Tag Archives: WBO

Boxcino 2014 Ľahké majster, Petr “Zar” Petrov to fight Liam Walsh in WBO Lightweight elimination bout on October 10 v Manchestri, Anglicko

Philadelphie, PA (Septembra 3, 2015) – Boxcino 2014 majster Petr “Zar” Petrov (36-4-2, 17 KO) bude bojovať neporazený Liam Walsh (19-0, 13 KO) v WBO ľahké eliminácia zápas na 10th október

v Manchester, Anglicko.
Víťaz boja bude povinné challenger pre víťaza WBO Lightweight záchvat titulu medzi Terry Flanagan a Diego Magdaleno, ktorá sa bude konať na rovnakú kartu októbra 10.
Petrov získal príležitosť na sile vyhral 2014 Boxcino Ľahká šampionát, keď porazil Fedor Papazov (14-0), Chris Rudd (13-1), a Fernando Cárcamo (17-5).
“To je skvelá príležitosť, ako bojovať vo finálnej WBO odlučovač, To ma privádza bližšie k svetový titul, ktorý bol celoživotný môj sen. Bola to dlhá cesta, aby som sa na túto pozíciu, a ja chcem, aby moje rodine a priateľom hrdý. Chcel by som poďakovať Artie Pelullo pre vieru vo mne a pre získanie mi šancu, Nesklamem,”Said Petrov.
“Boj Liam Walsha na domácej pôde bude ťažké, ale v tejto chvíli v mojej kariére neexistuje žiadne rezné rohy. Walsh je v mojej ceste, a ja vám ho musí poraziť na dosiahnutie svojich cieľov. He is a young-strong fighter, ale nikdy nevidel nikoho, ako som ja vnútri kruhu.”
Said Banner Promotions President, Arthur Pelullo, “Ide o ďalší prípad Boxcinobytia odrazový mostík k obrovská príležitosť v. Petr has earned this opportunity, a veríme, že vyhrá tento boj a bojovať s víťazom hlavného turnaja medzi Flanagan a Magdaleno.”
3. apríla, Petrov vyhral 10-guľaté jednohlasné rozhodnutie o viac ako bývalý majster sveta Gamaliela Diaz v Corona, Kalifornia.
Petrov sa pripojí Banner Promotions stablemate Johna Thompsona, ktorý bude výzvou pre WBO Jr. Názov Middleweight proti Liam Smith na rovnakú kartu.

Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight majster, John “Apollo Kidd” Thompson bojovať Liam Smith pre prázdnu WBO Jr. Názov Middleweight októbra 10 v Manchestri, Anglicko


Philadelphie, PA (August 24, 2015) – Boxcino 2015 majster John “Apollo Kidd” Thompson podpísala čeliť neporazený Liam Smith pre prázdny WBO svet Jr. Názov Middleweight na 10th október v Manchester, Anglicko.

Thompson sa pripojí Willie Monroe Jr. as 2. Boxcino šampión bojovať o titul majstra sveta v piatich mesiaci rozpätí.
Thompson (17-1, 6 KO) Newark, New Jersey bude účasť vo svojom prvom svetovom titule záchvat.
Thompson je čo-podporovaná Vito Mielnicki jeho GH3 Propagácia a Arthur Pelullo je Banner Promotions.
Thompson získala príležitosť k sile vyhrať Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight turnaj sa získava Ricardo Pinell (10-1-1), Stanyslav Skorkhod (9-0) a 2. kolo zastavenie nad Brandon Adams (17-1).
“Teším sa. These doors keep opening, a ja som len chodiť cez ne a zavrieť. I have to do my job. I am going into this fight making sure that I am in tip-top shape. Pre mňa, turnaj Boxcino Bola to skvelá príležitosť byť stanovená. It is a strong platform to show my talents. I fought very tough competition, a ja som vedel, že od samého začiatku, že to, ako sa pripraviť na tieto typy bojov,” Said Thompson.
“Som veľmi hrdý na Johna. He was a last minute replacement in Boxcino. He went on to win to the tournament in style by scoring a spectacular knockout over the heavily favored Brandon Adams. When the opportunity came about to fight Liam Smith for the title, John vyskočil nad ním a povedal, aby sa to stalo. John is a real fighter and understands when these types of opportunities come up, je ich málo, sú ďaleko od seba, a skočil po príležitosti k boju za WBO Jr. Middleweight majstrovstiev sveta,” povedal Arthur Pelullo of Banner Promotions
Said Vito Mielnicki, Prezident GH3 Promotions, “John bol prvý bojovník som podpísal na GH3 Promotions. He always has taken the tough fights as you look at his history. I feel he is by far the more dominant fighter in this fight, a on ukáže svoj talent na október 10. It won’t matter that he his going into Smith’s Backyard, John bude klásť na skvelý výkon.”
Záchvat je podporovaná Frank Warren Queensberry Promotions, v spojení s Arthura Pelullo prápor propagácie a Vito Mielnicki je GH3 Promotions.
Smith – Thompson zápas sa pripojí k WBO Middleweight boj o titul medzi Andy Lee a Billy Joe Saunders, rovnako ako Terry Flanagan brániť svoj WBO Lightweight titul proti Diego Magdaleno, ktorý wil tvorí majstrovské triple-header 10. októbra z Manchestru, Anglicko.

Demetrius Andrade Súbory odvolanie s WBO

PROVIDENCE (August 13, 2015) – Neporazený junior middleweight Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade (21-0, 14 KO) podal odvolanie, pokiaľ ide o nedávne rozhodnutie Svetovej boxu organizácie (WBO) sa ho zbaviť jeho WBO majstrovstiev sveta juniorov middleweight. V liste prezidentovi WBO Francisco Valcárcel, Andrade Celok WBO sa nepodarilo, aby mu ponúknuť povinný súper počas posledných siedmich mesiacov, za neho obhájiť svoj titul proti.
Andrade odvolanie tiež uvádza, že WBO poslal list s ním januára 23, 2015, ktorý hovoril, že WBO by vynútiť peňaženku ponuku medzi WBO č. 1 vyzývateľ Jermell Charlo a Andrade, ak dohoda boj nebol vyriešený v rámci (30) dni. Avšak, WBO nenútil sa kabelka ponuku, umožňujúci Charlo podpísať dohodu o boji Lopatky Martirosyan, takmer 30 dni po Andrade podpísal zmluvu bojovať Charlo.
Kópiu zmluvy o uvedenej boj, čo Andrade podpísanej januára 14, 2015 bojovať za Charlo $300,000, bola tiež zahrnutá ako dôkaz na podporu tvrdenia Andrade sa. Andrade uviedol, že podpísaná zmluva dokazuje, že to bolo, vlastne, Charlo tím, Nie je Andrade, že vytiahol zo zápasu.
Andrade požiadala WBO dovoliť jemu bojovať proti každému uvedením, “Zdvorilo žiadame, aby WBO dovolí Demetrius Andrade obhajovať WBO Jr. Middleweight Názov proti niektorého z vrcholu 15 oponenti. WBO má iba schopnosť vynútiť jednu zo svojich schválených vyzývateľov s ním bojovať. Sme úctivo sa opýtať WBO majstrovstiev sveta výbor využiť ich sily ku vrchol 15 bojovník s ním bojovať vo vašom najbližšom možnom pohodlí. Radi by sme byť viac než ochotný umožniť boj nastať podľa pravidiel o peňaženku ponuky, v prípade potreby. Použite svoju silu a autoritu vystúpiť a vynútiť povinný boj dovoliť Demetrius Andrade obhajovať svoj titul v ringu, kde by malo byť rozhodnuté, a máte naše slovo, že budeme ctiť WBO tým, že súhlasí, aby bojovať proti každému schválený WBO pred Septembra 30, 2015.”
Tím Andrade ďalej vyjadril ochotu obhajovať svoj titul WBO tým, že súhlasí ísť v zámorí a bojovať s WBO schválený protivníka za menej ako $150,000 tým, že, bohužiaľ, oni boli stále neúspešné na zaistenie záchvat.
Okrem toho, Andrade argumentoval, že WBO mu nedávno informovala o svojom zámere odstrániť ho z jeho vrcholu 15 celkom rebríčku, ešte, WBO aj naďalej hodnotiť Saul “Canela” Alvarez ako WBO svetovej Jr. Middleweight Žiadne. 1 uchádzač, hoci Alvarez nebol bojoval ako Jr. Middleweight od septembra. 14, 2013, deväť mesiac skôr, než titulu obrany Andrade sa. Tím Andrade požiadal, aby majstrovstvá výbor WBO svet dovoliť Andrade rovnakú možnosť obhajovať svoje poradie.
Postupujte Demetrius Andrade na TwitteruAndradeATeam neboBooBooBoxing.

Emmanuel 'Manny’ Rodriguez je pripravený obhajovať svoj titul WBO Latino proti Alexovi Rangelovi vo Fajardo, Portoriko

Šampión WBO v latino bantamovej váhe Emmanuel ‘Manny’ Rodriguez ( 12-0, 8 KO ) bude obhajovať titul už po tretíkrát, proti Mexičanovi Alexovi Rangelovi ( 16-4-2, 10 KO ) v plánovanom termíne 10 kola duel, naplánované na Sobota, August, 22 v Koloseu Tomáša Donesa vo Fajardo, Portoriko
“Rangel je dobrý bojovník, ktorý hádže veľa úderov, čelil dobrým bojovníkom a chápem, že tento boj bude vojnou. o tom nepochybujem” povedal Emmanuel Rodriguez, ktorý pokračoval, “Rangel prešiel vzdialenosť s Cesarom Sedom a vydržal deväť kôl proti Alexisovi Santiagovi. V oboch súbojoch, Rangel vyzeral dobre v strate úsilia, takže musím byť vo výbornej kondícii, aby som si udržal opasok v Portoriku”.
Rodriguez, ktorý je prvým portorickým boxerom, ktorý získal zlato na olympijských hrách mládeže ( Singapur 2010 ), mal vlani v máji, najväčšie víťazstvo svojej mladej kariéry, keď porazil veľkolepým KO v treťom kole, bývalý rating WBA #11, Luis Hinojosa.
“Rangel je druh súpera, ktorý je dôležitý a potrebný pre Rodriguezov rozvoj” povedal Juan Orengo, manažér Emmanuela Rodrigueza, “Očakávame, že Rangel bude vo výbornej forme. Boj môže ísť ďaleko, ale nič nie je zaručené, pretože „Manny’ získal veľkú moc, a knokautuje svojich súperov jedným úderom”.
Októbra 2014, neporazený Puerto Říčan senzácia, zachytil WBO Latino titul tým, že dorazí Miguela 'No Fear’ Cartagena v prvom kole. Cartagena bol bývalý dvojnásobný majster Spojené štáty národné Champion, a 11 časy Golden rukavice víťaz vo Philadelphii.
Rodriguez má iné pozoruhodné víťazstvo na základe jednomyseľného rozhodnutia nad svetového titulu uchádzača, David Quijano, a bývalý WBC FECARBOX majster, Felix Perez.
Videá – Kompletné súboje
Rodriguez vs. Hinojosa
Rodriguez vs. Cartagena

Neporazený Mauro Maximiliano Godoy brániť WBO Latino & Argentínsky 140 libra tituly tento piatok v Buenos Aires, Argenti


Buenos Aires, Argentína (Júl 8, 2015)Tento piatok noc v Buenos Aires, Argentína, neporazený a svet zaradil, Jr. Welterweight Mauro Maximiliano Godoy bude brániť WBO Latino a Argentínčana 140 libra tituly, keď preberá Xavier Luques Castillo.
Godoy z Centenario, Argentína má rekord 19-0 s 8 knockouts a je v súčasnej dobe zaradil číslo-9 podľa WBO.
Castillo Cordoby, Argentína je 13-4 s 4 priechodky.
“Som vďačný za príležitosť bojovať za Banner Promotions, a budem zarábať na tom, že s veľkou spoločnosťou,” Said Godoy.
“Mám veľké očakávania. Castillo has fought internationally, tak to je príležitosť, ako dokázať, že som sa bojovať na vysokej úrovni. This will be a good fight but I will win the fight fight cleanly and emphatically.
Víťazstvo nad Castillo zriadi Godoy na veľký boj v Spojených štátoch.
“Pripravujem, že je na veľké fáze v Spojených štátoch. This is a new opportunity with Banner Promotions. I will prove that I have the qualities to become a star.
Godoy bude najnovšie dovoz z Argentíny, aby bolo možné vykonať veľké meno pre seba, Nasledujúce v stopách likes Lucas Matthysse, Marcos Maidani a Diego Chaves.
“Som pripravený pre typ bojov, že boli v. I know I am on the same level as those fighters. I am on the level to take any fight and fight everybody. I just want to fight the best.
“Chcem len poďakovať svojmu tímu. I am glad that the fight can be seen online so I can prove to a large audience that I have worked very hard to realize my dream to become world champion.
The fight will be shown live on http://www.tvpublica.com.ar na 10 Premiér Východnej.

‘MannyRodríguez to defend WBO Latino title against Luis Hinojosa

Photo by Esdel Palermo / Fresh Boxing
The World Boxing Organization (WBO) Latino bantamweight Champion, Emmanuel 'Manny’ Rodriguez (11-0, 7 KO) Vega Baja, Puerto Rico will have to settle unfinished business with former world title challenger, Luis Hinojosa (27-8 , 17 KO) Dominikánskej republiky, na Sobota, Máj 30 at the Cosme Beitia Coliseum in Cataño, Portoriko.
Rodríguez won the WBO Latino Bantamweight title after knocking out in the very first round Philly native Miguel Cartegena 13-2, 5 KO’s and former amateur 2 time US National Champion who won the Philadelphia Golden Gloves 11 doba.
Last February, Hinojosa was scheduled to face the Puerto Rican fighter but the fight was canceled due to the Dominican visa issues.
I’m aware that I’m facing an experienced opponent who will be coming with every trick in the book. He is a battle tested veteran boxer that throws a lot of punches and perhaps this maybe the toughest fight of my career, but my team and I are working hard in preparation for this fight, and we will be ready for everything and anything he may come up with during the fight to assure that the belt won’t leave Puerto Rico”, povedal Emmanuel Rodriguez, ktorý pokračoval, “in the social media outlets many fans have told me that Hinojosa is in great condition, and has not stopped training since the fight was canceled in February. What can I say about this? I smell war
In his short professional boxing career, Rodriguez has notable victories over world title contender, David Quijano and former FECARBOX champion (WBC), Felix Perez, both wins were by unanimous decision. In his last brawl held in February, Rodriguez defeated Hungarian champion, Gabor Molnar by TKO in the second round.
After suffering seven losses early in his career, v 2010 Hinojosa got on a hot victory streak by winning his next 25 fights and captured the WBA Fedecaribe and WBA Fedelatin titles in the process. V auguste 2014, Hinojosa traveled to Venezuela for the biggest fight of his career, which was for the WBA Interim World title. His opponent Yonfrez Parejo defeated Hinojosa by TKO in the eleventh round in a close and exciting bout.
Immediately, Hinojosa returned to the winning column by obtaining a TKO victory in the third round over prospect, Luis Rosa in November 2014.
Rodriguez’s manager Juan Orengo commented; “Hinojosa is very ready and his team has warned us to be prepared. I’m very confident in Manny’s talent and that he will prevail in the fight and will retain his belt while ensuring the fans get a great show. This will be an all out war from beginning and in the end, the real winners will most definitely be the fans”.
If all goes well, ‘Mannywill be back in August and at the end of the year we will be shooting for a world title at 118 lbs.” Orengo said.
Rodriguez, who is the first Puerto Rican to win a gold medal at the 2010 Junior Olympics in Singapore 2010 is ranked #8 in the world by the WBO, a #11 podľa WBC.
Soon more details to come about the boxing card which is being promoted by Fresh Boxing and M/V Power Promotions.
Video footage to download:
Rodríguez vs Cartagena
Rodríguez vs Molnar

MetroPCS Friday Night Knockout on truTV Continues Friday, Máj 8, na 10 p.m. A


Máj 5, 2015


The MetroPCS piatok večer Knockout na truTV series will feature its second consecutive week of live boxing coverage Piatok, Máj 8, na 10 p.m. A from Prudential Center in Newark, N.J. The card will feature two title fights, headlined by Top-10 contenders Glen “Jersey Boy” Tapia (23-1, 15 KO) from Passaic, New Jersey, a “Irish” Seanie Monaghan (23-0, 15 KO). Tapia will defend his NABO junior middleweight title against Michel Soro (25-1-1, 15 KO) from France, with Monaghan defending his WBC Continental Americas light heavyweight title against Cleiton Conceicao (20-6-2, 16 KO) from Brazil.

Komentátori pre akcie budú zahŕňať Kevin Bullets poskytujúce play-by-play s analytikom Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini a reportér CRYSTIN Poncher. Kugler je skúsený hlásateľ, ktorý nazval pokrytie vysokoškolským basketbalom a NFL pre Westwood One a vysokoškolský futbal pre sieť Big Ten Network.. Mancini je a 2015 Sieň slávy medzinárodného boxu a bývalý šampión ľahkej váhy NABF a WBA. Poncher je komentátor a reportér Top Rank, rovnako ako hostiteľ, reportér a korešpondent pre NFL sieť a NFL.com. Ďalej, closed captioning in Spanish will be available.


Prezentácia sieť je predstaví ďalšie používanie „Spidercam“technológie, prvý svojho druhu pre živé domáce boxu televízne vysielanie, poskytovanie dynamického pokrytia počas série. Program „Spidercam“ pracuje na štvorbodovom systéme káblov z určených bodov za rohmi boxerského ringu. Pozastavená Kamera má schopnosť poskytnúť presvedčivé 360 ° uhlov akcie, vrátane schopnosti pohybovať v troch rozmeroch - vľavo / vpravo, vpred / vzad a hore / dole.


As part of its entitlement sponsorship of the boxing series on truTV,MetroPCS will receive camera-visible center ring and corner pad brand placement for each fight, as well as inclusion in all promotional messaging across truTV and other Turner Broadcasting networks.


Visit the Turner Sports online pressroom for additional press materials; follow Turner Sports on Twitter at TurnerSportsPR.

MetroPCS Friday Night Knockout on truTV to Debut Friday, Máj 1, na 10 p.m. A

New Primetime Series to Include First-Ever Use of “Spidercam” for Live Boxing Telecast

Kevin Kugler to Provide Play-by-Play with World Class Welterweight Timothy Bradley & Reporter Crystina Poncher

truTV and Top Rank will partner to exclusively present the MetroPCS Friday Night Knockout on truTV, a live primetime boxing series set to debut Friday, Máj 1, na 10 p.m. A. Nová séria boxu, in association with Turner Sports and HBO Sports, will launch on the eve of the Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao pay-per-view fight with a card featuring two title bouts inside The Chelsea at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

The network’s presentation will feature the first-ever domestic use of “Spidercam” technology for a live boxing telecast, providing dynamic coverage of this new series. Program „Spidercam“ pracuje na štvorbodovom systéme káblov z určených bodov za rohmi boxerského ringu. Pozastavená Kamera má schopnosť poskytnúť presvedčivé 360 ° uhlov akcie, vrátane schopnosti pohybovať v troch rozmeroch - vľavo / vpravo, vpred / vzad a hore / dole.

“Spidercam” will provide the definitive views of the action throughout the series, including a main event on Friday, Máj 1, showcasing Takahiro Ao (27-3-1, 16 KO) from Chiba, Japonsko, proti. Ray Beltran (29-7-1, 17 KO) from Los Mochis, Mexiko, in a 12-round bout for the vacant WBO Lightweight World Championship. The undercard will include two undefeated fighters in action – Mikael Zewski (26-0, 23 KO) from Quebec, Kanada, proti. Konstantin Ponomarev (27-0, 13 KO) from Miass, Russia – in a 10-round bout for the NABF Welterweight Championship.

Commentators for the event will include Kevin Kugler providing play-by-play with analyst Timothy Bradley and reporter Crystina Poncher. Kugler je skúsený hlásateľ, ktorý nazval pokrytie vysokoškolským basketbalom a NFL pre Westwood One a vysokoškolský futbal pre sieť Big Ten Network.. Bradley is a former WBO welterweight champion and former WBO and two-time WBC junior welterweight champion, including a win over Pacquiao during his career. Poncher je komentátor a reportér Top Rank, rovnako ako hostiteľ, reportér a korešpondent pre NFL sieť a NFL.com. Ďalej, closed captioning in Spanish will be available.

The second week of the MetroPCS Friday Night Knockout on truTV series – live from Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey, v piatok, Máj 8, na 10 p.m. – will be headlined by Top-10 contenders Glen “Jersey Boy” Tapia (23-1, 15 KO) from Passaic, New Jersey, and “Irish” Seanie Monaghan (23-0, 15 KO) v akcii. Tapia will defend his NABO junior middleweight title against Michael Soro (25-1-1, 15 KO) from France, with Monaghan (defending his WBC Continental Americas light heavyweight title) facing Cleiton Conceicao (20-6-2, 16 KO) from Brazil.

As part of its entitlement sponsorship of the boxing series on truTV, MetroPCS will receive camera-visible center ring and corner pad brand placement for each fight, as well as inclusion in all promotional messaging across truTV and other Turner Broadcasting networks. Sony PlayStation also joins as an associate sponsor of the series, with in-ring signage and inclusion in promotional spots.

Visit the Turner Sports online pressroom for additional press materials; follow Turner Sports on Twitter at TurnerSportsPR.

MBC & PBA Ink DealBritish Masters Title Fights For MBC UK Events

It was announced earlier today that Malta Boxing Commission (MBC) and the Professional Boxing Association (PBA) have inked a deal, that will not only mean that the hugely popular British Masters Championship, but also the as well as the all new European Masters Championship, that is being created specifically for the MBC, can now be campaigned for on MBC sanctioned events in the United Kingdom for the first time.


For the past sixteen years or so, both the British and International Masters Championships have only been available on British Boxing Board of Control (BBBofC) sanctioned events in the UK, however with the MBC’s rapid growth in the United Kingdom, projected to be sanctioning in excess of forty events in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland in 2015, it became clear to PBA Chairman Mr Bruce Baker that there was potential for further growth for the Championships if they were also available on MBC sanctioned events.


Over the past sixteen years or so there have been close to six hundred Masters title fights that have taken place in the UK, many of the Masters Champions have then gone on to campaign for major accolades on the domestic, international and even the World stage.


The most famous of these Masters Champions is no less than former two division WBO World Champion Ricky Burns, who after winning the International Masters Super Featherweight title against Romania’s Gheorghe Ghiompirica in May 2008, was catapulted onto the International stage, where in his very next bout the Scotsman successfully challenged American based Ghanaian Osumanu Akaba for the vacant Commonwealth title.


Burn’s successfully defended the Commonwealth crown three times before moving onto the World scene, where he then successfully challenged then WBO World Super Featherweight Champion Roman Martinez from Puerto Rico.


Once more Burn’s successfully defended his WBO World Super Featherweight crown three times before moving up a division and beating Australia’s Michael Katsidis for the interim WBO World Lightweight title in November 2011.


On his very next fight Burn’s secured the full WBO World Lightweight title, beating Namibia’s Paulus Moses at the Braehead Arena in Glasgow in March 2012.


Burn’s successfully defended his second World title four times before succumbing to the skills of Omaha, USA’s Terence Crawford in March 2014.


With such an illustrious Championship career blossoming from Burns’ first tilt at a title, there can be no doubt of the importance of the Masters titles on the domestic scene, something that now can also benefit the boxers, both British and those from overseas that box on the UK events sanctioned by the MBC.


The inaugural Masters Championship, that will take place on an MBC sanctioned event in the UK, sees Czech Republic’s Nikolas Botos challenge Bradford’s Tasif Khan for the International Masters Bantamweight title on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott promoted event which takes place at York Hall in London on Saturday May 2nd.


Vstupenky cenu 35 libier (Štandardné sedenie) a 65 libier (Prvý rad) sú k dispozícii priamo od niektorého z boxerov, ktorí sa zúčastňujú, on-line na www.tkoboxoffice.com or call the TKO ticket line on 07960 850645

Sankčné na túto akciu budú poskytnuté s láskavým dovolením Malta Boxing Komisie (MBC) – Pre ďalšie informácie o Malte boxe Komisiu, nájdete na:

Pavučina: www.maltaboxingcommission.com


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E.mail: admin@maltaboxingcommission.com

Legendary Referee Mickey Vann To Officiate MBC’s Inaugural Scottish Event This Saturday

Legendary globe trotting Championship referee Mickey Vann will be making one of his shortest international journeys in a long while, this coming weekend, when he officiates the first Malta Boxing Commission (MBC) sanctioned event in Scotland, the Stewart Allan promoted event at the Rivals Gym in Wishaw on Saturday 25th Apríl 2015.


Vann, who has been the MBC’s chief referee since 2013, has been officiating for close to forty years, the first bout he refereed was Eddie Smith versus Joe Jackson at the Anglo American Sporting Club in Manchester on the 11thOktóber 1976.


It would be some seven years later before Vann refereed his first domestic Championship bout, the BBBofC Central Area Featherweight Title fight between Steve Pollard and Steve Farnsworth at the Tiffany’s Nightclub in Hull on the 29th Marec 1983.


Three years later Vann refereed his first International Championship contest, the Commonwealth Lightweight Title fight between Zimbabwe’s Langton Tinago and Australia’s Graeme Brooke at the Granada Studios in Manchester on 23rd August 1986.


With numerous British, Commonwealth and European title contests under his belt on the 8th Jún 1990 Vann refereed his first World Championship bout, the WBC World Minimumweight title fight between Japan’s Hideyuki Ohashi and Thailand’s Napa Kiatwanchai in Tokyo, Japonsko.


To date Vann has refereed one hundred and forty three International, Inter-Continental and World title contests for the World Sanctioning Organisations, such as WBC, WBO, IBF, WBU etc as well as an even higher number of European, Společenstvi, British and Irish domestic title fights during his eight hundred and eighty two bout career to date.


The most recent of these bouts being the WBO Inter-Continental Cruiserweight title fight between Ukrainian Oleksandr Usyk and Russian Andry Knyazev, which took place in Kiev just last weekend.


In addition Vann has also judged one hundred and seventy three Championship contests since 1978, taking his officiating career total to an incredible one thousand and fifty five contests, sorry make that one thousand and fifty six contests if we include the upcoming event this weekend.


Shortly after returning from Kiev, the effervescent Vann spoke briefly about his career and the upcoming event he is to officiate in Scotland v sobotu.


“What can I say I didn’t realise I’d refereed that many fights,


My most memorable fight would naturally be Lennox Lewis and Frank Bruno at Cardiff Arms Park, that was history.


But have refereed so many memorable fights, where do I start, Shea Neary and Mickey Ward, now that was a great fight.


There’s some from years ago I can remember, like Jean-Marc Renard against Farid Benredjeb, oh what a war that was, they both ended up in hospital.


Another memorable fight was Cassius Boloyi against Phillip Ndou, It was a war, absolútna vojna


They were two South Africans but from different tribes, they wanted me to referee it, not a South African, which was very much appreciated.


I remember refereeing the WBC mandatory Lightweight title fight, between Leavander Johnson and Miguel Angel Gonzalez, in a bullring, which was an experience.


I refereed in America Jorge Paez and Angel Manfredy, that was a terrific fight, in fact refereed three or four times in America.


I think if you count them all I think I refereed in thirty nine different countries, I left school at seven and went back at thirteen and left again at fourteen and I didn’t know at that time that there were that many countries in the world. I didn’t, poctivo.


I just enjoy what I do, you know I’ve been to Russia, Argentína, Japonsko, all over, I just got back from Kiev.


People come up for photographs, even in Kiev, with Mickey the dancer and then they pretend they are you moving about, it’s lovely.


I pick out nothing really, I just pick out what has been the big fights that I’ve enjoyed.


I qualified as a star grade referee in 1978 and I’m still going, I’d done hundreds of fights by then, it’s not a job really, it’s just enjoyment as such.


I wasn’t a very good pro fighter, I was a pretty good amateur, I had sixty six fights as an amateur and lost nineteen, but you used to have three fights a day in the Championships, you fought in the morning, won that you fought in the afternoon and if you won that you fought at night to get through to the next round, in the Army Championships and the boys clubs sort of thing, that’s what we all did.


As a pro I have fourteen fights but I lost nine, but I enjoyed it, I’m glad I turned pro and I’m glad I fought, I’m glad I fought amateur and pro and I missed it when I retired and I wanted to do something and my manager suggested I referee, I wanted to coach but Tommy Miller, my manager said to me ‘Jesus Mick what could you teach anyone’, so he said to me you want to be a referee, so I put in for it and it took me two years and I qualified.


I’ve enjoyed every minute of it and some times have been better than others, in fact they used to hate me in Scotland, they thought I hated the Scots. I heard this on the radio many times.


Alex Morrison will tell you, he thought I was hater of Scotsmen, Nebol som, just they never seemed to get the verdict from me, so it’s quite ironic that túto sobotu it’s the Scottish promoter and the Scottish boxers that asked for me for this show.


I’ve always had great fun there and my all time favourite fighter is a Scotsman, Ken Buchanan, so it’s really nice that they want me to be there for the first MBC sanctioned event there, I can’t wait.”


Mickey Vann will be the referee for both the Sandy Robb versus Mathew Ellis and Scott Allan versus Isaac Quaye that co-headline the Stewart Allan (Súperí s Promotions) event at the Rivals Gym in Wishaw, Škótsko v sobotu 25th Apríl 2015.


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