Bangor, Maine (Lub ib hlis ntuj 27, 2019) – Similar to his scheduled opponent in the February 1st main event of New England Fights’ “NEF 37: SUB ZERO,” card at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine, Bill “Jonesi” Jones is known as a hardworking entrepreneur that is focused on getting ahead in life.

As Jones himself recently stated bluntly: “I’m on a mission to get rich.”

Jones’ opponent for Friday night, undefeated hammer Josh “Hook-On” Harvey, is also known within the Penobscot County region where he resides as a sun-up to sun-down grinder that doesn’t stop until he crams 25-hours worth of work into a 24-hour day.

That is where their similarities end, Txawm li cas los.

In the lead-in to their fight, Jones has been vocal in his predictions that he will finish Harvey quickly by knocking him out in the first round if the fight stays standing.

Harvey, nyob rau lwm yam tes, has been relatively quiet before their five-round Featherweight Championship bout.

Jones was at it again recently when he joined Craig Allen onFight Night Picks to talk about his upcoming showdown with Harvey.

“I think Harvey likes to look good,” Jones stated. “I think he likes to protect his face and look pretty. Yog li ntawd, I think when I start smashing on him, he’s going to cover up and bail out really quick.”

The lone blemish on Harvey’s record-to-date came back in November when he fought to a draw withQhov kawg Fighter finalist Joe Giannetti at a show in Massachusetts. Many in attendance felt that Harvey won the bout.

Jones, meanwhile, saw the fight and wasn’t impressed with Harvey’s performance.

"[Harvey’s fight with] Giannetti was more of a hugging match,” Jones told Allen. “Two guys just kind-of hanging on to each other for 15-minutes, no damage done. I’m going to throw down and fire until there’s no more bullets to come out. It’s going to be exciting, I can’t wait.”

At 40-years old, Jones knows that age eventually gets the better of every combat sports athlete and that, realistically, he’s looking at his final few fights. Fully aware of this, Jones is pleased to be finishing out his career back home with New England Fights.

“It’s good to bring it back home toward the end of my career,” Jones stated. “It will be nice to bang out Harvey here and maybe get that fight with Lacey, like they were talking about, and close it out with him. We’ll see where it goes.”

“It’s not about the money for me anymore—it’s not about the sponsors. It’s about the competition,” Jones concluded. “I want to go out there and kick some more ass. I make plenty of money doing my day job, so it is what it is—let’s go beat people up.”

To listen to the full interview with Bill Jones visit:

NEF tus tom ntej mixed-martial-kev kawm cov kev tshwm sim, "NEF 37: SUB ZERO,” will take place on Friday, Lub ob hlis ntuj 1, 2019 at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine with a bell time of 8 pm. Tickets are on-sale now atwww.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

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