Tag Archives: Willie Monroe Jr.

Boxcino 2014 Middleweight yeej Willie Monroe Jr. comments on title sijhawm tiv thaiv Gennady Golovkin

Philadelphia, PA (Lub peb hlis ntuj 16, 2015)–No yav dhau los Friday nws tau tshaj tawm hais tias Boxcino 2014 Middleweight champion Willie Monroe Jr. tau txais cov kev sib tw thiab yuav tua WBA / IBO thiab Qhov Interim Middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin rau Tej zaum 16 nyob rau ntawm lub rooj sab laj nyob rau hauv Inglewood,California.
Qhov kev tshwm sim yuav tsum tau tawm hauv TV nyob rau HBO ntiaj teb Championship Boxing® pib ntawm10:00 p.m. THIAB/PT.
Monroe ntawm Rochester, New York khwv tau lub sijhawm rau lub zog ntawm nws peb yeej nyob rau hauv lub 2014 Boxcino Middleweight kev sib tw thiab ib tug kaum-round unanimous kev txiav txim siab kov yeej Bryan Vera rau Lub ib hlis ntuj 16.
“Rau Tej zaum 16, Kuv yuav shock lub ntiaj teb no,” said Monroe.
“Kuv xav tias qhov no yog ib qho txaus sib ntaus. Peb muaj ob tug contrasting yeej thiab uas yuav ua rau ib txhia txawj combustion. Peb yuav pom uas style los tawm nyob rau sab saum toj rau Tej zaum 16.”
“Kuv xav ua tsaug rau Banner Promotions rau sawv los ntawm kuv. Kuv kuj xav ua tsaug rau GGG rau txais lub sib ntaus. Qhov no yog ib risky sib ntaus rau nws vim hais tias cov neeg tsis tau muab kuv lub credit rau kuv yog leej twg.” txuas ntxiv Monroe. “Kuv xav kom tseem ua tsaug rau Brian Kweder thiab John Campagna ntawm ESPN rau lub platform ntawm lub Boxcino kev sib tw. Kuv paub hais tias nws yog cov neeg peb fights uas yeej spingboarded kuv mus rau hauv no txoj hauj lwm.”
Hais Banner Promotions Thawj Tswj Hwm Artie Pelullo, “Peb yog cov tsis tshua zoo siab rau Willie. Nws tau ua hauj lwm nyuaj heev, thiab nws tau txais lub sij hawm no cov laus-fashioned txoj kev. Nws khwv tau nws. Los yeej muaj 2014 Boxcino kev sib tw qhia tau hais tias thaum neeg tua hluav taws noj txaus ntshai nyob rau hauv lawv cov hauj lwm, thiab lawv txaus siab los mus sib ntaus zoo fighters, ntau yam los ntawm nws. Rau hais tias kuv muaj los yeej muab ib tug ntau ntawm cov credit mus rau Brian Kweder thiab John Campagna ntawm ESPN kev pab yooj yim no kuj zoo kawg khiav uas Willie tau rau thiab uas yuav coj mus lub sij hawm no.”
“Thaum ESPN kos npe rau nrog Banner Promotions coj rov qab Boxcino Championship xyoo tas los, Artie Pelullo cog lus tias txoj kev sib tw yuav tsim ib lub ntiaj teb tau zus ib yam li nws puas tau rov qab nyob rau hauv lub xyoo 1990 lub,” hais tias Brian Kweder, ESPN senior director of programming and acquisitions. “Kuv zoo siab pom Willie Monroe, Jr. tau thawj txhaj koob tshuaj tivthaiv ntawm delivering rau lo lus cog tseg. No sib ntaus rau Tej zaum 16th is exactly the reason fight fans should tune in to this year’s crop of talent appearing in the Boxcino semifinals on Plaub Hlis Ntuj 10 on Friday Hmo ntuj Fights.”
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Monroe Jr. – Vera luj nyob rau hauv video ntxiv sib tham

Rau Tam Sim Tso
Verona, TSIS (Lub ib hlis ntuj 16, 2015)–Hauv qab no yog cov yees duab los ntawm Thursday lub luj nyob rau hauv rau lub NABA / NABO Middleweight title sib ntau sib tw uas yuav feature Willie Monroe Jr. thiab Bryan Vera. Also included are pre fight interviews with Monroe Jr., Vera, Petr Petrov thiab Hank Lundy.
(CEEB TOOM–Lub Petrov – Lundy sib ntau sib tw tau tso tseg vim Lundy lub tsis ua hauj lwm rau luj nyob rau hauv lub 135 phaus txwv.
Tus yeeb yam pib nyob rau ESPN 2 ntawm 9 PM ET.
Media outlets yuav luam / muab tshuaj txhuam rau hauv lub kos lis dej num nyob rau ntawm lawv websites.
Monroe Vera Weigh nyob rau hauv 011515
Monroe Vera Weigh nyob rau hauv 011515
Bryan Vera 011515
Bryan Vera 011515
Willie Monroe Jr. 011515
Willie Monroe Jr. 011515
Petr Petrov 011515
Petr Petrov 011515
Hank Lundy 011515
Hank Lundy 011515

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