Tag Archives: Xavier Martinez


SAN FRANCISKAS, PVZ (Spalis 22, 2017)Last night at the historic San Francisco Armory, the “Grįžti į verslą” card took place with local fighters, Karim Mayfield, Raquel Miller and Xavier Martinez moving forward with victories.
Karimas “Sunku ieškomą” Mayfield (20-4-1, 11 Kos), cruised to a 6-round unanimous decision over outmatched Michaelas Dumas (10-0, 7 Kos), giving him his first defeat. Su pergalės, Mayfield captures he the WBU Welterweight Americas Belt. Rezultatų kortelės perskaitytos 60-54 dvigubai, ir 55-54.
Vidutinio svorio, Raquel “Gražus žvėris” Malūnininkas (5-0, 3 Kos) remained undefeated with a 1ground knockout against Lisa Garland (15-9, 8 Kos). Time was 2:00 apvaliosios vieną.
Xavier Martinez (10-0, 5 Kos) stayed unbeaten winning by 2II round knockout over Raymond Chacon (7-27-1) in a 6-round featherweight bout. Time was 2:59
Ricardo Pinell (15-3-1, 8 Kos) won a lopsided unanimous decision against Carlosas Ruizas (8-4, 3 KO) in a 6-round middleweight bout. Score cards read 60-54 visiems vienodai.
Willas Šo (3-0, 3 Kos) nugalėjo Lenardas Davisas (1-0-3) su 2II round TKO in a scheduled 4-round super lightweight bout. Time was .50 apvalios dviejų.


SAN FRANCISKAS, PVZ (Spalis 11, 2017)Unbeaten female middleweight prospect, Raquel “Gražus žvėris” Malūnininkas (4-0, 2 Kos) bus dabar susiduria Lisa Garland (15-8, 8 Kos)
when professional boxing returns to the city of San Francisco, PVZ, apie Spalis 21, 2017. Miller was supposed to battle Sidnėjus LeBlancas (4-4) but the fight fell through. Milleris vs. Garland, a 6-round bout, will serve as the co-feature to Karimas “Sunku ieškomą” Mayfield (19-4-1, 11 Kos) vs. Michaelas Dumas (10-0, 7 Kos). The card titled Back To Business will take place at the historic San Francisco Armory.
I’m happy they found an opponent for me as I have a lot of family and friends coming to see me fight,” said San Francisco native Raquel Miller. “Garland has a lot of experience and I know it’s going to be a tough fight. I believe my hunger and skill will be to much for Garland to handle though. I’m ready to bring it, and I can’t wait for my hometown fans will see me in action. I’ll be looking to stop Garland before the final bell rings.
Back To Business bilietai kaina $40 (tik stovimas kambarys), $50 (grindų sėdynių pakopa 3), $60 (grindų sėdynės pakopa 2), $80 grindų pakopa 1, $125 (priekinės sėdynės), ir žiedo pusėje $250, dabar parduodami adresu EVENTBRITE.COM arba paskambinus (415) 722-3184. Durys atsidaro val 4:00 p.m. Pirmoji kova val 5:00 p.m.
San Francisko ginkluotė yra adresu 1800 Mission St, San Franciskas, PVZ 94103. Įsikūręs patogiai kampe Misijos gatvė ir 14gatvė, SF ginkluotę aptarnauja Muni maršrutai, pagrindinių autobusų linijų ir yra lengvai pasiekiamas BARTAS kuri aptarnauja Rytų įlanką ir oro uostą. Automobilių statymas gali būti organizuojamas naudojant vietines aikšteles arba automobilio pastatymo paslaugas.
Other Featured Bouts:
8-round bout featherweight bout
Xavier Martinez (9-0, 5 Kos) vs. Jonathanas Alcantara (7-16-2, 1 KO)
6-round bout super-lightweight bout
Martyniouko valstija (17-2, 3 Kos) vs. Luis Alfredo Lugo (14-27-1, 3 Kos)
6-apvalios vidutinio svorio varžybos
Ricardo Pinell (14-3-1, 8 Kos) vs. Carlosas Ruizas (8-3, 3 Kos)
4-round bout super-lightweight bout
Willas Šo (2-0, 2 Kos) vs. Lenardas Davisas (1-0-2)
4-round bout super-lightweight bout
Luisas Kasiljas (1-1, 1 KO) vs. TBA
4-round bout featherweight bout
Marquita Lee (3-5) vs. TBA


SAN FRANCISKAS, PVZ (Spalis 3, 2017) – Profesionalus boksas grįžta į San Francisko miestą, PVZ, apie Spalis 21, 2017, kaip gimtojo miesto herojus Karimas “Sunku ieškomą” Mayfield (19-4-1, 11 Kos), turi nenugalimų perspektyvų Michaelas Dumas (10-0, 7 Kos). Pagrindinio renginio kova vyks gražioje istorinėje San Francisko ginkluotėje. Ant linijos bus WBU vidutinio svorio kategorijos Amerikos diržas.
Mayfield, kuris išėjo iš ringo daugiau nei metus, siekia sugrįžti į savo karjerą su įspūdinga pergale. San Francisko gyventojas džiaugiasi sugrįžęs į ringą, ypač gimtajame mieste.
“Labai norėjau gražiai sugrąžinti boksą į San Franciską,” Sakė Karimas Mayfield. “San Francisko ginkluotė yra graži vieta, kurioje yra 4,000 žmonės. Norime išplatinti žinią, kad tai bus draugiška atmosfera, kurioje kovomis galės mėgautis visi iš visų sluoksnių. Aš susiduriu su jaunu alkanu kovotoju iš Meksikos Miguel Dunas, kuris, žinau, atveš jį. Kortoje turime daug vietinių kovotojų. Tai bus puikus pasirodymas visiems. Bilietai jau parduodami. Atėjus kovos vakarui padarysiu daug žalos.”
Nepramintas Raquel “Gražus žvėris” Malūnininkas (4-0, 2 Kos) vs. Sidnėjus LeBlancas (4-4) turėjo tarnauti kaip bendra funkcija, tačiau LeBlancas turėjo pasitraukti dėl neatskleistų priežasčių. Netrukus bus paskelbtas naujas varžovas. 6 raundų dvikovos vyks itin lengvo svorio kategorijoje. Malūnininkas, kuris šiuo metu yra reitinguojamas #2 iki boxrec.com, gimė ir užaugo San Franciske ir tikimasi, kad dalyvaus daug gerbėjų.
“Tai bus pirmas kartas, kai kovosiu savo gimtajame San Franciske,” - sakė ekstazė Raquel Miller. “Visi iš mano kaimynystės, visa mano šeima ir draugai, jie visi išeina žiūrėti, kaip aš kovoju. Nekantrauju surengti puikų pasirodymą visiems. Tikrai eisiu į nokautą.”
Kortelėje taip pat yra Sakramento Xavier Martinez (9-0, 5 Kos) vs. Jonathanas Alcantara (7-16-2, 1 KO) 8 raundų kovoje plunksninio svorio kategorijoje. Martinez yra narys Floydas Mayweatheris TMT (Pinigų komanda) ir Mayweather Akcijos,
Šventasis Karolis, PVZ, gyventojas, Martyniouko valstija (17-2, 3 Kos) vs. Luis Alfredo Lugo (14-27-1, 3 Kos) kovos 6 raundų itin lengvoje kovoje.
Iš Misijos rajono San Franciske, Vidutinio svorio Ricardo Pinell (14-3-1, 8 Kos) vs. Carlosas Ruizas (8-3, 3 Kos) 6 raundų vidutinio svorio rungtyje.
Likusios kortelės dalies apvalinimas yra Willas Šo (2-0, 2 Kos) vs. Lenardas Davisas (1-0-2) superlengvo svorio kategorijoje (4-raundai), super lengvas Luisas Kasiljas (1-1, 1 KO) vs. TBA, ir lengvas Marquita Lee (3-5) vs. TBA.
Bilietai kaina $40 (tik stovimas kambarys), $50 (grindų sėdynių pakopa 3), $60 (grindų sėdynės pakopa 2), $80 grindų pakopa 1, $125 (priekinės sėdynės), ir žiedo pusėje $250, dabar parduodami adresu EVENTBRITE.COM. Durys atsidaro val 5:30 p.m. Pirmoji kova val 6:00 p.m.
San Francisko ginkluotė yra adresu 1800 Misija ST, San Franciskas, PVZ 94103. Įsikūręs patogiai kampe Misijos gatvė ir 14gatvė, SF ginkluotę aptarnauja Muni maršrutai, pagrindinių autobusų linijų ir yra lengvai pasiekiamas BARTAS kuri aptarnauja Rytų įlanką ir oro uostą. Automobilių statymas gali būti organizuojamas naudojant vietines aikšteles arba automobilio pastatymo paslaugas.
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Eddie Ramirez Remains Unbeaten with Split Decision Over Erick Bone in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Tuesday Night from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas

Xavier Martinez Defeats Prince Smalls by Unanimous Decision in Battle of Unbeaten Prospects
Lightweight Prospect Dennis Galarza Earns Unanimous Decision Victory Over Mexico’s Omar Tienda
Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions &
ČIA for Photos from Idris Erba/Mayweather Promotions
(Photos to be added shortly)
LAS VEGAS (Birželis 21, 2017) – Nepramintas Edis Ramirezas (17-0, 11 Kos) uždirbo split sprendimų pergalę Erick kaulų (16-5, 8 Kos) į pagrindinį renginį Premier Boksas Čempionų TOE iki kojų antradieniais nuo FS1 ir Boksas Čempionų Fox Deportes Antradienis night from Sam’s Town live in Las Vegas.
Representing Chicago, Ramirez controlled the fight early by working off of his jab and attacking with both hands on the inside. Bone was able to consistently throw counters back, but Ramirez showed good defensive skills throughout the night, never taking serious punishment.
I was comfortable in the ring šįvakar,” said Ramirez. “I remain unbeaten. I put the pressure on and I got the win. I think the fans will start to see me more and more.
Ramirez began to break through the guard of Bone and had him in trouble in round four before Bone found his composure and finished the round. The second half of the fight saw Bone increase his movement, which seemed to frustrate Ramirez, who was looking to engage and deliver a knockout.
He made it a little difficult because he wasn’t cooperating,” said Ramirez. “He was running around the ring, but I am proud of my performance. I won and that’s all that matters. I’m going to get back in the ring and get back to training until I get word on my next fight.
Bone finished the fight strong and believed he did enough to earn the decision.
“Nesutinku su sprendimu,” sakė kaulų. “I am frustrated because I feel I won, however the judges saw it differently. I thought I landed more punches and I just don’t see how they came to the decision that was made. He was a good fighter, tough opponent, but again I believe the wrong decision was made šįvakar.”
After the 10-round welterweight contest concluded it was Ramirez who was awarded the decision with scores of 97-93 dvigubai, while one judge saw the bout 97-93 for Bone.
I want whoever is next,” said Ramirez. “I’m ready for whoever can get me closer to a title shot.
Additional televised action saw Xavier Martinez (8-0, 4 Kos) keep his perfect record intact by earning a shutout unanimous decision against previously unbeaten Prince Smalls (11-1-1, 4 Kos) in their eight-round featherweight contest.
While Smalls had the reach advantage and was dedicated to his jab throughout the bout, Martinez was consistently aggressive and was able to navigate the distance and punish Smalls with hooks to the head and body.
I knew the one advantage he had going into this fight was his height,” Sakė Martinezas. “But once I got in the ring I saw quickly that he was leaving his body open so I just went in and tried to deliver as many combos and hit the body as much as I could.
Martinez landed big power punches all night, including a pinpoint right cross that connected with Smalls at the end of round four. A clean left hook staggered Smalls in round seven as Martinez spent the round punishing his opponent, who was barely able to stay on his feet and finish the frame.
After another dominant round to close out the bout, Martinez was awarded the decision by the score of 80-71 visų trijų teisėjų’ veiklos rodikliais.
I wanted the knockout and I think the fans could tell,” Sakė Martinezas. “This is my first fight this year, so it’s back in the gym for me as I look to my next opponent. I’ll definitely be ready for anyone.
The opening bout of the telecast saw lightweight prospect Dennisas Galarza (16-2, 9 Kos) record his third straight victory via a unanimous decision over Mexico’s Omar Tienda (18-5, 11 Kos) in their 10-round contest.
The taller Galarza used his length early and landed clean hooks on the inside during round one. Tienda came out in round two intent on making it a rough fight and crowding Galarza to negate his reach advantage.
I give my performance about a 7.5,” Sakė Galarza. “I knew I was coming into the ring with a tough rugged veteran Mexican fighter and he used that to his advantage, I should have used my jab more.
Galarza continued to have success with his left hook throughout the night, while Tienda was able to slow down Galarza’s offense in the middle rounds with a relentless body attack. Much of the battle took place in close quarters and in round nine Tienda was deducted a point by referee Robert Byrd for throwing Galarza to the canvas.
After 10-rounds of hard-fought action, Galarza’s clean work and good movement in the late rounds helped him earn a unanimous decision by scores of 100-89, 99-90 ir 98-91.
There was a lot of holding, but it didn’t really affect my plan,” Sakė Galarza. “I wanted the knockout going in but I’m just happy I got the win unanimously. I need to get back in the gym and work on really using my jab and uppercut more and I think that will help me going into the next fight.
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Ventiliatoriai gali gyventi srautas kovas Fox Sports GO, anglų ar ispanų per FS1 arba FOX Deportes kanalus. Su kovomis galima atsisiųsti darbalaukyje adresu FOXSportsGO.com ir per „App Store“, arba prijungtų įrenginių, įskaitant "Apple TV", "Android TV", gaisro televizija, "Xbox One" ir "Roku". Papildomai, visas programas taip pat galima rasti „FOX Sports“ kanale „SiriusXM“ 83 palydovinių radijo ir ant SiriusXM app.
Daugiau informacijos: apsilankymas www.premierboxingchampions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / puslapis ir www.foxdeportes.com. Sekite TwitterPremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @ FS1, FOXDeportes IrSwanson_Comm ir tapti ventiliatorius Facebook metu www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports,www.facebook.com/foxdeportesand www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC FS1 & FOX Deportes was promoted by Mayweather Promotions and sponsored by Corona Extra, geriausių Alus.

Eddie Ramirez Training Camp Quotes

Unbeaten Prospect Battles Erick Bone in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE iki kojų antradieniais on FS1 & Boksas Čempionų Fox Deportes antradienį, Birželis 20 iš Sam's Town Live in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS (Birželis 15, 2017) – Nenugalėtas perspektyva Edis Ramirezas has made big leaps towards his world title dreams in the last year and he will continue on his path on Antradienis, Birželis 20kai jis įgauna Erick kaulų į pagrindinį renginį Premier Boksas Čempionų TOE iki kojų antradieniais nuo FS1 ir Boksas Čempionų on FOX Deportes from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas.

Televizijos aprėptis prasideda 9 p.m. IR/6 p.m. PT and features a 10-round matchup between junior welterweight prospect Dennisas Galarza ir Meksikos Omar Tienda plus an eight-round battle between unbeaten featherweight prospects Xavier Martinez ir Prince Smalls.

Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kurį reklamuoja „Mayweather Promotions“, yra kaina $15, $30, $45 ir yra parduoti dabar. Tickets are available online at www.samstownlv.com/entertain.

Here is what Ramirez had to say about his training camp, his main event showdown and more:

Where have you been holding training camp and how is it going?

“I’m training in Garfield Park in Chicago with George Hernandez, who has trained me throughout my entire professional career. Mokymo stovykla vyksta jau puikus, I’ve been conditioned to stay ready because at any time a fight can come my way. I’m always prepared and I’ll show that on June 20.”

What did you learn about yourself from your last two fights (wins over previously unbeaten fighters Ryan Karl and Kevin Watts)? How have you been able to improve as a fighter?

“After fighting Kevin Watts, I immediately shifted my mentality as a fighter to be more in control and to be smarter. Because being a reckless fighter got me caught and got me knocked down. Ultimately I got the win, but I am thankful for that experience because it helped shape me as a fighter as I continue to face tougher opponents.

“The Karl fight showed off a different Eddie Ramirez. I was a more defensive fighter, I used my counters more and that mindset and growth is what got me the win and will help me get this next one against Bone.”

My last two opponents have really helped me improve as a fighter. The ability has always been there, but I needed those experiences to bring it out of me. Each opponent has been tougher than the last and it’s been very motivating for me as a fighter to continue to be better and perfect my skill. I have always been the underdog so that’s never been a factor or worry for me, I just take each fight as they come and continue to be better. My defense is better, my athleticism has improved, and my mental ability has progressed.”

How do you see this fight with Erick Bone going?

“My expectations or thought process going into this next fight with Erick Bone is to get him out early. I don’t want the fight to go the distance, I have to do whatever I can do to get him out. He’s an aggressive fighter, he’s a technical fighter who has experience, but I am quicker.”

What are your goals for the next year of you career?

A year from now I see myself fighting guys in the Top 10. I want whoever is on that list, I believe I will have progressed as a fighter who people know about and believe has the skill to fight for a world title. I just got to beat out whoever comes my way to show the world who I am and how talented I am as a fighter. I want the big names who are going to get me to the big stage for that world title

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Ventiliatoriai gali gyventi srautas kovas Fox Sports GO, anglų ar ispanų per FS1 arba FOX Deportes kanalus. Su kovomis galima atsisiųsti darbalaukyje adresu FOXSportsGO.com ir per „App Store“, arba prijungtų įrenginių, įskaitant "Apple TV", "Android TV", gaisro televizija, "Xbox One" ir "Roku". Papildomai, visas programas taip pat galima rasti „FOX Sports“ kanale „SiriusXM“ 83 palydovinių radijo ir ant SiriusXM app.

Mayweather Promotions and The Floyd Mayweather Jr. Foundation will be collecting school supplies for their 5th Annual Back-2-School Supply Giveaway in conjunction with the upcoming boxing event. The giveaway will take place on August 5th at West Flamingo Park in Las Vegas, NV. Tickets to the fight will be offered in exchange for school supplies.

Must be a minimum of 3 items (for GA tickets & 5 for floor seating) which include: paper, pieštukai, markers, pencil boxes, construction paper, math flash cards, composition notebooks, colored pencils, protractor, spiral notebooks, scientific/graphing calculator, highlighters, dictionary/thesaurus, graph paper, index cards, and flash drive.
LIMIT: 1 ticket/per person*

Daugiau informacijos: apsilankymas www.premierboxingchampions.com,

Unbeaten Prospect Eddie Ramirez Battles Erick Bone in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 &BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Tuesday, Birželis 20 iš Sam's Town Live in Las Vegas

Daugiau! Junior Welterweight Prospect Dennis Galarza Takes On Mexico’s Omar Tienda While Unbeaten Featherweight Prospects Xavier Martinez & Prince Smalls Clash in Televised Undercard Attractions
Bilietai parduodami dabar!
LAS VEGAS (Birželis 7, 2017) – Unbeaten rising prospect Edis Ramirezas (16-0, 11 Kos) enters the ring to battle Ecuador’s Erick kaulų (16-4, 8 Kos) in a 10-round junior welterweight showdown that headlines Premier Boksas Čempionų TOE iki kojų antradieniais nuo FS1 ir Boksas Čempionų on FOX Deportes on Birželis 20 iš Sam's Town Live in Las Vegas.
Televizijos aprėptis prasideda 9 p.m. IR/6 p.m. PT and features a 10-round matchup between junior welterweight prospect Dennisas Galarza (15-2, 9 Kos) ir Meksikos Omar Tienda(18-4, 11 Kos) plus an eight-round battle between unbeaten featherweight prospects Xavier Martinez (7-0, 4 Kos) ir Prince Smalls (11-0-1, 4 Kos).
My opponent has been in the ring with top guys like Shawn Porter and Chris Algieri, who are world champions, and despite losing in those matchups he gained experience fighting with top caliber opponents but I am ready,” said Ramirez. “I am explosive and entertaining so I know this will be a great fight and my only job is to get him out of the ring as fast as possible.
I’m super thankful for this opportunity, I’ve been in the ring with some really great guys so coming into this fight I have a leg up,” sakė kaulų. “My opponent is the underdog and I don’t think he’s been in the ring with a fighter like me. I’m just ready to get in there and show my skills.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kurį reklamuoja „Mayweather Promotions“, yra kaina $15, $30, $45 ir yra parduoti dabar. Tickets are available online at www.samstownlv.com/entertain.
Fans can expect another great night of boxing as we continue to put together exciting matchups with hungry fighters who are fighting to solidify their positions and reputations in the sport,” Sakė Leonardas Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Akcijos.
A Chicago Golden Gloves champion, Ramirez knocked out seven of his first nine professional opponents and picked up five victories in 2015 including a decision over former world champion Cristobal Cruz. The 24-year-old has picked up impressive victories in his last two outings, first knocking out previously unbeaten Kevin Watts last September and then battling previously unbeaten Ryan Karl in February where he stopped Karl after nine rounds of action.
Representing Manabi, Ecuador but fighting out of Brooklyn, Bone has fought professionally since 2011 ir laimėjo 16 jo pirmosios 17 pro fights including 10-round decisions over Mahonry Montes and Aaron Dominguez. The 28-year-old has had strong experience in the ring as he’s taken on former world champions Shawn Porter, Chris Algieri and Miguel Vazquez.
The 24-year-old Galarza stands tall at 5’10and enters this bout having won his last two matches against Jonathan Perez and Edgardo Rivera. Born in Brooklyn but training in Orlando alongside top 154-pound contender Erickson Lubin, Galarza has won 10 iš jo paskutinis 11 fights including five straight wins in 2015.
Tienda fights out of Nuevo Leon, Mexico and will be making his fourth start in the U.S. kai jis patenka į žiedą Birželis 20 Las Vegase. The 29-year-old won three out of four bouts last year including a 10-round decision for a regional belt over David Rangel in June. Tienda won 14 jo pirmosios 15 profesionalai kovoja įsijungę pro 2012.
Fighting out of Sacramento, Kalifornija, Martinez turned pro in 2015 with a decision victory and has been unbeaten while splitting his time fighting in Mexico and the U.S. The 19-year-old won three times last year, including a knockout victory over Gabriel Gutierrez and a decision win over Wilfredo Garriga at Sam’s Town in Las Vegas.
Pro nuo 2013, Smalls has been unbeaten since fighting to a draw in his first pro appearance. Originally from Trinidad and Tobago, Smalls fights out of San Diego and will be entering the ring in Las Vegas for the first time as a pro. He makes his 2017 debiutas Birželis 20after scoring two knockout victories in 2016.
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You can catch Premier Boksas Čempionų apie FS1 ir FOX Sportas action this Sekmadienis, Birželis 11 as former world champion Brandon “Bam Bam” Riosas returns to the ring to take on Mexico’s Aaronas Herrera in the main event live from the Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, California with televised coverage beginning at 10:30 p.m. IR/7:30 p.m. PT.
Ventiliatoriai gali gyventi srautas kovas Fox Sports GO, anglų ar ispanų per FS1 arba FOX Deportes kanalus. Su kovomis galima atsisiųsti darbalaukyje adresu FOXSportsGO.com ir per „App Store“, arba prijungtų įrenginių, įskaitant "Apple TV", "Android TV", gaisro televizija, "Xbox One" ir "Roku". Papildomai, visas programas taip pat galima rasti „FOX Sports“ kanale „SiriusXM“ 83 palydovinių radijo ir ant SiriusXM app.
Mayweather Promotions and The Floyd Mayweather Jr. Foundation will be collecting school supplies for their 5oji Annual Back-2-School Supply Giveaway in conjunction with the upcoming boxing event. The giveaway will take place on August 5oji at West Flamingo Park in Las Vegas, NV. Tickets to the fight will be offered in exchange for school supplies.
Must be a minimum of 3 items (for GA tickets & 5 for floor seating) which include: paper, pieštukai, markers, pencil boxes, construction paper, math flash cards, composition notebooks, colored pencils, protractor, spiral notebooks, scientific/graphing calculator, highlighters, dictionary/thesaurus, graph paper, index cards, and flash drive.
LIMIT: 1 ticket/per person*
Daugiau informacijos: apsilankymas www.premierboxingchampions.com,mayweatherpromotions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / puslapisir www.foxdeportes.com. Sekite TwitterPremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @ FS1, FOXDeportes IrSwanson_Comm ir tapti ventiliatorius Facebook metu www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports,www.facebook.com/foxdeportesand www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC FS1 & „FOX Deportes“ remia „Corona Extra“, geriausių Alus.

Ronald Gavril Becomes the New NABF Super Middleweight Champion Over Christopher Brooker in a Tenth Round TKO In The Mayweather Promotions Sin City Showdown at Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas, NV


Ladarius Miller Knocks out Ronald Rivas in a second round TKO
Spauskite Here Nuotraukų
Nuotrauka kreditų: Idris Erba / Mayweather Akcijos
Las Vegasas (Spalis 8) – The Uzbekistan-born Super Middleweight Ronaldas Gavril (17-1, 13 Kos) nugalėjo Kristoforo Brooker (11-2, 5 Kos) by way of TKO from Sam’s Town Live inside of Sam’s Town Hotel & Žaidimų salė, Las Vegasas, NV in the main event of Mayweather Promotions Sin City Showdown, the first installment of their monthly series of boxing at Sam’s Town Live.
From the second the bell rang it was non-stop action in the ring as Gavril and Brooker fought for the vacant NABF Super Middleweight title. Both fighters rolled out combination punches and uppercuts early in the rounds. Brooker fired off shots and Gavril was countering, neither fighter would let up. Be 5
oji turas, Brooker landed a clean uppercut that had Gavril on the canvas and shook up. Gavril regrouped and returned with blows to Brooker, leading in a war of blood exchange.
It was a slugfest between these Super Middleweight fighters, which ultimately led to Gavril knocking Brooker down twice in the 10th round, defeating him and claiming the vacant NABF title.
The guy was very very tough, but I came back to win,” said Gavril. “I trained extremely hard with my team and they prepared my body for this fight. My endurance really got me through this fight. I have to say the knockdown in the 5th round got me to refocus and get my mental toughness in gear.
He wouldn’t let up, but that didn’t stop me from getting the title. I only had one goal coming into this fight, and I accomplished it, I am the new champion.
I was extremely upset with the decision,” said Brooker. “I go hard in every fight and this fight was no different. The judges had the scores as a draw so I feel like I was going to get robbed any way. There wasn’t a three knockdown rule, so I just didn’t understand why the judges called it so pre-maturely. “The judges should have let me continue fighting, this was a title fight, not a regular match. I definitely thought the knockdown in the fifth round put me ahead, but I guess I was wrong.
I am looking to fight anyone, whoever and whenever the next opportunity is for me to fight, Aš jį. If possible, I want the re-match against Gavril.
The co-main event featured a pair of welterweight prospects that produced an exciting matchup, ultimately leading to second round TKO after only 55 seconds by Memphis-born Ladarius Milleris (12-1, 3 Kos) prieš Ronald Rivas (5-5-1 3 Kos).
I am so happy with my performance,” said Miller. “I am getting better and better with each fight, and this fight proved that my hard work and consistency in the gym and with my team is working.
“Paprasčiau tariant, I just wasn’t prepared like I should have been for this fight. He came out and proved to want it more than I did. I came in ready, trying to get comfortable, before I could adjust he came in with the punch.
SanjarbekWarRakhmanov (6-0, 3 Kos) kept his record in tact in a 6-round action-packed bout against then-undefeated Jonathan Dinong (5-1, 4 Kos). Both fighters kept the pressure on, but Rakhmanov proved to be the better fighter going the distance and getting the win.
Samuel Santana (8-11-3, 2 Kos) won by way of disqualification in a Super Lightweight showdown against Jose Vargas (6-1, 4 Kos), giving the young prospect his first loss. Mayweather Promotions opening bouts resulted in wins by both prospects as, Xavier Martinez (5-0 2 Kos) nugalėjo Wilfredo Garriga (3-4-1 2 Kos) by unanimous decision in a six-round Super Featherweight match-up and Daniel Gonzalez (2-0) representing Las Vegas, NV stopped Sean Acosta (0-3-1) after four rounds of action winning by majority decision.
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Daugiau informacijos rasite www.mayweatherpromotions.com to follow the action on Twitter @RonaldGavril, MayweatherPromo, and @SamsTownLV, tapti "Facebook" ventiliatorius: www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

Super Lightweight Ashley Theophane Returns to the Ring Saturday, October 8th at Sam’s Town Live, Las Vegase

Mayweather Promotions presents the first monthly installment of their Sin City Showdown series, featuring Ronald Gavril
į bendrai Main Event
DAUGIAU! Undercard action featuring
Mayweather Promotions rising stars!
LAS VEGAS (Septyni. 26, 2016) – Former title challenger Ashley “Lobio” Theophane (39-7-1, 11 KO s) looks to redeem himself after a tough loss back in April as he headlines the main event of Mayweather Promotions Sin City Showdown, Šeštadienis, October 8thiš Sam's Town Live in Las Vegas.
I have been in the gym training harder than ever and mentally preparing after coming up short against Adrien Broner earlier this year,” Sakė Theophane. “I’m excited to get back in the ring on October 8 and be the first to headline the monthly fight series at Sam’s Town that Mayweather Promotions has put together. I will not disappoint. This is for my fans right here in Las Vegas to witness live, and my supporters worldwide. You can expect a great performance come fight night!”
The co-main will feature a battle for the NABF Super Middleweight Title featuring Mayweather Promotions’ nuosavas Ronaldas “Thrill” Gavril (16-1, 12 KO s). Also featured on Spalis 8 are Mayweather Promotionsrising stars including undefeated super lightweight SanjarbekWarRakhmanov (5-0-1, 3 KO s), Ladarius “Memfis” Malūnininkas(11-1, 2 KO s), who comes off of a win on Sept. 16oji, and new members to the stable,Josue Vargas (6-0, 4 KO s), Xavier Martinez (6-0, 4 KO s), ir Daniel Gonzalez (12-0, 5 KO s) all in separate bouts!
It feels good to be back at Sam’s Town. I like fighting in front of a full house and having an intimate feel. You don’t always get that on the big shows when you have to go so early in the day before fans arrive,” said Gavril.
Last time I fought at this venue I was successful in beating my opponent and I got my fifth consecutive win. I feel confident that I am going to come out victorious again on Spalis 8! I have been training hard and my only goal is to come home as the new NABF Super Middleweight champion. It is an honor to be the co-main on this card, and this is only the beginning of what I want to give back to my fans and the sport of boxing.
A night full of great boxing will take place under the Mayweather Promotions banner in Las Vegas. These fights will introduce a monthly fight series that will take place each month right here in Las Vegas at Sam’s Town Live. Bilietus prasideda $15 ir yra prieinami internete: www.samstownlv.com/entertain ir www.mayweatherpromotions.com.
Follow on Twitter @AshleyTheophane, @RonaldGavril, MayweatherPromo, and @SamsTownLV, tapti "Facebook" ventiliatorius: www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.