標記檔案: 沃爾特·謝伊

四MMA CHAMPIONS加冕碰撞課程在矽酸鹽

即時發布: 波特蘭, 緬因 (十一月 10, 2019) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) 舉辦其最新的混合武術 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 41: 碰撞課程,” 在上靈氣在波特蘭星期六晚上。四個冠軍被決定了滿場觀眾前舉行的十三拼卡.

在主要事件, 如何格林韋爾 (10-4) 扮演攪局的角色, 贏得了NEF業餘女子錦標賽Strawweight超過曼格一致決定, 緬因州榮耀“騷動”沃森 (6-1).  格林威爾老遠從俄克拉何馬州的鬥爭。這是對以前不敗沃森的業餘紀錄第一污點.

錦阿諾德“Killa的” (6-1) 保留了NEF業餘輕量級錶帶的毀滅性第二輪淘汰賽沃爾特·謝伊(3-2) 在當晚的合作主要事件。這是冠軍的阿諾德的第二個成功的防守和他的業餘生涯的第六次淘汰賽的勝利.

扎克“洛奇”理查德(5-2-1) 拍攝的NEF業餘輕量級冠軍一致決定拉攏“魔術師”邁克·默里(2-1).  戰鬥反复去了五輪嚴罰看著像醫生在籠側將停止回合一點由於對理查德的膝蓋受傷。戰鬥繼續, 然而, 和理查德拉出上法官的記分卡贏.

內特鮑徹 (6-3) 打敗史蒂夫德賈斯丁 (5-4) 通過提議在第一輪成為新的NEF業餘飛錘冠軍。這場勝利是鮑徹是在一排第四.

除了打架, NEF宣布,其第一個事件 2020 將於二月 8 為促進首次亮相的1900個座位的禮堂美林在波特蘭。該節目名為“NEF 42: 毀滅“和門票的交響曲出售星期六晚上在去www.PortTix.com

對於“NEF 42”已經宣布是前NEF冠軍之間的五輪專業輕量級冠軍爭奪戰布魯斯“漂亮男孩”Boyington (17-11) WEC和UFC和老將喬希“福祿克”Grispi(14-5).  Boyington並沒有在他的緬因州的家下,又打在兩年, 而Grispi,因為他的2013年Boyington釋放從UFC一直缺席比賽之前騰空它戰鬥的世界大賽簽署前舉行促銷的輕量級冠軍.

對於“NEF 42”宣布的另一種輕量級的鬥爭將具有兩個緬因州風扇最愛的喬希“勾上”哈維(7-0-1) 把他的不敗紀錄逆勢而行傑西“海盜”埃里克森 (9-8).  哈維是衛冕NEF臨羽量級冠軍,並在全國頂級的前景之一。埃里克森將目光從虧損去年夏天反彈在他試圖捕捉輕巧帶.

第三個親鬥爭是為“NEF 42”將採用當地人公佈多米尼克“Domnation”瓊斯 (2-3) 和卡爾·蘭斯頓 (0-4).  瓊斯最近爭奪全球推廣Bellator在康涅狄格州的一拼卡上。蘭斯頓, 堅實的業餘生涯後,, 在家鄉父老面前將尋找他的第一個專業取勝.

從波特蘭正式結果, 緬因:

如何格林韋爾DEF. 通過一致決定榮耀沃森
錦阿諾德DEF. 沃爾特·謝伊通過淘汰賽, 圓 2
扎克理查德DEF. 通過一致決定邁克·默里
內特鮑徹DEF. 史蒂夫德賈斯丁通過水龍頭後裸絞, 圓 1
所羅門鏡面高清. 通過技術提交喬治Pissimissis, 圓 1
喬·霍華德DEF. 傑西·菲茨西蒙斯通過醫生停止, 圓 1
格雷格石原DEF. 通過技術擊倒威廉姆斯迪倫, 圓 1
賈斯汀·米德爾頓DEF. 通過水龍頭後裸絞喬恩·阿薩姆, 圓 1
布賴恩中遠DEF. 通過技術提交克利福德雷德曼, 圓 1
迦勒奧斯汀DEF. 通過技術擊倒瑞安福格, 圓 2
內特白色高清. 通過技術擊倒奧斯汀漢密爾頓, 圓 1
布蘭登MAILLET-Fevens DEF. 泰勒騎士通過水龍頭後裸絞, 圓 2
錢德勒查普曼DEF. 通過一致決定蒂姆·伯杰龍

新英格蘭戰鬥’ 未來混合武術事件, “NEF 42: 毀滅交響曲,” 將於週六, 二月 8, 2020 美林禮堂在波特蘭, 緬因. 門票現已公開發售,在www.PortTix.com.


新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.

四冠軍戰鬥頭條FINAL NEF CARD 2019 在矽酸鹽

即時發布: 波特蘭, 緬因 (十月 23, 2019) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) 返回到Aura在波特蘭, 緬因州上月 9, 2019 其未來的混合武術事件, “NEF 41: 發生衝突。該事件“的門票目前在銷售www.AuraMaine.com. 今天早些時候,, NEF公佈該事件的全戰卡 - 一個總的 17 原定於晚上較量.

四業餘冠軍戰鬥將標題卡。這將是第一次,因為“NEF 9”八月 2013 是一個業餘的鬥爭一直是推廣的一個卡的主要事件。 (值得注意的, “NEF 9”是一個所有的業餘活動。)

“NEF 41”也將迎來第一次婦女回合還多次促銷活動的事件不敗的一個榮耀“騷動”沃森 (6-0) 發生在如何格林韋爾(9-4) 冠首屆NEF業餘女子Strawweight冠軍。沃森將有機會成為第一個NEF運動員同時持有兩個量級冠軍創造歷史的回合。她是衛冕NEF業餘女子次最輕量級冠軍.

錦阿諾德“Killa的” (5-1) 將抵禦NEF業餘輕量級錶帶 沃爾特·謝伊 (3-1) 在當晚的合作主要事件. 自六月阿諾德曾經擔任過這一職位 2018 而最近在“NEF 38”去年春天與亨利·克拉克的21秒擊倒捍衛它 (5-5). 這將是謝伊在八月份“NEF 30”丟失的努力後捕獲標題第二次嘗試 2017.

扎克“洛奇”理查德(4-2-1) 將面臨“魔術師”邁克·默里(2-0) 空置NEF業餘輕量級冠軍。雙方運動員都脫落上個月勝在奧羅諾, 緬因州“NEF 40”理查德就把對方擊倒在第一輪他的回合的大滿貫,而穆雷提交他的對手 - 同樣在第一輪.

內特鮑徹 (5-3) 和史蒂夫德賈斯丁(5-3) 定於滿足空置NEF業餘飛錘冠軍。鮑徹是在三拼連勝, 在完成了第一輪提交了所有三個對手。德賈斯丁與第一輪的勝利,上月到籠競爭闊別幾年後返回在“NEF 40”.

截至記者發稿時, NEF高管正在尋找為NEF業餘重量級冠軍的對手鄧肯“漢蘭達”史密斯(5-3).  不幸, 史密斯的原有挑戰者, 諾曼·喬丹, 最近退出了戰鬥的時候,他無法獲得體檢合格證明.

馬特說:“肯娃娃”丹寧(5-10) 和基岡“上感”科爾夫 (4-11) 將在專業catchweight較量廣場下車。雙方將尋求從近期跌勢反彈。丹寧被擊敗了在馬薩諸塞州的卡片上週六晚上, 而Hornstra不敵多米尼克·瓊斯在“NEF 39”過去的這個夏天的Lewiston, 緬因州。戰鬥將發生在商定的重 176 英鎊.

完整的“NEF 41”免戰牌 (如有變更,):


115*TITLE: 沃森的榮耀 (年輕人) VS. 如何格林韋爾 (獨立)

135*TITLE: 錦阿諾德 (Ç) (偵察) VS. 沃爾特·謝伊 (頭等艙MMA)

155*TITLE: 理查德·扎克 (Nostos酒店) VS. 邁克·默里 (卡姆登戰鬥/鑄造)

125*TITLE: 史蒂夫德賈斯丁 (獨立) VS. 內特鮑徹 (CMBJJ)


155: 喬希·哈維 (視覺探索泰拳) VS. 喬納森·海因斯 (獨立)

176: 馬特·丹寧 (獨立) VS. 基岡科爾夫 (進化Athletix)


145: 傑西·菲茨西蒙斯 (Nostos酒店) VS. 喬·霍華德 (CMBJJ)

265: 喬治Pissimissis (圍克魯/佩德羅的柔道) VS. 索羅門鏡 (甲級)

135: 安德烈霍蘭德 (密歇根強隊) VS. 梅根·羅薩 (進化Athletix)

170: 賈斯汀·米德爾頓 (獨立) VS. 喬恩·阿薩姆 (甲級)

170: 格雷格石原 (偵察) VS. 迪倫·威廉姆斯 (獨立)

155: 克利福德·雷德曼 (獨立) VS. 布賴恩中遠 (紅線)

155: 唐納德·盧卡斯 (獨立) VS. 威爾·麥考爾 (進化Athletix)

205: 亨利·傑夫斯 (獨立) VS. 泰特斯潘內爾 (T4生存)

130: 瑞安福格 (團隊元素) VS. 奧斯汀迦勒 (CMBJJ)

175: 羅蘭·蟠龍 (Maineiac民兵) VS. 奧斯汀漢密爾頓 (獨立)

145: 泰勒騎士 (獨立) VS. 布蘭登MAILLET-Fevens (CMBJJ)

新英格蘭戰鬥’ 未來混合武術事件, “NEF 41: 碰撞課程,” 將於週六, 十一月 9, 2019 在Aura在波特蘭, 緬因. 門票現已公開發售,在www.auramaine.com.


新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.


波特蘭, 緬因 (四月 15, 2018) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) made its return to Portland on Saturday night with the fight promotion’s latest mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 33: Riptide.For the second time in as many events at the venue, NEF packed Aura with a sold-out crowd.

On the amateur portion of the card, 錦阿諾德 (3-0) continued his winning ways with a highlight-reel, one-punch knockout of 大衛 - 湯普森 (1-3). Arnold, a hot prospect out of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in nearby Lewiston, 緬因, dropped Thompson with a right hand in the first round to remain undefeated.

沃爾特·謝伊 (3-1) 和 內特鮑徹 (2-3) met in the amateur headliner at a catchweight of 130-pounds. Both athletes were looking to bounce back from losses in their last respective NEF appearances, but it was Shea who took the victory late in the third round when referee Kevin MacDonald stopped the fight due to strikes. 在今晚早些時候, Shea’s First Class MMA teammate, Ben Murtiff (1-0) won his amateur debut, making for a perfect 2-0 night for the Topsham, Maine-based team.

On the professional side of the card, 埃內斯托·奧尼拉斯 (3-7) picked up the win over 卡爾·蘭斯頓 (0-1) 通過一致決定. 過了一會兒, Ornelas’s teammate at the Choi Institute 迦勒大廳 (1-0) was successful in his pro debut with a first-round submission of veteran John Ortolani (8-13).

The main event of the evening saw longtime Maine MMA veteran 比爾·瓊斯 (13-11) 敗 馬特·丹寧 (5-8) via technical knockout in the second round. Denning announced his retirement from cage competition immediately following the bout. 瓊斯’ win capped a successful night for Nostos MMA of Somersworth, 新罕布什爾. The team went 3-0 在晚上 理查德·扎克 (1-0) 和 Killian Murphy (1-0) taking home wins on the amateur card.

NEF announced that its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 34: 勇者之家” would take place back at Aura in Portland on六月 16, 2018. Already announced for that card, Ross Dannar (1-1) 和 德文 - 科森 (1-1) will square off in an amateur lightweight contest, 而 亞倫萊西 (5-1) returns to the NEF cage to take on Da’mon Blackshear (4-1) in a professional featherweight bout.

The results from Portland, 緬因:


Bill Jones def. 通過TKO馬特·丹寧, 圓 2

迦勒堂DEF. John Ortolani via Von Flue Choke, 圓 1

Ernesto Ornelas def. Carl Langston via unanimous decision


Walt Shea def. Nate Boucher via TKO, 圓 3

Killian Murphy def. Krishna Scott via TKO, 圓 1

Ben Murtiff def. James Lewis via TKO, 圓 1

錦阿諾德DEF. David Thompson via KO, 圓 1

Mark Gardner def. Brandon Schwinck via rear-naked choke, 圓 1

鄧肯·史密斯高清. Taylor Bartlett via standing guillotine, 圓 1

扎克理查德DEF. Gabriel Diaz via TKO, 圓 1

Liam Fagan def. Curtis Ouellette via unanimous decision

Carol Linn Powell drew Chelsea Tucker (Grappling Match)

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 34: 勇者之家,” 將在Aura在波特蘭, 緬因州上週六, 六月 16, 2018. 門票的銷售,現在在網上 www.AuraMaine.com.


波特蘭, 緬因 (四月 6, 2018) – Nate Boucher grew up in the world of amateur wrestling, where the rewards, penalties and path to winning and losing are cut-and-dried.





Takedown, two points. Escape, one point. Reversal, two points. The same clock that tells everyone how much time remains in the fight consistently informs the fighters where they stand.





In his two most recent sojourns as a mixed martial artist with New England Fights, 鮑徹, a native of Rumford and graduate of Mountain Valley High School, had no such compass. MMA is a more subjective science. That’s one of the many reasons an impressive winning percentage is harder to come by.





“MMA judging is one of the worst things to figure out. There’s not really a solid standard,“包潤石說,. “The last two fights didn’t end the way I wanted, 明顯. Part of being an amateur is it gives you a chance to learn what the judges want.”





鮑徹 (2-2) hopes to halt a two-fight losing skid Saturday, 四月 14, when he takes on Walt Shea at “NEF 33: Riptide.” The card will take place at Aura in Portland.





A solid contender at the flyweight limit of 125 pounds despite those defeats at the hands of Justin Witham and Ryan Burgess, Boucher will meet Shea in the middle at a catch weight of 130.





Staying busy is part of Boucher’s strategy to learn everything he can about the sport, even if the immediate lessons are frustrating and humbling.






The criteria for MMA judging, in order of priority, are effective striking, effective grappling, effective aggressiveness and fighting area control. Boucher learned the hard way that his style may have cost him the ‘Win both the title fight against Witham and the hometown showdown versus Burgess.





“Everybody just kind of goes with whoever is throwing more punches. People don’t seem to care if you’re on top the whole time or not,“包潤石說,. “但是,, 你知道, I can complain, or I can adapt.”





Boucher pointed out that the two judges who saw the fight go Burgessway had it two rounds to one, 一 29-28 餘量, 而 30-27 assessment in his favor indicated that he had won every round.





Best-case scenario, 當然, is to end it early, the way Boucher did with a triangle choke in his second amateur outing against former high school wrestling legend Jeremiah Barkac.





“Even though I lost the last two fights, they couldn’t have gone any better for me as far as learning the game goes,“包潤石說,. “It’s kind of opened my eyes a lot more, not necessarily to anything about myself, but as far as what the judges are looking for. It’s helping me learn more about the sport.”





Even though the fight is five pounds above Boucher’s natural weight, how he performs will have a heavy impact on whether he is still considered a viable threat in the 125-pound class or takes a huge step backward.





“Nate called me about a week after his fight with Burgess and said, straight up, ‘Get me back in there in April, and I want a tough opponent,’” NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson said. “He has a lot on the line in this one. A loss leaves him with a long climb back.”





The crossroads clash with Shea (2-1) is sure to be a learning experience. Shea, who trains of out of First Class MMA in Topsham, also lost his last fight. Fred Lear won that August battle for the vacant amateur bantamweight title on his home turf in Bangor.





No battle in the hexagon has been as daunting for Shea as his personal journey to get there. He initially followed his cousin, 尼古拉斯·, to the MMA gym as part of a fitness regimen after his weight crested at more than 270 英鎊.





換一種說法, when he walks through the door on any given fight night, Shea is literally half the man he used to be.





“I was just going there to train a little bit in jiu-jitsu, and John (射線) said to me, ‘Before we’re through, I’m going to get you in the cage.I’m thinking, ‘Yeah, 權,’” Shea said. “I lost about 80 pounds right off the bat training with those guys. It got me healthy, and then it was kind of, why not take the next step?”





Shea now walks around at 155 到 160 英鎊. He is making a slightly deeper weight cut this time, and fighting a natural flyweight, to find out if the title picture in that division is an attainable goal.





輸贏, if his inspirational story helps a fan or friend make the commitment to a healthier lifestyle, Shea is all for it.





“It’s a lot better than standing on a treadmill,” Shea said of his unique path to fitness. “I tell people if you can just find one aspect of MMA that works for you – the grappling, the striking, whatever – it’s a great workout.”





Boucher said he has nothing but high esteem for Shea’s circuitous route to success in the sport. Admittedly, without a title up for grabs or a so-called grudge match in his sights, motivation could be more elusive.





The former Falcon, who trains out of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Lewiston, insisted that won’t be a problem.





“That’s an impressive accomplishment. I’m very respectful of that. Not just anybody can start out where Walt did and get in the cage for a fight at 125, 130 英鎊,“包潤石說,. “Unfortunately when you’re talking MMA, not every ending is like a fairy tale. I’m going in there to win the fight, to end it early and leave no doubt, not leave it in the hands of the judges this time.”





Doors open for “NEF 33: Riptide” at 6 P.M. 週六, 四月 14. 門票, 通話 207.772.8274 or go to www.auramaine.com.



波特蘭, 緬因 (二月 8, 2018) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) returns to Aura in Portland on 四月 14, 2018 與拼促銷的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 33: Riptide.” 今天早些時候,, NEF announced the addition of an amateur catchweight bout to the card. 內特鮑徹 (2-2) 將面臨 沃爾特·謝伊 (2-1) 在130磅重的鬥爭.





Nate Boucher will be looking to bounce back from back-to-back losses in the NEF cage. The former wrestler from Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine lost very close split decisions at bothNEF 31” 和 “NEF 32″ 最近. The first was an amateur flyweight title fight against Justin Witham (4-4) 在波特蘭. Last weekend, Boucher dropped his second split decision in as many events to Ryan Burgess (3-2) in a number-one-contender’s fight. Prior to those two losses, Boucher had been undefeated in the NEF cage. He currently trains with Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) 在路易斯頓, 緬因.





“I’m coming off of two close back-to-back losses, but I’m still committed to my goal of one day winning the NEF championship belt,” 鮑徹說. “Rather than sit on the sidelines, I’m getting right back in there in April. Walt Shea is coming off of his title fight loss to Fred Lear last August, so I know he will be motivated to get back in the win column too. Two motivated guys that are hungry to get back to their winning ways are the ingredients for an awesome battle. 我不能等!”





Like Boucher, Walt Shea was undefeated prior to his last loss in the NEF cage. Shea had defeated Joel Downing (0-1) 在 “NEF 25and then Alan Bustamante (0-1) 在 “NEF 27.Both victories came by way of unanimous decision. Shea earned himself a shot at the NEF amateur bantamweight strap, but lost to Fred Lear (6-2) by TKO in the second round atNEF 30” 上個夏天. Shea is a member of First Class MMA in Brunswick, 緬因.





I’m excited to be finally making my return to the cage at ‘NEF 33,'said Shea. “I was live for my opponent Nate’s last two fightsboth razor close decisions that could have gone his way, but didn’t. I’m expecting a technical battle with a chance for some exciting grappling exchanges. I’m hoping to put on a show for the fans.





NEF returns to Portland, 緬因, at Aura on 星期六, 四月 14, 2018. 門票現已公開發售,在 www.AuraMaine.com. For more information on the event, 請訪問 www.NewEnglandFights.com.









新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.


班戈, 緬因 (八月 6, 2017) –There was no place like home 星期六 night for C.J. 壺, Ryan Sanders and Fred Lear of Young’s MMA in Bangor.

Fighting in front of a sold-out ballroom a stone’s throw from their training headquarters, the three fighters atop the card at “NEF 30” Rumble in Bangor” all posted impressive victories at Cross Insurance Center.

Ewer defeated Mike “The Mustache” Hansen by submission at 1:46 of the first round to capture the vacant NEF pro middleweight title. Lear landed the NEF amateur bantamweight belt, while Sanders tightened his grip on New England’s pro lightweight scene in a non-title triumph.

It was the second consecutive August sellout in the Queen City, a tradition that began with “NEF Presents Dana White: LookinFor a Fight” last summer.

After his hard-fought win over the much-traveled Jay Ellis, NEF pro lightweight champion Sanders, 排名第. 1 在該區域, kept his comments short and sweet while calling out the aforementioned Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) 總統.

“You took the wrong guy last year,” Sanders said. “Come get me now.”

Sanders (15-8) didn’t have an easy road against Ellis, a veteran of more than 80 pro bouts. Ellis had Sanders under control for most of the fight but left himself vulnerable to a triangle choke at 2:34 第一輪.

Ewer dispatched Hansen with a similarly swift maneuver.

“It’s a great feeling to win it in front of the home crowd,” Ewer said. “As hard as we worked (in training camp), I didn’t think anything could stop me.”

The sudden ending spoiled Hansen’s hopes of winning a title for the first time in his 13-year mixed martial arts career.

“This was by far the best training camp I ever had. We were just getting warmed up,” Hansen said. “I had a lot more to give, and I’m sure C.J. had a lot of more to give. But hey, we could do it again.”

Lear highlighted the amateur portion of the card with an authoritative second-round knockout of Walt Shea.

Only the bell saved Shea from Lear’s onslaught at the end of the opening chapter. Lear gained the advantage with a kick to the head midway through that round. After nearly locking in an arm bar that could have ended the fight, Lear bloodied the previously unbeaten Shea with a series of strikes.

The end appeared inevitable when Shea needed Lear’s help to find his corner between rounds, and another interrupted attack hastened the finish only 14 幾秒鐘後.

An emotional Lear lauded his coach, Chris Young of Young’s MMA, before fastening the belt around the teacher’s waist.

“A lot of people around here know his name, but they don’t know the man,” Lear said. “He’s the first guy in the gym in the morning and the last one to leave at night. He’s the reason we’re all here. He’s the reason we’re successful. He’s the reason some of us aren’t in jail.”

In the first two fights of Josh Jonesamateur MMA career, Jones dispatched his opponents by one-punch knockout in a total of 24 秒. It took Carlton Charles one fewer tick of the clock to take out Jones in the stunning conclusion to a touted tangle of former star collegiate athletes.

查爾斯, a product of the University of Maine football program taking his initial walk to the NEF cage, turned the tables on Jones (2-1) in a middleweight scrap. Jones again went for the early stoppage with a pair of looping shots, but Charles calmly ducked them before landing one of his own and taking the issue to the mat.

“I just love the competition,” Charles said. “You don’t get hit in the face like this on the football field.”

When the combatants regained their feet, Charles backed Jones against the cage and landed two right hands to the jaw. Jones dropped to one knee and absorbed a sharp left to the head. That persuaded the referee to step in and stop the fight, a verdict that left Jones and his First Class MMA camp visibly puzzled.

It was Charlessecond one-sided combat sports victory in a week’s time. He previously delivered a first-round TKO in the amateur boxing ring. Jones suffered his first defeat since making the transition from basketball, which he played professionally in Europe after starring at Bangor’s Husson University.

One look at 週五 official weigh-in suggested that the bout between Roger Ewer (251 英鎊) and Dustin Freeman (220) might be the typical stand-up, slug-it-out heavyweight affair. 代替, it turned into a ground-and-pound showcase that was right in Ewer’s wheelhouse. C.J.’s older brother, making his debut in the NEF hexagon at 44 歲, hammered out the advantage throughout and earned a TKO via unanswered strikes at 2:31 of the second stanza.

Nate Boucher improved to 2-0 with a first-round stoppage of Jeremiah Barkac, who was making his cage debut. Barkac gained an early advantage in the bantamweight bout with a barrage of strikes, but Boucher cleverly gained leverage with his legs and locked in a triangle choke.

輸贏, Bangor’s Angela Young announced that her battle with Jessica “The Black Widow” Borga would be the final fight of her career. Borga (6-3) erased any hopes of a Hollywood ending with a decisive TKO at 2:16 的首輪. 年輕 (2-3), wife of Chris, had never gone less than the distance in any of her prior wins or losses.

In a mutual NEF and MMA debut, Zach Faulkner delighted his home crowd with a second-round victory over David Hart via rear naked choke. 最終來了在 1:42.

Jesse Hutchinson also enjoyed a triumphant debut in the amateur ranks. He stopped Anthony LaPointe at 2:43 of the first round in a welterweight skirmish.

NEF also announced that the promotion’s next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 31: The Old Port,” will see the company make its long-awaited debut in Portland, Maine at the brand new, state-of-the-art venue Aura. The event is scheduled to take place on 星期五, 十一月 3, 2017. Tickets will go on sale this Wednesday, 八月 9 在 www.auramaine.com.


新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造緬因州的戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.


即時發布: 班戈, 緬因 (七月 21, 2017) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) returns to the Cross Insurance Center 週六 夜晚, 八月 5, 2017 與拼促銷的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor.” 今天早些時候,, NEF宣布全面拼卡事件.

在晚上的重頭戲, Bangor’s own CJ壺 (2-0) 見面會 邁克·漢森 (5-5) of Rumford, Maine in a five-round contest to crown a new NEF MMA Pro Middleweight Champion. Ewer is a member of local gym Young’s MMA while Hansen represents Berserkers MMA based in the River Valley region of the state. Ewer had a highlight-reel knockout over Ruben Redman (0-1) in his last bout at the Crossexactly one year to the day he will meet Hansen.

The co-main event of the evening will see Ewer’s Young’s teammate, undefeated Bangor prospect 亞倫萊西 (4-0) take on Bellator veteran 布賴恩·戈爾德斯比 (17-16). Goldsby will represent Lacey’s most-seasoned challenge to date. Lacey has been nothing short of “狠” – his nickname – 自從轉為職業選手. He has submitted three of his four opponents in the first round. Only John Santos (3-5) was able to survive three full rounds with Lacey last summer in Bangor. Lacey won that fight via split decision in a rugged, back-and-forth, “fight of the nightperformance.

Rounding out the pro card will be another Young’s cornerstone, “該” Ryan Sanders (14-8), who will meet Milwaukee, Wisconsin veteran 傑伊·埃利斯 (14-68) 在次中量級比賽. Sanders is the reigning NEF MMA Pro Lightweight Champion, having defeated Jon Lemke (6-8) in a tournament final last April to claim the title. The bout with Ellis will be a non-title affair. Sanders is riding a four-fight win streak which began one year ago to the day at the Cross.

Headlining the amateur portion of the fight card will be an NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Title fight. 弗雷德·李爾 (5-2) of Bangor will do battle with Jefferson, 緬因州 沃爾特·謝伊 (2-0) for the vacant 135-pound championship. Lear and Shea will continue a competitive rivalry that has developed in the amateur ranks in recent years between Lear’s camp Young’s MMA and Shea’s team of First Class MMA based in Brunswick, 緬因.

Opening the night will be a women’s fight between 安吉拉年輕 (2-2), wife of Young’s MMA founder and head coach Chris Young, 和佛羅里達州的 JessicaThe Black WidowBorga (5-2). The scrap is expected to be an exciting one. 年輕, a Registered Nurse at Eastern Maine Medical Center (EMMC), has put on severalfight of the nightperformances that have sent audiences into a frenzy. Borga will make her third trip to Maine in the past year to compete in the NEF cage.

The fullNEF 30” 拼卡 (如有變更,):


185*TITLE J. 壺 2-0 (年輕的MMA) VS邁克·漢森 5-5 (狂戰士MMA)

170 Ryan Sanders 14-8 (年輕的MMA) vs Jay Ellis 14-68 (Team Knockout)

145 亞倫萊西 4-0 (年輕的MMA) vs Bryan Goldsby 17-16 (豪爾赫·古熱爾)


135*TITLE 弗雷德·李爾 5-2 (年輕的MMA) vs Walt Shea 2-0 (頭等艙MMA)

265 Roger Ewer 0-0 (年輕的MMA) vs Dustin Freeman 0-0 (獨立)

185 Josh Jones 2-0 (頭等艙MMA) vs Carlton Charles 0-0 (Charles Family Fighting/Fire&Iron Athletics)

170 Anthony Lapointe 0-1 (Titan Athletics) vs Jesse Hutchinson 0-0 (CMBJJ)

160 Zachary Faulkner 0-0 (Titan Athletics) vs David Hart 0-0 (Kenney’s MMA)

145 Robbie Kiah 1-0 (年輕的MMA) vs Robert H. Norris III (獨立)

135 內特鮑徹 1-0 (CMBJJ) vs Jeremiah Barkac 0-0 (獨立)

135 安吉拉年輕 2-2 (年輕的MMA) vs Jessica Borga 5-3 (Champions MMA)

“NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor” will be held at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, 緬因州上週六, 八月 5, 2017. 門票現已公開發售,在www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

有關事件,並拼牌更新的詳細信息, 請訪問推廣的網站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在觀看視頻NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, follow them on Twitter @nefights and join the official Facebook group “新英格蘭戰鬥.”


新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造緬因州的戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.


即時發布: 班戈, 緬因 (六月 21, 2017) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) returns to the Cross Insurance Center 週六 夜晚, 八月 5, 2017 與拼促銷的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor.” 今天早些時候,, NEF announced the addition of an amateur championship bantamweight contest to the fight card. 弗雷德·李爾 (5-2) 將舉行 沃爾特·謝伊 (2-0) for the vacant NEF MMA Amateur 135-pound championship.

A member of Young’s MMA based in Bangor, Lear is riding a two-fight win streak into the first hometown fight of his career. 今年二月, Lear defeated Shea’s First Class MMA teammate Michael Crespo (3-3) with a second-round technical knockout. He is a finisher, with all but one of Lear’s five victories coming by way of technical knockout or submission. He is promising local fans a crowd-pleasing fight against Shea on August 5th.

Walt Shea has shown tremendous poise and fortitude in his back-to-back wins,” proclaimed Lear. “My job over the next eight weeks is to work hard, stay humble, and listen to my teammates and coaches who have carried me to this point in my career. This is an extraordinary opportunity and it is my responsibility to seize it. This isn’t about myself or an ammy title. This is about Bangor and delivering on the fight this town deserves.

Walt Shea has been to the judgesscorecards twice in his time with NEF, and twice Shea has emerged victorious. He made his debut last September with a split decision win over Joel Downing (0-1). Shea followed up that appearance with a unanimous decision over Alan Bustamante (0-1) earlier this year atNEF 27.He is a member of First Class MMA based in Brunswick, 緬因, as well as The Foundry in Farmington, 緬因.

It’s an honor to be fighting for the amateur 135-pound title atNEF 30,'said Shea. “老老實實, it’s hard to believe considering almost two years ago I was just an overweight fan watching my cousin Nick Shea compete in the cage. 我的對手, 弗雷德·李爾, is a tough kid who comes from another tough gym in Young’s MMA and always brings a ton of energy into the cage, so be ready for a war of cardio and willpower from each of us. I’d like to thank my family for standing behind me in this adventure, along with my head coach at First Class MMA, 約翰·雷, and all my other outstanding coaches and my talented teammates.

“NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor” will be held at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, 緬因州上週六, 八月 5, 2017. 門票現已公開發售,在 www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

有關事件,並拼牌更新的詳細信息, 請訪問推廣的網站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在觀看視頻NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, follow them on Twitter @nefights and join the official Facebook group “新英格蘭戰鬥.”


新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造緬因州的戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.