2016 World MMA Championships November 26-27 Makao


MONTE CARLO, Monaco (Noyabr 22, 2016)- The best amateur mixed-martial-arts fighters in the world will compete Nov. 26-27 at the World MMA Championships in Studio City, Macau, Çini.
Close to 100 fighters have registered to compete. Müəyyən artikl 2016 Avropa (Rusiya) and Asian (Qazaxıstan) team champions head a list that includes Spain, Avstraliya, Belgian, Çini, Kolumbiya, Fransa, Çexiya, Hong Kong, Tacikistan, Almaniya, Macarıstan, Macao, Nepal, Hindistan, Cənubi Koreya, Ukrayna, Qırğızıstan, Moldova, Taiwan and Uzbekistan.
We’re looking forward to the World MMA Championship in Macau on Noyabr 26-27,” WMMAA president Vadim Finkelchtein bildirib. “We expect spectacular, competitive fights.
The WMMAA Congress will also be held to discuss MMA issues relative to children and women, as well as countries being decided to host the 2017 Avropa, Asian and World MMA Championships. A judicial committee will also be created and seminars held for coaches, judges and medical specialists in each country.
Cuqquldamaq: WMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa
HAQQINDA WMMAA: The goal of the World MMA Association is to provide unbiased structure and guardrail the growth of MMA as the official world governing body for Mixed Martial Arts. A qeyri-kommersiya təşkilatı yaradılıb 2012, WMMAA standart və tənzimlənən təşkilat inkişaf etdirmək üçün missiya deyil, o cümlədən müsabiqə, təlim, officiating, sınaq və artım zəruri hallarda. Artıq 50 ölkələr WMMAA üzv qəbul edilmişdir.

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