标记档案: 世界拳击组织

WBO Kids Drug Free program visits the Sor Isolina Ferré Center in Ponce

PONCE, 波多黎各 – In an emotional and busy Christmas activity, 世界拳击组织 (WBO) and its president Francisco “帕科” 瓦尔卡塞尔, accompanied by former world champions, 前景, WBO World Jr. Flyweight Champion Ángel Acosta, regional champions, and other figures of the sport were delivering gifts to children at the Sor Isolina Ferré Center in Ponce, as part of the successful world ‘WBO Kids Drug Free’ program.

An emotional Sister Mildred Vázquez, Spiritual Director of the centers of Puerto Rico, 说: “The WBO and Paco Valcárcel have been committed to us for around 20 years.There are many gifts that will be distributed to the other centers that we have in Puerto Rico. Since day one, which was a long time ago, I remember that Paco told us that the WBO was never going to forget us. His deed is very important for all of us. We will never forget the great help you gave us then Hurricane María hit us hard; we are very grateful”.

Respect for the school, respect for the church, respect for their fathers and mothers, respect for the elderly and respect for their peers. Respect is the most important priority in life said our Savior”, Valcárcel expressed to the large number of children present. “Sister Sor Isolina always knew how to multiply the fish and bread. She was sent from God. They can count on us every year, the commitment will continue, and we love them very much”.

The world champion Ángel “铁托” Acosta said: “Many children left happy with their gifts and bicycles. I always tell the youth that they have to get away from the streets to concentrate on their studies”.

Participating in the activity were Acosta, former professional basketball player JavierToñitoColón, WBO Latino Featherweight Champion Luis”大力水手” 勒布朗, WBO Interim Latino Heavyweight Champion Víctor Bisbal, the former world champions Samuel Serrano, 亚历克斯 “El NeneSánchez and ÁngelCholoEspada, along with boxers Alfredo “salsero” 十字, Jean M. 里维拉, 埃德温· “ChinValentín, and amateur boxer Bryan Rodríguez.

Also in the event were boxing managers Margaro Cruz, coaches JesúsTongui” 奥尔蒂斯, Ángel Vargas, YoelYowy” 冈萨雷斯, and Félix Pagán Pintor, referees José Hiram Rivera and Ramón Peña; professional boxing judge César Ramos. For the WBO, other than Valcárcel, legal advisor Gustavo Olivieri, WBO Treasurer Adolfo Flores, and WBO Chairman Ratings Committee Edgardo López Sasso were also present.

WBO Kids Drug Free is an international program aimed at children and young people in order to carry a message of prevention to the use of drugs and to motivate them to continue studying, using sports as a tool to stay on good steps, as well supporting causes aimed at those in need in order to contribute to a better quality of life.

About the Sor Isolina Ferré Center:

CSIF has contributed to the well-being, security and socioeconomic development of Puerto Rico since its foundation 49 years ago at the Ponce Beach by Sister Isolina Ferré, MSBT. Its corrective programs and prevention, human development and community development provide solutions to address problems such as school dropout, 暴力, and unemployment and the economic crisis. The different programs and services are offered in 24 towns of the Island, including regions of Ponce, GUAYAMA, 圣胡安, and Canóvanas, 等等.

德国, 美国和拉脱维亚做东WBO较量




世界拳击组织 (WBO), 由旧金山“帕科”Valcárcel主持, 将迎来5有趣的冠军战; 其中两个是世界冠军. 的较量将于本周六, 五月 12.




布鲁克林人萨达姆“世界儿童”阿里 (26-1, 14 KO的), 即将关闭对传说中的波多黎各拳手米格尔·库托他的职业生涯中最重要的胜利, 使他的WBO超次中量级世界冠军的第一道防线, 当他面临危险的墨西哥海梅蒙吉亚 (28-0, 24 KO的). 战斗将发生在旋石度假村 & 赌场在维罗纳, 纽约. 战斗将在HBO电视实况转播的 10:00 P.M. AND.




“我们将有大量的活动,这个星期六从WBO. 你必须抓紧巨大的冲床海梅蒙吉亚的性能, 谁将会面临一个很好的攻击像阿里. 这将是冲床对一个拳击手的经典战斗. 如果蒙吉亚胜, 他将被放置伟大的墨西哥拳手谁一直世界冠军时或之前的选择列表 21 岁”, 说Valcárcel.




奥格斯堡, 德国, 女子拳击上台时流行的前世界冠军尼基·阿德勒 (16-1, 9 KO的) 德国和世界的竞争者芬姆克·赫曼斯的 (6-1, 3 KO的) 比利时, 面对对方的超中量级分裂的空缺的WBO世界带. 战斗将在Eisstadion奥格斯堡.




“我们将继续致力于和支持女子拳击. 德国也不例外. 这个伟大的斗争有界一致看好,因为是关系到一个世界冠军,并且战斗会被大众所喜爱”, 说Valcárcel.


在拉脱维亚, 3 WBO国际冠军将在12轮的对决中发挥晚上里加体育场. 空置国际超次中量级腰带, 该排名第13伊斯梅尔·伊利耶夫 (10-0-1, 3 KO的) 纳兹兰的, 俄罗斯将面临康斯坦丁·波诺马廖夫 (33-0, 13 KO的) 米阿斯的, 俄罗斯.




还, 在国际WBO轻量级冠军和5次排名伊萨Chaniev (12-1, 6 KO的) 纳兹兰的, 俄罗斯, 将捍卫他的冠军称号反对强委内瑞拉冲床, 伊斯梅尔·巴罗佐 (20-1-2, 19 KO的).




对于空置WBO中量级腰带国际, 阿图尔Akavov (18-2, 12 KO的) 来自俄罗斯, 将面临对阿根廷的科里亚贡萨洛 (12-1, 5 KO的).




“我们正在东欧存在. 这次, 这是拉脱维亚轮到谁拥有已排在WBO的顶部位置,并在今年余下时间的拳击手, 可以争取世界冠军”, 表示Varcárcel.