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2019 国际女子拳击名人堂 (全身心力衰竭) 入选者公布

Source/IWBHF Press Release
/Bernie McCoy

一月 27, 2019 PORTLAND, OR – (一月 27, 2019) WBAN is proud to announce the International Women’s Boxing Hall of Fame (全身心力衰竭), 等级 2019.

This sixth annual induction represents a record breaking number of honorees in the history of this signal institution which has recognized and honored those individuals who have, over the history of the sport of Women’s Boxing, contributed to, advocated for and brought esteem and distinction to the sport in and out of the ring.

Included in this year’s class are seven former boxers: Terri Cruz, Melissa Fiorentino, Lisa Holewyne, Carina Moreno, Bridgett Riley, Wendy RodriquezMartha Salazar. The Non-Boxer category includes 大卫·阿维拉, Stephen Blea布兰卡古铁雷斯. Pat Emerick and Patricia [沙] Martinez-Pino are recipients in the Pioneer Female Boxer and the Posthumous categories, 分别.


Terri Cruz 编制了 17-7-2 记录, over a nine-year career (1999-2008), highlighted by winning the IFBA bantamweight crown over highly regarded Heather Percival in 2005. Cruz’s love of and dedication to the sport brought her out of retirement in 2009 to challenge top ranked Alesia Graf for WIBA Flyweight title, losing a close decision and again in 2011 for another bout with unbeaten Susie Ramadan.

Melissa Fiorentino, a 5’1dynamo, imbued with the appropriate sobriquet “愤怒”, put up a sterling 17-2 record over a seven-year (2001-08) career during which she stepped in with the top ranked fighters in the featherweight class, including wins over Belinda Laracuente, Esther Schouten, Jaime Clampitt and Cindy Serrano. She capped her career, 一月, 2008, winning the IWBF super featherweight title.

Lisa Holewyne fought to a 25-17-2 record over almost eight years (1998-2006) 作为一个职业拳击手. A common boxing dictum states, “you are what your record isand Holewyne is exactly that. Coming to the ring after a four year stint as a pentathlete at the University of Texas, Holewyne quickly established herself as ananyone/anywherelightweight boxer, fighting Sumya Anani twice (when very few ranked fighters would come within a couple of time zones of that matchup), unbeaten Mary Jo Sanders twice, splitting two fights with the formidable Sunshine Fettkether to mention only some of the top opposition Holewyne sought out during a career that should serve as a signpost for any boxer seeking to do the sport the right way.

Carina Moreno was a standout in the flyweight ranks, 战斗, over her ten year career (2003-13), 203 rounds while compiling glittering 23-6 record against the best boxers in this competitive weight class. In addition to wins over Eileen Olszewski, Yessica Bopp and Holly Dunaway, she held the WBC and WIBA minimumweight titles for several years. She finished her career still competing against the best in her class, winning the WBA flyweight title against Susi Kentikian in Germany in December ’12, before losing a close decision to Kentikian seven months later in the same country.

Bridgett Riley fought in the ring, for nine years (1994-03), 编译 15-3 记录, exactly how she lived life, in perpetual motion. “Busy fightermight be an understatement, since from the opening bell, Riley had one gear, full speed ahead. She held the IFBA bantamweight title beating Yvonne Trevino over ten rounds in February ’98 and, in possibly her most remembered bout, Riley KO’d Englishwoman, Alicia Lahsen, in June ’98, after surviving an early knockdown. It was her first defense of the IFBA title. Among Riley’s other pursuits in her active life range from martial arts champion to movie stunt person.

温迪·罗德里格斯(Wendy Rodriguez) is another of the West Coast fighters who brought the female bantamweight division to the attention of the boxing public. Along with her co-2019 IWBHF inductee, Carina Moreno, Rodriquez set a standard of competitive excellence in the ring that raised the public perception and appreciation of the division. 罗德里克斯, in her seven year (1999-08) career put up an exemplary 19-4-3. Early on, (十月. 2000) she fought an 8 round draw with Margaret Sidoroff and in her penultimate bout, she stepped in with Regina Halmich, (Regina was inducted into the Inaugural Class of the IWBHF in 2014) . Rodriquez finished her career on a high note, revenging an earlier loss to Holly Dunaway in the process of winning the vacant IBA minimum weight crown.

Martha Salazar competed as a professional boxer for 15 (2001-16) 岁月, 战斗 18 times and winning 13 of those bouts. It is an unfortunate reflection of the dearth of competition at the female heavyweight level. But for those athletes who posses persistence, combined with a don’t quit attitude, 随着, 最重要的, ring talent, the top rung of this division is attainable. Martha Salazar has those qualities in world class supply. Salazar won the WIBF heavyweight title via TKO over Pamela London in November ’04 and finished her career winning the WBC crown in a November ’14 by decision over Tanzee Daniel, before relinquishing the title via a close decision to Alejandra Jimenez in the final bout of her career in March of 2018.


大卫·阿维拉 is a prominent and widely followed West Coast boxing writer. His linage to the sport comes from his father who fought a number of times at the Olympic Auditorium in the 1950s. Avila began his journalism career as a writer for the LA Times in the 1990s and is currently working for the Riverside (例如) Press Enterprise and La Prensa newspapers. 但, 毫无疑问, it is Avila’s longtime support for and advocacy of the sport of Women’s boxing and it’s athletes that has earned him this well deserved IWBHF honor.

Stephen Blea, Blea’s reputation as a boxing official has been well documented and has led him to be ranked among the finest in the sport. But it is his myriad additional contributions to the benefit to the sport and it’s athletes that makes Blea singular in the sport. He has been a coach at USA Boxing along with providing his referring and judging skill to that organization. He has coached boxing at the Denver Police department. He has managed WBC Cares for the state of Colorado and overlaid those efforts with a long time, full throated support of the sport of Women’s boxing whenever the opportunity arises.

布兰卡古铁雷斯 is proof positive that the promotion of the sport of boxing begins with whole-hearted empathy, and few promoters in the sport of Women’s boxing can match the personal connection and caring that Gutierrez brings to the sport and it’s athletes. Her father, 哈维尔, was a professional boxer in Mexico and and Gutierrez’s interest and love for the sport came early and fervent. She is the driving force behind Beautiful Brawlers, a West Coast promotional powerhouse, that continues as a prime force behind the recent resurgence in the sport of female boxing.

David Avila and Stephen Blea are the second and third males to be inducted into the IWBHF.


Pat Emerick reduces her outlook on the sport of boxing to it’s most basic, “put one foot in front of the other and be prepared.If only getting a chance to climb through the ropes was that easy for a female in the middle of the previous century. It wasn’t. Emerick’s opportunities were essentially limited to her hometown, South Bend, 在, 哪里, at 5’4″, 123磅, after losing her first bout, she reeled off 18 连胜, highlighted by a TKO win over Jo Ann Hagan in November ’54 before 4,000 fans in Council Bluffs, IA., winning the Ladies World Boxing Association Championship. Emerick becomes the second oldest living IWBHF Pioneer Boxer inductee, born five months after Year 1 honoree Barbara Buttrick.


Patricia “沙” Martinez-Pino, who passed away in September of last year, was a longtime leading advocate for the sport of Women’s boxing in this country. She worked tirelessly within the sport, with the AIBA to open up opportunities for females as referees and judges and served with U S Boxing as President (Hispanic), as well as terms as Vice President and Secretary. Her untiring efforts in support of and improving conditions and opportunities for women in the sport will be well remembered and sorely missed and are best described by her co-inductee, Stephen Blea, “Sandy broke down barriers and achieved accolades no woman had achieved in this sport.

As previously noted, 该 2019 IWBHF Class of Inductees is the largest, and quite possibly, the most diverse, in the six year history of the Hall, conceived and formulated in 2014 by Sue Fox, founder and publisher of Women’s Boxing Archive Network (WBAN). Fox envisioned the Hall as a needed addition to the boxing community, a way of honoring those, 进出环, upon whose athleticism, support and advocacy for the sport of Women’s Boxing continues to stand on and progress.

An induction ceremony for the 2019 inductee class is being discussed and details will be announced forthcoming.

雏量级冠军卡姆·阿诺德: 北方之王


根据狂野结束时的粉丝投票 2018 运动, 占据了所有人的心: 卡姆·阿诺德 (Kam Arnold) 可以为安可做什么?

阿诺德, Casco 的相对新人, 缅因, 在他年轻的职业生涯中,他在首轮比赛中第二次和第三次被淘汰, 包括大卫·汤普森 11 秒的爆击.

随后,他在短时间内与基利安·墨菲 (Killian Murphy) 交手,并在第四轮比赛中获得令人难忘的绝杀,赢得了该组织在 NEF 的业余雏量级冠军头衔 34 六月. 这一决定锁定了年度最佳拳手的荣誉, 这一区别立刻让直言不讳的阿诺德 (4-0) 在一些严肃的公司, 正如他最近在“综合格斗本周”节目中接受《格斗之夜精选》的克雷格和马特·艾伦采访时所解释的那样.

“这很疯狂, 因为你知道什么? 我万万没想到. 民意调查的进行方式, 这有点像一场人气竞赛. 我从没想过我能超越瑞安·桑德斯, 更不用说他和其他一些人所拥有的粉丝群了,”阿诺德说. “我知道我也有很多粉丝. 当谈到赚钱时, 在我心目中毫无疑问我是最值得的, 但我很高兴能和瑞安一起在球场上. 他是个大人物. 他塑造了自己的职业生涯. 他已经为进入 UFC 奋斗了一段时间了。”

阿诺德已经对自己抱有类似的期望. 他暗示在不久的将来将宣布一场重大比赛,并将其视为他继续迅速崛起的跳板.


“他们说, ‘你想对抗这个?’ 我就像, '是的, 这个头衔是我的, 我不在乎他是谁, 我正在和他战斗。’ 我有两周时间为基利安做准备, 谁是州冠军摔跤手, 所以这改变了我的游戏计划, 但 (我有信心) 只要我强加我的意志,”阿诺德说.

“与基利安的那场比赛对我来说表现非常糟糕. 我觉得这在我眼中表现得很糟糕. 我是否表现出了很多心意? 是的. 而且我有一个很好的下巴. 我觉得我已经了解自己了. 我对自己非常失望. 对结果并不失望. 所以不要误会我的意思, (那是个) 伟大的成果. 我只是一个非常严厉的批评家, 我猜。”

当一切结束的时候, 阿诺德松了口气,终于找到了推他的对手. 他担心对格伦·卡萨比安的一系列快速胜利, 凯尔·肯尼和汤普森不利于他追求长期荣耀.

“老实说,这有点令人担忧, 我根本不想把这变成一个自大的声明,”阿诺德说. “这更像是, '好, 我的测试什么时候来, 那个测试会是什么样的?’ 目光从未离开过奖品. 我的目标是成为世界冠军。”

其他运动员和团队充分利用所谓的公告板素材. 有人会说新英格兰爱国者队在争夺最新的亚冠冠军时利用了这一点. 当对手, 记者甚至粉丝说出可能带有侮辱性的话, 他们成为激励良药.

阿诺德也不例外. 他听到有人低声说他没有接受过测试, 或者说墨菲是一位出色的摔跤手, 或者说,如果有人能够剥夺阿诺德的站立敏锐度,将会获得更好的结果.

“自从我刚开始工作以来,在某些情况下我感觉自己被打了一巴掌,”阿诺德说. “我认为这就是我肩上的负担. 这就是我继续前进的原因, 继续走下去, 继续走下去.

“每个营地我都会找到一些小东西来给我的火加油. 很多人似乎忘记了, 我是一名摔跤手, 太, 我已经证明,在我经历过的极少数战斗中. 你看看我在凯尔·肯尼身上的爆炸替身. 我摔跤技术很好 (技能). 询问我的培训伙伴. 所以我认为很多人认为我的地面比赛是理所当然的. 他们会看看我的柔术是什么样的. 别睡在上面。”

尽管他已经进入了舒适区 135 英镑, 阿诺德表示,如果这有助于扩大他的对手选择范围,他并不反对提升一个甚至两个重量级别.

较小的, 被低估的人不会太打扰他: 阿诺德是一个全男孩家庭中最小的孩子。. 他向艾伦一家描述这是一种艰难的成长经历,生命中最后一个孩子别无选择,只能为自己想要的东西而奋斗。.

“我们没有太多机会出去追求我当时认为从未有过的梦想. 然后我就跌入了谷底,我别无选择,“他说,. “我是一个饥饿的人, 饥饿的战士. 很多人都在里面参加比赛. 我不是来参加比赛的. 我在那里为你熄灭灯. 我要赢. 我认为这确实使我与其他人不同。”

虽然阿诺德仍然在业余选手中留下了自己的印记, 他认为综合格斗是他的职业和职业道路.

从他着眼于眼前地平线上的战斗开始, 今年的每个营地都可能是实现这些愿望的基石.

“我一直渴望 2019 一起走. 今年除了成功之外什么都没有. 我迫不及待地想把它提高一个档次,”阿诺德说. “到最后的大舞台上来找我吧” 2019. 它来了。”

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 37: 零度以下,” 将于星期五, 二月 1, 2019 在班戈的交叉保险中心, 缅因州 响铃时间 8 下午。通过直接通过其 Facebook 页面联系 NEF,仍有数量非常有限的门票在售 “新英格兰之战。”


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.

裸拳格斗冠军赛周六行动之夜的完整阵容, 二月 2 坎昆贝托阿维拉体育场按次付费直播, 墨西哥

“BKFC 4: 美国VS. 墨西哥” 特点 Tom Shoaff vs. 迭戈·加里霍, 埃里克·利安德 VS. 亚历杭德罗·索洛扎诺, 特拉维斯·汤普森 VS. 伊万·洛卡 & 更多!

费城 (一月 24, 2019) – 一系列激动人心的赤指关节动作将让粉丝整晚都坐立不安 裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) 坎昆战斗之夜即将来临, 周六墨西哥, 二月 2 住在按次观点 (9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT) 从贝托阿维拉体育场出发.

当晚将展示一张堆满美国队与美国队的卡片. 墨西哥对决. 这包括最近增加的比赛,印第安纳州将看到 汤姆Shoaff 挑战莱昂的 迭戈·加里霍在165磅重的作用, 佛罗里达州 埃里克·利安德 与墨西卡利的战斗 亚历杭德罗·索洛扎诺 在一个重量级景点, 加上费城队之间的 135 磅比赛 特拉维斯·汤普森 和坎昆的 伊万·洛卡.

今晚的最后一场比赛是来自德克萨斯州的 135 磅重的比赛 粘土烧伤针对 赫苏斯·克维多 从 普拉亚德尔卡门 出发, 罗萨里托的 何塞·鲁勒斯 在与墨西哥城的 150 磅对决中 吉尔伯托·阿古利亚尔 和菲尼克斯太阳队的 香农·里奇 反对蒂华纳 奥马尔·莫利纳 在一场225磅的战斗中.

“BKFC 4: 美国VS. 墨西哥” 将在美国和加拿大播出, 专门在付费观看通过多屏媒体, Inc., 在所有主要电视和流媒体发行渠道上 $29.95. 它还将通过流媒体传输到所有室内和室外连接设备的方式在全球范围内提供。门票现已在以下网址发售: www.bareknuckle.tv.

这场历史性的赛事将由前终极战士选手参加 朱巷 与墨西哥裔美国 UFC 老将作战 伦纳德·加西亚,”裸指关节女王” 贝克·罗林斯 捍卫她的头衔对抗巴亚尔塔港 塞西莉亚·弗洛雷斯 以及备受期待的复赛 托尼·洛佩兹 乔伊·贝尔特兰, 他们在 BKFC 进行了一场史诗般的对决 1 贝尔特兰以微弱优势获胜.

参加过 20 场 UFC 比赛的老将也将参加这场比赛 克里斯·莱特尔 面对MMA老将 拉马斯JC, BKFC重量级锦标赛亚军 我Shewmaker的 返回行动,对奇瓦瓦州采取行动 里卡多·阿古利亚尔, 加上前 WEC 中量级冠军和 12 场 UFC 老将 乔·里格斯 他第二次参加 BKFC 比赛,寻求另一场胜利, 这次对阵墨西哥城 埃里贝托 “粗鲁的” 托瓦尔, 谁参加过美洲战斗, 这项运动中最大的西班牙裔 MMA 组织.

# # #

六月 2, 2018, 总部位于费城的裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) 由格斗运动的历史,当它推出了第一部法律, 批准,自美国监管裸关节活动 1889. “BKFC 1: 开端” 发生在夏延, 怀俄明州和特色 10 专业的较量, 所有怀俄明格斗体育委员会的主持和控制下.

BKFC仅使用建立谁曾在拳击比赛专业战斗机, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. BKFC 的所有比赛均由 ABC 成员体育委员会批准和监管.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上关注的@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 并在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.


Bill “Jonesi” Jones has seen and done it all during a decorated mixed martial arts (MMA) career that spans back more than a decade. 二月 1ST, he’ll look to add another noteworthy accomplishment to his deep fight resume when he faces highly touted, undefeated prospect Josh “Hook-On” Harvey for the New England Fights (NEF) professional Featherweight Championship in the main event at “NEF 37: SUB ZERO” in Bangor, 缅因. Jones recently discussed his storied record and his upcoming championship bout with Ryan Jarrell and Bryan Stackpole on the Between Rounds Radio 播客.

Jones made his MMA debut in September 2007. Over the course of more than 20-bouts, he fought and defeated a who’s-who of New England’s top-tier combat sports athletes, including multiple opponents that went on to compete in the world’s largest promotions such as the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), 职业联赛战士 (formally known as WSOF), 和Bellator. Jones holds wins over UFC veterans Matt Bessette and Tateki Matsuda. It’s this experience against high-level competition that Jones believes will give him an edge over Harvey on February 1ST.

“I’ve won fights and I’ve lost fights in the Northeast, but a good portion of my fights were top contenders at 155 or 145,” Jones told Jarrell and Stackpole. “Harvey’s never really fought—other than his last fight that he fought to a decision and he didn’t really show anything in—he’s never fought anybody to the caliber of the guys that I’ve fought. 所以, I feel really good about that going into this fight.”

“I’m going to bust ass and smash through this guy,” Jones added.

Bill made his highly anticipated debut with NEF in April 2018, finishing Matt Denning in the second round via technical knockout.

“Beating Denning pretty decisively the way I did—it felt good to get back in the win column, but it still doesn’t show me,”琼斯说. “I feel like I should have beat him in the first round, not the second round.”

The win set-up Jones for a title match showdown with Aaron Lacey for the vacant professional featherweight championship in November 2018, but the bout was scrapped when Lacey sustained an injury that forced him to withdraw.

“When he backed out, I was super, extremely disappointed,” Jones explained. “I was extremely disappointed… Lacey’s more of a 145-pound fighter. 哈维, if he makes weight at 145, he is going to have a really rough night because it’s just going to be a lot of weight for him to cut. 第一轮之后, if he makes it out of it, it’s going to wear on him.”

“In my brain, I knew he [莱西] wasn’t going to make it out of the first round with me—it was a win,” Jones continued. “It was just one of those fights where you knew, you walked in there, and you walked out victorious. I know it’s a tougher fight with Harvey, but in my mind, it’s the same fight.”

With Lacey currently on the sidelines, Lacey’s teammate, fast rising Josh “Hook-On” Harvey, agreed to step in and put his 5-0-1 record on the line against Jones in the feature fight for NEF’s 2019 return to Bangor.

“Every fight that I’ve watched him [哈维] 战斗, it seems like he comes out and tries to stand with them, but then as soon as they start throwing back, I feel like he gets nervous and shoots,”琼斯说. “所以, he flashes off like he’s a standup fighter, but then as soon as they start to attack, he instantly shoots. So that, 在我脑海里, makes me feel like he’s a pretty boy that doesn’t want to get hurt. He doesn’t want to get hit.”

“I feel like he’s going to crumble under the pace that I put on him. I’m a more of an attack, in-your-face fighter and I feel like he’s going to fold under that.”

When “Jonesi” and Hook-On” face-off on February 1ST, it will be in the heart of winter in Maine, hence the title of the aptly named event, “Sub Zero.” Unlike many combat athletes that try to avoid cutting weight over the long holiday season, 琼斯, who works full-time during the day as a roofing foreman supervising a crew of 12 laborers, prefers competing during the winter months.

“Wintertime is always a good time for me to train,” Jones explained to Jarrell and Stackpole. “I get out of work fairly early in the wintertime. We work dark-to-dark in the summer, so I don’t get home until 6, 7, 8 o’clock—so it’s hard to make it to the gym. So winter time is a real good training schedule for me.”

琼斯, who normally walks around at 155-pounds despite the admission that he normally “eats out of gas stations” when he’s not in fight camp, predicts no problems whatsoever in terms of making the championship scratch weight limit of 145-pounds. When asked, 然而, on whether he thinks his opponent will make the weight, he couldn’t express the same confidence.

“I have trouble seeing Harvey making weight for the fight,”琼斯说. “I’m going to fight him either way, whatever weight he walks in at. 但, I believe that Lacey is really the one that is in line for it. 我的意思是, Harvey hasn’t made weight for a fight at 45 在一段时间. The fight he just had with Joe-Joe [Gianetti] that he just kind-of held on to the whole time, he missed weight by four or five pounds…. He’s going to have a tough time making that weight.”

Regardless of the weight, Jones is unwavering in his belief that he has the tools to put the first loss on Harvey’s record. 哈维, not known for losing frequently in any combat sport, was also a multiple-time state champion wrestler.

“I think he’s going to try to wrestle me,”琼斯说. “I think he’s going to try to take me down and win by wearing me out… If he lets it stay standing, I’ll probably knock him out in the first round.”

Having kicked a 25-year smoking habit a few years ago, Jones feels revitalized and better than ever and ready for the challenge in front of him on February 1ST.

“I really want to win that belt,“他说,. “I’m 40-years old. Life moves on and I don’t know how many more years I got to push into the sport, but it’s a good time for me.

“I don’t look at it as a job like everybody else, or something that I dream to do,” Jones explained. “我喜欢战斗. I love the atmosphere of it, I love the competition of it.

“I want to end my career on a high note.”

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 37: 零度以下,” will take place on Friday, 二月 1, 2019 在班戈的交叉保险中心, 缅因州 响铃时间 8 下午。门票现已发售www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


Undefeated Welterweight Champion Thurman Makes Long Awaited Ring Return to Defend His Title Against Battle-Hardened Veteran López in Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Main Event Saturday, 一月 26 巴克莱中心布鲁克林

点击 这里 从萧蔷特拉普/ TGB促销图片

布鲁克林 (一月 23, 2019) – As fight week begins for the first Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes event of 2019, 次中量级世界冠军 基思·瑟曼 和老将的竞争者 Josesito López took part in a media workout at Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn on Wednesday before they headline action this Saturday, 一月 26 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.

电视报道开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT and features additional participants from Wednesday’s workout including rising Polish heavyweight contender亚当Kownacki 和前冠军挑战者 杰拉尔德·华盛顿, 谁在一个 10 轮景点见面, and hard-hitting featherweights 克劳迪奥·马雷罗 Tugstsogt Nyambayar, who meet in a 12-round showdown.

Wednesday’s event also saw unbeaten Brooklyn prospect 克里斯·科尔伯特, who takes on once-beaten Josh Hernandez in PBC Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes that begin at 6 P.M. AND /下午3时. PT.

演出门票, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, 开始于 $50 并可以在购买 ticketmaster.com,barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.



We’re back in Brooklyn, it’s been a long time and I’m happy. I feel slim and trim. Everything is great headed into Saturday.

I had a lot of ups and downs, but once we got into camp, we did what we had to do. We slowly improved each day and now we’re ready. It was a slow start, but we’re going to be finishing strong on Saturday.

When I’m outside of the ring, I’m not the jealous type watching other people perform. But I feel better when I’m here living out my dream. These past weeks, I have just felt so good. I feel fantastic and ready to perform. I’m going to be an active fighter and one of the best welterweights in the world today.

My ranking, 我的 ‘0’ and my accomplishments haven’t gone anywhere. I’ve been out of sight and out of mind for a little, 但我现在回来. You can’t block a star from shining. We’re in the galaxy and shining bright.

I’m definitely interested in a big unification fight with Errol Spence Jr. When I first met Errol at MGM Grand years ago, I told him that it’s nice to meet him and I can’t wait to get in there and scrap it out. I’m humble, but I’m also honest. I’m a man of my word. It doesn’t matter how many years ago that I said it, but from that day to this day, it’s a true statement.


I’m confident in my abilities. Talk is cheap to me. What other people say makes no difference to me. I’ve come here to do a job and I’m going to do it.

I know that I have a tough task ahead of me, but I also know that I can do it. I can pass this test. I’m ready for it. We’ve prepared right and everything is lined up. We worked hard for 10 weeks and now it’s time.

It’s hard to say if Keith will be my toughest opponent, but he definitely has a great resume and is a great champion. I’ve fought some great guys but I’m taking this as the most important fight of my career.

I think that since I started working with Robert Garcia, all of my skills are on par with Keith Thurman. 最重要的, I’m a much smarter fighter than I’ve ever been. I’m always going to be courageous in the ring, but we’ve developed a game plan where I take less unnecessary risks.

The most important thing in my game plan is for me to dictate the pace. I need to control the ring throughout the fight. I’m prepared for however he brings the fight.

ADAM Kownacka

It’s going to be a sea of red and white on Saturday. The Polish fans are unbelievable and I can’t wait to go out there and get a knockout for them.

I think I’ve improved my speed heading into this fight. 我感觉好极了. It’s been a long camp leading up to this huge card. I have to come out at my top condition. I made a slight statement against Charles Martin, and I’m going to make a bigger one against Gerald Washington.

I definitely want to outdo the performances of Deontay Wilder and my friend Jarrell Miller against Washington. I want to have bragging rights. I want that knockout.

Washington has fought contenders, good fighters and a guy I lost to in the amateurs in Nagy Aguilera. He’s proven that he’s game, and I’m expecting the best version of him. 我会准备好.

Boxing is a skill, not a bodybuilding contest. I proved my conditioning last fight by throwing 70 拳圆. I’m in ever better shape right and I feel great.


We know where we want to be and we know this is a stepping stone to getting back there. I have to take the hard road and this is it. We’re prepared, we’re ready and I’m looking forward to January 26.

Any of the top heavyweights would be great to fight, 但我一次只打一场. This is going to be an action-packed fight.

I have the total package. We’ll see everything I learned from my last fights and see if it makes a difference now.

I know that Kownacki is going to come forward. I know what kind of fighter he is. I didn’t come here to lose. I came here to win and get back on the right track and into contention to win the heavyweight title.

“风格使战斗. I was doing very well in the Deontay Wilder fight, similar to what Tyson Fury was doing. This is a different type of fight. You’re going to see my skills come to life to contain this man.


We went through a very serious, 10-week camp because we know that we’re here to fight a very strong fighter. I’ve taken everything to the fullest each day with intense work in training camp. 我准备好了.

We respect our opponent, but he’s coming to our weight division. I’ve been making this weight ever since I was a pro. 在他的最后一战, he was dropped by Oscar Escandon, who’s a very good fighter, but he’s a smaller guy.

We believe that this is the beginning of something beautiful. I’m going to be at the top of the rankings after this fight. We believe that winning this fight is going to take us back to the top level.

I understand that this is my time to shine. I’m more focused and dedicated than I’ve ever been and it’s going to show in the ring on Saturday night.


I feel good and strong. I’ve had a great camp and I’m ready for Saturday night. I’m going to give a great show for the fans in my Brooklyn debut.

I put everything into camp and I’m going to show it in the ring on Saturday night. I’m here to win and show off my athleticism. I believe I can do everything in the ring.

Claudio Marrero is a good tough contender who’s been at this level for quite some time. He’s a good boxer who can punch, so we prepared for everything. He may have more pro experience, but I believe I have more boxing experience than Marrero. I’ve seen everything throughout the world.

Now it’s just a matter of cultivating my skills and experience into becoming a world championship fighter. 在这场战斗中, I’m going to dictate the style of the fight. It’s going to go down on my terms.


I’m going to go out there and dominate like I always do. I don’t have any resolutions for 2019. I’m just going to do the same thing and keep being great.

New year, same me. I’m out here chasing greatness. I’m looking to keep winning and work my way to a world title. I’m not just talk, I’m the real deal.

I don’t believe that you can be rushed into a world title fight. 我准备好了. I don’t care if I’m considered a prospect for a contender, I’m just going to show everyone that I’m no fluke. I do this differently.

I always fight for a cause and this time I’ve got my hair dyed pink for breast cancer awareness. It’s for my mom and all of the other survivors and people going through this.

# # #

FOX 上的顶级拳击冠军 & FOX Deportes is headlined by the return of WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman defending his title against veteran contender Josesito López on Saturday, 一月 26 巴克莱中心直播, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ and the East Coast home of PBC. The event is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment.

广播开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT and features rising unbeaten Polish heavyweight Adam Kownacki taking on former title challenger Gerald Washington, plus a 12-round featherweight showdown between Claudio Marrero and Tugstsogt Nyambayar.

PBC Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes begin at 6 P.M. AND /下午3时. PT and will feature junior lightweight prospect Chris Colbert taking on once-beaten Josh Hernandez in an eight-round bout, 更多 2016 中美. Olympian Antuanne Russell facing Roberto Almazán in a six/eight round super lightweight attraction, and super welterweight prospect Chordale Booker meeting Juan De Ángel for eight-rounds of action.

球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,并通过应用程序商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Two-Division World Champion Leaves for International Tour and Goodwill Mission on Behalf of Badou Jack Foundation

访问 www.BadouJackFoundation.org 了解更多信息

LAS VEGAS (一月 23, 2019) – Although two-division world champion 八斗杰克 dropped a decision Saturday night to fellow light heavyweight Marcus Browne, it was the courage and tenacity that he showed in fighting through what some are calling one of the worst cuts in boxing history that has had the sports world buzzing. Jack has since made it clear that his tenacity and heart is motivated by those who benefit from the work of the Badou Jack Foundation. Jack is set to embark on a goodwill mission to the Middle East today as he couldn’t wait to continue his charitable efforts overseas.

His international itinerary includes trips to the Zaatari and Baqaa Refugee Camps in Jordan and business meetings Dubai and London.

“I don’t just fight for myself, I fight for the refugee children and I was thinking of them,”杰克说. “They come from war and often don’t have any parents, so what’s a scratch on my forehead? They are going through something much worse. You have to keep fighting.”

While many were concerned with the blood that gushed from Jack’s cut round after round, the veteran fighter was able to block it out and continued to fight until the final bell. Although he was taken to the hospital immediately following the fight, Jack was unfazed by the severity of the cut, which was sewn up with nearly 100 缝针.

“我现在感觉好极了正确的. Things like that can just happen in the ring,”杰克说. “It was just some blood. The cut was only bothering me because I couldn’t see too well, but I was going to keep fighting no matter what. This isn’t just any other sport; its boxing. You have to fight through it.”

And fight through he has.

“I was definitely going to make my run like I have in the past,”杰克说. “I think most people in boxing know that this would have been a totally different fight. 对我来说,, it’s not a big injury. I’m fighting for a bigger cause. Those refugees aren’t going to quit, so I sure wasn’t going to either.”

乔伊斯在 O2 球场面临斯蒂文恩的酸性测试


捍卫英联邦头衔并回归 前世界冠军李·塞尔比在德盖尔对阵尤班克的大型比赛中. 卡, 直播 英国独立电视台票房

快速崛起的新星在刚刚迈出无所畏惧的步伐 第八场职业拳击赛快速冲向世界冠军

斯蒂文说这将是乔伊斯的噩梦 他被淘汰了

传奇发起人唐·金承诺“重新 当斯蒂文在伦敦重现麦考尔对刘易斯的胜利时,乔伊斯’

伦敦(23 一月 2019) Poxon Sports 和 PBC 很高兴地宣布重量级轰动 乔·乔伊斯将在他一生中最大的考验中卫冕英联邦冠军 当他迈出巨大的一步来对抗前 WBC 选手时,他的职业生涯保持不败 世界冠军 Bermane Stiverne 将于 2 月 23 日星期六在 The O2,在 ITV Box Office 独家直播.

乔伊斯 vs. Stiverne, 由 Poxon Sports 与 Ringstar Sports 和 Don King 联合推广 作品, 将与前 IBF 世界选手回归一起亮相 羽量级冠军李·塞尔比作为主要支持者之一 精彩纷呈的节目竞赛, 以激动人心的全英比赛为标题 詹姆斯·德盖尔 (James DeGale) 和小克里斯·尤班克 (Chris Eubank Jr.) 之间的激烈冲突.

6英尺6英寸的“主宰者” 从普特尼, 伦敦西南部, 自从那以后就消灭了他所有的七个对手 十月转为职业 2017 在获得银牌后 里约奥运会并被选为最令人畏惧的天才之一 重量级赛区.

这是一次里程碑式的考验 乔伊斯将在第八场比赛中面对前世界冠军, 这 坚如磐石的大锤击中斯蒂文, 出生于蒙特利尔, 加拿大, 的 海地血统,总部位于拉斯维加斯, 已经与一些最大的和 部门中最好的, 包括德昂泰·维尔德和克里斯·阿雷奥拉.

战斗又增加了不好的 乔伊斯和斯蒂文之间的争吵导致流血 乔伊斯在事后接受采访时对斯蒂文的评论感到愤怒 他说他带乔伊斯去学校.

乔伊斯说, “我有 尊重伯曼·斯蒂文纳. 我们在拉斯维加斯打架; 他说他带我去 学校面试等, 它变得丑陋并导致这场战斗发生. 我试过 尊重他, 但他很粗鲁并且对此一无所知. 他是一个 已经去世的前世界冠军 12 与德昂泰·维尔德 (Deontay Wilder) 进行回合比赛,并将给予 对我来说是一个真正的挑战; 但我的引擎和动力对他来说太大了, A 他应该知道的事实!”

乔伊斯的 发起人理查德·谢弗, Ringstar Sports董事长兼首席执行官, 说, “仅经过七场比赛,乔·乔伊斯就成为排名第五的选手 世界重量级人物。但他以惊人的方式赢得了一切 在他的七场比赛中,他被击倒,这使他成为球迷最喜欢的人 重量级组。与前世界冠军较量 斯蒂文(Stiverne)继续前进,表明对乔来说,没有什么挑战是太大的 迈向重量级世界冠军。简单的说: 乔·乔伊斯有 成为必看电视, 所以请务必在 2 月 23 日收看或来 并观看他在伦敦 O2 的现场直播!”

Stiverne Dirita, “我告诉 我的发起人唐·金(Don King)为我找到了地球上任何一个人,我将为正义而战 向世界证明自己。然后电话响了, 这是唐, 他告诉我 乔·乔伊斯 – 只参加过七场比赛的拳击手 – 同意与我见面! '七 回合?’。打了七场,他竟敢拳击我? 我已经停止了 克里斯·阿雷奥拉, 雷·奥斯汀, 当时不败的克斯顿·曼斯韦尔 – 和一名拳击手 七场战斗想要拳击我?!.’我对唐说‘签名 它, 拿去, 抓住它,' 我准备好了。七场战斗 – 他想要 给我装箱? 对我来说这是梦想成真 – 但对于乔伊斯来说,这将是 恶梦。我会击倒乔·乔伊斯并跨过他去KO安东尼 约书亚。我已做好准备. 真正的贝尔曼·斯蒂文将是 2月23日在那里,并将在途中击败乔·乔伊斯 重新夺回我的重量级桂冠。”

斯蒂文的传奇 发起人唐·金, 额外, “我非常高兴唐·金 制作团队可以宣布我们重返快乐的老英格兰 – “的摇篮” 拳击” 我的拳击巨人在哪里 – 前重量级冠军 世界 Bermane Stiverne 以牺牲巨人乔为代价开始复出 乔伊斯。很遗憾, 对于乔当地的粉丝来说,不会有“re Joycing”’ – 正如我曾经 – 未来的冠军 Bermane Stiverne 将杀死乔伊斯,就像 英石. 乔治扮演了古老的龙。但是不要紧, 我们将接取 并带回乔伊斯,就像我带回并帮助建立了许多 未来在一起。我记得当我和奥利弗·麦考尔一起来到这里时,他 没有机会对抗伦诺克斯·刘易斯。然后弱者变成了强者 当奥利弗KO了之前不败的冠军时,我们带着 标题。历史将在 2 月 23 日重演,届时 Bermane 派出另一位不败的英国人击败。现在 重新装备, 复苏的, 更新了, 恢复活力并重新投入的伯曼 Stiverne 将于 2 月 23 日复活他的职业生涯,届时“上帝之主” 戒指” 压碎了 “世界之主” – '主宰” 乔伊斯 为夺回重量级冠军而不懈努力 世界。祝福所有英国球迷, 上帝保佑女王 – 但上天保佑乔 乔伊斯! 我们将于 2 月 23 日与您见面。”

WBC世界重量级 冠军 Deontay Wilder 也提出了自己的想法 有趣的比赛, 他说,, “乔·乔伊斯对他来说将是一个很好的考验 (Stiverne). 我以前见过乔·乔伊斯. 他是一个好战士. 乔·乔伊斯战斗 乔·汉克斯和泰森·富里一起出现在我的底牌上,但我没有机会见到他 那天晚上战斗. 但我很期待看到他对阵斯蒂文。”

理查德·波克森, 英国 中国人民银行发起人, 说, “我从乔在谢菲尔德的业余时期就认识他了. 他在奥运会上的成功一点也不令我惊讶. 他转型得很好 现在是专业人士,而且显然很着急. 重量级是其中之一 每个人都在再次关注,我完全希望乔能够参与其中 来年的行动. 与前 WBC 世界冠军仅用了 你的第八场比赛清楚地表明了乔的野心。”

自从踏上他的 他追求成为世界重量级冠军的职业生涯, 静静地 乔伊斯用他破坏性的拳头来说话,大胆地做事 让拳击界刮目相看并注意到快速崛起的声明 星星.

在十月 2017 他 当他选择与顽固的前英国冠军作斗争时,批评家们感到震惊 挑战者伊恩·刘易森, 谁刚刚将大拳打脚的迪利安·怀特(Dillian Whyte)延长至十次 回合, 并在八回合内击败了他。

然后在他的第四个 只与 12 在他的领导下进行的轮转和七个月内的转变 亲, 乔伊斯(Joyce)击败了英联邦重量级冠军伦罗伊·托马斯(Lenroy Thomas) 只需两轮 – 创造重量级拳击手新纪录赢得冠军 英联邦带.

在他的最后一战, 美国拳击迷简要了解了这位英国明星的一切 当他在一轮比赛中击败乔·汉克斯赢得 WBA 洲际冠军头衔时 在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心完成他闪亮的美国首秀.


奥伊斯, 现在排名 #5 在 WBA 世界拳王并正在快速向世界冠军头衔迈进, 面孔 毫无疑问,这是他迄今为止最严峻的职业考验,对手是经验丰富的人 位于拉斯维加斯的海天队也同样大获全胜,他们已经被淘汰出局 21 他的反对者 25 赢在他的 29 拼事业.

斯蒂文曾担任 四月击败克里斯·阿雷奥拉后,连续两年夺得 WBC 冠军 2013 赢得冠军,然后在复赛中六回合内击败他 五月份的第一次卫冕 2014.

坚如磐石的斯蒂文 然后将炸药拳手 Deontay Wilder 推了整整十二轮距离 1 月份,他将在 WBC 世界重量级冠军争夺战中进行下一次卫冕 2015. 斯蒂文成为第一个超越怀尔德的人 四回合内消灭了所有对手。在复赛近 三年后, 斯蒂文在最后一刻介入,当时怀尔德的原版 对手路易斯·奥尔蒂斯(Luis Ortiz)未通过药检,并因不活动而被停赛 一轮.

Stiverne 现在正在寻找 重返精英重量级组合,战胜乔伊斯将推动 他重新回到聚光灯下,并有望获得潜在的世界冠军 机会.

门票有售 从www.AXS.com 和内场/贵宾招待www.sportandmusic.co.uk.

这场战斗将会展现 ITV 票房独家报道. 欲了解更多信息和更新, 请离开 到www.itvboxoffice.com 

去年年底, 英国独立电视台 宣布与 Haymon Sports 和 Premier Boxing 达成突破性新协议 冠军 (PBC) 独家报道激动人心的 PBC 世界级拳击比赛 为英国 ITV 观众和格斗迷举办的活动.

独特的合作 这是 Haymon Sports 和 PBC 首次与英国合作 广播公司将定期在英国举办拳击比赛. 独家的 三年协议将保证至少 15 每年电视转播的活动, 来自中国人民银行无与伦比的超过 160 世界上最好的拳击手之一 世界, 其中包括超过 60 现任和前任世界冠军 比赛在英国和美国举行. PBC, 体育界最杰出的拳击运动 品牌, 在美国通过有线电视和网络电视播出 状态。

世界级动作 未来三年的活动将包括免费广播 ITV 的频道, 包括 ITV 主频道以及 ITV4 和 ITV Hub, 并且还将 包括 ITV 的 PPV 频道的按次付费节目, 英国独立电视台票房.

这项拳击新协议 增加了 ITV Sport 的一流赛事组合, 其中包括独家 免费转播英格兰足球队的预选赛 欧洲杯和世界杯, 该 6 国家和独家报道 橄榄球世界杯, 英国赛马, 环法自行车赛和法国网球公开赛. 雷尔, ‘����GB�


即时发布: 班戈, 缅因 (一月 23, 2019) – Nate Boucher’s journey inside the New England Fights’ (NEF) 混合武术 (MMA) cage has not been a course without its challenges and heartbreak along the way.

After winning his first two outings at the start of his amateur fight career, 鲍彻, a lifelong wrestler, earned a chance to compete for the NEF Flyweight Championship. His title shot came in November 2017 in front of a sold-out crowd when NEF made its highly anticipated Portland, Maine debut. 那天晚上, Boucher was outscored on the judge’s cards and dropped a close, controversial split-decision to NEF veteran Justin Witham. It’s a loss that continues to confound Boucher almost a year and a half later.

“As far as I’m concerned, I won the flyweight title that night,” Boucher stated recently in an interview with Ryan Jarrell and Bryan Stackpole on theBetween Rounds Radio播客. “I try to watch that fight and be optimistic the best that I can. I try to watch that fight and be respectful of what the judge’s could have seen. There’s not an absolute bone in my body that sees the fight going the way the judge’s said it went. 话虽这么说,, they decided that Justin Witham won that night. He knows I’m coming after him. I’m going to do what it takes to get back into that title conversation and I’m going to get that win back. “

The Witham loss would be followed by two more defeats for Boucher.

In Boucher’s first fight back after losing to Witham, he dropped another split-decision against his hometown wrestling rival, multiple-time state champion, and former NEF Flyweight Champion, 瑞恩“戈多”伯吉斯.

Jumping right back into the cage two months after his loss to Burgess, Boucher sustained the only stoppage defeat on his record when he lost via third-round technical knockout to former bantamweight title contender, 沃尔特·谢伊, who fights out of John Raio’s First Class MMA in Brunswick, 缅因.

Last November, down but not out, Boucher rebounded from three-losses-in-a-row by finishing 2018 off with a first-round submission victory over Jordan Young, a state champion wrestler from Belfast, 缅因. The contest took place in the 135-pound weight class.

“Jordan was coming off of a win against my teammate—a tough teammate of mine,”包润石说,. “Not many guys on a three-fight skid would take a fight with a guy coming off of a win and then beat him in the first round. 所以, I hope that opened some eyes for people so they know exactly what I’m about and they know that I’m strong mentally.

“I’m very happy with myself that I was able to fight like I train,” Boucher recounted regarding his win over Young. “The cut to 135 isn’t as much as it is to flyweight and I think that played a big part in my cardio. I was in great shape for that fight. 精神上, I knew I was going to win months before the fight happened.”

With six bouts already under his belt, 鲍彻, at only 22-years of age, knows that he still has limitless room to grow within the sport.

“I’m an amateur,” he noted to Jarrell and Stackpole. “I’m a student of the game and I’m learning and developing my skills. I haven’t even come close to what my full potential is. I knew what I can achieve—I know what is possible if I stay on the path.”

Boucher’s 2019 fight season officially begins on Friday, 二月 1ST when he’s scheduled to face newcomer Dillon Henry from First Class MMA. Henry is also a wrestler, having competed for Windham High School. Henry now trains with one of Boucher’s previous opponents, 沃尔特·谢伊. Regardless of being pitted against the teammate of the only fighter that’s ever stopped him in MMA competition, Boucher stated that he’s confident in the matchup.

“I know he’s going to be training with Walt Shea, 明显,”包润石说,. “I know that Walt Shea is going to pass down information he feels is going to help him. It won’t… He seems to look like a strong guy. All I am going to do is I’m going to prepare myself and I’m going to become a better fighter in this fight camp and I’m going to go out there and fight him. I think it will go my way, for sure.”

Squaring off in the cage against other talented wrestlers is nothing new for Boucher. He defeated four-time Maine state wrestling champion Jeremiah Barkac by first-round submission the last time he competed in Bangor. Ryan Burgess was a three-time state champion for Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, 缅因.

“I probably perform at my best against wrestlers,” Boucher stated. “They have really bad habits that a lot of wrestlers don’t seem to be able to shake off their first couple of fights, including myself. Fortunate for me, I have a coach like Jesse Erickson who’s a top-level guy when it comes to the jiu jitsu game around these parts, and he’s shown me the difference between what wrestling the sport is and what wrestling in a fight is. They’re different types of wrestling. I think he’s [亨利] going to expose himself and leave himself open. He’s going to make some rookie mistakes and I’m going to capitalize.”

While the prospect of defeating another wrestler in the NEF cage is an inspiring proposition to Boucher, he’s also excited by the opportunity to once again compete in Maine’s Queen City.

“I’ve never lost in Bangor,” Nate said. “I love that venue. I love the city of Bangor. I’m excited to be there and I’m excited to be sharing a card with some of the monsters that are on it. There’s a lot of great fights on this card and I’m very much looking forward to seeing some of them myself. It’s going to be a great show—I can’t wait.”

“I’m starting to earn my stripes a little bit in the cage,” Boucher added. “I’m starting to get more comfortable. I’m starting to feel more and more like a recognized name in the NEF—and I think all of that is going to play a factor. I think he’s [亨利] bit off a little more than he can chew for his first fight and, 可惜, he’s going to figure that out very hard on February 1.”

作为 2018 came to a close, 鲍彻, like many forward-thinking individuals, clearly defined his goals for the year ahead.

“I will be the flyweight champ in the NEF at the end of this year [2019],” Boucher stated confidently. “毫无疑问. That’s what my mind is set on right now.

“My teammate, 锦阿诺德, he’s going to carry that belt straight through at 135. 男人, the two of us together are some bad dudes. I’m fortunate to have him to push me through this mentally and be able to get me on the right mindset of what a champion is supposed to be—and I’m going to be there, right there with him at flyweight. 男人, it’s going to be one hell of a one-two punch, 这是肯定的。”

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 37: 零度以下,” will take place on Friday, 二月 1, 2019 在班戈的交叉保险中心, 缅因州 响铃时间 8 下午。门票现已发售www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.

Unbeaten Prospect Stephen Fulton & Welterweight Contender Miguel Cruz Enter The Ring In Separate Undercard Attractions Saturday, 一月 26 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn in Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Unbeaten Prospect Stephen Fulton & Welterweight Contender Miguel Cruz Enter The Ring In Separate Undercard Attractions Saturday, 一月 26 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn in Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Undefeated Welterweight Champion Keith Thurman Makes Long Awaited Ring Return to Defend His Title Against Battle-Hardened Veteran Josesito Lopez in PBC on FOX & FOX 驱逐主赛事

布鲁克林 (一月 22, 2019) – 不败上升前景 斯蒂芬·富尔顿 and welterweight contender 米格尔·克鲁兹 will step into action in separate undercard attractions on Saturday, 一月 26 as part of an exciting night presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.

十字 (17-1, 11 科斯) will take on Colombia’s 路易斯·弗洛雷斯 (24-11, 20 科斯) in a six or eight round welterweight attraction while Fulton (14-0, 6 科斯) faces Colombia’s马龙·奥莱亚 (13-3, 12 科斯) 在八回合的超最轻量级对决中.

The event is headlined by the return of WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman defending his title against veteran contender Josesito Lopez in PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes action that begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT.

演出门票, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, 开始于 $50 并可以在购买 ticketmaster.com,barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.

Rounding out the card are a trio of unbeaten prospects as Clarksburg, 马里兰州马克·邓肯 competes in a four-round middleweight fight against Daniel Flores, Landover, 马里兰州 泰瑞克·厄比 (5-0, 2 科斯) 发生在 乔纳森·菲格罗亚 in a four-round welterweight attraction and Mychal Teal 出圣. 圣彼得堡, Florida steps into the ring for a four-round battle against 雅各布Landin.

The 24-year-old Fulton fights out of Philadelphia and will be making his Barclays Center debut when he steps into the ring Saturday night. Fulton has defeated previously unbeaten fighters in five of his last eight contests and most recently vanquished his most experienced opponent to date in German Meraz last September.

Fighting out of Lake Mary, 佛罗里达, Cruz returns to action after losing an exciting duel against Josesito Lopez last April. A member of the Puerto Rican national team as an amateur, the 28-year-old owns victories over then unbeaten fighters in Alex Martin and Samuel Figueroa.

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FOX 上的顶级拳击冠军 & FOX Deportes is headlined by the return of WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman defending his title against veteran contender Josesito Lopez on Saturday, 一月 26 巴克莱中心直播, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ and the East Coast home of PBC. The event is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment.

广播开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT and features rising unbeaten Polish heavyweight Adam Kownacki taking on former title challenger Gerald Washington, plus a 12-round featherweight showdown between Tugstsogt Nyambayar and Claudio Marrero.

PBC Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes begin at 6 P.M. AND /下午3时. PT and will feature junior lightweight prospect Chris Colbert taking on once-beaten Josh Hernandez in an eight-round bout, 更多 2016 中美. Olympian Antuanne Russell facing Roberto Almazán in a six/eight round super lightweight attraction, and super welterweight prospect Chordale Booker meeting Juan De Ángel for eight-rounds of action.

球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在以下位置的桌面设备上进行: FOXSports.com 并通过应用商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

长期对手乔伊·贝尔特兰 & 托尼·洛佩兹为周六的裸拳冠军复赛做准备, 二月 2 按次付费直播 “BKFC 4: 美国VS. 墨西哥” 来到坎昆贝托阿维拉体育场, 墨西哥

(图片来源: 裸关节格斗冠军赛)

点击 这里 观看他们的首场 BKFC 比赛

点击 这里 原始精彩片段来自
他们的第一场 BKFC 比赛

费城 (一月 22, 2019) – 清晰的 “夜扑灭” 在就职裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) fight card “BKFC 1: 开端” 六月 2018 是一场让格斗运动界轰动的对决 乔伊·贝尔特兰 取得决定性胜利 托尼·洛佩兹 在一场血腥的战争中. 这对老对手将继续他们的比赛,再次对决, 星期六的这个时候, 二月 2 作为其一部分 “BKFC 4: 美国VS. 墨西哥” 住在按次观点 (9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT) 从坎昆贝托阿维拉体育场出发, 墨西哥.

“托尼·洛佩兹和乔伊·贝尔特兰在 BKFC 的首场比赛 1 这是我见过的最激动人心的比赛之一,我参加过数千场比赛,” 说BKFC创始人兼总裁戴维·费尔德曼. “有时复赛不如第一场比赛, 但我觉得这个会更好. 我期待良好的交流, 大量的行动和热血!”

“BKFC 4: 美国VS. 墨西哥” 将在美国和加拿大播出, 专门在付费观看通过多屏媒体, Inc., 在所有主要电视和流媒体发行渠道上 $29.95. 它还将通过流式传输到所有室内和室外连接设备在全球范围内提供.

到二月 3, 贝尔特兰和洛佩兹将在 BKFC 比赛中交锋两次, 但这只是他们竞争故事的一小部分. 双方战士首次交锋是在 2008 作为其一部分 “笼中之王: 反对力量” 在洛佩兹在第一轮比赛中迫使贝尔特兰屈服的比赛中.

洛佩兹的胜利是他当时的综合格斗连续第六场胜利, 而贝尔特兰的四连胜被终结. 战斗结束后, 两人继续取得胜利,直到他们的 MMA 复赛 2009. 尽管在战斗初期就被淘汰, 洛佩兹伤愈复出,并在五回合比赛中以一致判定获胜.

虽然这两个人在近十年内不会再对峙, 他们在各自的 MMA 职业生涯中继续取得成功. 洛佩兹战斗次数超过 90 职业MMA次数, 取得了令人印象深刻的 61 总胜, 而贝尔特兰则继续在他参加的 UFC 和 Bellator 比赛中取得胜利 2016.

虽然他们的两场战斗已经发生过一段时间了, BKFC给了他们再次展现球技的机会, 也能在这场较量中证明自己. 六月 2, 2018, 贝尔特兰正在寻求报复, 而洛佩兹则力求对对手取得三场胜利.

贝尔特兰发起第一个重大打击, 第一回合结束时,洛佩兹上手将其击倒在地,血开始从洛佩兹的脸上流下来. 竞争极其激烈且紧张的第二轮比赛以不祥的目光结束.

在第三帧中, 洛佩兹开始尝试利用他的体型和强大的左勾拳在战斗中强化他的意志. 贝尔特兰继续他的柜台工作, 但在比赛开始一分多钟时,不小心戳到了洛佩兹的眼睛. 在洛佩兹有时间恢复后, 动作强度加大, 两人靠得很近,从近距离投掷炸弹.

在一场激烈的交锋之后,裁判迅速下令暂停,以清除洛佩兹的血迹, 第三回合的最后时刻展示了来自已经在拳击场上花费了大量时间相互对抗的大个子的一连串令人难忘的重拳.

在第四轮比赛中,更多的情况出现了,两人都在脸上流下大量的血。. 第五回合又是一场血腥的比赛, 残酷的诗节,一路上都充满了强力的拳头,直到最后. 尽管洛佩兹在终场铃声响起后举起了双手, 贝尔特兰最终赢得了对对手的胜利.

二月 2, 245 在 BKFC 比赛几天后 1, 贝尔特兰将寻求与洛佩兹扳平比分, 而洛佩兹希望成为 3-1 优势并一劳永逸地宣称自己是最优秀的战士.

“我准备好来到墨西哥并结束这场竞争,” 贝尔特兰说. “这是我第四次在擂台内遇见这个男人. 每一次都导致了激烈的暴力和娱乐. 我对我们在 BKFC 的遭遇也有同样的期望 4. 我准备来墨西哥, 取得胜利并一劳永逸地结束这场竞争。”

“重赛是我纠正上一场比赛中的错误的第二次机会,也让我在墨西哥的球迷有机会近距离观看比赛,” 洛佩兹说. “我要向世界展示我属于 BKFC!”

BKFC 4 还将以前终极战士竞争对手为特色 朱巷 与墨西哥裔美国 UFC 老将作战 伦纳德·加西亚,”裸指关节女王” 贝克·罗林斯 捍卫她的头衔对抗巴亚尔塔港 塞西莉亚·弗洛雷斯, 20-格斗UFC老将 克里斯·莱特尔 面对MMA老将 拉马斯JC, BKFC重量级锦标赛亚军 我Shewmaker的 返回行动以应对蒂华纳 乔尔·帕雷德斯 前 WEC 中量级冠军和 12 场 UFC 老将 乔·里格斯 他第二次参加 BKFC 比赛,对手是墨西哥城队 埃里贝托 “粗鲁的” 托瓦尔.

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六月 2, 2018, 总部位于费城的裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) 由格斗运动的历史,当它推出了第一部法律, 批准,自美国监管裸关节活动 1889. “BKFC 1: 开端” 发生在夏延, 怀俄明州和特色 10 专业的较量, 所有怀俄明格斗体育委员会的主持和控制下.

BKFC仅使用建立谁曾在拳击比赛专业战斗机, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. BKFC 的所有比赛均由 ABC 成员体育委员会批准和监管.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上关注的@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 并在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.