标记档案: 维托Mielnicki



纳特利, 新泽西州(二月 13, 2015)-GH3促销很高兴地宣布签署 Jerrell哈里斯 以独家推广合同.
华盛顿哈里斯, DC. 谁是体育的完美标志的次中量级不败 4-0 同 4 击倒.
该 20 岁的老人说签约后,, “这感觉太棒了签署与GH3,我期待一个光明的未来。”


前转职业, 哈里斯曾是业余生涯包括了 100 回合中,他赢得了世界JR. Olymoics, PAL和马戏团锦标赛. Harris also competed against and won against the Irish National team and the Mayors Cup in Washington.
“我有一个各地风情. I can box and I can bang. It all depends on the opponent. I am kind of an old school type of fighter and I look up to the likes of Wilfredo Benitez & 托马斯·赫恩斯。”
“我想经常打我可以,我准备好一个大 2015. I have been sitting on the shelf for nearly a year. I think after a couple of tune up fights, 我会准备好我的职业生涯的下一阶段。”
哈里斯有兴趣在拳击后,他的哥哥盒装. Jerrell started at the age of 11.
“我的叔叔一直是谁一直是由我的全部时间的家伙. His name is Gregory Burton but everyone knows him as “B-BOP”. He has been my biggest motivator since day one. When anyone has negative things to say, 他是他们的一个,让我推动和保持强劲。”
“Jerrell有机会成为一个特殊的战斗机,”说GH3促销主席, 维托Mielnicki.
“他有一个伟大的业余生涯,他适应了这一切,我们从环城高速已签署战机质量都喜欢安托万·道格拉斯, 杰里奥多姆和Glenn Dezurn。”

哈里斯将他的GH3首演 星期五, 三月 13 在韦斯特伯里空间, 纽约.

GH3促销信息特色不败中量级安托万·道格拉斯, 超中量级的杰里奥多姆 & 德里克 - 韦伯斯特, 不败羽量级格伦Dezurn小, 不败超轻量级亚当·洛佩兹以及JR. 中量级约翰·汤普森, JR. 轻巧Wanzell埃里森, 羽量级豪尔赫·迪亚斯, 不败超轻量级拳王Qa'id和轻重量级Lavarn Harvell到GH3促销稳定.

维托Mielnicki JR. 带回家的第1名,在全国银手套比赛


纳特利, 新泽西州(二月 11, 2015)–维托Mielnicki JR. GH3促销主席维托Mielnicki的儿子先后荣获全国银手套 12-13 岁, 85 在堪萨斯城磅赛, 密苏里州.
该 13 岁Mielnicki补充说,冠军,他的收藏已经包括 3 全国青少年金手套胜 2 马戏团JR. 冠军.
在银手套, Mielnicki JR. 赢得了三个回合,他击败了美国加州的吉尔伯托门多萨由 30-27 得分, 田纳西Sancer海耶斯由 30-26 俄亥俄州和Jermonte琼斯一 30-27 符合.
Mielnicki JR. 培养出精英热火拳击馆和由洼里摩西受训

GH3 Promotions CEO Vito Mielnicki comments on Jerry Odom’s controversial disqualification

纳特利, 新泽西州(一月 12, 2015)–刚刚过去的这个 星期五 night at the Madison Square Garden Theater, previously undefeated Super Middleweight 杰里奥多姆 suffered his first professional defeat when he was controversially disqualified when he was ruled to have hit 安德鲁·埃尔南德斯 while he was down following a knockdown.

Jerry dropped the kid and the referee was way out of position. The referee was in the opposite corner,””说GH3促销CEO维托Mielnicki.

We signed Hernandez before the fight so I am looking to do an immediate rematch as soon as mid February. As everyone saw, Jerry was well on his way to stopping him. Hernandez is a good prospect but Jerry got the best of him. I think Andrew knew that Jerry was breaking him down.

The referee was way out of position to make a call like that They could have given him five minutes to recover. Stuff like this is a black eye for the sport. All that being said, Andrew knows that if he wants to become something, he has to take the rematch. I am going to talk to the commission 周一 and see what my options are in terms of an appeal but making the rematch is the first order of business for us.

We know that Jerry is still the top Super Middleweight prospect out there and we will not let this terrible ruling effect our plans for Jerry going forward.


GH3促销信息特色不败中量级安托万·道格拉斯, 超中量级的杰里奥多姆 & 德里克 - 韦伯斯特, 不败羽量级格伦Dezurn小, 不败超轻量级亚当·洛佩兹以及JR. 中量级约翰·汤普森, JR. 轻巧Wanzell埃里森, 羽量级豪尔赫·迪亚斯, 不败超轻量级拳王Qa'id和轻重量级Lavarn Harvell到GH3促销稳定.