Undefeated junior welterweight Mykal Fox takes on hard punching Tre’Sean Wiggins in headlining on Saturday February 11th at the Rosecroft Raceway in Fort Washington, Мэриланд

Luther Smith takes on undefeated Darnell Pierce

Also seeing action will be undefeated Sam Crossed, Christopher Warden, Patrick Rivera, Marcus Bates, Justin Hurd and Greg Outlaw, JR.

ОДОО ЗАРАГДАЖ хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар

Шуурхай мэдээ

Форт Вашингтон, АУ-ны (January 9, 2017)Undefeated junior welterweight prospect, Mykal “Профессор” Fox will take on hard-punching Tre’Sean Wiggins in the main event of a big night of boxing on Бямба гаригийн шөнө, February 11th үед Rosecroft Raceway дахь Форт Вашингтон, Мэриланд.

Кингийн шоу Урамшуулал дэмжиж байна.
Fox, 21 years old of Forestville, Maryland is coming off a good 2016, where he went 4-0 and became a main event fight in the Maryland area.

Mykal Fox
The 3-year pro is coming off a 7th round stoppage over Juan Rodriguez on 5-р сарын Нэг байранд.
Wiggins of Newbergh, Нью-Йорк байсан тухай мэдээлэл 7-2 зургаан knockouts нь.
The 26 year-old southpaw scored knockouts in his first three bouts by knockout which was highlighted by a 1st round destruction of current WBA Super Featherweight world champion Jason Sosa.
The 7-year professional is coming off a six-round split decision defeat to Benjamin Whitaker on April 15, 2016 Верона нь, NY.
6 дугуй bouts нь:
Luther Smith (6-1, 5 К.О-ийн) Bowie ийн, Maryland will take on Darnell Pierce (5-0, 1 К.О) Остин нь, Texas in a cruiserweight bout.
Сэм гатлан (5-0, 3 К.О-ийн) Вашингтоны, DC тулалдахаар болно Хафиз Montgomery (3-1, 2 К.О-ийн) Toms голын, NJ in a cruiserweight bout.
Marcus Bates (5-0-1, 4 К.О-ийн) Вашингтоны, DC will take on Jose Elizondo (2-2) Nuevo Laredo нь, Mexico in a super bantamweight bout.
4 дугуй bouts нь:
Christopher Warden (2-0, 2 К.О-ийн) Lusby нь, Maryland battles Lamont White (0-5) Вашингтоны, DC in a junior welterweight bout.
Patrick Rivera (2-0, 1 К.О) of Edgewood, Maryland tangos with Gregory Clark (0-1) Вашингтоны, DC in a super middleweight bout.
Jarrett Hurd (1-0) Accokeek тухай, Maryland boxes Dawond Pickney (1-3-1) of Hot Springs, Arkansas in a junior middleweight bout.
Greg Outlaw Jr. (1-0) Bowie ийн, Maryland takes on an opponent to be named in a junior middleweight bout.
Хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар нь худалдаанд байгаа $75, $60 болон $40 үед www.kpboxing.com эсвэл дуудаж, 301-899-2430

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