標記檔案: 威利Pastrano

Boxing trainer Orlando Cuellar goes Back to the Future at 5th St. 健身房

MIAMI (十月 26, 2016) — Internationally renowned boxing trainer 奧蘭多奎利亞爾 has come full circle, right back to the famed 5 聖. Gym in South Beach, where he once visited as a teenager to learn and now trains fighters out of six days a week.
Born in Havana, 古巴, Cuellar’s family resettled in Miami when he was three with Orlando living there through high school. 作為一名業餘拳擊手, Cuellar vividly remembers watching boxers at 5 聖. Gym such as 卡修斯·克萊, 威利Pastrano, Vinnie Curto Florentino Fernandez, as well as legendary trainers, 兄弟 Angelo克里斯·鄧迪.
I watched and learned, picking up as much as much as I could,” 奎利亞爾說,. “現在, I find myself working out of the 5 聖. Gym for the past six weeks. It’s been an incredible experience. 每一天, you never know who is going to walk through the doors there. It’s been one of the best boxing gyms in the world for more than 50 歲月. From the days dating back to 穆罕默德·阿里, fighters have been attracted to this gym because of its rich history and great sparring, as well as to the area with South Beach’s restaurants, clubs and beach. The warm, humid weather also makes it easier for fighters to lose weight running and training.
“(所有者) 迪諾斯賓塞 is carrying on the 5 聖. Gym’s tradition. Everyday I’m there is exciting for me. Mixed ethnic groups train there and it’s a magnet for talent. There’s sparring three days a weekI call it Spar-a-ramaand everybody’s welcome to challenge themselves. The sparring is better than a lot of TV fights.
“5 聖. Gym trainer 蓋伊Laieta had been trying to convince me to join the team for the last five years. I spoke to Dino on several occasions, expressing my desire to train fighters out of the 5 聖. 健身房. 他說, ‘Let’s do it.The success of the 5 聖. Gym today has a lot to do with ownership. Dino has a passion for boxing and he is very hospitable, which trickles down to his staff and fighters. Good vibes all of the time!”
Cuellar left for Las Vegas in 1976 和, after he realized that being a boxer wasn’t in his best interest, he started training fighters there in 1981 out of Johnny Garcia’s Gym. A year later, he shifted his base Brooklyn and started training fighters out of another boxing icon, 格里森的健身房. 在 2000, he resettled in Miami.
Best known as world light heavyweight champion the head trainer of 格倫 - 約翰遜, Cuellar also worked with future champions such as Nicolas Walters, Rances繆Erslandy Lara, 以及 Luis Franco, 艾倫·戴維斯胡安·卡洛斯·戈麥斯, to name a few of the more notables. 今天, he’s the chief second for several top fighters including 安東尼奧·塔弗.
Recognized throughout boxing as a superior teacher, Cuellar’s success is mostly attributed to his training of fighters on an individual basis, focusing on their personal needs rather than giving all fighters the same instructions and attention.
Each fighter needs personal and specific work to complement their God-given talents,” Cuellar explained. “You can’t teach all fighters the same way. I specialize on what I call old school meets new school. Old school was upfront and personal to go 15 發, new school is about throwing more punches, more foot movement and fighting from the outside. I teach doffense: defense + 罪行. Punches aren’t vitamins, none should be taken. Boxing is little more than a battle of reflexes; one fighters versus another, but the real trick is how the fighter uses his reflexes. I teach my fighters how to turn the ring apron into a minefield.
Boxing has played a huge role in Cuellar’s life. Back in the 5 聖. Gym is just another chapter in his unique life.
I live through my fighters,” Cuellar concluded. “Every victory is my proudest moment. There are no big or little victories, every win is a happy moment because of all the hard work and sacrifices me and my fighter made during training camp.
Orlando Cuellar is thrilled to have gone back to the future.


(L-R) – 丹尼爾·馬克Scardina和約翰·塞普


MIAMI (四月 6, 2015) – 老將拳擊經​​理 約翰·塞普 已簽訂裝飾性強的意大利業餘拳擊手 丹尼爾·馬克Scardina 的獨家管理合同.


塞普最出名的是指導 彼得 “兒童巧克力” Quillin 世界拳擊組織 (WBO) 世界中量級冠軍. 在土生土長的紐約人也管理上升英國超中量級 駿馬 “野馬” 伍德爾 (7-0-1, 5 科斯).


這位21歲的Scardina來自Rozzano冰雹, 鎮不到 40,000 人們在米蘭省. 他開始拳擊 2008 在年齡 16, 繼他的叔叔的腳步誰是一個拳擊手,當時, 還有丹尼爾的榜樣.


Scardina, 誰曾 56 業餘的較量, 拍攝的最高榮譽無數的意大利的比賽,包括全國羅韋雷托, 全國銀手套, 和兩個全國金手套. 他還以國際賽事獲得一枚銅牌.


在 2013, 他在世界拳擊系列盒裝的意大利雷霆拳擊隊, 贏得他唯一對陣德國對手.


Scardina第一抓塞普的關注,在世界著名的 5 聖. 健身房邁阿密海灘, 原本在開 1950 由 克里斯·鄧迪, 和無數世界冠軍的家已培訓包括有 穆罕默德·阿里, 卡門巴西利奧, 威利Pastrano, 埃米爾·格里菲斯, 阿奇摩爾, 羅伯托·杜蘭, 桑尼利斯頓 威利·佩普. 豐富的傳統,繼續在新 5 聖. 健身房, 附近的 1434 奧爾頓街, 其中,來自世界各地,如頂級戰鬥機 伯納德·霍普金斯大學 還在訓練.


“我第一次看到他在訓練中 5 聖. 健身房,他看起來像一個典型的業餘,” 塞普解釋. “他把寬拳,不知道如何拋出一個良好的刺拳. 培訓師 蓋伊Laieta迪諾斯賓塞 開始和他一起工作,現在他用他的範圍, 在距離戰鬥, 和投擲刺戳和掛鉤的組合. 他熱愛拳擊, 聆聽和學習的每一天. 丹尼爾有良好的手的速度和力量. 他是一個英俊的孩子, 太. 我看到的東西在他, 無形資產, 並決定簽下他.


“迪諾是誰創造了一個一流的健身房,擁有這麼多天賦的戰士誰真正推動彼此的氣氛偉大的陪練機會所有者. 它已經明顯,丹妮爾已經提高了他的技能培訓有. 他的長, 快速和強大. 他的工作態度是不可思議; 他是第一個在健身房, 最後離開. 你不能傷害這小子, 或. 我們都認為,他有一個非常光明的未來。”


Scardina打重袋在第5街. 健身房邁阿密海灘

與來自俄羅斯的戰鬥機和前蘇聯集團國家, 以及那些來自拉丁美洲誰來到美國,建立自己的職業拳擊生涯, 意大利出生的戰士很少遵循相同的路線為Scardina, 誰動了邁阿密,去年和睡在他哥哥的公寓樓.


獨行意大利出生的世界冠軍,誰在美國打職業是 維托安託費爾莫 (50-7-2, 21 科斯), 誰在WBC / WBA中量級冠軍 1979-1980. 安託費爾莫, 雖然, 舉家搬遷到布魯克林的普利亞大區, 意大利時,他是 17 他學會了如何在美國框.


“我一直想成為美國冠軍,” Scardina說. “這就是美國夢的我. 我想我一定要,我可以與正確的幫助最大的拳擊手,在這個國家巨大的機會. 約翰·塞普是正確的經理我,因為他認為我們可以在世界冠軍作為一個團隊一起。”


Scardina的喜愛拳擊手 邁克·泰森, 穆罕默德·阿里, 吉列爾莫·裡貢多·奧爾蒂斯 米格爾·庫托. “我工作的完善作為外部戰鬥機和主我的懷裡更接近,” Scardina添加. 我打,成為世界冠軍。”



