Tag Archives: women’s boxing


SAN FRANCISCO, JAKO (Prosinec 11, 2018)
Undefeated female super flyweight CaseyLady Hawaiian Punch” Morton (7-0-3 1KO), will be fighting for her second title as she faces Jutamas Jitpong (4-2 2KO) for the vacant WBO Asia Pacific Female Super Flyweight Title. The 10-round bout will take place this Saturday, December 8th, at the Yubei Sport Center in Yubei, Čína.

I am excited to fight for my second WBO Asia Pacific Female title!” said Casey Morton. “I won the WBO Asia Pacific flyweight title earlier this year, so to get another title before the year over is a dream come true. Chci bojovat nejlepší, I don’t want easy fights and I want to prove that I am a true champion.

Casey Morton is an amazing boxer who packs a featherweight punch in a flyweight frame,” said manager Greg Hannley na Prince Ranch Boxing. “I don’t see many flyweights surviving all ten-rounds with her after she moved up in weight to super flyweight. She is a star and we are excited to work with her.

I am super grateful for all of my opportunities but want to give all glory to God, as well as my team, including my manager Greg Hannley and everyone at SNAC System. Jsem vděčný Victor Conte for the high-level training he provides and I will show my ability come fight night.

Cyborg to Take Ring Walk with Shields This Saturday Night

‘Baddest Ladies on the Planet’ are Friends and Training Partners

The two baddest ladies on the planet will be side-by-side Saturday night when UFC Superstar Champion Cris Cyborg walks 2x US Olympic gold medal winner and current WBC/WBA/IBF Middleweight Champion Claressa Shields into the ring for T-Rex’s fight versus 168-lb champion Femke Hermans Saturday night live on HBO from Stub Hub Center in Carson, JAKO.

Cyborg will be taking time out from preparation for her December 29 PPV battle with Amanda Nunes to join Shields and be ringside for the final HBO boxing telecast this Saturday. Shields and Cyborg have a great mutual respect and have trained together in the gym.

“I’m excited to have Cris walk me out and carry my WBC championship belt on Saturday,” said WBC/WBA/IBF Champ Claressa Shields. “She’ll be supporting me on December 8 and I’ll be rooting big for her against Amanda Nunes on December 29. We are the two baddest ladies on the planet.”

“Both Claressa and Cyborg are leaders in their respective combat sports,” said Shields’ promoter, Dmitriy Salita. “Women’s empowerment will be on display on Saturday night on the historic final night of HBO Boxing.”

“In addition to being a celebration of forty-five years of HBO Boxing, Saturday night is a celebration of a new era of women’s boxing and women’s sports,” said Mark Taffet, manager of Claressa Shields and a twenty-five year former HBO Boxing executive. “Claressa Shields and Cris Cyborg are the backbone of the new era, and I’m thrilled Cris will be walking Claressa to the boxing ring on this historic night.”


Dláždí cestu boxerkám…..
Claressa Shields
“USA Boxing je rodina!”
USA Boxing Alumni Association, Třída 2018 Branec

COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Prosinec 3, 2018) – Dvojnásobný olympijský vítěz Claressa Shields nejenže stojí v čele nové vlny ženského boxu, vyvinula se ve skutečný vzor pro nespočet mladých lidí.




Shields bude uveden do síně slávy asociace boxerských absolventů USA tento pátek večer v Salt Lake City, spolu s třídou 2018 Členové Roy Jones Jr. a, Andre Ward, stejně jako pozdě Emanuel Stewarta Tom Cleary.




Druhý ročník Síně slávy USA Boxing Alumni Association, konané ve spojení s 2018 Elitní a mládežnické mistrovství USA v boxu a Junior a Prep Open, Prosinec 2-8, se bude konat v prosinci 7, v hotelu Radisson (215 S. Temple St.) v Salt Lake City, Utah.




“Cítím se poctěn,” Shields hovořil o svém uvedení do Síně slávy asociace boxerských absolventů USA,” Já jsem jen 23 let a být uveden do USA Boxing Hall of Fame je velká pocta, ale také šok pro mě. Věřím, že jsem hoden jakékoli cti, ale vím, že věci vyžadují čas, a vždy jsem si myslel, že v té době dám do síně slávy 40 nebo 50. To je pro mě velký problém a cítím se tak poctěn. Jen aby mé jméno bylo uvedeno vedle jmen velikánů jako Andre Ward a Roy Jones, to mě opravdu motivuje. Cítím se privilegovaný!”




Flintova pýcha, Michigan, Shields již úspěšně předala svůj amatérský úspěch profesionálním hodnostem, ve kterém je 7-0 (2), a panující jednota (IBF, WBA & WBC) svět middleweight mistr.




Shields ukončila svou amatérskou kariéru neuvěřitelně 77-1 (18 KO) záznam, zdůrazněno jejími výkony na olympijské zlaté medaili v 2012 a 2016. Od té doby se v ringu neztratila 2012, když Savannah Marshall (Anglie) vyhrál na body, 14-8, na mistrovství světa v Číně.




“USA Boxing vstoupil do mého života jako dvojnásobný juniorský olympijský vítěz,” Claressa vysvětlila svůj vztah mezi USA a boxem. “Pomoc od USA Boxing byla tak důležitá: jen si mě všiml jako mladého sportovce a věděl jsem, že bych byla silná mladá žena, která bude v budoucnu reprezentovat USA; setkání Julie Goldsticker, která pro mě byla požehnáním, protože mi jako teenagerka hodně pomáhala, a jen mít trenéra Abdullaha, trenér Al Mitchell, a trenér Gloria Peek nauč mě různé styly a jak používat všechny své atributy. USA Boxing mi požehnal spoustou znalostí a celoživotním přátelstvím se všemi mými olympijskými spoluhráči a olympijskými trenéry. Můj oblíbený trenér, Koroma, doslova byl se mnou celou cestu 2015-2016, pomáhat mi mimo kruh s radami a uvnitř kruhu.”




Shields je dnes jednou z hnacích sil ženského boxu, nošení pochodně předávané americkými pionýrkami v boxu jako např Christy Martin, Laila Ali a několik dalších.




“Právě teď se děje velká změna — mě, Mikaela Mayer, Franchon Crews, Katie Taylor, Amanda Serrano a několik dalších žen právě nese pochodeň pro ženský box,” Štíty vysvětleny. “Pokrok byl rychlý, každá síť letos vedla v televizi boj žen, zejména Showtime, na kterém jsem čtyřikrát boxoval na hlavní událost. Ženský box může zajít daleko. Věřím, že přijde den, kdy můžeme být vyplaceni miliony stejně jako muži.”




Otevřením dveří a rozbitím překážek, Claressa se stala skutečným vzorem pro mladé lidi po celém světě, dovnitř a ven z boxu.




“Je pro ně dobrý pocit být vzorem (ženy), a také pro tolik mužských boxerů,” Štíty si všimly. “Box je v jiné době a já chci jen usnadnit přicházející dívky, takže když se stanou pro, box bude blíže k rovnosti.”




“Claressa má jeden z největších příběhů v historii amatérského boxu,” řekl Chris Cugliari, Výkonný ředitel Asociace absolventů USA boxu. “Její jízda, závazek, talent, a postava z ní udělala USA boxerský a olympijský vítěz, zanechání odkazu, který vydrží velmi dlouho. Je průkopnicí ženského boxu a prosadila se jako jedna z nejvlivnějších amerických absolventek boxu všech dob. Asociace absolventů USA v boxu jí chce poděkovat za to, že inspirovala amatérskou boxerskou komunitu a sloužila jako skvělý vzor pro další generaci šampionů.”


USA Boxing Alumni Association




Vytvořeno k celoživotnímu prosazování, vzájemně výhodné vztahy mezi USA Boxing a jeho absolventy, –boxerky, úředníci, trenéři a fanoušci boxu — Sdružení Alumni spojuje generace šampionů, inspirovat a vracet se budoucím šampiónům USA v boxu, dovnitř a ven z kruhu.




USA Boxing Alumni Association je otevřena všem, kteří mají rádi box a chtěli by zůstat ve spojení s amatérským boxem.. Členům je poskytován přístup k široké škále speciálních akcí pořádaných Alumni Association, včetně recepce Síně slávy USA Boxing Alumni Association.




Připojit se k Alumni Association, jednoduše se zaregistrujte na alumni@usaboxing.org pro $40.00 za rok členský příspěvek. Noví členové obdrží tričko, klíčenka a elektronická peněženka.





Přes všechny pocty a uznání, ona tak bohatě přijala, Štíty nezapomněly, kde to všechno začalo, a stále se aktivně věnuje boxu v USA.




“Udržuji kontakt s mnoha atletkami a dávám jim rady, pokud se mě zeptají,” Přidala Claressa. “Také jsem jel na pět dní do Colorada, abych byl motivátorem a hlavním řečníkem pro Next Olympic Hopeful. Poté, co moje kariéra skončí asi 15 léta, Chci být trenérkou boxu a vést ženský tým k dalším olympijským zlatým medailím, pokud dostane příležitost. Chci také být učitelem na škole a poradcem pro mládež.”




Shields, bohužel, se nemůže v pátek večer zúčastnit recepce Síně slávy, protože je v sobotu večer na HBO v hlubokém tréninku na obranu svých titulů, živě z centra StubHub v Carsonu, Kalifornie, proti Fenmke Hermans (9-1).




“Smutně,” Štíty uzavřeny, “Nemůžu tam být, ale, kdybych tam byl, Řekl bych, že: Děkuji USA Boxing za to, že mi věřil ve věku 16. Bylo mi ctí reprezentovat Ameriku, nejen jednou, ale dvakrát na olympiádě! Děkuji trenérovi Táborový kotlík (Walsh) za to, že mě nutím kopat hluboko, tím, že se musí vypořádat s jeho irskými způsoby a vtipy, také za změnu kultury amerického boxu. Zvláštní poděkování trenérovi Kayovi, taky, Na ruce nemůžu počítat, na kolik dní jsme trénovali 1 dopoledne, kolikrát jsem zaklepal na dveře jeho pokoje a rozběhl se, kolikrát mi musel vzít telefon, protože jsem plakal nebo měl rodinný problém. Je to trenér, kterému jsem mohl říct všechno, a také mi požehnal svými znalostmi boxu a díky tomu jsem se vždy cítil v bezpečí, když byl v rohu. USA Boxing není jen personál – USA Boxing je rodina! I když jsem měl pár slov Matthew Johnson a další zaměstnanci, Děkuji jim za to, že na mě byli tvrdí a ujistili se, že jsem zvládl své povinnosti. Láska ke všem zaměstnancům USA Boxing, Jsem opravdu vděčný.”




Claressa Shields je mnohem víc než světová a olympionická vítězka, je také třídním aktem, přesně to, co je dnes tak zoufale potřeba.




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Training Camp Almost Complete; A Confident and On-Weight Claressa Shields Ready for Hannah Rankin DAZN Showdown on November 17

Women’s superstar and two-division world champion Claressa Shields is in Florida with trainer John David Jackson, finishing up preparations for her showdown with Glasgow, Scotland’s Hannahh Rankin on Saturday, Listopad 17, at the Kansas Star Arena and Casino in Mulvane, Kansas.




Shields (6-0, 2 KO) will defend her IBF and WBA World Middleweight Championships, and be looking to add the vacant WBC title, against Rankin (5-2, 1 KO) in the 10-round co-featured bout to Salita Promotions stablemate Jarrell Miller’s heavyweight showdown against Romania’s Bogdan Dinu.




Both fights, along with former world champion Brandon Rios taking on Canelo’s brother, Ramon Alvarez, in a super welterweight 10-rounder and former two-time world middleweight title challenger Gabriel Rosado going against once-beaten contender Luis Arias, will be broadcast live on DAZN.




23-year-old Shields, a former two-time Olympic Gold Medallist, has reignited interest in women’s boxing and become a ratings favorite for her nationally televised championship exploits. A proud native of Flint, Michigan, Shields mixes her brash pronouncements of greatness with a genuine and continued effort to inspire female athletes and render aid to members of her home community.




Shields was originally scheduled to face WBC and WBO World Middleweight Champion Christina Hammer on November 17, but the bout was postponed after Hammer withdrew due to medical reasons.


Did the change of opponents from Hammer to Rankin affect your training?




I don’t train for my opponents, I just push to get the best out of me, fyzicky a mentálně. If I’m the best ‘me,’ I don’t have to worry about who the opponent is. The change of opponents didn’t bother me at all; the worst thing about this camp for me was just all the date changes – constantly having to get my mind focused on the pace and timing of training depending on the fight date. I can’t wait to get in the ring!


You’ve fought at super middleweight 168 and recently at middleweight 160 liber. How is your training, diet and any other efforts different to make 160?




Training is always hard and I’m constantly learning. I’ve had a completely different diet this camp – a real change and a positive one for me. I’ve teamed up with Perfecting Athletes for my daily meals, and I feel great. I’ve always tried to eat healthy but these folks are pros and are more educated in that field than myself. I have this magic drink that makes my stomach smile – I love it! It’s watermelon mixed with a green vegetable. I’m not going to tell you what vegetable it is, but I’ve been drinking it everyday, and I feel GREAT.


Your viewership numbers have been very strong. Why do you think people are drawn to you?




I believe that people are drawn to how real and honest I am, jak dovnitř a ven z kruhu. I say what I mean and mean what I say. I’m hard but I have a soft side also. And I think people are drawn to how I fightnot only do I talk a good game but I fight my aoff too! dávám 1000% every time – I want to change the game and bring a whole new generation of fans to women’s boxing and boxing overall.


What do you know about your opponent Hannah Rankin?




I know that my opponent Rankin is very tough and determined to be a world champion. I like her drive, I like her heart. I know that she has been in the ring as a sparring partner for many champions, one being Christina Hammer. So Rankin has seen some good fighters. But one thing is for sure – she has never seen a fighter like me. And since Hammer couldn’t fight because of her medical condition, in many ways the next best thing is to fight and beat her sparring partner and let Rankin tell Hammer what she’s in for when she returns!


What needs to be done to solve the Flint water crisis?



To solve the flint Water crisis, I think that people should continue to give water and also keep it in the news that there is a city in America where, unbelievably, US citizens don’t have clean water. And hopefully the president or our governor do something to fix all the pipes.


What’s the secret to becoming the best of the best in any sport?




I believe the secret starts with believing in yourself, being dedicated, working hard and just always striving to be better. I feel I’m my biggest critic when I train and box. It’s hard to watch film of my fights because even though I’m doing 97 things right I just can’t stand to see the 3 things I’m doing wrong. I’m a person who strives to pull out my full potential. It takes guts to be great. Nothing will stand in the way of achieving my goals, which includes being the GWOAT and creating equality for all women fighters when it comes to the money, opportunities and coverage the men get.






December 1st at the Vidéotron Centre in Quebec City


Quebec City, Kanada (Listopad 2, 2018) –The charismatic Marie-Eve Dicaire (13-0-0, 0 KO) will have the chance to make her dream come true on December 1 at the Videotron Center in Quebec, when she fights for the International Boxing Federation (IBF) World light middleweight title against champion Chris Namus (24-4-0, 8 KO), of Uruguay. Marie-Eve will fight in the first women’s world title bout in Quebec’s history.




The 31-year-old Namus, fighting out of South America, signed the contract this past Tuesday to defend her crown against Dicaire in the co-featured event on the card headlined by the World Boxing Council (WBC) and lineal light heavyweight world championship bout between Adonis Stevenson a challenger Oleksandr Gvozdyk, adding some spice to an already red-hot card.




Namus, nicknamed El Bombon Asesino, has been IBF champion since 2017, when she defeated Argentina’s Yamila Esther Reynoso pro volný titul. She has since defended her belt once, against her compatriot, Katia Alvarino.



“Především,” Dicaire řekl, “I must say that I feel privileged to have the opportunity to box for the world championship for the first time here in Quebec. This fight represents years of effort, oběť, perseverance and to live that moment before those who supported me during this tumultuous journey is indescribable for me.




My preparation for this fight is already well underway and I must admit that the signature of Namus has just added an additional motivation for the last steps of my camp. Tak, Dávej pozor! I cannot wait to be in the ring and touch this belt!”




Marie-Eve is in a good position to be a star in the history of Canadian boxing. She will not have a second chance to leave a good first impression,” added GYM’s vice president of operations and recruitment, Bernard Barré.




Lístky, začíná na $ 50.50, daně a servisní poplatky zahrnuty, are on sale at Gestev.com and Ticketmaster.ca, at the Champions Boxing Club (514-376-0980), v tělocvičně (514-383-0666) nebo na 1-855-790-1245.


The “Mandatoryevent will be televised in the United States and Canada on pay-per-view via Indigo, Bell TV a Shaw TV.






Marie-Eve Dicaire has been in the fighting sports since a very young age. At pouze 6 let, karate captivated her. She obtained a černý pásek and won a Canadian Championship before even being 11 letý.




Na 18 let, Marie-Eve became karate world champion for a first time. She would win that title four other times.




She also gained a spot on the NASKA American circuit with the Amerikick team.




A 5th degree black belt and owner of a dojo (Karaté Sunfuki), Dicaire made a switch to kickboxing and had two fights (a win and a draw) before starting boxing.




On the amateur boxing scene, she fought more than 50 times in less than four years.

Her best year was 2013, when she won the Quebec Championship, Canadian Championship a Ringside World Championship, plus a win over the American champion in a Canada versus United States meeting.




Boxe Québec also named her 2013 Athlete of the Year.




The fighter from Saint-Eustache, Quebec, made her pro debut November 20, 2015, v Sorel-Tracy. She defeated Christina Barry, from Manitoba, jednomyslným rozhodnutím.




Leden 21 na Montreal Casino, Dicaire beat Christina Barry for a second time to keep her undefeated record.




In her third outing, she bested Mexican veteran Martha Patricia Lara, Březen 17th na Montreal Casino.




Květen 24 na Montreal Casino, Dicaire faced a rival ranked 16th in the world by the WBC, americký Ashleigh Curry. With an energetic body attack, she won a unanimous decision.




On October 20th, it was Mexican warrior Karla Zamora‘s turn to taste Dicaire’s medicine, and then on December 10, former NABF champion Paty Ramirez, Mexika, was also defeated.




On February 9th at the Cabaret of the Casino de Montréal, Marie-Eve fought for the first time in the final bout of a professional boxing card. It was also a first women’s final for GYM. The southpaw delivered a perfect performance for his first eight-round confrontation by winning a unanimous decision over aggressive American Lisa Noel Garland.




In her most recent performance on June 15, she completely dominated the tough regional champion of Tijuana Alejandra Ayala.




Zaprvé 10 rounds fight of her career, Říjen 25, 2017 at the Lac Leamy Casino, Dicaire won a spectacular battle against the aggressive champion of Argentina Yamila Esther Reynoso, vyhrávat jednomyslným rozhodnutím.


After a win in a rematch with Ramirez, the southpaw faced former IBF World Champion Marisa Gabriela Nunez února 15 at the Cabaret du Casino de Montréal. Thanks to a win by majority decision in 10 kola, she captured her first professional belt, the NABF light middleweight title.


Accustomed to performing at the highest summit of the disciplines, in which she has evolved, Dicaire is aiming for nothing less than a world championship belt. She is currently ranked #1 podle WBA, #2 by the IBF and #2 podle WBC.










Women’s Superstar Claressa Shields to Defend IBF and WBA Middleweight Championships and Looks to Add WBC Belt Against Scotland’s Hannah Rankin, Live on DAZN on November 17

V sobotu, Listopad 17, at the Kansas Star Arena and Casino in Mulvane, Kansas, superstar two-division women’s world champion Claressa Shields of Flint, Michigan, will defend her IBF and WBA World Middleweight Championships and be looking to add the vacant WBC title against Hannahh Rankin from Glasgow, Skotsko.




The 10-round Shields (6-0, 2 KO), and Rankin (5-2, 1 KO) battle will serve as the co-featured bout to Brooklyn-born heavyweight contender Jarrell Miller’s WBA World Heavyweight Championship showdown against Romania’s Bogdan Dinu.




These two fights will be broadcast live on DAZN, along with former world champion Brandon Rios taking on Canelo’s brother, Ramon Alvarez, in a super welterweight 10-rounder and former two-time world middleweight title challenger Gabriel Rosado going against once-beaten contender Luis Arias.




Shields was originally scheduled to face WBC and WBO World Middleweight Champion Christina Hammer on November 17, but the bout was postponed after Hammer withdrew due to medical reasons. Hammer has been named a champion in recess during her recovery. The two champions are now projected to do battle in the first quarter of 2019.




“Claressa is a once-in-a-generation athlete that transcends the sport,” said her promoter, Dmitriy Salita. “She will take another step in her goal to achieve the status of GWOAT as she makes the first defense of her middleweight world titles against the skilled and durable Hannah Rankin.”




A bonafide women’s superstar and TV ratings favorite, 23-year-old “T-Rex” Shields is a two-time Olympic gold medallist and already a world champion in two weight divisions. In her fourth professional fight, she won the IBF and WBC Super Middleweight Championships in August 2017 with a dominant stoppage of Germany’s Nikki Adler. Pak, in June of this year and in just her sixth pro fight, she dropped down to 160 pounds and won the IBF and WBA Middleweight titles with an exciting unanimous decision over Hannah Gabriels.




“I’m so excited to be able to give my fans another chance to see me defend my championship this year and to have the opportunity to win the WBC middleweight title on November 17,” said Shields. “I appreciate the efforts of Salita Promotions, my manager Mark Taffet, and Matchroom Boxing in putting this fight together so quickly. I will be in great shape and will provide a great performance.”




“I want to thank Salita Promotions and Matchroom Boxing for providing Claressa with another chance to fight this year and an opportunity to attain a third middleweight world championship,” said Mark Taffet, manager of Claressa Shields. “Claressa is hungry and motivated to put on a great performance on November 17 on DAZN. Claressa has lofty goals and I have no doubt that she’s going to achieve every one of them, including fighting and defeating Christina Hammer early next year. I expect Shields vs Rankin to be an action-packed fight that fans will enjoy tremendously.




28-year-old Rankin put in an impressive and brave performance while losing a challenge for Alicia Napoleon’s WBA Super Middleweight Championship in August of this year. Před tím, she picked up the WBC Silver Middleweight Championship with a dominant victory over Finland’s Sanna Turunen in June.




“I’m excited about the fight and proud to be representing Scotland on such a big stage,” said Rankin. “In boxing, nothing is impossible and on November 17, it will be just us in there when the bell rings and I think it’s going to be one hell of a fight.”

Houstonská muší Roma Martinez představuje další vlnu boxerek z USA

K okamžitému zveřejnění
Vydejte se na letní olympijské hry mládeže v Buenos Aires 2018

Říjen. 6-18 v Argentině


COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Říjen 8, 2018) — Houston muší váha Roma Martinez, který představuje další vlnu boxerek z USA, je v současné době v Argentině, aby učinil prohlášení na probíhajících letních olympijských hrách mládeže v Buenos Aires 2018.



Letní olympijské hry mládeže Buenos Aires 2018 pokračuje do října. 18 v Parque Polidesportivo Roca v Argentině.




Osmnáctiletý Martinez začal boxovat před šesti lety, když do jejího života vstoupil její nevlastní otec, odvedl ji do místní boxerské tělocvičny, aby jí pomohl vyvarovat se potenciálních problémů, a také se bránit.




Je online studentkou na University of Saint Thomas v Houstonu, plánování na obor podnikání, a Roma dokázala vyvážit svůj nabitý program z jednoduchého důvodu. “Nemám moc společenského života,” přiznala, “takže se mi snadno trénuje a studuje.”



Argentina je druhou cizí zemí, do které cestovala v loňském listopadu v Indii. I když má relativně omezenou amatérskou kariéru, Martinez se podařilo získat nejvyšší ocenění na šesti národních akcích: 2016 Státní příslušníci USA v boxu, 2014 & 2015 Poráží vesmír, 20-15 Dámská zlatá rukavice, 2-15 Státní příslušníci juniorských olympijských her, a 2014 Hnědé rukavice.




Stejně jako mnoho jejích spoluhráčů z týmu USA, kromě oponentů z celého světa, Roma doufá, že dokáže předvést působivý výkon v Buenos Aires, aby si zlepšila šance na postup do kvalifikace 2020 Olympiády v Japonsku.




“Olympiáda mládeže je největší věc v mé kariéře, protože doufám, že budu soutěžit v 2020 Olympijské hry,” Řekla Martinez. “Olympiáda mládeže je téměř stejně velká jako olympiáda, soutěží pouze mladší sportovci. Beru věci jeden den po druhém, ale mám cíle udělat olympijské hry, vyhrajte zlatou medaili, a pak se stal profesionálem a získal světový titul.



“Toto je moje poslední soutěž pro mládež. Letos v prosinci přejdu do elitní divize. Rozdíl bude ve věku (jejích oponentů) a další mezinárodní konkurence, ale potřebuji tuto zkušenost, abych dosáhl svých cílů.”




Romové, ona říká, je technický boxer, který občas přináší tlak. Její oblíbený boxer je skvělý “Cukr” Ray Leonard a vzhlédne Nicola Adams (2012 & 2016 Zlatý olympijský medailista z Velké Británie) a Mikaela Mayer (2016 Olympionik USA). Roma využil výhod sparringových setkání s Adamsem a Mayerem, příslušně, v Houstonu a Colorado Springs.




Martinez věří, že ženský box je na vzestupu a těší se na jeho budoucnost. “Čím více nejlepších boxerek pro nás bude znamenat větší věci,” Přidal Martinez, “Získáme více času na televizi a vyděláme více peněz.”




Roma připíše USA Boxing za to, že se naučila být disciplinovaná, a je vděčná za vynikající koučování, které získala. Martinez plánuje v budoucnu hodně cestovat a až získá obchodní titul, Roma je odhodlána to využít ve svůj prospěch, vlastnit restauraci a, možná, tělocvičnu, aby mohla zůstat v boxu poté, co zavěsí rukavice dolů po silnici.



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Video Highlights of Selina BarriosNABF Lightweight Title Fight with Patricia Juarez

Check out video highlights of Selina “Aztec královna” Sousedství’ (5-0, 2 KO) fight with Patricia Juarez (4-1) where she retained her NABF Lightweight title.
This event titledHeavyweight Boxing Showdownwas brought to you by CCC ENTERTAINMENT ve spojení s CC HOOKS, HOUSTON ASTROS, a KEEPPUNCHING ENTERTAINMENT.


(Photo Courtesy of SHOWTIME)
IBF & WBA Champion Shields To Meet WBC & WBO Champion Hammer In Matchup Of Undefeated, Top-10 Pound-For-Pound Fighters
Tickets on Sale This Friday, Září 28!



NEW YORK (Září 25, 2018) – Two undefeated middleweight world champions will meet when Claressa Shields tváře Christina Hammerová v sobotu, Listopad 17 live on SHOWTIME from the Adrian Phillips Theater in Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, N.J. The blockbuster unification match to determine the women’s undisputed 160-pound world champion will be the main event of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIÁLNÍ EDICE, live at 10:30 p.m. ET / PT.




Shields vs. Hammer features two of the consensus top-10 pound-for-pound fighters in the world squaring off to crown only the second undisputed champion in female boxing history.




The 23-year-old Shields (6-0, 2 KO) is a two-division champion who holds the IBF and WBA 160-pound titles. The 28-year-old Hammer (23-0, 10 KO) owns the WBC and WBO belts and has dominated the women’s middleweight division for nearly eight years. Shields and Hammer fought on the same card in June on SHOWTIME, with both fighters winning impressively to set up the first undisputed showdown in the women’s 160-pound division.




The winner of Shields vs. Hammer will join Terrence Crawford, Jermain Taylor, Bernard Hopkins, Oleksandr Usyk and women’s welterweight Cecilia Braekhus as the only fighters to have unified all four recognized titles in any weight class.




Vstupenky na akce, promoted by Salita Promotions, jsou ceny na $35-$150 and will be available this Friday, Září 28 at Ticketmaster.com and the Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall box office powered by Atlantic City Electric.




I’ve worked hard my whole life to overcome every obstacle, represent my country and win two Olympic gold medals, and win world championships in two weight divisions as a pro,” Shields said. “I want to be part of the biggest fight in women’s boxing history, I want to be undisputed world middleweight champion, I want women’s boxing to reach new heights, and the only thing standing between me and the achievement of all those goals is Christina Hammer. I will defeat Hammer on November 17, and I will do it in a way that will leave no doubt who is the best in the world.




I am beyond excited and motivated to fight Claressa,” Hammer said. “I am the best middleweight in the world and will make that point very clear when we get in the ring. It’s been my dream to fight in the biggest women’s fight of all time and raise women’s boxing to an all-time high. I will be crowned the undisputed middleweight queen on November 17.




SHOWTIME Sports has a long history of featuring the best in women’s combat sports, whether it was with Laila Ali and Christy Martin in boxing, or Gina Carano, Cris Cyborg and Ronda Rousey in MMA,” said Gordon Hall, Executive Producer of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIÁLNÍ EDICE. “V poslední době, od té doby 2016 we have featured today’s elite with Claressa Shields, Christina Hammerová, Katie Taylor and Amanda Serrano appearing in an industry-leading 10 presentations of women’s boxing.




Male or female, SHOWTIME has delivered the best fighters in their toughest matchups, a listopad 17 tomu nebude jinak. We have two of the best pound-for-pound female fighters in the world facing each other with all four women’s middleweight titles at stake. It doesn’t get much better than that.




I have been fortunate to be part of some of the biggest and most important fights in boxing history, and I am thrilled to play a part in the Shields vs Hammer undisputed middleweight championship fight on SHOWTIME,” said Mark Taffet, manager of Claressa Shields. “This is a fight which will make its mark on history and change the landscape for women’s boxing. And what better venue to host this historic fight than Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, home to some of the greatest fights of our generation including Tyson vs Spinks, Holyfield vs Foreman and Gatti vs Ward. I can’t wait to see these two great champions give the fans a night to remember for generations to come.




This will be a historic night for boxing,” said promoter Dmitriy Salita. “The two best middleweights in the world – Oba šampioni, both undefeated and both motivated to prove who is the bestare bringing their skills, confidence and heart to the ring in the greatest women’s matchup of all time. Shield vs. Hammer will take boxing, and women’s sports, to a new height. History will be made November 17 live on SHOWTIME.




Shields was the first American boxer in historymale or femaleto win consecutive Olympic Gold Medals. Flint, Mich., native turned professional following the 2016 Olympics and became unified women’s super middleweight world champion in just her fourth professional fight. Shields moved down to middleweight for her June 22 headliner on SHOWTIME, defeating Hanna Gabriels to win the IBF and WBA titles and become a two-division champion in just her sixth professional contest.




Kladivo, of Dortmund, Německo, has been the dominant force in the women’s middleweight division since winning the WBO title in 2010. Hammer became unified champion in 2016 with a unanimous decision over WBC titlist Kali Reis and has made four defenses as unified champion. In her eight years as champion, Hammer has lost just a handful of rounds across 16 world boje o mistrovský titul. Kladivo, who also models professionally and was recently featured at Fashion Week in New York City, made her U.S. debut on June 22 after campaigning mostly in Germany since turning professional in 2009.




The undercard for the SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION telecast will be announced in the coming weeks.

Selina Barrios Retains NABF Lightweight Title with Dominating Unanimous Decision Over Patricia Juarez

Photos by Robert ElizondoTeam Barrios

Corpus Christi, TX (Září 22, 2018)Tonight at Whataburger Field in Corpus Christi, TX, San Antonio’s female boxing sensation, Selina “Aztec královna” Sousedství (5-0, 2 KO), remained undefeated with a dominating 10-round unanimous decision victory over Patricia Juarez (4-1), sister of WBC Bantamweight champion, Mariana “Barbie” Juarez (50-9-4, 13 KO). S vítězstvím, Barrios retains her NABF Lightweight title.




V prvních kolech, both fighters were very active, throwing a lot of punches, but Barrios was the one landing the cleaner shots. Although Juarez was doing her best to box from the outside using a one-two combo, her power wasn’t enough to keep Barrios off her as she kept coming forward, landing her signature overhand right. Barrios hurt Juarez in round five, knocking her mouthpiece out with right hook, forcing the referee to stop the action momentarily. Juarez recovered but never was able to stop Barrios from coming forward as she continued to land thumping power shots. A clash of head butts cut Barrios on the forehead during the middle rounds, but she was never bothered by them. V pozdějších kolech, Barrios continued to apply pressure, forcing Juarez to fight on the inside. Juarez showed a lot of heart making it to the final bell but came up short as Barrios remains undefeated. scorecards číst 100-89 a 99-91 twice all in favor of Barrios.




I felt I controlled the fight from the opening bell,” said Selina Barrios. “Juarez was a very tough opponent and I give her a lot of credit for going the distance. I hit her with a lot of power shots and she hung in there. I didn’t feel any power in her punches, so I kept coming forward. I got the victory and I’m ready to fight any of the champions at Lightweight. Katie Taylor, Mikaela Mayer a Amanda Serrano, I’m coming for you guys. You can run, but you can’t hide.




This event titledHeavyweight Boxing Showdownwas brought to you by CCC ENTERTAINMENT ve spojení s CC HOOKS, HOUSTON ASTROS, a KEEPPUNCHING ENTERTAINMENT.