Arkivji Tag: Vito Mielnicki

GH3 Promozzjonijiet sinjali welterweight undefeated Jerrell Harris


NUTLEY, NJ(Frar 13, 2015)-Promozzjonijiet GH3 huwa pjaċir iħabbru l-iffirmar ta ' Jerrell Harris għal kuntratt ta promozzjonali esklussiv.
Harris ta 'Washington, DC. huwa welterweight undefeated li l-isports marka perfetta ta ' 4-0 ma 4 knockouts.
Il 20 il sena qodma qal fuq iffirmar, “Hija tħoss kbir biex jiffirmaw ma 'GH3 u nistenna bil-ħerqa għal futur promettenti.”

“Il-fattur numru wieħed fuqi iffirmar ma GH3 hija li dawn iżommu ġellieda tagħhom busy.”

Qabel ma ddawwar professjonali, Harris kellu l am karriera dilettanti li jikkonsisti 100 bouts li rebaħ il-Jr Dinja. Olymoics, PAL u tournaments ringside. Harris also competed against and won against the Irish National team and the Mayors Cup in Washington.
“I jkollhom kollha madwar stil. I can box and I can bang. It all depends on the opponent. I am kind of an old school type of fighter and I look up to the likes of Wilfredo Benitez & Thomas Hearns.”
“Irrid li jiġġieldu spiss kemm I tista 'u I am lest għal big 2015. I have been sitting on the shelf for nearly a year. I think after a couple of tune up fights, I se tkun lesta għall-istadju li jmiss tal-karriera tiegħi.”
Harris ltqajna interessati fil-boxing wara aħwa tiegħu boxed. Jerrell started at the age of 11.
“Ziju tiegħi kien l-Guy li kien minni-ħin kollu. His name is Gregory Burton but everyone knows him as “B-Btp”. He has been my biggest motivator since day one. When anyone has negative things to say, hu huwa l-waħda u jagħmel me timbotta 'l quddiem u jibqgħu b'saħħithom.”
“Jerrell għandu ċans li jkun ġellied speċjali,”qal GH3 Promozzjonijiet President, Vito Mielnicki.
“Huwa kellu karriera dilettanti kbira u hu jaqbel ma 'kollha tal-ġellieda ta' kwalità li għandna ffirmati minn meta Beltway huma simili Antoine Douglas, Jerry Odom u Glenn Dezurn.”

Harris ser tkun qed tagħmel id-debutt GH3 tiegħu fuq Il-ġimgħa, Marzu 13 fil-Ispazju fi Westbury, NY.

Promozzjonijiet GH3 karatteristiċi undefeated Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Jerry Odom Super Middleweight ta & Derrick Webster, undefeated featherweight Glenn Dezurn Jr, undefeated Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez kif ukoll Jr. Middleweight John Thompson, Jr. Ħfief Wanzell Ellison, Featherweight Jorge Diaz, undefeated Super Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad u Ħfief Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell għall-Promozzjonijiet GH3 stabbli.

Vito Mielnicki Jr. jieħu 1 home post Ingwanti Nazzjonali Silver tournament


NUTLEY, NJ(Frar 11, 2015)–Vito Mielnicki Jr. l-iben ta Promotions GH3 President Vito Mielnicki rebaħ il Ingwanti Nazzjonali Silver 12-13 sena qodma, 85 tournament lira fil Kansas City, Missouri.
Il 13 Mielnicki sena qodma żżid li titolu ġbir tiegħu li diġà jinkludi 3 National Junior Golden Ingwanti jirbaħ u 2 Ringside Jr. kampjonati.
Fl-Ingwanti Silver, Mielnicki Jr. rebaħ tliet bouts kif hu megħlub Gilberto Mendoza ta 'California minn 30-27 score, Sancer Hayes ta Tennessee minn 30-26 u Jermonte Jones ta Ohio minn 30-27 jaqblu.
Mielnicki Jr. ferroviji barra mill-Elite Sħana Boxing Gym u hija mħarrġa mill Mosè Wali

GH3 Promotions CEO Vito Mielnicki comments on Jerry Odom’s controversial disqualification

NUTLEY, NJ(Jannar 12, 2015)–Dan passat Il-ġimgħa night at the Madison Square Garden Theater, previously undefeated Super Middleweight Jerry Odom suffered his first professional defeat when he was controversially disqualified when he was ruled to have hit Andrew Hernandez while he was down following a knockdown.

Jerry dropped the kid and the referee was way out of position. The referee was in the opposite corner,””said GH3 Promotions CEO Vito Mielnicki.

We signed Hernandez before the fight so I am looking to do an immediate rematch as soon as mid February. As everyone saw, Jerry was well on his way to stopping him. Hernandez is a good prospect but Jerry got the best of him. I think Andrew knew that Jerry was breaking him down.

The referee was way out of position to make a call like that They could have given him five minutes to recover. Stuff like this is a black eye for the sport. All that being said, Andrew knows that if he wants to become something, he has to take the rematch. I am going to talk to the commission nhar it-Tnejn and see what my options are in terms of an appeal but making the rematch is the first order of business for us.

We know that Jerry is still the top Super Middleweight prospect out there and we will not let this terrible ruling effect our plans for Jerry going forward.


Promozzjonijiet GH3 karatteristiċi undefeated Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Jerry Odom Super Middleweight ta & Derrick Webster, undefeated featherweight Glenn Dezurn Jr, undefeated Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez kif ukoll Jr. Middleweight John Thompson, Jr. Ħfief Wanzell Ellison, Featherweight Jorge Diaz, undefeated Super Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad u Ħfief Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell għall-Promozzjonijiet GH3 stabbli.