports social media platforms will kick off a big night of boxing on Saturday, Prosinec 1, leading into the SHOWTIME PPV presentation of the Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury heavyweight blockbuster event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




Adonis Stevenson will make the 10th defense of his WBC Light Heavyweight World Championship against undefeated, mandatory challenger Oleksandr Gvozdyk to start the action live from Videotron Centre in Quebec City, Kanada. The two-fight telecast presented by Premier Boxing Champions continues live from Los Angeles, where Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr. will take on Alfredo Angulo in a 10-round super middleweight clash at STAPLES Center.


COUNTDOWN LIVE: WILDER VS. FURY začne na 6:45 p.m. A / 3:45 p.m. PT live on SHOWTIME and on SHOWTIME Sportovní kanál YouTube a Facebook page, preceding the Wilder vs. Fury SHOWTIME PPV event that begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT from STAPLES Center.




The December 1 SHOWTIME PPV and COUNTDOWN LIVE presentations feature two of the most feared knockout punchers in the sport. S 39 průchodky v 40 profesionální boje, Wilder’s right hand is widely regarded as the biggest weapon in boxing. The southpaw Stevenson’s left has led to knockouts in six of his nine title defenses. V prosinci 1, the two power-punchers will take on top-rated, undefeated opponents as they make the 10th and eighth defenses of their respective WBC titles.




Stevenson (29-1-1, 24 KO) is boxing’s longest reigning world champion, having won the WBC 175-pound title in 2013. The Montreal-based southpaw will face his WBC-mandated challenger in Gvozdyk (15-0, 12 KO), a Ukrainian with 12 průchodky v jeho 15 professional fights since a standout amateur career that included a bronze medal at the 2012 Olympijské hry.




In Gvozdyk, Stevenson will face his second consensus top-10 light heavyweight of 2018, following his Fight of the Year candidate draw with Badou Jack in May on SHOWTIME. Gvozdyk, an amateur teammate of fellow Ukrainians Vasyl Lomachenko and Oleksandr Usyk, earned the mandatory status with a near-shutout decision over Mehdi Amar in March.




I’ve been pushing myself in training to be ready to put on a great performance December 1 and defend my title once again,” said Stevenson. “My old trainer, the late great Emanuel Steward, used to tell me that ‘knockouts selland that’s what I’m going for in this fight. I know I’m facing a good boxer who’s coming in very determined. He’ll be ready, but it won’t be enough. It’s going to be show time on SHOWTIME and another victory for ‘Superman’.




I have been waiting for this title shot for a very long time, and I will take full advantage of the opportunity,” said Gvodzyk. “It doesn’t matter where we fight. I am fully prepared to become the new WBC light heavyweight champion. Kanada, ‘The Nailis coming to put on a show!”




Chavez, Jr. (50-3-1, 32 KO) is the son of Mexican boxing legend and Hall of Famer Julio Cesar Chavez, Sr. The 32-year-old from Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico ripped off 46 straight victories to start his career using a gritty boxing style that denoted his toughness in the ring. Chavez is seeking to rebound from a unanimous decision loss to middleweight champion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez on May 6, 2017.




The 36-year-old Angulo (24-7, 20 KO) is a tough brawler who has faced some of the best boxers in the sport. Angulo, who lives in Coachella, California but was born in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexiko, is coming off a hard-fought split decision loss to former world champion Sergio Mora in April.




I am excited to be back on December 1 to perform for the great Mexican fans in Los Angeles,” said Chavez Jr. “At my weight I know I can beat anyone. I am focused and feel strong. Angulo will be first, but then I will pursue a belt at 168. I’m putting the division on notice. Chavez is back.




I have been training very hard in anticipation of this fight and this is the best I have felt in a long time,” said Angulo. “I am looking forward to defeating Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. and getting a title opportunity in the near future. I’m thankful for everyone who has supported me and I promise to surprise a lot of people on December 1.



Heavyweight Contenders Luis Ortiz and Joe Joyce Compete In Separate Bouts and Look To Position Themselves For Title Shot In Resurgent Division

NEW YORK (Listopad 9, 2018) – The most significant heavyweight event in the U.S. in more than 15 years will feature an undercard lineup of stellar fighters including the return of a unified world champion and two of boxing’s hardest-hitting heavyweights.




Neporažený, unified 154-pound world champion Jarrett Hurd along with heavyweight title contender Luis Ortiz and top heavyweight prospect Joe Joyce will fight in separate bouts on the SHOWTIME PPV® undercard of the Deontay Wilder vs. Luis Ortiz heavyweight blockbuster event presented by Premier Boxing Champions on Saturday, Prosinec 1 v Staples Center v Los Angeles.




Hurd (22-0, 15 KO) returns for his first fight since unifying the super welterweight division earlier this year to defend his IBF and WBA titles against British Commonwealth champ Jason Welborn (24-6, 7 KO). Hurd, who edged Erislandy Lara in a leading candidate for 2018 Fight of the Year in April on SHOWTIME, will enter the ring for the first time since undergoing rotator cuff surgery as he targets another title unification in 2019.




Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis Ortiz (29-1, 25 KO) will continue his quest for a second shot at a heavyweight world championship as he takes on American Travis Kauffman (32-2, 23 KO) v 10 kole záchvatu. Ortiz went toe-to-toe with Wilder in another contender for Fight of the Year in March on SHOWTIME and returns for his third bout of 2018 with his sights set on a rematch with Wilder.




In the opening bout of the SHOWTIME PPV, 2016 Olympic Silver Medalist and unbeaten heavyweight Joe Joyce (6-0, 6 KO) will face his sixth opponent of 2018 když potká Joe Hanks (23-2, 15 KO) in a 10-round heavyweight bout.




This fan-friendly undercard features two participants from 2018 Fight of the Year candidates, Jarrett Hurd and Luis Ortiz, along with one of the hottest rising talents in the heavyweight division,” řekl Stephen Espinoza, Prezident, Sports and Event Programming, Showtime Networks Inc. “Heavyweight boxing has re-captured the world’s attention and both of these potentially explosive fights will help shape the future of the division. Jarrett Hurd emerged as one of boxing’s most exciting fighters in unifying the super welterweight division in 2018. Nyní, he returns from a significant injury to risk his titles in his quest to become undisputed 154-pound world champion.




Vstupenky na akce, which is promoted by BombZquad Enterprises and Queensberry Promotions, in association with TGB Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, are on sale now and are available via AXS.com. Wilder vs. Fury will be produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV. The suggested retail price (SRP) for the pay-per-view telecast is $64.99 for standard definition.




Hurd, who hails from Accokeek, Md., floored Erislandy Lara in the final minute of their unification showdown to earn the narrow split-decision victory over the divisionslongest-reigning champion. Po záchvatu, Hurd underwent surgery and subsequent rehab to repair a rotator cuff. Hurd won the IBF title with a TKO of Tony Harrison in 2017 and handed Austin Trout his first loss via knockout later that year. The 28-year-old is known for his all-action, fan-pleasing style that had seen him record seven straight stoppages prior to his decision win over Lara.




‘Swiftis back and Christmas is coming early,” Said Hurd. “This is the perfect way to get ready for 2019. I expect it to be a big year with big fights that the fans will love. I’m locked in right now and ready to put on a great performance against Jason Welborn. Tune in on December 1, because I promise you it won’t go 12 rounds.




Jason Welborn, from West Midlands, Anglie, bude dělat jeho U.S.. debut on the heels of two wins over previously once-beaten Tommy Langford for the British middleweight title in 2018. Langford now moves back to the 154-pound class, where he has faced Matthew Macklin and Liam Smith in all-British encounters.




Jarrett Hurd is a big talent who holds all the belts and I respect the challenge he poses,” said Welborn. “I was a huge underdog against Tommy Langford in May and I came through and shocked Britain. V prosinci, I’m going to shock the world. I’ve been in training camp since my last fight and I’ve already been preparing for Hurd’s style. This is my time.




The 39-year-old Ortiz returns to STAPLES Center for his second consecutive fight in Los Angeles after scoring a second-round knockout of Razvan Cojanu in July. In a March, Ortiz nearly had Wilder out on his feet in the seventh until he ultimately succumbed to Wilder’s power in the 10th round, suffering the first loss of his professional career. A consensus top-5 heavyweight, Ortiz will look for another knockout as he hopes to earn a rematch with Wilder in the revived heavyweight division.




I feel blessed to be on the Wilder vs. Fury card and competing on a huge night of boxing in front of a full house,” Said Ortiz. “In my last fight at STAPLES Center the fans showed me so much love and I can’t wait to be back. I know Travis Kauffman has a good record and I know he’s definitely got heart. If all goes as expected and Wilder puts Fury to sleep like I think he will, I want another shot at him ASAP. It will be an epic rematch between me and Wilder.




Kauffman, v Readingu, Penn., is coming off a majority decision over Scott Alexander in May in which the two heavyweights traded first round knockdowns. Kauffman is 14-1 (1 NC) V jeho poslední 16 fights with the sole loss coming to Amir Mansour in March 2017.




I’m looking forward to stepping up and challenging myself in an exciting fight,” řekl Kauffman. “Luis Ortiz is the second best heavyweight in the world next to Deontay Wilder. But I’m the toughest fighter you’ll ever face. This is my chance to prove that I’m a great fighter and I’m excited to do it on this huge stage.




The 6-foot-6 Joyce, Londýn, Anglie, has started his professional career with a 100 percent KO rate after turning professional in 2017 ve věku ze dne 32. Dokonalý amatérský, Joyce claimed the super heavyweight silver medal for Great Britain at the 2016 Olympijské hry. Joyce, who trains in Big Bear, Kalif. under renowned trainer Abel Sanchez, dělal jeho U.S.. debut in September with a fifth-round knockout of Iago Kiladze.




It’s an honor to be part of this huge event and I give a lot of credit to Joe Hanks for stepping up and taking this fight,” said Joyce. “Hanks has a good record, but I am coming to take him out. If everything goes to plan and I come through this fight as I should, I am ready for a big fight early next year to show that I’m a force in this division.




Hanks, Newark, New Jersey, started his career with a 21-0 run before suffering consecutive losses to Andy Ruiz Jr. v 2013 and Derric Rossy in 2014. After a three-and-a-half-year layoff following the loss to Rossy, Hanks, who lives in downtown Los Angeles, has recovered his form and returned to score a unanimous decision over Joel Caudle and a first round knockout of Terrence Marbra in consecutive fights.




It feels good to be in the mix and getting exposure with the top heavyweights,” said Hanks. “I bring speed, athleticism and power to this fight. I’ve got a lot of great experience in my career sparring against guys like Deontay Wilder and Wladimir Klitschko, so I’m comfortable against a guy like Joe Joyce. I live in Los Angeles now and this is going to be like fighting in my front yard. I’m going to be feeling good on fight night.


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Pro více informací navštivte www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.coma www.staplescenter.com sledovat na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @BronzeBomber, @Tyson_Fury, TGBPromotions,@STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions awww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.

Puerto Rican Olympian Negron Ready to Take on Top Heavyweight Contender Dominic Breazeale Saturday, Prosinec 22 in Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Action Live from Barclays Center in Brooklyn


MIAMI, FL. (Listopad 9, 2018) – Puerto Rican Olympian Carlos Negron is deep into training camp in Miami for his 10-round heavyweight showdown against top contender Dominic “Potíže” Breazeale taking place Saturday, Prosinec 22 live on FOX and FOX Deportes and presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center, domov Brooklyn BOXING ™.




Born in San Juan, Negron represented his home country at the 2008 Olympic games and is eager to return to fight in front of New York’s large contingent of Puerto Rican boxing fans on December 22.




This is a great opportunity not only against a top opponent, but to be on the big stage in front of the great Puerto Rican fans and put on a great performance for them,” said Negron, who last fought in New York in 2010. “I’m very confident in my abilities and I understand the job I have in front of me. Everyone will see how hard I’ve worked when we get in the ring.




Under the guidance of trainer Herman Caicedo, Negron will return to the ring for the first time since June 2017, when he scored a knockout victory over veteran contender Derric Rossy in a dominating performance that saw him score multiple knockdowns. Negron has worked with Caicedo for nearly a year, previously helping prepare Luis Ortiz for his heavyweight title bout against Deontay Wilder.




Having Carlos in camp for an extended period of time before the Breazeale fight was even announced has really allowed us to be leaps ahead at this point in training camp,” said Caicedo. “Mentally and physically he is really sharp right now and it’s going to show on fight night.




Working with Luis Ortiz and the other fighters in our gym has really helped push me to another level,” said Negron. “We’re grinding every day and they truly demand the best out of me. There’s no being mediocre here. You have to put in your best effort every day.




With the six-foot-six Negron meeting the six-foot-seven Breazeale, this matchup is sure to display the power of two giants of the division. A former title challenger and U.S. Olympian, Breazeale has shown the ability to come back in a fight and turn the tides with one punch. For Negron, he knows the task in front of him is tall in stature and order.




Breazeale is a very tough fighter and what he might lack in skill, he more than makes up for in heart,” said Negron. “He certainly has shown skill to get to this point in his career, but he also has that special something that’s gotten him through some tough fights.




It’s going to come down to intelligence and controlling the ring. I’m a very smart fighter with a lot of experience. I’ve had a loss and I don’t want to experience that again. I believe whoever gets thrown off their game plan is going to suffer and I’m going to make sure I’m prepared for everything he throws at me.




The PBC on FOX & FOX Deportes broadcast begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and is co-headlined by twin champions the Charlos as Jermall Charlo defends his interim WBC middleweight title against Willie Monroe Jr., while WBC Super Welterweight World Champion Jermell Charlo bitvy Tony Harrison.




Vstupenky na koncert, which is being promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, jsou již v prodeji. Tickets can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, nebo na telefonním čísle 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Skupinové slevy jsou k dispozici na telefonním čísle 844-Bklyn-GP.




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Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, k dispozici v angličtině nebo španělštině přes kanály FOX nebo FOX Deportes. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, nebo připojených zařízení, včetně Apple TV, TV Android, Fire TV, Xbox One a Roku.




Pro více informací: návštěva www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage a www.foxdeportes.com, sledovat na TwitteruPremierBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, TwinCharlo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports a www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Crushing Power Puncher Shohjahon Ergashev Returns This Saturday in Chicago

Fearsome super lightweight crusher Shohjahon “Descendant of Tamerlane” Ergashev will return to action this Saturday, Listopad 10, at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago against Springfield, Massachusetts, veteran Zack “AK47” Ramsey.




Ergashev (13-0, 12 KO) of Detroit via Uzbekistan and Ramsey (8-4, 4 KO) will meet in a six-round battle on the undercard of the World Boxing Super Series Cruiserweight Tournament doubleheader featuring former WBO Cruiserweight World Champion Krzysztof Glowacki (30-1, 19 KO), from Walcz, Polsko, will face Maksim Vlasov (42-2, 25 KO) Samara, Rusko, in a 12-round battle for the Interim WBO World Championship and former WBC World Cruiserweight Champion Mairis Briedis (24-1, 18 KO) from Riga, Latvia, will take on Hamburg, Germany’s Noel Mikaelian (23-1, 10 KO) for the WBC World Diamond Belt Championship.




Ergashev is off to a roaring start as a professional, going the distance only once, tak daleko. He is the current World Boxing Association International Super Lightweight Champion. The 26-year-old moved from is native Uzbekistan to train at Detroit’s Kronk Gym last year and his thudding power has only improved.




“I have been training in Detroit for seven weeks and I feel that I am getting better and better with each camp,” said Ergashev. “I look forward to putting my skills on display November 10 in Chicago.”




Dmitrriy Salita, the promoter mining Russia and Central Asia for super prospects like Ergashev, says the powerful southpaw is headed for greatness.




“Shohjahon Ergashev is the best super lightweight in the world and, libra-pro-bušit, one of the hardest punchers in boxing,” said Salita. “I look forward to another impressive showing from him on a big championship night of boxing in Chicago.”