2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez & Hungarian champion Jozsef Ajtai have taken different paths into pro ranks

“К.О Шөнийн Боксын: алт & Алдар” нь
vacant IBA Americas flyweight title
Нийтэлсэн. 2 Парк хотод Hartman Arena-д, KS
PARK CITY, Канзас (Арваннэгдүгээр 20, 2017) – USA Olympian and hometown hero Nico Hernandez and Hungarian flyweight champion Jozsef “Little Red” Ajtai took completely different paths into the professional ranks.
Hernandez vs, Ajtai is the eight-round main event for the vacant International Boxing Association (ШЧГ) Americas flyweight title fight, Бямба гариг Шөнийн, Арванхоёрдугаар сар 2, тухай “К.О Шөнийн Боксын: алт & Алдар” карт, Парк хотод Hartman Arena-д, Канзас.
“К.О Шөнийн Боксын: алт & Алдар” К.О Шөнийн боксын ХХК-ийн танилцуулга юм., Hartman Arena хамтран, болон өөр хэсэгт ивээн тэтгэдэг Боолтын хотын Harley-Davidson Метро PCS, Mort’s Cigar Bar болонJimmy’s Egg.
үйл ажиллагааны CBS спортын сүлжээ ирээдүйн цацагдаж нь амьд бэхлэгдсэн байх болно.
The 21-year-old Hernandez (3-0, 2 Kos), Вичита гарч тэмцэх, was a decorated amateur boxer who compiled a sterling 123-12 бичлэг, highlighted by his bronze-medal winning performance at the 2016 Бразил дахь Олимпийн наадам. Hernandez made his pro debut last March. All his fights have been at home, each has been in the main event, and on national television. His fight against Ajtai, Гэсэн хэдий ч, will be his first title fight, coming in only his fourth pro bout.
Ajtai, хэн Эрнандез-аас нэг жил, зургаан өдрөөр дүү юм, made his professional debut 2 ½ years ago, and he’s already fought in five title fights.
Эрнандес’ amateur pedigree versus Ajtai’s pro experience?
I feel like I’m already at the level of a lot of top pro fighters,” Hernandez said. The only advantage he has is he’s used to fighting more rounds than I (this is Nico’s first scheduled 8-rounder), but I don’t plan on letting it go the distance anyways.
I feel blessed to have this IBA title fight opportunity so early in my pro career. It honestly couldn’t come any faster. I do believe it will be special and open a tot of opportunities to fight bigger names once I win this fight. A win should open-up additional title fight opportunities, both overseas and, hopefully, back here at home to help us continue building Wichita into a fight town.
Ajtai (19-9, 12 Kos) has already had 28 дэмжсэн тулаан, including a full 10-round distance loss by decision last year at Madison Square Garden in New York City to two-time Olympic gold medalist Shiming Зоу, Хуучин Дэлхийн боксын байгууллага (WBO) flyweight дэлхийн аварга. The Hungarian has fought at home in Hungary, as well as on the road in the United Kingdom, Испани, Герман, Украин, Словак. A trip to America’s heartland doesn’t faze him in the least.
He will be at home, where everybody wants to fight, but this isn’t a problem for me,” Ajtai explained. “I know he is a good boxer, but I will try to be a bit better December 2. When my condition is good, as it is for this fight, nobody likes to fight me.
“Энэ бол миний хувьд маш том боломж юм. It’s always difficult to beat a good fighter but doing so is real success. Fighting Shiming Zou in only my fourth fight was very nice for me. I want that feeling again in this fight against Nico.
Hernandez realizes that this fight could be his last at home for a while, due to the lack of quality American flyweights, and that most world-class fighters in his weight class are from Central America, Thailand and Japan.
I don’t think I’ll have many more fights at home,” Hernandez admits. “I don’t think that will matter too much because I feel more pressure fighting at home than elsewhere. I will miss everyone cheering my name like they do at home. I think I’ll be traveling more to fight bigger names to work my way up the ladder until I’m at the top.
I think the early rounds in this fight (сүсэг. Ajtai) will be a chess match because, from what I’ve seen, he runs a lot. I feel that once I start landing my body shots, he’ll slowdown in the latter rounds. болон, like I’ve said, I don’t plan on this fight going the distance.
Ajtai, Мэдээж, isn’t traveling all the way to Kansas to visit Dorothy or the Wizard of Oz, Тэр ялалт ирнэ!
“Би бөгж байх болно хаана Nico мэдэж байх болно,” Ajtai урьдчилан. “Тэр намайг зүүн талд харагдах үед, Би баруун явах болно; Тэр баруун талд намайг олох оролдох үед, Би зүүн талд байх болно. Тэр амрах хүсдэг үед, Би зодож урагш ирэх болно; Тэр цоолтуурын хүссэн үед, Тэр намайг олж чадахгүй болно.
“Би энэ тэмцэлд зориулж төлөвлөгөө байна, би түүнийг сайн биш гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна. Гэвч, цагираг нь, зөвхөн нэг л сөнөөгч төлөвлөгөө амжилт олох болно. Энэ нь сайн тэмцэл байх болно, Гэхдээ би Nico ялагч байх болно нийтэд амлаж чадахгүй.”
The full “алт & Алдар” card will be announced later this week. Бүх тулаан болон сөнөөгч өөрчлөлтөд хамрагдаж байна.
Хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар худалдаанд гарах Маргааш (Мягмар гариг, Oct. 24 @ 10 a.m. СТ) Hartman Arena хайрцаг оффист болон HTTP://www.ticketmaster.com/зохион байгуулагч / 50551?Брэнд = Hartman. үнэ байна $115.00 (VIP), $75.00, $50.00, $35.00, $25.00 болон $20.00 (үнэ нь үйлчилгээний хураамж битгий оруулаарай). Student tickets are available – коллежид дамжуулан цэцэрлэгийн – нь $15.00 харин зөвхөн тавцанд зарагдаж байна. Оюутны тодорхойлох бууж байна.
Энэ нь бүх насны харуулж байна. Нээлттэй хаалга 5:00 p.m. СТ дэргэд хуваарьт нээлтийн дайралт хийвэл нь 6:00 p.m. СТ.
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