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后 45 非洲黑暗中心的岁月重返全球拳击舞台

Class vs Mwale 和 Pulev vs Meroro 共同成为 1 月 29 日历史性“Rumble-in-Dar”全球电视赛事的头条新闻

多年来,当谈到非洲大陆职业拳击的全球观众时,非洲拳击一直被视为可怜的亲戚. 美国和欧洲似乎永远占据主导地位, 但这已经开始改变, 最近,中东脱颖而出,主办了吸引全球关注的大型活动.

在短短一周多的时间内来自非洲的拳击, 将重新回到现场,决心产生如此大的影响,以至于体育迷的焦点也将开始转向该大陆.

历史上非洲拳击吸引了全球观众, 谁能忘记有史以来最大的战斗之一发生在非洲. 早在十月 1974 当穆罕默德·阿里在金沙萨挑战乔治·福尔曼争夺世界冠军时,全世界的目光都集中在扎伊尔.

当丛林中隆隆作响时, 可以说是20世纪最伟大的体育赛事, 是有史以来观看次数最多的拳击赛事, 全球预计吸引 10 亿观众, 非洲拳击遗产的预期未能实现. 是的, 从那时起,欧洲大陆上发生了几场战斗,并在美国和欧洲的主要网络上播出, 这些都是一次性的, 没有定期的国际活动来维持势头, 但这一切即将改变……

1月29日 2021, Botswana based Global Boxing Stars and Tanzania based Jackson Group present the first of six planned Fight Night events in the Tanzania, evocatively named “Rumble-In-Dar“, they hope will redress the balance and attract fans of the pugilistic arts around the World.

The ground breaking event is co-headlined by Tanzania’s Ibrahim Class (24-6-0) versus South Africa based Malawian Dennis Mwale (8-0-0), who will be competing for the World Boxing Federation (WBFed) Intercontinental Lightweight Championship.

Bulgaria’s Tervel Pulev (15-0-0), the brother of Heavyweight Kubrat Pulev, who was KO’d by Anthony Joshua back in December, versus Namibia’s Vikapita Meroro (29-9-0) co-headlines in a non-championship ten rounder.

The packed undercard features a further Championship contest, between Tanzania’s Shaban Hamadi Jongo (7-1-2) 纽约, USA’s Shawn Miller (18-5-1) for the WBFed International Heavyweight belt.

Unbeaten Zambian World Prospect Lolita Muzeya (16-0-0) makes her return to the ring on the event and South Africa’s rising Heavyweight sensation Ardi “The Iron Fist” Ndembo (1-0-0) makes his second pro outing.

‘Rumble-in-Dar’ will take place in front of an audience at the Next Door Arena in Dar-Es-Salaam, as Tanzania, unlike much of the World today, has been little affected by the COVID 19 pandemic and will be broadcast Globally, providing free to view access to in excess of three quarter of a Billion Homes and Billions more Devices.

So just who are the people so intent on changing not only the perception of African Boxing but also on showcasing African talent on a Global platform.

Scott Patrick Farrell, 全球拳击明星创始人, 是 Ringstar Boxing 的前首席执行官和 Commvault 公司的前董事总经理, 一家已经完成首次公开募股的公司 500 百万美元,而斯科特是高级管理团队的一员.

“在商业和生活中,时机就是一切, 我相信这是正确的时间, 坦桑尼亚是正确的地方,GBS 和 Jackson Group 之间我们拥有正确的合作伙伴关系,可以将该平台提升到新的水平, 部署世界冠军的计划正在进行中, 世界冠军淘汰赛以及未来账单上的国际非冠军赛, 从而逐一提高票据的知名度和质量. 我们制定了一项战略,将达累斯萨拉姆定位为新的体育旅游中心。”


多年来,斯科特打造了众多成为世界冠军的竞争者,并成为其中不可或缺的一部分, 例如; IBF雏量级头号竞争者迈克尔·达斯马里纳斯. 斯科特带着来自菲律宾的无名拳击手成为IBO世界冠军, 然后在 IBF 世界冠军淘汰赛中取得胜利. 让达斯马里纳斯成为 IBF 世界冠军头衔的强制挑战者. 其他成功还包括四级别世界冠军、现任 WBO 世界冠军约翰·里尔·卡西梅罗 (John Riel Casimero) 作为肖恩·吉本斯 (Sean Gibbons) 的一部分 & 曼尼·帕奎奥冠军拳击队, 保卢斯·“巨石”·安本达 (Paulus ‘The Rock’ Ambunda) 前 WBO 和 IBO 世界冠军, 斯科特 (Scott) 凭借 Ringstar Asia 赢得了他的第三次世界冠军头衔.

斯科特现在吸取了他一生的教训和经验,并与杰里米·比恩合作, 他拥有泛非网络连接和在非洲大陆所有主要经济中心举办现场直播活动以培养全球拳击明星的经验, 代表和打造拳手职业生涯的专业管理公司. 他的重点是开发非洲和世界其他地区的战斗机, 培养新的世界冠军前景并与美国顶级推广商签约, 英国和世界其他地区. Scott 与 Top Rank 等拳击行业巨头有着良好的合作关系和良好的往绩记录, PBC, 金童, DAZN 和 Matchroom, 还有很多…

“我们对这种合作伙伴关系感到非常兴奋, 我们有对齐, 共同的愿景和能量是好的. 全球拳击明星和杰克逊集团共同寻求为泛非拳击开发新的商业模式,并通过汇集我们的网络来释放价值, 资源和运营能力. 我和凯尔文都是营销人员,深受拳击迷的影响, 我们将泛非拳击视为沉睡的巨人,并相信我们的合作伙伴关系将开创一种新方法,将具有泛非足迹的企业合作伙伴带到谈判桌前。”全球拳击明星总监杰里米·比恩说道.

杰里米 (Jeremy) 出身于广告业, 以及实际的体育营销和活动举办经验以及制作国际赛事的良好记录, 直播非洲大陆拳击赛事.

为 Kwesé ESPN 合作伙伴制作泛非拳击内容, 杰里米在南方所有主要经济中心举办了战斗, 东非和西非.

Kelvin Twissa 加入了这个重大项目的活力二人组, 杰克逊集团首席执行官.

“杰里米和我第一次联系是在我在肯尼亚与 Sport Pesa 一起做节目时,他正在为 ESPN Kwesé 合作伙伴制作泛非拳击内容, 现在,在不同的旗帜下,在似乎合适的时机,我们正在联手将坦桑尼亚定位为新的拳击圣地和体育旅游中心. 杰克逊集团和全球拳击明星已经形成了强大的, 跨职能团队——我们可以与品牌和赞助商讨论营销和广告, 我们可以与广播公司谈论电视和制作规范,现在我们可以谈论拳击, 所有这些都是一个强大的合作伙伴单位。”

开尔文, 高级营销策略师,拥有在非洲管理活动和品牌的经验, 是 SportPesa 的前全球首席营销官, 通过在非洲大陆一些最大的企业和电信公司担任执行委员会级别的各种营销职务,为团队带来了丰富的经验.

现担任杰克逊集团旗下首席执行官, 凯尔文能够通过东非中心乃至整个非洲大陆的商业合作伙伴关系和连通性来释放价值. 凯尔文在体育领域的经验包括与非洲和欧洲的俱乐部和联赛(包括埃弗顿)的足球合作, 兵工厂, 西甲联赛和开普敦城足球俱乐部.

在 SportPesa 任职期间,凯尔文创立了 SportPesa Fight Night, 以及将托尼·贝柳带到肯尼亚,作为埃弗顿体育佩萨拳击路演的一部分. 内罗毕格斗之夜系列赛结束 7.4 仅肯尼亚就有 100 万观众观看了超过 7 渠道遍及非洲.

毫无疑问,泛非拳击的新活力和新方法似乎已经准备就绪, 以坦桑尼亚为背景,全球拳击明星与杰克逊集团之间令人兴奋的合作伙伴关系开创了新的商业和合作模式.

达尔的隆隆声, 世界拳击联合会的易卜拉欣·克拉斯 (Ibrahim Class) 与丹尼斯·姆瓦勒 (Dennis Mwale) 共同担任主角 (WBFed) 洲际轻量级锦标赛以及特维尔·普列夫 (Tervel Pulev) 对阵维卡皮塔·梅罗罗 (Vikapita Meroro) 的比赛在隔壁竞技场举行, 正树, 达累斯萨拉姆, 坦桑尼亚 1 月 29 日星期五 2021.

全球众多广播平台加入了主播 Azam TV 的行列,例如 NBC Namibia, 阿斯特罗·阿里纳斯 (马来西亚) 再加上更多 (检查本地频道/有线网络时间表) 并且还将进行现场直播并免费观看FITE.TV, 银杏网络, 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播, PPV 直播,  360 公关应用程序等 (更多流媒体频道即将公布) 以及 Go Boxing YouTube 和 Daily Motion 频道, 达尔的隆隆声也将在活动结束后 7 天在体育频道网络上以视频点播形式提供 (SCN) 以及其他视频点播平台.



World ranked Cruiserweight Kevin Lerena stops Meroro in 5


费城, PA / 约翰内斯堡, 南非 (二月 8, 2017)–刚刚过去的这个 星期六 夜晚 , World ranked cruiserweight Kevin Lerena stopped Vikapita Meroro in the 5th round of their scheduled 10-round bout at The Emperors Palace in Gauteng, 南非.

Lerena, who is ranked number-5 by the WBO,number-11 by the WBC, and number-13 by the WBA dropped Meroro in the 1st round and won each round until Meroro surprisingly quit in round five.

The win was Lerena’s 6th consecutive victory.
The stoppage came as a shock, which led promoter Rodney Berman to withhold Meroro’s purse.
“他退出了, 简单明了,” raged Berman, who insisted Meroro was in no imminent danger.
We have an obligation to the public to produce good fights. The public pay good money, Emperors Palace pays good money and SuperSport pays good money. I can’t overlook that,” said Berman.
As I didn’t really get going, I’d give myself six out of 10. The minute I dropped him in the first round, he went into defensive mode,” said Lerena. “When a guy comes to fight, I show my true ability. It frustrates me when they don’t . . . 我喜欢战斗. We did expect more, 但你可以做什么?”
“我很失望. 别, I was angry. I wanted to beat him up. I started going to the body from round four. I was planning and building towards a conclusive finish. I’d rather get knocked out than quit, like Meroro did.
I’m lucky, I have a big following. The fans paid a lot of money to watch me and many tuned in to television, but they never got a full show because Meroro quit. People understand, I’m coming to wreck my opponents. I’m not there for the pay day. I come to win.
I trained hard. Now I’m just focused on what’s next. I’m hoping for a fight date in America, the sooner the better. I want a good fight and a good opponent. I love hard fights; I never want to have easy fights. I just want to win and look good doing so.
Kevin got the win, and he dominated the fight,” said Matt Rowland, Vice President of Banner Promotions.
He continues to win and move up the rankings, and our partner Rodney Berman and us will discuss the next move for Kevin. We can see him fighting for a world title in the not too distant future.



JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA (十二月 29, 2016) World ranked cruiserweight 凯文 “THE KO KIDLERENA, (16-1-0, 8 KO的) kicks off his 2017 campaign towards a world title in style on 星期六, 二月 4 with his triumphant return to South Africa’s premier boxing venue, Emperors Palace against VIKAPITABEAST MASTERMERORO, (28-5-0, 14 KO的) of Windhoek, 纳米比亚.
Presented by Rodney Berman’s Golden Gloves of South Africa, advance tickets for THUNDER AND LIGHTNING, may be purchased by calling 078-457-3030.
Sporting movie-star looks, the 24-year-old Lerena will be making his fourth straight appearance at Emperors Palace having thrilled the boxing crowd in his three victories in 2016.
I can’t wait for the New Year, the path to a world title is in front of me, my promoter Rodney Berman is getting me the right fights and my world rankings will support a title shot in the future,” said Lerena following a sparring session under the watchful eye of trainer Peter Smith.
Said Berman, “Kevin has stardom written all over him, we’ve got big plans in 2017 for him. Putting him in the right fights, securing his position in the world rankings of the sanctioning bodies and working with Banner Promotions in the US to secure him a major stateside fight in the coming year.
We are excited to be co-promoting Kevin with Rodney Berman and Golden Gloves. Rodney has only brought us the cream of the crop, “说阿蒂Pelullo, President and CEO of Banner Promotions. “Kevin is a quality fighter, who has shown he has championship ability. We look forward to him getting closer to a world title opportunity with a big win on 二月 4.”
I’m as excited about Kevin’s future as I’ve ever been of all the fighters I’ve worked with, cruiserweight is a very exciting division in boxing currently.
Lerena is currently world ranked #5 by the World Boxing Organization and #11 由世界拳击理事会.
最近, Lerena, performing brilliantly from start to finish, winning a hard-fought ten round decision over the undefeated Micki Nielsen on October 22, 2016, earning the critically lauded Super 4 Tournament Championship.
In the first round of the Super 4 Tournament Championship, Lerena won a ten round unanimous decision over Roberto Bolonti on June 11, 2016.
Kicking off his 2016 campaign on April 24, 2016, the southpaw won the South African Cruiserweight Title with a tenth round knockout of Johnny Muller. The stoppage avenged a ten round decision loss in 2014 to Muller.
Kevin Lerena Photo/Golden Gloves SA
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