Tag Archives: Yuriorkis Gamboa


Tekmovalec lahke kategorije Isaac Cruz se bori proti nekdanjemu svetovnemu prvaku Yuriorkisu Gamboi na soglavnem dogodku Premier Boxing Champions iz AT&T stadion v Arlingtonu, Texas

Naraščajoči neporaženi Jose Valenzuela se bo v dvoboju lahke kategorije pomeril z nekdanjim svetovnim prvakom Franciscom Vargasom

Nepremagljeni Cody Crowley se sooči z veteranskim tekmecem Josesitom Lopezom
v Battle of All-Action welterweights ki se začne
Plačilo na ogled na 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Vstopnice so že na voljo!

ARLINGTON, T.X. – Marec 17, 2022 - Trije senzacionalni dvoboji so bili dodani SHOWTIME PPV postavi, ki jo vodita svetovni prvak po WBC in IBF Errol "The Truth" Spence Jr. in svetovni prvak po različici WBA Yordenis ugas v soboto v obračunu za združitev naslova v velterski kategoriji, April 16 v živo iz AT&T stadion v Arlingtonu, Teksas na dogodku Premier Boxing Champions.

Plačljiva televizijska oddaja se začne ob 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT in ima razburljivega lahkega tekmeca Isaac "Pitbull" Cruz prevzel veteranski nekdanji svetovni prvak Yuriorkis Gamboa v 10-krožnem soglavnem dogodku.

V zasedbi so tudi neporaženi Jose Valenzuela bori nekdanji svetovni prvak Francisco "El Bandido" Vargas v boju lahke kategorije v 10 rundah, plus nepremagan Cody Crowley se sooči z veteranskim tekmecem Josesito Lopez v dvoboju v 10 rundah vseh velterskih kategorij, ki se začne s televizijskim prenosom.

Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, ki ga promovirata TGB Promotions in Man Down Promotions, so zdaj v prodaji in jih je mogoče kupiti na SeatGeek.com, uradni ponudnik vstopnic AT&T stadion.

»Eden največjih dogodkov v letu bo vključeval zaslužno postavo podkartov s plačilom na ogled, polno posledičnih dvobojev, ki so pripravljeni na dramo in akcijo,« je rekel Tom Brown, Predsednik TGB Promocije. “Isaac Cruz je proti Gervonti Davisu pokazal, da je zvezda v nastajanju, in poskušal bo te talente še enkrat pokazati proti izkušenemu nasprotniku v Yuriorkis Gamboa. Več, še ena vzhajajoča zvezda v Joseju Valenzueli bo stopila v konkurenco proti nekdanjemu prvaku Franciscu Vargasu, medtem ko bosta Cody Crowley in Josesito Lopez prinesla svoja visokooktanska stila v ring v obliki "ne moreš zgrešiti" obračuna, ki bo odprl naložen SHOWTIME PPV."

23-letni Cruz (22-2-1, 15 Kos) se bo vrnil v ring po padcu tekmovalne odločitve proti triligaškemu prvaku Gervonti Davisu na SHOWTIME PPV decembra. Po rodu iz Mexico Cityja, Cruz se je dvignil na lestvici lahke kategorije 2020, oktobra napovedal svojo prisotnost z naelektrenim nokavtom v prvem krogu nad veteranom Diegom Magdalenom. Cruz je temu sledil 2021 tako, da je marca soglasno zmagal nad prej neporaženim Matíasom Romerom in junija premagal nekdanjega prvaka Francisca Vargasa.. Potem ko je svoje U.S. decembra debitiral 2019, Cruz je v naslednjih štirih dvobojih ostal neporažen, pojavlja se na SHOWTIME® trikrat poleg tega, da je premagal Magdaleno na dvoboju Davis vs. Leo Santa Cruz SHOWTIME PPV undercard.

»Komaj čakam, da se vrnem v ring in se borim na AT&T stadion,"Je dejal Cruz. »Obožujem oboževalce v Teksasu, vedno mi nudijo ogromno podporo. Moj promotor, Manny Pacquiao, se je boril pri AT&T Stadium prej in zmagal obakrat. Vesel sem, da bom šel po njegovih stopinjah proti zelo uspešnemu nekdanjemu prvaku v Gamboi. Prihajam, da pokažem navijačem, zakaj sem eden najboljših lahkih igralcev na svetu, in da Gamboa odpeljem v pokoj 16. aprila."

Gamboa (30-4, 18 Kos) je nekdanji enotni prvak v peresni kategoriji, med 126 funtov naslova IBF in WBA 2009 in 2011. Rojen v Guantanamu, Cuba, zdaj živi in ​​trenira v Miamiju, Fla. Odpustil je obračun proti Terenceu Crawfordu v a 2014 Boj leta, preden je odskočil in zmagal v sedmih od osmih bojev. Ta tek je vključeval zmage nad nekdanjima svetovnima prvakoma Jasonom Soso in Romanom Martinezom, vrnitev Gamboe v boj za naslov svetovnega prvaka. V zadnjih dveh dvobojih, Gamboa je opustil tekmovanja proti trenutnim svetovnim prvakom v lahki kategoriji, izguba preko 12th-round TKO do Gervonte Davisa 2019 in z odločbo proti Devinu Haneyju novembra 2020.

»Vedno pridem v ring, da pokažem svoje talente in April 16 bo nič drugače,« je rekel Gamboa. »Zelo motivirajoče je soočiti se z mladimi, močan nasprotnik, kot je Isaac Cruz. Preizkusila ga bom in videla, ali se lahko upre moji moči. Prihajam zmagat in dam veliko izjavo, da še vedno imam vse, kar je potrebno, da ponovno postanem prvak."

22-letna Valenzuela (11-0, 7 Kos) zdaj trenira kot hlevski kolega nepremaganega dvakratnega svetovnega prvaka Davida Benavideza, ko se želi premakniti od potencialnega kandidata do tekmeca v 2022. Rojen v Los Mochisu, Sinaloa, Mexico, Valenzuela se je prelevila v profesionalca 2018 in opravil pet dvobojev z izločilnimi tekmi, preden si je septembra prislužil svojo prvo odločitev v 10 rundah v zmagi nad Deinerjem Berriom 2021. Valenzuela je dosegel svoj izboj 2021 v decembru, prevladuje nad Austinom Dulayem na poti do tehničnega noka v četrtem krogu.

»Uresničitev sanj je biti na visokih vložkih, zložena kartica, kot je ta,« je rekla Valenzuela. »Spensa sem občudoval in študiral že dolgo, predvsem zato, ker sva oba levičarja. Komaj čakam, da pridem v ring. Francisca Vargasa nikakor ne spregledam ali podcenjujem. pričakujem ognjemet. Vedno prideš do velikega pretepa, ko se pomerita dva mehiška bojevnika, tako da vem, da bodo oboževalci navdušeni nad tem, kar bodo videli 16. aprila."

Boj iz Mexico Cityja, Vargas (27-3-2, 19 Kos) osvojil naslov 130 funtov 2015 tako, da je v eni najboljših bojev leta premagal Takashija Miuro. 37-letnik bi se še naprej boril proti Orlandu Salidu do akcijskega žreba, preden bi v drugi nepozabni aferi izgubil naslov proti Miguelu Bercheltu.. Vargas je kasneje premagal Stephena Smitha in Roda Salko, preden je izgubil v repasažu z Bercheltom 2019. Najbolj nedavno, Vargas je začel kampanjo v lahki kategoriji, dosegel zaporedne zmage nad Ezequielom Avilesom 2019 in Otto Gamez v 2020, preden je odstopil od odločitve proti Isaacu Cruzu v svojem zadnjem boju junija 2021.

"V čast mi je biti na tako veliki karti s toliko odličnimi borci,« je rekel Vargas. "Prišel bom pripravljen na ta boj in pripravljen zapustiti ring z zmago. Vem, da bo Valenzuela poskušala dati izjavo, vendar prihajam, da storim isto. Kot vedno, Navijači lahko pričakujejo izjemen boj od začetka do konca."

Zastopa svoj rodni Ontario, Canada, Crowley (20-0, 9 Kos) se vrača v ring po senzacionalnem debiju v SHOWTIME decembra 2021 da je premagal prej neporaženega Kudratillo Abdukakhorov s soglasno odločitvijo. Crowley je pred tem septembra premagal Josha Torresa 2020 po a 2019 tek, v katerem je februarja z odločitvijo v 12 krogih proti Stuartu McLellanu osvojil kanadski naslov v supervelterski kategoriji, nato pa je oktobra uspešno ubranil naslov s prevladujočo odločitvijo nad Mianom Hussainom.. 28-letnik se je vrnil v boj v ZDA. za njegova zadnja dva dvoboja po sedmih od njegovih prvih osmih profesionalnih bojev v ZDA.

»Po moji decembrski zmagi na SHOWTIME, Pripravljen sem sprejeti naslednji izziv na svoji poti, da postanem svetovni prvak v velterski kategoriji,« je rekel Crowley. »Josesito Lopez je vedno močan in na mizo prinaša razburljiv slog. Žal za njega, bo odkril kaj 20 borci pred njim so se naučili, kar je, da me ne bodo ustavili pri doseganju svoje usode. Rad bi se zahvalil svoji ekipi za to priložnost, da pokažem svoje sposobnosti, srčnost in neizprosnost na tej odlični karti v domu Dallas Cowboys.«

Lopez (38-8, 21 Kos) si je prislužil vzdevek "The Riverside Rocky" zaradi svojega stila neuspeha v ringu. Stopil je nasproti nekaterih najboljših boksarjev v športu, vključno s prvakom Canelom Alvarezom, Marcos Maidana, Andre Berto in Victor Ortiz. 37-letnik iz Riversidea, Kalifornija je vedno težka v ringu, kot je razvidno iz njegovega poraza z odločitvijo s tesno večino proti takratnemu prvaku Keithu Thurmanu v 2019. Od te izgube, Lopez je združil zaporedne zmage, premagal Johna Molina, Jr. in Francisco Santana.

"Nestrpen in zelo motiviran sem, da se vrnem v ring in se izkažem kot eden najboljših borcev na svetu,"Je dejal Lopez. "Pričakujem trd izziv od Crowleyja in navijači lahko pričakujejo, da me bodo videli v najboljših močeh. Sem v odlični formi in pripravljena dati vse na kocko. Vsekakor se boste želeli prepričati, da ne boste zamudili mojega boja 16. aprila."

Za več informacij obiščite www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sledite #SpenceUgas, sledite na Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing in @TGBPromotions, na Instagramu @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing in @TGBPromotionss ali postanite oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.

DEVIN HANEY TRAINING CAMP QUOTES AND PHOTOS: “I have a goal to be the first billionaire boxer

WBC Lightweight Champion Haney Battles Former Two-Time World Champion Yuriorkis Gamboa on Saturday, November 7 Live on DAZN from Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in an Event Presented by Matchroom USA and Devin Haney Promotions

Kliknite TUKAJ for Photos from JohnnyruegDevin Haney Promotions

LAS VEGAS, NV (Oktober 30, 2020) – Undefeated WBC lightweight world champion DevinThe DreamHaney (24-0, 15 Kos), will return to the ring on November 7, 2020, against former 2004 Olympic Gold Medalist and two-time world champion Yuriorkis Gamboa (30-3, 18 Kos).

Haney vs. Gamboa is a 12-round world title fight taking place at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, and will be the main event on a highly anticipated Matchroom USA card in association with Devin Haney Promotions, broadcast on DAZN.

Here is what Devin Haney, the WBC Lightweight Champion, had to say ahead of his fight with Gamboa as he wraps up his final day of training camp in Las Vegas.

On his recent training camp in Las Vegas.

“I stay in the gym, I basically live in the gym, so once camp begins, I put my all into training. I do not want to be outworked, and I am driven by those around me. I am extremely focused right now. I’m going to be the face of boxing.

On returning after his shoulder injury.

“No athlete wants to ever be injured. I took the time I needed to, listened to the doctors, and let my body rest. One good thing from the social distancing and stay-at-home orders was it occurred during the time I was recovering so I was able to be fully rested once the gyms reopened. I am now 100% and better than ever, you will see on fight night.”

On his matchup with Yuriorkis Gamboa.

“Gamboa has done a lot in the sport, and the fact that he gave a lot of fighters tough fights, says a lot about him. I want to prove a point in this bout that a lot of people are not mentioning my name amongst the best in the world, and I am looking to change that by putting forth a performance against Gamboa that no one has ever seen before. I respect Gamboa as a fighter, but in the ring, I will have no respect for him at all. In the ring he is my enemy.

On what a spectacular win means for your career.

“Obviously, a win gives me my 2nd world title defense which is very important to me. Title defenses shows a lot about what kind of fighter you really are. I don’t care how you won it or who you won it fromcan you defend the world title against all challengers? That’s what I represent as a throwback champion. You can have a strategy to get there but when you become a champion you become a target. Tank Davis, Teofimo Lopez and Ryan Garcia are all great potential opponents for me. I’d rather fight sooner than later but they have to feel the same way about me. I have a goal to be the first billionaire boxer, and to do that I have to put forth billion-dollar performances. That’s exactly what I’m going to do on November 7th in Miami.”

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WBC Lightweight champion defends on Nov. 7 – Super-Middleweight grudge match on Nov. 27

Devin Haney will defend his WBC World Lightweight title against Yuriorkis Gamboa on Saturday, Nov. 7 and Daniel Jacobs will clash with Gabriel Rosado on Friday, Nov. 27, both behind closed doors and subject to strict COVID-19 protocols at Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood, Florida, live on DAZN.

To subscribe to DAZN, visit www.DAZN.com.

Haney (24-0, 15 Kos) is back in action for the first time since November 2019 after injuring his right shoulder in seeing off Alfredo Santiago in the first defense of his belt in LA. The 21-year-old sensation had successful surgery on the injury and is now ready to resume his quest to dominate a 135-lbs. scene that’s littered with big names.

First on his hit list is Gamboa (30-3, 18 Kos), the former unified World Featherweight king and Cuban hero, following his Olympic gold medal. Gamboa is aiming to become a two-weight World ruler at the third attempt having challenged Terence Crawford and Gervonta Davis for their titles, but Haney is confident he will reignite his reign in style.

“Yuriokis Gamboa is a dangerous and experienced fighter,” said Haney. “He’s a former unified world champion, and he has been in the ring with some of the best. He hurt Terence Crawford with a big shot, so his power is not to be ignored. He beat Orlando Salido who beat Vasiliy Lomachenko. Less than a year ago he took Gervonta Davis into the 12th round, something no one has ever been able to do. Gamboa is a true warrior and I’m not taking him lightly. I’ve called out all the top names, and I finally got someone who will challenge me for my title. I intend on making a statement in this fight. My hunger is on another level. It’s time to show the world who the best fighter in boxing is and that’s me

“I’m extremely thankful to God for allowing this fight to happen and for the miracle of healing my Achilles,« je rekel Gamboa. “I’ve been dreaming and wishing of fighting for the WBC Green Belt ever since I was an amateur in Cuba. I’m ready and determined to win this title for my fans and to prove those who wrote me off as a washed up fighter wrong. I came up short against Davis because of my Achilles in the second round, but I fought the rest of the fight on one foot, hurting him in the middle rounds. You are going to see a healthy Gamboa fight with both of my legs, fists and warrior heart of mine. With God’s blessings I will come out victorious Nov. 7.»

Jacobs and Rosado have built up a rivalry over the last year and now that comes to a head three weeks after Haney vs. Gamboa.

Jacobs (36-3, 30 Kos) made the first steps on his target of becoming a two-weight World champion with victory over Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. in Phoenix, Arizona in December. That was the “Miracle Man’s” first foray into the 168-lbs. scene after the two-time World Middleweight king moved up from 160 lbs. after his unification clash with Canelo Alvarez in Las Vegas in May 2019.

Rosado (25-12-1, 14 Kos) appeared on the undercard in Phoenix and clashed with Jacobs ahead of the weigh-in. The Philly ace recorded a ten round points win that night to return to winning ways following his thrilling back-and-forth battle with Maciej Sulecki on home turf in March 2019, and the 34-year-old will be out to fire himself into contention for the World title clash that Jacobs seeks.

“Gabe talked his way into this fight and now it’s time to see if he can back it up,” said Jacobs. “He’s got a big mouth and he’s been bringing up my name constantly for over a year – but on Nov. 27 the talking stops and I can’t wait to shut him up. My aim is to become a two-weight division World champion in 2021 and that starts with a big win in Florida. Po tem, I’m ready to step up and fight one of the World champions at 168 funtov. "

“I’m really excited for the fight,” said Rosado. “There’s been a lot of back and forth between me and Jacobs, and for the fight to finally happen, I’m more than ready. I’ve started training camp with Freddie Roach in LA at Wild Card Boxing, and I’m just looking to put on one hell of a show for the fans. I’m definitely going to bring the fight to Danny and it’s going to be great.”

Both events have stacked undercards in support of the main event. There’s a Heavyweight flavor to the Haney card with Croatian talent Filip Hrgovic (11-0, 9 Kos) facing American Rydell Booker (26-3, 13 Kos) and Chinese star Zhilei Zhang (21-0, 18 Kos) meeting another American in Devin Vargas (22-6, 9 Kos). Three young stars continue their pro journeys on the bill as Reshat Mati (7-0, 5 Kos), Raymond Ford (6-0, 2 Kos) and Arthur Biyarslanov (6-0, 5 Kos) are in action on the show – and Matchroom are delighted to announce the signing of French star Souleymane Cissokho (11-0 7 Kos) to a multi-fight deal and he’ll box on the bill, and more details on the deal for the Anthony Joshua managed Super-Welterweight will come on Monday.

Marc Castro will make his pro debut on the undercard of Jacobs vs. Rosado. The Fresno talent was slated to make his bow in the paid ranks in Tulsa, Oklahoma in August, but he tested positive for COVID-19. Now the amateur sensation finally laces them up and is joined on the undercard by fellow amateur rulers in Olympic gold medalist Daniyar Yeleussinov (9-0, 5 Kos), three-time World amateur champion Magomedrasul Majidov (2-0, 2 Kos), and young talents Nikita Ababiy (9-0, 6 Kos) and Alexis Espino (6-0, 4 Kos).

“I can’t wait for our U.S. return in Florida – two stacked cards with plenty riding on them,"Je dejal promotor Eddie Hearn. “The Lightweight division is on fire and there’s no better time for Devin to return to action and make a big statement at the Hard Rock. Although Devin may well be the next big thing, when you look at his CV, Yuriorkis is by far his toughest test to date. A few weeks later, the bad blood between Daniel and Gabe will come to a head as they clash, and the winner of that fight will find themselves in a great position for a World title shot at 168 lbs. in 2021.”

“There’s so many interesting plotlines on both undercards. The Heavyweights are in the spotlight on Nov. 7, with Filip and Zhilei, two World-class fighters that are looking to stake their claims for massive fights next year, as will Magomedrasul who fights on Nov. 27.»

“Marc was devastated that his debut was postponed but the Fresno sensation has re-focused and it’s not a bad thing to have to learn to cope with a setback like that – he’s been working so hard in training, and I think we’re going to see a spectacular debut.”

“We’re lining up a big test for Daniyar, and so many of the young stars on the cards are beginning to get to the stages in their career where they move to the next level so I am expecting two exciting nights of action in the Sunshine State.”

Hard Rock Live and Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood in Florida have a rich history of hosting world-class boxing in addition to globally recognized entertainment acts like Jerry Seinfeld, Alicia Keys and Aerosmith. The venue is excited to play host to two huge nights of action in November.
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Two-Division World Champion Jack Faces WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Pascal in Co-Main Event Live on SHOWTIME Saturday, December 28 from State Farm Arena in Atlanta

Kliknite TUKAJ for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/

Mayweather Promotions

LAS VEGAS (December 10, 2019) – Two-delitev svetovni prvak Badou Jack showed off his skills and previewed his upcoming title fight at a Las Vegas media workout Tuesday as he prepares to take on WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal Sobota, December 28 live on SHOWTIME from the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS® se začne na 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and is headlined by boxing’s hottest attraction Gervonta “Tank” Davis as he takes on former unified world champion Yuriorkis Gamboa for the WBA Lightweight Title.

Vstopnice za dogodek, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, GTD Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale and available through Ticketmaster.com.

Jack hit the ring and talked to media at Mayweather Boxing Club as he prepares to face Pascal in a bid to become a three-time champion and capture his second title at light heavyweight. Here is what the workout participants had to say Tuesday:


“Mentally I’m better than I’ve ever been. I’m hungrier and I feel like I did the first time I fought for the title. I’m always hungry, but I’m really excited for this fight.

“Sometimes losses make you better. My first loss was an accident, and I became better because of it. The loss to Marcus Browne, it wasn’t the fairest loss, but it’s made me even hungrier. I’m going to go out there and win the fight no matter what.

“People have written Pascal off a couple of times and he always came back. He’s a throwback fighter who definitely knows how to fight. He brings it every time. He’s got more mileage than me, but I can’t overlook a guy like him.

“I’m ready to do whatever it takes to win the fight. I feel 100% fizično. The cut was cleared in March, and we’re way past that. I’ve been ready physically and this camp has proved that to me and my whole team.

“Pascal and I sparred before but it was a long time ago and sparring is way different than a real fight. I’ve fought bigger punchers, but you have to respect the power of anyone in the ring. Kaj se lahko zgodi,. You can get caught by someone who’s not a puncher.

“I know that I have a lot left to give this sport. I feel like I’m young for my age. The break between fights and bouncing back from a loss have made me more motivated than ever. I’m ready to go in and give the best performance of my career.”

LEONARD ELLERBE, CEO Mayweather Promotions

“Badou has a glow about him, just like the old Badou. He looks super-fast in the ring and everything is what we would want to see.

“Badou Jack has shown time and time again that he wants to fight the best and he’s not going to back down no matter what the challenge is. We’ve never had to think twice about it and one setback wasn’t going to stop him from having that mentality.

“Badou is a fighter who always uses his platform to make the world better for those less fortunate. He’s done wonderful things and is really so much more than a champion boxer. It’s an honor to work with him and always a pleasure to watch him perform.”

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Davis vs. Gamboa will see two-time super featherweight champion Gervonta “Tank’’ Davis, Mayweather Promotions’ top rising star and boxing’s hottest attraction, as he takes on former unified world champion Yuriorkis Gamboa for the WBA Lightweight Title live on SHOWTIME Saturday, December 28 at the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

The special holiday SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® televizijska oddaja začne ob 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal battling two-division champion Badou Jack in the co-main event.

Za več informacij obiščite www.SHO.com/sports,

sledite na Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions in @Swanson_Comm ali postanite naš oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

GERVONTA DAVIS AND BADOU JACK DISCUSS UPCOMING DECEMBER 28 MATCHUPSDavis To Face Yuriorkis Gamboa For WBA Lightweight World Championship While Jack Challenges WBA Light Heavyweight Titlist Jean Pascal Live On SHOWTIME® From State Farm Arena In Atlanta

KAJ: Gervonta Davis in Badou Jack met with members of the media last Saturday in Las Vegas to discuss their upcoming matchups taking place Saturday, December 28 live on SHOWTIME at the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in a special year-end Premier Boxing Champions event.

Two-time super featherweight champion Davis will take on former unified world champion Yuriorkis Gamboa for the WBA Lightweight World Championship as the 24-year-old Davis looks to conquer another division. In the co-main event of a special holiday SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® televizijska oddaja, former two-division champion Jack will challenge WBA Light Heavyweight World Champion Jean Pascal.

Vstopnice za dogodek, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, GTD Promotions and TGB Promotions, are available through Ticketmaster.com.

Also participating in Saturday’s luncheon at Wolfgang Puck at MGM Grand were Leonard Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Promotions, and Stephen Espinoza, Predsednik, Šport & dogodek programiranje, Showtime Networks Inc.

Here’s what the fighters and executives had to say:

Thoughts about Gamboa and moving up in weight:
We know Gamboa is a veteran and that he’s had a lot of wars, so we know we have a tough fight. He’s definitely dangerous. He can hit. On lahko boj.

His last fight he made 134, so we know he can get bigger than me at that weight. I’m going into this knowing he’s a bigger fighter than me. I’m just going to bring my power and capitalize on that weight class and becoming world champion.

I believe I’m one of the top fighters in the world, but I don’t compare myself to other fighters. I just go out and get the job done.

Atlanta is my second home. I’m confident I’ll sell it out.

On his ability and uniqueness as a fighter:
I come from a different cloth than these other guys. I’ve been through everything in my life. A lot of people haven’t experienced what I have. If I ever get beat it would have to be by someone who’s been through what I have been through. It can’t be anyone who’s just been training all their life.

Every time I step in the ring I’m willing to leave it all in there. A lot of people haven’t seen my full skills because I haven’t fought an opponent that has brought them out.

On his potential in the sport:
The boxing world hasn’t seen my true potential as a fighter, they’ve just seen my power. I’m the type of boxer where if you don’t belong in there with me, you won’t be in there too long. Some fighters like to take their time. I’m the type, if I know you’re not on my level, I’m going to show it. The world will see. I’ll fight anybody.

On his upcoming matchup against Pascal:
“Navdušen sem za ta boj. I actually called Pascal the day before his last fight and let him know I was rooting for him. But this is business at the end of the day. I’m coming to take back my title.

On how he feels at this age:
I feel like a young 36 stara leta. I live a clean life. I’m always in the gym training and I try not to take any punishment. I have a couple of years left and I’m more motivated now than ever. I needed that little break. I hadn’t had a break since I was an amateur twenty years ago. I took time to relax with the family and eat good food. Now I’m hungry.

On his last performance against Marcus Browne:
Everyone who saw me in my last fight could see I was flat. My fighting instinct kicked in at that point. He was fighting a dead man.

On the Davis vs. Gamboa matchup:
“To je velik boj. Gamboa is a little older, but he looked good in his last fight. I’m a big, big fan of Tankthe way he fights, his speed, Njegov športnosti, vse. He has star power. He was on my undercard, now I’m on his. He’s going to bring great things to the sport and as long as he stays focused, he’s going to be a superstar. He’s already a superstar.

On Davisposition and progression in the sport:
We’re going to show everyone how he’s going to become the biggest star in the sport. V 2020 we’re going to blow this out of the water. We’ve been able to think outside the box. That’s how you grow the sport. We’ve made a concerted effort to cross him over to the mainstream; working with the Baltimore Ravens, his parade, now Atlanta.

Our plan is to make the biggest and best fights out there. We’re going to call the shots and it’s going to be on our terms, and we’ll let everyone know when that happens. Everyone wants to fight Tank. There’s one common thing when you talk about 126, 130, 135, in zdaj 140. There’s one name that’s common among the fighters and that’s Tank. This is going to be a great journey and you better get on it now.

If he can get past Gamboa on December 28, then in 2020 he’s going into that pay-per-view world. When you have that kind of star power and you’re thinking outside of the box, not just boxing fans, we’re going to make the biggest fights out there in the world.

On Badou Jack:
Badou’s a promoter’s dream. He’s a guy who gives you no problems. He’s out there doing wonderful things for himself and his family. He’s doing so much to help so many others. He’s using his platform in the right way. It’s an honor to work with a fighter like him.

I always knew he was a great talent and sometimes you can find the diamonds in the rough. Everyone’s always looking at the guys coming out of the Olympics. We saw him in the gym and he really messed a guy up. We had an eye on him and we worked out a deal with Lou [DiBella] in ostalo je zgodovina.

We had one setback, but everything happens for a reason, and he’s just taken off since. He’s a great fighter and I like the fact that he’s always willing to fight the best. Never had to second guess that he’s willing to fight everybody.

STEPHEN Espinoza:
There are advantages and disadvantages to promoting a show on this date. There has been a lot of success promoting music shows on that weekend. It’s not apples to apples, but it’s one of the factors that went in and there’s a way to turn this into something special and unique because of Gervonta’s fan base.

It’s great to have skilled boxers but we need, for the health of the sport, guys like Gervonta who are putting butts in the seats. That’s the key in bringing him to Atlanta. Boxing is a part of a culture that crosses over into music and sports. There’s not an athlete who doesn’t watch a pay-per-view boxing match. Tapping into that with a personality like Tank is only going to expand the sport.

There’s an authenticity and an openness about Gervonta. There’s a lot of people who’ve had setbacks who don’t talk about it, like Tank. It takes a risk to talk about that and that’s why a lot of people can relate. This is Tank. Kar vidiš to dobiš. It’s very real. It’s very authentic and I think that’s why people connect with him the person as opposed to him the fighter.

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Za več informacij obiščite www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sledite na Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions in @Swanson_Comm ali postanite naš oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

TWO LIGHTWEIGHT BOUTS ROUNDOUT GERVONTATANK” DAVIS’ HOMECOMING WORLD TITLE DEFENSE SATURDAY, Julij 27 LIVE ON SHOWTIME FROM ROYAL FARMS ARENA IN BALTIMOREFormer World Champions Yuriorkis Gamboa & Roman Martínez Square-Off; Več, Lightweight Contender Ladarius Miller Battles Former World Champion Jezreel Corrales in Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Sobota, Julij 27 LIVE ON Showtime®

Former World Champions Yuriorkis Gamboa & Roman Martínez Square-Off; Več, Lightweight Contender Ladarius Miller Battles Former World Champion Jezreel Corrales in an Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

BALTIMORE (Julij 2, 2019) – Nekdanji svetovni prvaki Yuriorkis Gamboa in Roman “Rocky” Martínez will battle in a 10-round lightweight attraction while lightweight contender Ladarius “Memphis” Miller meets former world champion JezreelEl Invisible” Corrales in a 10-round showdown live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Julij 27 from Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and is headlined by two-time super featherweight champion and Baltimore native Gervonta “Tank” Davis defending his WBA title in a championship homecoming against mandatory challenger RicardoCientíficoNúñez.

“Sobota, Julij 27 is going to be something special for the city of Baltimore,” povedal Leonard Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Promotions. “While we know what the main event brings, both bouts leading up to it have high stakes written all over them as well. Any time you put former world champions and young hungry prospects in the ring, you know these fighters will be looking to get the win and ultimately put themselves in position for a shot at a title. I’m anticipating non-stop action in these bouts from the first bell to the end.

Vstopnice za dogodek, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with GTD Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com or at the Royal Farms Box Office Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. ET to 5 p.m. IN.

A former titleholder at 126 in 130 funtov, Gamboa (29-2, 17 Kos) has won his last three fights, including a decision over former world champion Jason Sosa. His last time out, he dropped and defeated Miguel Beltran Jr. s soglasno odločitvijo. An Olympic gold medalist for his native Cuba, Gamboa fights out of Miami and will look to get another world title shot with a victory on July 27.

I’m in a great position in my career and I’m very happy to be back on this big stage again,” said Gamboa. “Rocky Martinez is a very tough and formidable opponent and we will make this a great fight for the fans. I know that I will make it past this challenge and on to more marquee opportunities. I’m looking at facing Gervonta Davis and becoming world champion again.

Always in exciting and memorable fights, Martinez (30-3-3, 18 Kos) returned to the ring in March by knocking out William Gonzalez. Fighting out of Vega Baja, Puerto Rico, Martinez is a three-time 130-pound champion who has faced elite fighters such as Mikey Garcia and Vasiliy Lomachenko throughout a career that has also seen him defeat the likes of Orlando Salido and Diego Magdaleno.

I’m happy for this opportunity and to have this chance to be near a world title fight again,” Said Martinez. “I’m training to win against a good fighter in Yuriorkis Gamboa. It’s a fight that will define my future and I am fully prepared to become world champion again, and this time in another weight division.

The 25-year-old Miller (19-1, 6 Kos) je osvojila 10 fights in a row, including a victory over current world champion Jamel Herring, as he looks to earn a world title fight. Originally from Memphis and now living in Las Vegas, Miller began 2019 with a first-round knockout over Daulis Prescott in February and now has his sights set on earning a world title fight.

I’m coming to make a statement on July 27,said Miller. “That’s the mindset I’ve been training for. I’m facing a former world champion and a win can solidify my name in the 135-pound division. I’ve been working hard and I know that Corrales won’t bring anything that I’m not prepared for. I’m excited to have this opportunity, take advantage of it and get one step closer to a world championship.

Representing his native Panamá, Corrales(23-2, 9 Kos) won a 130-pound world title by knocking out Takashi Uchiyama in Japan in 2016, before defeating him by decision in the rematch. The 27-year-old returned to the ring in April to knock out Onalvi Sierra in two rounds.

I’m very excited to have this opportunity and grateful that I have another chance to fight at the highest level,” said Corrales. “Miller is a very skillful boxer and I respect his abilities. I’m going to test him and see if he can fight off of his back foot. I’m going to prepare so that I have all the tools to get the victory on July 27.

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Za več informacij obiščite www.sho.com/sports, follow on Twitter @Gervontaa, @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, @PremierBoxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSportsan
d www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


LOS ANGELES, KOT (Februar 22, 2018) – On Sobota, April 7th, 2018, popular Filipino lightweight Michael “Hammer FistFarenas (42-5-4 34 Kos) will do battle with Guadalupe Rosales (34-14 18Kos) za Canadian Professional Boxing Council (C.P.B.C.) Lightweight International Championship, as a part of Dekada Fight Night pri Gray Eagle Resort & Casino v Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
With over fifty fights under his belt, Michael Farenas is capable of beating anyone on any given night. Having never been knocked out in his career, Farenas exemplifies what a warrior truly is. He’s been in the ring with some talented fighters which include Yuriorkis Gamboa in Jose Pedraza da naštejemo, both of whom he went the distance with.
I am very excited to be fighting for a the CPBC title,” said Michael Farenas, who trains at Freddie Roach’s Wild Card gym in Los Angeles with Marvin Somodio in Jesse Arevalo.I am rebuilding my career and know I have a great run left in me. I know that I am capable of winning several big fights with this being the start. I love the sport of boxing and want to create a lasting memory when people say my name, and this fight against Guadalupe Rosales will be one of those moments. I’m dedicating this fight to all my people back home in the Philippines.
Tickets priced from $50 go on sale on Petek, Februar 23, 2018 pri 10 AM. Tickets can be purchased at www.greyeagleresortandcasino.ca ali pokličite 1-855-985-5000. Vrata odprta na5:30 P.m, first fight begins at 6:30 P.m. For more information please visit www.dekada.ca.
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Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek oboževalcev, ki ljubiteljem boksa ponuja priložnost, da se srečajo in pozdravijo vrhunske borce, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, boksarske zvezdnike in ljudi iz industrije v neposrednem osebnem okolju.
Vstopnice v prodaji zdaj na EventBrite
Za takojšnjo objavo
Las Vegas (Maj 4, 2017) – Zvezdnice premiernih boksarskih prvakov Leo Santa Cruz, Abner Mares,Daniel Jacobs,Shawn Porter,Rances Barthelemin, Alfredo Angulo so potrdili, da se bodo sestali na sestanku & Pozdravite njihove oboževalce na “Kabina PBC” pri Kongresni center v Las Vegasu za tretjo izdajo Box Fan Expo ki bo potekalo Sobota maj 6, 2017 od 10od 17. do 17. ure, med vikendom Cinco De Mayo. Boxing Expo bo sovpadal tudi z mega bojem med Canelom Alvarezom in Juliom Cesarjem Chavezom mlajšim, ki bo potekalo kasneje tistega večera.
Ljubitelji boksa bodo imeli priložnost dobiti avtograme podpisov rokavic, fotografije in blago. Navijači se lahko registrirajo za zmago v paketu navijačev PBC in jih v teh letih pozdravijo z darili’ Expo.

PBC je televizijska boksarska serija, ki jo organizira Al Haymon boks. Televizijska serija želi predvsem obnoviti splošno izpostavljenost boksarskemu športu, s poudarkom na sodobnem “koncert”- kot vzdušje, “visoka kvaliteta” kartice, televizijske oddaje prek glavnih omrežij in kabelskih kanalov v nasprotju s plačljivimi televizijskimi in plačljivimi dogodki, in uporaba tehnologije za boljši vpogled v napade.

PBC se pridruži Leo Santa Cruz, Abner Mares, Daniel Jacobs, Shawn Porter, Rances Barthelemy, Alfredo Angulo, Brandon Rios, Jorge Linares, Marcos Maidana, Jessie Vargas, WBA, Mayweather Promotions, Marco Antonio Barrera, Hiša slavnih boksa v Nevadi, Yuriorkis Gamboa, Al Bernstein, Thomas Hearns, Kronk boks, WBC, Christy Martin, Mia St.John, Fernando Vargas in Joel Casamayor med zgodnjimi zavezami na letošnjem Box Fan Expo.
Box Fan Expo je bil velik uspeh pri navijačih in ljudeh iz boksarske industrije. Številne boksarske zvezde so se udeležile zadnjih dveh Expojev, kot je Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Roy Jones Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Judah, James Toney, Vinny Patience, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie Brivniki, Leon Spinks in še veliko več…
Razstavljavci, kot so boks orodja, oblačila, nova oprema, energijske pijače, alkohol, dopolnilni izdelki, radiodifuzni mediji, kazenski organi in druga podjetja, ki želijo sodelovati, bodo spet imeli priložnost predstaviti svojo blagovno znamko oboževalcem, mediji in boksarska industrija.
Vstopnice za Expo Box Fan so na voljo na spletni strani:
Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek za boksarske navdušence, ki ljubiteljem omogoča srečanje in pozdrave boksarskih zvezdnikov današnjega časa, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, Legende o športu in druge boksarske znane osebnosti na njihovi stojnici. Na strani, ljubitelji bodo doživeli različne dejavnosti od Autograph Sessions, Foto seje, FaceOff z vašimi najljubšimi boksarji, kot tudi priložnost za nakup blaga in spominkov iz njihove kabine, plus toliko več… ne boste želeli zamuditi razstave, ki jo je treba obiskati!
Na Box Fan Expo bodo nastopile tudi vrhunske boksarske organizacije, promotorji, prstan kartice dekleta, znani trenerji in komentatorji ter podjetja za boksarsko opremo “VSE POD ENO STREHO”.
V naslednjih nekaj dneh pred dogodkom, o številnih zvezdah, ki bodo nastopile na Boxing Expo, bo še več objav.
In za vse v boksarski industriji ali druge razstavljavce (neindustrijska), ki bi radi sodelovali in rezervirali kabino, kontaktirajte Box Fan Expo:
Telefonska številka: (514) 572-7222 ali Las Vegas številko (702) 997-1927
Za vsa vprašanja, prosimo, pošljite e-pošto: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
Več informacij o razstavi Box Fan je na voljo na: http://www.boxfanexpo.com
Lahko sledite Box Fan Expo na Twitterju na: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo

Michael Farenas to make comeback on Fight Club OC card June 1st

COSTA MESA, KOT (Maj 2, 2017)They say it’s never is too late to start a comeback, and for lightweight contender Michael Farenas (44-5-4, 33 Kos), the comeback starts Četrtek, Junij 1
st when he enters the ring for the first time in nearly two years. The eight-round bout will take place on Roy Englebrecht’s “Fight Club OC” show in The Hangar at the OC Fair & Event Center v Costa Mesa, KOT.
Having fought some of the top Jr. lightweight out there over the past five years, which include Yuriorkis Gamboa, Jose Padraza, in Fernando Beltran da naštejemo, Farenas believes he still has some gas left in his tank.
It’s been a long journey to get back in the ring, but now that time has come,” said Michael Farenas. “I’m in great shape and I feel my skill and experience will help me on my comeback.
Will new managers Bill Halkias in Germaine Gillies crafting his career and new trainers Marvin Somodio in Jesse Arevalo v svojem kotu, the new look Farenas will have another opportunity to march toward a world title.
This bout will take place at one hundred and forty pounds, but my plan is to campaign at lightweight,” said Farenas, who fought Takashi Uchiyama for the WBA World super featherweight title. “I know with hard work, I can make another run toward another world title.
Under new management and a new trainer, “Hammer Fistas he is called, will look to bring that Filipino fighting spirit back to his career.
Tickets for the Thursday, Junij 1st Fight Club OC show in The Hangar at the OC Fair & Event Center v Costa Mesa, CA are on sale at www.fightcluboc.com.


Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek oboževalcev, ki ljubiteljem boksa ponuja priložnost, da se srečajo in pozdravijo vrhunske borce, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, boksarske zvezdnike in ljudi iz industrije v neposrednem osebnem okolju.
Vstopnice v prodaji zdaj na EventBrite
Za takojšnjo objavo
Las Vegas (April 26, 2017) – 2 Čas svetovni prvak Marcos Maidana je potrdil, da se bo pojavil na sestanku & Pozdravite njegove oboževalce na Kongresni center v Las Vegasu za tretjo izdajo Box Fan Expo ki bo potekalo Sobota maj 6, 2017 od 10. do 17. ure, med vikendom Cinco De Mayo. Boxing Expo bo sovpadal tudi z mega bojem med Canelom Alvarezom in Juliom Cesarjem Chavezom mlajšim, ki bo potekalo kasneje tistega večera.
Maidana se bo prvič pojavila v teh letih’ Expo pri Svetovni boksarski zvezi “WBA” kabino in bo podpisal rokavice, fotografije in blago. Ljubitelji boksa bodo imeli tudi odlično priložnost za fotografiranje “Kitajski” argentinska boksarska zvezda. Navijače bodo v teh letih s presenečenji pozdravili tudi Maidana in WBA’ Expo.
Maidana je argentinska nekdanja profesionalna boksarka, ki je tekmovala iz 2004 da 2014. Je dvotehtni svetovni prvak, po WBA (Redno) super lahki naslov iz 2011 da 2012, in naslov WBA v srednji kategoriji iz 2013 da 2014. Vznemirljiv in vsestranski borec za pritisk za ogled v ringu, Maidana je bil dobro znan po svoji močni udarni moči, vedno dostavljal neverjetne predstave in se ni nikoli ustavil v nobeni od njegovih 40 strokovne boji.
Marcos Maidana se pridruži, WBA, Jessie Vargas, Mayweather Promotions, Marco Antonio Barrera, Hiša slavnih boksa v Nevadi, Yuriorkis Gamboa, Al Bernstein, Thomas Hearns, Kronk boks, WBC, Christy Martin, Mia St.John, Fernando Vargas in Joel Casamayor med zgodnjimi zavezami na letošnjem Box Fan Expo.
Box Fan Expo je bil velik uspeh pri navijačih in ljudeh iz boksarske industrije. Številne boksarske zvezde so se udeležile zadnjih dveh Expojev, kot je Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Roy Jones Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Judah, James Toney, Vinny Patience, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie Brivniki, Leon Spinks in še veliko več…
Razstavljavci, kot so boks orodja, oblačila, nova oprema, energijske pijače, alkohol, dopolnilni izdelki, radiodifuzni mediji, kazenski organi in druga podjetja, ki želijo sodelovati, bodo spet imeli priložnost predstaviti svojo blagovno znamko oboževalcem, mediji in boksarska industrija.
Vstopnice za Expo Box Fan so na voljo na spletni strani:
Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek za boksarske navdušence, ki ljubiteljem omogoča srečanje in pozdrave boksarskih zvezdnikov današnjega časa, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, Legende o športu in druge boksarske znane osebnosti na njihovi stojnici. Na strani, ljubitelji bodo doživeli različne dejavnosti od Autograph Sessions, Foto seje, FaceOff z vašimi najljubšimi boksarji, kot tudi priložnost za nakup blaga in spominkov iz njihove kabine, plus toliko več… ne boste želeli zamuditi razstave, ki jo je treba obiskati!
Na Box Fan Expo bodo nastopile tudi vrhunske boksarske organizacije, promotorji, prstan kartice dekleta, znani trenerji in komentatorji ter podjetja za boksarsko opremo “VSE POD ENO STREHO”.
Skozi naslednjo 10 dni pred dogodkom, o številnih zvezdah, ki bodo nastopile na Boxing Expo, bo še več objav.
In za vse v boksarski industriji ali druge razstavljavce (neindustrijska), ki bi radi sodelovali in rezervirali kabino, kontaktirajte Box Fan Expo:
Telefonska številka: (514) 572-7222 ali Las Vegas številko (702) 997-1927
Za vsa vprašanja, prosimo, pošljite e-pošto: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
Več informacij o razstavi Box Fan je na voljo na: http://www.boxfanexpo.com
Lahko sledite Box Fan Expo na Twitterju na: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo