WBU Champ Danny McDermott Launches New Promotional Company

Predstavljamo LGM Promocije

First show, “Pestmi bojev Irci”
Sobota marec 14 at the Jersey City Armory
Jersey City, NJ (Januar 29, 2015)-WBU Jr. Welterweight prvak Danny “Malo Mac” McDermott je danes napovedal oblikovanje nove Boxing Promocijski družbe, ki bo temeljila iz svojem domačen kraju v Jersey City NJ.
McDermott je solastnik z lokalno poslovnež Nick Jayme da tvorijo LGM Promotions
LGM je danes napovedal tudi, da bo na svoji prvi razstavi “pestmi bojev Irci” v Jersey City Armory na 14. sobota marec z McDermott eno glavnih kartico v obrambi naslova je zajeti te pretekle julij v Gensan Cityju, Filipini.
“Jaz sem navdušena, da začnete to podjetje. Launching it on the tenth anniversary of my pro debut makes it that much sweeter. This is something that I have been thinking about for some time now. Ljubim boks. It is my life. It just makes a lot of sense for us right now to begin to prepare for a life after boxing and what better way then be able to put on a fight in my own hometown.” dejal McDermott.
G. Jayme is a longtime friend of the McDermott’s and is former amateur boxer himself. He is an active community servant in the Jersey City area.

“Vedno sem ljubil boks in imam strast za šport. I came up in the amateurs with Danny and have known him for many years.
“Pred kratkim sem ponovno povezal z boksom po tem dogodku z Miguel COTTO in da je, ko sem se odločil, da tvorijo LGM napredovanja.”
“Iščemo narediti 4 ali 5 Dogodki v tem letu v skupnosti. I am a big believer in the Hudson County community. LGM is Jersey City based and that’s where we are basing our roots.
Marec 14 Gre praznuje irski Heritage Parade. We are working close with the Jersey City Irish Parade committee. They are having their dinner on Marec 13. We are doing the fight on Marec 14 in potem Parade je na Marec 15. This event is all about celebrating St. Dan Patrika dejal Jayme.”
“Na boksarski strani, smo najeli Rich Komissar (RKO Boxing) to be our Director of Boxing Operations. Rich has a wealth of experience in the sport from on every level. To je zelo pomirjujoče, da ima fant na našo ekipo, da ljudje dejansko pokliče nazaj” pošalil Jayme.
G. Jayma dodal tudi “Prav tako smo vzpostavili strateško zavezništvo z Mariusz KOLODZIEJ in njegove skupine na Global Boxing v North Bergen. Mariusz in Danny segajo dlje časa. Bil je velik prijatelj športa na več kot lokalni ravni.
These first events will be Jersey City ethnic based with family friendly ticket pricing and family friendly concessions,”
“Želimo, da se nam celotna skupnost objemu. We will make it affordable for a guy to bring his kids to the fights and have a few hot dogs with a couple of sodas and maybe a beer or two without breaking the bank” končal Jayme.
I’m excited to help. Danny is family. Danny is my guy. Vedno je bil in vedno bo. I’m proud of all he has done in the last year or two. He is extremely popular in this part of New Jersey (kakor tudi čez reko v New Yorku) so it makes great sense to launch here. Nick Jayme has a great vision on where he wants his company to be in a year or two. His community minded spirit enlightens me. Nick Jayme je rešitev tip. Všeč mi je, da je” said Komissar.
“Naša naloga ne bo preveč težko. Ta del New Jersey ima ogromno boksarskih klubov in je skupinsko delo z mladimi, ki želijo priložnosti. Mi smo tukaj, da se jim le da” Dodana Komissar
The full event will be announced shortly.

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