Lossis Archives: Wadi Camacho


Returns to the ring on “We never stop” show at York Hall October 17th


30 year old former Prizefighter Champion Wadi “Macho Man” Camacho has been the latest boxer to put the resurrection of his career and sign a three year contract with rising manager Steve Goodwin.


Cruiserweight Camacho hit the heights winning Prizefighter in 2013 but has failed to fully fulfil his potential since. Whilst Wadi has featured in thrilling fights and has had fans on the edge of their seats in televised fights he has suffered reversals to Stephen Simmons and Craig Kennedy in his most recent fights.


Wadi then set about finding a new promotional and managerial team “I believe that the Goodwin’s are the next best team in boxing behind Matchroom” said Wadi. I am so excited and buzzing again having Steve and his team behind me.”


Camacho is due back in the ring on October 17th on the undercard of Goodwin’s massive mega title bill “We never stop” at York Hall. “I want titles” said Camacho “After winning Prizefighter I should have gone through the title route of Southern area, English and British. This time with Steve this is the route I wish to go. We have a plan and after speaking to Steve and the team the buzz is really there.”


Goodwin was delighted with the new acquisition “I am delighted to be working with Wadi and I believe that we can get him back to where he belongs on main stream UK TV. We will do it at the right speed and I think in 12 months time Wadi will be back in the big time. It is going to be exciting working with Wadi. He is a really nice guy with a lovely family and it will give me great pleasure being a part of his success”