The tonado Report site na ndagwurugwu forge Casino – June 20, 2015

Wilson ko si Caputo Iji nweta på State Cruiserweight Mbụ

Site Tony “The tonado” Penecale (Ringside)



Mgbe ị debanyere a ọkpọ egwuregwu n'etiti agha aha ya bụ "ehi" na "Ihe Jisọs Warrior,” it is inevitable that a slugfest will ensure. “The Bull vs The Ultimate Warrior.” In the words of Apollo Creed, ya "na-ada ka a anụ nkiri."

N'ihu ihe a ji ịnụ ọkụ n'obi ìgwè mmadụ na ndagwurugwu forge Casino, na ohere iputa Pennsylvania State cruiserweight aha na eto, Garrett "The Jisọs Warrior" Wilson na Anthony "The ehi" Caputo Smith busoro 8-nkeji slugfest, agwụcha na a pụta ìhè-ukwu knockout.


Wilson (n'elu nri), 195, nke Philadelphia, batara n'obi anya a dike Ile megide undefeated Vyacheslav Shabranskyy. Gafee mgbanaka bụ a nso mmepụta oyiri nke onwe ya na stocky na ike ike Caputo Smith, 197, si Kennett Square, På. It was an intriguing matchup between two throw-back fighters trying to rebound from some tough losses and secure a spot as a contender.


The bout opened with both fighters charging out of their corners like a couple of high-mountain rams and locking horns in the center of the ring. Neglecting there was a full ring to operate in; Wilson na Caputo Smith guzoro ha n'ala, trading punches na etiti nke mgbanaka.


Mgbe Smith bụ ihe ike ike, Wilson anya merie mbụ gburugburu site atụba a elu olu nke punches na n'ime, winging right hands to the head and landing short body shots. Wilson’s success continued in the 2nd gburugburu, dị ka o rutere a olu nke ike ịbọ anụ ikike ka aru, ahapụ welts gburugburu Caputo Smith si ribcage.


N'oge na-mgbanwe nke ekpe hooks, Wilson rutere dị nnọọ ntakịrị bit ọsọsọ, dropping Caputo Smith to a knee. Caputo Smith bounced up and was ready to resume his head-first attack. Wilson started to change his tactics, iji a stiif jab ka negate Caputo Smith si awakpo, na-eru ọbara Caputo Smith n'imi.


Underage Terre–na a warrior-mmụọ nke ya onwe ya–Caputo Smith kept applying the pressure and engaging Wilson on the inside. Ọzọ, dị ka ebule abụọ, they locked horns in the center of the ring. In a flash, Wilson steepụ azụ na Mmetụta a homerun uppercut, depositing Caputo Smith ewepụghị na ya azụ, his head thudding off of the canvas. As the referee Shawn Clark counted, Caputo Smith vainly pulled himself to his feet. Despite courageously beating the count, na ọ dịghị udi ịnọgide, ese Clark ịkwụsị bayere na 1:41 akara.


Wilson, ọhụrụ på State cruiserweight mmeri, bụ ugbu a 14-9-1 (8 Ko si) mgbe Caputo Smith dara 15-5 (10 Ko si).


Na ndị ọzọ oké:


* Milton Santiago, naanị otu izu mgbe ya elu-akwụkwọ ngụsị akwụkwọ, nwere a mkpirikpi mmenyenjo na-emeri a etebe n'elu Jose Miguel Castro.


Santiago, dị nnọọ 18 afọ, e mpi na ya 11nke ọkachamara bayere, na okorobịa ya okè na obi ike bụ reminiscent nke a na-eto eto Wilfred Benetiz, bụ onye na-n'ụwa onye mmeri mgbe ọ bụ naanị 17.


Santiago, 140, nke Philadelphia, boxed were were ma na-achịkwa ndị tempo megide Castro, 138, nke Carolina, Puerto Rico. Try as he might, Castro nwere ike ịhụ ihe ọ bụla n'afọ iri na ụma megide nkecha Santiago.


Nanị mgbochiume maka Santiago wee ke 2nd gburugburu, mgbe ka ọ nọ na-akwado; ọ na-akpụ na agba, sending him to the canvas for a brief count. Upon rising, Santiago nwetaghachiri akara, ọkpọ masterfully.


N'ihi na ya, Castro akwụsịbeghị agbalị, ọdịda a mma uppercut na 4nke gburugburu, ma gaa n'ihu na-achọsi ike na-awakpo mba site na 5nke na 6nke. But no matter what he did, Santiago bụ nanị nzọụkwụ ma ọ bụ abụọ ya n'ihu ma cruised ala gbatia, emeri na atọ nile kaadị site yiri ọtụtụ ndị 59-55.


Santiago mma ka 11-0 (3 Ko si) dị ka Castro dara n'okpuru .500 ma ugbu a, 4-5 (2 Ko si).


* Mgbede kasị ụtọ bayere bụ isii gburugburu slugfest n'etiti undefeated Erik opupu, 153, Ịgụ på, na-ewe iwe-obi Robert Sweeney, 154, Hampton VA.


The dueling-southpaws malitere ngwa ngwa, ma guzo n'ihu onye ọ bụla ọzọ, trading punches on near-even terms with Spring just a little bit better. Sweeney pressed the action in the 2nd gburugburu, na opupu dị njikere guzo ya ala ma na-counter ntụmadị.


The ufiop na ukwuu-asọmpi bayere nọgidere dị ka agha nke nri-hooks na 3Rebecca round with the crowd enjoying the entertaining scrap. As the 4nke gburugburu bidoro, na breathtaking ijeụkwụ nọ na-ewere ya ọnụ ọgụgụ na ma na-alụ ọgụ na-ewere miri ume ka ha nọgidere na-agbanweta ike punches.


The ọgụ nso na-aga n'ime abụọ ndị ikpeazụ agba, but Spring was just a little bit better down the stretch. The final bell was a welcome respite for the weary warriors.


Mmiri e utịp na a etebe mmeri site ọtụtụ ndị 58-56, 59-55, na a ijuanya obosara 60-54, rụọ ya undefeated ndekọ 6-0 (1 Ko), dị ka Sweeney dara 3-3.


* Hafiz Montgomery ada otu ịnụ ọkụ n'obi na ìgwè nke ndị na-akwado ya ọkachamara mpụta mbụ o sprinted ka mgbanaka izute imegide siri ike journeyman Brian Donahue.


Montgomery, 207, nke York, På, bụ ọsọsọ na ndị ọzọ polished karịa flabby Donahue, 203, nke Philadelphia. Donahue bụ ọdịnaya itu obosara, single punches. Montgomery attacked in the 2nd gburugburu na enweta ole na ole ahụ gbaa ma ụkwụ ya malitere iji nwayọọ na-dị ka gburugburu ọganihu na Donahue ọdịda ole na ole jabs.


Ijeụkwụ ukwu slowed na 3Rebecca na 4nke rounds with a tired Montgomery landing a few punches and the slower Donahue offering a few sneers in return. It was no surprise as all three judges scored 40-36, awarding Montgomery ya debuting mmeri, ezipụ ndị na-akwado n'ime a cheering ime ara ara.


Montgomery-atọ ya pro mpụta mbụ ma ugbu a, 1-0 mgbe Donahue dara 3-13-2.


* John Madge were nzọụkwụ ọzọ na ya ọkachamara ọrụ, na-etinye ya undefeated ndekọ elu megide siri ike na ahụmahụ 35-agha vetiran Dionisio Miranda.


Madge, 167, nke Rutherford, NJ, hụrụ a n'ụlọ n'oge ya southpaw ogologo ekpe, ekewa ya onye iro si nche ma na ọdịda iwepụ megide Miranda, 169, nke Miami, FL. Not to be discouraged, Miranda rutere ole na ole aka nri mbubreyo na gburugburu.


The bayere dabara a ụkpụrụ na Madge ọdịda ole na ole ezi n'ịgwa punctuated ya laser aka ekpe mgbe iji nwayọọ Miranda gbalịrị nọdụ ala na counter na ike ma ugboro ugboro aka nri.


Miranda nwere ya kasị mma ịga nke ọma na 4nke gburugburu na ole na ole ezi aka nri n'oge, ma Madge ngwa ngwa nwetaghachiri ndị ọkụ. Ya ka elu nkà na ọrụ ọnụego zuru ezu ịchịkwa ihe karịrị abụọ ndị ikpeazụ agba.


Madge cruised ka a etebe mmeri site ọtụtụ ndị 59-55 na 60-54 ugboro abụọ na-anọgide na undefeated na 11-0 (7 Ko si), mgbe Miranda tụlee ka 22-12-2 (19 Ko si)


* Ọzọ undefeated atụmanya, Earl Newman, mere ọtụtụ nke ya ohere ime site n'ibibi vetiran Lamont Capers na ise obi ọjọọ agba.


Newman, 177, nke Brooklyn, NY, malitere bayere kama nwayọọ nwayọọ, ikwe Capers, 177, nke Hawley, På, to disrupt his momentum by clinching after each punch thrown. Newman started to warm to the task in the 2nd gburugburu, working behind a stiff jab and penetrating Capers defense with thudding body shots. A thunderous body shot suddenly drove the air from Capers, mpịachi ya na kwaaji.


Newman nọ na-awakpo ndị ike gwụrụ Capers na 3Rebecca gburugburu, and the only respite came when Capers took a low blow. The extra minute to recover did very little for him as he continued to take punishment. By the 4nke gburugburu, Capers bụ dị ọcha lanarị mode na Newman ọdịda a usoro nke ise ogologo uppercuts, eziga Capers ka kwaaji maka 2nd oge.


Newman bịa na-achọ igbu ke 5nke gburugburu, punishing Capers throughout the round before finally flooring him for the third time with a big uppercut. Capers managed to climb to his feet, ma gosiri refirii Blair Talmadge na o nwere ezuru, apostle ihe ozugbo stoppage na 2:56 akara.


Newman anọgide undefeated 6-0 (5 Ko si) na Capers slipping ka 5-7.


* Si ngosi nkà ya ọzọ undefeated atụmanya; Stephen Fulton bụ nnukwu na dismantling Pablo Cupul atọ otu kwadoro agba.


Fulton, 123, nke Philadelphia, egbughị oge na-ewere na mgba Cupul, 120, nke San Diego, DỊ KA. Fulton quickly found a home landing his jab to the body and arching his right hand over Cupul’s low left hand, landing it with ease. Despite his courage, Cupul dị nnọọ ngwa ngwa ma na oke obosara-emeghe ka mpi.


Ọ ghọrọ njọ n'ihi ndị na-eleta fighter na 2nd gburugburu, dị ka Fulton kpebiri itinye a hapụrụ nko na aru punches ya ngwá ọgụ ndị, landing virtually every punch he threw. The beating continued through the 3Rebecca gburugburu na Fulton na-achị iwu, leaving a badly swollen and beaten Franco wobbling back to his corner. His corner and the doctor decided the punishment over three rounds was more than enough, ịkwụsị bayere tupu 4nke gburugburu.


Fulton-emekwa ya undefeated ndekọ chebere ma ugbu a, 6-0 (3 Ko si) na vetiran Cupul dips ka 8-18 (5 Ko si).



* Samuel Quinones wetara ezimezi oku ka Valley forge a izu ole na ole tupu 4nke nke July, na Shiwone Gortman bụ nzukọ nnata nke ya dị ebube n'ikpeazụ.


Quinones, 149, nke York, På nwere na-adị ndụ n'oge onslaught si Gortman, 147, nke Ukwu Prairie, MY, onye were iwe ọkụ si ebiet atụba anụ ọhịa, ineffective punches. Quinones established control late in the round with a combination at the bell.


Quinones malitere ala thudding ụzọ hapụrụ hooks na 2nd gburugburu mgbe Gortman e belata ka atụba ngwa ngwa, single punches. With Gortman breathing heavily, Quinones steepụ na a na ajọ overhand nri na 3Rebecca gburugburu, depositing Gortman flat on his back. It didn’t last much longer as Quinones attacked his wounded prey, ese Blair Talmadge ka a kwụsị bayere.


Quinones na-eweta ya ndekọ 9-3 (4 Ko si) mgbe Gortman bụ ugbu a 4-8-1 (2 Ko si).


Na a slopi omume, Jack Grady na Kevin Garcia agha ka a disputed anọ-gburugburu Olee.


Grady, 138, Buffalo NY, a ogologo na lanky fighter na ihere ije na amateurish ikike malitere ngwa ngwa, throwing long and sloppy punches. Garcia, 135, Phoenixville på, rutere ole na ole counters.


Garcia slowly gained control as Grady tired with the bouts spiraling into a crude affair. After four uninspiring rounds, it seemed as Garcia had secured his second professional victory. One judge agreed, awarding him the win by the score of 39-37. Unfortunately for him, ndị ọzọ na abụọ ikpe nwere ike ikpebi na a-eto eto, mbịne na ọtụtụ ndị 38-38, na bayere ẹbat a ọtụtụ Olee.


Garcia bụ ugbu a 1-1-1 na Grady bụ ka winless na 0-1-1.


Ihe omume, akwalite Marshall Kauffman si Eze n'ọkwá, was again an entertaining show with an appreciative crowd. The Valley Forge Casino is a fan-friendly place to see a boxing match and there was a lot of mingling going on after the show. Garrett Wilson was wearing his newly-won belt, n'ikwe n'aka, and taking photos with friends and fans. His career has been rejuvenated and his smile showed a man that was happy to be back on the right path. His eyes showed a man who knows he is now a target with that belt around his waist. It is exciting to see who he will fight next and where “The Ultimate Warrior” will go from here.




Nkume a-aza