Etikedaj Arkivoj: WBA





Unbeaten Taras Shelestyuk Outpoints Aslanbek Kozaev,

Nevenkitan Keenan Smith Takes Fermi Decido super Benjamen Whitaker,

Sam Teah Ofertas O'Shaquie Foster lia unua malvenko

Catch Reludi lundo, Nov. 9, #?E 10 P.M. ET/PT sur SHO ULTRA?

Klako HERE #El?uti Fotojn

Fota Kredito: Esther Lin/SHOWTIME?

LASa VEGAS (Nov. 7, 2015) – It was cold outside, la temperaturo trempi en la malaltaj 50'oj, sed la elementoj ne tuŝis nesuperita Antoine "Ago" Douglas, Tamen, as the talented world-ranked middleweight turned up the heat and impressively knocked out Les Sherrington En la kvara rondo en la ĉefa evento de ShoBox: La Nova Generacio quadrupleheader vendredo vivi SHOWTIME.


Douglas (19-0-1, 13 KOs), de Burke, Va., faligis Sherrington (35-8, 19 KOs), de Broadbeach, Kvinslando, #A?stralio, kvin fojojn antaŭ la partia lukto por la WBO International 160-funta titolo estis detenita ĉe 1:02 de la kvara. La rapida, forte frapanta Douglas faligita Sherrington unu fojon en la unua kaj dua preterpasas, du fojojn en la tria kaj unufoje en la kvara.

En la ko-trajto de la speciale-konstruita ringo ekster la Downtown Las Vegas Events Center (DLVEC) laŭlarĝe de la D Las Vegas, Ukraina maldekstramana Taras "Reala Deal" Shelestyuk (13-0, 8 KOs), De Los Angeles, Calif., arangxis preskaŭ 10-ronda lokaŭto super Aslanbek Kozak (26-2-1, 7 KOs), de Vladikavkaz, Rusio, kapti la WBO-NABO Regionaj Veltero titolon. Eksa amatora elstarulo kaj 2012 Olimpikoj Bzonzmedalisto, Shelestyuk, gajnita de la partituroj de 100-90 Dufoje kaj 99-91.

En aliaj rezultoj sur karto promociita de GH3 Promotions kaj Banner Promotions, "Killa" Keenan Smith (9-0, 3 KOs), De Philadelphia, gajnis unuaniman ok-rondan decidon superBenjamin "Da Blaxican" Whitaker (10-2, 2 KOs), De San Antonio, Teksaso, en konkurenciva veltero peceto kaj "Cunamo Sam" Seah (7-1, 2 KOs) de Filadelfio gajnis unuaniman decidon super antaŭe nevenkita O'Shaquie "Glacio Akvo" Foster (8-1, 5 KOs) de Orange, Teksaso, en malpeza matĉo. Ĝi estis la 135th tempo boksisto suferspertis sian unuan perdon sur ShoBox.

Por Douglas, estis lia kvina sinsekva venko sur ShoBox kaj verŝajna eble gajnis lin punkton sur estonta SHOWTIME KONKURSO Boksado? Karto. La 10 batalantoj kiuj jam aperis kvin aŭ pli fojoj sur ShoBox ĉiuj daŭriĝis por defii por mondo titolon.


"Antoine Douglas estas la perfekta ekzemplo de kion ni faras en la ShoBox Serioj. Ni konstruu batalantoj. Ni disvolvas ilin de flugfolio al contendientes,?? Dirita Gordon Hall, Executive Producer de ShoBox: La Nova Generacio kaj Senior Vice Prezidanto de Produktado, SHOWTIME Sportoj. "Ni vidis Antoine kreski. Li komencis kiel esperiga perspektivo, kaj ni egalis lin vere malfacila kaj ĉiu kaj ĉiu tempo li paŝis supren al la tasko. #?I-nokte, Li diplomiĝis el ShoBox kun espectacular agado; ne estas duboj li nun defianto. "


"Ni atingis kion Antoine Douglas bezonis: La tipo de tute domina efikeco kiu faras vi volas vidi lin kontraŭ la plej bona middleweights. Tonight estis Antoine la diplomiĝo de ShoBox. Nun li movos supren al pli grandaj kaj pli bonaj aferoj,” Dirita ShoBoxsperta analizisto Steve Farhood poste:


Douglas iris 10 ĉirkaŭvojoj por dua fojo kaj upped sia venksinsekvo kvin ekde boksanta remizon en julio 2014.


"Ili diris ke tio estis mia diplomiĝo tago, tempon por bonete kaj robo, do tiu estis sendube granda venko,'' Diris Douglas, pinta amateur kiu faris ĝin al la 2011 Usono. Olympic Trials kaj estis la WBA naŭa-klasifikita defianto eniranta. "Ĝi estis granda sperto batalanta surShoBox kaj mi aprezas ĉion faris por mi ricevas min preta iri al la sekva nivelo. Nun, estas tempo por mi preni la venonta paŝo.


"Mi atendas gajni, verŝajne Per knokaŭto, sed mi ne atendis ĝin esti tiel. Mi atendis Sherrington esti malfacila, pli preta. Mi pensas mia jab estis la ŝlosilo. Ĝi starigis lin por ĉiuj grandaj pafoj mi surteriĝis kun mia dekstra mano kaj maldekstra hoko.


"Mi sciis mi estus pli rapida ol li. Mi estis tre preparita. Unu bona afero mi feliĉas pri kiel mi tenis mian trankvilon. ''


Sherrington, kiu batalis ekster Aŭstralio kaj farante sian usonaj. Kaj 2015 debutojn, eniris gajnis ok el siaj lastaj naŭ batalojn, inkluzive de lia lasta paro. Sed la WBA la Neniu. 12 defianto estis neniu matĉo por Douglas.


"Antoine Douglas estas tre bona kaj ĝi metos al la vere grandaj aferoj en tiu sporto,'' Sherrington diris.


"Mi ne farante ekskuzoj, sed mi frostis kaj neniam povis vere hejti. Kaj tiam li kaptis min malvarma. Mi venis ĉi tien por atingi dumvivan sonĝon de mia sed ne estis intencita esti. I got bonvenigita en la grandaj ligoj en granda hasto kaj en la plej malbona maniero. Ĉiuj kredito iras al Douglas por tio. ''


Farhood estis impresita kun Shelestyuk, iama amatora elstarulo. ?[Teraso] Shelestyuk aspektis kiel la plej matura batalanto sur la karto,'' Farhood diris. "Li havas mirindan amatora genealogion, Li estis olimpia Bzonzmedalisto. Li batalis batalanto Kreinto batali kaj ĵeti multajn stampilojn — Li averaĝis 85 pugnobatas ronda. Li regis la lukton de la unua raŭndo sur kaj li aspektis kiel la mondo klaso batalanto ke li disvolvis esti.”


Shelestyuk utiligita sia 3½ coloj alteco avantaĝon regi la partion sed outclassed Kozaev. "Tio estis bone batalis por mi. Mi estas tre feliĉa. Mi akiris mian unuan avantaĝo titolon, iris 10 ĉirkaŭvojoj por la unua fojo kaj gajnis ĉiujn ĉirkaŭvojoj,'' Shelestyuk diris.


"La ulo estis súper malmola kontraŭulo. Mi pensis min estis iranta frapi lin for en kelkaj de la ĉirkaŭvojoj sed li prenis ĉiujn mia malmola stampiloj. Li estis soldato kaj havis multan pli da sperto ol mi. '


Kozaev, farante sian unuan komencon en 18 Monatoj, komenciĝis rapida sed got outhustled kaj outworked el la dua raŭndo sur. "Li estas bona batalanto kaj Mi donis mian plej bonan, sed esti ne batalis por tiel longa tempo estis granda faktoro,'' Li diris.


Forgxiston venkis aĉa tranĉo super la maldekstra okulo de la intenca headbutt en la sesa sed revenis por gajni knokaŭton en la sepa. Li triumfis per la partituroj de 79-73 Kaj 78-74 Dufoje.


"Keenan Smith venkis tre malbona tranĉo gajni tiun batalon,'' Farhood diris. "Li gajnis knokaŭton ke estis neatendita malfrue en la lukto. Mi pensis ke estis tre proksima batalo, sed Smith faris sufiĉe en la fruaj preterpasas por venki. Li estas definitive flugfolio kiu akiros pli bonan.”


Forgxiston batalis por la kvara fojo ĉi jaro post trijara hiato. Li estis malpli ol entuziasma poste. "Tio estis malglata tendaro por mi. Mia patrino mortis. Mi dediĉas tiun lukton por ŝi kaj vere deziris akiri la knokaŭta,'' Diris Smith kiu surportis ĉiuj-rozkolora trunkoj en ŝia honoro.


"Mi ne estas ĉiuj kiu feliĉa ĉar mi sentis ke mi povos esti finita lin eĉ kvankam mia maldekstra ŝultro estis doloranta kaj mi ne 100 Procento. Mi ankaŭ ne povis vidi multe tute el mia okulo post la tranĉo.


"Sed ĉi-nokte, ĝi estis kiel veltero batalanta juniora veltero. Mi pesis en ĉe 141 kaj li estis ĉe 147. Sed irante ok preterpasas unuafoje estis sendube bona afero. Mi nur sentas kiel mi estus fininta pli forta. La vetero ne estis problemo. ''


Whitaker havis tri-batala venksinsekvo fino. "La poentado estis malproksime. Estis multe pli proksiman lukton ol ke,'' Li diris. "Mi ne komprenas, kiel li povas avertis la tutan batalon por tenanta, sed neniam akiri punkton forprenata. La knokaŭto estis eĉ ne knokaŭto. Estis pli de vojaĝo. La ref demandis min se mi povus daŭrigi kaj mi estis kiel, Mi eĉ ne doloris, eĉ wobbled iomete. '


"Mi amus batali lin denove. ''


Teah gajnis la malfermo bout de la televidoprogramo de la partituroj de 79-73 Kaj 77-75 Dufoje. "Tio estis agitita,'' Farhood diris. "Teah batis luchador kiu estis estinta malmola amatoro. La problemo por O'Shaquie Foster estas ke li rigardis kiel amatoran. Li ne ĝustigis al la por ludo. Li ne montris sufiĉe forton kaj sufiĉan determino. Estis seniluziiĝo kaj [Sam] Teah utiligis tion.”


Yeah, farante sian ok-ronda debut, Gajnis lian trian en vico. "Mi estas ekstaza kaj povis peti ion bonan,'' Li diris. "Tio estas definitive mia plej granda venko kaj mi definitive sentis mi gajnis. Mi povus fari pli, sed mi faris sufiĉe. Ĉi tio estis granda venko por mia teamo. Laboristo 10 horojn tage indis por mi.


"Tiu estis mia unua fojo iri ok preterpasas kaj mi sentis fortan. Bati unbeaten fortegulo grandega. La unuaj ses preterpasas Mi coasted. La lastaj du preterpasas laciĝo starigis en kaj mi komencis senti la vetero, sed mi sentas grandan nun. ''


Se iu el la ok boksistoj frostis sub la hela lumoj estis Foster. "Ial mi simple ne min mem en tie,'' Videble seniluziigita Foster diris. "Mi povus fari tion multe pli sed mi simple ne ĵetis sufiĉe stampiloj. Estas tempo por mi grupiĝi kaj akiri ĝin kune por la venonta tempo. ''

Ĉiuj sed Douglas faris sian ShoBox debutojn.

La ShoBox quadrupleheader estos re-aero ĉi semajno kiel sekvas:





Vendredo’s kvar-batala televidoprogramo estos havebla ĉe SHOWTIME laŭpete? komencante hodiaŭ / sabato, Nov. 7.

Barry Tompkins nomata ShoBox Ago de ringside kun Farhood kaj eksa monda #?ampiono Raúl Márquez servanta kiel sperta analizistoj. La plenuma produktanto estisGordon Hall Kun Richard Gaughan produktanta kaj Rick Phillips direktanta.

GH3 Promotions quinteto sur ekrano ĉi vendredvespere en Las Vegas

Las Vegas (Novembro 3, 2015)#?I tiu vendredo Nokto #?e la Downtown Las Vegas Evento Centro (DLVEC) laŭlarĝe de La D Hotelo, kvin membroj de la GH3 Promotions stabila estos en ago, kun tri estanta prezentita en nacie televidigita luktojn kiel parto de ShoBox: La Nova Generacio karto. (10 PMa ET/PT).
En la #?efa evento, nevenkitan Middleweight, Antoine Douglas (18-0-1, 12 KO’s) riskos sian mondaj rangolistoj starantaj je numero naŭ de la WBA, number-fifteen by the IBF and number-11 by the WBO when he takes on Australian Les Sherrington (35-7, 19 KO’s) en batalo por la WBA International kaj WBO International Middleweight titoloj. Sherrington is ranked number-twelve by the WBA.
En 8-ronda Veltero bout,Keenan Smith (8-0, 3 KO’s) Bataloj Benjamin Whitaker (10-1, 2 KO’s).
En 8-ronda Malpeza lukton, O'Shanique Foster (8-0, 5 KO’s) Batalos Samuel Teah (6-1, 2 KO’s).
En off-televido vicojn, Adam Lopez (13-0, 6 KO’s) prenos sur kontraŭulo por esti nomita en Featherweight planita por la 8-ĉirkaŭvojoj.
Kubaj amatora stelo, Hector Frormeta faros lian profesian debuton kontraŭ Abraham Calderón en Veltero bout planita por 4-ĉirkaŭvojoj.
“Tiu estas granda ŝanco por Douglas, Forgxiston kaj Foster brili sur nacia televido,”Diris GH3 #Anta?enigo Vito Mielnicki.
“Antoine estas sur la rando de grava lukto kaj mi kredas ke la fanoj estos vere ĝuas vidante la nacia televido debuts de Keenan Smith kaj O'Shanique Foster. Off-TV we will be showcasing Adam Lopez and Hector Frometa. Adam has had a couple of great fights on ShoBox and we expect him in a big fight in his next outing as he is already ranked number-seven by the WBA. Frometa is our next fighter who we believe will be that a star.
Biletoj estas alprezigita #?e $100.50, $75.50, $40.50, $25.50 Kaj $20.50 kaj estas haveblaj por aĉeto ĉe
GH3 Promotions prezentos alian fortan karton sur Decembro 11a tra la Parsippany PAL en Parsippany, #Nov-?erzejo.

Detaloj kaj vicoj estos anoncita proksima lundo.
GH3 #Anta?enigo prezentas undefeated Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Ekstra Middleweight’s Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, nevenkitan Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez krom Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight Champion John Thompson, Jr., nevenkitan Veltero la Jerrell Harris & Keenan Smith, Lumo Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell, Jr. Malpeza O'Shanique Foster, Super Middleweight Andreo Hernández & Veltero Hector Frómeta al la GH3 Promotions stabila.

“Tempo Brili” Video promocional Vendredo, Nov. 6 El Downtown Las Vegas Evento Centro

Las Vegas (Novembro 2, 2015) – Sube estas la video promocional por ĉi vendredo GH3 kaj Banner Promotions “Tempo Brili” card at the Downtown Las Vegas Event Center (DLVEC) laŭlarĝe de la ikoneca D Hotelo en urbocentro Las Vegas.
En la #?efa evento, Antoine Douglas (18-0-1. 8 KOs), mondo-klasifikita altiĝanta meza perspektivo, metos sian nevenkitan rekordon sur la linion kontraŭ veterano Les Sherrington (35-7, 20 KOs) En 10-ronda atako por la WBA kaj WBO Internaciaj titoloj. En la co-#?efa?o, 2012 Olympyan Taras Shelestyuk (12-0, 8 KOs) prenante sur Aslanbek Kozaev (26-1-1, 7 KOs) En 10-ronda atako por NABO kaj WBA Interkontinenta Veltero Titoloj. Keenan Smith (8-0, 3 KOs) estos batalanta Benjamin Whitaker (10-1, 2 KOs) en ok rondaj veltero konkursparigo. O'Shaquie Foster (8-0, 5 KOs) estos prenante sur Samuel Teah (6-1, 2 KOs) en ok rondaj malpeza atako.
Novembro 6 ShoBox promotional video
Novembro 6 “Tempo Brili” video promocional

Ĉiuj ok boksistoj batalas en Las Vegas por la unua fojo. Biletoj estas alprezigita #?e $100.50, $75.50, $40.50, $25.50 Kaj $20.50 kaj estas haveblaj por aĉeto ĉ

# # #

Pri Downtown Las Vegas Events Center
Situante ĉe la angulo de Tria St. kaj Carson Ave. laŭlarĝe de la D Las Vegas, la Downtown Las Vegas Events Center povas akomodi ĝis 11,000 gastoj kaj ecoj stato-de-la-arto stadio, sono kaj lumigado. La malferma-aera dezajno invitas al ambaŭ turistoj kaj lokuloj kaj proponas la perfektan lokon por koncertoj, konvencioj kaj aliaj grandskalaj okazaĵoj. Brakumante la desinhibida spirito de Downtown Las Vegas, la nova ejo ludas gastiganto al grupigo de kuracas okazaĵoj inkluzive ĉefranga koncertoj, nutraĵo festivaloj kaj pli. La ejo estas ankaŭ la unua entretenimiento areno en Las Vegas akcepti Bitcoin kiel valuto. Por pli da informo, Vizito aŭ sekvi sur Facebook, Instagram kaj Twitter ĉeDLVEC.

Sampson Boxing Signs 18-Year-Old ‘Boxing ProdigyDavid Benavidez to a Promotional Contract

Promoter Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing proudly announces the signing of boxing ‘wonder kid’ David “El Bandera RojaBenavidez to a promotional contract.
Benavidez, already 10-0, 9 KOs as a super-middleweight professional, hails from Phoenix and is the younger brother of undefeated Interim WBA World Super Lightweight Champion Jose Benavidez Jr.
Considered a boxing prodigy by many, Benavidez has been trained since age two by his father Jose Benavidez Sr. He turned professional at 16, but was forced to ply his trade in Mexico until age 18, when he was legally allowed to fight in the United States. The ultra-talented youngster has already sparred with many of the best fighters in the world including Kelly Pavlik, Gennady Golovkin and Nobuhiro Ishida to name a few He has also trained at the Wild Card Gym with Freddy Roach.
I feel really blessed,” said Benavidez of the promotional deal. “It’s a great opportunity for me and great for my career. I am excited to step up to this big stage and show everybody how hungry I am and what I’m about. I want to show my skill level to the boxing world.
Benavidez caught the eye of Lewkowicz while sparring in the Virgin Islands with Sampson Boxing fighter Julius Jackson.
Like any other boxer my goal is to become champion, but I’m also looking forward to coming up the ranks and showing everyone who I am. But I’m only 18, so we’re taking our time. When Sampson says it’s time to step up, then I will.
The young fighter says his relationship with his father has been key to his success.
It’s a great father/son relationship, he’s like my best friend. We don’t always agree on everything but he’s the one who taught me everything I know, so I am grateful for everything he has given me.
I’m really happy about this deal. Sampson works with the best people in boxing,” said Jose Benavidez Sr. “We saw what he did with Maravilla Martinez and he’s been around many years doing a great job. We’re happy to be with him.
Benavidez Sr. says his son is a boxer with an occasional tendency to brawl. “He moves his head a lot and throws good combinations. He’s very relaxed and thinks a lot in the ring. He also has great killer instinct.
Benavidez’s manager David Garcia, who also handles his world champion brother, says the boxing world can expect big things from this new pairing of promoter and up-and-coming fighter. “I’m proud that David has joined Sampson’s promotional stable. Sampson has guided many fighters to the top. With hard work and Sampson’s guidance, David will be in some of the most exciting fights of the next few years.
Garcia also explains why the young man turned pro at such an early age.
He had developed so much physically by 16. He was already 6′ 2″ and had so many skills. He was already sparring with world champs. The amateur level didn’t offer him any further opportunity to develop. So he took the natural course of turning pro.
Promoter Lewkowicz is the one who gave Benavidez his unique fight moniker of El Bandera Roja/Red Flag. “I gave him that name because he is a red flag to all the super middleweights in the world to watch out. They are all now in danger.
Lewkowicz, renowned for his eye for young talent, says that Benavidez has everything he looks for in a prospect.
I am very happy David chose to work with me. He is a future star in boxing. It’s his destiny. His brother is a champion and so will he be. He is the real thing and I am proud to be the one to guide him to where he belongs at the top of boxing.
About Sampson Boxing
Post kiam tre sukcesa kuro kiel matchmaker kaj konsilisto, Sampson Lewkowicz #?alti super al la varba flanko de profesia bokso en januaro 2008.
Sampson Bokso kreskis en unu el la monda’s plej #presti?a varbaj firmaoj, Reprezentanta multaj de la monda’s plej bonaj batalantoj kaj plej promesplenaj junaj konkurantoj.

Sampson Bokso havas varbajn partnerojn #?iu super Norda kaj Sud-Ameriko, Afriko, Azio, Nov-Zelando, #A?stralio, #E?ropo kaj Centr-Ameriko kaj Sampson Boksaj eventoj estis televidigita sur tiaj premieraj retoj kiel HBO, Showtime, ESPN, #Kontra?. Kaj pluraj internaciaj retoj.



It doesn’t matter what he comes to the table with, we will have a 10-week camp for this fight and we will be completely ready.
– Daniel Jacobs
I expect Danny to bring his great chin to this fight. I didn’t notice it before but his chin looks very huge.” – Peter Quillin
EL Barclays Centro en Broklino
Klako HERE Por Fotoj De Ed Diller/DiBella Distro
Klako HERE Por fotoj de Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME
Biletoj Sur Vendo Nun!!!
NOV-JORKO, N.Y. (Oct. 7, 2015) –WBA Middleweight World Champion Daniel “La Mirakla Viro” Jacobs (30-1, 27 KOs)kaj iama mondĉampiono Peter “Infana #?okolado” Quillin (32-0-1, 23 KOs)participated in a kickoff press conference on Wednesday at Planet Hollywood Times Squarein New York City to formally announce their highly anticipated Dec. 5 showdown in the main event ofSHOWTIME #?AMPIONECO BOKSO Vivi sur SHOWTIMEDe Barclayoj Centro En Brooklyn.
The undercard for the Brooklyn showdown will be announced soon.
Below is what the fighters and executives had to say today:
“Tio ĉi estas granda ŝanco por mi. This is a big opportunity for Brooklyn. It could not have happened at a better time. I’ve been calling him out for two years, but it had to take that time to build and for our careers to blossom.
The fans will be the winners at the end of the day. This matchup is going to be all action-packed. It’s a very interesting matchup.
I’m thankful to Peter for accepting the challenge and for giving me the opportunity to have a career-changing fight.
I believe my time is now. I know there was hype around me as a prospect. People have their opinions about me, but I believe at this present time that I’ve matured as a man overall. I’m in my prime.
“Al mi, this fight means everything to Brooklyn. This is a thick-skinned city that was raised on fighting. You always had to defend yourself. We have that pride of having great fighters that come from here and I’m fortunate enough to be that champion to continue the legacy.
I feel like this fight has a lot of significance to it, not just in New York, but to the sport of boxing in general. A lot of people have been asking for this fight, and now that it’s here, you will see a tremendous amount of attention surrounding it.
I think youth is everything in the sport of boxing. Although Quillin is older than I am, he has that experience and power that he will bring into the ring. Anything can happen in this sport.
I am such a fan of this particular fight, this fight is going to be an amazing fight.
Just because Peter has flaws in one area, he can back that up with a one-punch knockout, so you always have to be prepared for that.
Peter’s flaws are that he loads up his shots too much, is slow on his feet and isn’t headstrong. If I can execute the game plan I think it will be a phenomenal outcome.
We adopted Peter as one of Brooklyn’s own, but come fight night you will all see a Brooklyn-born champion.
It doesn’t matter what he comes to the table with, we will have a 10-week camp for this fight and we will be completely ready.
I’ve been on a strict diet, I haven’t been eating chocolate. But after December 5Th, I’m going to be the Cookie Monster, don’t miss it.
This fight means everything to me. It’s two guys for the battle of Brooklyn. We are both going to have great support in the building and this fight will really inspire people.
In New York City you never get to see two guys at this level of boxing square off against one another. It means a lot and I’m very excited about this fight.
I expect Danny to bring his great chin to this fight. I didn’t notice it before but his chin looks very huge, so that’s what we’re looking at now.
I feel like I’m the son of Brooklyn. Although I’m from Michigan, this city has taken me in like I’m one of their own. You see what Las Vegas did for Floyd Mayweather, that’s what Brooklyn did for me.
This is a good guy vs. good guy fight and it’s good for the sport of boxing. I’m coming to throw bombs. It’s not about the bills. It’s about the character of the person I’m fighting. This is the type of fight that is going to bring the best out of Peter Quillin.
I lead a very healthy lifestyle and train even when I’m not preparing for a fight. I keep myself as young as possible.
You’re going to see Fourth of July in the month of December. We’re going to melt some snow.
BRETT YORMARK, CEO de Barclayoj Centro
When I think of Barclays Center now, we truly are in the big event business.
When I think about the remainder of 2015, there were two dates on my calendar and one of them is Battle for Brooklyn on Dec. 5. The two gentlemen up here are part of the Barclays Center. This is their home away from home. There is no place better for them to be getting it on.
I want to make sure we put on a great show for the fans in Brooklyn. We’re excited to see all the fans on Dec. 5.”
LOU DIBELLA, Prezidanto de DiBella Distro
Barclays Center has become the home of boxing and one of the great places to watch boxing right now.
“Mi promesas al vi, this will be the undercard of the year. It’s going to be the most interesting undercard of the year. Get your tickets now.
SHOWTIME has developed both of these young men. These two champions both made their names as SHOWTIME fighters. This fight will properly end the year on SHOWTIME.
I’ve known both of these young men since they were kids. They are terrific men and a true credit to the sport. These guys have always gotten along, they respect each other as fighters, but there is a true belief on both their parts that they are the best.
Take all the friendship and throw it out the window. This is going to be nasty. This is going to be brutal. There will be boxing but these guys will throw bombs. They can’t help themselves, that’s what makes them so great.
The winner of this could be a superstar.
This fight is to show who the man in town is. The winner will own Brooklyn. If you’re the man in Brooklyn, you’re the man. This will be a fight of the year candidate, sendube.
I expect both men to go down. The fans will be on their feet the whole time. This is a can’t miss fight between two evenly matched champions and guys who want and need this victory.
STEPHEN ESPINOZA, Administra Vicprezidanto & #?Enerala #Mana?ero, SHOWTIME Sportoj
We’re thrilled to be working with DBE and Barclays Center on this event. You’re going to hear a lot of genuine excitement because this is the right fight, at the right venue and at the right time.
“Brett [Yormark] has turned Barclays Center into the home of boxing on the East Coast.
We take a great amount of pride in these two young men, because they are everything that is right with the sport.
They’re very different young men with fascinating stories. They’ve both overcome incredible odds. Their roads led them to each other. It will be hard for us to choose who to root for because these are two great young men and great boxers.
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Barclays Centro BROOKLYN Boksado ™ programado platformo estas prezentita de AARP. Por pli da informa vizito sekvi sur PepiSHOSports, @DanielJacobsTKO, @KidChocolate, @LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter KajSwanson_Comm aŭ fariĝi fervorulo sur Facebook ĉe,

Darleys Perez defends WBA Lightweight title against Anthony Crolla in a rematch on Saturday, Novembro 21, LIVE on AWE

Ordered by the WBAOne of the most anticipated rematches of the Year
San Diego, CA – Oktobro,6 2015 – Sur Saturday afternoon, Novembro 21, Darleys Perez will defend the WBA Lightweight title in a rematch against Anthony Crolla En vico kiu povas esti vidita vivan kaj ekskluzive en Usono sur AWE- A Wealth de Entertainment
The bout will take place at the Manchester Arena in Manchester, Anglio.
There’s a saying in boxing that if a title challenger ends the night with a draw, it means he beat the champ. For boxing fans of Anthony Crolla, the saying is more than true. Here’s the history on Crolla v. Perez I and why Crolla Perez II is a must watch rematch.
On July 18, 2015, boxing fan favorite Anthony Crolla made an emotional return into the ring to fight Darleys Perez for the WBA World title. Seven months prior, Crolla suffered a fractured skull, not in the ring, but at the hands of a burglar using a concrete slab as a weapon. Crolla risked his life to help a neighbor who was being burglarized.

Some thought Crolla was lucky to be alive, much less return to the ring to fight again. All leading to a very emotional evening in July as Crolla challenged Perez for the WBA World Title. Yet another devastating blow was coming. After twelve rounds of world-class boxing, Crolla finished the night with an extremely controversial draw. Boxing fans thought Crolla won the fight, before a two point deduction was taken against Perez for low blows. Crolla’s outraged home crowd fans were stunned and left the arena in silence. Amir Khan, the fast-handed UK fighter expected to fight Manny Pacquiao in early 2016, tweetedWhat a joke!” characterizing the decision of Crolla fans worldwide.

Perez and Crolla will return to the scene of the first bout, in front of a raucous crowd at the Manchester Arena.

Perez of San Pedro de Uraba, Colombia has a record of 32-1-1 Kun 20 #Knoka?to.
Li gajnis lian unuan 28 Vicoj, which included wins over Samir Torres (10-2-1), Patricio Antonio Pedrero (20-1-1), Ramesis Gil (6-0-4), Oscar Meza (22-4) & Baha mamadjonov (11-0).
He challenged then undefeated Yuriorkis Gamboa for the WBA Interim Lightweight title on June 8, 2013 En Montreal. Perez came up just short, but two bouts later he defeated Argenis Lopez (19-0) to win that same title on June 28, 2014 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Respubliko.
La 32 year-old Perez made two defenses of the interim crown by defeating Jaider Parra (23-1-1) and Jonathan Maicelo (21-1) being being elevated to the WBA Lightweight champion.
Crolla of Machester, Anglio havas rekordon de 29-4-3 Kun 11 #Knoka?to.
He turned professional on October 14, 2006 with a win over Abdul Rashid (1-0).
La 28 year-old has amassed wins over 4-time world title challenger Michael Brodie (36-3-1), Andy Morris (19-3), John Watson (13-1), Willie Limond (34-3), Syephen Jennings (5-1-1), Kieran Farrell (14-0), former Jr. Welterweight world champion Gavis Rees (37-2-1), Stephen Foster (31-4-1) & Former world title challenger John Murray (33-2)
The start time and a full undercard will be announced shortly.
Boksanta fervorulojn povas #?ui #?i tiu mirindan karton sur AWE havebla sur AT&T U-Verso, Ch 147 Kaj 1147 En HD, Verizon FiOS televido, Ch 169 Kaj 669 En HD, Kaj multenombra regiona kablo provizantoj trans la nacio. #Pla?i kontrolon Por boksanta #?isdatigo.


Pedraza Wins Split Decision Over Edner Cherry
Easter and Herring Notch Victories on SHO ULTRA?
CLICK HERE FOR PHOTOS (Photos Forthcoming)
Kredito: Estefania Trapp / SHOWTIME
SHOWTIME? Announces ALL ACCESS Epilogue: Adrien Broner Will be Available on SHOWTIME Sports? Digital Platforms Next Week
CINCINNATI, Ohio — (Oct. 3, 2015) – Cincinnati’s Adrien Broner won a world title in his fourth weight division with an impressive 12-round TKO over Khabib Allakhverdiev fighting in front of 5,932 of his hometown fans at the Usono. Bank Arena and live on SHOWTIME #?AMPIONECO BOKSO®\\. Broner (Nun 30-2, 22 KOs) put his fast hands, thudding power and love of showmanship on display in an exciting performance.
Allakhverdiev (Nun 19-2, 9 KOs) took Broner’s best shots without going down, but with an in-shape Broner, but with upping the punishment in the last round, Referee Harvey Dock decided to mercifully wave the fight over at 2:23.
Broner looked sharp in his return to the super lightweight division. He landed 50 Procento de liaj potencaj stampiloj, with the right uppercut being his most effective tool.
“Honeste, a young guy like me, they just threw me a lot of cash at a young age. It was hard to adjust to the fame, to the lights. After my last fight I said I wasn’t putting my all into it,” said Broner. “It’s definitely all up to me. After that bell, no one can help me. I’m still AB, but this next half of my career I’m going to be about boxing and about business. Nothing has changed. I’m comfortable at whatever weight my opponent is comfortable at. But I’m getting wiser, I’m getting older.
No question Broner won the fight. He is the real thing and tonight he showed it,” said Allakhverdiev’s promoter Vlad Hrunov.
En la komenca vico de la telecast, IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose Pedraza (21-0, 12 KOs) stayed undefeated and successfully defended his championship via 12-round split decision over Florida’s Edner Cherry (34-7-2, 19 KOs).
Pedraza prevailed in the closely contested and difficult-to-judge battle, per dudekopo de 117-111 Pedraza, 116-112 Cherry and the deciding 117-111 Pedraza.
Cherry landed the harder punches and pressed the attack, while the southpaw Pedraza was very elusive and countered well with quick combinations.
I won the fight. It was a very tight fight and very hard fight, but I definitely won the fight,” said Pedraza. “I was very calm when they were reading the scores because I knew I won. I’m very happy. We did a great job and started strong, but Edner had his moments. With my team, we used our intelligence to get the victory. I was able to change my style, switch to southpaw and Cherry couldn’t handle the left hand.
Cherry was gracious in defeat saying, “I just left it in the judgeshands. If I knocked him out it wouldn’t be up to the judges. It’s them. That’s the judges. That’s what happens when you leave it to the judges. Mi ne prenas ion for de li. It was a good fight.
Fighting in the main event of the SHOWTIME Boxing sur SHO ULTRA? portion of the night, Toledo, Ohio lightweight Robert Paska Jr.. moved his undefeated record to 16-0, 13 KOs with a three-round demolition of Argentinean veteran Juan Ramon Solis (Nun 25-10, 9 KOs).
Easter Jr. made it look easy as he dug thudding body shots at Solis and rocked him with hard, accurate shots to the head. Easter threw 177 total punches and landed 68 of them. Solis threw 44 and landed just nine.
By the third round, Soliscorner had seen enough and requested a stoppage at the :45 second mark.
You prepare for the worst in the gym, with these kinds of fights you never know, said Easter Jr. “With a performance like this, you know you’re onto the next level. I showed that tonight.
To open the telecast, 2012 Usono. Olympian and undefeated lightweight Jamel Herring (14-0, 8 KOs) iris 10 rounds for the first time in his career while scoring a dominant unanimous decision over durable Ghanaian YakubuBlack MambaAmidu (19-8-2, 19 KOs).
Herring showed his tremendous speed and superior strength while firing rapid-fire combinations to Amidu’s head and body. To his credit, Amidu hung tough for the duration and never stopped trying.
I knew he was good. I respected what his experience and what he was putting down,” said Herring. “I showed my skill and went the distance with a veteran that had never been down. It’s a blessing to showcase my talent on a world stage. I’ve worked hard to get here and good things come to those who wait.
La juĝistoj’ scores (99-91, 100-90, Kaj 100-90) reflected Herring’s dominance.
En ne-televidigita ago, Cincinnati’s own Jamontay Clark moved to 7-0, 4 KOs with a brutal two-round stoppage of Hartford’s Joe Wilson Jr. (Nun 3-3).
Using an accurate and powerful left hand as his primary weapon, Clark had Wilson down twice in the first and once more to begin the second before the merciful stoppage at :28.
# # #
Broner vs. Allakhverdiev was promoted by Warriors Boxing and About Billion Promotions.
Por pli da informa vizito sekvi sur PepiSHOSports, @AdrienBroner, @WarriorsBoxProm and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at Kaj


I will be victorious Sabate Night.” – Adrien Broner
He can clown around all he wants, but that won’t help him when
we are in the ring.” – Khabib Allakhverdiev
Klako HERE #El?uti Fotojn
Fota Kredito: Estefania Trapp / SHOWTIME
Biletoj Ankoraŭ Vendotaj!!!
CINCINNATI, Ohio — (Oct. 1, 2015) –Two days before Adrien Broner goes for his fourth world title in his home state of Ohio, Broner and his opponent, Rusio’s Khabib Allakhverdiev participated in a final press conference Thursday at the U.S. Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Former three-division world champion Broner(30-2, 22 KOs)returns to his hometown against fellow former world champion Allakhverdiev(19-1, 9 KOs) for the WBA Super Lightweight world title thisSabato, Oct. 3 Vivi sur SHOWTIME (10 P.M. ET/7 P.M. PT) De Usono. Bank Arena.
En la SHOWTIME #?AMPIONECO BOKSO Co-#?efa?o, undefeated IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose Pedraza (20-0, 12 KOs) will defend his title against former world title challengerEdner Cherry (24-6-2, 19 KOs).
In the main event on SHOWTIME Boxing sur SHO ULTRA?, top undefeated prospect Robert Paska Jr.. (15-0, 12 KOs), de Toledo, Ohio, and Argentinean veteran Juan Ramon Solis (25-9, 9 KOs) will square off in a 10-round lightweight bout.
Opening the SHO EXTREME telecast (8 P.M. ET/PT), unbeaten U.S. Olympian Jamel Herring (13-0, 8 KOs), of Cincinnati will be opposed by former African champion YakubuBlack MambaAmidu(19-7-2, 19 KOs), in 10-round lightweight fight.
Below is what the fighters had to say today:
I told you I wouldn’t do any interviews or talk. Nothing has changed. I just want to thank everyone for coming. I will be victorious Sabate Nokto, Oktobro 3.”
I don’t talk too much. Mi estas preta por batali Sabato.
“Li [Broner] is nervous. That’s why he’s acting like a clown.
This is his hometown. It’s his last chance for a world title and he shows up late and makes it look like he’s joking around with everybody and doesn’t care. I’ve seen fighters do this before and it’s because he is scared.
He knows what will happen Sabate. He can clown around all he wants, but that won’t help him when we are in the ring.
I feel great seeing him nervous. Por mi, this is just another fight and just another win and that’s what it will be. A win for me over this nervous clown. I am going to beat him in front of all his friends.
JOSE PEDRAZA, IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion
Everyone says they’re going to come knock me out, good luck to him. It’s not happening.
He has a lot of experience as a professional, but I have been fighting for a long time as well so I’m not worried about who he’s faced.
I’m ready for 12 rounds but I want to get him out of there sooner. I’m going to work the body hard to try to get that done.
I want to face the best. I’d prefer not to face another Puerto Rican but if it’s the best fight out there, I will face anybody.
I have no prediction for the fight. I have a good strategy for the fight and if it works, I will win by knockout.
I want to thank the fans. Everyone that has supported me. Tune in Sabato Nokto. It will be a great show.
I’m coming out to put on a great show. You know I don’t like to be in the ring too long so you will see a knockout.
I don’t watch a lot of tape or anything like that. I just work hard in the gym and do the best I can.
My technical abilities are my best qualities in the ring. This is my work and I fight with honor.
Argentinean boxers are known for giving everything in their fights. I am going to do everything to win Sabato Nokto.”
I am honored to be here. Everyone that knows me knows that I come out and I give it my all.
Expect to see a great fight. Much respect to my opponent for taking this fight, but that’s where it stops. Once we get in the ring its all about business.
I have fought some great fighters. I have experience in the boxing game. I am here to give Jamel Herring a good fight. I want you to come and watch a good fight.
I’m from Ghana. I live in Los Angeles. I have been living there for six years. I started boxing as a pro in Ghana. I went to South Africa. Then I went to England and then I came here. I have a huge advantage in experience.
MIKE STAFFORD, Adrien Broner’s Trainer
Adrien is at his weight class this time. We have been fighting at 146 Kaj 147, he’s had the title at 147, but now he is back at his weight. He is mean and lean.
Adrien knows how important this is. He knows Khabib is a great former champion. We thank you for coming to our city. Not too many people would come into this situation.
We thank our families and friends and without these guys wouldn’t be up here. These are a great bunch of guys. I am like a stand-in father to all of them and I appreciate you supporting them.
LEON MARGULES, Prezidanto de Batalantoj Boksanta
Everyone knows who Adrien Broner is. Adrien has a promotional company called About Billions Promotions and they have been fun, interesting and I hope we get to work together again.
Not only do we have a great international card, but we have several fighters, up-and-comers from this area.
When you look at this card, you have one of the more explosive fights boxing fans will see this year. Reigning IBF Junior Lightweight Champion Jose Pedraza and former title challenger that is fighting at the weight class that he wantsEdner Cherry.
Cincinnati is a great city. It is also a world class sports town. Bengals, Reds, University of Cincinnati, Xavier University and the Cyclones that play in this building. They also have Adrien Broner.
He is the most talented and naturally gifted fighter in the world today. I believe he can be the next superstar in our sport. He is 26-years-old. His finesse speed and power is unlike any I have seen in a long time. I am proud to be his partner and work with him on this fight.
RAVONE LITTLEJOHN, President of About Billions Promotions
Thanks Adrien for showing up. He has brought some great things into this camp.
Thank Adrien Broner for giving me an opportunity to promote this fight. We are ready to go. Biletoj ankoraŭ haveblas. See you Sabato Nokto.”
VLAD HRUNOV, World of Boxing
“Dankegon. Why do we still not sell out? If we are in your hometown. Welcome to the best fight of this city in boxing history.
JAVIER BUSTILLO, President of Universal Promotions
It is a pleasure and honor to be working with Leon Margules. I have been working in boxing for 20 years and I have never seen anyone like Jose Pedraza. We know we are fighting Edner Cherrya good boxer.
We call Jose the ‘Sniper.You are going to see a sniper Sabato Nokto. He won’t miss a punch.
# # #
Por pli da informa vizito sekvi sur PepiSHOSports, @AdrienBroner, @WarriorsBoxProm and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook Kaj


From U.S. Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio
Klako HERE To Download Photos From Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME
CINCINNATI, Ohio — (Sept. 30, 2015) – Adrien Broner (30-2, 22 KOs) Kaj Khabib Allakhverdiev(19-1, 9 KOs) held a media workout at The Punch House in Cincinnati Merkrede as they prepare for tiu sabata WBA Super Lightweight Mondĉampioneco, Vivi sur SHOWTIME (10 P.M. ET/7 P.M. PT) from U.S. Bank Arena.
En la SHOWTIME #?AMPIONECO BOKSO Co-#?efa?o, undefeated IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose Pedraza (20-0, 12 KOs) will defend his title against former world title challengerEdner Cherry (24-6-2, 19 KOs).
SHOWTIME EXTREME fighters and undefeated prospects Robert Paska Jr.. Kaj Jamel Herringalso participated in Merkredo?? Workout. Easter Jr. (15-0, 12 KOs) Prenos sur Juan Ramon Solis(20-9, 9 KOs) while Herring (13-0, 8 KOs) Alfrontos Yakubu Amido (19-7-2, 17 KOs) in separate 10-round lightweight bouts #?I tiu sabato. NOTO: Solis is a late replacement for the previously announced Miguel Acosta as an opponent for Easter Jr.
While Broner continued his vow of silence with the media, the three-division world championlet his fists do the talkingin a spirited workout that lasted nearly 90 Minutoj.
Here’s what the rest of the SHOWTIME fighters had to say Merkrede:
I expect Broner to try to play his game, but we will play our game.
The experience I gained after losing the title in my last fight [against Jesse Vargas] is that I really understand the opportunity that I am being given going into this fight.
I am not worried about fighting in Broner’s hometown. I have fought many fighters in their own cities and it doesn’t bother me.
Sabate Nokto, I will show the fans a great fight and come out with the victory.
We train hard all the time, we are in great shape and we prepare for every fight like the opponent is the champion.
Edner Cherry is a very experienced fighter. He is a strong guy and good puncher.
I am in great shape and I’m ready to fight 12 Rondoj.
This could very well be the toughest fight of my career. He hasn’t lost in seven years. But we are very prepared, studied the fight well and are ready to go come Sabato.
My youth will play a huge part in this fight. I’m much younger than him and, without a doubt, I will win this fight.
I can’t wait for the fans to watch this fight and if they can’t be here than I hope they watch on SHOWTIME. It will be a great fight.
This will be a very tough fight. We’ve been training hard and had a great camp.
“Mi ne prenas ion for de li, li estas forta batalanto. He’s a champion for a reason. Sed Sabate night I’m coming for that title, that’s my job.
We trained for 12 hard rounds, but if the knockout comes, then I will be very excited. All I’m looking for is a very hard 12-round fight.
Ever since my title loss to Timothy Bradley in 2008, I’ve pushed myself to get back into this position and to give myself the opportunity for a title shot at the right weight class. I’m finally in the right weight class for me.
Bradley was the much bigger fighter when we fought [Je 2008]. That was a mistake on our end. He just was the bigger guy, but I was in the ring with one of the best fighters in the world and I really learned from that fight.
I tell people that I am so glad that I didn’t win that title against Bradley because, in my mind, I would’ve been fighting at 140, but that wasn’t my weight class. I would’ve been risking my life fighting at 140. I glad I didn’t win it, but I’m also glad I hung in there and got myself back into a big fight.
I’ve been preparing for this fight for 15 Jaroj, and it’s going to show Sabate.”
I have a lot of people coming from Toledo to see me. They’re all excited about it.
This is my second time fighting on SHOWTIME EXTREME and I’m truly blessed. It’s a good opportunity to showcase my skills on national television.
I know nothing about my opponent, but I do that on purpose. It’s been the same thing as the rest of my 15 Oponantoj. I didn’t study them at all. Whoever they put in front of me, that’s the test I have to overcome and so far I’ve been doing excellent and passed them all.
He’s my best opponent yet. He’s a tough guy, very durable. He’s a lot more durable than my last few opponents.
I take nothing from him, but I’m motivated and looking forward to pushing myself more than anything. It’s going to be a great step up and people are going to see a lot more than they’ve seen from me in the past.
“I?? En granda formo. I just had a fight back at the end of August. I took literally three days off instead of a whole week and came right back, so I’ve been in shape for the past three months getting to this date.
It’s a blessing to be able to showcase my talent on the national scene instead of the local venues or being on the big cards but not getting any kind of TV exposure. Now I’m part of the big show.
I don’t take anything for granted or let it get to my head. To me it’s another fight and I take every fight seriously. It doesn’t matter who I’m in with, every fight is a stepping stone to a title, so every fight is important.
# # #
Por pli da informa vizito sekvi sur PepiSHOSports, @AdrienBroner, @WarriorsBoxProm and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook Kaj


General Tickets On Sale Mardo, Oktobro 6 #?E 10 .M. ET
BROOKLYN (Septembro 30, 2015) – In a highly anticipated showdown between two of Brooklyn’s most exciting and talented fighters, WBA Middleweight World Champion Daniel “La Mirakla Viro” Jacobs (30-1, 27 KOs)Prenos sur eksa monda #?ampiono Peter “Infana #?okolado” Quillin (32-0-1, 23 KOs)Sur Sabato, Decembro 5 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn live on SHOWTIME (9 P.M. ET/6 P.M. PT).
There is no doubt this is going to be one of the biggest fights Brooklyn has ever seen,” Dirita Jacobs. “Peter and I go back a long time, but this is business. I’m the champion and he’s the challenger. I’m going to do everything I can to win on Decembro 5 and show the world that I’m the best Brooklyn has to offer.
The fans have waited a long time for this fight and now it’s finally here,” Dirita Quillin. “I was back in the gymlunde after my fight against [Mikaelo] Zerafa preparing for Decembro 5. I know there is so much at stake for me -a belt and Brooklyn bragging rights. It’s going to be a night to remember for me and for all of Brooklyn.
Biletoj por la viva evento, Kiu estas #anta?enigi de DiBella Distro, Komenco ĉe $50, ne inkludante aplikebla kotizoj, Kaj estas sur vendo Mardo, Oktobro 6 #?E 10 .M. ET and can be purchased online by, aŭ nomante 1-800-745-3000. Biletoj ankaŭ estos disponebla en la amerika Express Box Office ĉe Barclays Centro komenco Merkredo, Oktobro 7 #?E 12 P.M., if tickets are still available.
These two powerful fighters have been on a collision course for several years, dating to when Quillin was the WBO Middleweight Champion and Jacobs was working back towards contender status after sitting out over a year due to cancer.
While Quillin relinquished his belt due to the birth of his son and the death of his uncle, Jacobs continued to rise in the rankings and earned his world title with a knockout in August of 2014 over Jarrod Fletcher in Brooklyn. Each fighter has earned knockout victories in the last two months and both boxers will return to the site of their world title-winning performances when they clash at Barclays Center.
This is a can’t-miss, pick’em fight between two of the best middleweights in the world,” Diris Lou DiBella, Prezidanto de DiBella Distro. “This is truly the battle of Brooklyn, with both Danny and Peter possessing the power to create fireworks in an explosive night. SHOWTIME will truly be ending 2015 with a bangor many of them.
“Daniel Jacobs vs. Peter Quillin is a unique matchup of two bona fide middleweight stars, each in the prime of his career,” Diris Stephen Espinoza, administra Vicprezidanto kaj Ĝenerala Manaĝero, SHOWTIME Sportoj. “It is as evenly matched as you’ll find in the division, and it stands to be the career-defining fight for both men. We expect the action in the ring and the atmosphere at Barclays Center will make for a very memorable night. For boxing fans, it doesn’t get any better than this.
This is the ultimate Brooklyn matchup,” Diris Brett Yormark, CEO de Barclayoj Centro.
Miracle Man vs. Kid Chocolate is about more than a world title, it’s about Brooklyn bragging rights and glory. The borough is ready for Decembro 5.”
An inspirational figure who will fight at Barclays Center for the fifth time, Brooklyn’s Jacobs completed his road to champion when he defeated Fletcher for the middleweight title. Je 2011, while pursuing a championship in the ring, cancer threatened his life and kept him on the sidelines for 19 Monatoj. When he returned, Li kaptis kie lin lasis ekstere, and hasn’t lost since. The 28-year-old is coming off of a second round stoppage of former world champion Sergio Mora in August.
Quillin gets back in the ring after having knocked out Michael Zerafa earlier this month to follow up his hard-fought draw against middleweight world champion Andy Lee in April. He won a middleweight belt in 2012 with his highlight-reel, six-knockdown demolition against Hassan N’Dam in the first boxing card hosted at Barclays Center. Born in Chicago, raised in Grand Rapids, #Mi?igano, but residing in Brooklyn, La 31-jaro-malnova #da?rigi defendi tiun titolon #kontra? fortaj konkurantoj Fernando Guerrero, Gabriel Rosado kaj Lukas Konecny. Nun, “Infana #?okolado” looks to become a world champion for the second time.
Barclays Centro BROOKLYN Boksado ™ programado platformo estas prezentita de AARP. Por pli da informa vizito sekvi sur PepiSHOSports, @DanielJacobsTKO, @KidChocolate, @LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter KajSwanson_Comm aŭ fariĝi fervorulo sur Facebook ĉ, Kaj