Таг Арцхивес: Валерие Летоурнеау




Брент Примус брани титулу у лакој категорији против Мицхаел Цхандлера у дуго очекиваном реваншу за главни догађај да би започео Хонолулу Доублехеадер


АНЂЕЛИ - Да ода почаст храбрим мушкарцима и женама из САД-а. Оружане снаге, Беллатор ММА удружио се са УСО-ом како би представио посебан догађај уживо, бесплатан за трупе, заједно са својим пријатељима и породицама, Децембар 14.



„Сарађујући са програмом Војне борбе на процени и ажурирању њихове борбене готовости, Одавно поштујем војску и њихову храброст,”Рекао је Роице Грацие, ММА легенда и амбасадор Беллатора. „Када сам сазнао да радимо догађај на Хавајима, знајући тамошњу велику војну популацију, Знао сам да своју подршку и захвалност морамо показати путем ВМА. “




Председник Беллатора Сцотт Цокер поносан је на ову нову везу са УСО-ом и нестрпљив је да искаже подршку храбрим службеницима.




„УСО је историјска војна организација за подршку – не само у забави већ и повезивањем са стварима које воле и за које се боре,", Рекао је Кокер. „Било је савршено логично да Беллатор успостави однос са америчким представником и пружи јединствену прилику војном становништву Хаваја. Ценимо њихову услугу нацији, и надамо се да нам је ово само прва од многих прилика за заједнички рад “.




Извирући из Нила С.. Блаисделл Арена у Хонолулуу, ова јединствена емисија биће насловна борбом за наслов са тренутним шампионом у лакој категорији Бретт Примус (8-0) против двоструког бившег титлиста Мајкл Чендлер (18-4), док је тешка категорија икона Франк Мир (18-12) меетс Јави Аиала (10-7) у окршају тешке категорије.

Беллатор и УСО Пресент: Поздравите трупе емитоваће се у петак на Парамоунт Нетворк, Децембар 14 у 10 п.м. И / 21:00. ЦТ и биће симултан на ЦМТ. Догађај ће такође преносити УЖИВО на ДАЗН-у, док ће прелиминарни окршаји ићи даље Беллатор.цом и глобално на Мобилна апликација Беллатор. Додатни напади ће бити објављен у наредним недељама.




Владајући шампион Брент Примус ставља и своју титулу и низ непоражених у дуго очекивани реванш за Беллатор титулу у лакој категорији. Након што је прошле године узнемирио Цхандлера, тхе Еугене, Изворни Оре се од тада борио са повредама које су одложиле његов повратак у кавез. Сада, он покушава да ућутка критичаре и докаже да је прави и заслужни шампион од 155 килограма. Један од најодликованијих бораца у историји Беллатора, Мицхаел Цхандлер планира да поврати шампионат и постане троструки носилац титуле. „Гвожђе“ је победило ко је ко међу елитом дивизије, укључујући бенсон

Хендерсон, Патрицки Питбулл (к2), Иамауцхи до и Еддие Алварез. Бивши рвач Универзитета у Миссоурију, који сада зове Нешвил кући, је зарадио свој повратак на бр. 1-статус кандидата са циљем да напушта Хаваје са појасом.




Бивши УФЦ првак у тешкој категорији Франк Мир враћа се у кавез Беллатор након његове узбудљиве борбе напред-назад Федор Емелианенко прошлог пролећа. Са победом у каријери Рои Нелсон, Антонио „Велики Ног“ Ногуеира (к2), Броцк Леснар и Мирко Цро Цоп, бразилски јиу-јитсу црни појас тражи још једну импресивну победу коју ће додати својој славној каријери. Након шокирања света када је КО’д Сергеј Харитонов, Јави Аиала преко ноћи је постала сензација за ММА фанове. Љубитељима познат под називом „Еие Цанди,”Тешкаш је такође импресивно победио Ерица Приндла и Рапхаела Бутлера. Борба против Портервиллеа, Цалиф., Аиала се враћа надајући се да ће још једном шокирати свет и победити једног од највећих тешкаша у историји ММА.




Ова незаборавна ноћ биће део историјског викенда који ће кулминирати претходно најављеним Беллатор Хаваји у суботу, Децембар 15, који се емитује искључиво на ДАЗН-у. Ова дуго очекивана борбена карта укључује шампиона у мушкој категорији Беллатор у мушкој категорији Илима-Леи Мекфарлан бранећи своју титулу против Валто јесмех Летоурнеау, Лиото Мацхида дебитујући у Беллатору против бившег шампиона Рафаел Царвалхо, Неиман Грацие преузимајући И Рут у уводном сусрету у Великој награди Беллатор-а у велтер категорији и многим другим.



Беллатор и УСО такође ће бити партнери за недељу дана специјалних догађаја на Хавајима који воде великом викенду узбудљивих борби у децембру 14 и 15. Више детаља ускоро.


Упдатед Беллатор и УСО Пресент: Поздравите трупе Фигхт Цард:

Главни догађај светске титуле у лакој категорији: Брент Примус (8-0) вс. Мајкл Чендлер (18-4)

Борба главне карте у тешкој категорији: Франк Мир (18-12) вс. Јави Аиала (10-7)


*Картица подложна променама




Молимо Вас да посетите Беллатор.цом и УСО.орг за више информација.







ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС – Bellator returns to Pechanga Resort Casino in Temecula, Калиф. за Беллатор 201 у петак, Јун 29. The card will be headlined by the San Diego-based Илима-Леи Мекфарлан (7-0), who defends her undefeated record and newly won flyweight crown against Columbia’s Alejandra “Azul” Lara (7-1).





In addition to the women’s flyweight championship being up for grabs on June 29, Valerie Létourneau (9-6) will look to improve to 2-0 inside the Bellator cage, when she meets the always-tough Бровн Еллен (4-1) at 125-pounds. Additional bouts, including the co-main event for Беллатор 201: Мацфарлане вс.. Лара, will be announced in the coming days.





Tickets for the event go on sale this Friday, Април 6 and start at $39. Tickets will be available at the Pechanga box office and Pechanga.com. Врата за случај отвореном у 3:30 п.м. ПТ, while the preliminary card will kick-off at 4:30 п.м. ПСТ. The event will be broadcast live and free on Paramount Network at 9 п.м. ЕТ / 8 п.м. ЦТ, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and globally on the newly updated Bellator Mobile App.





Ilima-Lei Macfarlane has been proving naysayers wrong since her viral MMA debut in 2015, defeating every opponent placed in front of her en route to becoming the inaugural Bellator women’s flyweight champion this past November by defeating Емили Дуцоте. Born in Honolulu, “The Ilimanator” was a high school wrestler at Punahou School, where she was also a classmate of pro golfer Michelle Wie. Primarily focusing on her academics, Macfarlane went on to attend San Diego State University, where she studied cultural anthropology and went on to earn her master’s degree in liberal arts and sciences. Following that, the 27-year-old dove headfirst into MMA, splitting time between Team Hurricane Awesome and 10тх Planet Jiu-Jitsu, where she remains to this day. Ундефеатед као професионалац, Macfarlane now looks to keep her undefeated record intact and the title around her waist.





Hailing from Medellin, Колумбија, Alejandra Lara made a statement in Bellator’s flyweight division when she finished Lena Ovchynnikova via rear-naked choke at Беллатор 190. The 23-year-old knockout artist has earned seven victories in eight outings since making her professional debut in 2011 and has shown tenacity in her fights thus far, showcasing a pair of first round knockouts and multiple submissions. On the heels of her impressive promotional debut, Lara earned a shot at the championship on June 29.





The Canadian-born Létourneau, a former UFC strawweight title challenger, carries an impressive track record of thrilling fights, highlighted by a world title contest against former champion Joanna Jędrzejczyk. Since signing with Bellator, “Trouble” has moved up to her more natural weight class, impressively defeating Кате Јацксон in her promotional debut. У Беллатор 201, the American Top Team-product will look to improve upon her nine victories as a professional, a tally that includes five finishes, with four coming by way of knockout.





At only 21-years-old, Ellen has already made three appearances for Bellator, competing against the likes of Veta Arteaga and Jessica Middleton. The Campinas, Brazil native and Team Nogueira-product has won four out of five fights to begin her professional career and will now look to continue her upward trajectory when she meets the former title challenger in a battle of top contenders.


Упдатед Беллатор 201: Мацфарлане вс.. Лара Фигхт Цард:

Women’s Flyweight Title Main Event: Илима-Леи Мекфарлан (7-0) вс. Алејандра Лара (7-1)

Women’s Flyweight Feature Bout: Valerie Létourneau (9-6) вс. Бровн Еллен (4-1)





*Картица подложна променама.





Please visit Bellator.com for additional information.




комплетан Беллатор 191: McDonald vs. Ligier Fight Card Results:

Мицхаел МцДоналд (18-4) поражен Peter Ligier (8-2-1) једногласна одлука (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Фотографије: хттпс://www.dropbox.com/sh/8acndyoa13mtgs7/AABOlDgJCtycBa-bPH8L1e8Qa?дл = 0


McDonald Quote: “I was happy with the performance. He ate some heavy punches. I hit him hard enough to break my right hand again, so he’s very durable and I expected that from him. I’ve seen him get put down and keep coming. He was very impressive, I’m honored to have fought him and he really stepped up to the occasion. I think that I have some pretty high accolades for a bantamweight, but I really have no idea how that stacks up to the other guys in my division. We will let this hand heal up and find out soon.”


Валерие Летоурнеау (9-6) поражен Кате Јацксон (9-3-1) једногласна одлука (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Фотографије: хттпс://www.dropbox.com/sh/xv8mhtcx9eku5p9/AAB94OCwYqOCIUbHyTcU3chUa?дл = 0


Letourneau Quote: “I never feel like I’m doing enough. That’s the first thing I ask my coach: ‘Was it a good fight?’ I think experience has taught me to be patient in the fight and to fight smart. You always want to put on a show, but sometimes it can cost you the fight. У мом последњем борби, I didn’t do enough because I was too careful. I wanted to bring all that experience together and make the best of it.”


“This was a very important fight for me. Ја сам 34, my daughter’s a teenager now. I’ve sacrificed a lot of things for my career. But I want this Bellator belt so bad. It was really hard for me to watch Ilima Macfarlane and Emily Ducote fight for it first. I have so much respect for both of them, but I wanted to be the first one to fight for the title. Нажалост, that didn’t happen but to me that’s the only thing I have on my mind right now. Ilima knows I want to fight her and she had a really good performance in her last fight. When it happens, I think it’s going to be a really good matchup. It’s going to be an exciting fight.”

Mohammad Yahya (4-1) поражен Ash Griffiths (4-5) преко ТКО на 3:26 округлог једног


Фотографије: хттпс://www.dropbox.com/sh/62fh9s38lo1de3x/AAAF5NCgKybT6v1HG9qYJOaHa?дл = 0


Yahya Quote: “This is what we trained for and we executed exactly as we planned. I was very confident in the opening round. I said that I was going to win in the first round by TKO and I did just that. It’s confidence, but this is also a product of hard work. I was training very hard for this and I executed. I knew that I had the best team in the world and we’re on to the next one now.”


Philip De Fries (14-6, 1 НЦ) деф. Јамес Тхомпсон (20-17, 1 НЦ) субмиссион (гиљотина) у 1:33 округлог једног


Фотографије: хттпс://www.dropbox.com/sh/efcurjmp6k10j2q/AADd556tK8j6Lg-T7Te54Z_ma?дл = 0


De Fries Quote: "Odlično se osećam, the less damage the better. I’m not getting any prettier. Hats off to James, he’s a legend. It’s a shame it was over so quick, it could have been a barn burner. But I’m happy. I want to climb the ladder here in Bellator. If there is an opening in this tournament, I’ll gladly step in. I feel great at the moment. Fighting is 90 percent mental and the first half of my career, I didn’t have the head for it. But now I’m putting everything together, I feel great and I’m performing. Спреман сам, Ја ћу се борити било кога.


Jeremy Petley (12-8) деф. Lewis Monarch (9-3) преко Сплита одлуке (29-28 к2, 27-30)


Фотографије: хттпс://www.dropbox.com/sh/q1gw2zn80ujf2ps/AABweE-l4KMFb00-hvR7CExDa?дл = 0


Petley Quote: “I was prepared to do the job and really demonstrate my skills. He put up a tough fight and made me work for it. I was prepared for a war, and that’s what he gave me so I had to dig deep. Lewis was a good opponent but I knew no matter what the situation or adversity, that I have a big heart, I have work ethic, a good skillset and a good corner behind me. I knew that no matter what happened, I would come out with the victory.”


“This is a fraction of my potential. Желим велике борбе, I want the Bellator title. I want to move up, I want to move forward and fight late in the night. I have what it takes, so I’ll take anybody. This was not the most convincing win, but no matter who I face, I can win. I don’t care who it is up against me, I can always find a way. I find a way to win. That’s what I do.”






NEWCASTLE, Енглеска – Only one main event competitor is sure to be smiling after their matchup сутра night when Мицхаел МцДоналд(17-4) makes his Bellator debut against Peter Ligier (8-1-1) in the headlining bout of Беллатор 191.

Another high-profile free agent signing in Валерие Летоурнеау (8-6) is also set to make her long-awaited promotional debut, квадрату офа против Кате Јацксон (9-2-1) in the co-main event at Newcastle, England’s Metro Radio Arena.


Беллатор 191: McDonald vs. Ligier will be broadcast free on SPIKE Петак, Нов. 15 у 9 п.м. И/ 8 п.м. ЦТ. The event marks the last time Bellator will air on SPIKE before the network rebrands itself as Paramount Network in January.


Tickets for the event can be purchased from Ticketmaster.co.uk & event.co.uk


комплетан Беллатор 191: McDonald vs. Ligier Фигхт Цард:

138 Pound Catchweight Main Event: Мицхаел МцДоналд (137.6 кг.) вс. Peter Ligier (135.8 кг.) Фотографије

Women’s Flyweight Co-Main Event: Валерие Летоурнеау (125.8 кг.) вс. Кате Јацксон (125.5 кг.) Фотографије

Тешка категорија: Јамес Тхомпсон (266 кг.) вс. Phil De Fries (261 кг.) Фотографије

Борба у полутешкој категорији: Mohammad Yahya (163 кг.) вс. Ash Griffiths (170.5 кг.) Фотографије

Перолака прелиминарна борба: Jeremy Petley (146.4 кг.) вс. Lewis Monarch (146 кг.) Фотографије



АНЂЕЛИ - Two of Bellator’s top recent free agent signings, Мицхаел МцДоналд (17-4) и Валерие Летоурнеау (8-6), will both make their long-awaited promotional debuts during Беллатор 191 at Metro Radio Arena in Newcastle, England on Петак, Нов. 15.


“Mayday” will take on Peter Ligier (8-1-1) in a bantamweight main event, while “Trouble” will compete at flyweight against Кате Јацксон (9-2-1) у ко-Маин Евент. Додатно, British heavyweights collide when James “The Colossus” Thompson (20-16, 1 НЦ) returns to the Bellator cage where he meets Philip De Fries (13-6, 1 НЦ). Коначно, two lightweight contests have also been added, as Jeremy Petley (11-8) battles Lewis Monarch (9-2) and Ash Griffiths (4-4) takes on Mohammad Yahya (3-1).


Беллатор 191: McDonald vs. Ligier will be broadcast free on SPIKE Петак, Нов. 15 у 9 п.м. И/ 8 п.м. ЦТ. Tickets for the event can be purchased from Ticketmaster.co.uk & event.co.uk.


На само 26 година, McDonald will enter the Bellator cage with experience against some of the top bantamweights the sport of MMA has to offer, including Renan Barao, Џон Линекер, Urijah Faber and Brad Pickett. A veteran of the WEC and UFC veteran, the Modesto, Calif.-native signed with Bellator following a nine-fight, five-year run with his former promotion. Са 15 finishes in his 17 осваја као професионалац, McDonald will look to hand Ligier his first stoppage loss of his career.


Hailing from Paris, Француска, Ligier turned pro in 2013 and has competed exclusively on the European circuit throughout his 10-fight career. Also known as “BadAzz,” the 31-year-old has finished his opponent in five out of eight opportunities, amounting to an impressive finishing rate of 63%. Now making his debut with Bellator, Ligier formerly competed for BAMMA in 2014.


The Canadian-born Létourneau, a former UFC strawweight title challenger, carries an impressive track record of thrilling fights, highlighted by a world title contest against former champion Joanna Jedrzejczyk. Сада, moving up to her more natural weight class, the 34-year-old American Top Team product will make her debut for Bellator. On Dec. 15, “Trouble” will look to improve upon her eight victories as a professional, a tally that includes five finishes, with four coming by way of knockout.


Fresh off a victory over Colleen Schneider at Беллатор 182 у августу, the victory gave Jackson five wins in a row, including four stoppages. Jackson hasn’t lost since May of 2013, a period which also included a run on reality television show Ултимате Фигхтер сезона 23. Hailing from Lostwithiel, Претраживање, Енглеска, Jackson will have the home crowd to her advantage at Беллатор 191.

комплетан Беллатор 191: McDonald vs. Ligier Фигхт Цард:

Bantamweight Main Event: Мицхаел МцДоналд (17-4) вс. Peter Ligier (8-1-1)

Women’s Flyweight Co-Main Event: Валерие Летоурнеау (8-6) вс. Кате Јацксон (9-2-1)

Тешка категорија: Јамес Тхомпсон (20-16, 1 НЦ) вс. Philip De Fries (13-6, 1 НЦ)

Лагана карактерна борба: Jeremy Petley (11-8) вс. Lewis Monarch (9-2)


Прелиминарни картица:

Лака прелиминарна борба: Mohammad Yahya (3-1) вс. Ash Griffiths (4-4)





ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС – Bellator is pleased to announce the signings of Valérie Létourneau (8-6), Алејандра Лара (6-1), Sabriye Şengül(Деби), Kristi Lopez (2-0), Na Liang (6-0) и Јулиана Веласкуез (5-0) to multi-fight contracts that will see them compete in Bellator’s emerging 125-pound division. Додатно, Bellator will look to crown its next women’s flyweight world champion this year.

“2017 has been a big year for us in terms of bringing in marquee free agents that can have an immediate impact on their division,"Рекао је председник Беллатор Скот Кокер. “This group of flyweight signings demonstrates that we’re committed to that throughout our roster, as we’re adding even more depth to an already-competitive weight class. We’re adding a proven title contender, along with a group of prospects from all around the globe, and we look forward to putting on great fights and displaying the talent this division has to offer.”

These news stars join a division that already includes talented fighters, као такав Keri Taylor-Melendez (1-0), Илима-Леи Мекфарлан (6-0),Anastasia Yankova (5-0), Емили Дуцоте (5-2), Colleen Schneider (11-7) и Lena Ovchynnikova (12-4, 1 НЦ).

The Canadian-born Létourneau, a former UFC strawweight title challenger, carries an impressive track record of thrilling fights, highlighted by a world title contest against undefeated UFC champion Joanna Jędrzejczyk. Сада, moving up to a more natural weight class, the 33-year-old American Top Team product will make her debut for Bellator in 2017. She will look to improve upon her eight victories as a professional, a tally that includes five finishes, with four coming by way of knockout.

Hailing from Medellin, Колумбија, Alejandra Lara will look to make a statement in Bellator’s budding women’s flyweight division. The 22-year-old knockout artist has earned six victories in seven outings since making her professional debut in 2011. “Azul” has shown tenacity in her fights thus far, showcasing a pair of first round knockouts, as well as a first round armbar submission. Lara trains alongside UFC fighters Alexa Grasso and Irene Aldana at Team Lobo in Mexico.

Fighting out of Hollywood, Цалиф., Kristi Lopez will enter the Bellator fray as she prepares for her third professional bout. Пре тога, “Loba” also tallied three victories over a four-fight, two-year span on the amateur circuit.

Chinese submission specialist Na Liang will look to build on a 2017 campaign that already saw her finish an opponent in a mere 38 секунде. The first-round stoppage marked the fifth time in six appearances that Liang’s opposition failed to make it out of the opening round. After competing exclusively at bantamweight to begin her career, Liang decided to move down to the flyweight division, where she also saw success by collecting a trio of first round finishes.

With an impressive following in Turkey from her kickboxing career, Sabriye Şengül will now transition to MMA under the direction of Bellator. With a professional kickboxing record of 6-1, the 26-year-old prospect holds the potential to achieve the same success in multiple combat sport disciplines.

Undefeated at 30 година, Juliana Velasquez trains under the Nogueira brothers in Brazil, carrying one of the most famous names in MMA with her inside the Bellator cage. Додатно, Juliana trains alongside fellow Bellator flyweight Bruna Vargas. With five wins in five appearances, the Rio de Janeiro resident will look to become another Brazilian Bellator champion.